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Topic subjectGolthazar "A year in the llfe of a female duergar"
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128578, Golthazar "A year in the llfe of a female duergar"
Posted by OBO_Demtok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was going to wait for the thread to appear on the official site, but as it looks like that's not going to happen any time soon...
I think I'll be making my goodbyes here. On that same note - I still can't figure out why I can't post on officials, someone feel free to
paste it over there too. Thanks!

So, digging through some logs by date, I'll see if I can make some goodbyes from when I started this adventure LAST YEAR.

Geeze, a whole year and all this fun I've had with you guys. Here's some names I found while doing a search of 'who' lists I have logged.

First things first:
The main goal was just to try and get Vindicator. I was sitting on a role I had written and never played for a few years and I wanted to dust it off and try my luck. And it won a 2nd place role contest! Yay! If only I could have done it before edge changes! Curses! My idea was calming to pair well with duergar gear and help with shaman/mages(it was spectacular as I could regularly have -150svspell)
and gates for everyone else - where I feel like I really maximized AC with preps and gear and it was pretty great. Would I take them again? No way.If I was going to do another duergar I would for sure do a berserker like Grimghal. All damage/super light weight. Much more bang for your buck.
Oddly enough, I thought - I'm coming off Xeneth as Emperor, I don't want another Imperial. Gaspare made me a deal I couldn't refuse and blammo - War Master.
Weird how that works.

Anywho - If you're not on this list, respond! My eyes are bleeding from trying to edit down a metric ton of log data I've stored.
This might be the first character where I logged just about everything, so sorting it out by pk, rp, or PvE is taxing. I need to figure out how Laearrist organizes his logs for the departed so well. That guy's got it all figured out, doesn't he?

In the end I thought I'd try to age die, tried to force it, didn't work.
Went with con death, enemies didn't come off as respectful and were no fun to die to, forced it on a mob instead.
Left a bad taste in my mouth but I was ready to fade away before I became a door mat for everyone to wipe their feet on.
Malice vs. a long lived character who suffers from low con feels broken, but that's how it's designed. I found a loop hole! HA!

In order of Appearance:

<51 Gnome Tra> Hitrilipimi Dilipritimi the Short Arm of the Law, Provost Magistrate
Thank you for the induct and starting off this whole project. I never had a Vindicator and you opened the door. In fact, you helped
me more than I knew because the way we started off - we agreed together this was a job, you payed me, and I delivered. When I later "finished" in an odd area of limbo where I didn't think there could be two vindicators and Gaspare was handing me a free War Master spot - you didn't see me leaving as a betrayal and we remained friends. Very classy and knowledgeable. Being in Tribunal with you was the best. You made the cabal come to life.

UMIRON! I couldn't find your title logged, sorry about that... but you have a huge part in making this whole thing
possible too. I consider part of the role contest prize I won was you not giving me the betrayer vuln, haha. An entire life of that would have made a con death come a lot sooner.

< Human IMM> Akresius, Magister Militum, Imperator of the Sanguine Chalice
Sun Jul 26 15:17:37 2015|Akresius |Acitavian |Golthazar |Eliara
Thank you for the 2nd place and rewards. You gave me increased stipend and the memory of llorenthos(bleeding jab edge) and I am super appreciative for those. I ended up leaving trib so one reward became null, but trust me, I used jab a TON! I loved having that drow edge on a duergar and it didn't feel like I had been given anything too powerful or under-powered. It was just right. Plus, at the level I was rewarded, anything like a legacy would have been broken, haha! Good call!

< D-Elf IMM> Destuvius the Holy Overseer, Lord of the Divine Asylum
I always enjoy our interactions and even though the transition from Vindicator to War Master didn't go as planned, you did play it out really well! I will go down in history as the only War Master Vindicator, even if it was like 5 minutes, but that's enough for me! Thanks for that! Hhaha! Great Imm!

<51 H-Drw Sha> Aaoltha Frost the Glacial Priestess of Honesty, Imperial Priestess
First of the glacier, I passed down the legacy, but I did it my way. For a priest of honesty, you sure lied enough for the whole MUD. Thanks for paving the way!

<51 Dwarf War> Bromgrin Bekwif the Legend of the Battlefield
One of the many dwarves I had fun drinking with. You went gates too, so we had that in common!

<51 Dwarf War> Varnon Magmacarn the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle
Jerry can be jealous, but with our back and forth in the end of your days I wonder if I got near 25 commander kills? haha, just kidding, it's maybe only five.We had a ton of fights and later when you were made Commander, I couldn't see anyone else leading the cabal. You were a great dwarf and kicked mage ass. I only wish I had a Varnon to take me out in the end.

<51 Storm Pal> Selionar the Initiate of the Jaguar, Provincial Magistrate
What a goon :P You did really well in the good vs. evil fight, but order came second in your book. Outlander raiding? Pile on the Imperials and avoid the reavers! I loved the chats we had, you played a paladin well and made a great enemy. Well done!

<51 Arial Ran> Kukuo Kao the Predator of the Felonious, Vindicator of the Blood Tribunal
My young idol. I didn't know there was a Vindy in play when I rolled, and seeing you do the job SOOO much better than I could have ever done made the transition into War Master a lot easier. In the end - There can be only one. I was glad to not steal your thunder and leave you to be the lone wolf again.

<51 Fire A-P> Sodsob Daikoal the Ever Present Danger, Imperial Dread Lord
So when I first saw you and Zqoemoa running in low ranks I thought, perma? Russian perma in Empire? No way. In the end, you terrorized the MUD and played the villain well.When I was in Trib and you had Alex's duergar blade come kill me for the eye bracelet and I knew it wouldn't be long until you got it.

<50 Felar Asn> (PK) Zqoemoa the Master of the Miyama Ryu, Elite Imperial Shadow
Once we were on the same team I felt at ease. Trip and throw spam is no joke. Well played!

<51 Human Asn> Jeede Kholsta the Whispering Blade of Darkness, Voice of the Scarab
Having come off a full character with Xeneth, and now ending Golthazar...I just wanna know where the fountain of youth is. I know you found it, fess up! Well played evil assassin of the scarab cult, I just wish you played more often! I know, I know, the same can be said of me.

<51 D-Elf Tra> (WANTED) Adira the High Sorceress of the Arcane, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
I would have liked this character a lot more if it wasn't for all the alts! One hero at a time is my motto.

<17 Storm War> (PK) Ghramr the Militiaman
My first and finest foe! We had a lot of fun but I don't know if we ever got each other.

<21 Human Thi> (PK) Lithodora the Guild Lackey
Talk about the worlds luckiest character. Stealing strange bracers at like - level 18? Had them for 400 hours later too? Dang that was impressive. Well played leader and once I saw how potent soften and wrath daggers were going to be, I had cranial ready to spam whenever you were near! Great foe!

<21 Svirf Hea> Bildot the Sanctified
My first healer buddy! We had a lot of fun adventures later in life, but I'll always remember the first time we traveled!

<36 H-Drw Nec> Gaspare the Haunted Artist of the Troupe, Imperial Black Magician
Wow. Where to start. Sometimes you just know a character is going to be great before they reach their pinnacle. You were like playing with a young Kharghurln. I knew you were going to do great, great and terrible things. Terrible, yes, BUT GREAT!!! Interacting with you was so much fun. Seeing someone walk around with god mod on was cool too. I got to do just about everything and more I had planned with Golthazar because of you too. The least I could do was cranial anyone who got near you. As if you needed protection, heck, I needed it more! Haha!

< Cloud IMM> Deormdel the Cold Truth, Overlord of Balance
I realize now that you're not the first Imm I've named, but trust me, as far as Golthazar is concerned, you're the only one that mattered. Your sphere ideology and personal tests you put me on were a really great learning experience. You evolved Golthazar from the primal beast into her true form and you gave me such a nice place in the glacier to pass on the legacy. I will value those interactions with the other disciples for a long time knowing I got to have an impact in their story with you.Very unique and the most fun I've had being a non-empowered follower. I'm sorry my play times dropped off after a while, and I'm especially sorry I chose to go out the way
I did. I really thought I had a few hours tops looking at past duergars age death times, but age death wouldn't come soon enough. No good enemies to die to. It certainly was not a warriors death.

<51 Dwarf War> Dundlin Mountainfoot the Orator of Honesty, Rhyme of Resistance
My glacial brother! It was like going gates on a warrior was the hip thing to do at the time! Pretty sure every dwarf/duergar had it! haha! I had a lot of fun with you
and you made such a great friend when I had few. Thank Deormdel for the glacier else I'd have such a rough time against you, hah! Well played!

<51 Elf Tra> Daphedee the Leader of the Great Innperial Army, High Herald of the Eternal Star
I'll let you read my tribute role to you after you age died, I think it sums up how Golthazar felt at the time the best. I hope PBF's still work :/

<51 Dwarf Pal> Khazhrim the Mixer of Liquid Courage, Innperial Bar Master
Had a lot of good chats in the Inn, and I felt bad as a player when I saw your character falling apart. Too bad I never got in range to give you a good thumpin!

<51 W-Elf War> Miakoda the Legend of the Battlefield, Performer of the Inn
The hell spawn of the Inn! I had hoped to go on hell trips with you but I didn't see much of you after I got in hero range. Had a lot of fun in low ranks though!

< H-Drw IMM> Raltevio the Profligate Virtuoso and Prince of Fools
Loved all the events you helped with. That little touch of flavor you added to things like Gaspare's wedding were a lot of fun. That was the first time I set an alarm on a weekend where I would be sleeping in to interact with you and the other guys. It will always be worth it!

The rythmic sound of beating hooves precedes a yellow beam of sunlight from which the form of Strienat Greenhoof erupts.
Strienat! Those random times you came down were unexpected but a lot of fun! Warning Daph about me made me chuckle, I felt like I was doing something right to warrant a centaur god coming down to wag a finger. haha! Thanks!

<32 H-Elf Sha> (PK) Kolo Berekta the Spirit Catcher
Great foe and super classy! We had a lot of fights and your combo was nasty to deal with, especially for a duergar.

<35 Duerg War> (PK) Birzou the Warrior of the Blade
We were semi-allies and then foes, and then allies! I was hoping to see you stick around longer in hero range when we were on the same side. An Ex-rager blade was a cool angle to see played out.

<51 Human Shf> (PK) Yuno Glaciem the Grand Master of Changelings
My first fly;to threat and man did you kick my butt. Thanks for taking it easy on me after some of those savage yeti beatings.

<19 Elf War> Terxaxous the Armsman
Little did I know, but once we were in hero you would become such a brutal foe. Elves are so dang strong now. You were for sure one of the many elves to kick my butt.

<48 Elf War> Molqui the Student of the Macalla
Add your name to that list too! Elf ragers give duergars nightmares.

<26 Felar Asn> (PK) Errylk the Student of Kamae
That time you caught me in my hidey spot, that was a first. I've used that spot for YEARS and of course, you find me. Leave it to Twist.
Your bloodhound skill is much stronger than mine for sniffing out pks.

<38 Svirf War> (PK) Melnoch the Battle-Hardened
I would have liked your build a lot more if it wasn't weakend by what came out of your mouth. Stay classy if you can, please. I know I'm not perfect at times when my fuse gets lit. You just seemed to be made out of fuse.

<51 Orc Ber> Worthag TuskFury the Chieftain of the Grinning Skulls
Damn I love orcs, and especially orc names. Rotwang is proud, I know.

<51 Human Bar> (PK) Bethanny the Grand Mistress of Artistry
Such an odd character. I'm still not sure what your goal was, but you played a mean bard really well! Good job!

<44 W-Elf War> (PK) Mahiva Mithalia the Initiate of the Macalla
Not a lot said, but when you're one of many elves beating my ass I guess you didn't have to say much! Well played.

<42 H-Drw Thi> Tummel Eastwing the Whisper
I don't think we were in range long together near the end of your run but you had a very lethal build. You kicked my blades butts for a while, good work!

<50 W-Elf War> (PK) Hraltolath Erda'Naule the Champion of Ancient Ways
I'm surprised you didn't get leadered, you seemed to have solid presence and a solid build too. Well played!

<51 Duerg War> (PK) Grimghal Gharz'ghal the Snot Hammering Warmonger, Drillmaster of Battle
Damn. I was jealous of the freedom you had to just hammer on anything and everything. You were pure duergar carnage and I loved it.
Great job and I'm glad to have such a fierce foe.

<50 Duerg War> Sekope Folau the Champion of Ancient Ways
Perseverance. No matter how many times you died you always came back to fight again. Loved that about the character. Well played and glad to have interacted with you.

<51 Gnome Bar> (PK) Whildur Berrewellow the World's Student, High Herald of the Eternal Star
Super bard! Loved everything about your character. Rhyme time was sublime. I'd love to hear it any time! So much fun it should be a crime! Well played!

<32 Felar Thi> Renize the Mistress of Hearing, Charm Mistress of the Inn
Thank you for being the readily willing recipient of those damned heartseekers. That dagger gives me the duergar heebie jeebies. well played High herald!

<26 Dwarf War> Gandular the Vanguard, Village Applicant
I should have payed more attention to your rise from a lowbie. When you hit hero range we tangled many, many times. Well played!

<51 D-Elf Sha> (PK) Revax the Holy of Faith, Imperial High Priest
I don't want to know how long it took you to be such an amazing PvE champion, I just want to get there one day too, haha! You are a shining example of how a character should lead others into battle with complete confidence. Well played!

<51 Felar Shf> (PK) Laeden L'Sirocco the Grand Master of Changelings, Magistrate of Galadon
Lots of fun fighting you. I wish I could play shifters that well, you're like the Zannon of shifters. Well played!

<47 H-Drw Nec> (PK) Soelela the Spectre, Imperial Black Magician
Sorry the becoming didn't work, but I'm glad I could help and be apart of it. Well played!

<47 Human Shf> (PK) (WANTED) Tanzer Vick the Master of Changelings
I'm so glad insects is on a timer, but a small part of me wants to make a nightreaver too. Super cool character and glad to have you as an enemy. Well played!

<51 Dwarf Pal> (PK) Gulrom Ironbeard the Champion of the Virtues, Marshall of the Fortress
Monks. Ugh. Watching 500 hp shave off between catching me with intensify or wrath spam, the ultimate duergar counter. Dam redux and gates helped very little! Well played!

<49 Mummy Nec> (PK) Zalgordrax Garin'Ta'Vardi the Revenant, Imperial Dread Lord
Came out of no where, made one super mean mummy, and the next thing you're a step away from Emperor. That was a quick rise and fall of a super powerful character. You made a great gank partner and once I had to take you out as anathema I felt really bad about it. I was not a good match up for any of the dread lords I had to fight. Well played!

<51 D-Elf Hea> (PK) Calcabrizzo de Bezaudun the Affirmation of Life, Imperial Priest
Best healer I've ever seen. I play healers and it's like I'm playing catch up, but with you, you predicted everything I did, countered the enemies, and basically made me feel unstoppable. There was never a moment when it was just you and I on versus 20 enemies where I didn't think we would kill them all. Very well played! Thanks for all the help in adventure land. Couldn't have done it without you!

<51 Azure Pal> (PK) Yentral Havensfist the Champion of the Virtues
Monks, ARRGH! You guys all had my number when I had zero protections. Melted me like ice cream in the Sahara.

<51 Fire War> Mightar the Legend of the Battlefield
I understand why you hated those ice swords, it was pretty nasty seeing that vuln hit. Ah, who am I kidding, it was satisfying :P Great foe! Well played!

<51 Human Thi> (WANTED) Caecilius Abbington Lawson IV the Unwavering Eye of the Grand Design, Bandit King of Hamsah Mu'tazz, Emperor of Thera
From the first moment we met when we were young I knew one day...you would have the longest title to ever exist. Well played! You showed me a lot of cools things and we had a lot of fun together.

<51 H-Drw Sha> Darvoderis Ki'eth the Consummate Destuvian, Imperial High Priest
Super ballsy shaman, never afraid to mix it up! Great job and glad to be on the same side! Well played!

<51 Felar Asn> Qinsa Rhee the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu, Provost Magistrate
At one point, if you had played it better, I was seriously going to help you take out Caecilius for his failed war against you and suffer anathema. But then suddenly it was like you were no longer on the same page and ready to lump me in the same pool as Caecilius and warrant me. Oh well, your loss! Good job kicking butt

<30 Azure War> Dol the Man-At-Arms
Here's another time when I see a new Azure warrior, think - ah, just another squire, I'll deal with them easily like the others. WRONG. Battlerager who kicked my butt pretty
well. I know you felt bad about the loot but realize I was the one you killed to get all the gear that made your build strong. To undo your strength and add it back to my own, well, yea. It's what I did. I didn't want you to delete but I understand why you did. Well played and you made a great foe.

<47 Felar A-P> (PK) Rodacir the Unholy Bishop, Elite Imperial Warlock
I tried protecting you as much as I could from ragers but after a while the only way your build was going to steam roll was with a ton of charges. I almost wanted to become anathema
just to see how many charges I was worth and give you a little bit of vigor in the process. You persevered and kept going no matter the odds though, well done for sticking it out.

<51 W-Elf Bar> (PK) Llathe A'lethial the Grand Mistress of Artistry
The bard Battlerager needed but didn't deserve. Was surprised to see you auto, but I wasn't far off from making my way out too when real life rears it's ugly head.Hope to see you again in the fields! Well played!

<46 W-Elf War> (PK) Hallanaphas Swiftwater the Champion of Battlefields
Wood-elf warrior at hero can do just about anything. I should have given you my last death to keep the balance between empire killing rager leaders and vice versa now that I think about it.
Also surprised you didn't get leadered. Well played!

<30 Duerg War> Donetonv the Man-At-Arms, Sheathed Blade
One of my few competent blades, which was really weird. I had like zero blades when I was War Master, I guess people only started rolling when they thought I was almost done or the seat was going to be open again. Well now's your chance! Well played!

<51 D-Elf War> (PK) (WANTED) Malchazzar Vuzyraen the Legend of the Battlefield
My last super brutal foe. Holy crap was I not prepared for the complete butt kicking you gave me. I always wanted your combo when I was Xeneth but I didn't know how awesome it was until I saw you rock it. Really well played.
128664, RE: Golthazar
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a reliable and solid part of Empire for a long, long time and pretty great friend to Daph.
Thanks for stopping by the Inn all those times you were off-duty as a trib, and later on the invites
even when I was at my most useless. Good luck with whatever's next!
128586, RE: Golthazar
Posted by Gaspare Gnazzo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Epic character. You were my "favorite" Council member because I knew I could trust your word. I didn't expect you to take me up on my War Master offer, but I'm so glad you did. You taught me a lot, and I think our positive, relatively pro-social (even when evil!) attitudes toward the game are very similar.

I know Zalgordrax might beg to differ, but that blood reckoning between you two was one of my favorite Empire moments ever.

For those of you who weren't there, after the failed coup, I made the Council cast two votes: One for their favorite fellow council member and one for their least favorite. I didn't tell them why. Once the votes were in, I made the two "winners" duel to the death with the intention of punishing whoever lost the duel. Golthazar was the favorite, and Zalgordrax was the least-favorite. I had a hunch that would be the outcome, and I knew Zalgordrax had called the coup, so I gave Golthazar a heads-up as to what was about to go down.

I called a meeting in the Council chambers, gave a brief speech that ended with me telling them that one of them must die and calling a blood reckoning. Immediately, you guys went crazy, and the ensuing battle raged all over for a surprisingly long time. I seem to recall Destuvius stepping in at one point to make you bring the battle back to the Palace.

I was loving every minute of it, though, and I do hope you both were, too. If you have a log of that, I'd love to see it since I missed the bulk of the fighting.

Both were very knowledgeable, and it was a great fight to watch. But yeah, I think Golthazar, given her build, was likely to prevail.

Anyway, thanks for being there and creating some of the highlights of my CF career. I hope you stick around for a while, because this game needs people like you.
128587, hey hey
Posted by Zalgordrax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since everyone involved is gone... I did not call the coup. Caecillius did. I just got a lot of preassure from emnon to go for the gold, which would have worked had certain agreements not been betrayed. That's the fun of empire politics.

I was really pumped about the reckoning and looking forward to a couple of weeks of back and forth, then someone stepped in and said you need to end this now, after my army was all gone and I was running low on preps :(

That kind of made the event less fun.
128590, Hahaha, this is gold
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's Caecilius for you :)
128597, OMG. That bastard is still pulling my strings from beyond the grave! n/t
Posted by Gaspare Gnazzo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
128585, RE: Golthazar
Posted by Tenyajn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Forgot all about your sister Tenyajn I see? It was a fun ride, short lived on my part because I started to fizzle out when I should've held it down. I really enjoyed you. I've played so many monk paladins to hero two who had Cardinal. So when I saw a duergar warrior in my PK range I thought nothing of it. HOW WRONG I WAS, when you were prepared you were definitely worth the fight. If it wasn't for temperance there is know way I could've walked into fights against both you and Gaspare. Thank you for the fun, the classiness and the talk. It was fun to spar then head over to our Lord's shrine and pray and talk. The item that you passed on to me I kept until I deleted. I truly hope I get to see you around in the fields You were definitely one of my favorite chars to interact with in a long time.

128583, Darvoderis, Valdifer and others
Posted by Vonzamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Prior to Darvoderis, I had played outlanders for most of the year prior so I had a ton of interactions with you as an enemy. You were always a ballsy and classy foe and I was always impressed at how well you did when out numbered which seemed to be most of the time.

As Darvoderis, when I first approached you about the coup, It was with the intention of backing you for Emperor. When you said you would back me though, I wasn't going to argue. I was bummed you never got Emperor after that, but reading your explanation made sense. You were as good of an ally as you were an enemy, and I am glad I got to see both sides.

128582, RE: Golthazar
Posted by Donetonv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well thanks for the kind words, but I am done with Donetonv. The final straw was logging in today after you just con died, and all the equipment that you had just given me was considered hording, and vanished.

I saw that you did the duergar warrior so well and looked like you needed help, so I tried it out and try to give you some help, but I am no where near the player as you in that regards.

Great War master, and great all around supporter for the blades.
128581, Awesome char
Posted by Mhirnal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Once I heard your story with Mhirnal I was in shock. Damn nice rp story which is what I like about CF. And all around nice char.

PS: Only one bad thing, dude. Your moves with ST eq gear that you've gave to lowbies all the time - its a damn broken thing. Don't do it in the future, unless you want to change it.
128580, Haha oldies start to go
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Zqoemoa I remember fighting you and Ghramr since teen levels, so much fun it was. Too bad you were duergar so I was not able to actually surprise you :) Was relieved so much when you joined Empire as well.

Overall, I'm amazed with your knowledge of eq and areas. So jealous :)
128579, RE: Golthazar
Posted by Bemused on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am surprised you let me kill you with Antone so willingly but I made up for those transgressions with a most rewarding bond with my healer. I'm not sure I can put into words how much I enjoyed having you around. I didn't peg you as Demtok either. I was 100% sure Gaspare was Demtok. But then again I am ####ing awful at picking who plays who (with the obvious exception of Shaapa).