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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Danntruso Bonegnaw the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
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108096, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Danntruso Bonegnaw the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Apr 13 17:22:33 2012

At 3 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Danntruso perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
108107, Ya loss will be mourned.
Posted by Kurbrawn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ya was a damn fine soldier, will be difficult to fill ya position. Ya will be remembered. Good fights we had, against some insane odds sometimes. Hope all goes will with spirit life, and bid luck to ya next time is in the fields.
108121, I really liked Kurbrawn
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had all the right stuff to be War Master. Sorry I left you out of goodbyes, but I typed that up when I had like no sleep.. Anyways, you were awesome, and Danntruso had nothing but respect for you. Keep kicking ass dude.
108105, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Danntruso Bonegnaw the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

So. One day I was leasurely sitting around the house, when I thought to myself. You know, I've never had a minotaur before. I bet it would be cool to try one. But of course, there's no way one would be available... So I make a name. Danntruso, and I go through all the new character crap just knowing that I was going to be sad in just a moment, when low and behold, a minotaur spot was available. I immediatly had one of those: "Ahh ####." moments, because I immediatly just KNEW I was about to throw mass hours into another character.

I never intended to. I fully intended to finish Onya Stargaze and be done for a while, but there was no ####ing way I could pass up a minotaur when I had never played one. Onya, btw, was not Nightreaver at the time, and had not been so for several months. Anyways, Danntruso was born.

Danntruso was meant to be the RP character that Onya was not. Onya had decend RP, but I wanted Danntruso to really SHINE. However, the mass fortress gangs put a stop to my RP quest aroudn lvl 30. I'm so so sorry Enlilth. I really wanted to be RP centered. I wanted to blow you away with RP, but I just couldn't there was a paladin, or a storm giant, or both on me at all times. Always striking the vanquisher, things like that. If I really wanted to be RP centered, I really should have chosen a different cabal, or none at all. Maybe next time I'll make a herald... Nah...

Anyways, I thought about making Danntruso the cookie cutter bash bash flurry spec that I had played Oh so many times before, then I quickly dismissed that thought. I was playing a minotaur, for crying out loud. I needed to do something I had never done before. Thus, I went Flails/Mace, Gates/Balance, and later was given Calming for RC win.

I've played flail first warriors before, and I was expecting the same thing. To be really nasty in the low ranks, but get my ass handed to me around hero. That was not the case. It was, in fact, the opposite. I was getting smacked around in the low and mid ranks. It sucked! But something told me to hold out. Just keep pressing on and things would work out. So I did.

I solo'd pretty much all the way to level 43. I maybe got 5 or 6 ranks with groups somewhere in there. Solo'ing was surprisingly easy. I'm a skill junkie, so I need any skill that I plan on using in PK at 100%. No exceptions. So I pretty much just practiced and along the way, I was ranking. It worked out rather well. I had everything I needed to 100% by 43, and the rest was simple.

Wow those forties were not playing there for a while, huh? I mean 7 or 8 of them on at a time. Healers, conjurers, warriors, paladins. Man it was crazy. On top of that, we were at war with the village as well. I got my ass handed to me soo many times it was insane. Comming from playing Onya for so long, it was an adjustment, for sure. But I held in there. And it all payed off once I hit hero. I guess I just figured out the build or something, but I was pretty nasty. Especially if I could get a summoner with me, I could really take some people out. I'm not sure how many kills I racked up, but it sure outweighed my deaths. I'd say by double.

But the overall goal of Danntruso, other than to try to be RP centered, was to help out Empire. Empire was in the dumps when Myself and Yarglen came along. Fortress was just way to massive to handle. At all times of the day Fortress had their foot firmly up Empire's ass. And I wanted to help change that. And I think I did. Myself, Yarglen, the Emperor, and a couple of others, I think did a great job with that. We killed alot of them, and now there are a fair amount of Imperials that play in the hero range. So that was definatly a success.


I'm happy with my choice of flails. Entwine is #### as usual, but they increased it's success which helps ALOT. They toned down Strip, which sucks, and I'm not sure it's any better than disarm now, except you can start a fight with disarm. I got a lot of use out of pull, and it helped to land me a few kills I would never have gotten otherwise. Choke is unreliable, at best, and If any of your plans rely's on choke to succeed for it to work... I would suggest making another plan..


Mace was awesome. I'd never tried a mace spec at the hero range. Boneshatter was useful against dodgy types. Drum, however, I didn't find to be nearly as good as I remember. I don't think I ever hit one of the strong drums on anyone I was trying to PK, and I missed completely a fair amount of the time. Cranial was just lovely. Honestly, It's just an awesome skill to have. Lovely.

Gates of the forge:

Wow, wow, wow was I impressed with gates. I figured it would more or less just take the edge off of hits. Come to find out, it's serious dam redux. With Gates alone I turned ***DEMOLISHES*** into MASSACRES/DISMEMBERS and with Gates + Protection/Ironskin/desensitize/armor I was in business. All of those protections are easy to find, btw. Then throw in stone skin and or shield from time to time, and life was good. It basically ended up being close to perma-sanc for the most part.

Balance of the Sisters:

It's pretty much self explanatory. I'm happy I took it. Balance allowed me to wield a cursed weapon, but still be able to entwine. Considering I'm super parinoid when it comes to disarm, it was worth it. It also meant that after I entwined, and people hit me with the inevitable dirt kick, I wasn't immediatly relagated to fleeing.

Calming the tempest:

Thanks to Imm's for the third legacy. First time I've had three legacies. And this one really helped out against all the damned paladin's and shaman's who loved summoning me. I wish I had it in my fight against Tzaritzawah, though. *fistshake*


Yarglen: Great times buddy. Danntruso would have followed Yarglen into hell and back. Literally. We were quite the duo. It would be you and me against like 5 marans. We would usually die, but sometimes we'd bring others with us. I wish you were around when Danntruso got pretty nasty there. We could have had even more fun. I always laugh when I think about the fight where it was you and I against Eleagra. In my mind Eleagra is literally Raping me up my asshole, and you're like: "Good job buddy, keep it up, we almost got her." Lol. Somehow I just looked up and she was dead. You were really Impressive. Sorry I had to kill you as Onya... You know how it is.

Otuerghad: Long live Emperor Otuerghad! :) I really really like you as Emperor. Don't listen to what any loser says about you not being good. I think you're awesome. That's comming from an ally in Danntruso, and an enemy in Onya. I was supremely impressed. Good times. Sorry I had to kill you as Onya... You know the deal.

Cabakso: I'm really really happy I was able to assist you in getting your weapon stronger. I was always super happy when you'd get the last hit. I really liked Cabakso. A shame your playtimes are such, or we really would have had more fun. Having a summoner with Danntruso's build is just ####.

Kheorr: Ahh Kheorr. We had some good times, man. I loved running around with you, because you were funny as well. I still think of Scarabaeus pointing at you sometimes and it makes me laugh. In my mind, he points at you and you just go poof because you just can't take it. Lol. Take care man, and keep on trucking. Btw. That day as Onya, I wasn't hunting you, we just happened to walk past each other like 3 times, so I figured one of the times I'd toss an immolation your way. I didn't like hunting Imperials when there were like 5 Marans already doing the same thing. I preferred to hunt the marans then.

Tirrarreor: What happened man? I heard you turned on the Empire. I liked you and thought you were gonna do great things.

Grorbek: We had a pretty good relationship as well. Sucks you went out. You were a strong ally.

Tzaritzawah: I really wanted to kill you that night. It would have been awesome to kill a mummy with an imperial warrior. I just wasn't fast enough on the pull, and you were fast on the sleep.. Heh. I battled you somewhat, though, so it wasn't a complete loss.

Vallinane: We had an interesting little banter going there for a while. Sucks you up and vanished on me. Haven't seen you in like a week or so. What up? Scared? :)

Illanthos: I knew I could never kill you as Onya, but I also knew I could definatly kill you as Danntruso. Not alone, of course, but I never feel sad about ganging marans. Not after what I went through.

Tairneach: I really thought it was lame that morning when you and Zeurane were multi-killing me. In my opinion the only reason to multi-kill someone is if they keep raiding you for whatever reason. I was nowhere near you guys and you kept comming to kill me. I think I died three times, and you guys tried for a fourth. That was always sour to me. That's why I would always aim for you first whenever we raided maran. If the group ever asked who to aim for first, my reply was always Tairneach. And in the end I must have killed you like 10 times. I always made sure to take something from your corpse too, because as I recall, you two looted me each time as well. Anyways, I hate you, and stuff.

Riethen: We had some fun battles. It was cool being on both sides of you, as an ally and enemy. I hope you realize there's no way that anything Onya knew or didn't know helped or hurt Danntruso in fighting you. In fact, Onya didn't know much at all about you.

Yindathos: Same as with Riethin. Onya wasn't with you enough for that to pay dividends as Danntruso. I never got you anyways, however, that time in the palace was close. :)

Ceje: Sorry about that morning when you lost everything, but you must understand, I cant just let you continue to stay in the palace, at some point I'm gonna have to do something to make you leave. I would have given back every piece of your gear once the vanquisher came back, but you chose to quit out instead. Sorry.

Bulquin: I loved our chats man. Really cool stuff. You sorta remind me of someone, but I'll leave it at that. Keep up what you're doing. Players like you are a good thing for CF.

Immortals: As always, great game. Thank you for the support and patience you give us mortals. Thank you for devoting your time to this game.

That's about it. If I missed you, then I'm sorry. Hit me up with a post and I'll reply. For whatever reason, I can't post under Onya yet, but when I can, I've already got that one written up. See you in the fields.

-Danntruso Bonegnaw, Onya Stargaze, Kahkrova Durmeil, Sarafennia, Olviera Stormgale Valdora Bon'Durdin, Karjiin Darkfeather,
108108, No problem about losing gear.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dont care about gear at all....I had to leave for class and didnt have time to get my things. Good kills though there...if that wasnt my first healer I might not of died so much. Gates is awesome and it gets better when you find the other protections other than the ones you named. I remember getting hit with mauls by people where I would get hit with massacres.
108109, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Danntruso Bonegnaw the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by xrus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked Dann when I saw many forties and few imperials and Dann one of them. You were a kick ass for my Qush when just got his 1st legacy, but later I could handle you in arena fairly well.

Why you deleted? Seems that you had enough cons yet.
108120, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Danntruso Bonegnaw the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've got some RL stuff to handle. The plan was always to delete Danntruso when Onya finally age died. Yeah, my build was such that I needed things to go my way in a fight for me to win it. That time in the arena, nothing went my way. Lol. Well done.
108130, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Danntruso Bonegnaw the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by Gates on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What armors you gathered for gates? (did you really care? or just wore armors and it worked itself? what was your average ac?)
108133, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Danntruso Bonegnaw the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The mithril plated stuff from the giant in the settlement worked great. Plus some rings from Hamsah docks, Necktin-Rah pendants, jade pendats worked as well. Throw in bracers of defense and you should be fine. I usually left out the rings if I had better ones, because when you deck for gates you'll find yourself lacking on Dam roll.

I would suggest decking for gates. With enough AC you'll see SIGNIFICANT dam redux. Throw in some easy-to-gather preps and you're in business. I usually was at least at -200 ac, but at my hightest I got up to -300 or -350. That was when I really saw great things from gates.
108157, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Danntruso Bonegnaw the Legend of the Battlefield, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by xrus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Suggest gates for villagers? or better to be able to use other preps to make it work?
108203, I would suggest it for duergar and dwarf villagers.
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because with spiked gear you can handle both AC and damage at the same time. The problem when trying to deck for AC is that you usually give up damage to do it. And when you see the REAL dam redux is when you have close to -300 AC or more. So, I would suggest just doing it with a dwarf or duergar villager.
108113, Ah well
Posted by Tairneach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
#### happens ya know? As far as that multi-killing goes I don't really recall, must have happened a long time ago. I don't recall doing it, if I did I apologize as I know the feeling. As far as the killing goes, eh whatever, I sent enough of you aka Empire, running/fleeing to regroup or whatever that I don't really mind. The gear thing I only took what I needed, and gold of course. There was one time I didn't but I'll save that for later.

Moving on, whenever I saw you on and we had the Codex I always thought to myself, finally someone who's gonna try for the Codex no matter the odds. I enjoyed the character as a player, but as Tairneach I was hoping to kill you every time I saw you and basically hated you.

Anyhow, well done over all for the character.
108114, Ah well
Posted by Tairneach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
#### happens ya know? As far as that multi-killing goes I don't really recall, must have happened a long time ago. I don't recall doing it, if I did I apologize as I know the feeling. As far as the killing goes, eh whatever, I sent enough of you aka Empire, running/fleeing to regroup or whatever that I don't really mind. The gear thing I only took what I needed, and gold of course. There was one time I didn't but I'll save that for later.

Moving on, whenever I saw you on and we had the Codex I always thought to myself, finally someone who's gonna try for the Codex no matter the odds. I enjoyed the character as a player, but as Tairneach I was hoping to kill you every time I saw you and basically hated you.

Anyhow, well done over all for the character.
108115, Well...
Posted by Tairneach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
S*** happens ya know? As far as that multi-killing goes I don't really recall, must have happened a long time ago. I don't recall doing it, if I did I apologize as I know the feeling. As far as the killing goes, eh whatever, I sent enough of you aka Empire, running/fleeing to regroup or whatever that I don't really mind. The gear thing I only took what I needed, and gold of course. There was one time I didn't but I'll save that for later.

Moving on, whenever I saw you on and we had the Codex I always thought to myself, finally someone who's gonna try for the Codex no matter the odds. I enjoyed the character as a player, but as Tairneach I was hoping to kill you every time I saw you and basically hated you.

Anyhow, well done over all for the character.
108116, RE: Well...
Posted by Tairneach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Could an Imm take care of the extra posts? Something's wacky with the after post page. Posts anyway but shows invalid post in the message and what not.
108098, I was going to say that both Onya and Dann were great
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
but then I realized you had an outlander leader and an empire elite. You are a ####ing tool for playing a no die char with an alt in the diametrec opposite of your cabal in case things were too tough. I thought the imms policed #### like this.
108099, RE: I was going to say that both Onya and Dann were great
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eh. Danntruso was around for the bad #### as Yarglen. Like 2 of us versus 10 forties. I don't think you can call that fair weather playing. Both these characters were exceptional, both were played an appropriate amount of time for both of their positions, and Onya hasn't been a leader in Outlander for a long, long time. I'd bet Onya wasn't a leader when Dann was even in hero range.
108100, RE: I was going to say that both Onya and Dann were great
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Having a die all the time char to play so you can insulate your never die char is bad. Especially in your example where both chars had the same enemies.

As individuals both chars were good but the fact the player could game playing one to preserve the record of the other is ####ty.
108102, How do you figure I was preserving the record of one by playing the other?
Posted by k-b on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played Onya for 594 hours. In that time, I died 8 times, by my calculations. So you think that by playing Danntruso, I was gonna die less? Let me make it clear. No one was gonna kill me unless I let them do it. There was no super-powered gang during Danntruso's time that could have killed Onya. And if so, then who?