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Topic subject(AUTO) [OUTLANDER] Leyras Leranien the Devout of Storm and Sun, Blessed by the Jaguar
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118020, (AUTO) [OUTLANDER] Leyras Leranien the Devout of Storm and Sun, Blessed by the Jaguar
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Nov 18 07:48:20 2013

At 3 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 22nd of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Leyras perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
118157, This hurt, but had to be.
Posted by Leyras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's no probably no surprise to any of my friends or enemies or imms, given my playtimes, that when I stopped playing Leyras for 6 hours a day I began another character. Recent life events both greatly constricted my available play time and also made 8 hours of sleep a day a necessity -- previously my compromise was to lose a few hours of sleep, but make sure my chars were completely separated. Daytime CF and nighttime CF are nearly two different games.

So I had to make a choice. Azhelak once asked Leyras how he was doing, and the character was almost at a loss before he replied, "My life is an endless summer." Most of Leyra's personal RP challenges, including his character flaws of quick to temper, racial prejudice, self hatred, et al, had been definitively conquered over the 300 hours. On the flip side, post death of Azhelak and vanishing of Alauviel, Leyras had only an attachment to Andira who didn't need him at all and whose playtimes would no longer overlap, while my other char had far greater committments -- so I chose that one. I couldn't justify logging in as Leyras when I had other chars/people potentially depending on me. I kept hoping to get more time for Leyras, so I forewent deletion.

I have purchased my PBF, and Alauviel's as well.

Goodbyes, final thoughts, reviews, and thank yous will follow after the PBF is posted.

118213, Awesome job!
Posted by Agraemas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry we didn't get to play more, you were a great inspiration for how Alauviel taught non-Outlanders about our ways. You had a great way with words that I planned to emulate as I played more with you.

See you in the fields!

PS: My first PBF. Thank you!
118304, Immortal Goodbyes
Posted by Leyras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The time has come to say goodbyes, unfortunately. I had a lot of fun with this character. Apologies for the long wait but it took a little time to reload my approach to this character in my head so my goodbye wasn't dry and out of touch.

Immortals: General thank you to everyone who makes this game possible, Imps down to those hero-imms. Immteraction made this character one of my all time favorites. I was allowed to really play out the character in interesting ways. Thank you, just..thank you I RP'd my heart out, but I have to admit with all that complaining going on last January about rewards, I just went low key on the roles, role contests, et al. RPing was its own joy, and my character certainly got his share of attention and recognition.

I was curious to see
1. how much immteraction can you get without following a religion, and
2. How easy is it for imms to reward you without role chapters.

And the answer, for any players who are interested, are
1. very little
2. Really hard.

Yes, there is an exp reward early in the character's life. Amaranthe gave the char 1000 imm exp once after Auldr and Rostrak tag-teamed lectured Leyras for EIGHT HOURS one Saturday. Cabal induction from hell, and apparently Rostrak and Auldr still didn't want to induct. I think this was an extreme case. Amaranthe, thank you for timing that reward right when I was strenuously disagreeing with Rostrak. ** I don't know it was intentional, but it really gave the character the confidence to react to events in his own way, which made the long road enjoyable.

**Rostrak was in the middle of advancing the notion that Wardens should not pursue Imperial Blades after the Codex was taken, which was something Leyras as a proto-Baerinika follower completely disagreed with. He said it was like killing a wounded animal. Leyras responded that if he missed the shot and left a doe wounded, it would be his responsibility to end its suffering as quickly as possible.


Really just awesome to roleplay with. Thank you, so much, for all the in-game awesomeness. Without a doubt the biggest and most tremendous reason this character stuck around so long. Our conversations in your shrine are among my richest RP experiences in my entire life. To give you an idea, my gf read the logs many times and really loved them as little short stories. The locket idea went immediately into my description and became a series of intermittent emotes and RP starters for the entire life of the character. I won't say any more as to not ruin it for future followers. I realize you have a lot of experience with your two religions, but the way you adjust impromptu to make every interaction truly richer is magnificent.

This was a comeback character for me, as I hadn't played much since Argivo. I was waiting for the last character he knew as a mort to resolve, which was Illanthos. Playing random gnome explorer when my beloved friends were still in-game was just way too fracking weird. I racked my mind for how to play something so different you wouldn't recognize me--which was challenging because I basically put my all into Argivo, my first longlived Fort and Baer follower--but still fit the general concept of the religion. I hit upon trying something I had wanted to do for years, which was try a character in the mold of Xinrithil but with my own style and interpretation. ** Did I manage to not give myself away?

Your imm comment about being Emo was exactly what I was going for in terms of that. It was very rewarding, not to mention literally has me cracking up out loud, to read that. I really channeled every version of adolescent angst into this character. :-)

Ultimately, conversations with you really matured and changed this character. Leyras started off wild, reckless, quick to temper, sharp to insult, self hating, and racially prejudiced (have to say, helped a lot implicitly your mortal form was firstborn). Your tasks were all difficult, all extremely rewarding, and all ultimately guiding this character to the wise, wry, graceful, compassionate, even charming elf Leyras ultimately matured into. Thank you, so much, for guiding and inspiring that incredible journey. I wish I had more time with the cool, mature Leyras, but I had to set strict time management rules for myself. Ironically, I had more time right after Leyras auto'ed.

Thank you for the title when I became a casualty of intracabal politics. It really changed and reinforced everything for me.

** Of course, clumsily fumbling with dex warrior meant I never approached a tenth of his bad-assedness (shoutout to Quixotic)

A great cabal imm. I want what is best for you, but I wish you were around more, entirely selfishly :)

Your changes and plot lines to the cabal are really well thought in terms of storyline, and very intricate. It was a joy to be there at the New Dawn, as Azhelak called it, when old was turning into new and there was just a lot of random excitement in the air. Leyras the char, and frankly me the player, was beginning to think becoming Sun Warden turned people bat insane before I realized it was the complexity of managing the priorities and plotline you shared with them.

Before I talked to you, I was taking pains to embrace the truth of Auldr's “vision” without really accepting his abusiveness or mistaken leadership. That single moment of direct conversation, talking to the Mother directly, where you asked me to support Auldr's leadership was very life changing for Leyras. I couldn't complain, explain, badmouth him, cut away his support, even when kicked out of the cabal, etc, if I was to remain in character and truly respect your request. I couldn't even explain to other people that I was refusing to say boo or go against Auldr for that reason, as you asked me not to mention it :) I was put in the position of supporting a leader, and explaining and supporting him to others like Sindevendin who were ready to dismiss him, while he himself was going OOCish, trying to be abusive, and looking for reasons to uninduct me. This was AWESOME in terms of leveling up Leyras's Emo-ness and abused child mentality. Really set an emotional tone that gave me and Baerinika a lot to talk about :P

Unknown Imm.

Leyras prayed at that special place and you gave me echoes of Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind blessing Leyra's journey. This transformed Leyras' life, faith in the Ancients, and his understanding of how he was tied to nature. Also, was just really, really, very cool. Not too many Outlanders can say the elements directly communed with them when they asked for a blessing. My imagination is still whirring with the directions that could have gone, and while Leyras kept that moment private to everyone but Alauviel he worked in his reactions to that moment in nearly every significant conversation.

This more than made up for the mechanical gimping my character experienced because of bugs in the ancient instincts quest combined with reinduction.(Before any one asks, yes, I did bug board it, but my guess is that it's just too complicated or a rare case to address, although I think Nyst will agree with me it can be rather annoying).


Simply put, you rock. Outlander is lucky to have you. After a while, my log in times changed to later at night/earlier in the morning. I got more Azhelak and Andira time but didn't see you as often. I liked it when you laid down the law and clarified doctrine and the Ancients' expectations, and wished you did it a lot more. :)

Your guidance into the intricacies of Outlander, and your support of my character, were deeply appreciated.


I am glad you were around. I should have had a closer relationship with you, but our times rarely overlapped as morts and when you hero-immed.


That one time you kicked my ass about fighting Kraldinor, I had just died to him 45 minutes or so prior in Prosimy and was busy regathering preps. I've always wondered if imms can see that kind of thing easily. I was also really sick of rot, having leveled up across from him and fought him Leyras' entire life. Still, your advice was remarkable for both its brevity and its usefulness, and continues to be useful to my chars today. Leyras could definitely have used more ass-kicking about PK. I really sucked at STSF outlander elf, even heavily prepped. Although my pk record doesn't do justice for the volume of fighting my char experienced without deaths (maybe few records except for the skilled players who really know how to clinch it ever do) Your regular hours meant except for some rare weekends, I never saw you as mort or imm.
118306, RE: Immortal Goodbyes
Posted by Ekaerok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Currently, my vision is extremely limited. Truth be told, I don't remember the situation you are talking about but I am glad you got something out of it.
118307, RE: Immortal Goodbyes
Posted by Kraldinor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The times I remember that I kept coming at you would be when I had rotted you and then you would run off and die to shifters on the way to Thar Acacia or something along those lines instead of letting rot finish you. My thought at that point was you had a mob death, not a pk death, so it wasn't multi killing if I rotted you again :). Maybe not the classiest rational but.......

Plus I was still carrying a grudge because you didn't corpseguard me against Oaneweke that one time.

Overall entertaining interactions with good char.
118313, Oh, you were great :)
Posted by Leyras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Please don't misconstrue what I mentioned about you! :)
Quite the opposite, I was explaining we had a long history.

As I posted under your own death thread, you were great. :)
There was a point at which you were the only fun action in town, when Outlander was huge.

Cabalwars means we're raiding back and forth.
Just saying, sticking around unprepped didn't seem to be the good idea.

Shaman maledictions...in order to survive, you have to run to the healer, which limits the ability to corpseguard. It's a problem of the build. Outlander isn't Fort, as you know very well through your own chars. (Although, it used to be less align driven, I remember the days when Zekaris would pitch in with Wardens to take down the Vindicator). Oaneekwee was pretty nice to me overall but her interest in healing me ends with the threat to the Tree, leaving me to run to the healer.

I think it would be really nice if all maledictions disappeared a few hours after the char died. That would also address Zerg/kamikaze complaints.
118323, and knowing who you are now...
Posted by Kraldinor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
we had a bit of fun btw Argivo and Gralog as well. Good times. How about some someday you try evil and maybe I'll be a paladin or something.
118324, Let's not get crazy here,,,, nt
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
118308, RE: Immortal Goodbyes
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah. Wrong one replied, but whatever. Liked seeing Leyras around. Definitely a little moody, but always up for a good interaction and kept it all in-game. Sad as it is to see you pull the plug on Leyras, if you're not enjoying him as much, that's the time to end it. Hopefully you're having fun with the new one!
118315, RE: Immortal Goodbyes
Posted by Mendos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Take care. I agree that we should have run around together more often, but our times never seemed to mesh. I have to say it was always reassuring when you logged in and you were a favorite Warden ally along with Azhelak (and Alauviel briefly.) For a while me and some other Outtie Heroimms had our fingers crossed that you wouldn't auto-delete a you were the last of an old school generation of Outties.

I'm really glad you enjoyed this character and I am sure a lot of other people will appreciate those kind words in this farewell.

Kudos for the 8 hour induction saga. I had no idea, but that in itself deserves respect. I don't know if I would have had the patience.

Hope you can participate in the upcoming "Night of 100 players."

(You know you want to.)
118319, RE: Immortal Goodbyes
Posted by Nythos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Simply put, you rock. Outlander is lucky to have you. After a
>while, my log in times changed to later at night/earlier in
>the morning. I got more Azhelak and Andira time but didn't see
>you as often. I liked it when you laid down the law and
>clarified doctrine and the Ancients' expectations, and wished
>you did it a lot more.
>Your guidance into the intricacies of Outlander, and your
>support of my character, were deeply appreciated.

I sincerely appreciate words. Outlander can be a really hard cabal to balance keeping people on track and allowing them their freedom. Fortunately, it tends to work rather well for my approach in that I rarely tell people what to do, but I will question a character's responses to encourage them to have responses which are reasonable to their characters. Sorry you missed on Nythos time, I tend to have a schedule that gives me alternating lots of time and very little time, and of late I've taken a new position that what free time I've had has gone to the family. With any luck, I should be back to getting my CF in by the start of the year, and hopefully can get that interacting in!

Leyras was definitely one of the few mortals I really was keen on following, particularly given his experiences with uninduct-happy leadership. I've actually been in the exact same boat in Outlander, and was uninducted and later reinducted twice with the same character, so I knew what you would have lost in the process and tried to get some help for you there. You stuck it through situations that many people would have deleted over, and all I can hope is that you had fun.
118310, Wonderful Character
Posted by Keara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really enjoyed the interactions we had, few though they may have been. And I loved knowing you were around, especially those days I felt alone (Andira not around, Azhelak quiet and not talking to me like usual), when I'd get one of your tells that without fail I knew was Leyras.

I'm sure the next, or current, is going well, but best of luck with it regardless.