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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Gharzal al'zigurdson the Divine Asylum's Reaper, Emperor of Thera
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118082, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Gharzal al'zigurdson the Divine Asylum's Reaper, Emperor of Thera
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Nov 24 19:24:34 2013

At 4 o'clock PM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Grand Struggle
on the Theran calendar Gharzal perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
118093, i dont want to start a flame war, this is just my 2 cents
Posted by copenhagen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do not blaime anyone for my deletion, nor do i think that destuvius is
bad for this game. I just personaly dont like to have someone watching 24/7, and giving 0 exp or anything when i think i deserve something.

And when i had desided to delete i went for a really hard pk, going after the toughest villager under the D, and when i got lucky and managed to kill him with like 70 hp left, i only get mocked for my guts.
that what the nail on the coffin and i deleted shortly after.

I rolled gharzal with two goals.

1 become something

2 become emperor.

Its just like when most guys are trying to pick up this girl for months, and you're really interested in this girl, and trying everything you can do make this girl, like you, finnaly after several months you score this girl, and all interest suddenly disapear. Its the hunt that is exsiting for me, and when i get what i want i lose interest and move on.

People can bitch and flame all they want, but i can at least say i deleted a powerfull emperor mummy, only because i can and because cf is no longer a priority for me. I even say that if i ever role another char i will buy 100 pbfs.

I was close to just pull the anathema butten and go full sac those few that deserved it, but that would only leave a even worse taste in your mouth about me.

Why cant people accept that have played cf for MY OWN DESIRES, and i dont care about why x, or y play.

118095, a couple of things
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i liked the character/player

yay destuvius, finally a rocking immortal for evil empire!

you can play for your own desires. you can delete when you want. but to keep repeating it over and over makes it seem contrived. i suspect that people see your character as a success, a good success, and it's hard to fathom throwing it all away. but me? i totally understand!
118096, my most succesfull char ever yes.nt
Posted by copenhagen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
118097, continued
Posted by copenhagen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Destuvius, i was excited and enjoyed you when you started, but it quickly became less and less fun for me.

Do i think you overpowerd this ap- Yes
do i think empire need you - YES

do i think you know the player ooc - Yes

I wont write to many goodbyes, but a few comes to mind

Andira- Holy #### i cant belive you're still a leader, well yes i know why; - ) You and Zhenzyen are the most conservative players i have ever seen, avoiding a fight one vs one and hide under your acolyte status, but when you got a buddy or two you suddenly became "maranish" lost the mask from the pyramid already, so people can have fun with it, im almost certain that your hoarde it.

Back to you zhenzyn, i could take the scepter alone and you wouldnt even show, but weakened the vanquisher and then waited 30 min to logout. Come on, there was no way i would kill you, unless i got really lucky.

Also, i enjoyed beein mocked by a certain imm, because Avalusci and a pocket healer gave me trouble.. Of cause a striking maran and a healer gives a mummy problems, there was no way for me to kill them, only to make them flee and then try agian while his STSF keep charing up and i had to give up. With full abs and shield of blackest pitch + resist positive + haste i still got MULTI or EVIS hits on me.

Trenloch, Do you have any idea how anoying it was fighting you until recently, becauuse of this bug? after one fight with you i had to release all zombies and start over. I know you avoided some fights with me because of that, and i respected you alot for that.

Village- Since when was it okay to gang a mage? you sure did try but i only think i died to gang like 1 time, but way to go: - )

Halliluja im an free once agian

118100, Pocket healer
Posted by Amatrysti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just because I am a healer, doesn't mean I like to be called a " pocket healer". I mean, we have feelings too! Just kidding. :)

Anyway, I liked your char and relished the chance when I could join battle against you. Even though we had brief RP interactions I thought you were classy and cool. You killed me twice in my lifetime ( once as a lowbie and that one time you cursed me and that zombie kept me from fleeing, ouch) and you showed respect. You stayed "evil " without truly harming the game experience. Thus, when I was involved in your death I always tried to show the same.
118101, you're not the only healer: - ) i liked you considering you where elf healer. nt
Posted by copenhagen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
118114, You should have known...
Posted by Deaer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When he said "gave me trouble" that he was talking about me.
I am not sure I am pocket sized though...
118103, It's kosher to gang lichs and mummies for the village. n/t
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
118110, I had intended to ignore this...
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but you're being far too stupid for me to let it pass. You probably did think you deserved lots of imm exp. That is false. For as often as you went OOC or had super fair weather play, what you deserved was nothing. And you got more than that, still managing to receive a couple titles and a tattoo. So suck it up that you didn't get a 200 xp pat on the back for something irrelevant.

You are more then welcome to complain about the way that I am deciding to oversee the cabal that I have volunteered to take on. You are also more than welcome to try and become an imm yourself and do something different if you think you can.

Here is the icing on the cake: YOU came to me and asked to be a follower of mine. That is YOU coming and inviting me to be a part of your character. That is YOU inviting me to watch you closer than other characters on the mud. That is YOU accepting the guidelines that my religion entails. That is YOU essentially saying I plan to play in the Dest sandbox and all that comes with it.

118111, You are more then welcome to complain about the way that I am deciding to oversee the cabal that I have volunteered to take on.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man that statement stands out. I do agree with everything else you said though.
118133, If i only had known what i know now.
Posted by copenhagen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
YES i came to you since Enlilth gave me the cold shoulder, and i hat no other choice, since you told me i was yours in game, and that i just diddent knew it yet bla bla bla.

Im a emotionel person, so yes i sometimes i did go ooc, but that is just showing im human and got feeling.

Anyway, you left me a super bad taste in my mouth from the last fight i had with klibendon, that was such poor performance from you that i cannot forget it.

Once adwise to you. GET A JOB, GET A LIFE, stop playing cf 16 hours everyday.

118136, If Captain ESL over here has decided to quit forever, can't you just ban him instead of allowing him to post stuff like this?
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When he inevitably comes back he can just Pro it up and make another username, but for now...
118147, Reading this just makes me sad for you
Posted by Destuvius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That last fight with Klibendon was a poor performance from you. What you received from me was called RP. One advice to you: try to figure out a way to be happy. Clearly, you are not. Have a good life.
118112, Why do you think Destuvius knows him OOC?
Posted by wareagle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Deleting a Mummy Emperor is weird, but I understand if you've "beat" CF, you've decided to move on to something else.

But the Dest knows the player OOC is a curious claim to me.
118119, Conspiracy Theorists
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All rewards that they dislike are coordinated ooc. When they get something, like a Destivius tat and a nice title, that's totally legit. But OTHER people clearly are cheating and it's unfair. There's a subset of the playerbase who truly believes this and thinks like this.
118121, Clearly they're right aren't they?
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's the only possible way a completely awful PKer like me makes commander and gets an out of sphere tattoo on a character.

It's not like I could actually be RPing and playing my character in an IC fashion and interacting with players and Imms in an IC fashion that leads to those things.

Nope, I just shot a few emails to the Imms and said hook me up because CF was too hard for me otherwise, and if not I would take my ball and go home. Of course they hooked me up when I did that because I alone am the the most important player in CF.

Yeah, that's exactly what happened.

It is such a shame so many players get in their own damn way of being able to enjoy CF because they only want the perks and bonuses Imms can bestow (and hate everyone else who has what they do not) without knowing what goes into getting and keeping them, for themselves, or what other people did to earn/keep them. When is the last time an Imm showed up, said here's Executioner's Grace and an extra legacy and the guy who got it posted how unfair it was he was so over-rewarded? People tend to think what they get they earned, what everyone else gets is #### from a hook up.

It's like those players are all the RP/PK police, but none of them have any idea what the law they are enforcing actually is, so they make up whatever rules they want to suit their conclusions and then scream about them when they are not kept to.
118122, RE: Conspiracy Theorists
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Other individuals can state this as fact.

You though, can't. I have personally read your emails to Seth, after all.
118126, RE: Conspiracy Theorists
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's legitimately strange to me that THIS is what you got out of that exchange.

Which makes me wonder if the version you saw was, uh, abridged.
118127, Might be the case (n/t)
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
118150, You make it sound like emails can be edited after the fact.nt
Posted by Vonzamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
118156, Would you like some snake oil? nt
Posted by Ekaerok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
118159, Cute
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shouldn't you have an Imm tag next to your name when you post?

Either way, it's #### to try to portray me as some fraudulent salesman. Considering I didn't even post any of the details about what I was hinting at to Baer, and her reply wasn't exactly smooth. It is a good thing Daevryn's ability to gloss over the point of conversations (he really is quite good at it) is so practiced.

Either way, you implying that I am a charlatan is just another example of why I don't bother putting forth effort to play this game. Maybe it is the current way HR is handled behind the curtain, maybe it is the ####ty attitude towards all but the "favorites" of the player base, or maybe it is a few other things.

Bravo at jumping on the band wagon.
118160, RE: Cute
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feel free to shoot me an e-mail if you'd like to discuss whatever it is that's bothering you in a less public forum - I'm positive it'll get sidetracked fast otherwise.
118124, Sounds about right.
Posted by wareagle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He's a new IMM, he got a chance to give a big reward and so A) He would -want- to pick somebody because that's cool B) He has to pick somebody.

It's like Gharzal would keep this claim if Ergoth had gotten the whip in the fashion of an instrument or I don't know if the fire giant is a Destuvian but if he got something, etc.

It's just a large leap and I know when I've made large leaps, sometimes someone just posing the question gets me wondering if I overreacted.

118125, RE: Sounds about right.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There definitely is an interesting story to tell when this is all over about how this reward came to be handed out. (Not involving who the player is - I have no idea.)
118139, RE: Sounds about right.
Posted by Exit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't have any opinion one way or the other about the current player wielding it, but here's my guess:

$20 says..
This weapon was an Imm weapon that was never meant to see the light of day in mortals' hands, and whoever came across it missed that fact when gifting it.

Guess #2:
This would have been a great weapon in the hands of a certain dark-elf AP that really liked to use whips ;-)
118140, Looks more like a Hell weapon to me
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But since I've never been beyond the first circle, I can't really say.
118143, RE: Sounds about right.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was actually built to be given out as an AP reward, along with a couple others.
118145, That there is a set of leader-type quest weapons for AP's is awesome
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And actually gives me, a very pk-skills light player, a bit of incentive to play an antipaladin.
118158, There's a certain irony here
Posted by highbutterfly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In using the derogatory term "pocket healer," given you have played more than a couple of imperial bard support chars, including a few that seemed almost like perma-grouped healers for Alex's recent Warmasters (Eleagra/Jeberal). I'm not saying you were doing anything wrong at all, but I find it ironic that you seem to be complaining about the same kind of playstyle you've repeatedly engaged in.

Maybe people are just playing and enjoying the game as support chars with overlapping regular play times, like you have been. :)

118104, Good Journey.
Posted by Klibendon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We don't say good bye in cf, we say good journey. ;)

My lord at the fights we'd have. FWIW, I was pulling for any council member except you to become Emperor. At first, I didn't like having to fight you after finding out "that one undead" prevented most forms/attempts for me to drive or pull you. That was during a raid when I tried to pull Naldigar away from your group without even fighting any of you and got the echo, you can't move them that way, or something similar. After that, I realized that all zombies, regardless of previous damage type adopt "punch" ie blunt... blunt zombies + sigil + gnome vuln + no drive/pull = rough time. However, all of that said, my lust for a challenge arose once more and, in the end, I had a great time and always wanted to start bringing that pk balance back my way but it looks like I'll not get the chance. It's the crazy matches like this that make me enjoy PK in CF.

BTW, between you and orcs, ya'll account for more than half my characters PK deaths.

Oh, and Enjoy whatever you choose to do next and remember that CF will remain and.. if you return, you don't have to buy all those PBFs at once. ;)
118105, Very disappointed
Posted by Finley on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I can understand obtaining your goals and losing interest. But if those are yor goals in empire then thats a problem. Have bigger goals. I noticed in someone's goodbye thread you mentioned that I 'talk to hear myself talk' but honestly I think part of the problem is that some people play in order to test how closely they can manage to be true to the spirit of their characters and other folks just play to check things off a checklist.

You managed to become a mummy emporer of the freakin Empire and if I gather correctly are not pleased with a 'subordinate' getting rewards...a powerful subordinate of your very own sect? Where is the downside here because I'm not seeing it.

I wish I could be in the position you are in. You had the opportunity to be the second coming of the Empire under the rule of Athieli (I know many folks HATED that era but I for one thought it was empire's greatest reign). You had alot of cards in your deck creating a long-term winning hand.

Besides being a mummy, you had a very powerful AP, a very potent fire giant warrior (Rahzeez - who if Hell were still open would be damn near impossible to kill) and the advent of shamans with prety cool extras to use as divines and PLENTY of time (being a mummy) to implement whatever you desired.

Now I get it and experienced it and even mentioned in my goodbye thread - the Imm overwatch in empire was a little grating for what was supposed to be a player-run cabal for the most part. But at the end of the day you are the freakin Emporer and can tell other players what to do or make their lives alot more difficult by anatheming them. Bite your tongue, smile and WAIT...you can outlive most anyone in the game as a mummy and you are STILL emporer. In other words I think you completely neglected the power in game YOU had in terms of authority because you were thinking way too small and it kills me.

It kills me because I have SO many ideas of how the empire could be run, you heard a few of them., But only those concerning the black sect, I also had plans for the other sects and fundamentally changing how people get bloodoatrhed in some sects, etc. which I spoke to Gedunthos about and he was already trying to do some of the things I had mentioned.

Basically what is cool about the idea of empire which draws me in every now and then is the idea of truly changing how things are done if you can become Emporer. You threw that away because you feel you weren't 'getting your props' and an Imm was mocking your accomplishements? And so? Take it out on a bloodoath. Whatever. You were the emporer, using your analogy, the girl gave you a handjob and you nutted real quick and lost interest when you could have had SO much more given more time and imagination.

118106, You dont get it Finley.
Posted by copenhagen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could have done many Things if i wanted to.

But i wanted nothing beside to leave cf, and is there a better way to leave cf, than deleting your best char ever? i dont think so.

I tryed what i wanted with this game, and there is nothing left i wish to try..

And i doubt you Guys wanted me to hoarde gear and go andira style?
118107, RE: You dont get it Finley.
Posted by Finley on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly I never really cared alot obout gear-hoarding because I suck at PK . I could have the best set ever and I'd still suck at PK so what's the difference. I wouldn't know how to maximize the benefit great gear gives me besides being able to stay alive a little longer. I'm just suprised to hear this is your best character ever. Exactly what makes it your best? The interactions with players or the fact you became a mummy emporer?

118194, You suck.
Posted by Aereglen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Its just like when most guys are trying to pick up this girl for months, and you're really interested in this girl, and trying everything you can do make this girl, like you, finnaly after several months you score this girl, and all interest suddenly disapear. Its the hunt that is exsiting for me, and when i get what i want i lose interest and move on."

You see, in this analogy the guy trying to get the girl is PUTTING IN EFFORT and actually doing work to get the girl. You didn't do #### except tell your veteran friends on your skype or whatever and you ask them for "how to" guides for everything from exploring areas you don't know to the mummification process and the location of your mummy items. You didn't do #### but cry like a baby until someone shuts you up with a milk bottle, or in this case item locations.

"People can bitch and flame all they want, but i can at least say i deleted a powerfull emperor mummy, only because i can and because cf is no longer a priority for me. I even say that if i ever role another char i will buy 100 pbfs."

As far as I'm concerned, Tzar created this character. You only deleted it. Good job to you though, for typing delete TWICE without typos. Kudos to you! We'll be expecting those pbfs when you return.

Then you go on to bitch about Destuvius for the SAME REASONS you bitch about the opposing team's immortal? Really? You were mad before because fortress is being watched and rewarded 24/7 and wished you had immlove. Then you get the same evil equivillent and you find a way to BITCH about that too? You're a real piece of work man. You couldn't even find his shrine without help from others, and it is imo by far the most obvious hint that any immortal's helpfile has ever given. For focks sake man, learn to do SOMEthing on your own.

If you don't want to roleplay, don't play a roleplaying game. Don't go OOC like a bitch all the time, and then say it's okay for you to do it because you don't play for the rolelaying.
118118, Kudos on pulling the plug when you were done with it instead of letting it linger....
Posted by Vonzamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
However, if you are going away, you could just go away.

I don't think Empire was ever a cabal that was lacking oversight by design, just by neglect over the years.
118138, Yep. Between the Divine Sect, keeping the Council full, and Emperor votes, the Empire actually does need a fair bit of oversight.
Posted by jalbrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The problem was that at a certain point there weren't really a lot of Empire Imms, the ones who were around weren't that interested in acting a lot in game, and none of the new Imms seemed to be interested in overseeing Empire. Zulg put in things to make it slightly easier to get along without an Imm, but I think people have mistaken those efforts as being a flat out declaration that Empire will be Imm free from now on.

The Imperial Lords have always had their place in the cabal's dogma, history, and politics. Just like any other cabal, the Empire has it's immortals, with everything that that entails. The difference was always in the EXTRA part; the fact that people ranked above you could also make your life miserable, members with the ability to anathema you especially so. It added an edge to intercabal relations with other members, an edge that is still there. In fact, I'd be more comfortable both handing out and receiving punishments and proclamations to the poor bastards under me in the Empire, knowing that if I or anyone else goes too far Destuvius will be there to, if not punish someone, at least provide a way to mitigate the ####stick the victim has been hit with.

That an immortal is putting in so many hours, taking such a large role in his cabal and his followers, roleplaying and handing out rewards, and is doing this for an EVIL cabal is freaking awesome. I for one appreciate the effort Destuvius has put into the cabal, and really hope he keeps it up. I'm tempted to roll an Imperial citizen just for the chance to get in on the fun.
118116, Good luck with your next last char in CF.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
118090, You were beginning to make the Empire very formidible...
Posted by Crraya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good enemy and were helping to shape the Empire as a very fierce foe as well. Hopefully the Empire dynamics remain and allow for enjoyable conflict to continue.
118083, When you come back...
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Try to play a char that doesn't rely on anyone at all, in game or ooc. You'll have more fun.
118086, And...
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...doesn't aim for Emperor just to delete.
118098, RE: And... So you rather wanted i logged 2 hours a week to keep emperor spot? that would be weak in my eyes.nt
Posted by copenhagen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
118102, RE: When you come back... No comming back.nt
Posted by copenhagen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM