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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Grafacut Whiteskin the Savage Bearer of the Bloody Cup, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=109634
109634, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Grafacut Whiteskin the Savage Bearer of the Bloody Cup, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jul 8 11:05:04 2012

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Grafacut perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
109664, Goodbyes
Posted by Grafacut on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yet another character born out of a stupid idea which I thought would be horrible which turned out to be an awesome "build". Giant dagger spec could not have gone better. From low levels and the power they have there with underhand and vuln daggers, to the high levels and the surprising versitility and effectiveness despite all the misinformation out there. For those looking to do this build, I would not listen to all those who have not done it. As almost all of the information out there posted as fact about giant dagger specs is incorrect or incomplete.

The character itself was simply someone born with a terminal disease, and therefore was to sacrifice his life for Kiadana Rah. But the disease was actually caused by civilization and during his last trip to his death, he had to live in the wilds on the way there. Learned it was because of the environment and stayed in the wilds. And then made the choice that if he cannot go into civilization for long or he will die, to instead destroy civilization so he can.

All in all, a very enjoyable character. As for the deletion, things just got boring. Killing the same people, doing the same thing. Add in that somehow I got hit by hording code because I left the game for a week was just the last straw. Not that equipment matters much, but it was that one annoying thing that just made me go, "all done".

My Skin (Amaranthe): First I'm not a ranger! My goodness. Thanks for the interactions. You said that I was not really roleplaying my role or it was not built to roleplay, but I thought the role was developing nicely. The disease was actually a parasite of Thar Eris, that actually had purpose and goal. I appreciate all you do and the interactions and I have no hard feelings. I just see this as a game and when I'm done enjoying it I move on.

Wonderful interactions as always. Thanks again for the tattoo and fixing the issues with it. It really added flavor to the character and I enjoyed each time we interacted. I attempted to not be the cookie cutter follower where you go and pray and jabber on. Instead it was about action, fury, and only during times when you could not pay hommage in combat, would you pay hommage in word. Great and interesting religion and I thank you for the chance to be tattooed.

If you want to hear from me, post a goodbye. Not going to write a huge goodbye.

Being Nightreaver with this build was a nightmare for most people. I apologize to everyone that I stomped on with the foolishly strong powers :).

I enjoyed are battles. Furious wars within Galadon. Hope you enjoyed the Shield of Pure Light! Nothing like giving a sworn enemy the best piece of equipment for their build just so you can have a bigger challenge in killing them.

I dislike the cabal as a whole both IC and OOC. In short Nexus needs to have very limited numbers of powerful characters who swing the balance back by their actions. Right now, you change the cabal dynamics so much it actually becomes no fun. Why you say? It is because there are so many Nexus, the 2 Outlanders and 2 Imperials turns into 2 Outlanders versus 2 Imperials and 6 Nexus. And yes, I have played the cabal and led the cabal. So I just kill them when I see them. Most likely that will be part of every character I play.

Had great interactions with all of you. The uneasy nature of our relationship. When you came after my mages, I killed you, and you killed me. If not, we eyed eachother like wary wolves.

Never killed you, but always threatened to. All of you do a good job with a tough aspect of the game.

All in all, the interactions with those in Scion was limited but dark as always. I did feel pretty unhappy about that forced challenge.

Nothing like being forced into a rediculous challenge by the immortals with a 1800 hit point falcon/lion with a quest powered up nightwalker and having to fight through stone skin/aura/shield/barrier fully prepped. Then talked down to when I lost. Then they get some additional mini quest power and quest thing. Ahh Thera be feared when I play an air major.

To Zameida, I did not continually talk to you. I did that once, maybee twice maximum. I do not need to tell you to find out what form you are in and if you are in form. There are other commands for that.

Great times and great enemies. Most people would talk down to Empire, I appreciate all of your stick to it ness. Alannah especially. Man did you have bad luck against me.

All in all, I have no issues. I have resigned myself that I will be full looted whenever I die. And when it happened it was not a problem, and when it didn't, happy days!
109669, Had some fun with graf
Posted by Salyeris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only saw you a bit, but you were always bringing the fight to any and everyone whenever I saw you and it was really fun to sit back and watch you terrorize galadon.
I also liked how you would make fun of me for not having the key when there would be four or five islanders on and maybe me and one other rager.

And I'm not sure we ever really fought, but I was always wary of you anyway cause you sure came across as one tough giant.

Hope to see you in the fields again soon.
109672, You misunderstood
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You said that I was not really roleplaying my role or it was not built to roleplay,

I didn't mean to imply you weren't roleplaying your role. If I felt that, I wouldn't have made you Nightreaver. :) Just that your role doesn't lend itself to the kind of intricate RP relationships that is going to sustain a character for 500 hours. (And there's nothing wrong with that.)

Again, good job with the character.
109673, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Darikir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Grafacut and was fairly careful when he was awake.

As far as the Nexus situation you state, if two imperials and two outlanders (lets assume nightreavers are on), more than likely chaos and order are balanced and darkness would be tipping so we would just fight whichever evil we happened to see. I would guess you saw it your way because every time I saw you awake you had a flock of outlanders holding the codex and the scales.
109674, Curiously Strong
Posted by KrunkTheOrc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was an interesting matchup for Krunk in that Grafacut wasn't the pushover I was expecting*, and I think the reverse was true for you as well.

Sorry about the (near) full loot that resulted in the last time we tangled. Krunk was blind the entire time and missed out on any sweet loot, but someone sure got a handful. Hopefully that wasn't a factor in your deletion. I would have thought you'd have learned not to go with the Grafacut "I Win" button against Krunk, but I know how automatic something like that can become after a while.

Kudos for playing something that everyone knows is underpowered and proving the opposite. It can be almost as fun as it is frustrating.


(*) Not entirely because giant dagger spec can't be strong, but because it lacks any real umph in the thing that makes dagger spec tough for Krunk.
109676, Dangerous
Posted by Narissorin,.. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't say enough positive things about this character, there was even and instance where a scion approached me and claimed some things that seemed curiously unlike you... I approached you about it and you put that to rest in admirable fashion.

You build, especially when you got nightreaver, was monstrous. If iI was fully prepped and dropped down on you looking for a fight you could easily disappear into the wilderness just like that. There were also a few times you would pop in on me out of nowhere when i wasnt ready (I had JUST gotten control translucence back up that time in the steppes).

I do feel you as far as the forced duel was concerned... though during the first go around if you would have just came back at me when Xasivus swooped in I woulda been done. Didnt take anything from your corpse and tried to rp with you more after it was over, if that came off as gloating I apologize.

Hope you logged the fight on the riverbed, that one made my heart race, and could have gone either way.

Great job with a rare combo, hope you had a blast.
109677, Grafa-CAN-cut!
Posted by Cgadi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the things I am most thankful for with my current char was that I rolled him up in time to be able to spend a bit of time around you. I had a blast... When I was new to the tree, you basically were constant disrespectful to me, which I thought was appropriate given your role. Then as I grew, raided more, retrieved more, hunted more.. you really came around and did a 180 in how you treated me. I knew I finally earned your respect when you would start asking me to come along.. and man did we have some fun times the few times we got together. The one that truly comes to mind now was when me and you went for the scales and in a matter of about 4 or 5 minutes, killed two of the tribbies in galadon, killed Alannah as she struck out at us fighting the captain then killed the last tribbie in the spire after the captain died. I guess that is why our longest outting together was ten minutes or less.. there was no one else to fight afterwards. I also picked a different view on nexans to act out with this char, and I think sometimes it would annoy you in character that I would not go ape#### constantly on them like you did, but please know.. as a player.. I really dislike nexus ;)

anyway, wish you would have stuck around more, but I guess now you will have the time to take another ridiculous build and show people how over powered it can be... Well done!

Care to share any of your other past chars?

109681, RE: Grafa-CAN-cut!
Posted by balete on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Balete will miss running around murdering everything that stood in our way.
109685, Side note. Your name cracks me up. n/t
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
109684, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Oryntohr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I log in after three weeks of being gone and some character I've never even seen before is nightreaver. When we first met, and I saw the daggers, I knew you had either totally RP'd your way into the job independent of PK ability (as I later did) or that you were kicking ass and chewing bubblegum like a giant, pissed off Duke Nukem. It turned out to be both. Graf was frickin' awesome. I totally felt like I was talking to an evil, savage mfer when we interacted, rather than just a guy in the same cabal as me who happened to be evil. I didn't realize you'd been pushed into the thing with Nariss, that def sucks, but also seemed very IC for Graf from the outside looking in. I'm sure people gave you a lot of grief for that ####, but to Oryn that was pretty much what you should have done so he had your back.

Sorry to see you go, but when you're done there's no point in logging in anymore, I get it. GLWYN

P.S. It happened more than once that I'd be stalking someone waiting for a good chance to jump them, and then you'd log in, and before I was finished saying 'hi' they were already high tailing it back to their hidey-hole. hehe. Always cracked me up.

109689, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked this character and really enjoyed the role. Thanks for the good read and the fun in watching this character.

109691, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Akresius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Wonderful interactions as always. Thanks again for the tattoo
>and fixing the issues with it. It really added flavor to the
>character and I enjoyed each time we interacted. I attempted
>to not be the cookie cutter follower where you go and pray and
>jabber on. Instead it was about action, fury, and only during
>times when you could not pay hommage in combat, would you pay
>hommage in word. Great and interesting religion and I thank
>you for the chance to be tattooed.
>If you want to hear from me, post a goodbye. Not going to
>write a huge goodbye.

I thought you did an excellent job roleplaying an Akresius follower. Your answers to my questions were always well thought-out and so very uncookie-cutterish. That made interacting with you a pleasure on my part because you took the reins and ran with them. That made our talks more about you rather than me dictating the interaction to you.

I know I do not interact visibly all that much, and that's the way I like to keep it, but I watched you almost every moment I was on. As I said in your immortal comments, you comported yourself well in almost every scenario and I was pleased with what I saw. I loved that you bent Outlander to your will, and without saying more about ongoing events, it was fitting for an Akresius follower to take charge and act when others would not. I am sorry that one fight didn't work out better for you, though... I was really pulling for you.

Thank you for playing such a great follower.
109814, .
Posted by Jento on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
109815, RE: .
Posted by Anonymous on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Noob don't know how to post anonymously.
109645, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Grafacut Whiteskin the Savage Bearer of the Bloody Cup, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
Posted by Alannah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what to say. You were the most difficult enemy to kill, so I ended up resorting to picking things from you when I could. You probably had that edge that makes that harder too, I never had good luck against you. Enjoyed the interactions, especially about "our" dagger, and I think you took what should be a pretty miserable spec combination and made it rather impressive.

All in all, well played IMHO. GLWYN.
109665, Our dagger!
Posted by Grafacut on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That did become a great angle of interaction. As I said in my main goodbye, you had some terrible luck with me. I want to tell you that you are awesome with your willing to stick to it and interact through it. I hope Empire starts becoming a force again. I may or may not join the ranks. Who knows.
109643, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Grafacut Whiteskin the Savage Bearer of the Bloody Cup, Nightreaver of Thar-Eris
Posted by Akoruko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Absolutely loved your character. I was afraid of you (entangle + insects) and in fact started gambling for orbs just to prepare in case you struck!

I loved our short interactions at the Tree. I made you a drink named "Bloody Pim Cup" and you looked at it, threw it out and said, "Not blood, clear spit." Then you ran away. Very fitting and very fun!
109641, Well-Played
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nicely done, Grafacut. Sorry you deleted as I was in the midst of running that little quest for you (the bit about you landing a kill while your skin was "hungry") but it never happened. (Don't lament too much - it was going to be a fun & fitting but small reward. There's always a struggle to additionally reward long-time characters that are already dominating.)

I get it though. At over 300 hrs, sometimes it's just time to move on. The character role, while a nice little gimmick, didn't really scream passion on the RP end? I imagine there's only so long the PK challenge with a ranger remains engaging. Just my guess. I hope to hear from you on this thread as for the reason for deletion.

You almost did *too* good of a job as Nightreaver - for a while there the cabal was looking so evil-dominated I was contemplating directly intervening to rebalance things. And clearly, you were practically single-handedly driving it. The evil domination of Outlanders tapered off almost exactly parallel to your activity level. You know what they say about imitation...

Good luck with your next!
109655, He was a warrior. n/t
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
109658, yeah, not sure why I typed ranger.
Posted by Amaranthe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe because 9/10 Outlander leaders were rangers back in the day. :D
109657, Seconded.
Posted by Ziruanja on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were feared and adored almost reverently by Ziruanja, I hope you got the gist of that through our few talks. I also hope you didn't feel bad about all those kills in the Spire, you taught me a lot. Thanks.
109667, Shield of Pure Light!
Posted by Grafacut on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You were feared and adored almost reverently by Ziruanja, I
>hope you got the gist of that through our few talks. I also
>hope you didn't feel bad about all those kills in the Spire,
>you taught me a lot. Thanks.

You are an awesome player. Willing to take the bumps, roleplay through it, and get better. By the end you were extremely tough. You saw the flaws in your tactics and changed. You especially started using the Spire environment way more to your advantage. And you started risking to win. Many times people would have me on the ropes and if they just pressed out into the wilds or such, they would have me. But for some reason Tribunal chasing almost always stops at Outside **** Gate.

Hope you enjoyed the shield of pure light. A gift from one warrior to another so Grafacut could challenge himself even more.
109666, Thanks Immortals!
Posted by Grafacut on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Nicely done, Grafacut. Sorry you deleted as I was in the
>midst of running that little quest for you (the bit about you
>landing a kill while your skin was "hungry") but it never
>happened. (Don't lament too much - it was going to be a fun &
>fitting but small reward. There's always a struggle to
>additionally reward long-time characters that are already

I know and I appreciate the interaction. I just could not pin down that orc. I was about to just kill another Outlander and see what happens. I was about there when the "urge" went away.

>I get it though. At over 300 hrs, sometimes it's just time to
>move on. The character role, while a nice little gimmick,
>didn't really scream passion on the RP end? I imagine there's
>only so long the PK challenge with a ranger remains engaging.
>Just my guess. I hope to hear from you on this thread as for
>the reason for deletion.

I enjoy doing off the wall things and making them work. As for the role, I did feel it was a great roleplay. Because many people asked me about it, had a last name related to it. It was interesting because others would ask me how a fire giant has white skin. All in all, you may not have seen it as passionate roleplay, but I feel that good roleplay has subtle things to it that activates roleplay around. Not everyone is Shakespeare.

>You almost did *too* good of a job as Nightreaver - for a
>while there the cabal was looking so evil-dominated I was
>contemplating directly intervening to rebalance things. And
>clearly, you were practically single-handedly driving it. The
>evil domination of Outlanders tapered off almost exactly
>parallel to your activity level. You know what they say about
>Good luck with your next!

I did not expect to get Nightreaver since Mrall (I think that is the name) was Nightreaver and didn't think he would delete. When I got it, I made myself a promise to not be the "stalk and hide" type. I dedicated myself to be an in your face, come to your house, and stomp on your ass, take your candy, and leave everything broken in my wake kind of mindset. I felt I did that and I think it helped lift others up.
109670, Mrall!?!? *chucklefelar*
Posted by Garm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed your char a lot even though I didn't run a lot with you, partly because I like to hunt solo but also because your char was very powerful and had so many options PK wise, it wouldn't be fair if we started mowing down ppl.

Exceptions to that include *nexus* and crazy OP scions *laugh*
Also, from a hunter's POV, you never gave me any excuse to be unhappy, never spoiled a hunt/snare and always seemed to know what to do when we were after someone which is always great.

109638, Ooh, I get back from my vaccation and you're gone!
Posted by Zameida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking forward to try a few new tricks on you!

Anyways, badass char. The only annoyance I had with you were that each time you were online, as soon as I hit dolphin form, I'd get a tell from you only saying "Hrmm" or something similar.

Other than that, great stuff.

Now, why did you up and delete?

109668, Scions, Scions, Scions
Posted by Grafacut on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did enjoy our fights. I do think saying that did that each time I was online blown way out of proportion. I can think of being online with you probably more than a hundred times or more. And I did this maybe once. There are so many other ways to tell if you are in form and what form you are in I don't need to tell you ever.
109675, Yeah, I'm kinda famous for exagerating...
Posted by Zameida on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But it was at least 6-7 times it happend, and you weren't the only one, just the one who did it most frequent.
109671, graffy and zamy
Posted by Zevaduce (laxman) on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gaffacut: That one time when I logged on and you were in the guild and attacked me then died in the weald I didn't mean for you to eat so much of a looting. Your gear was just flat out better then mine for the most part, there was a couple of other people around and I was so low on HP with other enemies nearby I couldn't stick around to watch your corpse. I did feel guilty about the incident but at the same time... I FINALLY GOT GOOD DAGGERS WOOOOT. You were a very ballsy fighter and my hat is off to you sir.

Zamieda: You need to let the tell thing go. Anyone who is at a skill level to compete with you is likely able to determine what/where you are/doing 70% of the time just by using the who command. Your build is just so constrained in the kinds of things you can do solo vs with buddies that its not a long list of possibilities to guess from.
109637, Do what now?
Posted by Gaspar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why the delete?