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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Melissa the Emaciated Wight, Collector of Magical and Powerful Oddities
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=127534
127534, (CON LOSS) [None] Melissa the Emaciated Wight, Collector of Magical and Powerful Oddities
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Mar 21 12:11:18 2016

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Melissa perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
127672, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Melissa the Emaciated Wight, Collector of Magical and Powerful Oddities
Posted by Wiggam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed our limited interactions, but I really liked that you were always around mixing it up one way or another. GLWYN
127616, Loved you!
Posted by Adenir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You actually totally reinvigorated my character. I had lost interest in Adenir (who was never meant to be a serious character or a character that I took to hero) when we first met and the creepiness of your character interested me and kept me playing. I enjoyed all of our interactions and very much appreciated all the showing me around! It was my first mage to hero and, frankly, only my second hero and the first to do any exploring at all.

Not going to lie, the betrayal was far and away the most real thing that has ever happened to me in CF. When it happened, I literally had to sit back and go "####" log out and calm myself. Not because of the death (good lord knows Adenir died 50000 times for ridiculous reasons) but because of how betrayed I, as a person, felt by your actions. But it lit a fire under me and I fully intended to get revenge!

Sadly (and also extremely NOT sadly), I got a new job the very next day and my playtime/focus during my playtime took a serious dive. Ended up rolling an alt or two and letting Adenir fall into the background for now. I very much look forward to your next character!
127636, I did feel dirty about that OOC
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IC of course Melissa didn't care. I made an effort to at least show you some stuff during the process of utterly shafting you. I sort of regret it because unbeknownst to me I was already ineligible for induction at that point.

Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed it, Adenir was invaluable in terms of getting through the tough midranks so thankyou for that.
127574, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Melissa the Emaciated Wight, Collector of Magical and Powerful Oddities
Posted by Demos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awww... Who am I gonna give all the crap I find to now?
Liked you alot. Glwyn
127552, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Melissa the Emaciated Wight, Collector of Magical and Powerful Oddities
Posted by Xalcorin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Blasted. You were one that I needed to restore balance with your death. Yet couldn't get you fall into the traps. You hit one in Arkham recently but must of quaffed or teleported out as all the rest were not hit. UGH!
127556, Honestly I just kept walking
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why would I stop? I can't fight you, even if I guessed which exact room you were in you'd just have walked to the next one once I started fogging and Arkham a lot of rooms. I was a bit hurt and the trap hit for 70ish damage so another 20 traps might have got me. I don't think there were 20 more traps. I regularly ran over your eastern road gauntlets and it bothered me not at all. Blindness, knockout, bleeding? Don't care I'm a wight!

Now I'm gone though, was it you who stole the floating chest? I never figured it out.
127582, RE: Honestly I just kept walking
Posted by Xalcorin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, my traps for you were meant to balance the fighting field with your minnons not to take items from you. Although there is one still alive which the traps are meant for removing items. I answer all questions truthfully has honor is something lacking in the thief profession.
127548, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Melissa the Emaciated Wight, Collector of Magical and Powerful Oddities
Posted by Ild on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You always had great and appropriate responses to anything I said to you. I had a lot of fun trying to get the head from the orcs especially when you were there making it impossible. I think once, your efforts were truly "In Vain!".

The name never entered my mind as out of place for some reason, but I can see why some differ in that opinion.

You were also one whose movements were always newsworthy to many interested parties.

Thumbs up! Melissa will be missed.


127580, You were weird
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kind of 'woe is me' for a rager but I think that was part of your role so it's all good.

Also you have the single most annoying build in the game IMO so enjoy that.
127583, You are. n/t
Posted by Ild on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
127544, Reflections/goodbyes
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd had the Cf itch, and rolled a few necros with better names and better descriptions, some even with roles, none of whom made it to level 11 without a mob death. Unfortunately it was this one which stuck, and while I regretted the name I was already rolling and it was too late to turn back. And besides we've had a character named Lucy, so Melissa can't have been too much worse. Apologising for the name aside;

Had a lot of fun. Wights were very cool, even if there are some very significant drawbacks (I'd recommend to anyone who wants to play one to take the keys to success edge. You don't realise just how many silver keys there are until you can't pick them up.).

On the subject of wights, from the helpfile I'd assume that the biting prog should be causing illness the same way an orc's savage feeding does but I never saw this happen. Also, the claws are anything but a 'deadly natural weapon'. Given how they can't wield several weapons that would be desireable and flavoursome to an undead (this is not limited to the sword of zurcon) I don't think it would be unreasonable to buff their claw attacks somehow. Not that wights need a buff - this was the strongest character I've ever played, even if being uncaballed meant I couldn't really capitalise on that. Finally, is being able to use potions and pills a bug or not? I prayed about it a few times and posted to the bugboard but never got a response. Would be nice to have some clarity. Group teleport and stoneskin would have been great things to use if I wasn't worried I was abusing a bug.

I never really had constant or steadfast allies. Somot was in place to fill the role but his untimely death put an end to my plans there.

Ondahyr - thanks for being around to rank up, boo for disappearing once I made wight. I know you'd lost a lot of con but I'm sure we could have really shaken things up together.

Suustus - that thing you did was dodgy but thanks for keeping me company in the early days of wighthood.

Emnon - you seemed to 'get' the character in a way nobody else did, thankyou for that and thankyou for being around to encourage me, you kept me going. Sorry I didn't last longer but I think I'd already reached my potential, more or less. I know there was more in the works, but it was never going to make up for what was missing, although I do appreciate you trying. Very cool RP.

Adenir - sorry for that betrayal, I felt dirty. Necessary for proving my evil credentials, but that never came off so it was all for nothing.

Villagers - making your life as hard as possible was my pleasure. Spellbane is gross, having precisely one way to deal with it was a godsend. Without that I'd have hardly even been a speedbump. Very proud of my kills on Grimghal and Shravthar. Sekope, you're solid, grats on Drillmaster.

Fort - Gulrom, I liked that you were willing to fight me, but you also seeemed to want your fights handed to you on a plate. Mages take a lot of work, I can't just show up on demand and put in a decent performance on your schedule. But I did try. Jorje, again I appreciated your willingness to come after me. But fighting a necro in the sands of sorrow has to be a bad idea even with an archon. Lexxi - I maintain that piece of gear is wasted on your build, but it's still nice. Enjoy it, you earned it for having the guts to come at me. Sanshia you might find the game less boring if you were willing to take risks.

Outlander - Gwildaththea you were in fact my nemesis. I feel like spores shouldn't work on undead, but they did and I had to deal with it. My RP toward you wasn't the greatest but I think I avoided lapsing to the extent I might have done with previous characters. Bilgritik, you were uniquely well suited to deal with me, probably the only character left alive who I wasn't confident soloing. Pinga, you had balls and feral rage hurt a lot. Sorry you didn't get me. Not sorry you got got. Tanzer, you did the right thing staying the hell away after the first kill, and I'm proud of the way I landed that second kill after you got more cautious and opportunistic, as I am for denying you so many potential kills when you had me insected up and convulsing. You were my best frenemy.

Slaves of the unspoken - what little ganking I did with you guys was good, but Zqoema, I get the feeling we were both mostly solo operators and we rarely actually ganked anyone. The double kill at the island was nice though - it was mostly a sure thing by the time you got there but it was still very satisfying.

Empire - played it both ways at times. Mostly classy enemies, Saboor though, motes and beams, and this applies to all your active characters too. It's not always the other guy who has the problem. Callixa, I probably hurt your con a lot but you got the final loot and it was still a very nice set.

Nexus - Qaqah you were the closest thing I had to a consistent ally.

I've been writing a while and I'm probably forgetting people. Post and I might respond.
127545, RE: Reflections/goodbyes
Posted by Lathlaeril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And just when you started to get tougher. It was fun having you around, I am glad you enjoyed the char and hope to see you back soon.
127577, You were on my 'list'
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And much tougher than a non-battle warrior had any right to be.

Also whatever evil stuff I told you was all about being evil and trying to break your morale. I don't think it worked and I didn't expect it to, but I always feel I should try.
127555, RE: Reflections/goodbyes
Posted by Bilgritik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our clashes. It might seem like I have a good set up.. but it is very hard to keep ready to fight, and so often I could not pursue you as long or as far as I wanted. Did I ever get close to getting you?

Thanks for being that creeper mixing things up!
127575, It goes both ways
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I also had to prep to the gills to be able to stick around fighting you - your path is very good for dealing with undead, I'm not sure that you appreciated just how badly you were messing me up but it was bad.

You had me 'close' a couple of time (I think I had you convulsing once or twice too) but shamans have the same problem as necros - you can just flee and people only really die to you if they stick around long enough for you to mess them up badly enough. Necros also have sleep and PWK but in the general case things are similar.
127559, RE: Reflections/goodbyes
Posted by Tanzer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, Sweet Melissa.

Tanzer obviously has a soft spot for many of his enemies, but you were close to the top of that list.

You went from being my easiest prey to one of my most feared adversaries.

From feeling sorry for how easy it was to get a kill on you as a spectre to devising elaborate schemes to kill you was quite a ride.

I really liked your RP angle. I hate the "I'm a creepy badass" vibe that a lot of people go for, because it's just so overdone and lame, but "I'm a creepy anorexic mother" really hit home with all the stuff I like about this game (don't judge me.)

You will be missed, and I'll have to find someone else to make bone jokes about.

I tell you I would have had a lot more PKs if I had spent more time hunting and less time in camo sending tells, but I had a lot more fun bantering with you than I would have flying around looking for people to kill, so thank you.
127579, Yes!
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You made it into my role. I was kind of flirting with you at times in a creepy insane way and I think you noticed. Gratz on making avatar
127576, Well, Sounds like you had a good time.
Posted by Jorje on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did my best not to push with Jorje. I find it challenging that I made my character such that he really doesn't hunt much at all and stays away from fights but some times I just couldn't help it.

Speaking of the desert, I've learned that getting slept is a death sentence for a conjurer against a necromancer, regardless of how strong the Archon is, in most situations. So, when I walked into the exact spot you were in and you slept me, I knew I was done. I figured that maybe I'd land in one of the other 5 spots on the dune or storm and would get a chance at you. Which, by the way, is the only way to kill a prepared and competent necromancer as a conjurer. By fighting them where they can't magically escape.

I've fought one of each of you undead now IC and more than anything, I realized that since vampiric touch doesn't suffer from ABS, I can truly understand one of the things that makes your kind so powerful. That time in Upper Cragstone when I saw my Lesser Archangel barely hitting capital damage on you when it should be Obliterating, my jaw dropped.

Also, having my Familiar hit with PWK for a sure loss of 1/3rd con really sucked and you weren't the only Undead to do that.

Despite all the combat related stuff and Fortress dogma, I, as a player, kinda liked Melissa. You were almost always willing to throw out some RP and banter back and forth. I wish you the best with your next.
127578, I have played acolyte conji and feel your pain
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I ended up being a failed scarab app on that one too.

Also, I didn't kill you every time you got slept - like that time in fort, it took me long enough to finish off a radiant archon that you had time to wake up and bail. Possibly my fault for not dropping maledicts on you while what was left of my army was beating on the archon, but I was pretty messed up and erred on the side of caution healing myself instead of maledicting you. Getting slept is bad news no doubt but if your archon is > the necro's army, you have a chance at survival.

I really pulled out all the stops one fight with the archangel. There was more than just ABS in play because those things are terrifying. You did have an annoying habit of casting dispel magic in every fight, which wasn't always relevant but sometimes was.
127586, Thanks for fighting me
Posted by Gwildaththea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First of all, congratulations for a good achievement, even if it wasn't all you were hoping for. As I'm playing a rather unusual build myself, I'm aware of the challenges and hoops required and you have my sympathy. But you should not set impossible goals in my view. You should've gone for Scarab right off the bat IMHO, and I mean both the Imm and the cabal. His RP is rather rewarding and you can twist the religion many different ways.

Druid is much like shaman, especially at hero against prepped folks - needs time and finesse to kill anyone (or it's probably just me and my limited set of extremely skilled enemies.) Thus thanks for staying around where I can hit and run you until you died. :)

I've stuck around to RP and banter a little, but felt you weren't in the mood, so I didn't press it. Try to imagine the situation and immerse into what your character would do instead of thinking that someone got lucky or you got unlucky or whatever remorse post-PK and you'll have more fun.

127594, I don't get druids really
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly I never know what to expect when fighting them, it's the one class I've never really managed to get my around. Both my deaths to you threw me off kilter a bit and I regret my lapses of roleplay following them. I'd have been happy to RP with you but in the moment I was just sort of frustrated and it was better to just cut my losses and not say anything stupid. I think of all my enemis you saw the least of my RP. Also insects; by the time I realised I needed to bail, I couldn't.

Somewhat ironically given my character's name, your character's name has the same four letter abbreviation as my real life name, so it was a bit like trying to kill myself when I was fighting you.

Also, I don't think my build was really that unusual! I didn't set out to be an Emnon-worshipping scarab pledge, I just had a personality to put into a character. When Emnon came down and started interacting, it jived with the character and I certainly wasn't about to tell him to go away. Then I realised I'd need a cabal to make waves in the game and I had exactly one option, and it took 200 hours in game to be told that it wasn't going to happen, for reasons that were already in play when I made the pledge.

I really feel like you have to already have decided on a build which fits into the set of 'allowed' characters when you start out, and that just roleplaying a character who later responds and adapts to circumstances is shooting yourself in the foot. And it usually takes me 100-200 hours to get to know my characters. If I write a role before I start it usually turns out my character isn't that person after all and I lose interest in playing them.

As much as I'd like to start over with a similar character fitting my roleplay around a class/cabal combo rather than trying to find a cabal which allows my class/roleplay combo, sadly I've already fired from that cannon and I'll just have to wait until inspiration strikes again.
127592, Great Job with Melissa
Posted by Emnon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After I was able to look past the name, I
was able to fully enjoy Melissa. I got what
You were trying to convey and the character
concept. I wish you really didn't burn out
quickly but I understand. I liked the whole
orc dynamic and using their village. Too bad
the pickings were slim orc wise. Overall,
great job and I hope whatever lovin I threw
your way added to your enjoyment.

127595, Yes, thankyou
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interactions with you were very cool and atmospheric. I could no doubt have stretched my con out further if I'd really tried, but frustration, burnout, dead ends, addiction getting in the way of real life etc. Interactions with you were invaluable in terms of validating the character's existence and making room for a way to make progress. Honestly if I'd kept going with her she'd probably have wanted you to marry her sooner or later, so just as well she's gone, maybe.
127538, Unfortunate.
Posted by Qaqah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was very fond of Melissa. The name was a bit off-putting at first but once I saw the human roleplay behind it it made total sense. I liked your rp, by the way, and I enjoyed your willingness to always be mixing it up.

There'd almost never be a day where both evil AND magic was tipping balance so we were able to make leery allies of it and throw each other a few bones back and forth.

I had fun with your character and I think you deserved better than what you got, not that you were shafted or anything. I just thought you were an enjoyable character.

First time to be on the same side, that was nice.
127539, Your name is Spanish for poop. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
127540, And you are a dude who posts with a girl's name.
Posted by Qaqah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Anyway, Qaqah is middle eastern or something. Or at least that's my story.
127541, Too lazy. It was the character I had when officials came out.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I still call you poop IC. I seriously thought you were Stevers until I fought you. I didn't die instantly so you clearly aren't him.
127542, We are all a little Stevers. n/t
Posted by Qaqah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
127543, Funny, because I thought half of Stevers chars were you :) NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
127547, I don't know about Spanish
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I'm quite sure his name is vulgar Russian for poop. I laugh each time I read it.
127536, Aww
Posted by Zqoemoa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All my pals sure go down that road so fast. As short as it was, our times together were fun, starting that unlucky incident at the dwarven forest and through our following strange relationship.

Nice character, looking forward to meeting your next.