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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [NEXUS] Treyliu Rahwin'ja the Fated Vessel of Wind and Wave, Rhyme of Resistance
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112296, (CON LOSS) [NEXUS] Treyliu Rahwin'ja the Fated Vessel of Wind and Wave, Rhyme of Resistance
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Dec 11 21:50:32 2012

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness
on the Theran calendar Treyliu perished, never to return.
Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
112300, Thanks all. It was fun.
Posted by GreatGray on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks to all for a fun experience. And especially thanks to the Imms for their impressive work.

This was my third hero (second thief hero), first titled, first tattooed, and first leader-- and even that little glimpse behind the scenes made me realize the amount of time and energy it takes to do the things you do well. Treyliu was my attempt to learn from some past mistakes (having got whooped up on as Djetmai, a Villager Berserker svirf thief) and to take my play to the next level in many regards. I wanted to come up with a coherent build and a role that was interesting to me and also something that could manifest as real actions in the game (rather than just a backstory or general philosophy), with some reasonable chance for success at PK. I browsed the wizlist for a while, experimented with a few builds and decided I’d learn the most by trying something I already kind of knew (albeit a totally different build/cabal) and so I settled on this idea of a Taoist-style follower of the balance, tracking the “winds” of fate toward a righteous destiny. And so sphere: Air- and a fairly non-traditional follower of Fjarn was born.

I set out with the goal of winning a role contest as a challenge for myself, which I managed to do by starting with a character idea and spending a little bit of time on the creative writing piece before I even created the character, trying to make it an interesting read and a coherent story/idea. The resulting RC reward (Dance Upon the Southern Winds Legacy, and windwall edge) was quite appropriate to my role and surely helped me survive, so I was immensely thankful for that and it kept me going for far longer than I might have otherwise, although I was still surprisingly easy to hit compared to many warriors and others that I fought. Had I not died so much maybe I could have focused training some more hp, which would have helped. I guess that’s just the life of a thief but there were some battles where I just couldn’t believe an arial with 25 dex and the Dances legacy could get hit so much (especially by shifters or that other warrior builds would be so much harder to hit than myself). I loved the title I was given and felt that too captured my vision for this character. I never expected to become leader, but enjoyed the chance. That provided an interesting perspective on the game, to say the least, although leadership is definitely not for everyone as, at times, it came to feel a bit more like work than play. I half expected all kinds of Imm-teraction and special powers/weapons etc. for being a leader, but found it more to be a lot of people that wanted to talk with you (most about induction), dealing with politics, ironically with even less immortal interactions than before and no real other perks to speak of, but that was fine. It was a great chance for RP and I tried to make the most of it, although some applicants felt rather entitled and didn’t like the challenges I gave them to become an Islanders (which really weren’t that hard at all). Still almost everyone I dealt with was great and I can look beyond the very occasional sour apples (we all have our bad days) and overall rather enjoyed the small but entertaining and creative community that is CF.

I learned a ton with this one and it was quite different to be around for so long- people get to know you way before you know them and you realize you’ve interacted with many people over the lifetime of many of their different chars. That was a different experience that I hadn’t had before.

Thieves are awesome for RPing and exploring and a build like this was not bad at all to help get over the learning curve and become a halfway decent PKer. I died a lot early on. A lot. But fighting alongside another I was deadly and really hit my stride towards the end of life. If I did it again I’d spend my thief/edge points a little bit differently, but for the most part it worked out quite well.

Any feedback or criticism is more than welcome, especially from the Imms. Always looking to do better!


Fjarn- I am greatly appreciative for the opportunity and did what I could to wear your mark well. You were at times rather difficult to track down; other times I wasn’t sure if I was on the right track with what you had in mind for me. In the end it all seemed to come together in a very cool way. The interactions we had were interesting. It was clear you put a lot of thought into your followers’ respective fates and thus maybe why extra patience is necessary to succeed down that path as a follower. If my tattoo was supposed to do anything cool it never did, but I didn’t really care. It looked cool (which was enough for me) and I was quite proud of the accomplishment. And the falcon interaction was awesome. Keep it up.

Rayihn- Not sure how much you played into some aspects of my life behind the scenes, but I often felt as though you were quietly watching and supporting me. I enjoyed our interactions and sincerely appreciate the effort you put into keeping things afloat. I think many thought I was a follower of yours based on my title, even up to the end.

Thror- That one time you spoke to me out of the blue. So I tried to incorporate into my role and sought you out for a while, then gave up. Maybe I missed out on an opportunity for some additional character development and interesting RP (which would have been very welcomed) but I didn’t seem to get any more encouragement so after a while I just let it go. Did I miss something?

Devarrah (?)- Similarly, we had a very interesting discussion. I incorporated that into my role, tried to work with the Scion and Heralds on it, and I really wanted to follow up with pursuing your task, which unfortunately seemed impossible the more I looked into it. Many weeks past and never heard from you again. Not sure what that was all about, really, but it gave me some things to think about and kept me going for a while. Was always hoping to see you again but alas.

Scarabaeus- Was intrigued by you both IC and OOC. Was glad we got the chance to interact a little toward the end. Someday I’d like to try a follower but suspect that would be a real challenge.

Daevryn- The Silent Tower is awesome. Wish I had about 5 more con to blow taking risks to actually learn some more secrets in that place. Something to look forward to in the future, I suppose, and it makes me want to become an Imm to try and create something like that. Very cool.

Many friends over many hours, and things blur together after a while. I was surely not the greatest leader, but I gave it my all for the brief time I had. Things were pretty quiet around the Island for a couple weeks after I became leader but seems the next wave is coming into power and things are getting interesting again. Have fun!

Iklahn- My good friend and mentor. We had some great adventures. You were the stern father of the Island and in many ways Treyliu’s closest friend. Not sure I lived up to your standards, but did what I could as Rhyme and I always appreciated your council. Good luck up there. You’d make a great higher level Imm.

Mylene- Treyliu’s other close friend and the gentle mother of the Island. Really liked you. Early on I felt you were a bit overshadowed in comparison to Iklhan, but came to really appreciate your style as time went on. Not everyone is out there leading the charge into battle but it also takes time to help, to nurture, and not to mention speaking with the applicants in a meaningful way (even after you’ve done in a million times).

Inerayo- Another that I really enjoyed. Cheetah was awesome to watch in action and you were a good leader over your time as Meter. Was interesting to see it come full circle again with Mylene while you and Iklahn rose up. Didn’t see that coming with either of you, really.

Darikir- You were a good friend of Treyliu's and a beast of the Island in the middle years. I missed having you around.

Baylahn- Liked you a lot and expect you will go far. Use the power and responsibility of such great forms (and ignore those who bitch about them) and go forth with honor, my friend.

Bingham- Good luck. I wanted to show you a few more things but ran out of time. Hopefully what I did teach you will help and you’ll figure the rest out. Good luck!

Torgark- You were pushing my patience, but I don’t like to ruin people’s fun (lucky for you) and you did have a certain role to play in the Island’s dynamics. Still, you’d have been long gone under Iklahn. You lacked respect and ran your mouth too far. It may have been a mistake to not cast you out. Time will tell.


Most of you were alright. Lots I saw from a distance and had occasional battles with but I honestly had a hard time fighting the majority of you as you were stacked with protections, had healing ability, ran around together, tended to sit in the Fort for hours on end, were jacked up with Baer’s lightning, and/or liked to gang up when you had any excuse. Still, there were plenty there over my time that I enjoyed and I had few problems with any of you. Just too many of you around, IMO, it imbalances things a bit- of course there are good ways to deal with this as a (mortal or imm) leader. Had I been around longer I’d have tried to focus more on weakening the Fort.

Oshui- The jaguar was a real beast and I can see why so many complain about it but I’m willing to give people the benefit of the doubt that they deserve it. Clearly you’ve done some good things to earn it, and I am one who believes in strong rewards for time invested and good RP and good roles (preferably a combination of all the above). Still, given your power/responsibility, slaughtering entire groups of Nexuns without warning and high-grading eq for your friends at the Fort just didn’t seem right to me. Plus the way you let the fort run around ganging up so much, from what I saw, just rubbed me the wrong way both IC and OOC. You seemed to take joy in being so deadly and then would loot things that you couldn’t use yourself simply because they were nice items to impress or empower your friends. Not my vision for a leader of the Fortress, more like the Empire. Wasn't a huge fan, but that’s just my limited perspective, and I’ll leave it at that.

Rosaline- Really liked you and was sorry to see you fade away.


Wharsi, Rachiel, Maehayla, Rockeano, and others. I liked to hang around the Inn and gossip, to get info, spread rumors and such. It became a real interesting part of my RP for a while, and I enjoyed all of you and your antics. Tried to attend a few events, when I could. Rockeano, I was glad in the end that I decided to step aside as Kingpin to focus on the Isle. You’re doing a great job from all I’ve seen and you truly deserve it. Glad I didn’t blackball you! Rachiel- Liked you a lot and I’d have liked to run around on more adventures if Light were so darn strong all the time. I could see having a lot of fun as a Herald and I’m glad to see the Inn going strong.


A bunch of tough SOBs, for the most part. I had a lot of respect for most of you, and it tended to be one extreme or the other. Either I whooped up on you (most thieves, assassins, bards, occasional other non-arial warriors) or you completely destroyed me (most berserker warriors) in one-on-one fights. I tried to fight you one-on-one unless it was a complete suicide mission or if raiding or the Veil was really tipped. My last character was Djetmai and I decided to try a thief again having learned a lot from that experience. Man what a difference it makes to heal, use preps, be able to word and teleport, and use magical items. I had a whole new appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of Villagers, and although there are still those occasional berserkers that are total beasts and nearly invincible, most of you have a weakness that can be exploited.

Cainargen- Tough and honorable. Well done. I never really had a way to deal with you on my own.

Aulrathdian- Wow. Scary tough. Glad you weren’t around more often during my times because I’d probably have con died long ago.

Kontoln- Tough, feared and respected.

Zarkyem- Also quite tough and I was definitely lucky to get away from you (and defeat you) a few different times. Caught you with your pants down once or twice and had to laugh the time I got you and Tiarhelle both at the Island on my own right after I awoke. Treyliu didn’t believe in luck but I still had the lucky edge!

Jesp- I knew your every strength and weakness having just played a svirf thief Villager previously. That’s part of the reason I was so tough for you, along with the general mismatch of our respective builds. Try an Islander thief with scrolls, lots of gold, and cheapshot and watch what you can do to Villagers!

Issiver- The toughest thief I faced, simply impossible to pin down like some of the quicker warriors too. But you (and a few others, at times) were a big pain with giving weapons to Tahren and I did hate that. Just not necessary for the most part unless maybe someone is really that dominant (like stealing swords from Darikir I could understand) but I was never that much of a threat.

Salyeris- Was fun to fight you on the other side for a little while toward the end of your life and the earlier phases of mine. You taught me a lot as Salyeris and Allysia. You were an admirable leader and I suspect you’re out there somewhere kicking ass (with a non-bard?!).


Zameida- Already said goodbye in your thread. Enjoyed our interactions and would have liked to have done more together. Have always had an interest in Scion since my one brief failure there before I realized how far in over my head I’d gotten.

Haphanas- You taught me some very useful things toward the end. I really appreciate that and enjoyed our explorations. I hope I at least slightly repaid the favor by sharing what I did find.

Meko- You sneaky bastard! Enjoy those things. Didn’t see that coming and really haven’t figured out how to deal with that sort of poisoning attack when a person can’t walk, can’t use skills, and has gotten all their potions stolen. Ouch.


Ziruanja and Perr- Always liked you both a lot, even when were sometimes fighting on opposite sides of the balance.


Not a lot to say in terms of specifics to you all. Plenty of good interactions but none that especially stand out after all the years. Grippledank maybe is the exception- very tough and crazy, was glad I got you that first time you attacked because you didn’t give me the chance again. Never played either and both are cabals I’d like to try out some day. Empire’s had it tough for a while now and I was always cheering for the Imperials and trying to aid when I could.

Anyhow, thanks to all. It was a long good life and I’m sure I missed some good byes. There are a few characters around that outlasted me but for the most part it felt like the end of an era with most of my old friends gone. I plan to take a break for a while, maybe dork around with a few new builds/cabals that I’ve not tried but nothing serious for a while, and will mostly be enjoying an extra hour (or several hours) to my day to be productive outside work. We’ve got our first kid due in March (joining the Krunk club!) so it remains to be seen how much time I’ll have in the future for CF but most likely I’ll be around. I do enjoy the creative outlet and the occasional distraction from the stresses of the real world. Peace out, my friends.
112301, RE: Thanks all. It was fun.
Posted by Gripplodunk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey! That first fight I realized a couple rounds in I was fighting slowed and decided to go all in since it was so close. The dice fell in your favor (might be my only death to a thief/assassin). I thought it was cool (and suicidal) for you to throw down again right after I unghosted.

I know I didn't respond much to your conversations about balance but Gripple is both evil(honestly doesn't care about others or how his actions affect them) or rational (I am glad the crazed aspect came across).

I have to admit I am jealous of all you guys going to silent tower, hopefully before I age/con die I will be able to meet the 'minimum' requirements to start one of the get in quests.
112302, Also, what up with the pbf link?
Posted by GreatGray on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to pick up Treyliu's pbf but the donation link from Premium Battlefields FAQ is broke.
112303, RE: Thanks all. It was fun.
Posted by Jutley on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our interactions at the end concerning the religion.
112304, I remember our first fight.
Posted by Zephon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was totally not ready for it. Then I think I pretty much dominated 1v1 against you after that. Got some light weight weapons, etc.

I have a few logs that I was waiting until you deleted to post. I will post them eventually when I find time now.
112335, Oh dear!
Posted by Mylene on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, what a bummer. I was looking forward to spending some more time with you as the Rhyme. I thought we did good together and thank you for the complements, it means a lot to me.

I still remember fighting you as Djetmai and I don't recall the outcome of those fights but I can say the growth from that one, to this one from beginning to end has only improved.

Congratulations on the kid, and hopefully you'll have some time to spend in the fields!

112357, A nice job
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Much as I hate thieves as a player, especially as a rager bard, Treyliu was a fine foe to have and you pretty much kept me on my toes when you were around. I think maybe you were a little nice to me because of Djetmai, but who knows. Maybe I really just did get lucky in lots of our fights because lots of thieves whipped me pretty badly :)

Shame you missed out on looting all my stuff right before I age died ;)
112478, The winds and waves meet one last time...
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed Treyliu, and thought you played a very good character. I know it's hard to catch me lately, but I tried to make time for you when I could. Fate can be cruel, dangling the possibility of a few extra years in front of you only to yank it away with one blow of the sword.

You really captured a nice aspect of Fjarn's religion, and I enjoyed our interactions. I thought you did a good job using your leadership position to instill honor in the Island. Leadership in this game can become a drag if you let it, but it can also be extremely rewarding.

Congrats on the incoming kiddo, it's a big change but you'll adapt. Or you'll go insane. When you do come back, it'll be with either a sphere love paladin or something chaotic stupid. Maybe both.

Thanks for being a good follower, it's folks like you that make this game worth it to me.
112484, Chaotic stupid at the moment, definitely
Posted by GreatGray on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Thanks for the feedback!

I really enjoyed the religion. There are a lot of complexities to it and different interesting ways one could develop the concepts over the life of a character. I really appreciated your perspective on my fate toward the end; you were able to tie things together really nicely.
112299, Over the span of several characters..
Posted by orangepowered on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed interacting with Treyliu. I got to know the character best as Darikir, when you were almost always willing to help and still biting the dust frequently. I then got you once or twice as Rotheri, and found even in death you were humble. I next fought you as Maelreon and started to feel you getting a bit more scary. Now as my current you actually took me down and gave me fits.

It has been a pleasure, GLWYN.
112297, Thumbs up!
Posted by zsm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great act!


edit: Oi, I messed up the posting, so I kept it short.