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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Gilut Fargyth the Sole Bearer of the Sanguine Chalice, Drillmaster of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=118473
118473, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Gilut Fargyth the Sole Bearer of the Sanguine Chalice, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Dec 19 20:45:59 2013

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 27th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Gilut perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
118671, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Gilut Fargyth the Sole Bearer of the Sanguine Chalice, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Akresius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think our interactions and my imm comments pretty much sum everything up. I had great fun interacting with you as both a mortal and immortal. Thank you for helping to make the game a fun place to be.
118694, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Gilut Fargyth the Sole Bearer of the Sanguine Chalice, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ditto for me on all our interactions.

Thanks for doing the stuff imms do. I would never want to be an imm.

118524, adios muchacho
Posted by The Ruk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had spunk. And Ruk told you he was meaner than you :P

As I career old school village vet myself (Quas) I really really liked the way you handled the leadership aspect. One of the better ones I have seen in achieving the results of keeping everyone in line without being all in peoples faces or overly disciplinarian. you ran a great ship.

Good luck with your next.
118505, Turmi that poem "Ode to Gilut" was amazing.
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was not worthy of all that, but thanks a bunch.
118495, I cannot praise you enough...
Posted by I cannot praise you enough on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What a great character. I was happy that you took on the quest and I knew you were going to be a very good villager, but I didn't know it was going to be this. Completely fantastic job from both a battle and as an enemy standpoint. It was actually down to you and Ruosti in my choice for drillmaster as well. And with two choices like that then Battle couldn't lose. You brought fun and enjoyment to me with every interaction and I thank you for that. Well done.

118496, RE: I cannot praise you enough...
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I kept the quest up for a long time.

I knew crraya was something special so the first time my con got low I pass it on to her. Did that before the rites and she was made commander.

Kind of dropped it a little after that.

You made the early villager days fun.
118475, Lots of fun.
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off I will say this character was the most fun I ever

Dwarves have a very high resistance to magic and that is one
huge reason to try a dwarf.

Mace was awesome a spec.  If I had it to do over I would have
taken polearm instead of spear.

My legacies were crashing, whispers, and later harmonious.  I
love whispers and harmonious.  I was disappointed with

I love battleragers.  This was my first berserker, first
leader, 3rd tattoo, and first time with an immortal reward.  A
lot of people think battlerager berserkers are overpowered at
times because of deathblow, but I believe most people look at
it wrong. Berserkers are death.  Their foes death and their
own death.  It takes a different player to learn to die so
much as battleragers do.

Akresius – Thanks for everything.  It was so awesome to
follow you.  I got to the point midway through the character
where I had to decide which way to go with you and I tried to
take the road less traveled.  Anyway you helped make this
character so much fun.  Thanks for the interactions, the
tattoo (very unexpected), the quest and everything else.  None
of the immortals get enough credit for all the time you all
put in.

Lyristeon – We only interacted once but that was one of
the coolest things to happen to me in 19 years of cf.

Rayihn – Thanks for our interaction.  I did not think I
deserved it, but it was appreciated.  Very nice of you.  I
would love to have seen the roleplay between you and Crraya.

Thror – Thanks for our interactions.  Good to see you
around a bit again.

Ysaloerye – Thanks for running the rites.  That was a
lot of fun.  I wonder if I had answered differently if I would
have been commander?  Either way happy with the way it turned

Arratok – I will include you in the immortals where you
belong.  Very powerful and showed me the way initially. 
Enjoyed our times together when you were the commander during
my induction.

Mortals (I will keep this brief to characters I had lots of
interaction with. For others send me a post and I will respond

Crraya – I love your character.  Wow that was a fun 200
hours to end my characters life with you.  Hope you stick it
out till you age death or con die.  I think you are doing well
and really enjoyed our interactions every time.

Brizlin – Thanks for the induct way back when.  I keep
my promise that I would stick it out till the end.  I thought
you were one of the best roleplayers around.  Well done.

Ruosti – Enjoyed our time.  One of the better pk bards
I have seen.  Also a great roleplayer.

Klibendon – You have become a beast.  Best fighter in
the village currently.

Mikhain/Bujoch – Yes I am grouping you together as you
were played by the same person.  Damn you play a good warrior.
 The best at playing warriors actually.  If you could roleplay
the character better and not get so damn angry with everything
you would be the best.  Still had fun with it all.  I knew
your character was done the day I got drillmaster.  

Ogsert – Special mention to you since in my
character’s 526 hours of life we met once and you had a
hut and were hero before I was born.

Cel – Special mention as my favorite foe of all time.

Nyst – Loved our fights early and not so much later. 
That first fight where you attacked me and I happened to kill
you was my favorite kill.

Scions – Sehdara, Zhenyen, Halifan , etc.  –
Enjoyed most of you all the time.

Nexus – Twizoua, Turmi, Hotgthar, Cel, Ujekson, etc. 
– All well done.  There was a huge gap between the two
powerful nexus times.

Empire – Gedunthos, Ankrhan, Merf etc. – Killed
a lot of you except Anrhan that got me a bunch and Merf who
got me a few times.  Gedunthos so much respect for your
constant roleplay over 800 hours.

Outlanders – Not that much interaction accept Nyst. 

Tribunal – Nopilopil, Keriel, etc. – Damn that
Bulette and damn that pachaderym.  Well done all of you.

Fortress – Not much interaction, but damn I thought
that was funny killing Dwybern at his wedding.

Herald – A good bit of interaction and loved all of
you.  Damn you for booting a criminal permanently.

Orcss – Damn you all. All that con gone.  Well done.

Sorry if I missed anyone that I interacted a bunch with but I
wrote nothing down and logged nothing.

Thanks to everyone for a fun game.  Special thanks to Bad Ivan
for the role idea.  

Wish me luck with my next.

Gilut (aka Polmier, Deevak, Ezrail, Marctius, Bevrolmx, Grumpy
and so many more.)

118476, Not overpowered :P
Posted by Einrai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IC, Einrai disrespected you because, from his viewpoint, you
threw the lives of your warriors (and your own life) to the
wind for nothing more that stupid pride. Though you did pull
off an impressive solo raid the first time we met.

As a player, I do wish our war would last longer. Dead
villagers = warm fuzzy feeling.

Good luck with your next.
118477, RE: Not overpowered :P
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did like our fights.  The war would have lasted longer if we
had any chance to kill the provost.

Our interactions were good.

118479, Awesome Drillmaster
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some do the drillmaster thing by pulling errors into the
circle, some do it by example and motivation.  Watching the
other ragers bring the war to your enemies like you did showed
me you did it the right way.  I would watch you log on with
that wanted flag and act like the tribunals were daring you to
fight.  And you never hesitated once.  Great job and glad I
was able to make the effort you put in feel worthwhile.  GLWYN
118487, RE: Awesome Drillmaster
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

At the time, I knew Akresius was watching me and probably the
battle gods, but to know someone outside my window was
watching was cool.

I love chaotic characters.
118492, Tough llittle bastard
Posted by Nyst on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had lots of fun with you, I posted that fight @ Maethien which
a long time in RL terms and felt like I had to spit blood to
finally get you.

I also liked you a lot, you & Arratok both, you 
were coming across to me in a similar way, both had an aura 
of badassery and coolness!

For that reason,  I never camped the village looking for cheap
and every time we fought it was me/you running into each other
sort of 

Great job.

118493, RE: Tough llittle bastard
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you did not hunt me and our fights were just us

The fight in Maethin was epic in everyway.  

I was pissed that I lost in the end. 
118481, A good ride...
Posted by Crraya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's funny.... you and I didn't interact much when I made you
drillmaster.  You had already been in Battle for quite a long
time.  I was a relatively young up-start (and not much of a
chatterbox) and had only built relationships with very few
villagers (being an evil assassin and all, I try *not* to be
very lovey-dovey with most of Thera).

We get to the Rites, and by some strange miracle, I defeat
Bujoch, you, and everyone else I fought.  Then we get to the
"teams" and my team won all those as well.

So, I make it to the Wits, and so do you... and then you
basically lay "leadership" in my lap.  I was
stunned.  Didn't figure I had a chance to lead.  And now I'm

Great - who to pick for Drillmaster... basically it came down
to you (because you've been around a long time, had a strong
reputation, made it to Wits and you "gave" me
leadership), and Bujoch (because he was the most tactically
sound fighter in battle *AND* one of the few I did talk to). 
Bujoch, though, came with a ton of baggage, and I really
didn't want to deal with all the complaints I knew I'd get
bout him (and I got dozens...)

So, you're the man... and are my choice for Drillmaster.

And boy did I make the right decision.  A great steadying
presence, always online, and everything I could have wanted. 
You were my sounding board.  You did dozens of interviews and
inductions.  You put the village ideals above your own. 
(Everything I wouldn't have gotten with Bujoch).

The last couple months were a fun whirlwind.  War with
Tribunal.  Constant wars with Nexus, Scion, and Empire.  We
saw so many highs and lows with those cabals, but I think the
village remained stable - and I attribute it mainly to you.

Anyways... I'm glad I could keep you alive a bit longer (and
I'm thrilled that Rayihn pushed it through).  I hope you
enjoyed the extra time.  I know that it was 100% worth it for

118488, RE: A good ride...
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All times with you were fun.  We had good chemistry I thought.
118482, Where to start?
Posted by Klibendon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The best thing about when we were together, which didn't
happen enough, was that we synergized very well.  You could
already throw out some crazy dwarf damage but when I was
around to land bruising and other things, it just became
stupid.  I really enjoyed the conversations that we'd have. 
The updates to where I stood, and just how far you were beyond
me, I used them to keep myself motivated.  I also got a kick
out of what you told me before you died.  You know what I'm
talking about.  One of the best Drillmasters I've served with
in many years, great job overall.  Good luck with your next
jaunt into the fields.
118489, RE: Where to start?
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and I could kick some ass when together.  

You and I are two of the reason the village must have parity
in fights.

Can you imagine you and I going around ganking solo people?

Good times.
118483, RE: Lots of fun.
Posted by Ogun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just going to reiterate that I had alot of fun and good times
with you.  Always were up to raid and a constant prescence,
you will be a big loss for the village.
118486, RE: Lots of fun.
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved your interview with me more than most of them.

I like your thar-eris aspect on the village.

Really enjoyed your constant presence.

We had lots of fun together.  
118484, I didn't interact much with you...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...mortal or immortal. I watched you a little from immland.
What I did notice is that with you as Drillmaster (and, to be
fair, Crraya as Commander probably helps too), I noticed a lot
less parity-breaks than had been happening recently. Obviously
I don't see everything, so I'm sure some bad stuff happened
(always does), but I also noticed a pretty drastic decline in
the complaints about berserkers breaking parity on the boards
as well.

So kudos on that. A well played character from the little I
118485, Thanks for noticing
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Crraya and I did try quite hard at parity.

At times it was quite hard with all the groups coming at you
all the time.

I even errored on the other side and probably did parity to

118490, RE: Lots of fun.
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wanted to give you a thumbs up on a nice job as a
Villager and DM. You made a great choice for DM by Crraya.
Glad I got to know you as Ruosti. I also interacted with you
as another short lived Villager during your time as DM and
that was excellent as well.
118494, RE: Lots of fun.
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The one thing that surprised me was when you con died.  I
thought we would be around for a long time.

Still enjoyed traveling with bards. You and Cabrefen.

Good luck with whatever you are playing now.
118504, Oh, I didn't con die
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I deleted, somewhat regretfully :(
118497, You killed my Dwybie!
Posted by Deaer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was upset with you when you killed Dwybaen at out wedding.
But I got over it. Great character. I am glad you had fun.
118498, RE: You killed my Dwybie!
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have been a constant presence for the fort.

IC you should have been mad.
IC for me, I had to.

What would Gilut care about that wedding?

I think that was the final straw that got me inn ban.
118499, Scraggyed Bearded Nonce
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gilut was a gem, you did a great job as Drillmaster, I would
have been totally surprised if C had chosen anyone else. As
for the Rites, it is always possible that someone edges
forward based on the Test of Wits. Prowess in the combat
stages are not a guarantee to be commander, it's an over all
thing also influenced by what we may have seen from characters
in general day to day cabal. I think you would also have been
a solid Commander if the chips had fallen your way. 

Look forward to seeing you back in the village when you are
ready for another.
118502, Looks like it was you first...
Posted by Nopilopil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You almost got me a couple of times. I almost felt bad for you
when I evaded that cranial out of form, that's brutal. Our
characters were at odds but I had a definite respect for you.
You'll have to excuse me if we didn't have many face to face
conversations, I'm one of the avoid the crime kind of
Magistrates all in all, and didn't want to tempt you any more
than I already did. 

And yes, the fact that you all seemed to have a hard time
getting me was supposed to end the war quickly. I'm glad it
seems to have worked. Good job on a great villager. Glad you
had a good time.
118514, Fastest dwarf in the land
Posted by Halifan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed fighting you, and your stubborn dwarf banter.
 I knew whenever you were on that I could expect a fight, and
you surprised me a few times by pushing it into the Chasm and
beating me around like a rag doll. 

You may be the fastest / trickiest runner I've come across in
the Village so far, something I'm sure only a veteran Villager
would learn how to do.

I'll echo Twist's comment on parity as I did notice there were
some times where you could have easily jumped in (or vice
versa other Villagers as I fought you) in what would likely be
my death, but it never happened.  That said, I try not to give
you guys an opportunity to test that theory if I can help it!

Great character and congrats on all of your firsts, accolades
and successes.
118515, RE: Fastest dwarf in the land
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were times around the village and around the enemy cabal
I probably could have done better on parity but I did try
quite hard.

I do know the game fairly well and I am very good at running.

Hope you get advisor as I like what you are doing.
118525, RE: Lots of fun.
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked this character a lot.  Tons of fun to watch.

118546, RE: Lots of fun.
Posted by polmier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wish I would have gotten to interact with you more.

Perhaps I will role up a whisydan follower soon.
118663, Great Drillmaster
Posted by Ragyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a die-hard supporter of you, and you were a fantastic
berserker and drillmaster.  
118474, DAMNED. I LOGGED BACK IN... and you're DEAD.
Posted by Crraya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll write more later.
118491, RE: DAMNED. I LOGGED BACK IN... and you're DEAD.
Posted by Bejhac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea...that was a bummer...you guys (literally) missed saying goodbye to one another by a matter of seconds...20 or 30.