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Topic subject(DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12924
12924, (DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Dec 10 15:53:30 2002

11 o''clock PM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of Nature on the Theran calendar Talfos perished, never to return.

Cabal:WARLOCK, the Warlocks of the Golden Grimoire
PK Ratio:53% (closer to 100% is better)

12925, Now your are going to roll a scion...
Posted by Mael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
like everybody did, it seems?
12926, RE: (DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Kelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done Talfos, you where one tough bitch to fight... ;) Counterspell sucks for a shaman, only landed one supplication on you i think, and that was rot, rest was countered...

Be well, and luck with your next char.

12927, RE: (DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Talfos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
, I knew it was a necessity to learn the lands, and the items as best I could. I played Badrukk the orc to rank 30 before this character, but couldn't stand not knowing any items or their properties. So before I rolled up another character, I took into account that I needed identify, and I needed friends. The character Talfos took shape as I figured a good aligned invoker would be a bonus to all the paladins running around, and they had identify to boot. I was pleasantly surprised with how well this character accomplished what I sought to. However I would like to apologize to most of you I interacted with, because my RP was not up to the normal high standard I set for myself, but I assure you, my next character I will be making RP a focal point.

Where to begin when I talk about Talfos....I really was impressed with the competition PK-wise on CF, I was constantly fighting people who adapted and made me think and adapt my own strategies as well. The immortals here have done a top notch job with areas and spells/skills moreso then I saw on a different MUD. I almost hate to say it, but the blurb "Often imitated but never duplicated" truly does hold weight here, and I do wish I had come here before a different MUD. The one thing that seemed to bother me was the lack of imm interaction my character had, but I am assuming it was due to my subpar RP (at least for myself in my opinion). I believe I interacted with Immortals twice here, and once was Savraeth or Ilraeth yelling at me. I loved exploring here, which was something I missed being on the staff of a different MUD, and that was not knowing where things were or what they did. I had a lot of fun with his character, and I look forward to more on CF.

This wasn't a rage deletion, more of a frustration deletion. I felt the invoker class in a one on one fight, fully prepped, I could take almost anyone, if I could chose the location, but there were a few things I felt made them weak against certain combos, most notably villagers. Making the invoker class (or any pure casting class) laggable makes them very easy to die with. No matter what shield was up and flight, I could still get lagged when fighting more then one spec, and usually that was enough to make me flee near death or die outright. The village is a very strong cabal, with the ability of it's members to heal one another, spellbane most spells cast at them, deal sickening, unblockable damage through a/b/s or simply dodge spells altogether, I see little reason why their cabal should be no recall. Entwined in the village is a death sentence for a mage if they are not an invoker (and a 99% death sentence for invokers), considering how often ragers spellbane. I feel the critical hit skill should be able to be parried, if it hits now, it basically ignores all damage reduction, so would still be of use in the same situations it was used in before. Also I think villagers should not be able to heal one another. Having multiple villagers in a raid only allows them to complement one another and bypass yet another of their already few weaknesses. I've griped enough, and I'd like to give a few thanks to people.

Lardovian - Thanks for inducting me, I hope I lived up to what I promised in my interview.

Grogim - You spanked me everytime we fought. I tried every trick I knew, you just outclassed me every time. Loved your rp and character and I thought you were a damn good choice as Commander.

Anith - You really impressed me. You had guts, good RP and you were a tough bugger to fight, good job.

Lloradonis - I honestly do not know how you became Magister, I saw you maybe three times at hero and you died every single one. I thought your character was pretty good, just did not think you should have been magister, then again who am I? :)

Caysh - I really thought you should have been Magister, you always were rock solid and I felt confident having you around. Your rp was excellent, good work.

Taninthel - I pretty much summed it up in your post.

Abthalok - you helped me so many times when I really needed it, I don't think you know how high a regard Talfos held you in. Felt really bad about you dying at the Chasm that one time.

Tarnyxil - thanks for showing me where a lot of stuff was, and thanks for the RP.

Arengakar - thanks for helping me kill stuff all the time, loved travelling with your character.

Brenbardo - thanks for all the help, I really liked your character.

Trekalsh - You had nuts of steel, don't let them hold you down :)

Rodonar - Damn you whip specs to Hades.

Uelveyye - Loved our RP when it came to me being wanted, your doing a real thankless job, good work.

Guenrayn - thought I had you that one time on Eastern when you fled to the past but you dipped on me, and I never got another chance. Good work and loved your RP.

Kragnar, Bazhans - You guys would help defend Scion, jump me, then ask me another day to help you kill ragers. That isn't RP, it's an excuse IMHO.

Nycoe - Thanks for telling me where the barrier wands were.

Imm's - Good work, and don't think we don't appreciate it :)

Thanks. However, please avoid naming names when drawing comparisons to other MUDs- we don't want to advertise or denigrate the works of others here. - Valguarnera, Moderator

12944, RE: (DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Lardo/Faralion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'll bunch my views together as they were essentially the same even though I saw you inside the Tower with two different characters. And I say that you lived up to those promises and more.
I think you're probably the only invoker that in a long time suggests a strike on the village when they have three to defend :P
And for that, I give you huge amounts of kudos even though we were usually able to talk you out of it *shrug*

It was a pleasure traveling with you as Faralion as I don't think there's much that can pick down a conjie and an invoker mobwise and/or pkwise.

Hope to see you back out there, you have the potential and fighting spirit to make a great contribution to the populace out there.

12940, RE: (DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Savraeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the character. I have to apologize somewhat that our only interaction was one of you getting chastised for a cabal infraction (whatever it was, I don't remember anymore). My work can be extremely time consuming, and all too often it leads to me not being able to really muster the energy to do lots of interacting, and I end up only intervening when I see someone doing something wrong. That's not to say nothing cool ever happens for the Cabals in General or the Warlock Cabal specifically (ask people about the stuff with the Ice Drake, and Anti-Life) - at times it gets an inordinate amount of immteractive attention. Now unfortunately is not one of those times :P

As for your feelings on Invokers and the Battle Cabal, I think you'll find your perspective on what's powerful and what isn't will change over time, as you become more used to playing different things. Every combo on CF is strong in some way, and against certain people, and weak against others. Invokers actually have an advantage one on one in that they can block lagging moves that no other class can. Keep in mind as well that no one (or sometimes even two or more, depending on the move) move can lag you out on its own (the potential exception being Thieves with Cheap Shot, which isn't hard for a mage to block). With Battle, they're designed to be strong against Mages. Other classes, like Shamans for instance, they tend to be fairly weak against.

Personally, I'd say if 3 or 4 ragers couldn't bring you down, then something would be wrong - my last invoker hero killed 4 or 5 rager heroes within 5 minutes, because I was able to fight them one or two at a time, in series, rather than all at once. I think you'll also find that there are things that can counter everything, as at least one class, entwine included - it's just a question of what you're willing to trade in to get that.

Also, considering the rager village, I'd advise trying to play one sometime. Ragers tend to have few allies, many restrictions, and to die a lot more often than most other cabals. Yes, when ganging up they can do some nasty things, but they can have some nasty things done to them too. And it could be worse - back in the beginning of CF, the entire Rager Village was Nomagic Rooms :P
12941, You missed on...
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Keep in mind as well that no one (or sometimes even two or more, depending on the move) move can lag you out on its own (the potential exception being Thieves with Cheap Shot, which isn't hard for a mage to block).

Also... Bash, in addition to that legacy, can lag you out. Even if your a fulload loaded storm giant paladin shield spec, with the nifty thing that is rummored to make bash lag less affective on you.
12942, I don't think so.
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The way I read Savraeth's post at least, he was talking about what could specifically lag Talfos out in a fight he was ready for, such as a counter-raid.

Yes, bash from one character (any one character -- even a gnome warrior) can potentially cause indefinite command denial. So can bearcharge. They're not going to do that against an invoker who is properly set up to fight that one character, though.
12943, RE: I don't think so.
Posted by Savraeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, that was pretty much the jist of it.
12939, Kudos
Posted by Uelveyye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I can only add my congrats, and say that I'm expecting some great chars coming from you. I can't say I saw the "sub par RP" because most of our interactions were those tense ones when you were wanted and the arguments were truly the anger and angst of kin set at odds by principle. I was kinda bummed you left so fast after I chased you down on the East Darien, I was really intrigued to see what the outcome was going to be.

Anyway kudos, and I hope I live to meet the next incarnation.

12938, RE: (DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Tasfiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go. You were good to have around and will be sorely missed in the comings days, weeks, months, years, etc. Hope you enjoyed it as much as it sounded like and good luck with the next.

12937, RE: (DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"However I would like to apologize to most of you I interacted with, because my RP was not up to the normal high standard I set for myself, but I assure you, my next character I will be making RP a focal point."

I accept your appology, just don't let it happen again! Your note scared me man, and that's pretty hard to do. ;) I interacted with you and watched your constant battles with the ragers, was pretty impressed. You had the guts that alot of the old vets here seem to replace with greed and caution these days. I think you'll either Imm or snap and blow up a bus full of nuns within a year. Good luck with your next one.

Today's ramble has been brought to you by the letter J.
12936, One thing that stood out to me
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are very much like my chars it seems, or at least, with Talfos you were. Very much balls to the wall, and lets see what happens. I give you serious kudos for all the times you came against us alone, and all the times we fought. Guenrayn hates invokers more than all mages. I'm surey ou can figure out why. However, I can heal myself, but I don't do sick damage, nor can I dodge area spells, but if we are smart, if any warrior is smart, they can defeat people. My specs work well against vokers, because I can lash with one, and it requires a different shield than what I can crushing blow with.

that was a fun thing I didn't find til after I made him,
12935, A job well done...
Posted by Anith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didnt like you at first....you seemed way too over confident. BUT...after watching you a bit and following you around alot, came to respect you. Though, I would have to be nuts to fight you toe-to-toe....my combo gets raped by invokers.....I tried to keep you on your toes with hit and runs...and by preying on you when injured. Or If I managed to find a friendly invoker to shield me.....id go to work a bit....*chuckle*

A class you might like to try, if only to develope more PK strategy would be an arcane. I think you would like it. It takes alot of skill to pull one off, but I think you would make a scary arcane.....

Good luck....hope it was fun.
12934, RE: (DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Zacerzan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved fighting with you, I respected your "let us retreive, it is only three ragers around." attitude. You were skillfull and knew how to finish the battles in victory, it showed on your above 50% PK rating. Which is quite incredible for a first hero on a mud like CF.

I was quite embaraced after my stupid mistake that last raid where I should take the blows, I was in falcon form instead of orangutan and tried to facebite. So the invokers ended up taking the blows against four villagers.

Good luck on your next. Come back to the goodie side, it is what will be challenging in the next few months, if nothing change rapidly.

Zacerzan Ilyamen.
12933, only one thing is as close to losing a good friend
Posted by Grogim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is, losing a good enemy. Indeed, to me, thats what Talfos is/was and a few of your comments when we last met led me to believe that you were considered deletion. I hope alot of your style has rubbed off on the warlocks and they start making more of a fight of it as you did. It needs people like you and ragers to make the hero ranks as fun as they are. When noone takes risks it makes jack a dull boy. I liked Talfos for this and respected you for it and hence I dont think I ever looted you. I only destroy magical stuff from a mage corpse unless I am struggling for equipment myself. A few warlocks would sac my stuff when I had been ganged and they got what they deserved but hopefully they saw the respect you were treated with for the actions you had shown and maybe, just maybe they will follow suit. I am a bit sad at your passing because I could always guarantee a good fight if I saw you around. You missed the grande finaly yesterday as you just left before we went back and ransacked the tower. If was great fun, I love big cabal fights. I hope you come back as another mage so we can do battle again. Thanks for your kind words, I also loved your character and although you dont think you did have much of an RP, you definitely did even if it was mostly an angry elf having a go at a dwarf. :-P


12932, Uff...
Posted by Leonidas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One more friend gone... Sigh.... Whom will raid with me now?...
And more importantly whom are about at the same time as me now...
Well we had some fun, could tell you where quite new, but I liked that. You always had guts when fighting the villagers, and a few times when we where defending it was quite chaotic. But you stuck it out. That made me see past your newness. Well done!!!

12931, Nice job for a first char.
Posted by Turetveskagg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And glad to see you go, i hate invokers... If you think 'vokers are easy to die with though... that's mostly because you play the game more ballsy than most of the people out there. Mage classes are generally easy to keep alive, if you just avoid those big battles near cabal hq's...

Anyways, good luck and all.
12930, RE: (DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Caysh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Caysh - I really thought you should have been Magister, you
>always were rock solid and I felt confident having you
>around. Your rp was excellent, good work.

As far as I know Magister and Preceptor are fairly equal in power, and as the Magister deals with other cabals more, it worked out well when Lloradonis wanted to make that treaty with the Grove.

You had more guts than most of the rest of us combined; I was always worried about how weak I would look when refusing to strike the village with 3 on 3 odds. You were great to have around, one of the most reliable warlocks, and it was interesing to watch you as you improved. It went from shouting at you for giving the sceptre to the angel, to sitting in the Tower listening to your bodycount as you terrorized any rager on eastern. Amusingly enough, both Lloradonis and I independantly came to the conclusion you should be named Battlemage, too bad the Twins didn't agree or get the chance to do so.

A little fire is gone from Warlock. You'll be missed.

Drop me a line if you'd care to talk.
12929, *growl* *sigh*
Posted by Nycoe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn! One less customer for me. *sigh* Seem all my customers keep on disappearing. Guess time to find new one.
Ps Astaria is still my best customer. She pays me really well for those wands or rods.
12928, RE: (DEL) Talfos Silverwind the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Rodonar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked seeing you around because I knew you had some balls... even if you weren't going to make the mistake of staying at the giant again. *chuckle* Good fighting.
12945, Kind of figured that was on its way...
Posted by Taninthel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very well played for the short amount of time you've spent here, Talfos. I'm glad my character had the oppertunity to interact with you before I deleted, but hoped your frustrations wouldn't get to you as mine did me. Caysh, I believe you had quite a bit to do with Talfos' remaining about after I left that day, so a bit of credit to you as well.

Like I offered in my own farewell post, I knew you were growing tired of some very specific problems you were having. I hope they haven't turned you away from playing carrion fields, as even in the short time you've been here you've made the mud a bit more interesting. good luck with the next (if there is one).
