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Topic subject(DELETED) [HERALD] Xoog Althidon the Fashionable Giant, Innperial Thread Lord
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=125057
125057, (DELETED) [HERALD] Xoog Althidon the Fashionable Giant, Innperial Thread Lord
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Jul 22 16:34:41 2015

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 22nd of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Xoog perished, never to return.
Cabal:HERALD, the Heralds of the Eternal Star
125061, Goodbyes
Posted by NoobAgain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, Xoog went off to find Jermet and to become a True Thread Lord! (The character ran its course and there was a project that I wanted to pursue that left very little time for Xoog.)

Xoog was probably my second most successful character after Artenno. I came back to CF after a 2-3 year break. It's a breath of fresh air. Thank you to all immortals for continuing to run this wonderful game. May hat is off to you, sirs and madams. As to the players, you make this game awesome. While there is still some vitriol on the forums, I feel like generally (in the last couple of years), the players have matured greatly and constantly enhance the full immersion environment of CF.

--Whiysdan: Thank you very much for the tattoo. I did not expect it at all! And the way it happened was simply awesome. It was almost like the scene from Army of Darkness - "Hey, what's that on your face?" *throws dirt on Bad Ash* Love the freedom, fun loving aspect of your religion. This is not my first follower of yours, but I think this one is my most successful. I said it on other characters and I'll say it again - it makes a huge difference watching you pop out of nowhere for a few minutes and give a bit of immteraction.

--Raltevio: Great to see another active immortal overseeing the Heralds. Thank you for all the fun and the rewards. I really enjoyed the spooky echoes inside the Inn and the whole aspect of you constantly playing a game. Great vibes all around. Also, for what it's worth, you handled the "Khazrim" situation extremely well.

--Daph: You are a perfect High Herald. You are patient, you are stern, you involve yourself into all the various intrigues! I'll say more when (hopefully) you age die! Also, big thanks for coming up with the title - Thread Lord was very witty. And thank you to either Whiysdan or Raltevio for implementing it. In fact the entire Innperial theme is well done.

--Khazrim: I wish I could RP a dwarf the way you RP your dwarf. I always thought of you as this bearded ball of fury with a giant sword. Thanks for everything! I fought pretty hard to get you back in and also wanted to compliment you on the way you handled "punishment". Great example of how bouncing back will make you only a much stronger character!

--Kowelu: Always gave me a slightly eerie vibe - I think this was intentional. I never knew whether you were going to gift me something or claw my heart out. Perfectly played IMHO. Also, great stories - you carried my masquerade event!

--Whistner: I enjoyed running with you. I hope you learned a lot. Hope to see you around.

--Tschrem: I loved the adventure roulette. I hoped to see you more, but our times likely didn't match up.


Empire: Sindrir - thanks for teaching me a few warrior tricks; really enjoyed RPing with you. I think you played the whole "fallen Emperor" very well. Kregan - I wish I had a few more hours to get to know you better. Aaoltha - great character, great vibe, keep on trucking. Fessarra - I'm sure you could have assassinated me one hundred times but you stayed your hand, for that I thank you. Zhabala - I got to know you a bit early on, would have been great to adventure with you.

Orcs: I've always a soft spot for orcs. The few I met (Ghrak, Worthag) were stellar.

Village: I think this is my first character where I generally kept peace with the village. I only saw class from you!

Outlanders: Valdifer - very well played character. I wish we had spent more time together but then I understand that the Nightreaver is not supposed to be a happy go lucky fellow. Thaar - my first friend though it didn't last long. I don't fully get you but I'm sure you've your own angle.

Tribunal: Lady Law - loved you, thank you for the few adventures with me. Would have loved to spend a bit more time together, but alas.

Fortress: Didn't get to know very many of you. Liffy - thanks for your help under water.

Nexus: Parandali - too bad our times didn't match up. The few adventures we had - were very fun!

Scions: The Extradimensional Explorer - enjoyed our fights and scuffles.

Jeede: That one time you popped out of nowhere in Blackclaw and we had a brief conversation really impressed me.


Mechanics: Xoog was Whispers/Gates, Sword/Polearm. Whispers was weak at first but really became strong once I picked up the bird/season edges; definitely a worthy pick IFF you are going to commit ALL of your edge points into birds/seasons. Gates I wish I hadn't picked. It limited a lot of the armor that I could have worn. It was fun to learn more about it and it's definitely powerful in some circumstances but I wished throughout Xoog's life that I picked Riddle. Sword was great though it took me until ~150 hours to perfect flurry. (I went from level 33 until 45 or so without a single improvement.) Polearm was amazing on the giant, simply amazing. I cannot imagine playing a giant without a polearm spec.

Other: I felt that Xoog was very well rewarded and for that I am eternally thankful.

I had an absolute blast and thanks for all the fish!

125063, Enjoyed our interactions
Posted by Ghrakzub on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
even if everyone else was a #### to Ghrak :P
125180, RE: Enjoyed our interactions
Posted by NoobAgain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were awesome. I remember our characters always getting along even from the days of Tribunal! Hope you are around in one form or another.
125065, I told you to pick Riddle :P
Posted by Kowelu Rizzle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You grew on me. At first I couldn't help but compare you to Hurk. Then you totally were a character in your own right. And then, well, Thread Lord.

As certain someone likes to say: I'll drink to that.
125181, You were right!
Posted by NoobAgain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
125067, Reading your note was a bummer.
Posted by Raltevio on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed Xoog and honestly, I think he also would have been a great candidate for a High Herald.

I'm glad you enjoyed coming back and had a blast.

You're always welcome again in Herald, or as a follower of mine if you feel like going there. This character added a lot to the game and the players around them without taking anything away.

I had a lot of fun, and boy am I glad that your sex change was only temporary. I also enjoyed that little hook. But hey, if you're feeding gods harmful potions, sometimes you're going to get the horns. (And in fact, some other, less amicable god probably would have slayed Xoog on the spot!)

I guess all that's left to say is.. See you in the Fields!

125183, RE: Reading your note was a bummer.
Posted by NoobAgain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I very much appreciate all the attention you gave me! From the player (and Xoog) perspective, I would have taken a "slay" or a "teleport to some nasty place" very well (and very IC). I was sort of expecting it.

(For everyone else's benefit - I had Raltevio drink some flasks - some from area explore and some from gambling. Needless to say they had some unexpected results! He was AWESOME about it!)

Great to have a new Imm with a fun (and very open) RP angle.
125076, Had fun on our trip!
Posted by Varaez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Going to the siege encampment with you was fun! As was the banter over you defending the Inn guard. I've taken a much more lax stance upon Heralds after I hung out with you.
125184, RE: Had fun on our trip!
Posted by NoobAgain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Xoog was my first character to get along with battle!!!
125081, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Aaoltha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were great. You will be missed.
125185, I loved the friendly but mean demeanor!
Posted by NoobAgain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
125164, This really bums me out.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some really funny interactions, and since neither of us was afraid to look stupid, it was funny times infinity. I will miss you.
125182, RE: This really bums me out.
Posted by NoobAgain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm a sucker for goofy roles. Xoog was a blast.