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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Brizlin Puck the Master of the Five Finger Death Punch, Commander of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=116313
116313, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Brizlin Puck the Master of the Five Finger Death Punch, Commander of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Aug 10 13:07:06 2013

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 13th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Brizlin perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
116314, Thank you all for a fantastic ride...
Posted by Charade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Momentum. Strange that there can be such a thing in this game but it truly feels like there is. I made Brizlin as a PK character since I never had one, was abysmal at it, and really wanted to focus and improve. So I chose assassin berserker because I liked it as Vexarrin and thought I could maybe pull it off . I started writing a role and the story flowed really well so I just typed away. Sometimes you're really not thinking of the bigger picture when you're writing and this was the case. Later, I wanted to add a new role chapter and so I went back and reread what I wrote earlier and that's when it hit me. A mage actually burned my village. I had written the most cliche of rager roles. Terribly embarrassing. I came to see Brizlin sort of like the operative in Serenity. Evil in that he needed to be to accomplish his goals not because he was truly sadistic. And I like smart villagers so I played him smart and overly respectful in hopes of gaining an advantage in stalking and fighting since people seemed to like to talk to him. The momentum started when a shaman attacked the giant and Arratok told me I'd get my hut if I killed him. This never works out for me but this time it did. And it seemed like from that point on he just rolled. My first title came from Bosepheus handing me 3.5 million in gold and giving me a quest he was on before deleting. So thanks for that. Arratok show'd trust in me so I kept at it until becoming Drillmaster when I had to hand it off. I was in my mid thirties when the Rites happened and had a very good showing making it the the Test of Wits which I'm sure angered some of the other Villagers since a couple of them had great showings as well. The whole time all I wanted was to be named Mageslayer. That was my goal for this character. After two drillmasters deleted I got named and that's when the second title came. And I think it was the best time in the Village. Arratok and myself really meshed well. We had identical thoughts on nearly every aspect of the Village and he was an excellent Commander. He ascended and after a stint of just me as Drillmaster I was given Commander without a Rites. I approached it like we didn't have a better choice so it was my job to get people ready to take over when I was gone. I know I got a least one or two there. I really liked what I did with the stages of Pucks Life. I wanted a brash youth, a powerful adult, and then a little bit of a battered old man. The old man was easy because it felt like a lot of my skills missed more at old age. I had so much amazing interaction with this character that it was by far my favorite and my most successful. I got to see some of the Silent Tower which was also a first and got a con quest. My next character will HAVE to be an explore character since its truly sad how little I know about where items are.


Thror: Thank you for Drillmaster and your words to me and Tok when you gave it to me. So thankful to have you in this Game. Also to you and Biddy for the edge from the Rites.

Biddy: Thank you for Commander and the talks. I know you wanted me to be more forceful and I see its what's needed when commanding but I needed to work into it since it wasn't Brizlins character at all. I wanted to play it as growing into the role. I got a better. And thank you for the con and the quest. I knew I'd never complete it since I know nothing about where to get things but it was nice to be given the chance.

Olin: Thanks for the talk. That's the stuff that brings the most enjoyment in the game to me. So whoever that was, I thank you.

Immortals: Thank you for the game and time as always and thanks sooooo much for the titles and the custom. This was my most successful character by far and it was because of these interactions. And my custom was bad ass. Seriously.

Amaranthe: Special thanks for such a great idea with the roles. And all the hard work in putting it together. I enjoyed the characters and story lines immensely.

Ekaerok: Was really impressed when you apologized to me the next day about an unfair fight. It's those things that stick with you. Glad you Imm'd.

Mendos: You only fought me to save your friends even though I was evil and you could have. Really stuck to your role. Also happy you Imm'd.

Ruosti: You were a great choice and an excellent Drillmaster. You're going to be a great Commander. And really Brizlins only other friend besides Arratok. I hope the statue comes through because I can't wait to see it.

Gilut: Another great villager. Keep at it and hand it off to someone worthy when you can't go on. I'd love to have a small part in seeing it come to fruition.

Svelresh: Liked your RP a lot. Just an all around great Villager

Skulda: Another person I really enjoyed. Really good character.

Arratok: Not since Sardinthal had Kackrik did I ever have so much enjoyment in the Village or the game and this far surpassed that. You were Brizlins best friend and I truly looked forward to playing with you everyday. This character was a success because if you. I'm incredibly happy that you Imm'd. And thanks for sharing that thing with me. Was incredibly cool.

Nearly everyone was incredibly respectful and I think I only ran into two people who were douchebags all the way up until the end of his character. One a magistrate and an Orc.

ENEMIES: There were a lot and I know how much I like people like to be acknowledged but with so many excellent enemies it would be too hard and this is long as it is. Write and I will answer.

CHANGES: I'm sure many will disagree I just ask we move any discussion to Gameplay.

Tremblefist needs to lose plague. Battle has the hardest time by far of the few cabals that are going to have to raid Orc village and plague only screws them. This one spell completely ends a retrieval for Battle but has little effect on any other cabal.

I don't feel there is any reason I should be out tanked by an air form. I get 6 rounded by wolverine and I accept it. Seems a bit overpowered but shifters have always been bad for assassins and I don't mind that. But an air form should never out tank a melee class AND have decent damage output if you have fly to. I feel fly to should be failable and have lag or at least triple the movement cost so it just can't be spammed. Just my opinion. But if a berserker got pounce this whole game would be in an uproar. Which is basically what fly to is.

Emetic poison works on ghosts. Don't understand why. Its either going to multikill you when you put your armor back on, or make you sit around for 15-25 RL minutes. You can just leave your EQ but then it's just the same as being looted. My point is why have something in the game that's sole purpose is to multikill or grief the character who's probably already unhappy to have died. I think it would be better if it went on the thiefs items, that way you would get sick if you looted or picked up a thiefs disarmed weapon.

I accidently multi killed twice when I was in my teens and I want to apologize. The first I one rounded a goat in the past and later attacked his other group mates. He attack me and I 1 rounded him again. Thanks for taking it so well.

The other was the necro Jaqin I killed and later hunted his groupmates. Some how I ended up having him as my target and killed him before I could flee. I sincerely apologize.

PS. I know we're busy with the server move and all that entails, but can we get Mauz on the Pillar when you guys get the chance. Been a year and his names not up yet. Not my character but I figured I'd just champion their cause.
116315, Great character
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw this character from multiple different angles from Keca Alforge to Fregha and even my tribunal dark-elf conjurer. I really liked this character from all angles.
116318, RE: Great character
Posted by Charade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I LOVED Keca. A great little kick ass dwarf.
116319, RE: Great character
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, it was a shame she never went in the direction that I wanted her to. I just kinda lost steam with her without a good RP direction to go and I got bored
116316, Excellent villager - heaps of class
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry for that underhand tactic in the ruins but you were worth the reaping.

116317, RE: Excellent villager - heaps of class
Posted by Charade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Naw, that was a Veteran move and you had every right to crow about it a little bit afterward. Was exactly how to deal with a Zerker, which you know with such a fine Villager pedigree. You played one classy AP.
116320, RE: Thank you all for a fantastic ride...
Posted by Gilut on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn I love this character.

I was actually sad when I would log in and you were not on.

Thanks for everything. I will see it to the end and pass it on.

Thanks for aiding my enjoyment.

116321, I had a feeling when I opened up the Battlefield I'd see this.
Posted by Ruosti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What a bummer. Brizlin was awesome. I don't know how much more I can stress that. I know we had the chat that this was coming soon but I was truly hoping it would be delayed as long as possible.

You were a fantastic commander and obviously very tough in the PK department. I'm happy Ruosti and Brizlin became close friends and thank you very much for the DM nod.

I can understand wanting that Mageslayer title but the village was far better off with you in leadership. Besides, you were the Mageslayer in my eyes anyhow because every time I looked at the members command I saw Mageslayer by your name. Although, I am kind of curious to look the next time I log in to see who's listed as that now.

I like how you are championing Mauz for the pillar. All I can say is everything I saw from your character was pillar worthy and so maybe we should be talking about your name up there while we are at it.

Good luck with your next. What a success this one was. You ought to be proud.
116323, RE: I had a feeling when I opened up the Battlefield I'd see this.
Posted by Charade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our last talk with Schnektel was really the perfect definition of our friendship. Both with "gentle" and the unison of old friend at the end, it was always such a great experience when we could talk. I wish Tok would have been around with us since we three seemed to have such an understanding of one another and what the Village should be. You fit in so well are are so excellently played we would have had to break out the old Captain title for you.

116324, Yeah you are spot on
Posted by Ruosti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We very much seemed to be of the same mind. Whenever we held our meetings we were always wanting to discuss the same topics and came to the same conclusions. That was a great talk and an example of that.

A little comically, I'm just glad you answered his question first - not because I wanted to hear what you'd say but because I didn't quite understand the question. When you began to answer I then understood what he was asking and nearly felt like saying "yeah, what he said" because that would have been my answer.
116402, Think that's just a mage kill tally
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There can be lots of mageslayers on the members list of a battle leader, but only one true mageslayer at a time (the titled guy gets a belt or something I believe.)

116409, Yes, that's how I thought it was when I became DM
Posted by Ruosti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But, I changed my mind later for a specific reason.

Now I see that you and my original assumption was correct, it is a tally of mage kills, and I now have a very good idea what that number is.
116325, Wow, I'm touched.
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I appreciate the hell out of the fact that you'd bring up Mauz.

I could never justify peeking at the pillar with Jawn Foote, but I kinda hoped he was there.

Thank you.

I didn't know this character, but it seems from the comments that you nailed it.
I know how tough it is to play Battle in a way that's both successful and respected, so great job. Well done.
116326, RE: Wow, I'm touched.
Posted by Charade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know how hard it is to be good enough to get one up there and the reason I remembered is I was on the day you died and logged your gechos. When I saw you weren't up yet I figured I would throw a reminder out there.

Congrats on Jawn. He was greatly successful. I wish we could have interacted a bit but we were always just circling outside of each others paths.
116327, Loved you so much it probably broke my align/role
Posted by Ragyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Knew you as "brash youth" with other applicants/lowbies in the distant past. You role played it well -- as a total sleaze. :P

And then knew you as Drillmaster and Commander. You were like, the best thing ever. Thanks so much for everything. And for not kicking my good aligned char out of battle :)

116329, RE: Loved you so much it probably broke my align/role
Posted by Charade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know how I felt about good aligns in Battle, and I still entrusted you with Theo's entrance which should tell you how much I thought of you as a character and villager. I really felt that with some more time, you were a possible leader character. Really well done.
116328, Very cool man.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A little bit of interaction with Theo and I already knew after he died
(Didn't know at the time it would be a delete, or how soon) I knew I'd
be rolling up another villager next. :) and trying something new.
Good luck with your next.
116330, RE: Very cool man.
Posted by Charade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope your next is as great as Theo was. Take it to them brother.
116331, RE: Very cool man.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe that was all Amaranthe. I just spoke for him, but I'll try. :)
116332, RE: Thank you all for a fantastic ride...
Posted by Arvam on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character was pure class. You were always interesting to watch and had an incredibly fleshed out role and stuck to it in nearly every interaction you had. I was the one who lifted your ban for that chat. It was your last death and you were playing the grizzled veteran preparing for their last fight. If there ever was a moment in the game where someone needed a last drink it was then. Glad you enjoyed it and good luck on your next.

Character's like yours are one of the things that makes this game so great and stand apart from all the other trash out there. Hope you keep playing and good luck on your next.

116333, RE: Thank you all for a fantastic ride...
Posted by Charade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was the exact thing I needed at the exact time. Thank you for it. We are so lucky to have you back. Welcome home.
116339, RE: Thank you all for a fantastic ride...
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think this was a really great character. My hat is off to you on a job very well done. I really enjoyed watching/interacting with you.

116349, RE: Thank you all for a fantastic ride...
Posted by Charade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the Great titles. And thanks for letting me in the Inn for the joke night. I think I had just attacked Mylene and had the bouncers on me and you smoothed that all over so I could participate.
116350, Old Soddin' Git
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved Briz, I loved how you made him evolve and grow more grizzled. It something I do when I play morts, Ysal is an example of that.
You did a great job stepping up at Drillmaster and then as Commander. I wanted to run the rites but it wouldn't have been for a couple of weeks and I didn't want to leave the Village without an official commander. I hinted to you why, and you were doing a solid job, so leaderfied!
I did hope you'd find those things, I suppose if you are not someone who logs or pays attention it might have been more difficult, but everything could have been gathered in probably 10 mins.

Anyway. I'll echo what others have said, classy, solid, ballsy villager.