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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Skulda MistReaper the Brutal Scythe of the Cycle, Valkallyr of Death
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=117477
117477, (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Skulda MistReaper the Brutal Scythe of the Cycle, Valkallyr of Death
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Oct 15 20:42:52 2013

At 5 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Skulda perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
117480, Goodbyes
Posted by MistReaper on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this sucks, it said I had a week to reactivate and it's only been 3 days or so. Was going to reactivate tomorrow, just had a bad login. My apologizes to the Imms I just pestered, but I guess something is buggy.


Amaranthe- Thanks so much for putting together the role contest, was a lot of fun. A shame things didn't go as planned. On a side note I was really disappointed that I never got any response in 5 months from you, praying almost every login and even outright sending you notes and emails. Guess now I'll never see what I was going to get if I ever got a reward or what was supposed to happen with the Valkallyr. Were you just not around at all during my play times for the five months or what?

Mysterious Imm who took over the Crone and told me to hang in there. Thank you so much that kept me going. Also the one who responded to my prayers asking what was going on with the contest.

Battle Imms: Thanks for the Rites they were amazing, was really disappointed to find out I wasn't allowed to be a leader, but the hammer and edge made me feel a lot better about it.

Arratok - Thanks for the induct and the fun RP that went with it, sadly you imm'd right after was hoping for some tactics sessions.

Gilut - Thanks for forging my stuff all the time, you make a great drillmaster.
Crraya - Solid leader, hope you can bring the Village back to life.
Bujoch - Tough as nails and a good partner in crime, just wish you would be more about the tablet that just following it enough not to get into trouble.
Ozri - Good luck, another good villager.
Cabrefren and Rousti - Thanks for all the help, having competent battle bards is always a pleasure.

Xona - Was really disappointed you deleted early, of course I was glad I smoked you a few times early on because I knew when you got older it would be much harder but never happened.

Ruk and Yegtheg - Wow orcs just destroyed me, was lucky to get on a win steak against ruk early but once you guys hit hero it was basically impossible to fight you without a cursed polearm which I couldn't get on my own. Sorry Yeg I know you wanted me to just suicide on you a bunch, but wasn't going to happen. You were a gracious winner though. I feel sorry for villagers who have to deal with you two, most villager builds have zero chance against a smart orc.

Merf - You cracked me up, would only fight me if you could pick the spot and have 10 minutes to prep up. You make a better Emperor then I thought you would.

Cel - A couple good fights, wished we played at the same time more often, always wanted to punish you for stealing me from my mother.

Nopolopil - You are a beast, just nothing I could do against the pachyderm with those guards. I remember having 6 slices and 5 boneshatters all bounce off your hide in one fight. I cringe at how strong you probably are with the bullete.

Sorry to anyone I forgot, post something and I'll respond.

Fun character, but my build was disappointing and I'll never play a non sword spec giant again. The idea was to take landslide and sunrise to be able to jump groups and separate my target from the herd. It didn't work that well in practice. Polearm was not as good as I remembered it, cutoff failed often and charge set did a lot less damage then I remembered. Maces were fine except I tanked with my face, and not sure what the deal was but boneshatter missed 3/5 times for me. Anyway good luck to Battle, and thanks to everyone I interacted with.
117481, Great having you around. Sorry you're gone.
Posted by Ragyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was really interested to see how that Vallakyr arc played out.

Why you were blocked from being leader?

Got the impression you didn't like me in the Rites, or was that just RP?

117531, RE: Great having you around. Sorry you're gone.
Posted by MistReaper on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh sorry didn't mean to forget you, just we didn't often interact because of our different playtimes. I definitely liked your honor RP, and no the Rites was just Skulda being her gruff self, she didn't like losing to what she considered lesser giants(aka non-valkallyr).
117483, Boneshatter
Posted by Ekaerok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I also had fairly bad luck with boneshatter at times, but assumed it was because I was a wood-elf with 19 strength.
117487, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Ruk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Real early on I really had no answer for village resist + giant resist + great gear (half at least from killing me). Then when we got into the 20's/30's you had that cursed polearm forever. I told you that the minute you took it out of your hands Ruk was going to get you, and when you switched it up while fighting that AP I got to fullfill that promise :P

Then you went and ranked to hero and it was a couple of months before we got to dance again. By that time the dynamic had changed a bit as I got more stuff to play with and you still stuck almost exclusively to polearm. You had the tools in your arsenal to utterly annihilate Yeg and Myself and if you PM me I would be glad to share what they are (sorry gilut no freebies for you here but you got the same stuff except better)

I thought Skuldra was a top notch villager in terms of coming off as a badass warrior and absolutly never doing anything even remotly shady. Heck you even took people to the circle for doing shady stuff, its a real disspointment they excluded you from village leadership in the rites because I think you would have made an excellent leader.
117492, Gotta say, good job hanging in there
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not hearing anything from Amaranthe for so long... such a great momentum with these character roles and it all just got dropped horribly. Some other Immortal should have jumped in long ago and kept it going... all you have now is a playerbase that's a bit jaded about it. Where were our awesome player events?!

Kudos for sticking it out as long as you did. Not getting leader because of these roles, talk about a kick in the nuts...
117496, You were a beast...
Posted by Crraya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a beast and made the village much stronger. I wish we had a chance to interact more, but out playtimes must not have worked togethr as much as I'd have liked.

Well, I hope you're not too bitter I was made leader - I think you would have been made a good one if you had been chosen.

Good luck with your next!
117501, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fun to watch. I think you really grew into that Valkallyr thing well and did a great job with the RP and merging that with the religion and being Battle.

I don't wanna speak too much for Amaranthe but she just had some horrible life timing where she got all this rolling and basically had no time to follow through once RL reaed up. I was the imm that briefly played the Crone that one time at the shrine to kinda let you know "Hey, you're kicking ass! But, uh, you know. Amaranthe. She's fickle like seasons!"

If I had known the Valk story more I really wish I coulda done something once you were the last one standing. Either way, really sad to see this delete.
117505, Hindsight is 20/20, but...
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to imagine at least a couple other people on the Imm staff thought Amaranthe's idea was cool. I assume (based on nothing) she would not have told someone who was interesting in knowing what was going on to piss off. Did anyone actively try to get involved so that if (as it happened) Amaranthe had to disappear, someone else could pick up the reigns? Even if they didn't execute it exactly as Amaranthe would have, it still would have been better (for everyone) had someone tried than to have it fizzle.
117506, RE: Hindsight is 20/20, but...
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess my question is more along the lines of what was expected here? Big mechanical rewards or more immteraction? My impression of this was that Amaranthe had basically written roles, many of which were intertwined with other character challenges, that were meant to test the skills (RP, PK, Game mechanic) of the participants. It was on those people to make something of that role. Personally, I thought the majority of the reward was getting to participate. I know Amaranthe had some plans to keep the quests moving along, and some RP rewards in mind but I'm not totally sure she had a plan to announce a "winner" and give that person legacies or whatever. A lot of it though was on the players to interact with each other on, and I think when a lot of the characters fizzled out quickly it look a lot of the wind out of certain sails. I think the most interesting and unfortunately biggest failure of this experiment was that it put "run a quest" tools in the players hands.

She had posted on the forums some of the end plans for a few of the arcs (Creeds, Trib expanding influence, etc) but nothing on this particular one. Arvam did try to pick it up and give Skulda some Crone attention, and I think that's to be commended.

117521, RE: Hindsight is 20/20, but...
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was the July role contest among other things (yes, she did intend to reward like a role contest)

117527, RE: Hindsight is 20/20, but...
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, Skulda in particular should have received a reward and a tattoo, which I didn't want to just *hand out* - but have the participants quest for.

It didn't happen except to a few, my own distraction away from CF combined with deletions and such just made the whole thing crumble, I'm afraid.

Not that I'd call it a total failure - it was different, and I'm glad I ran the role contest this way, and I think it did raise the RP bar for a few people. I learned from it and I will likely do something similar in the future, but with a smaller and more self-selecting group of people, and not under the umbrella of a role contest.
117532, RE: Hindsight is 20/20, but...
Posted by MistReaper on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was mainly to continue Skulda's story, become part of the religion that was part of the role, and yeah wouldn't have minded the RC reward but wasn't the main focus. I was basically told in the contest to seek Amaranthe to reveal more about the Valkallyr and become part of the Coven.
117526, Apologies
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am really sorry. Really. No bones about it - I totally just dropped the CF ball with the contest participants that stuck around. Not sure what to say other than I'm sorry and I suck? :)

When I'd get e-mails from you, I would actually try to log on and catch you, but never did, and then it would slip off my radar again and it would just be pushed out of my mind. I have my excuses but I won't bore you with them - I certainly could have made time for CF, but just didn't. CF is a great hobby but it is not a mindless one, and on the occasions when I've had time for games, I've had my reasons for wanting to gravitate towards the more mindless variety lately. I'm sure I'll return to some activity (it seems I always do), but for now you just got the short end of the stick on this one. I am only even am aware of this Battlefield thread because Raybaer told me on Facebook and it jostled my guilt. *sigh*

However, I am glad at least that you enjoyed your role and that you were able to play that cloud giant battle warrior with success!
117535, RE: Apologies
Posted by MistReaper on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No worries, though you owe me a free empowerment when you come back :P
I just didn't understand what the deal was, I thought maybe you didn't like the RP or something so were ignoring me. Hopefully your issues resolve and you come back for more.
I would ask a small favor, was there more to the Valkallyr story you were going to reveal? I would love to hear what the end game would have been if there was one.
117556, RE: Apologies
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The original plan was for there to be conflict between the three of you (or, even more so, Tyra and you vs. Xona.) Xona's player rated himself at a much higher level of PK ability than you or Tyra, so the idea was to introduce this idea that the Valkallyr are, in essence, extraordinarily powerful giants of ancient, primordial blood. The check on power was, supposedly, that all three varieties existed in unison and in balance. Xona's creation was supposed to have the potential to be world-breaking, and Skulda and Tyra's existence were a balancing force. A lot of the drama/story within that theme was supposed to be self-generated by mortals, but my intention *was* to run some quest action and such to serve as an impetus for that. It just never happened. :(
117533, I remember you catching me with my guard down.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I was playing Halaial you totally caught me with my pants down looking around just as my conjurations left me. I did a where and was like "Oh, ####" then you bashed me down. It made me laugh.
117544, Can't fight RBW without barrier
Posted by Xona on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wasn't going to be an interesting fight when you're rocking a good set and I don't have a barrier. Died to you twice, as far as I remember in just a couple of rounds, then avoided you like the plague.

RBW vs a non-barrier AP is about as bad a matchup as one can think of. Shifter out of form might be harder to kill actually (because of bash protection).

Unfortunately, never had any idea about what our rivalry was about, how it's supposed to progress, or what the end result is supposed to be. Except that you're not a true Valkallyr, heh. :)
117479, Man is this dissapointing. I thought you were awesome. nt.
Posted by Gilut Fargyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM