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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Tsuriel the Bestower of Health, Imperial Acolyte
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122706, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Tsuriel the Bestower of Health, Imperial Acolyte
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Dec 17 21:25:23 2014

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 18th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Tsuriel perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
122707, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Tsuriel the Bestower of Health, Imperial Acolyte
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One word sums it all up. Boring.
1. Empowerment is boring and just outright frustrating. Almost deleted many times over this. Thanks for the mini empowerments from whoever did that for me.
2. Being a healer no one will group with is boring.
3. Being in Empire that now doesn't let you group with ANYONE is boring.
4. Low population is super boring.

I really wanted this to be a come back character and was trying really hard to roleplay an actual in game priest preaching the gospel of the Empire... but I only ever had two people actually talk to me. Everyone else didn't respond. So I couldn't even RP while waiting for groups or empowerment and quite frankly, RPing by myself to NPCs... not gonna happen. That's for insane people who have no lives. Sorry.

If I decide to give it another go it will be something fully self sufficient and that can fight solo since that's what this game has kinda become. As it stood with the healer I was just staring at the screen feeling hours of my short life fading away doing something, or rather nothing, not fun. I love the game and have since 1996 but it really is just in a sad state. :(
122708, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Tsuriel the Bestower of Health, Imperial Acolyte
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll take a sec and address a few of these issues to the best of my ability.

1) Empowerment is kind of a mixed bag. One of the biggest hurdles you faced was trying to follow an imm who (generally speaking) does not do well with order guys. When he moved you over to another imm who had an overlap in spheres, it probably didn't help much in the big picture. Although, you were fully empowered at the time of deletion so I am kind of on the fence about how 'poorly' the system really works.

2) Yup, that would totally suck and I'm kind of surprised you couldn't manage to find groups. Normally healers are like the best ever group mates, especially EEEEEVIL ones.

3) Could you elaborate a little bit on this? Unless there is something going on IC that im not quite sure of, the only real restrictions you have put on you in terms of grouping as an Empire is you can't group with good align people and you cannot group with Outlanders. Battle is often off limits as well due to their pesky war things that come and go.

4) I think we can all agree that more players is generally a more fun thing. You not playing certainly won't help remedy this issue either, but at the end of the day the game is supposed to be fun.

Hopefully you will make another character and ignite that spark again (I too am struggling right now to find that magic "fun fit" for a mort.)
122709, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Tsuriel the Bestower of Health, Imperial Acolyte
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I think the whole Empowerment thing just never feels good to me as I am so reliant on someone else and how they want me to play. I didn't know I was fully empowered, actually. I've never really enjoyed the process, though the classes are those that actually have always appealed to me most. I always play tanks/shield/heal type characters in any game I play. So I always feel frustrated I can't play them in CF. I had this idea that my character was going to show her love to Thera by trying to convince them, one way or another, they should serve the Empire. It was out of love she told them they were sinners and such. She had a passion for saving them from their foolishness. Kinda why I went Whiysdan, but then Arvams religion ended up being a better fit, but I think I had bad luck with both imms as I never once managed to catch them online.

Yeah, I was shocked too. Everyone just told me no or were enemies or were off limits.

Orcs are the main one. I got yelled at by both Emperor, specifically saying you would slay me, if I grouped with orcs. Old Empire we used orcs like slaves all the time so I was surprised by this. The three orcs running around were the ONLY people wanting to group with me too, so this was frustrating for me. They all seemed to imply any chaotic were off limits as well. Scions are also off limits unless that changed. Though I hear Scions are gone? I have no idea how Scarabs fit in.

I'll probably play some more while the wife is in Japan... but I am not sure it will be Cabaled. There are sooo many changes to the game and I just don't recognize a lot of things, so I'll probably explore a bit. Thanks for the response.
122710, Re: Orcs
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Figure I'll put this out there from both an IC and an OOC perspective.

OOC: there is no set in stone rule for Empire saying that you cannot group with orcs or use them to your ends or anything like that. I as an admin could care less.

IC: Dest hates any and all chaotics, as do followers of Dest. If an orc is chaotic (which most of them are) then a good Dest follower will tell you its bad news to be near them. If you were to parade a chaotic anything up to Dest as an Imperial, I would probably scold you harshly for it. Chaotic dude is to Dest like Evil dude is to Baer.
122711, Shame to see this
Posted by Auudreyz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking forward to your divine company in the higher ranks. I have had the polar opposite experience regarding empowerment and grouping.

Make some strong IC friends and enemies it is only as boring as you let it be. Hope to see you back within the Palace but if not GLWYN.
122712, Empowerment - Greenway method.
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Come up with your own god and how you want to follow him/her/it and do it that way. I had a GREAT time with Helfinu doing it that way. I always knew what my god was looking for because I made him up and I spelled it out for the Imms to understand it.

I had many Imms play a hand in it when they had time so it worked out really well. I thank them all very much. One of my Most memorable characters. I wish I wasn't given a short notice deployment so I could have finished her out like I wanted...

So in closing ... Greenways it!
122742, Greenway only good for Outlanders and other hippies though right?
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't really do hippies...
122713, Encouragement
Posted by Lilyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I LOVE playing Lilyth, the whole empowerment thing etc.

I'm constantly outnumbered. Most of the time it's a blast. Sometimes frustrating (eg. Two enemy imperial healers and a bard out of pk range)

My advice is maybe you are on the wrong side? Also, some classes don't click.

Find the class that fits your style. Find the faction that is exciting. This will help boredom. Be able to take hard deaths though if you step up to underdogs. Need more pk fights? Choose classes that can fight players or take cabal items (but still in an underdog faction)

If you do this though, be able to take hard deaths. I'm stripped a lot, but it's usually i think the result of 5 enemies standing over my corpse. I view everyone in a mostly favorable light ooc wise.

Being able to laugh off a death, knowing you can kill with basic clothing, and stepping up to the challenge of regearing victory by victory can also be fun. This will see you through old age. I never get bored until a NEW character concept excites me more.

Ps. I get that more players is fun. I LOVE when I can login prime time which is rare. At night I mix up learning an area I don't know, gathering a few preps, with trying to find a few of my enemies.

Hell, sometimes it's great to fly to a random ranger and help them. It takes so little effort, but can really make life more exciting for some newbie and/or lowbie veteran going through the ranks.

Pps: We all have classes that dont match. I've dreamt of playing an AP for a LONG time..years.. But know that I am too aggressive to pull it off and even if I killed a lot, wold have way too many deaths.
122715, Let's be honest
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are plenty of times when outlander is doing the outnumbering. Empires rise has been fast and recent, and even with it you sometimes are outnumbering your enemies. Just not so much the imperial enemies.
122716, Outnumbering
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I face multiple enemies but I'm individually more powerful than either of them, and they can't stop me from getting away...

I would consider this even MORE fun than fighting 1vs1, because the risk isn't much bigger, but winning is more rewarding, and I get to look good fighting an "overwhelming" force.

Add insects... though insects are actually a detriment because enemies will stay away from fights that they would otherwise have taken.
122732, This
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Taking Lilith as an example, you have insects to block magic travel, spike growth and or entangle to nerf physical travel, and flying up high to scout.

If your enemy has no way out, they are less likely to fight one on one.
122718, Outnumbered is relative.
Posted by Renick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to roll my eyes a little bit when you talk about being outnumbered, you should try it on my side! It is true that empire has gained in power a lot in the last week which I have been taking advantage of, but how does that help the goody tribunals like Throndin? Everytime we manage to scrape together magistrates-only to take the fetish, we are lucky to keep it 5 minutes.

Everytime you take the scales we have potentially 5 heroes, two with insect swarm (liantae being away at the moment) hiding waiting for us and no lowbies to retrieve not to mention the acolytes frequently there healing the huntress.

Don't get me wrong, i'm not critising you, you have in no way complained, I just thought I should point out how outnumbered you arn't.

Excerpt from cabalwars:
OUTLANDER Members: 23
TRIBUNAL Members: 14

Excerpt from leaders:

Provost Magistrate : Mmachadin
Provincial Magistrate : Balrain
Provincial Magistrate : ---
Provincial Magistrate : ---
(no justiciar)
(no vindicator)

Sunwarden of Thar-Eris : Ellsto
Harbinger of Thar-Eris : Lilyth
Nightreaver of Thar-Eris : Liantae
122720, Perspective
Posted by Lilyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I play graveyard. I'm almost always against a group of 4 to six imperials and their allies with no outlanders at that time. Thats 90% of my playing time.

The other 10% is when we have a LOT of outlanders.

Thats all I'm saying :)
122736, RE: Encouragement
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, healer definitely wasn't my cup of tea. I don't think anything really is in this game anymore though. Tried my favorite class, but finding groups is just impossible. The few people on are all always enemies and since you're one of the few people they can PK, they will spend hours doing nothing else. The population is just too damn low for any fun anymore I feel.

On a positive note, this was taking time away from being productive in life again anyhow.
122740, You get stripped a lot because you striped a lot, and not the sexy kind.NT
Posted by stripperhater on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
122741, What is this supposed to even mean?
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I haven't the slightest idea.
122717, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Tsuriel the Bestower of Health, Imperial Acolyte
Posted by Szoreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this sucks. I enjoyed your character. I get the boring part though when I play non-tanks it can be slow sometimes. Anyway hope you come back with something new.
122719, Hey! I talked with you!
Posted by Raeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In fact, I spoke with both of you guys (midrank imperial healers). I RP'd with you guys a bit, knowing that likely you weren't going to come into the woods looking for PK anytime soon. How did you end up deciding this was boring? You just got left behind by the crew of imperial heroes that shot up together over the course of a week?
122743, RE: Hey! I talked with you!
Posted by KoeKhaos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haha, yeah them all insta leveling while I was stuck unempowered didn't help much. Beyond that, it was just boring with no one to play with and not really being able to solo anything.