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Topic subject(DEL) Arehanah Angelwing, Preserver of Fallen Glade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12809
12809, (DEL) Arehanah Angelwing, Preserver of Fallen Glade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Dec 8 01:08:28 2002

11 o''clock AM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of Winter on the Theran calendar Arehanah perished, never to return.

Cabal:SYLVAN, the Sylvan Warders
PK Ratio:57% (closer to 100% is better)

12810, RE: (DEL) Arehanah Angelwing, Preserver of Fallen Glade
Posted by Saldradien on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well damn.

I liked this char. Im constantly impressed by the level of rp that seems to wander into the cabal. It amazes me even further how one or two people who rp really well raise the bar for everyone around them. THAT is what arehanah did. I made you Lieut for a number of reasons, one of which that stands out clear was the approach you took to things. I was watching you bicker with phylanthorin the other night, and remember thinking to myself, way to go, these are questions that should be asked, things that should be addressed, and very real concerns that applied to cabal rp and your own. Your ability to accent char emotions and draw a picture of what you thought Arehanah to be was done very well. I second the whip ass rp thing nepenthe said, and can only hope to see you back on the flip side in some form or other. I'm sorry I didn't get to interact more with you, but my time has been spread thin lately between real life, and everything else in the mix. DAmn good job, and look forward to seeing the next.

Salad of the Broccoli persuasion
12811, RE: (DEL) Arehanah Angelwing, Preserver of Fallen Glade
Posted by Harelin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well played. Haven't seen you on ICQ for a while, and I had to renew my address book. Send me a message will you?
12812, Blessed be, Thera (long farewell)
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was a time when I could get a character to 5 or 600+ without batting an eye and now I'm struggling to get past 200.

It's certainly not because I like the game any less, or something has changed... I suppose that I had just accomplished much of what I intended to do roleplay wise. In the beginning I intensed only to roleplay as an Arial, and as a Good aligned Sylvan.

For those of you who thought I was crazy, I tried to amplify any emotion that I thought this character would have.

I never thought I would PK well with a warrior, and while it doesn't show with my PK ratio, towards the end I really started to get it, I think.

One immteraction that stands out in my mind deeply is the time when Thror, Intronan, and Arvam all taught me my third legacy. I had never interacted with Thror as a player, and I think you're great. Intronan, you struck me as very very good as well. Arvam, same old same old :P (greatness)

Thror's contests were just great. Please keep them coming. I hope you can even maybe implement some code that would make it easier for some imms to do their own contests of that sort. What do I know though :P (For those of you that don't know, Thror called a meeting of all the high level warriord in the game at that time, and held a pk'ing, exploration, race contest that was just really fun. I'd recommend going to one if you ever get the opportunity.)

Heres my score, for those that want to know why I usually kicked your warriors butt or you could never keep me in place long enough to kill me: (I was specialized against fighting warrior classes :) )

Arehanah Angelwing, Preserver of Fallen Glades, Warder Lieutenant
Level : 51 Sex : female Race : arial
Ethos : Chaotic Align : Good Class : warrior
Practices: 4 Trains : 0 Hometown : Galadon
Exp : 518318 To Level : 18932 Sphere : Passion
Age : middle-aged, 34 years old (227 hours)
Hit Point: 1017 /1017 Mana : 556 /556 Move : 837 /837
Str : 19(19) Int : 23(20) Wis : 20(20)
Dex : 25(25) Con : 15(18) Chr : 14(18)
Carry # : 31/37 Weight : 341 lb 0 oz (Max 352 lbs)
Gold : 3 Silver : 10 Copper : 39228
Wimpy : 250 hp Morale : Moderate Position : Standing
Hitroll : 34 Damroll : 49
AC pierce: -165 Divinely armored AC bash : -212 Divinely armored
AC slash : -198 Divinely armored AC magic : -184 Divinely armored
vs Spell : Heavily protected vs Paralysis : Not protected
vs Breath: Barely protected vs Petrification: Not protected
You have 0 weapon specializations.
You have 0 legacy choices.
You are specialized in sword.
You are specialized in mace.
You glide your weapons and stances through Fluid Deceptions.
You have found health and resilience within Harmonious Equilibrium.
You have the timing and alacrity to use the Space Between Heartbeats.
You are affected by:


Gwimdorf: Yes, Gwimdorf. A wise old lich said that sometimes fate will put two players together that are just good. Well we aren't good, but we are two players together :P You are incredible. Keep it going Father, I will miss your dearly.

Arvam: Yah I put Gwimdorf first. Really just a par performance I'd have to say for you, old bird. You of course know that par means 'incredible' and 'awesome' :) I still long for the old Sz'sra days, maybe it'll happen again some time.

Sassmi: We were deadly together. You were deadly alone, and I added that one little skill that really made you scary. I thought your roleplay was very good and refreshing, Strawberry. I HOPE they make you Lieutenent next, but who am I to decide ;)

Saldradien: You are good, real good. You have a knack for setting us straight, and in my conflicts with the other warders over this issue and that, whether you know it or not I think you kept me from being kicked out of the cabal a couple of times.

Blimbali: You roleplayed an 'old school' Sylvan, and I think the new crew would think strangely of you nowadays. Well done, glad to have known you.

Astaria: The most competant pker Sylvan had seen in my time there. Well done, and you sure do make a lot of invokers huh? :)

Phylanthorin: You rp very well. I went after you because I wanted so dearly for you to be the best that Sylvan has ever seen. If I saw you slacking a bit, I went after you. You resented it, but we both know how roleplaying goes. I hope you complete all your tasks. Also our in-game relationship was the first one that I had ever felt comfortable having! Thank you for making it so interesting for me. :) Please e-mail me at arehanah@lycos.com if you have the chance.

Airael: One of the strong druids. I wished you hadn't stopped showing up, I liked your Uller roleplay and we could have clicked as well as I clicked with Sassmi.

Uller: I never did see you, but I'd just have to comment that I wished I did! I've heard Uller is one of the best Gods around as far as imm interaction goes, and I've still yet to experience it. I was pretty much the antithesis of an Uller Sylvan of course.

--Noldruk: Well done. At first I thought you were a brigand, but then you stepped it up to match me and forever gained my respect. Well done!

--Vihan: I was going to pick one half-drow that I used as an icon of why we shouldn't be so hasty to run around murdering anything and anyone with half-drow in their race. Vihan was perfect. I couldn't get Sebeok to make your spirit at one with the mother, but we did have some interesting conversations about the whole Sylvan fiasco :P

--Airael: You were pretty neat yourself. I wish you well, and I hope that you teach the children of the wilds well.

Enemies: We always had a lot of good fights, most Scions I saw were somewhat skilled and they did show up when the times were bad. I commend you all. It might be time to join the dark side to help you out. (but probably not ;) )

The one you can always pick out because she's the one that always roleplays the Forget affects from the oblivax in Ysigrath, Nicolette, Kayewele, Rhowyn, etc.

PS Nepenthe get moving and fix the Silent Tower. That is all.

12822, Forgot some people --
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Ulthur: You are a great icon for the Maran, I pictured you as the grey-streaked beard of a man that has been a Paladin his whole life, and someone I could always depend on as long as I stayed straight and narrow. I hope that I did, I certainly tried to :)

Nunchyk: I liked the whole 'bite' thing. That was interesting. I wished that more Sylvans like you had taken me seriously on the night I deleted, but c'est la vie.

I know I'm missing more people, and I'll post them here as I remember them.
12824, Nice job
Posted by Anith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always tried to have you targeted during raids and whatnot....you flurried like a beast. Well done, the grove is much weaker with your passing....Now, hopefully a few more of your beast brethren will loose heart. *grin* take care.

12823, You'll be missed
Posted by Anielle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm totally feeling you on the character struggling and all but you will be missed. I also wonder....WHERE IN THERA IS ULLER?

12820, RE: Blessed be, Thera (long farewell)
Posted by Sassmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're Sassmi's best friend in the whole Sylvan pack! You're always there when Sassmi needs someone, now whos she gonna turn to when you're gone?

Strawberries will rot if you don't eat them
12821, RE: Blessed be, Thera (long farewell)
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'll be just fine on your own, and who says another Sylvan is not up my sleeve?

I just scratched the surface of the Sylvans, and I really like the Cabal and the way it's run. :)

12819, Yo, lets kick it Old Skool!
Posted by Blimbali on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Blimbali: You roleplayed an 'old school' Sylvan, and I
>think the new crew would think strangely of you nowadays.
>Well done, glad to have known you.

I am not sure how to take this since I am not sure what "old school" is when you refer to sylvan. I tried to push Sylvan (sometimes scratching and clawing against me) players into the future. A more preservation based cabal and not MORE BLOOD!!!! MORE BLOOD!!!!!

Ive played more Sylvan chars that I can count, the first being under Arkand (Back when Istendil would rip our butts open regularly). I think the new Sylvan is a refreshing change.

Eh...anyway you know how much I liked your char. You changed my viewpoint and official stance on the Tribunals...something I didnt think Blimbali would ever be able to do, but you did and my role reflected such. You knew at first I would never endorse you as Lt because of your view on them, but in time I came to understand and even adopt it to a degree, making you a prime choice. I miss this char, I miss Gwimdorf, and everyone else still around. But everyone I know who still has characters in the grove keeps me updated, which makes me miss it even more. Nice work, that was "One whip-ass char"!

Blimbali, Oddjob, Andy..whatever.

12817, RE: Blessed be, Thera (long farewell)
Posted by Noldruk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well.. that's a real shame. I liked you. Alot. I never understood why you were what you were.. so different to the other Warders, but it was very refreshing and.. less stressful. The fight in Mortorn was entirely luck on my part.. you came very close to winning, but part of winning was knowing the area.. I hope you eventually learned it.

12818, RE: Blessed be, Thera (long farewell)
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never did learn mortorn. It's not in an Arial Warders roleplay to be searching the caverns of a dwarf home, at least in my opinion. It was a stretch to learn the mines of Zakiim, but the Arials there made it at least easier to justify roleplay wise.

Maybe I'll roll up a dwarf or duergar just for that purpose :)

I was how I was because I wanted to stress lightwalker and preserver in my role rather than hunter and killer of defilers. It's very simple, but I guess it stuck out because it's not the norm rp for a Sylvan. I always have thought if you can play your race and alignment well, the rest will come to you, and you will always be noticed and have a great time.
12816, RE: Blessed be, Thera (long farewell)
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From the few interactions I had with you, I was impressed. Truthfully, Guen needed ya to give him a good beating. You did just that. YOu were a good fighter,from what i could see. Thanks for the one battle we had, and the interaction the rest of the time.


PS, I hear ya about the chars for only 200 hours, this is the first one I've played over 240 or so in a long long time. guess I must love it enough still!
12813, RE: Blessed be, Thera (long farewell)
Posted by Alysrith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I still remember interviewing you long, long ago. You were well played then, and just kept getting better as time went on.

Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your next one just as much.

12814, Have you died yet? Not see a post. n/t
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
12815, She is still around. n/t
Posted by Gwimdorf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
12825, Well...
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, what did you go and do that for? I know working with Gwimdorf would drive ME nuts too, but you could have left Sylvan or something instead. Or I would have helped you wack him. *sage*

I always liked talking to you, because (like Nep said) I knew I would get some solid roleplaying just from brief conversations with you. So um... what did happen?

Good luck.
12826, RE: (DEL) Arehanah Angelwing, Preserver of Fallen Glade
Posted by Airael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Going to really miss seeing you around. Even from a distance, I really like Arehanah and the few times I roleplayed with you were great cause you made me roleplay even more also. Sorry to see you go, have fun with whatever you play next and I hope to see you in the fields!
12827, Arehanah
Posted by nepenthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As chance would have it (I'm sure there are lots of people I miss entirely), I witnessed a couple of this character's interactions, and the RP I saw was of a consistently high caliber. I may or may not have thrown the term "whip-ass RP" around.

Nice job.
12834, RE: Arehanah
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are few who I get a warm fuzzy feeling when they compliment me :)

Thank you Nep, I really appreciate it.
12828, You invent yet another CF based word.
Posted by Oddjob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"whip-ass RP"

I do believe it was you who coined the term "Soccermomlian" Which I do still use at least once a week to people who have no clue what CF even is. Its even spreading throughout my community! I shall now take the opportunity to apply "Whip-ass" Prefix to anything I deem appropriate.

"Damn, this is some pretty whip-ass veal gloss!

ahh the possibilities.
12831, Hate to hurt your feelings
Posted by Oaken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But 'whip-ass', a variation of 'kickass' has been around for years. Go ahead and get deathfull with me in reply.
12832, Its ok, I couldnt possible have my feelings hurt by Oaken. n/t
Posted by Oddjob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
12833, :( (nt)
Posted by Oaken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
12830, RE: You invent yet another CF based word.
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know, I was very proud to hear that I had whip-ass rp. It is a great honor to have such respect bestowed upon my meager offerings :P

I think it's pretty cool, too.. but then again I've always been a fan of Wesley Willis too.

"whip the hell out of that snow leopard's ass"
12829, "whip?" I don't think so...
Posted by Kierning on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In the South, we just don't use that word. Nothing is "whipped," (aside from possibly a buddy who spends all his time with his girlfriend) but rather "whooped."

And if you were to ever call them "whipped potatoes" south of the Mason Dixon, you'd prepare for 'whoopin' of your own. The term is "mashed potatuhs"

Yankee says, "Wow, that bouncer gave the drunk a smart whipping."
Southerner says, "Dad gum! That ol boy whooped his ass!"

Yankee says, "I'm unhappy. These whipped potatoes have lumps!"
Good ol' southern boy says, "Sombitch left clumps in these mashed potatuhs! Just how I lahk'm!"

Hope that cleared up some things for y'all.
12835, what was that??
Posted by Nurwon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
what was that? you gave me a sword and then just walked off and deleted? *sighs* well thank you, never got to know you, I must have been the only ranger around so you decided to approach me *winks*. goodluck on your next.
12836, RE: what was that??
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're right. You were the right class at the right time :P

I ended up trying to spread out my pretty good set of equipment towards the end to younger players. I hope some people are happy because of it :)

I was dual wielding humansunders at the end. That was pretty fun :P

12837, RE: (DEL) Arehanah Angelwing, Preserver of Fallen Glade
Posted by Gwimdorf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I understand the frustrations you were having with your character. It was amazing having somebody like you around! I knew that if I was fighting with Arehanah by my side things were going to go well. You were quick, reliable and just an overall fabulous warder. Well done! You will be missed.
