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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Theod Bjorgenson the Warrior of the Shield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=110308
110308, (DELETED) [None] Theod Bjorgenson the Warrior of the Shield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Aug 12 12:39:44 2012

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Theod perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
110309, Not much to say here.
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was hoping for the RC win and didn't get it.

Xoxi made me realize a while ago this role was going to have some serious pit falls.

Mob deaths. I hate mob deaths.

Couldn't figure out how he should talk.

First time getting a Bearskin cloak wee! No idea if it does anything for a giant besides damage and stupidity. lol

I wouldn't have been able to keep going and wasn't well known so off to the next.
110310, RE: Not much to say here.
Posted by Luminave on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought your role was quite enjoyable. I don't know what you meant by not being able to keep up with all the conversations though.

I thought you were doing quite well, and you seemed quite knowledgeable of things. I also thought the way you spoke seemed to fit your character well.

I myself struggle with roles and deaths, So I guess I'm not a source of advice.

I'll simply say - bring back your greatness with another character to enjoy.


110312, I have to lead during ranking or I can't keep up with what is going on.
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our friend moves way to fast for me to follow and it was frustrating.
110313, I make liberal use of the 'afk' command, especially when ranking/following someone. n/t
Posted by Homard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
110314, I prefer that too.
Posted by Luminave on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Simply so I can take advantage of knowing exactly where I am, but there are places such as where we attempted first that I simply do not know much of.

My trick when I'm not leading it to skim the information... I look for the direction lines to see where I am so I have a rough Idea. As long as it isn't random rooms I tend to keep up.

110317, Seriously?.
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was hoping for the RC win and didn't get it.

This wasn't good enough for you?

< 35> Sat Aug 11 11:38:35 2012
From : Amaranthe
To : Theod Immortal
Subject: Honorable Mention

Congratulations on being a designated honorable mention in
the August Role Contest. Due to the youth of this character,
and how much this character's role relies upon honorable
behavior throughout the character's life, I wanted to give
you more time to develop a history with this character.
The "Ehren Soul" edge will be granted to you as a reward for
the strong honor-based role and roleplay. Keep at it!

- Amaranthe

I actually spent quite a bit of time agonizing whether to declare Theod a winner or not, because I had 4 roles that I was choosing between that all had various strengths.

Ultimately I decided on this option since the character was only 28 hours old when I evaluated the role. You were going to be given a free edge, along with instructions to the whole imm to keep watching you and to reward you accordingly.

By the way, this kind of deletion is exactly why some imms are reticent to offer role contest wins to minimally-played characters. It is a waste to offer a win slot to someone who is not invested in their character and who might delete a few days after being rewarded.

This deletion makes me think I made the right call here, but I am disappointed that the character wasn't continued.

Good luck with your next.
110318, Bravo
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You gave a note explaining the decision to the entrant, and gave him a nice edge anyway. That's more feedback than most entrants get and I think it is awesome that you took the time to do it. So thanks for being awesome Amaranthe and for taking the time to be an imm that helps the PB like that.

I mean really, people who want or need a RC win to play a chars hould never get one. We all know RC's are done at the beginning of a month, so somehow I think people roll characters late in a month just to try and win, and if not, oh well, delete delete. That's crap. Enter an RC because you're playing the role, not because you wrote a nice story and you want a 3rd legacy.

Hell, I believe people should have to be a certain amount of hours to even enter an RC so that you prevent char at really low hours winning one who really has not have to had actually play out that awesome role. Most people have the ability to write a great role, but playing them out is entirely different. (Skeeta was a perfect example of a char that should be an RC winner- and really from what I have seen Amaranthe plays amazing RP chars that RP to RP- not to try and gain PK advantages. )If a role is really good, the guy should have to be actually playing it out to win instead of hoping to win before deciding to play out the char. If a char has outstanding RP, he's going to be noticed for it.

Just my two useless cents.

I probably rambled on this since I'm on vacation and been drinking :)
110320, I don't believe this.
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If a role is really good, the guy should have to be actually playing it out to win instead of hoping to win before deciding to play out the char. If a char has outstanding RP, he's going to be noticed for it.

This isn't my experience.

Past is littered with threads of "Good/Great Character" but they never hear a peep from Imms unless I go seeking them out.

Generally speaking, the only way I get Imm Exp is roles.
110319, Please don't take it so personally. I wanted to win. I didn't.
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I appreciate the time you put into reading the character but it wasn't working.

I admit I hoped I was going to be one of those characters that got a legacy or something neat for his role. Anyway I didn't even get the edge and Fjarn wasn't answering my prayers so I took that as a sign I wasn't cutting it or to up my game but I just couldn't see how.

For what it's worth when I saw the Role contest winners I immediately typed delete and was waiting for the timer when I realized there was another note. When I saw I had an honorable mention I was happy and went and added some edges. And played for a few hours until a frustrating mob death.
For what it's worth when I saw the Role contest winners I immediately typed delete and was waiting for the timer when I realized there was another note. When I saw I had an honorable mention I was happy and went and added some edges. And played for a few hours until a frustrating mob death.

Also, while I appreciate that I would have gotten that edge, it's my understanding that it fades with time. So while I got some great Imm exp, I felt like I was basically rolling with another 2000 exp 2 edged character I was unable to get into and had little reason to try. I didn't think it would upset you. It certainly wasn't my intention.

I am kinda miffed that you seemed to put a level requirement in the note. I wrote the hell out of that role and if I had thought level was a requirement I would have saved it for a hire level character and one I had a better hang of. So that was another nail in the coffin so to speak.

But like I said above. I couldn't get into Theod there was just a cloud around him so to speak.

110323, I didnt know you, but here is my view....
Posted by Balta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a character with 34 hours... who had a lastname, almost won a role contest and was going to be given an edge for a honorable mention...

the things you could do with a char you put 3 - 400 hours into...


110325, Sure if I could get into him.
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Also: It sucks having a role that means you will mob die repeatedly.
110328, hehehe... touche! n/t
Posted by Balta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
110324, RE: Please don't take it so personally. I wanted to win. I didn't.
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, I'm not taking it personally. Trust me. It's just frustrating that you would give up on a perfectly good character seemingly because (even if only in part) you didn't win a role contest you expected to win.

While there is not formally a level requirement, you have to understand that there are usually few entrants in the low-invested hour range that delete before the Role Contest Imm even has a chance to read the role. More delete after the roles are read, and I've even heard it happen on occasion that the character deletes even after being chosen as winner (but before the imm can input the command to declare the winner.) More delete within days after being declared the winner, which is frustrating, because often characters with good, competitive roles were passed up to grant a win to someone who just deletes before playing with their rewards. This trend makes some imms, understandably so, take character investment into account when choosing winners. It's not as if you can't re-enter a Role Contest in subsequent months. If anything, entrants that enter multiple times are given MORE consideration, not less (especially if they updated their role and it demonstrates forward progress and plot advancement.)

Additionally, we've had a tradition that goes way back with characters with honorable roles, back to the days of Cador and the Knights of Thera, continued with Balgrimner and the Ehrenguard. It's always been a bit self-crippling, and over the years there have been a few rewards put in to buff characters who play with restrictive honor-based roles. However, some honor characters have been rewarded with extremely powerful benefits that *only* work if the character is diligent about their role restrictions, and have traditionally only been given to proven, dedicated characters who have proven *through their actions* to play with diligent self-restriction in combat.

I still gave it some serious thought, but a 28-hr-old character with 0-0 Pkrecord had no history on which to base an assessment. Your role wasn't (as some roles are) based on backstory - it was declaration of the way you claimed you would behave (including in combat), yet the character hadn't yet accomplished any history that would lend credence to that behavior being consistent. It would have been 100% me putting trust that you would play your role as-written.
110326, Fair enough. I think the gap between when the RC starts and finishes is too great.
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After all didn't Zulg say average life of a character was 38 hours?

I know I'm guilty of deleting when I probably did well in the contests simply because I get tired of waiting and lose interest.

As for the 0-0 PK I lost con defending my group mates to MOBs because I wouldn't flee if they were in trouble or Theod thought they were. It can't all be about PK. I suck at PK. :)

110327, Also is it a role contest or a how's he doing contest? Just food for thought. Thanks for what you gave me. n/t
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
110401, RE: Please don't take it so personally. I wanted to win...
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and Fjarn wasn't answering my prayers so I took that as a sign I wasn't cutting it or to up my game but I just couldn't see how.

I've got other followers to interact with, a cabal to oversee, and a massive area to review. You were in the queue when you gave up. I'm disappointed that you deleted before we had a chance to interact, but I would have been infinitely more disappointed had I gone out of my way for you, just to have you delete early anyway.

It's cliche, but I was looking forward to what this character could have become, and you already had some rewards. For what it's worth, 2000 exp roles don't come around very often. You would probably have eventually won a role contest in 2 or 6 or 10 months. And in the long run, you'd have been even more greatly rewarded, seeing as how you received a runner-up reward this early (ie, just winning the RC would have given you an RC winner's reward...whereas your path could have ended with a win and a runner-up).

But ultimately, if it's not clicking, it's not clicking. We've all been there. I'm sure you'll put another good one together, and hopefully it will be more playable for you.

Best of luck with the next one!
110403, I didn't think you could make multiple RC entries.
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyway, like I said. I wrote a pretty solid role and had a purpose for it and didn't see the return on my investment or the possibility for future returns so it's time to move on.
110407, This post is most likely one of the most stupid things I've read...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really? You didn't get imm-rewards for WRITING a role and you delete?

Roles are NOT made to get imm-rewards. It's made so that imms more easily can see where you're going with things and tailor their interactions with you better.

ANY reward is a BONUS.

Reading this really upsets me... And I'm quite surprised that not more imms are upset with it.

"didn't see the return on my investment or the possibility for future returns"

110408, That's part of what I said. I don't see the problem here.
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you keep things you don't want?
110445, But that said....
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
some RC wins give characters Greater archon or devil or angel conjuring or a quest form or barrier spell and others get stuff that does not empower the character but is related to the Role behind the character.

From an outside perspective when you see comparable PBFs, it is only human nature to think wow that guy got screwed or WOW that guy got beefed up massively!

110438, Investment?
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You've got to be kidding. What investment? The 34 hours you played this character?

Winning a role contest and getting religious-based imm attention for a non-empowerment class on a 34-hour character would be practically unheard of, yet you seem upset that you didn't receive precisely that.

Now, I'm not dismissing the value of your thirty-four hours. Gawd knows I understand the value of time. But in CF terms, 34 hours is just you leveling up your character and playing the game for a bit. Most characters are close to 100 hours invested before they get that kind of attention, others much more, and some never get it.

You were noticed and well on your way to receiving plenty of that and more very early in your character's life, if you had just stuck it out. Yet you're acting like you were unjustly deprived of a RC reward and Fjarn's time.

I don't get it.

If the character concept wasn't working for you - fine, it wasn't working for you. I'll be the first to agree that if you're no longer having fun with a character or if it's not working for you, delete. But please don't act as if the *reason* is because you weren't getting enough acknowledgement and attention for your role. It's insulting to the many dedicated players who invest much more and wait much longer for much less.
110439, I'm not trying to upset you. You didn't do anything wrong.
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wrote that role hoping to win the RC.

I didn't.

I I quite literally typed delete and hit the ! key before I realized there was another note when I realized I didn't win.

Fjarn explained his side of it, but not winning the RC and no response to prayers and I figured that "I gave it a shot". You've commented on other characters of mine and stated that they weren't inspiring. In the note to me you wrote that you would watch and see what happened over time. (Paraphrasing)

So basically I wrote a detailed role for the RC but I was going to be judged on my PK ability which doesn't exist on a character I felt I wasn't RPing properly.

I appreciate the last name and the edge (Even though I never got it.:) ).
110440, I guess I don't understand the problem here. n/t
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
110442, ...
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not upset.

I'm frustrated that you cannot acknowledge how minimal your investment in this character was, and blame your lack of satisfaction on immortals who you don't think gave you enough love.

If this is the kind of reaction the role contests elicits from you, you probably shouldn't enter them in the future.
110446, I did, or thought I did acknowledge that when I started the good-byes.
Posted by Theod on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not blaming you guys for anything.

Look, I'm sorry it's coming across this way. I love you J, I just had bigger hopes for a character that I didn't reach.

I'm encouraged to know there could have been more in the future, but I have never seen anything like that with any character in the past so I had no reason to expect that with Theods future and I certainly had no way of knowing.

Theod wasn't a character I wanted to keep.

110443, My RC entry didn't even get read. You'll live. nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM