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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Resdrenn Smythington the Hand of the Unseen, Marshall of the Fortress
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121131, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Resdrenn Smythington the Hand of the Unseen, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jun 29 22:18:18 2014

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Resdrenn perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
121183, Embrace the dark
Posted by Quarissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, any time you feel the need to come to the Dark Side, face and embrace the Truth. God, I wish I knew or was hinted, we would make an awesome anti-redemption story.

Don't remember if I got you, hidden is fairly hard, even for me, but don't think you got me either. Came close after I killed those two fort in Hamsah though.

And to think, I managed to outlast two Twists, maybe even three by now, good job btw, I had a suspicion but was not sure. And did not give off newb feeling as Althamael did.
121186, You got me, I didn't get you.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and Kwoalewei got me at the Fortress as I tried to solo-defend.

A slight tangent, after that fight you decided to hold onto a few of the goodie-only items in my corpse, I'm guessing just to keep them out of goodie hands...

But that doesn't work so great against a thief with combat steal. I had them back within the first 5 minutes of your next login. :)
121173, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Resdrenn Smythington the Hand ...
Posted by Thurmonbrue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man I hated this character! You always had a knack for finding me no matter how squirreled away I was or always coming in to trip the snot out of me as soon as my flight ran down. I did manage to kill you once or twice and I think my banshee got you twice as well. That time I came back from grabbing a drink and using the restroom and you were laying dead at my feet in the guild kinda made me giggle a bit. I thought to myself "Man I bet he's kinda peeved right now."

Kinda a shame though I wanted to kill you again. Ah well.

Well played sir, well played.

Come back to the Darkside! We need a boost.

121187, Yeah that sucked
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's funny because there was already a discussion about banshee going on in immland, and I hadn't commented yet. Then that happened, and I knew I better not comment at all!

>Man I hated this character! You always had a knack for
>finding me no matter how squirreled away I was or always
>coming in to trip the snot out of me as soon as my flight ran
>down. I did manage to kill you once or twice and I think my
>banshee got you twice as well. That time I came back from
>grabbing a drink and using the restroom and you were laying
>dead at my feet in the guild kinda made me giggle a bit. I
>thought to myself "Man I bet he's kinda peeved right now."
>Kinda a shame though I wanted to kill you again. Ah well.
>Well played sir, well played.
>Come back to the Darkside! We need a boost.
121156, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Resdrenn Smythington the Hand of the Unseen, Marshall of the Fortress
Posted by Riraneln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember one of the first times I saw you.

We were near Arkham separately trying to kill a pair of Orcs.

I was pursuing one of them, and you attacked me by mistake.

I remember thinking this Noob will fit right in with Fortress!

Great character. I enjoyed playing with you.
121172, Yeah that was embarassing.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was thinking "Great this guy probably thinks I'm a total noob, and he's going to avoid me like the plague from here on out."
121147, Seemed like a good char, as normal from you, however...
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to question your motivation in joining a cabal that has been so overwhelmingly powerful for the last two or three years, with the occasional two week or so respite. That's not just a comment on you, as an immortal; I question ANYONE who rolls Fortress these days.

You're as free to roll what you want to as anyone else, of course, but it seems like rolling a Hunsobo type character (you rolled him originally to help out a down in the dumps Empire, right?) might be more up your alley.
121153, I had just finished Althamael (Imperial Dread Lord/Elite)
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like to mix up what I play so I get a mortal's-eye-view from all the angles, if possible.

I know that while I played Althamael, I really despised some of the guys in Fortress. They seemed like gank-happy multi-killers.

Then I played a char that was alongside them, and saw different facets. I watched others (not just me) go out of their way to NOT go gang down that one evilguy who was logged in. Almost to the point (myself included) that it had a bit of an OOC vibe to it.

As a hiding class especially, it's very easy to get the drop on someone. Many, many times I could have just started tripping some guy that I'd killed 45 minutes prior. Unless they were fighting (and beating) a good align, I generally didn't even strike. Others in Fort had (have) the same attitude.

No worries though, my next char will not be Fort. I'm not sure it'll be evil, but maybe! I don't have anything in my head to roll right now. My only real "constant" is that I don't like to play the same cabal with two chars in a row.
121135, So yeah
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After Althamael, I thought for a while about what to play, and decided it had been quite a long time since I'd been in Fort.

The original intent behind the character was to see if I could take Devious Versatility 3X. I probably could have if I had milked every PK level and every other potential source, as well as following an Imm to get a tattoo and lots of immxp and all that.

But meh.

I also planned to stay in the "thug-thief sweet spot" (25-30ish) for a good long time.

But right about then, Fort suddenly had like 10 people in that same pk range. I decided to level up after a while to see if I could have a range that was a little more open. It worked for a while. I considered staying at 42, but in the end decided it was time to push to hero and see if I could get DV3X.

Re: Equipment. I can't speak for other chars who were around at the time, but I didn't really get handouts from higher level Fort chars. Nor was the Chest in the Fortress really stocked. Most of my eq came from PK or from killing (or requesting from) the mob that had it. I tried (and occasionally failed) not to become overly attached to gear, to the point of giving away the strange bracers (twice) because I knew if I had them, I wouldn't just run up and backstab someone that might entwine/destroy me, as I would fear losing them too much.

Re: Getting guild leadership. I killed the damn sea serpent more times than I can count to build up the 500 gold required for Elite status. You can assume that stacked hero Forties give out gold like it's nothing, but that wasn't the case for me. I asked! Just hardly anybody had enough spare to give me much of anything. I wasn't going to take 50 gold from someone who only had 150 in the bank.

Re: Chasing around neutrals later in life. This was a RP choice. Resdrenn, for most of his life, was against killing a neutral for most any reason. He felt (like I do) that a Maran shouldn't be killing neutral guildguards to get at an evildude inside, unless evildude was actively murderizing a good align PC inside.

If the PBF gets purchased, you can read the role entries as to why this viewpoint changed. (This isn't me begging for you to buy the PBF - if it doesn't get purchased and you're dying to know the reasonings, email me and I'll be happy to tell - it's just easier to understand by reading the role entries).

I had planned to turn Resdrenn into a raging alcoholic who was unfit to lead Fortress and eventually was unfit to be a part of Fortress. I was working on it, but first off I found it hard to be as much of a #### to people as I'd need to be. Moreso, though, I just lost steam in logging on to play the character. Sorry anyone disappointed by that.


Baerinika, thanks for the Maranation and leadership.
Shokai, thanks for the talks.
Amatrysti, thanks for saving my ass so many times.
Corwyn, thanks for the RP. You're really the only one who seemed affected by Resdrenn's sudden change in behavior. I think Amatrysti saw it a bit too, but our playtimes didn't match up very much lately (due to me not playing much).
Jycenna, keep Striking True.
Riraneln, see Jycenna. :P
Cionadh, see Riraneln.

Niji, nobody was more surprised than I that I was able to beat you that one time. You sure got tougher as Emperor.
Jarlduz, Nizrili, Hrast, anyone else I fought who had entwine. Bleh. :)
Other evils - if I killed you, I generally tried to leave most everything. If you killed me, nice work. If I RP'd angst and bitterness toward you, well, my next char might be a capable ally of yours. Or maybe a hopelessly incapable one. Who knows? Point is, it was RP.

Plenty of other chars I interacted with, but I need to wrap this up!

121136, seemed pretty petty of you
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
to unghost, follow me to cragstone, and steal (+ sacrifice?) my stuff. yah it sucks losing two hummingbird pendants but that doesn't suck nearly as much as you running around ganking evils left and right, especially poor ass orcs stuck in the 40s. fort was so dominant so often yet always so petty, annoying, and vindictive - sidenote: it's a crappy cabal, shouldn't be 3 cabals in 1.

always glad you play as you set the fun bar really really high but this char was just sour.
121137, It was.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>to unghost, follow me to cragstone, and steal (+ sacrifice?)
>my stuff. yah it sucks losing two hummingbird pendants but
>that doesn't suck nearly as much as you running around ganking
>evils left and right, especially poor ass orcs stuck in the
>40s. fort was so dominant so often yet always so petty,
>annoying, and vindictive - sidenote: it's a crappy cabal,
>shouldn't be 3 cabals in 1.
>always glad you play as you set the fun bar really really high
>but this char was just sour.

It was petty. It was petty and vengeful and not at all what a Maran (let alone Marshall) should be.

It was also part of the role, as Resdrenn was headed down the wrong path.

121138, cool. wish i'd have killed you again
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and sped up the descent you lucky turd.

always a weird line though of who is watching, much less caring, in regards to immortals. too often that kind of stuff comes out from the player and is either overlooked or not observed at all.

btw, i had the adrenaline shakes for 20 minutes after killing you, couldn't believe bash landed.
121140, Me either.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was so sure I'd just walk back in, get sanc/healing from Amatrysti, then take you out or make you flee.

And yeah, as to whether the Imms are watching and stuff, I was putting it in my role entries to make sure that even if it wasn't being noticed, it eventually would be.

I had planned to become subtly more and more of a piss-poor excuse for Marshall/Maran (since an immediate face-heel turn seems kinda meh to me), but I just didn't have the stamina to see it through.

A few of the things I did IC to convey the descent:

1. Killing neutral guildguards when I'd been fairly vocal about it being a Bad Thing in the past.
2. Saying things like "I'm going to kill them. Kill them all!" and "I will make them PAY!" in respect to various eeevilguys.
3. Commenting over CB that a neutralguy helping an eeevilguy (that a lower-level fortguy was hunting, out of range for me) deserved a stabbin'. I think I said "Sounds like it's right about stab o'clock then."
4. Drinking enough to have drunkspeech as often as I could, especially when speaking over cb.
5. Conducting improper cabal interviews. (One applicant actually said "Are you drunk?")
6. Lashing out at other Fortress members who were trying to speak calmly to me.

What I didn't do but considered for comedy's sake:

1. Tell someone "If you're not with me....then you're my ENEMY!"

121141, So glad to read this...
Posted by Cionadh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The note to the cabal about visiting your sister and would be gone for several days as the gods kept time and hearing from Corwyn that you 'killed her'/were acting so strangely...then the deletion I was worried this was some thinly veiled RL stuff and the player was trying to express it through CF. Very glad to learn this was RP! Wish you would've stuck it out a bit longer as I didnt get to see much of the descent from our play times not matching. Our last conversation of note, even post sister killing, was still you telling me not to kill neutral guardians to get at evil. Wish we had gotten more common play times as Maran, I've been pushing it RL wise to get on at more east coast friendly times.

121145, Damn you had my number
Posted by Sivane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A few tidbits:

1. Great fights. Almost all you killing me. Got you once and then died to Jycenna next round.

2. Good roleplay and interaction. We did not enough of the non-pk roleplaying.

3. Always have liked a TWIST character and have probably played/interacted with so many, since I have played since 1994. Never can tell a TWIST character though until you delete so well done. One day I will try a TWIST follower.

121154, It probably seemed like I had your number, but...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have no idea how many times you walked by me with windwalk/flight/shield of winds up and by the time I tried something other than trip, you were already gone (and often chameleoned).

The few times I did catch you without some form of flight, RNG really loved me and gave me lots o' cheapshots.

>1. Great fights. Almost all you killing me. Got you once and
>then died to Jycenna next round.

Yeah and I really, REALLY should have quaffed before that. Ah well, it was a nice kill on your part.

>2. Good roleplay and interaction. We did not enough of the
>non-pk roleplaying.

Yeah it's tough, especially between a hardline goodie and an evilguy, but moreso when both of you can make yourself invisible to the other.

>3. Always have liked a TWIST character and have probably
>played/interacted with so many, since I have played since
>1994. Never can tell a TWIST character though until you
>delete so well done. One day I will try a TWIST follower.

Thanks for the compliments.

I found that playing a thief with payment of the coward ended up with me having people's containers a damn lot of the time (which I didn't really want either, as it nuked my dodging to hell).

I think some think it may seem pseudo-OOC for me to hand it to an evil mob and tell you where it is, but damn...this is a game, right? Who is it fun for if you have to run around finding breads and get a new canteen and getting flight potions and return wands and crap?

121150, LULZ. I SHOULD have KNOWN this was you.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God dammit. God DAMMIT.

My record against Twist is still horribly squeued towards you. DAMMIT!
121155, Uhhh....
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>God dammit. God DAMMIT.
>My record against Twist is still horribly squeued towards you.

121158, RE: So yeah
Posted by Corwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was actually looking forward to trying to help Resdrenn(and likely fail) as Corwyn. I have to admit, I was a little worried that I was a bit too pushy with the RP at times but Corwyn is nothing if not persistent(even to the point of being retarded).

On some level you also give the character some purpose and I harassed a few people about it. I also had a couple chuckles when you just started talking whilst drunk and Corwyn was like are you ####ing kidding me? But he was obviously way more polite about it.

An overly emotional, empathetic and slightly insane guy is going to be heavily affected in this kind of situation. He went back and forth between pissed and worried. It was fun times all around. Thanks for the ranking, RP and free stuff, even if I wish there was more.
121171, RE: So yeah
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I was actually looking forward to trying to help Resdrenn(and
>likely fail) as Corwyn. I have to admit, I was a little
>worried that I was a bit too pushy with the RP at times but
>Corwyn is nothing if not persistent(even to the point of being

Nah, you were fine. I was hoping it was clear that I was RP-ing the disinterest/angst/anger/etc. and not really annoyed. It's a fine line to walk sometimes.

Your RP in that department was very good, IMO.

121162, RE: So yeah
Posted by Keara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Two straight characters of yours I've barely interacted with, both of which impressed me, short though said interactions might have been. Always fun when I hear more about a character, IC, than I ever experience myself, especially when it turns out to be true (not that you are Twist, that your chars are good).

Good luck with whatever the next ends up being, whenever it happens.
121179, RE: So yeah
Posted by Amatrysti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hoping to fight alongside another of your chars as a Fort healer. We had some cool moments. We grabbed a few kills without ganking, just solid teamwork. Was with your "decline" behind the scenes, since we were not seeing much of each other and was glad to hear of Corwyn doing well in that arc while it lasted.

My U-verse connection is crippling me of late so I am not what I should be which is too bad. When we went into a couple of situations (last palace raid and going against Elasia in town, for example) I was seeing all action 10 seconds after the fact. Didn't mean to leave you hanging. Very frustrating especially when I knew the game was on once you were around. Hard to log on these days due to such.
121188, That sucks
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nothing (in CF) more frustrating than trying to play with a poor connection. Hope it gets better for you soon.

We made a very good team. But then, you make a good team with a lot of people, so that's not saying much about me. :P

You're doing very well with the character - your RP continued to be top-notch, just like it had been when I was playing Althamael.

Keep up the good work!

>I was hoping to fight alongside another of your chars as a
>Fort healer. We had some cool moments. We grabbed a few kills
>without ganking, just solid teamwork. Was with your "decline"
>behind the scenes, since we were not seeing much of each other
>and was glad to hear of Corwyn doing well in that arc while it
>My U-verse connection is crippling me of late so I am not what
>I should be which is too bad. When we went into a couple of
>situations (last palace raid and going against Elasia in town,
>for example) I was seeing all action 10 seconds after the
>fact. Didn't mean to leave you hanging. Very frustrating
>especially when I knew the game was on once you were around.
>Hard to log on these days due to such.
121184, About leadership
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you think you'd earned leadership given you were in what you yourself described as the sweet spot, level wise?

I like what you bring to the game but I still don't like seeing someone get leader in such a way. I am very glad there seems to hand been a step back from this approach going forwards.
121185, RE: About leadership
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Do you think you'd earned leadership given you were in what
>you yourself described as the sweet spot, level wise?
>I like what you bring to the game but I still don't like
>seeing someone get leader in such a way. I am very glad there
>seems to hand been a step back from this approach going

I was a hero for a good long time before becoming leader. Several other Fort heroes (and others) had been asking me if I thought I would be made leader soon and if I would accept it if it were offered.

Are you confusing me with Calinashaar, who was leader at like level 27?
121190, Probably
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suspect I am thinking of calinshaar then, since I am definitely thinking of a thief leaderised at lowish levels where thieves are very strong. Must have got confused, sorry. For some reason I thought it was this thief but glad to hear that you were mixing it up with the heroes pre-leaderfication
121191, Was Calinashaar.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
there were 3 mid 20 fort thieves all at once, all very well geared and of similar build
121192, And now they have all deleted. NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
121193, you shoulda stuck it out, darth. nt
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
121198, Was unintentional, but wondered how long until someone said that :) NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
121133, I liked this character a lot. NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And am 99% it was a Dio's VIP :)
121132, Note to Baerinikia: Stop making Thieves Marshall...they keep deleting :) NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM