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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=107228
107228, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Mar 12 17:27:47 2012

At 10 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 6th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Yarglen perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
107269, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You made me want to play. Thanks! Just a great char all around. I was really hoping you'd be around for a while.
107297, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm really sorry I didn't stick it out, I feel like I let you down.

All of our interactions were amazing. You kept me going and the last few logins I was really looking to interact with you, as you had this way of just refueling my drive.
107302, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh.. you started to rage delete, prayed for me, I told Baer to tell you to gimme 20 minutes. I took 30, you were gone. I was bummed. I've spent the entire weekend waiting for you to pop back up.
107303, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Arrgghhh. Frustration. I almost reactivated a few times, but I was nearing the end of my 'take a beating' patience and didn't want to spiral down into a rage deleting every couple of days sort of character.

I'm sorry again for letting you down!
107264, You almost ruined my damn character!
Posted by Kiraava on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My gosh you were bad ass, in every single aspect. I loved your RP so much that I ranked with you just to talk and hang out because it was so refreshing to see some real competence on the come up. It almost bit me in the ass in the end, which is why I gunned for you so hard at hero, but we had some really good fights with some fun endings. I'd kill for hero range being a bunch of Yarglens... always knowing you are going to *really* have to tactically play it to perfection to win and if you don't you'll come back to a full corpse and a hilarious perfectly RP'd character.

I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit for how amazing Yarglen was. I will miss you.
107265, Well.
Posted by Jolfyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I ranked with you just to talk and hang
>out because it was so refreshing to see some real competence
>on the come up. It almost bit me in the ass in the end, which
>is why I gunned for you so hard at hero, but we had some
>really good fights with some fun endings.

Not to derail Yarglen's thread but...I guess only some of us weren't allowed to roll with Imperials if we wanted into Scion eh. What a crock.

Great character Yarglen. I also enjoyed our interactions. It actually did bite me in the ass but hey what the #### can you do.
107268, RE: Well.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's a little more to that story that probably won't come out while Kiraava is alive.
107272, No worries I am grumpy today
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Again I really enjoyed Yarglen.
107298, RE: You almost ruined my damn character!
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks! One of my favorite CF memories was the Nabighah/you/Narissorin nightgaunting/sands of sorrow debacle. I can't believe I pulled that one off.

I wanted to get you again at hero, but Tempest didn't help with bard songs nearly as much as I thought it would and I forgot literally every time we fought to quaff resist mental (and I had quite a stash of it for some time. DOH!)

Kiraava was dangerous and well roleplayed. I'm glad you enjoyed your interactions with Yarglen as much as I enjoyed mine with Kiraava.
107239, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can only take so much of a beating. I can take a lot, but it just became too much.

I was falling desperately behind on my donations(that's why I was hassling you, Solec, for that huge loan) so that whenever I landed a kill I had to choose if the gold went to my usually depleted prep sack, or to the empire so I could make a promotion. I felt bad that I couldn't give Empire the love that it deserved.

I also felt like I was such a failure pk wise. I like to think of myself as fairly competent, fairly knowledgeable etc. Able to hang with anyone, even if I can't beat everyone. Yargy just didn't have the chops though. Vozmuir raped me so hard and in so many places that I still cringe thinking about it, and that wasn't all. I could never quite seem to get a hold of my specs and get in a flow. There were a LOT of times where I wish I had chosen sword/mace or sword/flail. At least once a session.

I don't like to list past characters, I like to keep each individual character separate from everything else(a handle, a prior character, etc) But Yargy bled through with his RP a lot. Thus, a lot of the super old heroes around managed to peg me, and correctly. Since real life is acting up and I doubt I'll find the drive to play for at least a few months, here are my most recent characters:

Arlettien, Marshall of the Fortress
Ghrajjek, Marshall or Captain...I forget which.
Anmessht, Scion croc/tiger
Hralpelk, Anathema duergar sword
Gurzgred, fallen Marshall to squire, back to Maran.
Garwern, dwarf pally
Yarglen, War Master

I thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with everyone. My only regret is that I was too nice. I should have looted more when I needed it but I could never bring myself to do it. On the flip side though, my corpse was treated very well by almost everyone. So, cheers to that.

I'll respond as others respond.

107248, Shame to see you go...
Posted by KrunkTheOrc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yarglen very gud for Krunk. Sometime Fortmen hunt Yargy instead of Krunk!

In all honesty, it is too bad this ended so quickly. It is a tough life for vuln_light folks, and vuln_wrath folks probably have it doubly bad. Krunk and Yarglen didn't get to travel together much, but it looked to me like you were doing, if not a good job, the best job you could given the current climate.

So long and good luck with your next.
107250, Really? Goddamn, Yargy, who's going to be using the chamberpot now?
Posted by Vallinane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a pleasure going head to head with you, you stuck it out through some really tough times. I think I ended up coming out ahead in most of our encounters, but I'm well aware that it would have been significantly different if empire had a slightly higher hero presence in the last month or two. You did get me at least twice (I think three times?) which I think is actually a significant accomplishment considering what you had to work with vs what I had to work with (very unfavorable range vs very favorable range).

I did have you pegged for Garwern, but only because there aren't many skilled, experienced players who can take such a brutal beating time after time and stand back up after it, in-character till the bitter end. You were so classy it made me want to cheer for you, even though I knew you'd rape me to death and wear my violated anus on your face the first time you saw some kind of chance.

Believe it or not, I was seriously planning on investing heavily into empire on my next character, inspired by the heroic efforts of you and Otuerghad. Very sad that I won't get a Yargy to work with when I make it up to hero.

Yargy was awesome to interact with, a real legend, and some of our conversations had me laughing for days in real life.

You tell Yarglen 'I left you a present'

You tell Yarglen 'Gift wrapped Minotaur.'

Yarglen tells you 'Bah. I was takin' a drink'

You tell Yarglen: 'Cows not your thing?'

Yarglen tells you: 'Nah. I like gift wrapped elves.'

You tell Yarglen 'Sorry. You ain't in my league.'

You tell Yarglen 'I prefer more refinement.'

Yarglen tells you 'Otha way around, fella'

Yarglen tells you: 'The dirt jes makes it more fun, eh?'

You tell Yarglen 'Also, I might be a bit pickier than you. What with
preferring females and all.'

Yarglen tells you 'Yer only limiting y'self. Livin' a military life, yer gotter be open ter any physical satisfaction yer cen get.'

There are some players with the rare gift of making CF more fun for everyone, both allies or enemies, regardless of whether they are losing or winning. I don't think I'm one of them, though I do try with every character I make. I think you are one of those players, and that Yarglen was exceptionally good for CF. You'll be missed, you badass. Hope to see you in the fields again soon.
107254, RE: Really? Goddamn, Yargy, who's going to be using the chamberpot now?
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm almost speechless. I'm glad you think that I have such a positive impact on the game. That almost validates the countless faceless hours I've sunk into this game.

Ultimately I play it for my own enjoyment but the fact that other people have fun too is a huge, huge fringe benefit.

Vallinane is an exceptional character. A stand out on all fronts. Our banter was hilarious, the mutual respect was off the charts, and our fights were refreshing with a near constant alteration of strategy to throw the other off just enough to scrape the victory.
107267, RE: Really? Goddamn, Yargy, who's going to be using the chamberpot now?
Posted by The_Kanye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't see the need for you to justify ganging by saying, hey I'm a binder it's what I do. Having just played Lisos you are more than capable of handing most heroes 1 vs 1, you are better equipped than Lisos seeing as how you have cheapshot and prayer beads/maran weapons for unblockable progging attacks.
107274, I disagree.
Posted by Vallinane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
EDIT: I typed up a huge analysis here, but deleted all of it.

Let's save this debate for my death thread, and not derail Yargy's. I did like Lisos, but I disagree with your assessment of Vallinane.
107252, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Malakhi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, there's one mystery solved :)

Two things I wanted to know about CF before the end of time are who played Zorszaul and who played Gurzgred. Well, secretly, I never want to know who played Zorszaul, but I was always curious about Gurz.

Yarglen was awesome. I watched you a ton, as you figured out how to abuse my area quick and it was quite enjoyable. I hope you come back soon and good luck with the next, you beardless bastird!
107253, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually felt bad about how shamelessly I picked apart your area. I needed some quiet out of the way places to rank, and it went live at the perfect time. It's a fantastic area though. Very well done.

Sorry if I did anything untoward.

And I'm curious...did you make any changes as a result of my ruthless butchery?

My own personal curiosity is who the hell played Rhone.
107255, ROFL. NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
107271, Now Malakhi can be left alone
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
by me telling him that he's Yarglen.

That's how much I thought of your character. Great job, was fun to run around with you, a very inspirational character (which is odd to type out).
107296, RE: Now Malakhi can be left alone
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you! That's exceptional praise since Malakhi is a class above my abilities. I'm flattered. :P
107256, This...character...was...AWESOME!
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I sincerely enjoyed every interaction and was very sad when I saw you delete (the multiple times I saw it happen). I kept hoping you'd reactivate this time. Very well played and I can't wait to see what's next. I hope you had as much fun with the interactions as I did.

107295, RE: This...character...was...AWESOME!
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope Whiysdan isn't going anywhere. I have a role for an evil empoweree of yours that I'm absolutely stoked to role up and play.

I loved all of our interactions. Thank you for your help with the crystal vial.

And just thanks for everything. You're a great Imm.
107257, Times were hard, but we had some good ones.
Posted by Kurbrawn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every time you were around it was fun. Even if the frustration of the overwhelming odds did get us down sometimes, I could tell your spirits were always positive. I hate seeing other people get completely down in the dumps and they stop rp and start complaining non-stop. You never did that, and we took some serious beatings. You're the type of person who makes the mud more fun for everyone, and not try to build the perfect pk machine that will rule the leaderboards. Good luck with everything, and I seriously hope you find the time to come back.
107294, RE: Times were hard, but we had some good ones.
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. Kurbrawn was priceless. Having a good, solid basher around made life a lot easier.

You and Danntruso were probably the two blades I spent the most time around and I liked you both a whole, whole bunch and had a lot of faith in both of you.

Keep it up, Empire really needs more presence.
107258, Nooooooooo
Posted by Danntruso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damnit damnit damnit. How could you? Damn man. Running around with you was the highlight of Danntruso's career thus far. Seriously, taking on those mass maran numbers with just the two of us will remain in my memory for some time to come. I would log on hoping that you'd be on so we could get into some trouble, but sadly we only got to run together a few times.. Oh well. You were a great War Master and a very competent ally. Well done and GLWYN as well as good luck in RL.
107293, RE: Nooooooooo
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm really glad you liked Yarglen. I thoroughly enjoyed Danntruso and was pushing for Elite for you from early on.

Whenever we ran together we did pretty good things as we jived pretty well.

Keep it up, Empire needs some more good blades.
107259, Huge balls my friend
Posted by Onya on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very very impressive from the limited encounters we had, but little did you know that Onya was watching you other times before we ever fought or talked. I remember once watching you take on three marans as I sat camo'd on the rocky slope, just off the eastern. I watched you fight them a bit, then run off and I kept typing who pk to see how long it took three marans to finally kill you. I think it ended up being like 10 minutes or something. Really Impressive.

It's really funny. I'm about the worst person in the world at guessing who people are, or rather who people have played in the past, but in our conversation in which you asked about people from my past, you got me thinking and as I was naming people the name Gurzgred came up and if I had been drinking anything at the time I would have immediatly spewed it out all over my computer because I immediatly knew he was you. Garwern also came to mind, but as I said I'm terrible at guessing who people are, so I still didn't put two and two together on that one. Anyways, well played and much respect. Seriously, when I finally die, you may just be shocked at how much interaction we actually had. GLWYN and take care.
107292, RE: Huge balls my friend
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really am a HUGE fan of Onya so I cannot wait until you die just to hear your goodbyes.

Ever since Gurzgred I wanted to take you down, I really wanted to get the eagle inscribed staff with Yarglen because I think I could have had a shot with me + danntruso if we would ever have found you.

Onya is dangerous and extremely hard to pin down. You're always very deadly and patient. I don't think I've ever faced another character with the trap-setting ability and execution that you have. Couple that with some exceptional roleplay and you're just a fantastic character.
107262, Just a very nice job
Posted by Salyeris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't see a lot, but everything I did always impressed me. Fun talks and one or two good brawls, think at the pit when you charged in unexpectedly from nowehere you ended up really swinging that fight, even though you died. And the whole time I was thinking "Where the hell did he even come from?"

Good char list, not surprised at all that you did another quality character in Yarglen.

Hope you come back to the fields when you have the time :)
107291, RE: Just a very nice job
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. I like Salyeris a lot too.

That time at the pit I was way underprepped but was hoping if you all stayed around I could sway it some more from behind some rager meatshields. Sadly things didn't pan out as I expected but ultimately team Rager came out with the Scepter so it was technically a win for you all I suppose.
107263, War Master?
Posted by Alvorax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you did a pretty fine job being War Master but that first death of me against you and the drow while I was ranking and my group sat there watching kinda soured me a little. I remember thinking after our little RP session where you pompously said, I'll be the War Master, that I really wanted to kill you. But I shook it off and kept trying to take you down and to my surprise, I don't think I ever did.

That time you set us up to get warranted was so annoying. I ended up killing a patrolman before I even knew what had happened and I got warranted before you even yelled that you wanted us warranted. In character I was beside myself and went to turn myself in instantly, so your plan worked. (Not because I was orderly, but because I had killed a lightwalker.) With only two defending after that your group was able to regain codex.

107290, RE: War Master?
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your group didn't really sit there and watch. I had to sweet talk into them leaving me alone so I could say that pompous line. The nexans and I always had an interesting relationship and I lucked out there.

Sorry about the set up...I had to figure out some way to swing the odds so we could get the codex back.
107266, I hope you come back soon.
Posted by The_Kanye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just started playing again and didn't have a chance to interact with Yarglen at all.

Looking at your past character list though, we have quite a history of some epic battles.

Hralpelk vs Disori were always some kickass battles.

Gurzgred vs Kjaz were always some really fun ones.

It's a shame you didn't stick it out. From what I've seen there is quite a few up and coming mid level Empire guys. Hopefully the goodie crowd thins out a little bit.
107289, RE: I hope you come back soon.
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have very fond memories of both of those characters. The fact that you're playing again is good for the game.

Thanks for the past, and hopefully the future.
107270, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Dijur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really good character, I loved our interactions. You, as a player, also seem to stand by a lot of the same standards I hold myself to.

The character had depth. It wasn't just another idiot thinking an accent equals RP. Again, well done!
107288, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you for the high praise.

I had a good deal of respect for Dijur too and wish you all the best.
107285, Well dang
Posted by Quelryon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fighting you was just a great fun. For a long time, I didn't even know you had a second spec. Which for me was absolutly great. The minute you switched to axes, man that just sucked wind. But every fight was great. I just wish, after reading vall's post that I'd taken more time to interact with you as an enemy. I can say that I've interacted I think with 90% of the characters in your list and loved every minute of it. Man I hope you come back soon.

107287, RE: Well dang
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I waited a while before pulling the axes on you mainly because I wanted to wait for you to lose the shield of light so I could really surprise you with a shield cleave/pincer beat down. I just got impatient though. :P
107238, Yarglen didnt die.
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
His massive balls became too large for him to live any more.
107246, RE: Yarglen didnt die.
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a pain beyond all other measures. The number of pks you robbed from me was....awe striking. I can't count the number of times I'd have someone convulsing and you'd show up and whisk them away to safely. It started when I was in my 20s and it sure as hell didn't stop at hero.

Well done. You more than any other character are the crux of Fortress's power.
107299, RE: Yarglen didnt die.
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every time we bantered, Illanthos was reminded of his old friend Arngrum. A mangy, sinful, spikey-bearded Arngrum, but Arngrum nonetheless.

Whenever I fought you, I went in fully expecting to die to permalag, but somehow, someway, I almost always wriggled through your grasp in the end. You can rest well in knowing you were primarily responsible for two of my four char deaths thus far.

I felt like a suuuuuper goober after you died to Vall at the Watcher, and resolved to never take anything from your corpse ever again. I had a flashback of my death just prior, and recalled one of your wields hitting me for 2x as much damage as everyone else, and sacc'd the weapon responsible (like a tool) which I still regret. :/

In your last death, was it steelroot bleed that did you in? I don't think Vozmuir was able to corpseguard you, despite our best attempts to keep the vultures off. We ended up waiting until your corpse crumbled (I hoped you'd change your mind and reactivate) to finish the raid/leave the Palace.

You and Otuerghad are by far the best leaders the Empire has had in a long time, not because of powergameyness, but because of outstanding character quality and general truckasaurusness.

107301, RE: Yarglen didnt die.
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's understandable why you'd sac Trel'Aran. It's the best possible option for a duergar axe spec.

It was slightly frustrating though. I could never get a party to go gather it again. And a no_disarm axe would have helped oh so much in dealing with team crashing giant warrior.

I honestly don't know. I deleted immediately. I was just shocked that I got cutoff so much, so reliably, by Voz. I'd have to see the log, but IIRC his enlarge wore off after one of our first engagements and mine was quite fresh. Even with the +size on him I just wasn't going anywhere. Fighting Vozmuir was so supremely frustrating since the build just didn't seem capable of beating him. It was icing on the cake, especially because I'm fairly certain if I would have made a Hralpelk v2.0, I wouldn't have been steamrolled the way I was.

Only one time did I ever manage to go toe to toe with him (in Bramblefield when I still had Trel'Aran) and that fight ended up with a semi-mutual retreat which later turned into my defeat.

Looting didn't bother me overly much. After all, I did play Garwern.

Thanks, glad you liked Yargy for warmaster.
107237, Good character.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You managed to make a huge impact in a limited number of hours. Nice work.
107240, Thank you. I appreciated you as both Mochodin and the Empire Imm. nt
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
107236, As nivaen..
Posted by Balta on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The death to you and that tribbie was kind of
the straw that broke the camel's back.. But what struck
me the most was how classy you were after the pk but
still giving the evil vibe.. Kudos..
107241, RE: As nivaen..
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you. You handled the death well and I've little doubt that you would have gotten me back if you'd have stuck with it.
107233, Awesome, awesome job. Can't say that enough.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was I right? Was this the same player as Hralpelk?
107242, Yep. You got me. Interacting with you was, as always, a pleasure. nt
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
107232, Man
Posted by Tairneach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking forward to more fights with you, some were frustrating, for both sides, but overall it was fun. Enjoyed the character and the few little rp talks we had.

107243, RE: Man
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fighting you was interesting. With tempest and a decent set...my saves were just too high for you to do anything to me. But factor in anyone who could lag and your dispels became extremely problematic.

Well done and keep trucking.
107249, You got no idea
Posted by Tairneach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How many times I was with one person or another and they'd say ok summon. I'd try like 4 times and they'd say summon him, and by the time it took me to get over the summon lag and tell them that I was trying you'd leave the area. Damn him, blind him, all that stuff I heard and me the player just shook my head, I knew it was practically useless trying to commune on you as a player but the character kept trying obviously. The only other people I've been more frustrated with communing on is probably the Villagers, and not because I couldn't commune on them it's because they can basically shrug off anything I throw at'm.
107231, You still owe me two dollars! (n/t)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
107234, If this is a reference to Better Off Dead, +20 internets.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If not, I confuse :)
107235, RE: If this is a reference to Better Off Dead, +20 internets.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's that, but also Yarglen owed Daevryn a debt.
107244, Thanks for everything you do. And double thanks for the rescue. nt
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
107230, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Ulgrunz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I thought you pulled off being warmaster and making it known your 'requests' were far more than that perfectly.

Was looking forward to running at your side figure there could have been some rather amusing moments, but alas its not to be. Figured this was coming after you logged out the last time without a word, but that still does not take away the sting of the loss of your character.

From what I saw of you you had it rough as hell, and took a good few down as you went swinging. Hope you enjoyed it. Good luck with your next.
107245, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Yarglen Tukkaji the Legend of the Battlefield, Imperial War Master
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad you thought I was up to it. You're the next generation, and I have/had high hopes for you.
107229, Bah!
Posted by Golmuf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sad to see
107247, RE: Bah!
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. Dying a dwarf spear/mace (A combo I know, and know well) hurt me in more ways than I could count. It actually probably broke the camel's back for me. That said you were classy and I wish you all the best with Golmuf.