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Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Issiver Vahl the MageSlayer, Enforcer of Dagdan
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=111122
111122, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Issiver Vahl the MageSlayer, Enforcer of Dagdan
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Sep 23 12:42:20 2012

At 3 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 1st of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Issiver perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
111191, Well done.
Posted by Treyliu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

When one or the other of us was stacked with gear at the time it seemed to make a major difference. Otherwise, it was a pretty even match that was probably annoying for both of us at times, but pretty fun other times. You did surprise me a few times, for sure.

The whole giving my weapons to Tahren thing was a bit annoying--but I apologize if I got a bit grumpy about it once or twice, it just gets annoying when you are in streak of constantly trying to retrieve alone, dying, losing your best things, losing your weapons, getting them back, and losing them again the next time you log into the same cycle. But you didn't always know how things had been going for me against the Village so I don't hold it against you. Just how it is sometimes.

Other times you were quite respectful, so I can say in the end I had no issues with you. You were a good enemy. But fighting someone you know you can't kill because you can't keep them from running, who steals your things (and gives them to Tahren) if you flee/die made me not really want to fight you toward the end. But I still did whenever the winds would have it so.

I always wanted my revenge for the time you and Kelarin took me down and I lost some nice gear. Never got my revenge, nor have I ever had such a nice set since. Nonetheless, a well done village thief. Best of luck with your next.
111157, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Issiver Vahl the MageSlayer, Enforcer of Dagdan
Posted by Fenarum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and the bards were the sole reason I took the bat form. Being able to see you was imperative to keep the island safe. Many times your name came up in conversation, both good and bad lol. Greatly played and I am sure you are sorely missed. GLWYN
111141, We had some good fights. And you did get me once!
Posted by Zameida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never feared or avoided you, ever. You just weren't anything for Zameida to worry about, which made me pretty surprised when you and Salyeris came to the Chasm and managed to kill me AT the archmage!

Zameida was/is used to driving off at least 4 villagers with ease, and now just a bard and a thief came in and kill her... After that, I was somewhat more wary when you were around.

Smooth moves at the tournament btw, I just assume that it was you that stole my sleek rods, it was SO annoying! I had just spent 5 mins the other day killing Inerayo for all those rods! ;) (What was it? 3 ambers and 4 blacks?)

Anyway, all in all, Issiver seemed like a good char. And you showed some guts for being a thief, more so than my past villager thieves and other thieves have. Didn't get to RP any, but I guess that's what goes for a hiding class and a shifter.
111144, RE: We had some good fights. And you did get me once!
Posted by Issiver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The kill at the archmage was a surprise. We hit some lucky timing and the fleeing Druk'tars didn't help you.

As soon as some Scion started wording people I started stealing your wands. Whiysdan got a little annoyed and threatened me, so I stopped before I cleaned out the lich. A shame you got dq'd because it would have been a tough fight for me.
111137, Krunk hate thief.
Posted by KrunkTheOrc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yuh stole Krunk favrite axe. Make Krunk mad.

Honestly, I think you played this character "right", but that doesn't mean I have to like the style. Constantly piling on with your dispelling critical hits... Never sticking around in a one on one fight. These things can be very frustrating as an enemy. So can getting perma-lagged. I don't blame you for playing this way, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it. The stealing (toward the end) was particularly frustrating in that it seemed like you had given up on even trying to kill Krunk and were just going for annoyance.

I think the fact you were "Mageslayer" made that the most frustrating.

I'll post a log of the one kill I got on you, mostly because I thought it was pretty awesome on my part (ego ego ego), plus Krunk his coveted amlets back.

Village thief (any neo-thief) isn't something I'd play, but I can respect someone who has some success with it, even if I personally can't stand thieving thieves and dispelling critical hit was really f'ing annoying to fight against.
111139, RE: Krunk hate thief.
Posted by Issiver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I had caught Krunk without fly or masochism up, I'm not sure I could have outdamaged him even with my nasty cheap shots, but I would have tried. Alas, he was too cunning to give me the chance. I found Krunk to be a frustrating character to fight against as well.
111129, Mixed feelings
Posted by Jastai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really really hated this character for a long time. I couldnt ever keep you pinned down and then the thieving, which i think makes this character a success in all ways. I think a thief has as much or more influence than any other class in the game. You have no idea how many times i put all of my extra things in the pit just to avoid getting them stolen. The absolute annoyance of you will not be missed by this bird, which is a backhanded compliment. GLWYN
111126, Mixed thoughts...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So there is going to be some good with the bad.

You were a fantastic presence for the village. You had a real knack of making sure the village always had their item and were always pressing against other enemy cabals. You were tough as #### even before they gave you dispelling critical.

You were a cheap SOB. You sat at my pit so much that I began to prep up before I recalled just hoping you'd be there. You also were one of the most cowardly villagers I've ever seen, BUT you were a thief scout (which isn't exactly supposed to be the most couragous dude ever) so I can't really blame you for that.

All in all, a pretty good job with this character. I will say killing you at the healer near the Eternal Star was the 2nd best moment of Ryntallin's life. You totally fell for the trap ;)
111128, I saw mostly only good
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I cant say battle thief scout should be a bad ass running around in the open. He has no healing at all, so he has to be selective in every fight he takes since I would think there are lots of fights he simply could not win, or even survive.

If I want to catch mages, hanging around town seems to be efficientand relatively low risk. If you know he hunts there, is it his fault if he catches you there?

I think this char played battle scout thief perfectly well. Courage does not mean being stupid and I always hated people thinking it is cowardly to not fight on the terms of an enemy, I watched issiver throw down in hopeless fights at my side and die along with me. I also watched him take it to people and get kills where I wondered how the hell he did it. And I think that's what courage is about, not just fighting and dieing. It is about taking risks at times and sticking things out to try and win where there is a chance to. But if it is a no win fight, you don't just stand and die. He didnt have thirst and db after all ;) You don't win the war by dying for the cause. You win by making them die for theirs :)

Just saying, for his build, I think he did a pretty good job all around. He was the only other mageslayer in the village, which says a lot. Thieves make a living finding people at vulnerable times,and he excelled at that. He was also very much a solo killer and focused rager from all I saw.
111130, It was me against 3 for the Key...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...and he'd sit at my pit.

We are not talking about just him vs me + 2101 Nexus. You know what times I logged on, half the time I was the only Nexus on.

I don't really have a problem with that in terms of thief roleplay. In terms of villager roleplay, I kinda do. Once or twice is fine, I'm talking 20 to 30 times I recalled and he was sitting at my pit.
111131, IC that is brave.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
OOC it would be seen as cowardly. either way I don't think that is terrible to do as a villager. It wouldn't be something I would do if I was sphere honor...but any other way I would.
111135, RE: It was me against 3 for the Key...
Posted by Issiver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a primitive pack hunting tactic to drive prey into an ambush. That's exactly what I was doing, hunting as part of the village pack.

Some inside and outside of the village didn't like this. But the village does not exist to be honorable. They exist to eradicate magic. Recall camping done in any other cabal would not be an issue. But, as if battle wasn't hamstrung enough, some players think ragers all have to fight one on one.

I'd be surprised if I attacked you 6 times at your recall. But, it did make you change your behavior. Prepping before recalling, teleporting instead...all of these are good things IC. As a rager who has to walk everywhere, it was somewhat satisfying to make you walk more.

The debate seems moot to me. I do not remember killing a single person by camping their recall. The tactic isn't really effective.
111140, Seriously dude, recall-spot camping is bad for any cabal. It's just plain weak...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's something I avoid with all my chars. I've done it a few (Very few) times against Athieli, Satebos, Gzurweeg and some other big nasty APs.

But overall, it's a tactic at least I frown upon.
111152, I think it's perfectly fine for anyone to do.
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If they have the patience, that is.
111143, I'm with you
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Killing at a recall spot is no different than killing anywhere else. This is Carrion Fields. No where should be safe. I don't care how sportsman like you are. Kill your damned enemies however you can.
111146, I remember a time when pit waiting was encouraged
Posted by TJHuron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Back before they made the changes to bloodthirst and you could call it at will and see your hp I got rewarded with a title for thirsting at the Galadon Neutral pit and killing a group of nexuns that recalled after exploring.

I don't have much of a problem with it in certain situations. But there is a fine line to doing it. It would be bad to do it in coordination with other villagers. Such as seeing Joe rager fighting a Mage and running to that mages pit to finish him. Or it would also be bad to use one rager to make a Mage recall, like attack his guild, while waiting at his pit.

I think there is kind of a risk you'd take by doing it as well. Maybe you didn't know that Mage was fighting joe. Youd still be liable in my opinion for the error of striking him after he fled from joe.. There are also other downsides. You can waste a bunch of time pit sitting. Id rather put my time into something more fruitful than spamming murder Mage at their pit. Plus you are also there for all (or some) to see and risk your enemies gang ####ing you.

This is all just my opinion.
111147, Couple counters...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...and remember, I thought Issiver was a solid char who was a fantastic presence for the village.

>But the village does not exist to be honorable. They exist to eradicate magic.<

As someone who has had 5 villagers and led the cabal, that idea in principle IS correct, but in actuality it isn't. Otherwise groups of 6-deep villagers would be WTFPWN'ing every mage over and over and over again until the game was just villagers and people who roll characters specifically to gang/loot villagers. Again, I didn't have a problem with it the first few times, just that it happened on at least 6 or 7 logins (and multiple times per login). Again, not something to make a character = crap, but also not something to make a character = badass. Then again, you may not have been trying to make Issiver badass (even though you almost did).

>As a rager who has to walk everywhere, it was somewhat satisfying to make you walk more.<

I hear that. Try playing a drow flail village app going against 2 seperate Magus dagger specs. Hamstring alone used to seal my fate multiple times because I couldn't run away. With Ryntallin, this wasn't a problem as Komodo gets sprint so I could run places faster than an Outcry warrior on meth.

>But, as if battle wasn't hamstrung enough, some players think ragers all have to fight one on one.<

Again, as someone who led the cabal and has played 4 berserkers and 1 defender, I never asked you or any other villager to fight one on one. In fact, I often never really had a problem with villager parity with Ryntallin. However, at the same time, don't expect me to feel bad when I gang you down (and to your credit, you never ever seemed to have a problem when I tried to gang you down).

I know how weak villagers truly are. It's why Ryntallin probably had a 50/50 PK ratio against villagers even though I never had barrier except for like 10 hrs of this characters life.

Again, I thought you did a good job with this character. Was it pillar-worthy (even before the delete)? No, but then again neither was my Commander.
111125, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Issiver Vahl the MageSlayer, Enforcer of Dagdan
Posted by Inerayo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hate to see this. You had a great presence. You were always in the best spot you could be at any time and it was really hard to do anything to you, even as a fox/cheetah. I hope you have luck with your next one.
111123, I am sad to see this
Posted by Iklahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Before all the haters get in here, I want to say I think you did a fantastic job all around. You were a huge boon to battle during a time they needed it. I also think that you were a very classy character, especially for a battle thief. Great job and good luck with the next char.

PS: I hate you for making the exact build I had been toying with playing after Iklahn dies. I also am quite sure I wouldn't have had half the success with it you did though.
111136, Don't be sad.
Posted by Issiver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did what I wanted to do with this char and continuing to play him was repetitive. This was partly because of the build. I had to have acrobatics because I despise being bashed and tripped to death. Without fly, being in the village, this seemed like a huge hole. It is, but it created a bigger problem because I lost a lot of offensive power. In retrospect, I should have skipped the pickpocket stuff for poisons or traps and eaten the deaths. The additional path would have given me some options against the foes I could do very little to like shifters.

I enjoyed our fights even though you almost always seemed to have me beat.