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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [None] Delilah Davenport the Delirious Child
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=115594
115594, (RAGE DELETE) [None] Delilah Davenport the Delirious Child
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jul 1 19:44:32 2013

At 12 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 6th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Delilah perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
115755, In answer to an imm comment on her PBF
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yup that was based on a real interaction. Better written than it
happened but pretty true to the conversation.

Those were quite a bit of fun too. :)
115621, Very well done. Excellent roleplay. Loved this Character. Wish I was this good. nt
Posted by Gilut on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
115618, Hi,
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our interactions.
115616, So amazingly, excellently, we'll done
Posted by Brizlin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I cannot speak highly enough of your RP with this character. From the get go you could tell the angle of Delilah and who she was AND you were creepy as hell. I was lucky enough to get what I think is most of this backstory for the Davenports and it was incredible. And a lot of the credit goes to you. This one will end up being one of my CF favorites. Both because of Amaranthes genius backstory and your amazing RP. Well done.
115607, Reasons inside:
Posted by Delilah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being a spectre is rough. Especially when it's your first.

I burned through CON exploring this game and trying to find things. Normally I have no problems exploring but without constant slowing I couldn't regen health well at all.

Delilah's story - She was the daughter of the two other Davenports. Her mother had some issues that I won't post while she's alive but needless to say Delilah ended up with a pile of animated faetus' in her backpack. Her father disagreed with this heavily and turned to his anti magic ways. Delilah's body had been modified to remain forever a childs and her psyche kind of followed that. She was tantrum throwing, irritating and though everything she did was some kind of game. Hence the references to being bored and wanting to play with people - i know one person seemed to take that as an 'ooc' comment. I just wanted to clean that up.

Her flaws were what really made it hard on me as a player. Initially I was going to get a reduced size to compensate for being weak(x2), sickly and the 'frail' flaw. Frail was what really killed me, I could handle having lower base HP but stacking it ontop of the already sickly flaw made it uber difficult to regen any hp naturally. I could sleep slowed for 5 hours and not be at max hp. This is what ended up killing me a lot during exploration was just the impatience of getting stuck when things repopped or trying to desperately heal up with vampiric touches. I had a sweet set of ABS that I found pretty easily but there was only so much I could do without my uber set of gear to back me up. I capped out at 790hp with a sweet set, my natural was a lot lower than a spectres should be. Even after I dumped a lot of trains into it.

PK wise, I think I did alright for a necro. I just didn't find many opportunities. I took the opportunities to rank I could and ended up going a lot of faster toward hero than I intended. I think that killed the experience for me somewhat but I didn't want to be left hanging. I then made a go at the mummy quest, and was really stuck with two of my items. One was maxxed out for her entire life. The other I just couldn't find and literally had no clues on how to find it. When I had two clues to two locations, I burned through 2 con trying one only to give up. The second was a place I'd already cleared but was told it was still there. It was such a massive pain in the ass the fist time I really didn't have a desire to do it again.

I then got looted by a mob, lost not just my uber set but other important items I needed. I tried getting them back only to get looted again. I really hated not having a cabal, allies or anything other than her whiny attitude to get help. Playing the little girl card was eventually going to lead to a Scarab role - in which she realized how weak all the 'evil' people really were and wanted to harden them up. It would have been great and I am sorry I couldn't stick it out. The RP angle and lack of ability to do anything by myself meant the fun drained fast. I just hope it was fun for everyone else. Thanks.

And a serious thanks to those who did ally with the crazy kid - Eidiol in particular for being really fun.
115608, And to Amaranthe:
Posted by Delilah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are amazing. This was a golden role and I'm really sorry I couldn't do it more justice. I loved the challenge you set me and it really made me wake up to more than just the roleplay. I think it was just a leetle bit too hard for me and I should have been more humble in my request! Being a first time necro with nerfed hp really was great fun in pk - I blame myself for not being able to get better allies with Delilah's roleplay or being able to explore solo better. I think in retrospect I should have toned her down and gone for a place in the Scions. The powers and allies would have helped so much in exploration. She just didn't fit with how I interpreted her. Thanks very much for everything you did!

TL;DR Consider me pwnd by your challenge. I loved it and will be back for more in the future.
115614, I am so sorry to hear this..
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And also really sorry I couldn't make the diminutive edge happen. We were in a code freeze with the server move, plus having to mesh availability with coders is always a gamble, and it was just a perfect storm of suck in terms of getting that done. In retrospect I probably should have just waived the sickly and frail flaws until if and when diminutive happened. When I realized diminutive probably wasn't going to happen, I thought of just scrapping the roles, but I liked the storyline too much!

You did a fantastic job roleplaying her every time I checked. I just love, loved, loved it. I'm really sorry you deleted as I'm all but certain Delilah would have placed for a role contest win. You're interactions with Lissandre and Theodarian were priceless. I'm also bummed Theodarian deleted and that Lissandre is a lower-hours player because I just loved this storyline and would have loved to see it play out with more drama between the trio and those peripherally sucked into the story.

But, I knew going into this that things would not necessarily turn out ideally and that players would get disenchanted with their gameplay experience for various reasons. I still had fun and I'm glad you did, too, and I hope it will remain a memorable CF experience for you, even if the character was short-lived.

By the way, this character was chosen for you because you expressed a desire to try a necromancer, but also stated in your application that you have a hard time roleplaying *mean* evil. I hope this struck a good balance. :)
115609, Thoughts on neo Arial City?
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Looked like you spent a lot of time there. Yay or nay on the area? Anything I can improve? I have a couple of little fixes to pop in once the server move is stabilized.

ETA - this was a great character. You're right about the challenge but you rose up to it really well. The RP was top notch whenever I was looking.
115610, One thing I have noticed
Posted by Delilah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Arial face wear.

I noticed all the masks and started IDing them, only to realise they were all for humans. Arials have a severely limited selection of facial wear as it is - I think it's pretty much that assassin in Udgaard and then you're looking at area explore gear. I was hoping to find more in the new arial city, just any kind of lowbie stuff really. The one headpiece seemed pretty nice but the banker next to the guildguard attacks you and he's an above hero level transmuter. Once again, that's back to needing to be a hero level to get face/head cover as an arial.

Other than that it was really great. I really enjoyed blackjack and the new preps.
115612, Such a shame! I certainly liked me some Delilah!
Posted by Voralia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope you enjoyed the interactions we had as well. Thought after a while I thought that Delilah had matured a bit, into her teens perhaps, based on a few things you said via tells, so I decided to give up on the redemption plan that I had been pushing hard. (RPing with acolytes, heralds, goodie imms and you etc...) Such a shame, would've been fun trying to push that line. (Doubt I could've turned you in any way, but the fun is trying. hehehe)

I hope to see you soon again in some reincarnation, you sure have the RP and the PK to pull stuff like this off.
115613, I thought you were well roleplayed and I liked you.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even if you were trying to kill me :P lol
115617, Theo's thoughts.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) AWESOME!! Creepy and child-like together = extra-creepy!
Wish there had been more, sorry about the delete on you.
I had bad timing anyway, when we tried to talk someone was almost
always trying to kill me. Though my favorite was the semi-interview
with the drillmaster and you pop out attacking him and send me a tell
about how you are 'trying to help' :) Was that getting back at me for
voralia and 'trying to help?' Hehe.

I was hoping to get some play out of the note you left with lissandre
One part anger one part pleading with a dash of whiny.
Oh well. Even with the deletes It was a pretty cool run and I hope
there are more like this in the future. I'm gonna work on learning
the stuff I realized I was lacking with Theo. If nothing else this
will have made me a more 'well-rounded' player. So hooray!

Oh! forgot, were the little dollies left lying about from you or were
people leaving them around FOR you?
115619, Mysteries abound!
Posted by Delilah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I scanned and saw Brizlin talking with you. I went away, prepped up, and although I knew I had no chance of actually killing Brizlin I had to mess things up as much as I could! :D

It was a shame it didn't work out for you, I really enjoyed having you about. Delilah almost always ran away from you and I thought it would be interesting to see how that developed in PK range.

I did leave the notes and I did have a few other characters involved trying to sabotage you as well. But I didn't actually leave the dolls lying around - I've no idea who that was! But that's part of the fun of playing CF.
115620, RE: Mysteries abound!
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) I never got a chance to try to use the run away thing.
While out of range, had I gotten CB I'd planned to do things
like Hang on, I'll get her to go away... etc.. and just move in
and start talking. Not sure how it would have gone in pk either
hehe. I tried to drag as many outsiders into my 'misery' as I could
Even if it was something like talking to someone who had not been
talking to me with an 'Excuse me, my daughter is trying to raise my
corpse, I'll be right back!" Which gave me an excuse later to tell the
story :) I avoided the making a big stink over old men talking to my
daughter bit since that could too easily have stepped over the line.
I REEEEAAALLY thought about it though. Some might have thought it
funny, others.. not so much. The doll dropper though, now I wonder..
115606, Nooo Delilah
Posted by KaguMaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fantastic, I understand that being an uncaballed level 47 evil has got to suck a lot, but I enjoyed hanging out with you more than like, anyone else in CF. You were great for the game, sorry for con dying and leaving you to the flying bears.
115605, Was this character the reason the other deleted Davenport was a rager app?
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Were they siblings?
115602, Sorry I didn't get to you...
Posted by Kraldinor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I was in a bit of a jam of my own at that point, and when I got out of it, you were already gone.

Anyway, great char.
115599, I liked this character.
Posted by Perpetual_Noob on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just wish some of the the stories behind these characters were more common knowledge....

So were you the wayward daughter who got mixed up in the black arts? Then your father joined the village to attempt to subdue you and bring you back to lucidity?

So many of these role contest ideas of Amaranthe were cool... I just want to know more. People need to spread the word about people...Heralds need to start gossip! Drink at the Inn and tell your stories. Then when someone goes to one of the Heralds and asks what's the deal with so and so they can tell you.

Well played character Delilah, well played.

115598, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [None] Delilah Davenport the Delirious Child
Posted by Mylene on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked what little bit I was able to hang out with you. It was fun being around you and I am sad to see this.

We didn't fight much, and I tried to do what I could to help with what you were looking for but I may have just sent you on more goose chases than helped.

115597, No...I loved you!
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously.. You were awesome. WHy delete just as the contest starts?
115604, RE: No...I loved you!
Posted by sezdral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This isn't me, but if you're going to delete, you're not enjoying the character. There isn't a point to stay for the contest because if you win its only going to delay the deletion for a bit unless the reward somehow solves all your problems and makes your character suddenly enjoyable again. But that rarely happens.