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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Uggah SnowClash the Dweller of the Wilds, Squirrel Smasher
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=110616
110616, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Uggah SnowClash the Dweller of the Wilds, Squirrel Smasher
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Aug 28 06:20:11 2012

At 8 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 1st of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Uggah perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
110682, Thank god.
Posted by Lahvniel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Think I died at least 4 times to you. You had extraordinarily good timing, and I could have swore this was Isildur, not since Ageryn have I had an opponent that walked the ends of Thera so persistently to find me (or was just that lucky finding me).

On the perimeter, I was actually surprised - at the tree I had on a cursed weapon, but forgot that metal+heat is no good against a savage. So I was running to get me some talismans finally. If only once I could have been prepared to fight you, in town, with guards :)

I did not pay nearly enough attention when you were awake, and assumed (falsely) that you were like other outlander rangers and wouldn't leave the woods.

I've played cloud savage before, and you made it look much easier than it is.

And I type where much more often now. And scan too.
110618, I had a lot of fun with this character!
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Got an itch to play after Kiraava and decided to roll Uggah and make an Outlander. It was my first Outtie since my Harbinger Teldasill, and I gotta say I really really really missed the cabal and dynamics of it, plus I really wanted to push Ancient Instincts into a character and actually try and utilize at least some aspect of it into every fight I had and I was pretty successful doing so. It is such an amazing and in depth cabal power, kudos to whoever coded it because it's stellar.

I've never played a ranger before, and I've been wanting to play all the classes I never touched and see how well they fit me, and I was quite surprised at how awesome rangers are and my misconceptions of them. I had a few mess up's like not knowing you can't waylay if you're grouped and their not hidden and little things like that, but overall, rangers are so powerful and deathful and I'm going to miss Uggah. I didn't want to delete, but it was a mixture half and half of feeling like Outlander is too strong at the moment and feeling like I took a wrong step in my path with Akresius. I thought I was doing everything right, but for the life of me I couldn't understand what I missing. But either way, I can truly understand why people are serial ranger players now.

Overall I had a great experience with nearly every character, there were only 2 in my 188 hours that really rubbed me the wrong way, and that's a fantastically low amount. I'll probably write a review of the class to help anyone out as far as questions. But on to some goodbyes.

You guys seem like you have a few nice up and comers, the cabal was nearly a nonexistent at the beginning of Uggah's life, but there's some new life fighting to hero.

Lahvniel- You were really the only character I RP'd with from Trib, but we had some fun RP talks and you had some good fight in you. That fight we had on the perimeter finally got my heart pumping for once. Stick with it and keep being that cool.

Alciroth- You seemed cool at first, but I don't get why you kept sending me tells that I was too strong and there's no point to fighting me. Then I kill you on Kiadana with a group of three and you call me bloodthirsty? It was only the second time I'd ever gotten you, and whatever your role with Trib may be, you're still a Trib and I should be hunting you.

Ziruanja- Sad I wasn't around long enough to get into your RP, but that fight we had when you were retrieving with the Ram was a good one, you're definitely a tough character.

Kinda seems like you guys are in the same spot as Trib, kind of in the ####ter and now there's some promising new characters on the come up.

Ezgrint- You're the only person that really tried to RP with me, can definitely tell you'll be a great character.

Rakshul- My gosh you were irritating! In a good way haha. I just couldn't seem to pin you down. I wanted that pitchfork so damn bad. I thought I had you on bramblefield, the time at the Tree, and the time where I surprised you at Akan but you always managed to slip away. So good job, you're definitely tough.


Ackor- You were like my characters BFF. We had so much in common and I felt like we vibed well. I loved your RP and how it seemed we grew together in religion and just maturing through character progression. You are so awesome, and I would defend you to anyone trying to give you a bad rap. Fantastic, fantastic character that's well deserving of some praise.

Abiritha- I wasn't as close to you as I was to Ackor. But I'm always a big well played drow fan, so kudos to you. Glad we became friends in the end and helped each other out. You're welcome for that final snare =P

Hiniisi- Dude you were awesome! Why did you disappear?! Really loved RP'ing with you and stuff.


JAWN FOOTE! - Lol, you're a bad ass man. I don't know why I liked you so much, I think half of it was always getting to say Jawn Foote, it's a magical name to me for some reason. You were so damn fun to RP and hunt with. It's always good when you find those players that seem to be on the same page that you can count on that won't mess up and do everything they need to, and you were that and beyond. All our RP, talks, and fights together really helped my character mature. So thanks so much for that, and thanks for always transmuting all my stuff, it's so vital for savages and you were a godsend. Good luck for the rest of your ride.

Balete- Completely loved hanging out with you too. I hear some people saying bad things about you, but all I ever saw was an incredibly evil and powerful invoker that came off as a wild murderer. I loved it, hanging out with you was always a good time, and I hope you enjoy my final present I gave you ;)

Cgadi- I felt the same way about you as I did Balete. It was like you guys are just both really well played twins, I enjoyed the little RP sessions we did have and you come off as a very crisp well played character too.

Oryn- My gosh you're ageless =P Thanks so much for that induction talk, it was one of my more favorites. RP'ing directly with the leader of your cabal for that long and him honestly wanting to hear your whole backstory and roll with it really helps flush out a character. Wish we coulda hung out more, but it seems like your connection doesn't like you alot. Finish strong my friend.

Olquen- You were an awesome little Gnome Warden. I really enjoyed having you around, especially when I was down about those few things. You really perked me up.


Narissorin- You're definitely a monster. I beat myself up for days after I almost killed you in the rocks and brush that time. Convulsing and I miss a savage blow as a level 44 =( I was sadpants. After that it was you just being prepped and chasing my ass down, thank god for entangle vs. air forms. Fun fights, but definitely hard to move around Thera knowing you're flying around.

Ragloghlin- You were like my mortal nemesis when I was level sitting and trying to get a feel for the class. Definitely a fun enemy, and to be honest I was really scared of you at first. You just seemed like you had a good lil bit of charges under your belt. The way you move around, and the time you cut me off at the Inlet and slept me I thought I was a goner. Then I felt like I finally just hit my stride and it was time to rank, I was sad not having you to fight anymore. Good job all around.

Akresius- I completely loved your religion, didn't realize it was going to be so fun. And I wanted to really make you happy, I could just tell I wasn't getting something or that I maybe slipped up. So sorry for whatever it was, but it's definitely something I want to take a crack at in the near future.

I gotta run to class, kinda rushed goodbyes at the end here, so if I missed anyone just reply and I'll hit you back. Good luck to everyone!

110619, A few words...
Posted by Ackor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
UGGAH!!! If I was not such a hater of magic I would have some necromancer come and raise your dead ass out of that grave!
Dangit. You went and deleted before I could even say goodbye. Awoke out of my hut this morning to the bad news.

Yeah we definitely did talk like we were best friends and vibed really well. Glad we squashed the beef. I feel we still have much we could have accomplished.
If you had stuck with it I am sure you could have been Harbinger one day.
I did want to fight you again one day at the height of our power... because when we were younger you mopped me up big time.

GLWYN and hope to see you in the fields again one day.
110620, I'll miss Uggah.
Posted by Jawn Foote on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Uggah was my favorite character to run around with. I loved the RP. You were also way more deadly and dangerous than I would have expected you to be. It's always nice to see a character who is totally badass, but still has moments of doubt and talking through some of that stuff with you has been some of the high points of Jawn Foote's life.

I'm so sorry about not jumping in on that Rakshul fight in Bramblefield, but I didn't fully understand your religion at that point in time (and had been heavily investigating honor as a concept in regards to my own religion) and it seemed like only a miracle would save him and his pitchfork. Of course, that's exactly what happened.

I'm still curious to know what happened with the whole Squirrel Smasher title, it seemed a bit odd.

In any event, good luck with your next, and just know that the Tree will seem a bit emptier without you.
110626, Thanks for the kind words Jawn
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's all good on not jumping on the Rakshul fight. I was already that close in a one v one, that it might as well ended up with us both convulsing and one either dying or fleeing. It was a good fight.

The squirrel smasher thing was silly. After we killed Kurbrawn I give Armageddon to a squirrel and told him to guard it until the earth shook. Left him in perfect health and happy. Divine power flurries on a cloud are just too difficult to deal with. I didn't think it was against the rules to do this, nor title worthy especially since I smashed no squirrels, but Neltouda titled me anyways after trying to RP with me. I called her out on AIM about it and she said it's because that's how people cheat so she was checking in on it, which I'd never do, but it is what it is.
110634, FWIW I totally do this AND...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...once had an IMM pull me into the RotD to make sure I wasn't gear-storing.

They were cool about it and I agreed it could look really bad.

My favorite thing was giving prayer beads to neutral "innocent" mobs and wondering how long it would take before the goodie killed them :)
110637, RE: Thanks for the kind words Jawn
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>worthy especially since I smashed no squirrels, but Neltouda
>titled me anyways after trying to RP with me. I called her out
>on AIM about it

I'm curious as to why you would think this is ever appropriate.
If you disagree with something an IMM does, there are avenues
you can take to address this. Calling them out on IM seems like
a good way to a) compromise your character, and b) detract from
the RP opportunity presented to you.
110659, OOC Player view
Posted by Luminave on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved the fact that you took the time to find out something about me before you steamrolled me. I knew you were capable of it, but you changed your mind after finding out who I was. That speak EPIC volumes to me as a player and I wish we had more players who would do this. I understand some dogmas (battle vs. mage) do not really need this, but for everyone else... there is really no excuse to just murder murder. I caveat that with if you are a crazy murder who belongs to no cabal/politics then you don't need to either.

Anyway awesome you were. GLWYN
110660, Dupe post edited out (n/t)
Posted by Luminave on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
110622, RE: I had a lot of fun with this character!
Posted by Ezgrint on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, sorry to see this.

Some people gave me some #### for not looting you at all, saying that I let you continue to be too strong etc etc.

Ezgrint's response was: You don't think he can kill from rags? Uggah isn't weak, but strong, and the strong can kill from anything. In Ezgrint speak of course.

You were a classy foe and I was looking forward to brawling with you.

When I died to you all in Ante-Hell I was so, so pissed. Dreatide had found me semi-afk in a hiding spot I use and I REALLY needed to go afk so I ran up the khalid river. In my gut, I KNEW you were camo'd on the bank and would see me, so I chose some random, non-descript room and hoped you went the wrong way.

Sadly I came back midway through the second bearcharge and panicked trying to flee manually. Still kicking myself, a co word and I was home free.

You were stylish in victory though, so props. I had a bad feeling after you died that you might be deleting. It's a bummer.

Also, damn you for ridding me of that shield. I loved that thing. That said, I knew I wouldn't hold onto it too much longer. A lot of people were gunning for it either through dirt/offhand while ghostly/lowbie cabalmates spammed sac 1. or through other, more nefarious methods.
110625, You should have looted more!
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was deleting no matter what once I died next, all gear or no gear. I was hoping you guys would have raped my corpse because I ####ing LOVED Uggah so much and I needed it to be easy to hit delete, but you made it so much harder haha.

You definitely oozed class though, something I try and do myself. We might hate each other IC but I can never justify channeling my hatred into looting people. I want to play to make others have fun, and if you're an enemy and going to die to me, the least I can do is let you keep everything especially if I beat you one on one with your current set. The only reason I took that shield is because almost ALL my weapons were transmuted metal weapons that I like *had* to have, so losing them would have been such a hassle.

But thanks for the kind words Ezgrint, I echo the same for you and hope you do great for the rest of your ride.
110623, UGGAH!
Posted by Cgadi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked your char.. Will say more when I die.. but was hoping we could kick it a bit more, you seem to be awake during my playtimes.. we could have had everyone whispering that we are a ooc cheat ring ;)

Well not everyone.. just one person I am thinking of off hand!


110624, Haha, I know man, I know
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was excited to finally be rolling with you after trying to feel rangers out for my first time for so long. We definitely would have been beasty :) I just got tired of seeing 5-6 of use on with 1-2 people we could hunt and everyone running around trying to get him first. I just like playing the underdog I guess... don't think I'll rush to making a Tribunal and fight all you guys yet though, haha, I have a new character plan ;)
110629, I was actually looking forward to a chance to fight you
Posted by Iklahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Shame it never came up. You looked to be coming up strong, and I always enjoy getting to have a cloud ranger vs wood-elf ranger fight.

PS: That sucked when your snare gift wrapped me for Abiritha.
110630, I felt awful about that!
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kontoln was near the village and I ran to go gather a prep really quick after I placed it, he took the other way in and logged, I sent you the tell and whois'd you and saw you were dead and had Abiritha laughing about it. ####ty luck.

Would have been a fun fight between us though! Ranger/Ranger battles actually made me really have to think, I had a couple and they were a lot of fun.
110631, RE: I had a lot of fun with this character!
Posted by Oryntohr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Totally enjoyed Uggah. Good, solid giant feel to me, and clearly competent. I was looking forward to more char development, but I'm not around as much as I'd like to be. If my link isn't kicking my nuts in, my life seems to be, and vice versa. It would have been lots of fun to romp around together more. How big was that group we ran off the other night? :P

Good times, man, good times. GLWYN

Also, your last name should have been "Bugga."
110632, Haha, only like 6 people I think!?
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were funny and made me laugh a lot, you've been around a long time and I've interacted with you before so I already knew OOC I was going to be walking into a fun experience with you around. Keep going hard until those chains hit you, you old fart!
110638, RE: I had a lot of fun with this character!
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was a solid character from anything I personally saw, FWIW.
110640, Wow, thanks for the positive feedback.
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Appreciate that Nep.
110641, RE: Wow, thanks for the positive feedback.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I like some of your characters! That's why you should listen to me when I don't. ;)
110642, It's all about the progression.
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm getting there :)

I'll try to wow ya on my next plan.
110662, RE: I had a lot of fun with this character!
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I, also, thought this was a very good character from everything I saw. thumbsup!

110665, Thanks a lot Whiysdan!
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Coming from you that means a lot because you've really came in hard and made a mark for yourself as far as a very interactive Immortal that I think does wonders for the game. So it means a lot to get positive feedback.

Before I rolled Uggah, I really tried to evaluate myself OOC and the things I've done in the past that created IC tension with players and I tried to fix all of it and this is the first goodbye thread I've had where not really one negative comment was posted, so it feels good to know I'm coming along from both players and Imm's like yourself, so thank you :)
110667, I enjoyed our skirmishes...
Posted by Salmt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... I never got to really RP with you much, but you were alot of fun to fight in your element.

110668, You too bud
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought I had you that time outside the Fort with the snare, then I ran to you in town hoping you hadn't healed yet and was like OH #### RUN! Was fun fights though, that wrath is painful.
110703, RE: I had a lot of fun with this character!
Posted by Akresius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Akresius- I completely loved your religion, didn't realize it
>was going to be so fun. And I wanted to really make you happy,
>I could just tell I wasn't getting something or that I maybe
>slipped up. So sorry for whatever it was, but it's definitely
>something I want to take a crack at in the near future.

Sorry for the late reply.

I thought Uggah was an extremely well-played character. I snoop my followers A LOT, and there was rarely a time when you didn't have the RP dial cranked up to 11. I was still looking for you to find a new True Victory and have another chat, but no slip ups on your part. If you had continued on as you were, it's likely that you would have gotten some tat-love.

Excellent job all around. I don't think I've ever had a follower who went to the level you did at helping fellow followers stay true to the faith. Kudos to you on that as well.

Sorry that you deleted. Good luck on your next.
110716, RE: I had a lot of fun with this character!
Posted by Balete on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved having you on. Balete will miss a competent hunter and someone to verbally bash down sunlovers with. Come back soon
110617, A great enemy.
Posted by Ragloghlin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were doable if I could get you slept, but there were always plenty of people to wake you up and heal you. But if I didn't get you slept, well, I wish there was a way to counter bearcharge. Your damage output and ability to lag me at will made you a very dominating character.