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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Adzelino the Elder Transmuter, Neurological Nuisance, Imperial Citizen
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=127459
127459, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Adzelino the Elder Transmuter, Neurological Nuisance, Imperial Citizen
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Mar 15 02:18:04 2016

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Adzelino perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
127530, Farewells
Posted by Adzelino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never really connected with this character. In fact I got so disconnected that I completely forgot I ranked with Grevyea for over five hours and ended up PKing him several weeks later. I only realized this when I looked at the PBF.

Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 19|Hr 9 |25 Grevyea,
Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 20|Hr 9 |25 Ethetyrr, 25 Grevyea,
Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 21|Hr 9 |25 Ethetyrr, 26 Grevyea,
Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 22|Hr 9 |26 Ethetyrr, 27 Grevyea,
Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 23|Hr 9 |26 Ethetyrr, 27 Grevyea,
Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 24|Hr 9 |27 Ethetyrr, 28 Grevyea,
Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 25|Hr 10 |27 Ethetyrr, 28 Grevyea,
Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 26|Hr 10 |28 Ethetyrr, 28 Grevyea,
Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 27|Hr 10 |29 Ethetyrr, 29 Grevyea,
Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 28|Hr 10 |30 Ethetyrr, 30 Grevyea,
Jan 7, 2016 (100% exp bonus)|Lv 29|Hr 10 |30 Ethetyrr, 31 Grevyea,

Jan 29, 2016|Lv 37|The Battlefield|Grevyea vs 1: <37> Adzelino (100%, infernal power)

So, uhh, sorry about that Grevyea. Usually I will bitterly defend anyone that helps me rank.. until the bitter end.

I'd recommend anyone new to CF to try and transmuter. You have a mortal version of snoop. I spent hours and hours duo and sneaking and just following, literally, a random person who was nearing my PK. I would watch their movements and patterns closely. The few characters I followed duo, completely unbeknownst to them and for over an hour each, were Ronjen, Praghrik and Grimghal. I can't remember whether it was Praghrik or Grimghal but one of you have amazing pathing. Who the #### regularly uses the cave south of Hamsah as a route through to Araile? I sure as hell never did. Very impressive. I remember years ago walking into a death trap in that area and never returning.

I really did hate paladins and there seemed to be a lot of them so I made a particular point to try and make their life as hard as possible (sorry Ronjen). The last thing CF needs is more paladins though IMHO.

Nexus and Fortress seemed to go through a rough path where each victim would start shooting their mouths off (Zigli, Lhotki, Daevos and Jarnlaugur to a lesser extend). Lots of good too-ing and fro-ing with various people (Olaris and Shravthar come to mind).

I don't care about rager resist or deathblow but #### me dead I hate spellbane. When I died to Juhmarcus I had one spell spellbaned back at me for 4 hits including a deathblow and it ended up doing over 180 hps to me, I may as well have just disrupt boned myself.

Anyway, I'll try and do better next time. Respect to those actually willing to put up a fight and not sit camo for hours on end or just log. Peace out.
127531, neuro/duo guy complaining about people sitting camo
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you play stealth, you don't get to complain about stealth
127537, Congratz
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did damn good in PK despite a low number of edges.

Don't mind KaguMaru. He is just jealous of your skills.
127549, RE: Farewells
Posted by Olaris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The first time we met, I was defending a retrieval and I was pretty much frozen the entire battle.

I spent a good bit of time collecting a sack full of gear after that and if I suspected you were on, out it came. My hit/dam took a -10/-12 and my save vs. paralysis went to -50. Then, the battles were fun. I never killed you, though, but you never got me again if memory serves. I was always on edge when you were around and was obsessed with knowing if you were. I sac'd everything that ever hit the ground after battle to avoid you while trying to accomplish anything. Was a lot of fun.

You tracked well and could beat me in melee in my -para suit. The time near the village when I dropped link was truly due to %$@! windows rebooting my computer to install an update. After such a long battle back and fourth, well, you can imagine how I felt being close to death, fleeing and my client being forced closed. I was sure I would return sitting at the altar. It was a long three minutes. If you have that battle logged, I'd like to see it.

I was funny after your first encounter, you took my archer's bracers. I explained why you couldn't wear them and you returned them, but the one's you gave me belonged to someone else, so I couldn't wear them. Were you starting a collection?

Anyway, good times. GLWYN.
127550, RE: Farewells
Posted by Adzelino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Re: the link drop, it looked suss at the time but you explained it and I was cool with it. You always put up a good fight.

Re: hunter bracers - I did have a collection. I gave you Omexe's on purpose just to mess with you. I was going to return Omexe's bracers after I killed him south of Hamsah in the cave but he logged or was afk (I fogged and neuro'd him) and he never returned.

I did hardly loot at all and if I took something and someone asked for it back I would always return it. The only heavy loot I did was well documented on Kelkob because he was wrecking my darling Empire comrades and doing the same to them re loot. So what goes around comes around, is that the English expression I am after? It was a satisfying kill though because he refused to fight me for about an hour inside the Fortress. He just sat on the watcher trying to summon me. I ended up killing the Maran outer like 4 or 5 times before he tried to gank me with Sidalon. That gave me the chance to turn the tables on him.

Anyway, Olaris was an example of a really good character willing to mix it up and think on his feet.
127557, Just a question, how could you die to solo shifter
Posted by mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as desked transmuter with hero eq?

I mean...its not possible at all but somehow you accomplished that hard task.
127560, Very easily
Posted by Adzelino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I raided Outlander inner cabal to try and get a fight out of two camo outlanders that refused to fight. The elf invoker decided to quit or word out and stay camo the whole time. I fought the shifter off several times (at the inner) and after the shifter fled and went to owl and escaped(*), I decided to pound on the inner a bit. I ended up fully maledicted with spore, spike growth, thornheart, insects and primodial vengeance. I decided to leave at that point and found that I could only walk about 10 squares before my moves were completely shot to hell. I wasn't regening health and was on 200 hps. The owl came back and attacked me. So with no moves and barely any health I was in a do or die. I ended up getting the shifter to convulsing before I fell. Poor choice of spells on my part, I went for a disrupt bone to finish him which failed to kill him and two mental jolts would have won the day.

This was a common theme when trying to get fights. When I sat down and realized the lengths I needed to go to to even get a fight and combine it with (*) I thought I would have more enjoyment playing something else.

(*) There was a noticeable difference towards the end with the success of my neuro landing. At the end I was failing 90% of them on lower level and low int opponents with no svs or svp. It's like I was given a hidden flaw that lowered the level of the spell by like 20 levels.

How did Mhlarndarn ever die with despoil, volley, nightwalker etc??? I never had cabal powers to fall back on, only my own skill.
127561, So you died to solo shifter as the transmuter
Posted by mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
because of the wrong tactic. Do I get it right? And then you as the transmuter blamed outlanders for sitting in camo? Sounds legit.

No more questions then.
127562, No you got it wrong
Posted by Adzelino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You sound butthurt. I'm sorry for killing you in a PK mud.
127563, Sorry my friend, but you didn't kill me.
Posted by mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am just laughting on you. And you took it too serios.

Mind to give me more fun and post the log of your death? Lol.

Transmuter..dies..to..solo..pre final form...shifter..LOL!
127564, RE: Sorry my friend, but you didn't kill me.
Posted by Adzelino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not a number cruncher like you. I don't care if I was 95/3 or 3/95. It is about having fun and having good fights. All my deaths were when I pushed the boundary too far. I started all those fights. I attacked Yakhi and Shravthar - killed Yakhi and had Shravthar on convulsing for long enough for him to spellbane two potentially killing spells. I could have easily fled to protect my record but that is boring. I could easily have not raided the inner Outlander mob to protect my record but that is boring. I could have easily played a Tribunal and sat in town all day to protect my record but that is boring (Mhirnal sucked by the way).

It's a shame that you feel threatened by my numbers as if you are in the midst of being dethroned as the worlds greatest ever transmuter player. It's a shame that you take me PKing and full sac'ing your #### butt buddy Shaapa so personally.

When you learn to play for fun and not for perfect PK stats then hook me up and we'll talk.

I'm sorry for your butthurt.
127565, Cripple fight!
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
127567, Dude, relax, you died like a noob to solo shifter
Posted by mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Accept it and move on.

Why do you type so many words? I got it already. You died, raged over the death to solo shifter and deleted. I am sure, you had your fun in that moment.

I don't blame you, my young padawan. You failed but its ok. We are not perfect. You full looted somebody - its fine again, why should I care?

And again, I asked this question because its like winning the special olympic - dying as the transmuter with high level eq to solo shifter.
127568, I admit that I am an average player
Posted by Adzelino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am not good at PK and I am not "elite" like you. I always die like a noob. I am just trying to learn how to play various classes. Why do you have to rub my face in the sand?
127571, See? Its easy to accept some facts rather then
Posted by mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
keep the anger inside you.

Do you feel better now? I hope so.
127573, RE: I admit that I am an average player
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did well, don't worry about beront, he has to spam to get the last post and he tries to be especially mean since he finally watched star wars and wants to be like the sith.
127569, RE: Sorry my friend, but you didn't kill me.
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'm not a number cruncher like you. I don't care if I was
>95/3 or 3/95. It is about having fun and having good fights.

Oh this is so BS I can't stand it. Levelsitting transmuter is "all about having good fights" :)
127572, So he picked a good spot for his class to dominate...
Posted by Olaris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, it was annoying having to watch for him all the time and he was a difficult fight that I, as a battle assassin, could not ever win. He got the best of me plenty of times and I had to head for the hills.

But, he wasn't an ass about it that I saw and take it easy on his death thread. It's fine to point out he died solo to a shifter, but let it go. There's no need to be so hostile about it.

My 2 cents.

I laughed the time he killed me and I came back to my corpse to find he'd taken my prized mask (the bone, leather something) that I had just gotten about 1 hour before.

I frowned and said "Hmmph, and I just got that mask."
His response, "Me too".

Anyway, don't mind the haters, Adz. I killed Antone as a thief and I thought he was a real griefer. Adz was much cooler.
127581, The reason he's an ass
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
is because he dropped a full loot on shapa's char solely for the reason of it being shapa. And it was like first character in AGES that shapa fulled noone with.

Him justifying it with "oh he did some to my cabalmates" is another example of blatant BS.

The character was a widely recognized douchebag, see Kelkob's deaththread for details.
127585, Hypocrite much?
Posted by Adzelino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Don't mind me if I fullsac you with every character I get a hand on your body with. And continue with this for every character of yours I find out." ~Kstatida

I full sac a full sac'er and you threaten to full sac me on every character I ever play.
127589, Just don't stop to post
Posted by mharlndarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You reveal your true nature.

PS: You should somehow deal with your butthurt. Maybe take the pause from Cf? Its clear that CF is not healthy for you. Too much anger.
127591, RE: Hypocrite much?
Posted by Kstatida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I full sac a full sac'er and you threaten to full sac me on
>every character I ever play.

So you've just admitted fullsaccing him for being shapa, proving my point that your words about "wrecking my darling Empire comrades and doing the same to them re loot" were BS.

127590, Cannot respect you.
Posted by Professor Camo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You would sit duo for hours in order to strike at the perfect time. That is how a deadly transmuter are played, so well done on that. But in your goodbye you complain about other people being stealthy. You also complain about people logging out when you did the same thing if someone you couldn't kill logged in. Lame and weak.
127604, This. Also...
Posted by Assistant Professor Camo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your RP was shallow and boring. You weren't a fearsome presence, just an irritating little #### who kept buzzing around everyone like a fly. Your title summed it up so well.

Not everyone wants to play CF the same way you do.
127605, Waste of a good opportunity
Posted by Welverin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your roleplay was borderline OOC almost all of the time. Your taunting got to the point that I decided to actively avoid you, and probably would again as soon as I caught that vibe.

You made the game less fun with it, and maybe should learn from that lesson. There are classy foes who constantly wipe the floor with folks like me, whom I enjoy the fight with. People who RP the way you do, make me want to avoid them IC and OOC.

Yes, I played Ronjen, not nearly my best effort, but you were a fairly large part of why I deleted.
127608, Thanks for your kind words nt
Posted by Adzelino on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM