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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Rockeano Gusto the Clever Businessman and Imaginative Decorator of the Inn, Kingpin of Galadon
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=112591
112591, (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Rockeano Gusto the Clever Businessman and Imaginative Decorator of the Inn, Kingpin of Galadon
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Dec 26 01:03:29 2012

At 6 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Rockeano perished, never to return.
Cabal:HERALD, the Heralds of the Eternal Star
112683, RE: (AGE DEATH) [HERALD] Rockeano Gusto the Clever Businessman and Imaginative Decorator of the Inn, Kingpin of Galadon
Posted by Rachiel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You always had me laughing and thinking, Rock definitely shaped a lot of change in her.
He'll be missed but she will always do her best to shine in his honor
112620, I know it socks... but
Posted by Rockeano on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
CF is what you make of it. Sometimes when you shake the box and think its exactly what you wanted, you unwrap it and find it's something different. Yes you can be discouraged, or you can be thankful you have something to discover in the personalized wrapping and someone who gives a damn enough to take the time to wrap it.

The Immortals.

Whiysdan was great. Always present, always enjoyable. That's saying a lot.

Captain oh Captain. That was hands down the most interactive and mind blowing experience I have ever had, and I have been playing a long time. Thanks for that.

Rayihn was cool. You have your hands full. I hope your willingness to contribute to CF doesn't burn out. Wish we could have spent more time together. I was surprised by the depth of our last interaction, and have to say, I can see how folks would like ya.

Enlilth. You know you're my boy right. You got me again. It's a curse you have with me. Enjoy the tattoo, oh, your dead within two days. Hey I like this character, you want another tattoo, oh enjoy that one for a day, dead. Here, you want some charisma boost, yep. A least with the first character I actually was able to log off and back on with the boost. Nougat.

Zulg. *insert unspeakable compliments here*

All the rest of the Imm staff, thanks.

My thieves. Where you at thieves? I tried my best to create a real guild. We had over twenty members at one point. I would have loved to have shown you all more. Good luck, I think you are all screwed now.

Heralds. Damn you all. I never actually plan to be a Herald and then it just fits so good. I enjoyed ever last one of you all, everyone as a different style.

Fiddleben. My man. We spent so much time on heists it was crazy. Was really hoping we could pull of a "rope-a-dope" but it turns out we never had a successful one. Enjoyed all food and the incredible RP. The things you created are true works of art.

Maehayla. WTF. You got me. You sucked me in, and now I'm jones'n. Really can't say enough compliments to your High Heraldishness. Thanks for the fun.

Gibbs. You cracked me up. You are a compliment to any heist and a compliment to CF in general.

Quetzal. Sometimes I thought you were the one with narcolepsy. I really enjoyed our times, the RP dynamic of it was great. I encourage you to keep at it, you got the right idea. Get out there and get in it or else you will never know.

Mabs. You and Fiddleben. I was so looking forward to more cook-offs.

Swalni, Silten, Asteloth and the rest of you come uppers. Big shoes to fill. Hope you enjoy it more than I did.

And lastly Rachiel. I was on the fence when I met you. I really didn't want to get caught up in you, but you offered me RP potential. We spent a lot of time talking to one another, like two lives worth. I hope you enjoyed the exchanges as much as I did in every dynamic.

More good byes to come.
112624, Good job!
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was on the fence at the beginning there thinking to myself, 'who is this thief guy that joined Herald near hero?,' but I spent a lot of time watching you in a bunch of different capacities and you really blossomed into a fun, different character in a way that I wasn't expecting. Congratulations and I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did. Hopefully you already knew how much I liked Rockeano.

112640, Why did you have to up and die on me?
Posted by TollikSvirf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am now the saddest of Svirfneblin.
112681, Seeya, Rocky!
Posted by Mab on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, man, I had no idea you were so old! Though I haven't been able to log on much, I was hoping we had the beginning of a beautiful friendship! I saw you as a big part of what I saw as the kind of off-color Herald culture and I'm sorry to see you go. At least I still have Fiddlestink and the new Herald gobbo to make mischief with!

Hopefully you'll be back in the 'fields soon. Good luck with your next!
112693, Thanks for everything
Posted by Nizetr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's hard to RP evil when someone is constantly being nice to you, selling you awesome gear cheaply. :)

Thanks for great interactions, I hope you had fun too with the whole alochol thingy at the inn, at least I did.

If you are who I think you are, roll something else but a thief next time? ;)

Hope to see you back on the fields soon!
112594, Christmas Is Over?
Posted by Rockeano on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say?

Thanks. Everyone, really thanks.

I'll send a farewell after it sinks in. Goodbyes will make it easier to remember.

Here's a snip of the end.

Whiysdan shrugs his tiny shoulders with a sly grin.

civilized <100hp 313m 1176mv 21600tnl (-30.91%) 3 AM>
Whiysdan says to you 'Sure have enjoyed your presence around the Inn, you know?'

civilized <103hp 331m 1176mv 21600tnl (-30.91%) 4 AM> 'Been a pleasure being here.

Your corpse decays.
The mantle of the stars returns to you.
A darkened helm returns to you.
A phylactery of free movement returns to you.
A pair of darkened boots returns to you.
An amulet set with a throbbing bloodstone returns to you.
A pair of golden dragonscale leggings returns to you.
An ornate golden ring returns to you.
An ornate gold belt returns to you.
Something returns to you.
The Heart of Brimstone returns to you.
Gauntlets of ogre power returns to you.
The Bracelet of Longevity returns to you.
A sapphire periapt returns to you.
An expensive, collared white silk shirt with frilled cuffs returns to you.
A jeweled lock pick returns to you.
A monk's robe returns to you.
The staff of wonders returns to you.
A razor-thin dagger 'Storm Shear' returns to you.
The scepter of the ancients returns to you.
Brown lace gloves crackling with arcane energy returns to you.
The Shadow Dagger returns to you.
A ghostly dagger returns to you.
A well-worn lucky coin returns to you.
A silver scalpel named 'Desiccator' returns to you.
An endlessly bleeding dagger named "Death's Facade" returns to you.
The dagger of Yog-Sothoth returns to you.
An emerald periapt returns to you.
The Bracelet of Longevity returns to you.
The Orb of the Twilight Lords returns to you.
The crystalline eldritch sword named 'Spirit Breaker' returns to you.
The girdle of endless space returns to you.
A spider ring returns to you.
The Dark Rod of Conquest returns to you.
117195 gold coins returns to you.
64666 silver coins returns to you.
9 copper coins returns to you.

civilized <108hp 343m 1176mv 21600tnl (-30.91%) 5 AM> You say 'Been a pleasure being here.'
112595, Holy herald gear lockers batman!
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't know this char, but god damn thats a lot of gold.
112598, *sigh*
Posted by Baylahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm devastated by this and don't even know what to say.
You were the best friend a girl could ask for Rock.
112630, Alright, I touched your alchemy set..
Posted by Rockeano on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I enjoyed it tremendously. As capable as you are to do the things I wanted to do, it really seemed like most of our time spent was out of form. Helping you get the croc was time well spent. I know I don't get to see all sides of all people from my laptop, but from what I did see. You were the top shelf of high maintenance. Don't drop the bottle. Don't even spill a drop. Enjoy every moment of it, and revel in it's deliciousness. I know I did.
112599, Aww hells.
Posted by Arratok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This makes me a bit sad dude.

What a Shame.
112600, RE: Aww hells.
Posted by Quetzal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is a shame, but you lived a damn bad ass life, always confident and strong and a devout follower of the Lady love you brother. Ill always remember you as one of the best explorers and friends I ever had the pleasure of working with at the Inn or standing with in battle
112602, Think you wanted this under his post not mine.
Posted by Arratok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
112631, Who would have thought?
Posted by Rockeano on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rockeano had such a busy life that I never got to make that granite statue. I had just collected the granite, and you would have had a Gusto original had I been alive today. Thanks for the RP and all the gems.
112601, You were cool :)
Posted by Bingham on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for taking the time running me around and whatnot! Sorry for completely bailing on our deal, and I got the feeling it rubbed you the wrong way a little bit.

I enjoyed our interactions though, and they did help out with giving me a sense of direction :)

112603, Oh no!
Posted by Maehayla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had mentioned you were older, but I didn't know this was around the corner!

I had serious reservations about inducting you after the whole Ahmahrohtar debacle, but you proved to be a great presense. I had a lot of fun talking and traveling with you all the time. I'm not sure how you got your hands on everything you were after, actually, I do know one trick of your's. Sneaky, sneaky. Well, shoot, I'm not ready for this character to be gone yet.

Hope you get back in the fields right away.
112605, you lucky SOB
Posted by Grippetydoda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So close to killing you about 4 times! Hope you and the other heralds enjoyed having a bit of an antagonist in the mix. As far as it came to the gear stuff... Gripple is very protective of his things (THEY ARE HIS THINGS!) Me as a player could care less about you cleaning out my inventory, rarely is there a shortage of corpses to pillage when I am roaming. The thing that really drove Gripple to the point of the threats he made was you grabbing his trophy sacks, they hold(held, damn you thieves and winged nightwalkers!) a special place in his twisted heart.

112627, In that endless girdle was a BURNT steak just for you!
Posted by Rockeano on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed mixing it up with you. The problem with being a Herald is no one wants to hunt you, because you are everyone's friend. And I tried to not remain in the Inn when you came. I'd like to think even though you could mow through me, I always gave you a shot. I always thought you'd be the one to relieve my burden of wealth. Did you like that thing on eastern, oh man, I laughed as I ran away, oh did I laugh. I knew it wouldn't bother you, but it was one of the good times. Sorry bout the stealing, I mean, I was a thief. I always got a smile out of knowing the people that came to see me, when I warned them by saying Grippledork is outside, they thought I was encouraging them and they one by one piled up. Thanks man.
112634, I know what you were trying
Posted by Grippledok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know what you were attempting to do on the east road... but every single one of the "things" missed me. So your talk of impalement was a little off base :P
112606, RE: Christmas Is Over?
Posted by Silten on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were superb. Fantastic creativity when it came down to decorating signs. Wonderful "thief" feel to the character. I liked our trance dances and how you would go along with some of the things Silten would throw at you.

You will be dearly missed. What a great character. Hope to see you in the fields.
112607, You were really starting to grow on me
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasn't too sure at first but I really started to like and enjoy this character and was curious to see where you'd go next.

Good luck on your next, hope to see you around the Bathhouse again.