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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=120223
120223, (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Apr 15 08:13:44 2014

At 11 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Ogrot perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
120383, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by Akresius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was a fan of this character much moreso than your AP attempts. The aggressive, offensive playstyle is perfect for orcs, whereas it usually leads to anti-paladin heartbreak.

Good luck with your next!
120373, You were an awesome breath of fresh air.
Posted by Hexugar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Finally someone didn't just cookie cutter to the path that makes them feel they are all that and a bag of chips. You took orcdom in a different and unexpected direction and succeeded at it. Great job. You have my respect.
120377, Thanks
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was tempting to simply pile up the headless battlerager corpses in GSV, and the idea of killing you in particular was appealing since I saw you as pretty much the top dog at the time - previous characters have found you very difficult to hurt or affect at all and if your build had any bad matchups surely an orc was amongst them. But I tried to do things for IC reasons, and the orcs vs battleragers thing has always seemed to be an OOC piece of CF culture. There were a few times I _almost_ declared war on the battlerager village but it never quite came to it.
120326, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by Keara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our interactions. You were willing to press the attack in situations most players wouldn't (myself included), and I thought your RP was pretty solid too. I know my banter wasn't always the wittiest, but some of our back-and-forths weren't too bad.

Good luck when you come back, with whatever you play.
120366, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your hours obviously didn't favour me very well in terms of who was logged on, so any time I saw you alone a fight was on. I'm glad you didn't take offense OOC from Ogrot's jibes - Baelen got it worst but you were by no means exempt.
120387, Orc RP is a lot of fun, from both sides, if done well
Posted by Keara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've played an orc, and seen a few of them played very, very well. I basically get why one acts the way they do. I never got offended by you, at least not in an ooc manner. You got Keara bunched up once or twice, though.

And yeah, logins didn't favor you much at all, but I did try to at least give you a decent fight once or twice if I was alone, even if I usually expected to lose in the end (farggin elf blood). And the times when it was us vs. you, I did my best to not be an uppity douche when we'd kill you, especially after you'd talk a little (in role, of course) smack.

Now to be an uppity douche: thanks for letting me lore all your gear when we killed you! Ha ha? But seriously, you did have some odd pieces once in a while, though I can't recall ever taking more than maybe one piece once or twice. I never felt that comfortable looting you anyway, because you were always so willing to bring a fight to difficult odds. I'd rather have that than have you off hunting for replacement pieces that won't give you a shot, especially against odds let alone by yourself.

Anyway, good luck when you play again.
120294, Another enjoyable character
Posted by Qintaris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I shouldn't be surprised since you play such good ones and this is no exception. Fighting you was so tough since you had the same ability to quickly heal as I did. Faster most likely and a bad paralyze could mean a sup falling and a bad ride for me. Nice use of headbutt and well done.
120298, Thankyou
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think I ever landed a kill on you? You always had a talent for wording at the very last moment. That one fight when you got me in the lands, I thought I had made it after the eye for an eye and then came the unerring smite.

I have it on good authority that the guy who fulled me after the teleport got his just desserts though.
120277, Wow..
Posted by Guargoux on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You weren't kidding about pumping in the hours. I know I saw you fairly often but you really surprised me there. Good job on a fiercely played orc.
120297, Thanks
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That shark was nasty, nasty enough that I never seriously tried attempting a kill on water.
120267, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by Zeke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had good times with you when the balance permitted it. Also, thank you for assisting me with that equipment when I was young.

Ganking me with that conjurer got him on my rake-list. He deleted before I got the opportunity with my big-boy forms though.

I think I only really was at odds with you once in outlander-ville because chaos was ruling.

Anyways, nicely played and I hope you come back

120272, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did kind of think you would come for me as well, but you seemed to get over it which I think worked out for both of us.

I think a lot of nexuns were hoping I'd be another ragerkiller, and I almost was, but things played out differently.

I honestly thought you were around to help the tribs during my last login, good for me that you interceded on my side instead.
120264, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by Marlannan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh man you were fun. We made a pretty nice two-man exploration team, and I was pretty impressed when we curb-stomped pretty much everything in Aran'Gird (with a healer).

See you again sometime. You'll be back, I'm sure.
120265, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I greatly enjoyed that trip, though was kind of saddened when I found out I couldn't use the axe we found. Exploring kind of dropped off after you deleted, the only places I still had left to go were beyond what Eralsodiz and I could have handled without a defense shifter.

I was Kailin too by the way, I greatly enjoyed the RP you kept up with after he was gone.
120258, You will be sorely missed!
Posted by Ashmon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, you know how to burn your candle in both ends. I had hoped to enjoy
Ogrot for a long time yet.

Ogrot was my favorite character so far with Ashmon. You were very tough, very active and above else lots of fun. I think you improved the RP and PK of your environment. I also appreciated that you were so sportsmanlike.
Very well done.

I enjoyed the silly banter, even though I was hard pressed to find replies which was remotely IC. Ashmon is very relieved that the orcish menace has diminished, though it pains him that he didn't personally get his revenge.

Thanks for playing!

120263, RE: You will be sorely missed!
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed Ashmon too, possibly one of the last surviving characters that I knew in the midranks. One of the perks of being an orc is a license to be silly ;) while you were stuck playing the straight man.

My advice for you from beyond the grave is look at what material your shields are made of - hide gets cleaved first time by everyone with the skill. Find sturdier shields so the orcs have to grapple them off you.
120254, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by Risdrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fun to fight (and die) against, but even more fun to watch and listen to. Very cool character. You definitely brought some flavor to CF when you were logged in.

120262, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, makes me wonder who you were!
120248, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by Aeardir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dang, I really did want to fight you some in time, but I didn't/don't want to rush up to hero without enough of a track record coming up to look like a good maran candidate. I backed off a little on what was angering you so much, because you did seem to back off forcing me to beat my head against Tremblefists' ass every morning, but I'll keep much more on that to myself for now.

You were a beast, and even though I wanted to see how I could manage again you, my con is probably grateful you are gone. Nice job.
120249, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I had to do something..

I will admit it was satisfying helping the 'status quo' be one where fortress was having trouble holding onto their item, after having spent so long playing Imperials who spent half the time topping up donations so they could spend the other half engaging in fruitless retrieval attempts against Fortress with insufficient gold and preps. But my focus changed away from fort after hero fort logins became increasingly uncommon during my playtimes.

It is a shame we never fought directly, elf paladin was like #1 on the list of 'people Ogrot most wants to eat'. And if you had killed me, there would have been a very paladinly quality to it that from my perspective has been lacking in CF for some time. Heck, they might even have given you maran for it ;)
120246, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character was badass, all the way around. Very good job.

120251, Thankyou!
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did get the sense I was being watched at times and a few short immteractions here and there. Could have been you? I don't know! In any case, it was nice to see little things like Tremblefist grunting now and then.
120237, Nooooooo!!!
Posted by Huknuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What Huk do now?

Seriously though. I only rolled this character because you were trucking around and I had some matching playimes, I wanted you to have another orc to bash around with.

You are the shining example of making people want to play orcs because you made them look awesome and fun.

Thanks for hooking me up after that 2 and a half hour blood gather and brawl. Aren't you glad you helped your little orcie now?

Seriously though, thanks for the armor, time, and orc help and chats. I commend you good sir!
120239, Yeah you were just a little too late in rolling
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With what I managed to pull off on my own, I think 2 level 50 orcs might have caused mass logouts... I thought I had couple days left in me, but like I told you in game, not really long enough for you to hero up and gank people with me.

Orcs are awesome and fun! I hope you enjoy yours, and my final gifts to you. There are a few more orcs here and there.. band together and cause some terror!
120234, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of th...
Posted by Grilbo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your orc attitude, especially the eating dwarf flesh part. We first met when you were 37 and wanted to eat me. The arena fight went as expected being 37 vs 51, but still a fun time. As for logging out the other day, I had a newborn starting to make noise and if the wife woke up because I was on CF and not baby duty I was a dead man. I could have just walked out and died, but that did not seem right either. Really glad I got those few rounds of fighting in Silverwood in before you were gone.
120236, An enjoyable fight that was
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unfortunately it also ran me out of blood just when more enemies were starting to log on, and I possibly ate a death for it. Still, dwarves were second only to elves on my to-eat list, so no regrets, and props for coming out to fight.
120233, So this will be my last character for a while
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Age death = victory. I was playing upwards of 8 hours a day, time I plan to invest into my real life until I can come back and keep myself to evenings and weekends.

I won't do individual gooodbyes because I interacted with a lot of people but post and I'll reply.

I loved playing an orc. It was great running solo but the rare times I had an all-orc group was pure joy and I'd recommend it to anyone. Orcs have lots of advantages - you're already in a cabal from level 1, there's not a great deal of gold farming required, and you can pass off nearly anything as RP. Yes you have a lot of enemies and you're a bit of a glass cannon, but A-P's have it even worse and having played so many I found those aspects very easy to deal with. Being able to hide is also a great utility.

Highlights included undermining early-morning fort hegemony, learning to cook, going through area explores and taking down a lot of enemy leaders solo. I complained a bit much about gear (Out of range imperial blade guy, you can free up that inventory slot now) but most people didn't grief me over it.

I still love the game and I'd play an orc again, trying a different adaptation, but for now I'm going to try and keep away. Good luck to everyone and one day I'll be back.
120238, I had a lot of fun
Posted by Jashua on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
rumbling with you the past two days. Great character, definitely a doer.
120240, RE: I had a lot of fun
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it was only the last day that we fought. Ogrot was very territorial about his caves. One tip, use cavernfall in combat to prevent fleeing, not at the beginning of a chase where your opponent has time to work around it. It can trigger last stand, but only once per round so it's not like entwine.
120253, You were rough
Posted by Worogha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've never had too many problems with orcs, but this time around you and Oloice are a real pain! I think it took the PB a while but I see more folks utilizing more of the orc skill set than ever before, whether its finding awesome mobs to enslave (who fire spec skills out like candy), or taking edges that make simple attacks better its interesting to fight.

I grew increasingly frustrated with you because my understanding of the mechanics of spinebreak are way off and there was next to nothing I could to do stop you from doing it and doing it over and over again.

Good char, It will make my life a bit easier knowing I won't have to wade through GSV with you around.
120260, RE: You were rough
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First time I thought I think you were in mostly foresight gear but once you'd regeared your gave me a lot more trouble than most shamans (Jalrandar also gave me a lot of trouble but for different reasons).

Spinebreak no doubt helped me land one of the kills on you, but spinebreak/trample isn't a feasible lag method for an extended fight - it fails a lot and you were probably paying a lot more attention to the times it worked than the many it only succeeded in lagging me. It has a ton of uses but is generally not going to land kills on its own (there are circumstances under which I could make spinebreak deadly for some, but it's very unreliable even with the edge, which is very expensive and spinebreak/trample is no substitute for conventional lagging moves). It was often my default reaction to use it in a fight where nothing else was working and I needed time to think how to proceed, which is what fights with you toward the end were. Unfortunately I'd often not come up with anything and just use it again.

As for slaves - I found some very useful ones that I've never seen other orcs using, that I ended up not using myself that much.. The biggest consideration is really how far you have to walk to find one who will do something useful.

Anyway I appreciated the opposition you provided, I thought you were well played and RP'd and the captain spot is well deserved.
120266, How did you an Oloice not share a login? Once.
Posted by Krilcov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
120273, RE: How did you an Oloice not share a login? Once.
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw him very rarely growing up, the last time was the day I turned level 50. I was ranking with a Rager on Kiadanah, he attacked and I helped him gang the poor guy down, and he helped me get the last 20% I needed for level 50, so I didn't challenge rightaway and never saw him again.

I think I only ever saw him before that when he was playing odd times (for him), possible he decided not to login during those times again, possible that he just never had free CF time in those times.

Either way, I spent my whole time at level 50 without a glimpse of him.
120342, I know you two were logged in the same time. Once.
Posted by Voralian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was different hours for sure. He's been around for ever and must be worried about age death any time in the next couple years.
120320, RE: So this will be my last character for a while
Posted by Thrakburzug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice job with this orc. I watched you quite a bit and threw in Tremblefist occasionally. I would have tattooed you, but I knew you wanted to follow a different god. I'm glad you enjoyed the character.

Enjoy the break and come back when you feel you have the time (and play some more orcs)

120322, RE: So this will be my last character for a while
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thankyou. Ogrot had no real conviction in his religious beliefs but was greatly honoured to have received a headbutt from the god of his people.

One thing Tremblefist said still has me wondering and I will need to roll another orc eventually to investigate further.
120232, The last day I've seen you was your crowning day of awesome.
Posted by Einrai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked all the other fights too.
120235, Thankyou!
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shig-ru is not a great matchup for a bard but you put up a great showing and died much less than I imagine most bards in such situations would have.

Ogrot died still wanted, so that was good.
120227, RE: (AGE DEATH) [None] Ogrot Bloodaxe the Warlord of the Grinning Skulls, Scourge of the Civilized
Posted by Ishuntal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't expect this. It was a pleasure wreaking havoc with you. I guess that battle for chief will never happen now. It appeared to me like you formed a lot of alliances with the village. Of course for my character that wasnt the most desirable but as a player it is cool to see someone take a different route. Although it sounds like you still had your fair share of villager kills just through defending the head at GSV. For Ishuntal its much better giving the head to the orcs then going to get it back.
120231, Battleragers and Chieftain
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was expecting to have a little more time myself, but reaching age death became a goal at some point.

Part of abstaining from killing villagers was a desire to do something different with an orc, since it never really made much sense IC. I could have racked up far, far more kills taking the head as I logged on, typically before hero battle showed up and defending it, but I tried to making killing elves and dwarves my guiding principles and let things develop on their own with the other cabals and as it turned out, once my mage allies deleted and most villagers got friendlier to me it made more sense to join them against Nexus and Empire. On another note, Village vs Empire doesn't make a whole lot of IC sense but I was only playing my own character.

AS for the chieftain fight that never happened, the last time I saw Oloice was the day I truned level 50, and I decided not to challenge rightaway since I'd just powered up from level 40 and wanted to get used to my character at hero. He never logged on during my playtimes again, which IC was because he was afraid of me and I was the real chief, but I realise is probably more that our playtimes just don't match, since I had a lot of people telling me they'd seen him around.

It would have been nice to try out chieftain powers and maybe get a couple more edges but I think I did very well for myself at level 50 - no all-time records but very tough I thought, and a force to be reckoned with.
120343, The truth will come out, when its not against the rules for sure.
Posted by Voralian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM