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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Ejomhei Dergine the Consummate Tactician of War, Imperial High Priest
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=111517
111517, (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Ejomhei Dergine the Consummate Tactician of War, Imperial High Priest
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Oct 22 05:25:39 2012

At 7 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Ejomhei perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
111521, Meltdown Complete
Posted by Ejomhei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First empowered char past 30. First Shaman. First high priest. It was a lot of fun. Shamans have a lot of potential at the same time they are incredibly limited at hero because of the competency of the playerbase. As some of you noticed, this character reflected triumphs and failures in real life which resulted in a roller coaster ride.

I like cabal wars, but right now it seems all the cabals are in a weakened state, except for Scion. The Empire however is totally and utterly boned. There aren't enough Oaths to replenish the ranks at all levels.

In the end, my goal was to become Emperor, Anathema the Black Sect and try and build the Empire that route. Unfortunately, stuff didn't pan out how I thought it would, then I got incredibly frustrated and acted like a jerk to everyone around me which made me realize I just wasn't enjoying the character.

On quest forms:
Nightmare: Meh not too bad
Chimera: Meh not too bad
Dragon Turtle: Only fought it once but it looked nice
Wyvern: My bitterness with this form carried over from a previous character but it was still nasty.
Hatchling: Not too bad for me personally with sanc, but I could see why this form was a pain for everyone else.
Jaguar: It isn't the craziest form I have ever seen, but at the same time, it is an incredibly difficult form. The pouncing makes it good, but the ability to avoid skills/supps/spells is what really makes it shine, coupled with cry/air form helps a lot as well.

Iunna: You are the bees knees. I had heard how awesome you were so I wanted to give it a shot. Man, you are amazing, you pushed/prodded/invigorated this character. I am going to have to resist rolling a follower until I have a way better role and RP in mind. I know I wasn't your typical follower: too cautious, too methodical (I'd like to say I was) and too slow. But man, you are great, you make CF worth playing and I am glad we got to have the convos about your previous followers. Once November ends I am going to make something that'll be more fitting. I wrote this role based off my love for a band bad religion and one song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoKrbp3AHhM.

Baer: I deserved the slay, trying to kill one of your followers after all in the shrine :P. I do appreciate what you do for the mud even if you send Jack Blaguar to kill me.

Empire imms:
Non-existent. I know you guys are super busy with real life but man, was it hard to play an Imperial given the circumstances experienced throughout this whole character.

Enlilth: I felt like it was like the x files theme song trying to find you. Out of the blue you spoke to me about getting HP but I wish you could have been around more.

Cabakso: You ruined Empire. You #### the bed, screwed the pooch then you really pissed me off.

Dhavid: Good luck, you almost got me killed 10 times, then you got me killed 10 times. I'm sorry you received the brunt of my giving up on this character, but the last straw was when I got walked into the arms of the waiting Scions who took my nice shinies.

Kurbrawn: *sigh*

Jinjer: I made sure to make you the antagonist of this character, I was going to promote you as soon as I saw you, though I really secretly wanted to Anath you.

Ezgrint: I HATE YOU (not really), but only because you made me look like that young brother that was a bastardized version of his older way cooler brother.

Oshui: From your beginning to your current form you are/were/will be a pain in the butt. My first memory of your character was dying to Narissorin who did a get all/drop all and you did a get all. I think Jaguar does need tweaking, my inability to land supplications and the jaguars ability to avoid them was frustrating. I will say you are a smart/competent player, your wand/out of form work was impressive and I appreciate the ingenuity.

Rosaline: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr. Virtue+monk =useless Shaman. liked your RP, hated the fact that I could maybe dispel you, maybe rot you (you took that edge didnt you!). I probably should have emot'd at you a bit more it would have had the same affect.

Jawn: I liked Jawn a lot. You were fun to RP with and fight. Some days I'd send you packing, other days you wouldn't even give me a pizza lunchable while you were beating the crap out of me.

Zameida: You just destroyed me. Rhino was just too much for me.

Cainargen: Sorry about the piss poor RP towards the end. I thought I had you, but I didn't. I should have been less aggressive/utilize preps but c'est la vie.

Spiorra: I hate thieves. honestly I hate the whole idea of the class. You annoyed the piss out of me by stealing my inventory, but your "proposition" to not steal from me if I didnt rot anybody was well... hilarious. I get it, but, no....

Filndar: Sorry about that last tell, you certainly didn't deserve the abuse, but as soon as I sent it, I knew I had to delete.
111522, Why le sigh?
Posted by Kurbrawn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
111524, I LOL'ed at this.
Posted by Minyar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"other days you wouldn't even give me a pizza lunchable while you were beating the crap out of me"

I liked what I saw. I tried not to take too much when you died to me at the spirit, but man you sure kept trying hard to get that troll amulet back.
111527, Ffftt!
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Based on our last conversation, I saw this coming. It sucks when
you hit a wall and can't seem to make progress/evolve anymore.
You did a good job pushing the more serious/orderly angle - I don't
see a lot of people with that RP, and sometimes it takes me a while
to figure out how to react to that. :p

Anyway, good luck with your next and maybe I'll see you around!

Your song:
The Cave, Mumford & Sons
111530, Music
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really like this type of music, but I suck horribly at finding songs. I don't wanna hijack this thread, but do you know of other similar ones?
111532, RE: Music
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Of Monsters and Men
Bon Iver
Imagine Dragons
Avett Brothers

those are all sort of in that vein of music (and considered popular)
111531, Sorry it ended like this.
Posted by Jawn Foote on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really pulling for you to be the next Emperor, though it seems like that was an unlikely outcome.

As for beating you up some days and getting my ass handed to me the next, I'm gonna put it fully on the moon, but there's more to it than that.

Reading your goodbyes I really wish this character had panned out. Anathema-ing the Black Sect has always seemed to me to be the sort of thing that could be RPed out amazingly (at least for a little while) and I'm sorry you didn't get a chance to see it to fruition.

Frankly I wish we'd had more time to chat. I would have liked to hear your take on things from one Battle-IMM-empowered priest to another.

GLWYN, I think I hear the Ancients calling you...
111541, RE: Meltdown Complete
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's really unfortunate that it seemed like you were getting burned out on the character not long after you (to me) really started hitting your stride. Like it took you a while to build up to full steam and by then you had almost built up to full bitterness, too.

I really would have liked to see what another 100-200 hours of an Ejomhei that wasn't racing those frustrations and losing would have been like. I hope next time you'll win that race.
111568, Heh, you said it better than I did
Posted by Ejomhei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Probably for the first 150 hours I was unlocking the Shaman class, then once I got Elite things really clicked in terms of tactics, positioning etc. I am still very very new to the class and I am sure there are a million things I could do better (the commentary on Dio's is helpful).

I appreciate the compliments and I'll probably cobble together something better soon.
111543, Rhinoceros vs Shamans
Posted by Zameida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, the rhino always beat shamans. Only shaman that ever posed any sort of threat was Ezgrint, but without saying to much, it was to be expected.

Anyway, I liked what I saw from you. And that log you just posted on QHCF with Dhavid walking you into us... Well, that explains a few things. I was totally stunned that you walked down right into us witout sanc OR bash protection.

Shame you burned out, hope you come back soon. GLWYN!
111544, RE: Rhinoceros vs Shamans
Posted by Grint on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not to get off topic, but your comment about me has my curiosity piqued. I mean, giant resist is nice but as a non_giant I'd just slap on some stoneskin and call it even.

Or was it something else?

And so I'm not totally ignoring the originator of this death thread: Ejomhei, I really did like you as Ezgrint, probably too much. We bonded hunting together in the middie ranks and I really enjoyed our interactions. Sadly we kind of clashed as well, which made for some tension.

But overall this was an excellent character and I'm glad you stick with it where I failed to.
111547, I'm surprised so few people know about it
Posted by Humbert on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I was Caladrien I pretty much never ate a full 3-hit trample because of something very easy to do. I guess it wouldn't be very fair to Zameida to reveal what that is, as it will nerf her quite a bit if everyone started doing it.
111549, Well, thanks. But I think everyone with a brain now would be able to figure it out. hehehe
Posted by Zameida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quite a few has already picked up on it, making me A LOT less deadly against them. Anyway, now we're too far off topic.
111550, RE: Rhinoceros vs Shamans
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>> Not to get off topic, but your comment about me has my curiosity piqued. I mean, giant resist is nice but as a non_giant I'd just slap on some stoneskin and call it even.

I mean, it is just as easy for a giant to slap on stone skin and retake the lead.
111553, RE: Rhinoceros vs Shamans
Posted by sezdral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Giants can slap on stone skin too. And in case nobody realises it yet trample is affected by size.
111567, I was prepared for a few of our fights
Posted by Ejomhei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasn't so much the lag from trample, but the pure damage output and my inability to land supps on you. It is a distinct disadvantage when you can open with wither or dispel for fear of you dispelling yourself.

Other than that I really liked the RP, I thought you fantastically evil. Good luck keeping those wily SCions in line
111545, RE: Meltdown Complete
Posted by Tiarhelle on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn. I had some plans I wanted to discuss and have been keeping a look out for you since I came back, but yesterday wasn't a good time :( Anyway I understand the frustration, hope you have more fun with your next, Ejomhei did good from what I saw.
111557, No sweat - I liked Ejo
Posted by Cainargen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had fun with our intro fight in the shrine. I liked your whole, I'll hunt you when you're wanted. Cain turned a bit colder when you used a few other people to nail me, but as a player I totally got it.

Was looking forward to a long bit of back-and-forth between our chars. Don't worry about the blow-up there. That fight turned tides quickly, I would have been super-frustrated were I you too.

Come on back now ya hear!
111564, Stealing
Posted by Spiorra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I only started stealing your pies after you piled rot on top of wither plague poison and blind retrieving one on one. Rot is about equal to having the bag stolen in terms of frustration and down time. So I offered an honest deal - you don't rot fort - I don't steal girdles from empire. You refused after even after I returned yours as a gift of goodwill. And I only stole girdles from you. Don't be a ####, essentially. Or it's my personal peeve about rot.
111565, RE: Stealing
Posted by Grint on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm going to hop on the pro-Ejomhei and pro-rot wagon here and offer my two cents.

I took a lot of flack as a shaman for using rot, and it always bothered me. Rot is almost always a good call as a shaman, even if you don't completely nullify their regeneration/get the big rot, a failed rot still makes them vuln_disease. Trying to plague someone with decent con can be a pain in the ass, but a rot, even a failed rot, really helps with a lot of shaman supps.

It's not just meant to keep you out of commission, it has a myriad of uses for a competent shaman.
111566, Hey I get it
Posted by Ejomhei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My point was your offer was ludicrous. I dont use rot at all against the fort and you won't steal girdles. That meant you would still steal weapons/potions/whatever wasn't in girdles. I was a student of War, there is no way I would ever trade a girdle for the chance to kill an enemy.

In our case it was a vicious cycle, you clear out my inventory, I rot, I rot, you clear out my inventory. The simple solution for me was to just simply wear my girdle.

Echoing what Ezgrint said, unfortunately at hero, they are very few options to seal kills and rot can always slow down a raid or a defense. Rot is easy to gear for, it is totally predictable.

Having never played a shaman before, I used to hate rot, but I always was ready for it. Having played a shaman I was shocked about how many people complained about it specifically pertaining to raids. If my objective is to secure an item, or retrieve mine, why wouldn't I use everything in my inventory?
Posted by Kurbrawn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damnit man, we were about to take over the world! Awesome character. Ezgrint screwed up a lot of things for a lot of people, don't feel like you were the only one. GLWYN