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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [NEXUS] Mylene Kuanos the Spunky Old Lady of Boundless Luck, Meter of Mind
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115991, (AGE DEATH) [NEXUS] Mylene Kuanos the Spunky Old Lady of Boundless Luck, Meter of Mind
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Jul 20 09:59:50 2013

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Mylene perished, never to return.
Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
116117, Great char
Posted by Grippledank/Gartuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was cool to see both sides of you, I think you really embodied a Whiys follower, good natured, charitable, but not a wimp that would stand down from direct confrontation if it was neccesary.

We had some great muter on muter fights even though they never ended in a death.

And as gartuk your mana transfer plus healing was absolutly redic.

Good luck with your next.

116070, Wow Mylene was old...
Posted by KrunkTheOrc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have thought you were on your way out soon after Krunk died. Honestly I saw you in game a few weeks ago and assumed you were a hero-imm. How else could you have lived so long eh?

Very good character from all the interactions I had. Hope you enjoyed it. Looking forward to whatever is next.
116094, RE: Wow Mylene was old...
Posted by sykon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed running with you, we were able to do some nasty nasty things to those villagers. Though at the end there, if there was one other evil on, just having you log on meant the balance would be tipped. I thought we handled that well together and I think we each knew they neither of us were going to go down unless some big mistakes were being made.

I tried an orc a long time ago, I think before adaptions were in and just got slaughtered every which way. I was impressed at everything you did and it was fun to see an Orc's orc!.

116052, Incredible
Posted by Brizlin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our talks were always top notch. So well done being there and retaining meter so long. A pillar of Nexus for sure.
116095, RE: Incredible
Posted by sykon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope you have a long run, I think you will do good as Commander and I like your Drillmaster as well. You were a beast, and that damn tiger claw, so many times that got me first hit and I was pretty much useless after that.

Being able to hide / duo can give you some good respect for your foes. I remember one time I was duo and saw you, but you were fighting 4-5 Imperials on Eastern and I thought I'll leave him be, he's got enough on him, and not less than four or five rounds later you had some dead and the rest running just using your hands. After that I was always more careful making sure I knew I could tell you were around.

Good Luck with everything!
116012, Liked you as Aronar.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Someone who shared my beliefs about magic! Appreciated your help immensely too.
116103, RE: Liked you as Aronar.
Posted by sykon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish I had another chance to speak with you at length, but I can also understand how it could be tough the route you went.

This line here made me feel good and sad at the same time.

Aronar says 'Thank you for your time. I'll last now.'
116010, Thank you and good luck!
Posted by sykon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I want to start with a huge thank you to everyone, the Imm's for giving their time to this game and to the players that make it fun to interact with one another.

I've played off and on for the past fifteen years, but this is really only my second character of any note. (The first was Barid the Lord Adept Invoker of Masters when Valg was still a mortal). I wanted to learn the game again as much as changed and still to this day no other game can get my blood pumping like this one.

I've had too many hours to remember everyone so if you reply I will make sure to as well but I wanted to make a call out to the Immortals.

Whiysdan: Thank you for my first tattoo, I know I may not have been the best follower, but I attempted to embody being a leaver by helping out all I could dictated by the balance. I would always try to help young magi's as well as retrieve or just talk. Thanks for the alcohol and giving me something to strive for when most of the people I grew with either deleted or Imm'ed. I also wanted to thank you for holding the tournaments, it must be a pain to run, but it was very fun to participate in. It was a wonderful experience and I would recommend anyone to try a follower of yours.

Rayihn: My Lady! I so loved being your mouse, and if you had even a tenth of the fun I had interacting with you then I feel I did good. Thank you for the opportunities and I will miss our interactions, especially giving Iklahn and Inerayo a hard time. You were simply amazing and gave all of the right guidance. I will be back with something to interact with you again soon.

Iklahn: I thought we were an amazing duo, thank you for showing an old player all the new tricks and I know at times it frustrated you, but at the end there we started to become a powerhouse. I thought we played well off of one another as Meter and Rhyme, as well as hard ass vs. soft ass. I was happy when you immed so you could be around more but also really sad when we couldn't run around anymore. I wouldn't be half the Meter I was if it wasn't for you. Good Luck, and I hope you are doing well.

Twist: I was able to interact with you as friend, foe, and Immortal. I enjoyed every side of our interactions; from the first time I disappointed you by dying over and over to get the Key when I was young to the complement of getting it back from Arratok while getting entwined every which way.

Daevryn: I knew you were up there watching, I hope I helped out with Nexus more than I hurt it. I only know of interacting with Aulrathdien and boy did that hurt.

Inerayo: Thank you for winning Meter(more on that later), I really liked our roleplay during that entire situation and you were amazing. I learned a lot from you and thank you for taking the time to teach me. You will do great and good luck!

Ekaerok: Sorry again at the tournament, I would have cancelled you if I would have known. I think that it would have been close. I was happy to see you Imm if nothing else not having to deal with you!

Arratok: I'm still not sure how I got you at the Isle that one time, you had my number more ways than I can count. Good luck with everything!

Amaranthe: I loved you at the tournament. After I went and reread some of the logs you made me laugh out loud multiple times. I may need to try one or yours sometime soon.

Mendos: We didn't interact much, but thank you for at least listening when the balance needed to help you out. Good Luck!

Nexus: When this cabal first came into the game I thought it was a stupid idea, boy was I wrong. I think this is a great cabal to learn as you will be fighting almost everyone, as well as helping them. I learned some tricks while fighting with people that I would have never figured out that I could then use on them at later times. I highly recommend this to newer players and when I inducted people, if you at least knew how to gauge the balance you probably made it in. I wanted to give people a good experience but after so many inductions at times it got tough. I know the cabal needs a lot of help now, but hopefully with me passing that it will get another boost here shortly.

Transmuters: Boy, so many options, as long as you didn't have spellbane I could do some nasty, nasty things and usually live to get away to tell the stories. It took a while to learn everything but what I wouldn't have given for scourge, or some AOE spell to do something against spellbane. I will be posting some logs here shortly. I'm more than happy for some feedback, or if there are questions, I can give you my thoughts.

Times: I logged in as much as I could. I didn't have another character, or played another game. In fact besides for playing some Pathfinder every other week, this was what I did to relax. I know I upset some folks for not being around as much but I did what I could with Job / Family / Vacation / Life. I never pushed anyone to vote for me as Meter, and in fact when I won the first time I do not think there was any other arcane in the cabal (or they never showed). I was happy when Inerayo won, and wished he could have held on for a few more votes.

In the end, Mylene was always trying to make things better for the balance, the Isle, and anyone she interacted with. If you post I will respond and I hope I was able to make your experience as enjoyable as mine was.

Thank you,

116011, Sorry I didn't make the party....
Posted by Kraldinor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One thing you did really well was keeping fights pretty emotionless so when you needed to assist the person you were fighting the day before, they didn't hate you and would actually welcome the help. Those were some nasty neuros that last fight.
116104, RE: Sorry I didn't make the party....
Posted by sykon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, I didn't make the Party either! I hope they still had one and some drinks went up for both our names!

I tried especially hard not to loot others when I was helping others for the balance. I also tried to guard corpses when I could which I think helped out with that.

I'll get some logs, but I can't believe it either, usually our fights were just me swinging a wet noodle at you and me getting diseased up the wazoo until we both got tired and left.
116034, RE: Thank you and good luck!
Posted by Retan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man did we have a history together! I always loved talking to Mylene!

I played several Nexuns, but the most noticeable would have been Tinwold. I know I said that I would not die out after the first vote, but as I said, real life took over at that point.

Absolutely fantastic work! GLWYN
116105, RE: Thank you and good luck!
Posted by sykon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tinny! You were one I had pegged for taking Meter from me as Inerayo did. I bet the next vote you would have had it and you were one of the rare ones.

For a while there I wished that gnome shapeshifters were locked down like minos are. For every five I spent time with (they just deleted when they didn't get the forms they wanted) one actually followed through and developed as a character. Thank you for being one of those rare ones.

I wanted to try to develop something with the guild masters of Hillcrest to do something like that, but never had the time to.
116036, Top notch!
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just so awesome all around, and yes we did have so much fun chatting and generally mocking Ikly-poo and Inerayo. You had such a great run. I love seeing long term stick with it characters like this. And you know that you're well loved when no one complains about the (OP) rewards I gave you. ;)

I was always hoping you'd decide to be a Ray follower but eventually I decided it was never going to happen and decided to start actively pushing you towards Whiys instead, since I knew that was where you wanted to go. I was glad to see the 13-sided die that I sent over did the trick.

Good luck on your next, I'm so glad it'll be something I can interact with.

Love much!
116098, I never complain about your Nexus rewards!
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mostly because I'm in the cabal when you give them out!

Mana transfer was awesome for Mylene though, especially the type of char she was.

For Mylene: I thought you were a really under-stated character that flew mostly under the radar the 5 months I was in the cabal (back when the leaders were Iklahn and Inerayo), but I always enjoyed when you were on and the time we spent (I was Ryntallin, Komodo/Tiger).
116109, RE: I never complain about your Nexus rewards!
Posted by sykon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mana transfer was quite fun, and helpful many times over the life of Mylene. I still remember filling up invokers with mana for shielding everyone, and if there was a bard or someone who could heal then it got even more insane.

It also brought back memories of Masters which I loved to play (only Entropy topped it) and with my story line it fit in quite well.

I remember you and you did quite well at times. The thing I remember best is that you communicated better than most of the other shapeshifters I remember and it was very helpful.
116037, RE: Thank you and good luck!
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great work! I think that you did a wonderful job and I enjoyed every interaction. Glad you had fun!

116038, You hung in there a long time.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to say that I really liked your character even if you killed me horribly in the sea once. :P I almost feel bad about Transmuters. Almost. ^_^ Just imagining what would happen without spellbane on a villager, it would be really bad Transmuter vs village with no spellbane.
Lets hope I get to pincer you again sometime. ^_^
Or maybe you will be the once pincering...

-Kontoln Stoneback
116108, RE: You hung in there a long time.
Posted by sykon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, I'm debating on going through my logs to see what I had the hardest time with and trying one of those. Mino (You) / Human (Salpcha) axe always seemed to have my number. I'll find that log in the sea because I don't think I got anyone else after that. There were a few that even took that edge because there were a few times I thought I had someone under water just to see them flee / run.

You were a classy foe and thank you for bringing some pain as well as fun!
116071, RE: Thank you and good luck!
Posted by Ekaerok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No sour grapes from me over how the tournament went, having a transmuter as part of my pack pretty much kept me alive through the beginning.

I actually ended up being pretty happy that you helped gank Ekaerok in the spire that one time, it allowed for me to play out anger which I hadn't had many reasons to yet.

Overall, I've had several characters interact with you as ally and enemy and enjoyed all of it.
116107, RE: Thank you and good luck!
Posted by sykon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, I do remember that time at the Spire, and I was just tired of logging on to notes about you attacking the Isle and I also knew that when Jawn went you would be next with Insects and fighting you would get a lot more frightening for me so I took what I could.

I think you still might have gotten away from that if the vindicator wasn't there as well. The sad thing is that I told two of the hero tribunals that I would come in and help, but would not go to the Inners, which every other time they were fine with, but this time there was also a low level one that flagged me (after you died of course).

116005, RE: (AGE DEATH) [NEXUS] Mylene Kuanos the Spunky Old Lady of Boundless Luck, Meter of Mind
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the big pillars of Nexus for a long, long time. Nice job.
116004, awesome job, super fun throughout nt
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
116003, RE: (AGE DEATH) [NEXUS] Mylene Kuanos the Spunky Old Lady of Boundless Luck, Meter of Mind
Posted by cel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No!! There goes the last of the old guard I think... ack. Not a good time for the Isle to be sure. Loved running around with you, one of the few people reminded Cel of the life she left behind for adventures, *sigh* it will be missed.
116106, RE: (AGE DEATH) [NEXUS] Mylene Kuanos the Spunky Old Lady of Boundless Luck, Meter of Mind
Posted by sykon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is going to be a tough time for the Isle, but I think there are some people that like that and will make the difference. I liked Cel as we were opposites and I always liked it when even amongst the Islanders there was a need for balance. Thank you for making a Neutral conjuror look frighting and I think that Mana Transfer combined with your quick ability got us some kills we may not have been.

There was one mistake that I always kicked myself for and that was when we were raiding the tree and I was running from the Sunwarden. Instead of just telling you to gaunt him which I think I would have lived, I panicked and just told you to tess in. I guess I just wanted to see you bring the pain as I never got him.

Thank you for being there at the end, and I hope you talk to whom I pointed you to. I tried to do what I could for you but the body just gave out.

Good Luck!
115996, RE: (AGE DEATH) [NEXUS] Mylene Kuanos the Spunky Old Lady of Boundless Luck, Meter of Mind
Posted by Jaf2h on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I interacted with you over the course of a couple characters and you rocked it. The nexuns lost a good one. All the titans are falling now it seems.