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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Toktok Fjort'Bak'Tor the Priest of the Jaguar
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=116043
116043, (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Toktok Fjort'Bak'Tor the Priest of the Jaguar
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jul 21 11:36:42 2013

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 22nd of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Toktok perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
116072, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Toktok Fjort'Bak'Tor the Priest of the Jaguar
Posted by Rydell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rydell - Thanks for the Ancient Dragon Runs, and Tiamat attempts. Because of those runs I was able to take some people on Ancient Dragon runs on my own. I really enjoyed the friendship that we built and how you kept pushing me towards leadership. Thanks for the invitation to Ray's shrine (I had never been before). Keep trucking with the Vodron Idea, good or bad, I would love to see how that plays out.


I wish I could have been around when you took your last gasp. You really got caught in a really bad time for the Fort. I mean, when you were promoted there were 0 Maran in all of Fortress. Just a bunch of sappy Acolytes and Squires! Yeah you are gonna die a lot. That's not a fair assessment of your pk skills.

I enjoyed our interactions quite a bit. I really thought we had a great shot at Tiamat that one time Mikhian and Rousti came and ruined the attempt. That was pretty crappy. What are you gonna do. I liked that everything was new and exciting to you in character. It kinda sucks when you take someone to the elf vaults or trothon and they are like, whatever, I've done this 8 million times over the last 10 years... you can really tell when it's the first time someone is _actually_ doing something. I'm glad you had that.

I really did think you could have made a great Captain for the Fort. You were losing con so fast that I had a feeling it wouldn't come through. Don't get discourage tho! Make another Maran! (it doesn't have to be a Baer follower if her style of RP isn't your cup of tea)

I was very surprised how many times I turned up in your role. I'm glad that you valued our interactions over all that time and thought I was a good/effective Cardinal. Means a bunch that you took the time to actually write it out in your role. I was wondering what your char was thinking as I was dragging you through Kteng, I'm glad the experience was positive and not rushed.

Great Char - I really hope you have it in you to make another Maran (try one that can break the law, good stuff). with your playstyle I can absolutely see you play something tactical as dwarf/storm pole/whip and really enjoy it.

Good luck with your next, and thanks for the great interactions.

116084, A mortal leader should have a significant impact on the lower ranks.
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We built a friendship over time.. the only people who knew most of my back ground were you and Aster (Toktok didn't reiterate it with the brutality of what actually happened ever. But who would?)

If a Leader of the fortress tells you to step up and take charge, that too should have a big impact to the character.

I attempted to weigh the impact of everyone on Toktok

You taking me through kteng wasn't so much a learning experience because you burned through it. I liked the group prayer though at the end. I have done all the ancients before i like to treat it all like it is new.... after all the first time is obsv/expl exp.

Even if you were not at my dying... You better give me one helluva wake. :-D

My next character is gonna do PVE I think. I Also don't have the potion knowledge to protect my ass as a warrior. That is why I play a Paladin. ;-) I'm sure I could be allowed michief and law breaking with a lucky lord follower.

116092, All this can be asked in game. 100%. Especially in Fort
Posted by Rydell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Especially in Fort.

If you ask either the upcoming Captain/Marshall/Elder/Cardinal - I'm sure they would not only tell you, but show you how to get them.

116097, Yes, I agree.
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Perhaps I will try one a bit later... I am already stiring with plans for something.

Behold!!! More to come. ;-)
116065, Goodbye Empire/GSV & Closing remarks
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Empire - You were the Majority of my fights. All Top-knotch stand up players.

Kraldinor - Top notch character and player. I really learned a lot fighting you over and over and over and over again. I learned how to defend the fortress fairly well from your constant raids. I also learned how to better fight a Shaman. Thanks for always making me want to keep coming at you and learning... I feel kinda like "Megamind" here, "He would win some and I would ALMOST win others." Haha! If only I had some lag.

Jeb - I know I got better at fighting you, but you were another megamind here... Almost! Almost! Couldn't stop the fleeing though. Le Sigh.

Etion - the trump card. Couldn't hope to defeat any imperial while you were around unghosted. It was a cat and mouse game and you would give me no cheese.

Cagocluse - I really liked our fights, so close they were, and then the RP. Thanks for the lessons on whip specialists... It seemed so "duh" after.

Havannah - Bard sleep is great for mana regen, but 1 v1 we did nothing but kill time.

Merf - Another one of my great highlights. Your Attempt to ambush me in the Mausoleum that turned out to be your own grave. I bet You and Wyglacio were flabbergasted by that rope-a-dope.

Ged - No one ever profits from the Shadows. EVER! I expect to see that tombstone defilement! You were always a crazy wild card that I didn't know where would pop up and with whom.

I RP'd so much with you guys and enjoyed the respected enemies that we seemed to go back and forth with.


Yegtheg - Great fights! Nice ambushes, it was always a role of the dice with whom you were fighting with. I appreciate the RP too.

Ruknubuk - Man I wish I had been around long enough to take advantage of your distends. I had a searing light staff with your name all over it! Oh well, you no doubt would have gotten away and quaffed a potion and hid in the village or avoided me. Still Orc smack talking can be fun.

To my enemies in general I rarely looted anything and all but scions (who have to have their transform loot) pretty much let it be. I don't think there was anyone who #### talking and I think that shows are great player behind the charaters. It is so easy to write a murder/asshole role just so you check the box to make it a pvp game and you guys were not like that at all.

Okay, I have rambled on and on. Post and I'll respond

116067, RE: Goodbye Empire/GSV & Closing remarks
Posted by Kraldinor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not much else to say I didn't on the other board, but thanks for the additional insight on Champions. If I ever play a Paladin, I will probably go a different route.
116068, Champions could use some tweaks, but don't get me wrong, they were a lot of fun. n/t
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
116064, Goodbye Herald/Scion
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

So many more that don't come off the top of my head.

Heralds: - In general I love RP'n with you guys.

Corlx - The thief with the plans, always enjoyed our travels and our chats. I think I had that pipe in my chest up until the end. I loved that we clicked. Thanks for having my back and always being happy to explore with me or I with you.

Saersha - How come you didn't bat your eyes at me like you did all the other boys? Ha! Thanks for coming with me as I tooled around the world looking and getting things. Always happy to interact with you.

Aeede - You were another adventure hound that was always willing to go out and do things.

Tribunals: Thanks for keeping me honest and on the straight and Narrow. I broke the law three times and paid my dues for it too. One cannot say that I did not show remorse or penance for my crimes.

Outlander: Didn't really work with you guys too much nor deal with you other than Nyst with the surpise ambush early on.

Battle: Nothing but good stuff from most of you guys.

Arratok - I can't believe I took down the commander of battle! That was a serious first and high point for me with Toktok. Congratz on the Immdom.

I'm forgetting your names and I don't want to butcher them so please respond and I will fill in.


Zhenyen - Ouch, ouch. I tried a couple times to face off at you, but the only time I stood a chance was at the watcher stand off that one time.

Sedhara - As much as I hate Ambush, Lurker Shapeshifters, I guess CF has it's place for those too. I just wish there was RP to see to back up the temple lurking. That is the drawback to the shapeshifter I guess though. I was amazed that I stood up to you and the Vanquisher when I was trying to get the orb back... #### move preventing it though. #### move. Oh well.

Bokru - Loved your tactic, just didn't love not knowing what to do about it.

The rest of you I'm forgetting your names and I don't want to butcher them so please respond and I will fill in.
116086, Awww, Toktok!
Posted by Saersha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had to do a double take when I realized you were a champion. You sure laid out a heavy whalloping. I had fun running around when we did too. I wish we could have done so a lot more often, but I knew you were busy. Just ignore your duties and take me out to lore objects! Come on! Toktok really was a gentle giant and a force to be reckoned with at the same time. Oh! And Saersha never flirted with giants, ol' pappa Whiysdan would have never approved.

This makes me regret our last talk. I wouldn't have grumbled so much about your condescension if I knew you were so close to the end. Average day my hiney! I understood it from an IC perspective though. No one who's fighting a war(and burning through con doing so) would want to give props to someone who isn't. At least, if they weren't there chasing the scary monster too! :P
116087, I don't recall the conversation that vividly but...
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Toktok didn't talk down to people so maybe I was talking about myself and my day... but did a poor job of it.
116089, There was clear condescension!
Posted by Saersha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Without giving away too much, after telling you about the great evil the Heralds and Fortress had been chasing all night, Toktok said, "Adventurous day for a Herald, average day for a Maran."
116090, Totally didn't mean it that way...
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was thinking of a more "welcome to my world". Like now you understand my day and my frustrations.

I totally see how you could see it that way though... not what toktok meant though.
116063, Goodbye Fort/Imms/character remarks
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

That was a fun ride that was. I bought my PBF before this even showed up. I gave me thoughts about Marshal already on the Gam eplay board. To reiterate though, I love the paladin class, just like Kagumaru loves APs.

There is no denying I wasn't deathful. Other than call lightning, there was little I could do to keep one in combat or lag. I won usually from them over committing or had a great tactical advantage (summon at fort so they fight me then flee into the watcher). Leadership is not about how you can kill solo, otherwise all special forces ground pounders would be the four stars generals. As far as my attitude I was humble about PK, both IC and OOC. The only I don't fear X comments from Toktok were about... Dragons, Undead, and Devils.

Those time we (Avadara and I) "wandered off" were times we went out looking for evil. Fortress doesn't all run around together. I would call to arms to go hunt and those who wanted to go went and the rest had other focuses (which is usually not pk). I spent a whole lot of time the only Fortress member on, sometimes just me and Aster, or Voralia and I, Keara and I. I found stuff to do.

Also I attempted stuff to learn what the limitation of a champion were. I'm the type to lose a fight, change tactics and go at it again.

I'll let my enemies to tell you how I improved and how they would come at me with 1v1, groups, or fight at the throne/archmage/GSV. I know they had advantage but it is a challenge and fun.

If I don't post you and your impact on Toktok just tell me and I'll add it in under yours.

First time winning a RC (Thanks Twist!)
First time breaking 250 hours (beat last con death by 25 hours)

Second time ever being Maran
Second time not really understand Jaguar 101


Thanks for keeping this game running. I'll keep playing as long as you wish to keep it up and I enjoy playing.

I apologize to you for not properly proofreading my roles for obvious errors before I hit "role post".

Ray/Baer - Thanks for trucking with Toktok, I came up with the role idea and it just kind of went from there. Thanks for the empowering. I hope I gave you some moments of fun snooping.

It's not in me to walk away from something not understand it so I came back the Jaguar, and well... I still don't quite understand how it works.

So, sometime down the road I'm going to take another crack at it. Perhaps then I'll fit the mold of a Captain or a Marshal.

I don't think I even saw another Immortal other than ray/bear other than on the who list.


It strikes me now that it never occurred to people that I was senior in the Maran leadership tree and we are supposed to show or demonstrate that we are helping our squires and friends. If I seemed to give advice like someone was new to the game and that perhaps they thought I was talking player to player, I wasn't. I was instead the old character talking to young character. Each character isn't supposed to be the reincarnation of a player with all his experience loaded up.

So I realized with this Maran what I didn't realize with Drogdenbaryd. That Zeal and Eyes were in the skill list and I didn't use them for the entire life of Drog out of ignorace. I thought that I didn't get them. Player Fail!

Andira - Honestly I started saying please after you pointed out that I wasn't. Text never conveys inflection and implied requests, but a please sure helps it along. Thanks for the guidance in leadership even if I was never to be a leader.

Aster - You masochistic Ranger! I loved how our RP meshed and we worked out well. I cringed each time you got over zealous with altruism. I loved the mouse on your shoulder after the Hell trip, and how you wore simple gear for the longest time after you were near death. I contemplated retiring with you, and if you had accomplished it. I think I would have joined you, because Toktok was tired.

Morgan - I really liked your RP too, I wish you didn't burn out so fast.

Rydell - Thanks for the Ancient Dragon Runs, and Tiamat attempts. Because of those runs I was able to take some people on Ancient Dragon runs on my own. I really enjoyed the friendship that we built and how you kept pushing me towards leadership. Thanks for the invitation to Ray's shrine (I had never been before). Keep trucking with the Vodron Idea, good or bad, I would love to see how that plays out.

Xilreth - Sorry to unleash a treasure monster on you. I had no idea that would happen.

Avadara - Thanks for always being willing to answer the call to arms and hunt evil at their doorstep (GSV, Imperial Lands, Chasm, etc). I'm sorry we didn't make a deadlier combo. Really wish you would have flown away more.

Tiribew - Thanks for coming along with me on all those adventures and being a dragon hunter with Rydell and I.

Keara - My girl! Thanks for the constant runs through the Vaults, I am only slightly more familiar with them now. I really should have mapped them out. I loved our pseudo relationship there. I really attempted to play the guy that cared for you, but wasn't willing to commit to anything due to his love for his murdered wife. (Check the role when the PBF pops)

Voralia The warrior acolyte that really symbolized the shield of the fortress and not the pacifist. Thanks for almost always having my back and backing me up. I truly enjoyed our acolyte/maran RP playing off each other.

Oshui - Thanks for taking me to the arena and letting me learn some of the abilities of the Champion. Looks like Bat is a dex based skill though so it was nearly useless as a lag move for me wish 16 dex (I never trained it up)

Grejj - Another Maran the blazed through his life too quickly. I liked the silent warrior.

Grunthuk - Lucky Lord followers are the shine in everyone's sunny day. They are always quirky or happy-go-lucky and they life the moods when ever they are on. I wish you stuck it out. I would have drank with you over and over again.

So many more that don't come off the top of my head.
116091, It was good to have another pally to hang around with.
Posted by Voralia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked hanging with you, mostly because I'm quite often alone when online and it's nice to have a Maran to hang with.

Sometimes, you seemed very competent when we PKed together, other times, quite noobish. But I guess it was the champion ded doing that. + I had not clue what to expect of a champion as I've never played one. + I'm still figuring out quite few things myself. (I am not a regular paladin player, I can tell you that.)

I thought you did have leader potential, but as I heard you were so low on con I figured you'd never get it.

A shame I never did get to show you the vaults and teach you the right way around it.

I hope to see you in the fields soon again.
116118, Great hanging with you.
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like I said before... You play my thoughts of what an Acolyte should be... As I wrote in that Fortress letter... I think of you guys as a shield and marans a sword... the shield is still a tool of war. We did some pretty great things together.

Ya the PK aspect of champion is hit or miss sometimes... basically the RNG failed me from time to time... I got better at adapting to it later on, but in the begining it was rough.I will caveat that with some perpetual noob mistakes... but those were not as much as just simple RNG fails.

You're doing great as a pally from what I can see. Keep it up.
116096, Great character!
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Toktok was a great character all around. I wouldn't say you didn't "get" the religion exactly but maybe it was more that I wasn't quite sure what you wanted from me. Your initial email about the empowerment had (maybe I misread) a message a little different than how things were approached in game and I was often a little confused over what I should be doing.

On a general note, I think you frequently mean to say something one way but text speak interprets it in a different way. I misunderstood you and reading some of the feedback from other people and how often you've replied to say you didn't mean something a certain way, communication methods are something to work on a little.

For leadership this was tricky. I did want to give it to you though I find the leaders who think they should have the ability to really order people don't do well in the Fort. By the time it seemed like you grew and changed some of the things I wanted changed (I was very happy that you were open to constructive feedback and challenges) you were just about out of con. I really thought about giving it to you at the end but things just never worked out and I am sorry for that.
116119, Awesome.
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad to know that I was figuring it out. It now makes more sense to me our interactions. Here we were both looking for direction from each other so we ended up at a figuritive stalemate of waiting. Basically I was looking for the mentorship of a warrior goddess. Which at times seemed to start but then never came to fruition. I the player am always open to constructive feedback and make changes to improve my characters each time. As far as virtues I am glad I was given hope, even though at first I thought, "again?" (I had it on Drogdenbaryd.) I think it was a huge boon to me once I really figured out how to use all the abilities. Fortitude was exactly the virtue I hoped to get, not because of the abilities, but because I really attempted to roleplay a character with fortitude. I'm going to hope you saw that in my roleplay and pretend that there is no way it was chance coincidence. ;-)

I think in general our perceptions and definitions of a leader are different and I think I accepted that well with Toktok. I think the community beat that horse dead on dio's page though. Next Maran I'll attempt a different approach and see where it goes.

At the end of the day I would have loved a leader spot and a tat, but the journey from cradle to grave with Toktok was quite fun throughout.

Thanks for taking the time.

116111, RE: Goodbye Fort/Imms/character remarks
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Free advice if you'll take it:

I think it probably is in you to play a "leader" character as you improve character to character, but instead of trying to get there by telling everyone what to do, try to get there by being a cool, level-headed character that everyone in the cabal respects and wants to hang around with.

You only can really get away with the first approach for long if you legitimately are the biggest badass in the cabal and everyone knows it.

I've seen a few people slip into the same trap so this isn't solely directed at you.
116120, I'll take it.
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the CF leader advice. I'll take that into account on my next.

I'll also work on being a legitimate badass took. Ha! Hook a brother up with some Champion/Monk pally edges. ;-)
116057, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Toktok Fjort'Bak'Tor the Priest of the Jaguar
Posted by Xilreth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had some fun times with you, cry plus someone that can lag is sick, I wish more Marans would take advantage of it!! I could tell when we were doing stuff that you would rather have been a sword or shield ded =P I think champ is a cool class, I might give it a go. I also think you should have gotten a shot at leader.

Hurry and remake, fort needs help big time. Since Kraldinor adged, all the sec leaders are on, making life hard on us Marans =P
116066, Completely agree.
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Which is another reason I really tried to stress communication.. Cry doesn't do anything if you don't know about fights.

I'm a little burned out with a con death. I'm thinking I'll do a PVE character before I come back with a Maran.

Again, sorry about the treasure monster.
116056, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Toktok Fjort'Bak'Tor the Priest of the Jaguar
Posted by Keara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From Dio's:

Keara - My girl! Thanks for the constant runs through the Vaults, I am only slightly more familiar with them now. I really should have mapped them out. I loved our pseudo relationship there. I really attempted to play the guy that cared for you, but wasn't willing to commit to anything due to his love for his murdered wife. (Check the role when the PBF pops)

Le sigh, another friend gone. I enjoyed all of our interactions, and never once thought you came across as demanding or a know it all. Just someone who had an opinion and usually stuck to it, though you were obviously open to discussions.

I knew you cared for Keara a lot, and I sort of felt like it was a cross between protecting/loving a little sister, and also a bit of "Hey, she's female, I'm male...but I've got a history that won't ever let me pursue it and heck, she's got her Ebani anyway so who knows what that means."

Thanks a lot for all the talking and all the walking, and for being what I think was a pretty good Maran. Best of luck with your next, whatever it is. Just don't be evil, because that won't be as much fun for me!

116061, It was a lot of fun.
Posted by Meoilaxenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry I didn't survive more/longer. I really attempted to open up RP dialog a lot but people just don't seem didn't seem to bite. You on the other hand were always happy to slowly poke through the Vaults where "I don't fear the undead... ever," and talk about this that and whomever.

I really would have liked to see the RP angle of you forcibly making me take CON from you, and me refusing to allow it. That would have been cool.

I'm sure I'll be around in another incarnation sooner rather than later. Evil is usually not my forte, but I do occasional put on a sadistic role and try it out.
116062, Ooops! Logged in with an Old Handle
Posted by Toktok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seeing if I could post my good bye thread and didn't switch back. I can't still.
116069, RE: It was a lot of fun.
Posted by Keara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For a long time you were the only Fortie I would see because of odd hours sometimes, and you were surely the only Maran I saw for far too long. You always seemed ready to PK, but if I asked to do something else you never hesitated to take time to explore and talk. Big fan of that, thank you.

I was really curious how that would play out too. You might have been more stubborn in general, but I think my stubborn might have been a big stronger.
116085, Ya, my work schedule gave me odd play times
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A lot of middle of the night playing.
116054, RE: (CON LOSS) [FORTRESS] Toktok Fjort'Bak'Tor the Priest of the Jaguar
Posted by Tiribew on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for being a very active member of the Fort. I enjoyed traveling with you even though Kuo-Tao Lair usually spelled doom for me. You seemed like you tried to hard to be "leader", but it got me going anyway. Your presence was always a blessing be it for battle or adventure. GLWYN man.
116055, Ya, too much leading seems to be the general opinion.
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasn't able to post here earlier for my goodbye thread.

I'll post my goodbye thread when I get home. It's on Dios for now.