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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Shravthar Ironhide the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=127467
127467, (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Shravthar Ironhide the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Mar 15 13:16:53 2016

At 2 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 27th of the Month of Futility
on the Theran calendar Shravthar perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
127505, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Shravthar Ironhide the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Shravthar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So much good, a little not so good. I learned a lot with this character. Still pretty new here and it was good when people showed me stuff and helped me out. I spent I don't know how many hours going through dioxides and these forums reading posts from the past, I think I went back like almost ten years there in archived stuff. A lot is outdated but it's amazing how much is there if you pay attention. Thank you to everyone who explained some stuff to me, especially early on before I learned areas better and figured out which maps were good and which weren't.

The best stuff was definitely the people I intereacted with. Almost universally I had great (even if they were "bad" in game) interactions with people. Enemies were real enemies, friends were friends, and even when things were tense with people, it was all done in character, which is something I never really had in the mud I used to play. Definitely better rp here.

Battle is so much fun. I read A LOT of people hating on it and all that but seems to me to be the best balance for people with real lives in that yeah you can play and be ready to fight without so much time gathering preps and stuff, but at the same time you have sooooo many drawbacks and weaknesses to exploit. So many people would have had me if they just did one or two things different, or if they chased me after i retreated or even just fought me when they saw me. If I had a moment to prepare I could be a real beast, especially with stone skin. (oh that reminds me, stone skin isn't magic, it's inherent, but dispel magic worked on it, which seemed really wrong. how could dispel magic work on a rager, who can't have magic on him to dispell??) But lots of people just didn't. Also to everyone who would say oh, equipment doesn't matter, all that, well, it totally does. Don't really understand how people even could say that with a straight face.

Everyone in battle was great, even the one or two I had troubles with. Torzen, I know how much you were yelling at your screen when all your strips failed when we fought in the circle. My pincers and stuff would fail all the time at the most important times so I know just how you felt. Choinon, you were great when you were really there, but you were afk so much, and for such long times, that you actually became a real liability sometimes. Loved traveling with you except for that. Grimghal, always the guy stronger than me. Good to have you there as something to strive to equal. Sekope, Mightar, Llathe, Ild, all good times, didn't have as much time with each of you as might have wanted, but being a berserker rager I thought it best if i did most things alone, definitely the pk stuff.

Enemies, almost everyone was cool. Few real loots, tried to treat people the same and I think I mostly did. A few were pretty stupid, or seems to let their ooc feelings bleed into their characters with their tells and insults and taunting. But really the big majority was great. Tanzer, Laeden, Melissa, Qaqah, Darvoderis stand out, with honorable mentions to Krisnif (you were getting better every time) Gulrom (not enemy, but good talks), and Ludgurz, who deleted early when I thought he'd be my character's lifetime nemesis.

Had great fun with the specs and legacies. Reading the forums I think people will be surprised at my other legacy. Space between the heartbeats was really amazing sometimes, and then it wouldn't work at all. But mostly it did what I had hoped and I have no complaints about that. The second was ward of blades. Originally when I rolled my idea was to take ward and calming (which I read as being the way to fight spells) and figured if I don't get his with melee attacks, and don't get hit much with spells/communes, then I don't get killed and my active stuff will win me fights. At some point though I figured the resist arcane edge and the inherent magic resistance of svirfs might be enough, coupled with fighting almost totally melee fighting people like shifters and warriors and assassins, meant I didn't think i needed calming, so I saw space and took it. It mostly worked out as I thought, I think I survived so much I would not have, especially with the axes, because of ward of blades. Especially trib guards and ganks with hasted people.

The not so good really was just two things things, one something that sucked but was no one's fault, just bad timing. The other a little different. Just my luck I try Akresius and he then says he'll be around less but really he was never back at all. Which I don't blame him for, I'm sure real life got in the way and that's obviously way more important, but that sucked a bit of the air out of my balloon. I've read the forums a lot getting to know this mud and I have read all the 'don't need imm stuff for your char!" and I didn't need it, but I had the char idea, and religion is a big part of the game, and so when it went away, it made me a bit less excited to play Shrav. I always tried to keep Akresius religion in my actions and how I did stuff even though I knew it was pretty much a total waste, I guess hoping maybe he'd be back. Never happened.

Other thing I'm concerned about talking about here. I'm kind of afraid even to say anything because again I've read these forums a lot and people say a lot that anytime anyone makes even a little complaint about the imms it follows you. And while I am pretty sure it's exaggerated, even a little makes me nervous. But I like to think its useful for people to hear how people feel so I decided to comment. It's about the rites and imm stuff generally. I had a good amount of free time due to job stuff and played a lot, almost 250 hours, and I felt like I kinda got ignored. Also the rites, really left a bad feeling. Really felt like it didn't matter what happened, the choices were already made. I did as well or better than anyone in the fighting, and I think the answers in the wits were also as good or better, but in the end, wasn't even really seriously considered it felt. Maybe was just expecting too much, but even with the rites I never even got to the 1k imm experience. Ok could be I'm wrong but if you really had prety much decided who was going to be made leader and such, then don't let people particpate thinking they really have a chance, just say participating is for other reasons, don't think you'll see a drop in attendance, it's fun for all the fighting and of course people had a chance at those battle weapons and armor which were very cool.

Would love seeing the pbf but I made a deal with the wife, I can have time or money. I took the time, so all the money goes to the college fund. Not allowed to spend anything on the game, even the five bucks! I'm really sorry about that, but if anyone would pick it up you'll get a big loud cheer in my house.

Definitely forgetting people or stuff so maybe I'll remember later or if anyone says something which makes me remember. Thanks again to everyone I interacted with, made my first real hero a real good time for most of the time.
127507, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Shravthar Ironhide the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Jormyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Other thing I'm concerned about talking about here. I'm
>kind of afraid even to say anything because again I've read
>these forums a lot and people say a lot that anytime anyone
>makes even a little complaint about the imms it follows you.

Honestly, it all depends on how you go about the complaint. If it comes down to ranting, raving, and name-calling, that's probably going to follow you. Stating your opinion in a reasonable manner, looking for open discussion? I've got no problem with that.

>And while I am pretty sure it's exaggerated, even a little
>makes me nervous. But I like to think its useful for people
>to hear how people feel so I decided to comment. It's about
>the rites and imm stuff generally. I had a good amount of
>free time due to job stuff and played a lot, almost 250 hours,
>and I felt like I kinda got ignored.

In part, I expect this is due to your patron Imm being dormant. Verathi's time has dropped, and he's gone dormant this week, and my hours are just plain erratic. That said, you had definitely positioned yourself to where you stood out as one of four BattleRagers that really had made a name for themselves to me.

> Also the rites, really
>left a bad feeling. Really felt like it didn't matter what
>happened, the choices were already made. I did as well or
>better than anyone in the fighting, and I think the answers in
>the wits were also as good or better, but in the end, wasn't
>even really seriously considered it felt. Maybe was just
>expecting too much, but even with the rites I never even got
>to the 1k imm experience. Ok could be I'm wrong but if you
>really had prety much decided who was going to be made leader
>and such, then don't let people particpate thinking they
>really have a chance, just say participating is for other
>reasons, don't think you'll see a drop in attendance, it's fun
>for all the fighting and of course people had a chance at
>those battle weapons and armor which were very cool.

I'll start off with saying this was actually the first Rites I've ever hosted. I've participated in a few beforehand, but it was a learning experience for me as well. I'm having to go off memory, so I could get a detail or two wrong, but I really feel like the following came up against you.

1) You were relatively lower level, and by comparison to other competitors a rather greener villager.

2) The free-for-all. Yes, you managed to be one of the last ones standing, but (IIRC) you did it by mostly avoiding the fights until everyone else killed each other off. Verathi and I heard a LOT of griping about that, and while we both acknowledged it as a rather sensible tactic for you (and it's part of what got you invited to the final part of the Rites), it definitely gets you further if you fight your way to the finish.

3) The opinions of the four finalists. Among those who were in the running, you weren't anyone's preference, and you were the bottom option for many at the time.

When it came down to it, you were invited as somewhat of a wild card option as Ver and I did want to give your crafty tactics credit. You actually made it further than the assassin (sorry, I don't remember the name...it's late) who won the individual combat, because when it came to the group battles, his team got utterly annihilated, which is what knocked him out of otherwise contention. I truly do feel that had the Rites occurred now, Shravthar would have been a much more significant contender with the extra time and experience.

As a random aside, I do apologize that I never got back to you regarding your note. I barely ran into either party, much less both at once to really address the situation. You were also getting close enough to certain milestones that I was hoping to start a competition with you and a few others to get a special position, then of course everyone up and deletes.

Anyways, hopefully this addresses some of your concerns. I'll not claim to be perfect, but there were reasons behind our decisions. Sometimes, it's just a matter of timing whether the Rites work out. I've been there. The last Rites I participated in, I was one of the last two to survive the free-for-all, and it still burns me that if I had just managed to get that last kill, I'd have gotten Commander. *fistshake*
127512, Rites
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not a huge fan of the rites. I'd actually like to see them retired or held for ceremonial reasons. Kind of like a village holiday or the Olympics.

First off is playing times. I know you imms do your best to coordinate but it still often seems to land on a time that someone can't participate. For me, I can hardly ever make the Rites. Ive only participated in one out of my last so many Ragers because of this. I just can't make those weekend night commitments to CF.

Second, it's not an even playing field. A long time ago, ive had both HPM and trapping warriors participate in the rites who got neutered by the rites rules. There are no grime weapons for those builds.

Third, the rites have nothing to do with fighting magic. They're about being able to beat villagers. That's a very different thing than fighting the enemies of the village. It's one reason why assassins do so well in the rites consistently. How does knowing how to defeat a blood thirsting berserker qualify me as the best leader and magic hater?

I know there is tradition and the idea behind the rites is novel and makes sense for a barbarian like tribe to have its leaders chosen through combat. I just think the current format is lacking and could be changed.
127513, The Rites
Posted by Ichetkal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's ok, Jormyr, I had to look up the assassin's name, too! And, yes, I was not prepared for the team challenge (not to mention Torzen and Grim were on the other team)!

To Shravthar, I was a little put-off by your attitude at the Rites and was surprised when you made it to the Wits. This was because it seemed that you were prone to rub defeat in others faces to make sure you got the attention you deserved. You would point out multiple times how no one on your team had died, you criticized my team picks, and didn't show, to me, that you had "leadership skills". Shravthar just had an abrasive personality.

From dealing with you as other chars much later in your life, I think you had softened somewhat and, near the end, you were much closer to leadership material that you were at the rites. So, in that respect, Shravthar matured and changed my view about him which isn't an easy thing to do. So, good job and GLWYN!
127510, I wouldn't have guessed you were new
Posted by Melissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, this was a relatively low investment cookie cutter build, but those are rarely as easy as people make them look and you were a beast. Definitely one of the toughest villagers, Grimghal had you beat there but only barely and he's a serious vet. Yes, gear matters a LOT and yours was great - thanks for the loot, the kills I landed on you were among my proudest.
127511, Well, it's obvious you're a vet
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Perhaps not a CF vet, but I have watched you through all of the character's life, and you were beastly starting level 11, very fast and competent. AND you had area knowledge above average, even if having somewhat predictable route patterns - this certainly made me think you were a vet.

Fought you across several characters, and god you were a formidable foe. Thumbs up for performance, and I hope you continue, considering your wife lets you spend time on this.
127522, B-but you can't be new.
Posted by Tanzer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I was new my villagers were not 1/10th as tough as you.

You were so tough that you got on my list of "only attack if they're at bleeding wounds or worse" and you'd still wipe the floor with me.

Definitely an impressive first real hero.

127526, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Shravthar Ironhide the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Choinon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Impressive for a first hero villager, I was sure you knew what you were doing and could hold your own against any, never would have thought you were new. You and I were eyeing for the Earthquake axe but you got it so good for you!

One thing I was not pleased was how you treated the village thief when he looted your corpse. But on the other hand, the village had a good support system and no one was in need of shinies.

All in all, solid berserker as far as berserkers go. GLWYN.

127533, Appreciated your passion
Posted by Torzen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your energy and presence were really appreciated. Yes, we butted heads, but I think it stayed IC fine.

I will echo a bit about what others said about your personality being a bit abrasive and grating - I haven't seen your role so if that's intentional, good job. If not, might be something to look at for future chars.

Hope to see you in the fields.
127492, was this Graatch? very strong char with some streaks. nt
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
127476, Deletion because of the Lich deletion?
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were tough as #### and ballsy.

You used bloodthirst waaaaay too much though. It's why I was able to kill you at low ranks.
127470, Mixed feelings.
Posted by Laeden Leech on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Refreshingly tough, after all those squishy, easy to kill villagers. Too bad that you went sour over my avoiding and trying to lure you into a more advantageous fight, after you proved you reliably beat me head-to-head. FFS, my aim is to kill you, not prove my courage.