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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Cagocluse Truy'Quiqall the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=116343
116343, (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Cagocluse Truy'Quiqall the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Aug 12 10:52:54 2013

At 6 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 32nd of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Cagocluse perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
116369, Sorry you have to leave, come back any time
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I remember you handing Eidiol a few pieces of Madoc's gear actually.
116347, I'm still baffled lol!!
Posted by Xilreith on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It seemed that all the stars alined for you in that fight we had. Holy hell! I have never seen anyone every do what you did. I thought something was broke. I will chalk it up to the RNG gods being with you.
116346, Random musings
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gates of the forge. To get much benefit from this, I sacrificed both my ring slots to just ac, and made sacrifices elsewhere. This also increased my weight, which was not good for dodge or evade. The latter was made worse by the fact I was normally carrying a lot of potions. I probably didn't get a lot of benefit from this legacy, even when the dam redux was kicking in, since I was likely getting hit by a spec move I could otherwise have evaded, or a melee attack I might otherwise have dodged.

Calming the tempest, very nice. You can't rely on it protecting you from a really nasty prep (because it quite often won't), but with divine saves you are probably not going to have to worry about dying to spellcasters or communers.

Shield dedicant edges are too offensive, imho. I was regularly lagged out by their passive jab, not to mention it's an unblockable hit to all.

Allies, all cool. Enemies, all cool, apart from one who seemed to ignore their cabal dogma when they wanted a cheap frag or gear. Either that, or I was just very unlucky (though I never died to them) and saw an unrepresentative view of them. Basically I was either being attempted ganked by them under questionable circumstances or watching them do it to others. Having said that, I've seen them get props from another so I'll give the benefit of the doubt.

Arial City. Nice area with lots of interesting quirks, but could use some tweaks imho:
- Horrible hometown because it takes forever to walk out of the city itself, unless you are using a client path thingy. Meanwhile, you are still exposed to air shifters, summoners etc. Basically if I died, you had as long as you wanted to pick through my corpse, unless someone else was piling on you. I was very greatful that people didn't use this to strip me bare.
- Gear is too good considering how easy it is to get. Specifically, it gives too much saves, and too much hp. Some was cool though, like the piece of gear that immolated me. I enjoyed killing mobs to see what they had.
- Please can we have a map of the city? Or mayb one already exists.

Pursuit seemed too good. My ranking group plus helper got raped entirely by this skill. I was the only one of the four of us to make it out alive, I think. And even that involved being pursued probably four times before managing to get clear enough. Were it not for the fact that one of my groupmates had been insected instead, I'd have had no chance at all.

Spamming: Well, I set out with intentions to spam everything up, but frankly I didn't know how. But people helped me with tips that made a huge difference. If I had to do it again I could do it a lot faster. About half my whip skills were in the 60s or 70s, even though it was my first spec, and I never perfected flurry. My plan was to use skill gains for riposte, but instead I kept improving bloodoath, or pen, when I levelled.

Seven winds of Hamsah seemed too good. I was actually safer and more dangerous when fighting large groups than small groups, since the spec moves failed a lot then, and my ripostes tore people up. I think this needs toning down a bit.

I also thing striking the shadows footfall could use toning down a bit. If I had to make a suggestion, I'd make it that the benefits only last a short while, like maybe 10 hours. Otherwise people can safely hit and run until fully charged up.

PK-wise, I had my moments, but I reckon I made every possible mistake there was to make, at some point.

So, a few chars of note:
Eidiol: I liked all your aps, but at the same time, I could always tell they were you.
Old emperor: As posted on your own thread.
Gedunthos: I liked the consistency of your rp.
Jeberal: Damn you for being so similar to my build only doing it so much better. Every time I tried to imitate you, I ended up missing a flurry and eating a death.
Merf: You seemed ok to me. Good luck with the weapon building. Quite a few threats out there.
Rydell: Liked you ever since I offhanded your nice shield and you didn't complain -- hence you got it back.
Toktok: We had some good fights. Enjoyed our talks too.
Gazrial (or whatever the storm giant warrior was): We only met briefly but you seemed well rp'd to me. Although it is easier to rp well when you are stomping the enemy. I was curious to see if it remained as good if I won, but I guess I don't know.
Aerglen: I got a weird vibe from you. Felt like perhaps you were selectively logging in, but it was only 2 occasions so I can't really judge. I was hoping to get a rematch as our first fight was down to the wire.
Felar anathema ap: I actually thought you seemed pretty well rp'd. Personally I'd have given you my vote over the current Emperor, not because I didn't like him, but because I was impressed when you killed him in response to getting anathema'd, and because you didn't kill pointlessly.
Mikhian: Despite everyone's whining about you, you seemed very cool to me. You were helpful but only after I put my life on the line, and you could have abused the terms of the dual to pad your pk count, but you didn't. I enjoyed our talks since I felt a kinship with other warriors, but most of them were mainly out for pk.
Rhyme: Good god, your spells certainly didn't care about calming the tempest legacy. Normally muters posed no serious threat to me but you tore me apart. I was lucky to survive.
Air-offense murder shifters #1-10: Gotta say, I'd be bored if I used flyto peck until blind, then shifter offense form and claw, so many times. Having said that, getting out multiple teleport potions before you blinded me normally did the trick.
Voralia: I couldn't work you out. Toktok died twice when you didn't support him against nasty odds, so I figured you must have a role that meant staying out of raids, but then you did raid. Your pk was decent as you did more than just wrath spam once you realised wrath spam was not having a great deal of effect.
Conjie leader of fort: You were pretty tough. I wasn't quite sure how to deal with the archon + altruism, and I'm guessing you tended to have a hastened elemental. Can't remember if I died to you plus Azhelak but I expect I did. I definitely died to Azhelak alone.

In terms of ganking, I didn't avoid ganks and if someone called for my help I probably came. I didn't call for help much though -- probably would have saved me some con!

116370, Twitter and Logs helped you out...
Posted by Kraldinor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our times didn't mesh that much, but twitter feeds and the logs you posted always made me feel better about you holding an Elite spot which seemed to be pretty coveted in the blade sect late during Kraldinor's lifetime even if Kraldinor was pretty meh about dexy warriors overall.