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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Kallathallas Rue'Drakken the Shield of the Innocent
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=108595
108595, (DELETED) [None] Kallathallas Rue'Drakken the Shield of the Innocent
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue May 8 14:22:46 2012

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 6th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Kallathallas perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
108606, RE: (DELETED) [None] Kallathallas Rue'Drakken the Shield of the Innocent
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You need to not let the actions of others get you so upset. It's a consistent problem and something you *can* control.

All in all, I liked this character but I could tell from name alone who you were and I tried to gently steer you in a healthier direction with this character. I'm sorry that you deleted like this.
108608, Thanks Raybaer.
Posted by Kal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I appreciate the Lastname and the virtue. Now I have had 3 out of 4. :)

That being said.... you are correct. I can't stand the Fortress. Not because of the powers, I like them, but the players of Fortress.

I rolled Kal to check out a Character with the two edges "Shield Flurry" and the one that stuns an opponent more. Half-elf seemed ideal for it. It was and it still was meh. I had hoped for more.

As for pledging.... What a dumb ass I am. I was watching TV and scooting around. I stepped into the spire to look around and for reasons god only knows I pledged. I didn't even realize I did it for a few heart beats and I was all like WTF and all Oh #### and stuff. So I had to withdraw my pledge and thus I couldn't pledge to the Fortress.

Playing from a Satellite is rough. There is a half second to full second lag in every command so I have to guesstimate and spam some commands in order to get my character to move smoothly.

I picked Shield Ded specifically because I hoped Shield mastery would give me the time I needed to escape... I was wrong. The way that Imperial finished me in the final round convinced me I had enough.

I had other plans already drawn up for Kal but I'll hold them for something else.

To that thief... Up yours man I seriously hate Fortress specifically because of those sorts of interactions. Every time I am around you guys I want to kill and full sack you. And I do mean "Sack".

Thanks Raybaer. (I still don't get the "No vengeance" part of your religion. Especially sense some of the communes read "Baerinika's vengeance" etc etc.) But you are the only viable Paladin God in my opinion.
108609, RE: Thanks Raybaer.
Posted by That Thief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I pegged you as soon as you started griping. Maybe you should start looking in the mirror. Running off in the middle of a defense is a no-no, for just about cabal, especially when you are the ONLY healing class around. You stick it out till it's done. What you did was say "Screw this man, healing the Maran is no fun, I want to be out there PK'ing. I get it, I've been there, I've played enough of this game to know the feeling. That being said, you consistently and often project how you think the game should be played on other people, and interactions like the one we had was just about as unfun as I've had with a Fortress player. I'm glad you deleted because it saves me the time writing the note to Fortress discussing what happened and your whining later. You want to full sack fort players, go play an imperial. You want to play a fortie, take it for what it's worth. Better yet, go play something else, cause dude, I am getting jaded and peaved just writing this response.
108610, Since you are a retard I'll spell it out for you.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A scion Anti-Paladin showed up while, wait for it... scion was retrieving.

I was out of mana, my sups were falling and I had to leave. The Maran was convulsing and taking eviscerate poisons every tic. There was nothing I could do except die sitting there when he eventually showed up.

Instead, I went and fought him three different times and died to him that way.

So in short, your condescending attitude sucked. I want nothing to do with people like you.
108615, RE: Since you are a retard I'll spell it out for you.
Posted by That Thief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ummm It was Empire retrieving at the time, and you left the Maran close to convulsing to go fight that Scion AP. He was no where near the area, I know because I went looking for him afterwards because he was in my range too. You shirked the duty of a Squire to defend the raid. YOu had every opportunity to say "Hey, I'm almost exhausted healing here, can you help me out." Instead you said "I'm going to go hunt that Scion AP". Which left the rest of us going, "ummm Wait, what?"

So you left what my character saw as a duty to go fulfill a want. Which is a no-no. Don't like it, meh, but that's what it is. So when that happens, you get a talking to. Especially when you had asked for the recommendation just a bit before, and I told you "After the danger has passed." well bub, it hadn't passed.
108621, You have a bit of an ego dont you?
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just because you saw it that way doesnt mean it is a bad thing. I remember so many times in the Fortress Marans werent healing the maran while it was being attacked. Just because you have the ability to heal doesnt mean you have to heal. If it is hopeless to do so and you can kill an evil instead thats what I would do. Not always what my character would do but personally thats what I would.
108629, Read my post below
Posted by That Thief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's a timeline in it. The fact is, I tried to RP with him as I would think a Squire would, he went boogots, then brought it to the forums. I do wish I had the interaction logged.

RP Wise it's a Squire telling an applicant that in the future, it should be done differently, then the App going semi-nuts on the guy, and then taking it to the forums after he gets hosed in a 2v1.
108633, Yeah, big ego.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only a big ego would read all this as "he went boogots and brought it to the forums."

He had ONE line where he mentioned *A* thief. That's not an OOC flip out attack of crazy proportions.
108643, Well, unless the fort has multiple thieves at this moment...
Posted by Vortex Magus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
its pretty obvious exactly who pro is referring to. I'd call that edging pretty close to character assassination.
108644, Is it?
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suppose maybe it could be. I don't really view telling someone that you didn't like interactions with them as character assassination. Character assassination is more like: You're a goodie that acted evil! You're and evil that uses *THIS* or *THAT* dastardly tactic! You're a rager and you DID THIS! Or otherwise giving away some part of someone's role that may not supposed to be public.

In this case it was just: Hey, I didn't like you.

More than that it was kept ambiguous. No names, etc. I do see your point about the number of thieves likely in Fort though.

Anyway, I'm not here to defend Alston as much as point out the pot <-> kettle part I saw.
108613, This is funny
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You quite bluntly tell him how he is supposed to play, then tell him he too often projects how he thinks others should play onto them.

Just curious, are you an administrator behind that anonymous name that really DOES have authority to tell people how they can/should play?
108616, RE: This is funny
Posted by That Thief. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well yeah, you're right on that part. I am telling him what his duty should have been. As a Squire to an applicant who just asked for a recommendation, that's pretty much what I should be doing... Right?

I understand totally the desire to not sit at the outer and spam co 'heal' outer, because I've been in those shoes, that there's people I could be out actively hunting(Fun part of the game) and yet, I'm there healing the outer, because for the most part that's what my RP says, especially in a cabal like Fort.

But what I'm talking about here is Pro's habit of expecting his RP to be the only valid way to be. You can see it in every goodie he plays. And when he gets called on it, he goes semi-postal. Not full postal mind you, but semi, because he at least tried to veil his rant in some IC type of conversation.

In the end I play this game to have fun. I'm finding that the more of Pro's characters I run in to, the less fun I'm having.
108620, By the sound of it,
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd do the same thing. Outer is almost dead and I won't be able to keep him alive, just delay the inevitable. I'm more useful to the war against evil if I'm out hunting.

Your character in game can surely frown upon that, but assuming it's automatically wrong from an OOC perspective doesn't fly.

I won't argue that Alston has some (sometimes odd) quirks about how he thinks people should play. I'm only pointing out the silliness of saying "You didn't do this IC thing like you should have" and then "You shouldn't tell people how they should act IC."

Now then, if you didn't mean it as he was wrong from an OOC perspective but only wrong from your character's IC perspective. That is different. Certainly wasn't what it sounded like though.

A shame you have less fun around him. He is responsible for me getting my first character to hero and showing me how fun it can be to have someone around that RPs WITH you instead of AT you. He even went postal on me at one point, but it became quickly clear that it was part of his character's RP.
108623, I actually consider this the other way around.
Posted by Vortex Magus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From my perspective, squire (thiefguy) and applicant (pro) had a disagreement over something, a point of RP that should have been settled in-character.

However, pro decided to break RP because thiefguy disagreed with something and attempted to correct a full fort squire with his applicant. Naturally, it spirals out of control and ends with pro deleting and raging at the guy who disagreed with him, because clearly his RP is the only possible valid RP.

I've seen pro enter this cycle with more than one character, which is sad, because I usually like his characters aside from this part.
108624, Didn't realize
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyone had broken RP or any of that. Maybe I missed something.
108630, I didn't.
Posted by Alston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not in the slightest. I wish I had saved the log but cest la vi.

I don't know how Vortex has any knowledge of what went on so why he's chimming in is beyond me.

And the thief is twisting the facts to the point he is lying to hold up his claim. The guy is a #### and it will show over time. Moving on.
108631, Didn't think so
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You never know, but I assumed it wasn't the case.
108645, I'd just like to point out
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"I don't know how Vortex has any knowledge of what went on so why he's chimming in is beyond me."

You have been doing this for *Years*.
108627, This
Posted by That Thief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have attributed it the bout to RP reason and left it at that, but then he decided to post on his deletion thread about it. It was borderline in game, but when he went off on me about it on his deletion, it came clear that what he was doing was not so borderline.

The facts:

Fort is under attack by Empire.
He asks me for a Recommendation
I tell him that when the danger is past, I'll talk to him.
I asked his char to come heal.
His char does come. Seems to be healing.
First pass good, They beat feet.
Hero maran dies to a game mechanic
His char says "I'm going to go hunt X"
His char leaves.
1 of the two Hero Imperials comes back and two rounds the Maran.
Danger is now past, because they got the codex back...
Time for a teachable moment.
I do a tell some time later, saying "Hey, next time maybe heal the maran a bit more before you leave?"
"He begins the slow painful buildup to Don't tell me how to play a Baer-pal"
He then suicides himself on a Giant Swordspec and healer in the Lands trying to retrieve.
108632, What?
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So yeah, now I'm even more on his side. Where was the OOC episode? You wanted a lowbie paladin to heal the outer against not one, but TWO hero Imperials? I'd hardly waste time as a HERO paladin trying to do that.
108639, My problem here is this.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The thief is hiding behind a fake name while alston isnt. Alston was right in this case. What this thief guy did was wrong and in poor taste. Does it excuse pro for allegedly "flipping out". No but the other person shouldnt expect everyone to RP their way. Listen I like pro even though he annoys me hardcore IC he tries harder and I respect that.
108642, The thief is a current character
Posted by Vortex Magus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And what pro attempted is very close to character assassination, deleting his character in a fit of pique and then calling out a fort thief in an OOC forum - anyone who is currently playing (I'm not) will probably have a pretty good guess who this thiefguy is, since fort rarely has more than one thief in the best of times.

So I'm still going to disagree with you - the shady behavior here comes from pro, who will receive no negative in-game consequences from trying to call out thiefguy, who is still playing and can still be character assassinated by stuff like this.

>No but the other person shouldnt expect everyone to RP their way.

This is, as far as I can tell, exactly pro's problem, not thiefguy's. Clearly the thief isn't taking it personally - you don't see thiefguy throwing a hissy fit and deleting his character and calling pro out over it. Looks to me like thiefguy was perfectly content to keep the disagreement in-game and in-character until pro started blasting him on his deletion thread. If Pro really cared about RP, he'd have looked for an in-game solution to their disagreement rather than this ridiculous deletion/ragequit "#### YOU THIEFGUY" thing.

Honestly, if I had been in pro's place, I wouldn't have even noticed the comment. I'd have been like "Apologies, fortie, I did not think I could do anything more in that situation. Next time I will endeavor to change that." - and then I would have skipped off and forgotten about it. It was most certainly nothing to get in a fight over, and DEFINITELY not something to delete an entire character over, unless you're pro.
108640, RE: Thanks Raybaer.
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"But you are the only viable Paladin God in my opinion."

Everything else already demonstrates insanity, but this confirms the psychosis. Really? No other imm can have paladin followers? Dude, seek help.
108641, Typical
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He clearly meant that she is the only religion that meshes well with how HE likes to play paladins. I can sympathize since Corrlaan was the only immortal I liked for paladins. Baerinika doesn't fit my ideal for paladins at all. One could easily follow just about any god, discounting the ones where you absolutely must commit evil to be part of the religion.
108653, Stay safe buddy. NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
108603, RE: (DELETED) [None] Kallathallas Rue'Drakken the Shield of the Innocent
Posted by Kimond on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What the heck!? You were going good!