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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Rindros Tinrock the Panegyrical Orchestrator of the Outer Reaches, Chancellor of Eternal Night
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=107305
107305, (DELETED) [SCION] Rindros Tinrock the Panegyrical Orchestrator of the Outer Reaches, Chancellor of Eternal Night
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Mar 13 22:37:15 2012

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 13th of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Rindros perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
107604, You know I dislike your OOC persona
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no issue admitting that this character shows you are for real in the PK department.

I hope you keep getting better because that would be great for CF.

107374, Wow.
Posted by robdarken_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You've really improved a lot.

That is all.
107331, How many times? I recall two specifically...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...that I should totally have had you but something failed so I didn't. Like bash on a giant warrior. Bleh.

Great character, loved RPing with you as Tavlin (and even as enemies to a much smaller extent later).

Good luck with the next.
107370, Shoulda leveled Mochodin
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never knew a thing about you, but I saw you in range and said hey, lowbie thief, easy pk. But you got away like everyone else and then mob died so you werent in my range anymore. Silly Twist.
107309, To be or not to be
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So basically, how everyone seemed to view Rindros in pk: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1EzU9sLQ6I

How I really was: http://monkeybrandz.com/google-search/baboon-on-computer/

So my first conjurer that got up to nightgaunt levels afaik. I tried to be the first successful demon-only conjurer. Being a complete newbie at pk, I think I did pretty well. This character was, however, RP centric. I tried to never show weakness in fights, I never killed orcs or most heralds/noncombatants if I could help it. I could have gotten a ton more kills if I wanted to fight orcs (Rindros simply liked orcs).

So yeah...early ranks...roflstomp. It was unfair that I could be a complete newb and kill people. Several insta kills. One ranger sticks out in my mind, because he baited me really hard, got 2 ambushes...Im down to 30 hp or so and hes at half, and my demon suddenly whips out 2 chain lightnings and he dies. I felt bad about that.

I struggled with my ranking due to the ridiculous fort power swing that was completely preventing anyone from ranking, so I got stuck at rank 42 for a LONG time. Obregon even asked me when I planned to rank up (around 36) and I had to tell him I wasn't even trying to level sit anymore (this was due to a lack of evils rolling up, or ones that were not afraid to group with me). 42 sucks as a demon-only conjurer, at least my experience did.

At 51 I tried for a very long time to be demon-only (I really wanted greater demon conjuring...never happened). Unfortunately, they absolutely do not work in raids, so I had to change it up. Not having any kind of lagging skill sucks when people are afraid of you and flee out at full hp.

Overall, I felt this character was severely under-rewarded (especially compared to other conjurers) for the amount of effort I put into making the experience more fun for other people, but thats CF I guess. Everything I did was to try to get others involved in RP, be it through sacrifices, or tasks related to other players. I hope the scions I interacted with had fun, and anyone else who got to be involved in some of my deeper RP.

So yeah, I really, really wanted greater demon conjuring, but never got it. Them's the breaks. For a short time recently I felt I was being discriminated against due to my time as friends with Torak, and knowing that the imps knew who I was, but oh well.

Whats funny about this character is that I almost never got attacked while conjuring, and when I did it was usually because I did it in obvious places, out of laziness. Laziness is my CF bane.

So a few assorted goodbyes, just by group...

Forties...Respect to Vallinane...everyone else was uninteresting, and the perma (you know who you are) make this game less fun for everyone. Illanthos lost respect for her (perhaps rp forced) involvement with those people.

Empire...Respect to Otuer. I lied about Eleagra. No such thing was said. Eleagra...sorry for destroying you in pk several times, I guess? Eleagra's lapdogs/perma, you also make the game less fun for everyone, but you aren't as good at it as the fort perma. Also that time you were 5v1 against me and were too afraid to enter the room? That was really, really sad.

Nexus...Never got to fight with or against you really. Puhguly and some pachy attacking me in the palace while I was raiding was pretty funny.

Outlander...Please don't talk #### when its 4v1 and you still lose people.

Tribunal...Yeah, I think its #### that I get flagged without proof when I send a nightgaunt and even have the person that I gaunted tell you it wasnt me. Reeks of OOC knowledge. No one stands out.

Heralds...Conjurer whose name I cannot recall right now, that talk was interesting. Felt dumb afterwards, but I feel I acted appropriately.

Battle...Salyeris gets respect for being willing to fight me. Boggom/Lohakahn...How does it feel to get raped repeatedly and made to meltdown by a complete pk newbie? I had respect for Boggom until you pulled a few douche moves. Lohakahn was absolutely pathetic. 4v1 with the fortress? Sad.

Respect to Reksah and Mergulla.

I am certain I could write much more, and I probably will, but thats it for now.

Edit: Daev, can you elaborate on this? "and indeed complains about few people in PK more than everyone else combined."

Also, this turned out WAY more negative sounding than I intended. I just lost a bit of interest in CF and didn't want to hog the spot inactive longer than I already did. Too much Dota 2! Rindros was in general a really fun, if frustrating at times, character. I strongly encourage any commentary/criticism, especially by imms, on my character, and specifically my RP.

Keep in mind that I was, and still am a PK newbie, so please don't complain that I wasn't aggressive enough, was a ####, etc.
107310, Your noobness is clearly shown by your PK ratio.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had only 177 PK wins, when most average PKers rack at least 400 without much effort with their every character. The impression of your newness is amplified by the effect that I don't recall seeing you here in the forums before. I can tell from the account statistics that this is a new account, created fairly recently and thus supports the claim that you are indeed a newbie (Artificial, Member since 23rd Apr 2008). It is clear that Jerrokrar should be ashamed indeed, for losing against such a noob.
107311, hehe
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll give you an example...I died to a lvl 42 ranger because I though snare only lasted 3 hours in the room (before you trigger it)
107312, Was your familiar out? nt
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
107313, Yep
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried to walk through the snare with my familiar but that didn't do anything. Only Ifrit burns snares.
107315, The familiar is pretty much in a free frag mode while you're in the snare.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Makes it a good chance for the ranger to get a kill since you'll be damaged by the familiar's death. I suspect this is what happened in the scenario you mentioned.
107317, It didn't
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, my familiar was almost never attacked over myself. The only time this occurred was with villagers pretending to observe parity by one bashing me and the other bashing my familiar.

I died to the ranger because I assumed the snare would be down when I needed to flee out. I had never actually fought a ranger at lvl 51 before on any character, let alone with insects.
107318, RE: It didn't
Posted by Mrekya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To be honest I thought I'd lost you there. The thief went to attack you while in snare, and I was like @%#@*)^#@*^WTFBBQ
107319, I was at 11 hp
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or something like that, I MIGHT have survived the tick if my devil didnt kill me.
107327, RE: I was at 11 hp
Posted by Mrekya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well damned, he stole my kill!
I've never fought you with any other char, but you were pretty ballsy in that fight!
107314, Great character.
Posted by Athioles on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed our brief interactions. Well played.

Out of curiosity how many times do you think you died to your own servitors? It seems to be a common complaint by people new to the class (and a primary reason why I haven't tried one myself).

107316, Very few times
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
RNG will absolutely #### you sometimes (failing a 400, then 600, then 800 mana bind) and the circle breaks.

I dont log, but off the top of my head, I died once because early on banishing your fully edges demons is a terrible idea, they will often resist (compared to hero ranks where banishing is stupidly easy, and often unfair in group (w/conjurer) vs conjurer. I felt Kaubris Anchor was far too underpowered for what it needs to be.

I died to the afforementioned failed bindings I think twice. The first time a demon turned on me was right after I got murderous reputation, with a pretty fed Challegha. Very strange and annoying. I died twice or three times to my demons when I was already going to die. Once to the aforementioned ranger snare, where I was going to die to insects at 11 hp and the devil jumped me, another where I got knocked to -1% hp and the challegha attacked me, and I think one other time.

Something to mention...It is really annoying when you get a long duration conjure that comes angry, because it is very likely to turn on you after the bind breaks even if you fed it significantly. This happened twice to me.

Several times I had demons simply refuse to become happy no matter how much they were fed. Don't really know what to say about that.

I experienced numerous bugs with this character relating to conjurations that I sent to the log board.

Edit: To clarify, I think I died to my demons in situations where I would have been fine I think 5 or less times.

Edit edit: I was also rocking the murderous reputation pretty hard since low levels, so your mileage may vary, but I would absolutely say do not get into the hero ranks without at least moderate level murderous reputation if you're in scion, because people WILL try to wait you out in order to take it uncontested.
107320, Rats
Posted by Yindathos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess your drive was fading as I was starting to play, or our times didn't mesh, but my few, brief interactions with you left a good impression. I only scratched the surface of your roleplay, but I gotta admit, I found it very interesting.
107325, Ah, that's a shame
Posted by Salyeris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rindros was one hell of a tough char to fight, have to respect that too- doubted I could ever get you but figured I should give it a try whenever I got a chance.

You have my compliments on this character, that's for sure.
107326, Somehow I managed to ever meet Rindros exactly one time.
Posted by Murphy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Yeah, I think its #### that I get flagged without proof when I send a nightgaunt and even have the person that I gaunted tell you it wasnt me. Reeks of OOC knowledge.

How many times had this happened to you?
Because in my case I had the victim confirm you as the gaunter.
You seemed so frustrated it made me cringe, I didn't really mean to be a douchebag or anything :(
107329, Numerous times
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being flagged as an evil conjurer is a nightmare compared to other classes, because you usually can't flee. Also your pets won't attack special guards outside of your pk range, but they're sure as #### will attack you, so that lvl 42 guy outside your range 100% prevents you from raiding.

I usually got annoyed at being flagged because "no other conjurer can send nightgaunts," but not half as much compared to many other things about the character that was incredibly frustrating. I tended to drag on about being flagged though in an effort to try to get them to revoke the flag based on a lack of evidence, which I could leverage into blackmail or something. Never really worked out, and usually ended up seeming more like whining than anything, in retrospect.
107330, RE: To be or not to be
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Edit: Daev, can you elaborate on this? "and indeed complains
>about few people in PK more than everyone else combined."

Sure; you just made (what seemed like to me, anyway) a lot of comments right around that time about how you didn't have anyone in range to kill. That wasn't really a knock on you; I think all of the above is a totally valid RP choice and seemed to me like something Rindros would do.

Overall I think you played a great character here all-around. You did solidly in PK. You put more effort into RP than most, and it showed. You were outnumbered often and took it with better grace and less emo than most.

To me, this character really represented your CF experience/maturity/skill reaching that threshold where you're finally hitting the big time and being able to field a force to be reckoned with across the board.

Congratulations on that, and I hope your next is half as good.
107350, I figured it out like 10 minutes after posting
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At first I couldn't figure out what it meant.

Totally, and it was an important thing to me that while you go out and kill people, it should never, ever be the focus. For evil conjurers killing people is just a means to get more blood on your hands which allows you to deal with stronger demons or devils, and Rindros felt everyone should treat it as such.

But yeah, a lot of people would log off when I got on. Numerous times I'd log on to a range of 6-8 and it would be 2-4 by the time I finished conjuring.
107332, No spot on the pillar for you, delete boy!
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously though I liked Rindros. I quasi agree on the under-reward thing but I kind of don't. When a conjie wins an RC we have two primary rewards which usually come up - buffed familiar or greater conjuring. I'd been itching to give out baby nightwalker, so when you won that RC that was the reward that I pushed for you. I think baby nightwalker is *awesome* and maybe you didn't get to explore or enjoy it to its fullest potential. It kinda is what it is. So that said, even though I know Naija ended up with both for an RC reward, the chances of you ever getting greater demon conjuring were, from my perspective (And I think Reksah would agree) zero. It would have felt unbalanced for someone with your pk ability to have both, to me. I'm sure I'll get crucified for daring to say that a reward was withheld due to game balance - but that's not quite what I'm saying. Nothing really came up with you that would have warranted such a large reward. I have a Fort leader with chain lightning you say and how is that different? There's a reason, and it has to do with longevity. ALL that said, I felt like you deserved more rewards that would be less game breaking. I completely support the way that Reksah runs Scion, but his style is admittedly less reward heavy than mine. In fact he yells at me for being too reward heavy. :( But it's all good, when his rewards are given out they mean more than mine. Maybe in the grand scheme of things that leaves a player dissatisfied, but at the same time it's an individual choice for each immortal and the very reason we will never automate or set clear rules and standards for rewards that are published to the player base.

TL;DR version of my wall of text: Maybe you deserved more, but what you got was ok in my book. Good luck on your next, I liked this one, cheers and all that good stuff.
107349, I figured out its power
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved the nightwalker, though it generally did not fit my playstyle (I strongly favor tanky familiar, as I am ever afraid of my familiar being targeted, and the one thing I will tell people about the nightwalker familiar is that it is made out of styrofoam and spit in terms of tankiness). I learned of its powers I assure you, though I only figured out one (definitely the most significant) of them pretty late in having it.

I simply felt that I got the familiar for my RC, and that my roleplay efforts, that I felt were far above and beyond what anyone else was doing, deserved more, even if it wasnt greater demon conjuring. Maybe it wasn't noticed, but I sacrificed like 10 people in the water plane, including newbies, so they could have a cool experience with the feared character that didn't involve them being smashed in PK and being told to shut up in broken english. In addition to my efforts in the scions, but I understand it happens.
107335, RE: To be or not to be
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought this was a good character and something about your role struck me when I read it for the RC a year ago.

I was disappointed to see you and others complain about your reward. Originally I wanted to give you a demon dog familiar but it would have taken some work to create one and I was told a nightwalker familiar existed that no one had ever seen before. At that time you were a lowbie Mage with spotty hours that no one had ever heard of. You were not even in scion, yet. I am not sure if you were a pledge.* I would give anything to have a familiar as special and unique as a nightwalker at any level - let alone at your level and in your character's situation when you needed something to make you stand out from the crowd and define the character's future. To complain that the reward sucked is just really frustrating to me because of the thought I put into it and the fact I think it legitimately benefited your character.

Anyway, an impressive character and I hope at some point you can appreciate the energy that went into rewarding you and the extent to which you legitimately benefited.

(*) ETA: I just checked and at the time I RC rewarded you, you were not even a pledge yet.
107347, The nightwalker was awesome
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just felt that I got that purely for my RC reward and my efforts in trying to bring RP to all was deserving of more. I absolutely loved having my nightwalker because it allowed a significant amount of RP because of its uniqueness. I gave it its own personality and even did interviews entirely through it.

My two sources of inspiration for its roleplay:



The nightwalker itself did not specifically fit my playstyle, and indeed it took me a long time to understand what it could do, but that was part of the fun.

I absolutely am not upset about the familiar, only that I was dying for greater demons.
107357, Gotcha
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for clarifying. Those dios' threads can rile me up since I can't respond to them :)

It was my first RC and I tried pretty hard to give rewards that matched the roles. For example, I gave Obregon survival of the fittest as a runner up. I guess I could have done greater summoning, but like I said, at the time I thought your character could really leverage a nightwalker familiar given his situation, and also although it's cool from a powergaming perspective, greater demon summoning isn't as flashy IMO as having a familiar no one has ever seen before. (i admit now that another conjurer has it, it lessens the awe factor.) FWIW, none of my chars, including those in fort, get overly rewarded either. In fact the best reward I ever had on any character was a two-round frost breath quest skill for my ranger that did less damage than serpent strike - but I loved it and used it for the RP value.

I can't imagine what I could do with an invoker that has chain lightning or BFN. :)
107339, I think I may have been that ranger.
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think that I recall both your demon doing that to me and Nabighah's when I was playing an arial ranger. Being mostly killed by 1 or 2 spells.

I enjoyed the challenge and didn't peg you for a newbie at all.

Interacted with you as a nexun shifter too, out of form, dead. Was like, why did you do that. You were like Oh, nice to meet you Sirrah.. Or something along those lines. I was mad but still laughed.

Well done roll up something else.
107341, RE: To be or not to be
Posted by Reksah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a great follower and exactly what I wanted in a Chancellor. The next chancellor will have huge shoes to fill. I think you did a great job of involving other people in the cabal in activities. If I had any complaints about that it was that you were a little too selective in inducting people, but I can deal with that issue myself pretty easily.

About rewards, well, Baerinika said a lot of it. From my point of view, you complaining about being under-rewarded is silly. You received a familiar that nobody has had before and is, in my opinion, the best of all of the quest familiar options. You also got an edge (Abyssal Adept) that is fairly expensive. These RC rewards helped you snowball a bit, especially when combined with the other edges given to you and Scion leader powers. For a period of several months, you had more edge points earned/expended than any other character.

If I were you, would I rather have had Greater Demon Summoning instead of nightwalker familiar? Yes. But it's a difference of getting rewarded at the 93rd level instead of the 95th level when the standard character gets one quarter of that.

As Baer said, I did not advocate for you to get Demon Summoning. It would have been too much, in my opinion. If anything, it's something I would have given in the last 50 hours of your character's life, where you completely destroying everyone wouldn't have been that big of a deal.

All that said, I want to follow up by saying again what a great character Rindros was. Looking forward to your next!
107342, Not sure, but you did complain to me a lot.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean, I tried to tell you, that you against me, Shaendath and Vaellron is a fight you should be winning 9 times out of 10.

Yet you constantly acted like one of us should be able to solo kill you with no problem.

It is what it is. I really liked this character and thought he was a great enemy of Laesron's.

I will say this, you got Advisor/Chancellor and a quest familiar. That's actually more rewards than someone like Kanaev and roughly on par with other Scion cabal leaders. Not sure why you thought you were "under-rewarded".
107345, not to burst your bubble
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But the build of Laesron was such that you could have been able to beat him one on one in a lot of scenarios. Especially if you have an assassin that can blind and possibly tank one or both servitors for you and a thief that can knock him out so you can kill off his servitors one at a time.

Unless he catches you by surprise the three of you should "beat" him 9 out of ten times.
107346, Three things.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) In these situations we are talking about none of us were Maran (two squires and a scribe).

2) I would agree with you, if Rindros wasn't able to teleport in combat. That saved his life several times against me.

3) I think you misunderstand the strength of a happy ice devil boosted by Chancellor powers. Rindros solo-raided against me and I simply could not do enough damage to hurt him (vamp touch FTL!). Plus, not to mention, getting feared for 28 hrs or catching a 36 hr confuse is not my idea of prepping for a big battle :)

Conceivably, I could have killed him solo. In practice however, even with others he was very very difficult to kill (1500+ hp + ABS + Vapor Sprite + Ice Devil + Chancellor Nightwalker).

Vallinane or Mochodin were never in these groups, by the way. Often it was me + Arngrum against Rindros, or me + Shaendath + Vaellron, or similar groupings.

PS You do know that if someone tanks the Ice Devil it still does area attacks (IE vamp touch) right? They are unlike Archons in that way.
107351, You wildly overestimate my ability
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And wildly underestimate the power of landslide+pincer staff. It takes zero skill to get kills against mages with this item/legacy combo. It is just that good.

My teleportation in combat (Master of the Planar Rifts edge that anyone can get) worked almost exactly 50% of the time, which meant that I'd fail six times in a row if it mattered. RNG absolutely ####ing hated me on this char, so I rarely said to myself okay I'll just TP out of combat if things go bad.

There were times early on where you tried to use hands against me and got stomped, then you switched to pincer staff and kicked my ass.

Maran meant nothing in regards to fighting me, so not sure why you think that matters.

I promise you're wildly overestimating the strength of the lesser ice devil. Yes, fighting the outer it would vamp touch like crazy sometimes which meant you couldn't outdamage me. If you just used drive and had your allies follow to keep putting out the damage I'd have died/been driven off every single time.

One of the most frustrating aspects of evil conjurer is that you're generally stronger than everyone else (individually), but only by very little, and it takes a ton of time, knowledge, preparation, and foresight to get that tiny bit of extra power, and if you can't beat that group, you REALLY can't beat that group (when lag is involved). There is little advanced tactics that can be employed at their outer with evil conjurer when drive and pincer staff random lag is involved. If you guys didn't have a pincerstaffer, I had zero problem wading into 4 people and killing them/retrieving.
107358, Seeing as how I didn't even know how to get the pincer staff...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...until 165 hrs, and then didn't know the most efficient way of doing it until 250 hrs, I'm no Vozmuir :)

I mean, yeah, a couple times I was able to hold you off solo but the thing about RNG re: pincer staff is that it never seemed to fire when I really needed it to, and fired a ton when I was like "I don't really need it to fire but hey!". Only time I ever felt like I chance against you solo was that one time in the Redhorn or East Sumner's where I felt like I caught you without a protection or two (and you were still able to dip on me when you were writhing).

PS It's not easy to get unless you're a ghost. Then it's moderately easy to get. Also, disarmable :(
107352, Pincer staff could kill me, not them
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pincerstaff driver + 1 person was a guaranteed kill if you played it well, and usually you didn't.

Advisor/Chancellor were player driven, and quest familiar was my RC reward. Compare this to every single other conjurer who plays right now that has a greater conjuring, and indeed Naija who had both.
107354, RE: Pincer staff could kill me, not them
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> and quest familiar was
>my RC reward. Compare this to every single other conjurer who
>plays right now that has a greater conjuring, and indeed Naija
>who had both.

FWIW, in general I would consider the nightwalker familiar to be a more powerful reward than greater demon conjuring (although I recall floating that as an idea for a RC reward for you instead), although I can understand that maybe it didn't fit your particular style.

At which point I think you're haggling over preference of winnings vs. magnitude of winnings, for the most part.
107355, I think what he is saying is:
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He got X for role contest. That happened to be the nightwalker. Great. Not what he would have chosen, but great.

He got zero for his actual rp throughout his life. This upsets him. He wanted a roleplaying reward for all of his roleplaying throughout his life, in the way he sees other players, particularly fort players, getting rewarded for the things they do during their lives, notwithstanding role contests. And he thought he was entitled to some reward for his rp and longevity, and in particular the greater demon summoning.

I have no idea whether he did or did not, obviously, and I take no position either way. But this is what I believe he is trying to convey.
107356, This is correct.
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could have been a zero roleplay character and gotten the nightwalker familiar. I got leader through my interactions with Obregon, and a tattoo from Reksah. Thats all, when I felt I put in at least 3x more RP effort than most, if not all, chars I interacted with. And my roleplay was specifically geared towards making other people have fun.
107360, I'd argue I put just as much effort in as you did.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And all I got was this lousy shirt.

Holds up a shirt with "RayBaer's pool boy" on the front and "Eleagra's prison bitch" on the back.

But seriously, I've noticed that if you play EXPECTING to receive the same rewards as you've seen others get, you'll always end up disappointed. I don't think I've played a character to get any type of reward since I briefly left. And I've been VERY pleased with the amount of attention I've received from other players and IMMs.

Basically, temper your expectations and instead of wondering why you didn't get more rewards, you'll be like '####ing sweet! I got Chancellor! DESPOIL + NIGHTWALKER + FORSAKEN PORTAL FTW!

107378, says the man who has had 2 wariors with legacies at rank 30
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know how you manage to both aggitate the hell out of the staff and get all sorts of goodies I would love to have. Thats a thumbs up for the staff generally being able to ignore a players previous issues.
107380, Actually, I've won 4 role contests with warriors.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I haven't won one (or even entered one seriously) in the last 4 years :)

I've gotten 2 pre-20 btw. Not pre-30 :)
107363, RE: This is correct.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm the first to say that you put a lot of effort into Rindros' RP and it showed, but wow, you're really overselling it there.
107364, I admit, of course, it diminished towards the end
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Purely out of a feeling that it wasn't getting me even a pat on the back.
107359, He got Advisor, Chancellor, titled, and tattoed.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's pretty sweet.
107343, I killed you nana boo boo.
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From sheer luck or perhaps accidently using a tactic that I didn't know was a tactic. Was still funny and a bit confusing. Good job as Rindros though. Nice to see the "PK under dogs" doing well.
107344, RE: To be or not to be
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Illanthos is a dude, dude.

You are not the first person in Scion to cry Fortperma, but at least you had enough class not to go OOC on me like some of your other members. If there is a perma, I'm not seeing it. I just see the same group of people logging on in the same 12-hour (noon to midnight for pete's sake) stretch.

It looks like your role got chopped by the same bug that ate mine, which is a damn shame since I was looking forward to seeing what made Rindros tick. I was cracking up at your earlier attempt to bargain for my death, since we both knew you sure as hell wouldn't honor your side of the agreement. The whole offer itself struck him as an act of desperation, and set in Illanthos' mind that Rindros was full of bluster and pomp - a child playing with stolen power - with no real force to back it up.

The player, however, recognized the considerable threat you posed and was always taking care to ensure you didn't make roadkill out of his men, as LHCs (Levelsitting Human Conjies) tend to.

We didn't really talk all that much, and when we did, I was usually in a rush, which often makes me come off all ESL when I try to combine all of the eclectic elements of Illanthos' speech. (A little bit of iambic pentameter, a little bit of word reversal, Charles ####ens-esque trailing and pauses)

107348, RE: To be or not to be
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>It looks like your role got chopped by the same bug that ate
>mine, which is a damn shame since I was looking forward to
>seeing what made Rindros tick. I was cracking up at your
>earlier attempt to bargain for my death, since we both knew
>you sure as hell wouldn't honor your side of the agreement.
>The whole offer itself struck him as an act of desperation,
>and set in Illanthos' mind that Rindros was full of bluster
>and pomp - a child playing with stolen power - with no real
>force to back it up.

-This was a very important aspect of Rindros' RP that wasn't actually written down in my role, but I said it often. He was just a (very short in stature) man who controlled forces way stronger than he, who could kill him any time they wanted, but were kept from doing so by the strength of his will and the overwhelming smell of blood on his hands that such will granted him. And he absolutely knew this, and as such was always, always humble about talking about his power.

Edit edit: Regarding the smell of blood, I am not sure everyone understood where it was coming from. The text for the Murderous Reputation edge is "The beings of the Lower Planes can smell the blood on your hands." Hence, he used that in his RP.

Rindros had a very unique, I think, and deep understanding of the concept of "Strength." That being able to kill people, or be feared, or combat prowess had little to do with being strong. You needed "respected strength," otherwise you were just a bloodthirsty dog that people wanted to kill or best, rather than follow.

Regarding the request, Rindros was an absolute liar, but he only did so in greatest consequence, and as a walker of the lower planes (evil conjurer) he would have honored such a contract. I think it was not to set foot into the fortress for a set period of time? Something like that.

Edit: The offer was totally spur of the moment, and an option to allow you to be involved in an RP thing I was doing with scions, and therefore maybe make it more widespread if more imms took notice. My goals at all times were to involve more people in my events and roleplay for their RP pleasure.

>We didn't really talk all that much, and when we did, I was
>usually in a rush, which often makes me come off all ESL when
>I try to combine all of the eclectic elements of Illanthos'
>speech. (A little bit of iambic pentameter, a little bit of
>word reversal, Charles ####ens-esque trailing and pauses)

I never noticed anything at all unique about your speaking style, fwiw.
107353, RE: To be or not to be
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>I never noticed anything at all unique about your speaking style, fwiw.

TBH we didnt really talk much.

I'm thinking back to the last time we killed you and I was returning a few of your things to you in Hamsah, and the Imperials started hitting the Tara'bal so I rattled off a few garbled sentences and succor'd myself.
107361, Oh cool, noticed you won the role contest..
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What did you get as your RC reward?
107362, <3 Jalim.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're breaking my dislike of your forum identity one awesome post at a time :)
107373, Rindros was awesome, a true shame that he is gone.
Posted by Vallinane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved Rindros. You trucked on like a beast and I never saw you once break RP despite no doubt encountering ####ty odds and stupid deaths login after login.

The first time I saw Sirrah, I thought it was the bestest RP hook ever and decided right then and there to meet you with it whenever we talked, LOL.

I cannot say enough good things about Rindros - I loved his RP and enjoyed all of our interactions.

I think I ended up dying three times to your rot, randomly, and was never quite able to set up a good position for your death in return.
I do remember seeing your corpse once or twice but I don't think that was due to anything I did in particular. I got you garroted soooo many times but that goddamn permaflying detect_hidden nightwalker familiar! Le sadface :(

Anyway, all that aside, I actually DO sympathize with you about the rewards thing. I imagine it would be horribly difficult, trucking along day after day against incredibly difficult ranges and maintaining that demanding RP in the face of defeat after defeat.

Meanwhile, several other conjies get greater conjuring (as a reward for a contest that you also won!), and half of them are level-sitting on the super easy conjie ranges raking up those easy kills, while you deal with a vast numerical disparity at hero, against some of the toughest characters in the game, and have to slog through it all alone, day after day. I imagine I'd have felt pretty screwed, too.

Mind you, I'm not saying Rindros really should have gotten greater demon conjuring, because I don't care what you say about your actual peekay ability, Artificial, Rindy scared the crap out of me. I do think that Rindros was a bit underrewarded, and I do think its horribly, completely wrong that Nabignah at level 41 with no title or tattoo or anything scared me (and most of the fortress, I'll bet) more than Rindros at 51 with title, tattoo, and leader bonus to scion powers. I do think that Rindros contributed a lot more to the game than most, and I don't think anyone would have minded if Rindros was correspondingly rewarded more highly than most, perhaps with a different quest spell.

I would have suggested something to perhaps reduce conjuration timers, to give him more flexibility. Or maybe the ability to zap servitors and familiars with shield/aura wands. Or a boost to some of his elementals, or the ability to innately conjure para-elementals without using avello, or an binding of enslavement usable on conjured angels or archons - something that is unique and interesting but not quite the huge boost to peekay that greater conjuring is.

Long story short, I'm really sad that Rindros is gone, and I hope that I was able to make your experience a good one, even if I did irritate the #### out of you by stealing your avello all the time (you know I did!)

P.S. I wouldn't be surprised if the imms are a bit more hesitant to reward good characters now, though, on the off-chance that one of them is being played by twist and the playerbase will throw another bitchfest. LOL.
107376, I loved your RP
Posted by Onewingedangel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Talked to you alot as Kalsten, you were definitely well RP'd. I just wish I didn't #### over my application and maybe we could've had much more interactions. Definitely some great, great RP, hope to be able to talk to your next like I did.

107308, Awesome char Jem! Just awesome!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A shame you faded out in the end, but this was by far your best character. I have nothing bad to say about it really. Had some great fights as enemies and some great interactions. Creepy, cunning and dangerous!

You impressed me!
107307, Aw man
Posted by Tairneach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was looking forward to more fights with you, guess I'll have to wait on Nabi now. What happened? Excellent char by the way.