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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Oaneewke the Lady of Nature, Passionate Observer of Portents
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=114473
114473, (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Oaneewke the Lady of Nature, Passionate Observer of Portents
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Apr 26 20:40:30 2013

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Oaneewke perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
114529, Ding Dong.
Posted by Oaneewke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't say enough good things about some of the people I interacted with over the life span of this char. Its refreshing to see other people who completely embrace their roles and offsets all the other 'crap' that goes on.
I rolled Oa-nee-wke (that's how her name was pronounced) with a solid backstory in mind, and interactions with quite a few people, including Whiysdan, spurred me on and helped me throw myself wholeheartedly into the poor broken-minded soul.

I came close to deleting in the 30s after a series of absolutely crappy mob deaths (solo ranking can be the pits), but then made the decision that I would forego any more 'ranking' and just play. It was the best decision I made and totally saved the char. I found that by just doing fun things like exploring, counter-raiding, gathering preps, fighting and the odd quest I was able to slowly gain ranks without risking those ####ty 100xp tnl deaths.

Part of what I wanted to achieve with Oan was to get a solid handle on lower and mid-rank pk. I am usually one to power up to hero and then get bored with the same humdrum pk match ups. Suddenly I found that there were always new people to contest with, except some others around who seemed to have the same levelling plan as me, which was also good for having longstanding arch-enemies.

There are some who have griped, I don't get your issues, its not like I was murder druid who indescriminately killed everyone I came across. Trust me my PK stats would have been way higher if I had. There were numerous times I passed someone by sleeping in the woods, or ignored the cb call of 'so and so is here in XYZ' just because I had recently gotten a kill on them, or they were not an enemy in Oan's eyes. Trust me also when I say if I had 200 more hours on this char I would have played them and would have continued to rank up, distension or no. Its funny to me how people in the absense of the truth apply their own sensibilities to a situation, because those are the reasons YOU would do X obviously it must mean everyone would do the same. I play this game for enjoyment like everyone else, but my enjoyment is not in being an ass to people, it's to enhance the game and experience for them, which I hope I did for anyone to took the time to interact. Yeah it probably sucked to have me show up and wade into your ranking party constantly, but if you had taken the time or initiative you might have gotten something out of it. Some people did, other people threw some petulant comment my way and logged off. Their loss.

Whiysdan, thanks for the religion bit, it really added something to this char. Your quest just fit so beautifully with her role I had tons of fun thinking through it. Also for the flying bartender visits, so many of them were well timed when I was out of booze and beginning to loose control. The RC stuff was also spot on and really amped up the role.

Others if you post/posted something I'll respond. I had some great 'friends' (Oan was too paranoid and unbalanced to have true friends) and great enemies.
114533, I guess I can accept that
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your side of the story seems legit, and your friends loved you.

I love midranges and I'm glad you made conscious effort to play them.

As an enemy who died from you a couple of times and spent a number of logins fighting/running away from/avoiding you - I never got even a hint that you were roleplaying more than what you needed to maintain cabal membership/empowerment. I think I even hung around next to my corpse for awhile after a particularly stupid death on my part, waiting for you to initiate some interaction that I could latch on to to convince me you weren't a tool - and I got nothing. Maybe you thought I was raging or something and didn't want to poke the butthurt bear.

If you'd like to avoid that perception in the future - maybe make an effort to drop a tell or an emote or something. 9/10 of your enemies might not respond favorably - but then that's them not being fun, not you.
114535, RE: Ding Dong.
Posted by Oryntohr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awesome char, you crazy ass. I liked that I never really knew what to expect out of you, even after I sort-of understood the concept. I don't imagine that was easy to pull off, but I totally enjoyed it.

Ignore the haters.

114545, Oryn
Posted by Oaneewke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Simply loved your char, our interactions were always great.
Oan had a sliding scale of madness depending on her alcohol intake. The more sober the more her visions would overwhelm here and the more erratic her behavior. Its probably the only character I have ever had my sobriety status in my prompt (having never played a bard) and many things were keyed off of it.
I remember leading someone across thera for some reason Oan started off tipsy and by the time we got near where we were headed she had sobered up and was out of alcohol, so she suddenly started screaming at the other char demanding to know why he was following her. The poor guy!
114548, RE: Oryn
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its kind of funny. I let a character with a similar concept auto not too long ago.

Care to post any RP logs, if you have them?
114556, Logs
Posted by Oaneewke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I have 90% of her life logged, so I will did out some. This goes for any fights if people are interested.
114540, I totally agree about one point
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The fact that some people assume that everyone is motivated by the same things as them, when in fact it's often not the case.

Also one of the reasons I think that people that hate a cabal should try it at least once.
114543, Some people do
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I don't think either of these statements are reasonable and fair assumptions to make about her criticizers.

So, hey, maybe we're all making unfair assumptions.
114546, Very well done!
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed everything I saw with this character and appreciated the different take on staying at a lower rank instead of powering to hero. I have to say, I watched very carefully just to make sure this didn't turn into murder druid (because I've dealt with that in the past), but Oan certainly wasn't that indiscriminate killer. Very well done, again.

114525, The best RPed mortal char I have encountered
Posted by Leyras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And you pretty much kicked ass and took names on all fronts, also.
Unlike many strong pkers, you were completely willing to play support roles when the Tree needed you. You were unafraid to try extremely hard match ups, like a completely prepared Vhateel. (remember that day I took the Scepter and you tried on Vhateel with about 7 level difference? I think you barely scratched him after throwing the kitchen sink at him). All around just awesome.

Leyras always thought of you as his completely crazy bad-ass little sister who was a lot wiser and shrewder than he was. You definitely enriched his life tremendously. You also changed his direction for the better in a few important conversations. Absolutely loved this character.

114530, Drama!
Posted by Oaneewke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh there was so many drama storylines, we had some great interactions and you caught on pretty quick as to Oan's 'state-of-mind'.
114516, One of my favorites to have played around. You will be missed. (n/t)
Posted by Ekaerok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
114531, Solid
Posted by Oaneewke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boy can you bring the pain!
You are a great presence in the Tree, keep it up. Good mix of badassness and solid RP. People like you make the game still fun to play after all these years.
114505, I don't think future Oaneewke's should be encouraged.
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not saying don't do it, but let's not pretend what this guy did was admirable/to be emulated.

I mean, unless we admire positioning ourselves perfectly to beat up the underdog, and then not deleting for 500 hours. But, I think most competent players would pwn pretty hard with an empowerment class against a weak group of enemies and a 100-400 hour advantage over nearly every character they could fight. I guess if that's what we think makes a model citizen, I don't agree.

If I had to say just one thing positive, I'd say: Good job sticking it out and playing druid really well.

If I had to summarize my negative feelings, I'd say: Good job, asshole.

>justifying my butthurt
114508, Evidently distention wasn't doing it's job. nt
Posted by Scrimbul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
114509, Distention is really only a problem if you have enemies stronger than you.
Posted by Quixotic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fortress and Outlander dominated the hero ranks for so long, I doubt the threat of distention was much of an issue.
114510, Pretty much this
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If Oaneewke distended, it wouldn't have mattered.

Her enemies above her were minimal, and the character might as well have been designed to keep it that way. Even facing a respectable range of hero evils, we're still talking about a druid, which has a lot of options for surviving/getting away from/avoiding/choosing fights.
114581, This is logically flawed
Posted by highbutterfly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For example, if I were Zmias, I'd be much more likely as a solo evil hero to go after a distended level 40 druid than Oshui or Rydell.
Being outnumbered makes it more likely a solo evil hero will go after the distended character.

What really happened is that the character, like all CF chars, is a trade off. Distention isn't so bad for humans but their lifespan is shorter.

This reaction to the char is at best, unfair. When every human anti-pal, conjurer, and nec who spends hundreds of hours cleaning out their midbie pk range is lambasted, then maybe I'd concede there's some sort of moral highground for indicting this druid.
114610, Let me clarify
Posted by Quixotic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If the hero range is filled with outlanders and maran and you are a level 38-42 druid, what heroes are going to hunt you should you distend?

If there are heroes who would hunt you, is it inconceivable Oanweeke might have had friends to help deal with them?

114580, Don't be a scrub.
Posted by highbutterfly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

This is just thinly veiled rage at being killed twice by the same char?

Frankly, this was a well done character, and it sounds like you're trying to "get back" at them on the death thread because you couldn't in the game. Moreover, and seriously, the game doesn't start at hero.

If you think distention should be harsher, bring it up on gameplay.

114609, RE: Don't be a scrub.
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I acknowledged this character was well done.

I agreed distention didn't affect this character (except to make its mission easier by not doing much) - I didn't recommend any changes.

I said I was glad the player took the time to play the midranges.

I also acknowledged (with some humor!) that I was butthurt, so it's not exacly thinly veiled rage either.

Battlefield threads are for thoughts/criticisms/reflections.

I don't know why you posted. I don't know why you posted without reading. But I'm rolling my eyes a lot.
114504, Another one of my favorites.
Posted by J Foote on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved your RP. Loved your esays. Loved pretty much everything about you.

I always wondered why you didn't level up, but I figured you had your reasons and I respected the hell out of you, so I never even asked.

You will be sorely missed.
114532, The Wild howl the name Jawn Foote!
Posted by Oaneewke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Love it, long time presence in the tree makes for great interactions. You have outlived two of my chars now! It will be a sad day when you are gone, I hope you make the totem!
114498, How did this happen?
Posted by Curious on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Human or not, you should have had more time than that before you age died. Were you wearing certain equipment to speed it up? What's the deal. This sort of makes me not want to ever play a cabaled human again.
114499, On the contrary
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A human lives 511 hours on average.
114506, Your confusion
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Stems from the fact that most high-profile age deaths are leaders, who get leader-aging (leadercon!), so they last longer. Oaneewke had standardaging on a short-lived race.
114512, this is my confusion
Posted by Aereglen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm well aware of leader-con and leader-aging. I was under the impression cabaled characters age slightly slower as well, nothing near leader-aging, but I thought they still got some extension to their aging. I see now it was a myth, and to be honest I always had a feeling I was wrong about it. Now I know for sure, and knowing if half the battle.
114484, You were great.
Posted by Nyst on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very competent ally with an instinct for the Hunt, perfectly roleplayed.

Your death took me by surprise, at the beginning I didn't quite understand
what was going on, because in my mind you were still young! thus my
confusing cb tells.

Hope you play another outlander.
114547, Grouchy Cat
Posted by Oaneewke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your growling presence around in the woods always had an ominous feel to it. Just the ring of venom for nightreaver, I hope you stay around for times to come.

To be honest I was half way through Barovia heading to get the fetish back before I realized something was up. I scrolled back and was "DOH! Well well I seem to be rather dead!" Glad someone was around at least to say good-bye to!

I will probably roll another Outlander at some point, this experience will be hard to top as we really had some top notch RP people during Oan's lifespan.
114481, Argh I still owed you
Posted by Madoc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would dearly have loved to have killed you, especially after basically having done so that time in Udgaard before Pegnir came in and took the final hit. My OOC rage from getting looted after that AFK death has subsided somewhat, you were definitely a worthy foe. I was terrified of druids for a while after you one-rounded me in Balator but then I realised it was you that was bringing the pain, not the class.
114539, Udgaard
Posted by Oaneewke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man it was a close one, I had called Windwalk while scouting in birdform and didn't take time to check that I was flying (you lose the fly part of windwalk when called in birdform) so you had me rocked when you were able to trip. Add to that my herbsets had all expired and the fight was yours, then in walks Pegnir. It was kinda a double edged sword, him being there and calling the fiend killed me and took your chance for charges, but if he hadn't my flee and bolt south would have let me get the forest haven in and I would have gotten out. Never the less it was a good scrap. You got more and more of a handful as you started to understand your skillset, but were never afraid to try it on.

That last kill in Imperial lands, I know you were upset, but really had no idea you were AFK, there were two of us raiding for the fetish against 4 or 5 (wasn't sure which other shadows were there) all I saw was you pull into the guild, were you sleeping up, wanding up I had know idea, I just knew I couldn't leave you to come charging in us at the vanquisher. I am pretty sure the giant laid into you with a bash pretty early (I'll check the log) and the fight wasn't long enough to figure out you were not there. I took your wands because Obaki had run out of preps, I took my wooden black hammer and your unholy which was empty of charges. Sorry you thought I did you wrong :( It was nothing horrendous, I don't think I ever looted more than one or two things, except poor Pegnir who was the first one I caught after they had ganked me down and stripped me, and I think even then I didn't take much. I think I pretty much had the same set of gear from like 28 till death, bar a few things. 90% of it was Noteworthy at best, with maybe the odd famous or legendary piece..

I know you've had it a bit raw, but having gone through the pain of an Imperial AP I'll say stick with it. Con dieing an AP is the best way to really learn the class, I learned tons despite being a whipping boy.
114479, I had tons of fun playing with you as Gembu.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad to see that you lasted. :) Great char! Great RP! When I see people like this still in the game, it makes me miss CF a bit. 3.5 months without CF! WOAW!
114478, Whoa.
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't know you were there for so long! One of the few I liked in this cabal. You seemed like you had an interesting RP! A druid of 92 years old who killed me? Oh for shame! :P

114475, RE: (AGE DEATH) [OUTLANDER] Oaneewke the Lady of Nature, Passionate Observer of Portents
Posted by Spiorra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, you were around forever. Why not hero?