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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Lohakahn DarkRock the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=107050
107050, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Lohakahn DarkRock the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Mar 7 18:58:03 2012

At 7 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 9th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Lohakahn perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
107059, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Lohakahn DarkRock the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright, maybe my view of a rager is a bit extreme and strict but this is mho.

I would have booted you. You seemed to gang a bit much and look for excuses to fight non-mages more than the typical murder-hungry rager does. Granted, that was just from my perspective and what do I know? I could more easily see this character as an Outlander then anything else.

On the plus side…you seem to be doing better as a rager. I think the player just needs to learn a little discipline.

I don’t mean to be a douche, just giving my 2 cents. Hopefully you had fun. I really do wish you the best with your next character and hope that you keep on trying!
107088, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Lohakahn DarkRock the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow...sorry dude but after reading that PBF I have no idea why you kept your hut.
107133, Because I would routinely fight 5 + enemies at the same time and win/die?
Posted by TheAceofSwords on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will guarantee you I took the most risks out of any other BattleRager. Probably 2-3 combined. I was one of the only BattleRagers capable of getting cabal items solo while also taking out players attempting to stop me from the solo raid. You really have no idea what you're talking about if you look at a PBF and instantly jump to conclusions. My RP was built as constantly developing, and while I was just an enraged little beast looking for any chance to enter pvp in my early days, I evolved and grew and became ultimately among the top tier feared PC's in the game. I'm sorry if I didn't fit your picture of a perfect BattleRager, but compared to the current crop, I stood out in many ways both bad and good, take it for what you will, but complaining about me having my hut is kinda mute. I didn't deserve to lose it, as much as people might like to think. I just didn't deserve leadership/rewards.
107144, RE: Because I would routinely fight 5 + enemies at the same time and win/die?
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Good luck with the next.
107145, Just.....wow.
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This'll probably start and argument, but take it for what you will.

For the record, I don't particularly like your characters. I've never cared enough to pick them out, but whenever you end up dying off, there a "Oh, that makes sense" moment. On the flipside, I don't have anything against you, so this is meant more in a reality check way than wanting to start an argument.

Get over yourself. "I'm the bravest of 3 BattleRagers combined", "among the top feared PCs in the game", etc? WAY overrating yourself. I feel like if you get past this massively inflated view of yourself, and your characters, you'll be SO much more livable. Of course, I also have the gut feeling that you just don't care if people like you or not, so the entire comment is mute, but I tried.
107150, n/t
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
107148, I made a rager, ranked a rager, got sad panda face at what I was seeing from you, mostly and stopped playing
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and now you are dead I have a new found interest in the character.

Whilst you made a build that was well suited to solo raiding and did so does not change the fact that stuff you did as a lower ranked/early life rager was really ####ty. Vaguely disguised as RP, by your admission only it still taints what could have and I mean COULD HAVE been a stand out rager for the right reasons.

Some people have RP that enriches and character and sometimes restricts PK opportunities so may not come under your heading of 'baddass rager' but they live the character and play the role despite the drawbacks. They don't MAKE a role that affords them the ability to be a douchebag ganger and then later on become a more stand-up rager and expect people to just accept your claims of awesomeness.

I equate your ragers to Cristiano Ronaldo playing in the Premiership. World class player and definately one of the best but all his arrogance and diving detracts from his abilities.

P.S. I just raided solo and killed a defender. It's no big deal so claiming you were the ONLY one is a little MOOT when you likely only do it when no other ragers are on and vice versa.

107161, thank you for that moot. It was killing me.~
Posted by blackbird on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
107051, Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by TheAceofSwords on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So where to start. . . this was Boggom 2.0 more or less. I saw the inherent flaws I possessed as Boggom and molded Lohakahn in an attempt to cover as many of the weaknesses I had noticed. I think I did damn well considering I took near any and every fight I possibly could. People will rag on me for being a bit quick to jump the gun in early-years of Lohakahn, but I can live with that, svirfneblin really only start to shine once the take the proper legacies to cover there weaknesses with. I have another build I am dying to try out, i'm fairly certain it'll trump Lohakahn, so i'll be back in the fields soon enough.

Before any one rags on Lohakahn's RP, i'm sure I bled through since much of the speech patterns were similar to Boggom, but he was essentially a BattleRager possessed by an ancient spirit of Fury and so. . . ANGRY RAH RAH.

A few people that made it memorable...

Xazzax - Loved rping with you. We had one of those love-hate relationships, but I feel we added a fair of depth considering most BattleRagers are superpals these days.

Salyeris - You're the he/she. Thank you for letting me do more or less whatever the hell I wanted. I figure with a pk ratio near 200 I earned it some.

Iepnier - No offense dude. But pick up the slack. Not enough communication on your part and too much stalking instead of going for the kill. You nailed me in the Rites as I was thirsted. You can grease people, trust me.

Mauz - Gonna miss ya. A little too much parity for my taste sometimes, Eastern Road today for example, I was bouncing between foes we had Solec 2 vs 1, you should've just stayed and sealed it with me.

Jastyna - Gonna miss you, birdie. Was fun titling you up and pking alongside you. I hope I didn't get you killed too much :P

I've got so many enemies i'll just leave it for them to post. Pretty sure this one is my deadliest to date.

THROR - Thank you for speaking to me but honestly. . . the drive for Lohakahn has waned ever since I conceived a new mold to play. Lohakahn was fun, but honestly, I won't be going the svirfneblin route again. Gates + Stoneskin + Resis sounds good, but choosing fights as a BattleRager is next to impossible. 12 hour cooldown on the protection you need to make Gates shine isn't a berserker route for strategy and so. You were good our last conversation and while the con quest gave me some spunk, in the end its probably better I just let Lohakahn go and come back with something fresh and untarnished. We'll see each other soon i'm sure :) AND THANKS AGAIN!

Baerinika - Thanks for the talk. I love how if there's an RP angle, you're willing to take part it in. Kudos for that.

So that's it peoples. Flame on.

107052, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by Arigan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were my bane. I couldn't do anything against you nearly ever. I don't know how much else to say except this for now:

< 16> Wed Mar 7 19:27:07 2012
From : Arigan TumbleBrook
To : nexus battle whiysdan
Subject: Honoring Lohakahn

Greetings All,

Many of you know me, some don't. For those who do not, I am Arigan Tumblebrook,
a follower of Thirteen, Healer Extraordinaire of the Island. I send this to honor
my greatest foe in this world, one I will miss... and also rejoice in his passing.
His name was Lohakahn.

This is a recorded story of his last breaths.

The healer Arigan woke, bright eyed and ready in the Eye of the Island, looking
about for his newest adventure and his next drink. Eventhough his eyes were
bright, his senses were dulled from lack of drink, drink which he partook in so
much that if he did not have it, he did not seem himself. As he searched his
surroundings in the haze of his lack, his gaze fell upon the mug of a svirfnebli,
one who wielded hammers with deadly speed and grace, grace that was backed up by
amazing strength and courage.

Arigan was right to have his first thought be worry, for this svirfnebli had slain
him many times before, his hammers almost always unwittingly finding Arigan's
noggin with deadly accuracy. Arigan was deathly sure that there were more dents
in his skull in the near future. Arigan stood, trying to keep the Lohakahn at bay
until aid arrived, understandbly because, Arigan is a healer, one better suited
to keeping others alive.

What happened next was a series of battles which claimed losses on both sides.
Lohakahn's aim was sure, and he fought Jhen the assassin, who's kicks were also
directly aimed and for the first loss, Lohakahn was bested in combat while Arigan
kept Jhen alive. It was a grand battle, one that was epic to behold. Not one to
be held down, Lohakahn charged back into the fray. He then exacted revenge on
the assassin, then the healer, while the Rhyme of the Island chased him. The battle
with the Rhyme and the healer nearly claimed his life, but Lohakahn was not to be
stopped. Arigan's white aura fell just as the battle was near another loss for
Lohakahn, and Arigan was then slain.

From there, Lohakahn took up arms against the Rhyme at the guardians of the Key.
In a battle that nearly claimed the Rhyme's life, Lohakahn was defeated. Knowing
his time was close at hand, and his last breath nearly gone from his body, he
stepped boldly to his fate, yelling for his foes to bring their best, as his last
breath was imminent. His courage was amazing as he fought them his three enemies,
nearly besting them again before finally being defeated.

I honor my enemy with a story, a story of his last battles, so that he will be
remembered as the courage and strength he showed will also be remembered.

Arigan Tumblebrook, Healer Extraordinaire of the Island

107117, Thanks for that.
Posted by TheAceofSwords on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I felt like Arigan got the short end of the stick against me. Had you been a cloud giant or even a human, I would've had x3 difficulty slaying you. Just me having more or less the perfect build for killing you :P Anyways, I enjoyed Arigan, I knew he'd be the first that needed to get taken out if the group was going to go down. Keep on trucking and i'm sure we'll see each other in the fields soon enough.
107053, Shoulda asked fer forgin earlier!
Posted by Golmuf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Knew you had to be rattling chains. GLWYN
107054, Well done.
Posted by Mauz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I met you you were a maniac, a murderer, but you grew to a great Villager, which is a fine path to take. I could tell you were growing as a character.

Even though you grated on me often, I defended you to friends and enemies alike as I saw your progression as a Villager.

As for Solec on the road today, there were two instances. The first one I was dead for (twitter picked that one up) the second one I was dead for, too. Same players, but swap out Zolos for Krunk.

As for "too much parity," I'll take that with pride.

Love you or hate you, your characters are not soon forgotten.
107055, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by Iepnier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Iepnier - No offense dude. But pick up the slack. Not enough communication on your part and too much stalking instead of going for the kill. You nailed me in the Rites as I was thirsted. You can grease people, trust me.

The key to defeating you, or any tough opponent, is preparing. You were a monster, and so I employed martial trance against you and got a lucky break on the kotegaeshi. More than once in my life I have wished I could just wade into the fray and call bloodthirst, but that's why we have the other assassins.

Tonight, after the fact, I saw your call for "a little help." Sorry about that, but I got work-related phone call and couldn't run interference like I did when you and I beat back that orc-empire raid. I wish I could have been there to send you off.

In terms of parity and non-mage kills, you were on the watch list. I'm glad you cleaned things up or got sneakier, because I really didn't want to have to burn your hut. Either way, your absence will be sorely felt in the village. GLWYN.
107056, Man, don't take this the wrong way...
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...but killing you was SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET. It was the only non-evil kill I felt good about.

Lohakhan was tough as ####. You really have the mechanics down to a science these days, as nearly every char of yours is really REALLY quality on the PK aspect.

I didn't realize you were Lohakhan until the talk about the cloak began, so you're also getting tougher to spot.

Lohakhan always reminded me of the bully with balls of steel.

107057, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by Ghafler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were definately a sight to behold. I think that I have fought you more than any other and you bested more times than not but I was always willing to give it a go. I learned alot from our fights, and for the most part had nothing but respect for you. I always knew when lohakahn was awake there was going to be blood either mine or yours. Anyway really appreciated the fights and experience.GLWYN
107058, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is a much better step in the right direction but you're still just a bit off from being legendary with your characters. Here's my constructive criticism:

- You're excellent with BattleRagers from a PK perspective.

- You're getting better at the RP.

- Out of the entire playerbase, you're the only one I can make a strong educated guess at who the 'player' is. It's mostly the consistency of your actions.

- You CAN and will one day become a Sapper with one of your characters. Don't go looking for it. Let it come to you. I absolutely love players (and their characters) that take some of the risks I saw you take. I will acknowledge that.

- Dismiss the urge to gang early. Seriously, this character got so much better at the latter part of his life. If you could have been consistent throughout a major portion of the playtime you would be legendary and could earn a spot on the Pillar.

I'm a fan. I want to see you make something that people can't guess at. The PK ability will be there, just nail that RP and you're going to enjoy the ride.

A much better job with this guy. Good luck on the next one!
107122, I'll give it my best.
Posted by TheAceofSwords on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My word I concentrate more pk Rp this time then PK.
107062, See ya chumpzilla
Posted by Atracius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Said some of my stuff in the goodbye, but I want to follow up on it. You really did take some pretty crappy chances just to pk, but man, the most fun I had on Atracius was that time you and I were on the island fighting Danntruso, Cersee and Fink at the Island and just alternating thirst. Our builds complimented each other so well it was friggin insane.

I'll agree with other people, you have come a long way, just keep progressing and pretty soon you'll be a well respected player.

Best of luck with the next.

107118, I managed to reach that goal we discussed :P
Posted by TheAceofSwords on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
192 PK wins for 1st spot in all-time svirfneblin kills, it's what I was going for ever since Quas told me he held the throne/proverbial crown for them and that i'd never break it :P
107149, Awesome
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All it took was breaking rules of parity, killing non-mages and being a douche. Quas better get on his game face!

What a Joke to be proud of your record when it came at such a price!
107063, Sorry this is a double post, delete it if you can
Posted by Atracius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
107065, Thanks for the drinks!
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were definitely parts of this character that I loved.

107119, Yeah. It was fun those few interactions we had.
Posted by TheAceofSwords on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Those mugs/shots always made me smile a bit. I enjoyed all of the interactions and thanks again for taking the time to make this place enjoyable.
107066, You really are getting better and better. BUT, Lohakan ganged a bunch right around you hit hero.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Foratha was on the recieving end more than once.

And a battlerager tag-teaming another is just poor form, especially when the it was a duel, and you just stood there and waited for the outcome, which ended up with me having around 80ish hps left.

I think I have loged 4-5 gangings of you against Foratha. And that just irked me a lot considering you were a berserker.

Other than that, I think Lohakahn was a success. You really are stepping things up.
107068, I don't know if this is the new policy
Posted by Jhappil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But he explicitly told me that as a svirf shifter who just fought off two battleragers in consecutive fights, I was "too strong", so they proceeded to try and gang me down.
107072, ROFL yeah, but the funny thing is that Foratha was a warrior. ^^ ;)
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And still, that's just BS. hehehe
107078, RE: ROFL yeah, but the funny thing is that Foratha was a warrior. ^^ ;)
Posted by Jhappil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. Take it up with the battle leaders. Or roll one and do a purge!!
It just amuses me really, since all you have to do is experience/hear of the bs and learn to avoid it Onya stylez.
107132, Way to exaggerate Amberion.
Posted by TheAceofSwords on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty sure the kill with Foratha where I took her down after she took another BattleRager down happened two times and it was over after that. You asked for it to be over and this was after you had attacked me, yes I had ####ty roleplay justification to do it that I worked into a role, but there you have it. To embelish it and say that I ganged or tried to gang you on continuous occasions is ####. One ended with your kill, the other you escaped if I recall correctly. Our feud ended quickly.
107141, RE: Way to exaggerate Amberion.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure what you mean...

This is as I recall it without looking at logs (Got 100% of Foratha's life loged.)

1: Was in imperial lands. Onya gets attacked, I stand next to her, without assisting her watching.
As we move out, Onya gets slept. I walk out and wait in Balator. I hear that she's out safely, so I move back in to continue to press the raid against Empire. Lohakahn strikes me along with 2-3 more villagers. I get out and quaff.

2: Onya and I raid the Spire, Lohakahn shows up and attacks Onya, Foratha ofc aids Onya as it's an ongoing raid, Lohakahn moves out.

3: Onya + Foratha fights Zasmos + ranger, the fight is going evenly. It's outside Galadon. Lohakahn shows up and aims ASAP at Foratha the warrior, and not Onya the mage. Onya and I get out.

4: I ask a ranger to duel, he agrees. I get beat up, but manage to win the fight, check the log on dios. Lohakahn strikes ASAP the ranger dies.

Stoped counting on parity from Lohakahn after that.

But as I said, for the later part of your life (with my new char) I've witnessed great village RP and adherance to parity from Lohakahn, a shame the early years put you down that much.
107081, There were no Battle leaders at the time.
Posted by Salyeris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just an FYI.
That would not go over well if there had been.

Jhappil was one tough SOB though, Gorilla looked so bad ass :)

No shifter ever reaches "now acceptable for berserkers to gang in non-siege situations" far as I know. Only liches, and maybe a mummy or super juiced A-P if they are at that ridiculous strength level.
107151, Unless those involved would take each other to the circle
Posted by Jhappil on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Which obviously they didn't...I find that a moot point.
Or unless the leader actually sees it.
It was bad RP to whine to a cabal leader anyway: what is a nexus mage doing complaining to his mortal enemy?
107096, Point
Posted by Bolzhor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He is vulnerable to your silverback form.

Is there a log of a svirf RBW fighting you on one where you are fully prepped and they win?
107153, RE: Point
Posted by sezdral on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure what the point is.
Is it: if there is a class that has the ability to take you out one on one, you have the licence to gang as a berserker?

Because that was what I was trying to say as well.
107076, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice...
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to give Lohakahn a chance, but there were just too many examples of jumping in on fights, mostly against non-mages. It was to the point where I was ready to boot you at the slightest infraction, but I wasn't going to go on hearsay....and THEN you started in with the "I'm entitled to Mageslayer" bit, to an honor god who believes that your actions in life influence the rewards in the end. Especially being possessed by the spirit of an ancient Battlerager (how I read your role, anyway), I thought your character should have known better.

You did go up against some nasty odds, but you also punched out against some nasty odds...I was watching when you logged in, told the cabal that your range was rough (it was), said something about the banshees coming for you, and then logged off a few minutes later.

I guess overall I'd say that Lohakahn had the potential to be great, as evidenced by the positive comments in this thread. But he made a poor impression on Fjarn with some underwhelming choices on when to jump in and when to hold back.
107079, Mageslayer
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On one hand I still can't believe he managed to go without having a skill reset to 70% or having to go through an outduction/reinduction process. He wasn't the best example of what a villager should be. Though towards the end he really made a drastic improvement I think.

All that said Mageslayer is one of the very very few rewards* that was purely PK skill oriented in nature. If he had more then 40 mage kills and the most mage kills as a non leader member of battle then he did earn it and should have gotten it.

*for the purpose of this argument I refer to rewards that must be manually given to you by an admin as opposed to things like edge points.
107085, RE: Mageslayer
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't care if you have 1009 Mage kills. If you come to fjarn in character with a sense of entitlement for a reward, your likelihood of getting said reward diminishes. That's not how fjarn rolls. If I remember right, he had a similar conversation with iunna. From baer's comments, he complained about other peoples' rewards too.

That aspect felt very ooc to me, and I'm not going to reward that. I liken it to a paladin telling their god they deserve temperance now, why haven't they gotten it?
107089, you can't compare mageslayer and virtues
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Virtues are awarded entirely based on subjective criteria. The thing that makes (made) Mageslayer unique is that its criteria is(was) 100% objective.

If he wasn't subjectively qualified to be a villager then he shouldn't have been a villager.

The whole coming to you and demanding it is a toss up. On the one hand he shouldn't deal with a battle IMM in an IC manner that way. On the other hand he shouldn't have had to ask for it because he had in fact earned it (unless there was another non leader villager with more mage kills).

Please let us non-imm seeking power gamers keep our few special rewards? K thnx bye.
107093, 100% objective
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We clearly disagree, and that's ok. I don't think Mageslayer is, or ever has been, purely objective. If so, why not just autotitle at X magekills?

Some things to take into account might be propensity to jump in against almost-dead opponents to pad pkwins, or tendency to go after trib and outlander warriors when there are mages around to hunt.

If one of the other imms sees it differently, they're welcome to title as they see fit. My hope is that this helps someone improve with future characters, though I realize that can be lost on the kthxbye crowd...
107099, Why not just give it to Twist by default?
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean since its completely subjective and up to the staff, rather than the actual person who is killing the most mages?

That way we can all just say immortal conspiracy and move on.
107100, RE: you can't compare mageslayer and virtues
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If he wasn't subjectively qualified to be a villager then he
>shouldn't have been a villager.


>The whole coming to you and demanding it is a toss up. On the
>one hand he shouldn't deal with a battle IMM in an IC manner
>that way. On the other hand he shouldn't have had to ask for
>it because he had in fact earned it (unless there was another
>non leader villager with more mage kills).

Also QFT
107098, Can you explain this?
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The character had the most mage kills and therefore should have been Mageslayer, but you...what...didn't like the character's way of asking? How do murderous rage-filled berserkers ask for the credit they fairly deserve? Why did the character even have to ask to be made Mageslayer when from a pure numbers standpoint there was no question?

This to me seems like complete player favoritism as everyone knew who played the character.

I personally find your poor defense of your decision extremely OOC and galling.
107101, RE: Can you explain this?
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, really? I don't know who plays anyone, and frankly I don't care. I judge each character on the merits and actions of the character. In this case, I felt like the system was being played and the character was not deserving of the title. If some other imm wants to give it to him, that's their prerogative. I won't do anything to encourage something I don't think is right. The lesson here for me is to take positive action to discourage those things.
107102, Dude, Really?
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Feb 9 09:23:28 2012 by 'Baerinika' at level 51 (133 hrs):
I'm sorry, maybe it's that time of the month, but I feel this guy is a douche even above the standard set by Jerrokrar.

Thu Feb 23 20:55:48 2012 by 'Fjarn' at level 51 (211 hrs):
Saw me vis and sent me a tell asking why he wasn't a Mageslayer, because he deserves it. I made a comment about that being reserved for the best and most courageous....he didn't take it well, got smited, and almost booted

So wait, after the whole Cyradia deletion where she says you guys talk about which player plays who, and ~80 hours and ~2 weeks after its noted who is playing this guy in his immortal comments, you still didn't know this was Jerrokrar? Are you just not watching Battle enough or not reading comments or just being deliberately misleading here?

If hes the mage-killingest villager, he should be MageSlayer and quite frankly shouldn't even have to ask, considering the Battle cabal has what, 4 active imms? I mean no wonder people are saying the cabal lacks oversight when your own members have to ask for the rewards they fairly earned. This entire thing is disgusting and yet again proves the imms are huge favorite players.

107103, RE: Dude, Really?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> and ~80 hours and ~2
>weeks after its noted who is playing this guy in his immortal

That's not what that comment says.

If I write in someone's comments, "This guy rises to an even higher standard of sportsmanship than Waserax!" that doesn't mean I'm saying that character is played by Isildur.
107104, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt there
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But it still doesnt explain why suddenly MageSlayer isnt given to the guy with the most mage kills.

Im done wasting time in this thread, but this is why I dont play Battle specifically and cabals in general.
107106, RE: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt there
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mageslayer was never really an automated reward to update someone with the title. It was done on discretion. Your preconceived notion of "get XXX mage kills, automatic mageslayer" is false.

In this case, the imms had their own reason to not REWARD this character with the mageslayer title.

Some expectations are unfounded.
107109, Are Mage kills rated?
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As in:
Villager A has 100 mage kills - 75 of them solo.
Villager B has 90 mage kills - 85 of them solo.

Player A has more, but B has more solo so B gets to be Mage Slayer?

I am not saying this is the case here, just curious on what goes into the selection. Also, is mage slayer anything other than a title? I always assumed it was just a title, but the way people are talking about it it sounds like it has some super power that goes with it. I always thought of it as a way to make your enemies respect and fear you, but still only a title.
107110, RE: Are Mage kills rated?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's just a title. At least, it was just a title the one time I was it.
107111, RE: Are Mage kills rated?
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Depends on the imm - I remember that Malakhi used to have a specialty belt (one item) for it - no other perks or anything
107112, It is supposed to be by default at 50 Mage kills...
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Depends on the imm - I remember that Malakhi used to have a
>specialty belt (one item) for it - no other perks or anything

50 Mage kills OR highest amount of Mage kills in the village after 50. Mage Slayer has a default belt that is coded for them and sometimes imm exp.

Basically Jerrokrars doucheyness lost him this entitlement.

I miss Yean.

107113, RE: It is supposed to be by default at 50 Mage kills...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is the first time I've heard the 50 part of that, FWIW.

P.S. Free belt? Man, I got robbed.
107114, sorry I asked now
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't mean to let the cat out of the bag... :P
107115, Why not?
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Keeping cats in bags is animal cruelty. Shame on you.
107116, its a little funky
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You get a trophy belt that is rot death. It has nice but not crazy combat related stats. You basically have to pray everytime you die to have one re-loaded.

I am not really sure why it doesn't act like a leader weapon or is just a skill to produce it on demand for the mortal.

107123, I'm not sure that's accurate.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, the 50 MPK thing might be accurate, but that's simply a rating system that the leaders of a cabal see via the MEMBERS command.

So if the Commander or Drillmaster types "members" they can see a list of all Battle, which path they chose (B, S, D), and how many MPK they have. But not a number, just a range.

As Woldrun, when I would type it, there were generally myself and one or two others who were at the "Mageslayer" level, which was the top end of the scale. Yet AFAIK there was only ever one person given the Mageslayer title at a time. Sometimes nobody was given it, depending on Imm availability and all that.

I'm pretty sure Malakhi got a special belt for a RP or specific PK thing. I've never known it to be a given that anyone who got titled Mageslayer got a belt. That's not to say Thror hasn't been doing so, though.

I can say with pretty fair certainty that Yean didn't hand a belt out to everyone she titled as Mageslayer, though.

But I miss her too. :)
107124, RE: I'm not sure that's accurate.
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think Ysal started this waaaay long ago but was never something put in stone. I do remember the belt.
107126, This is the way it happened for me when I got Mage Slayer after hitting 50 mage pk's. Twice? I'd have to go back and look. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
107127, As they said, it's not as cut-and-dry.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's not like 'Hit 50 mage PKs, get Mageslayer' but you know that.

And it's not always a belt. I think Elgroth's item was a necklace if I remember correctly. Basically, they get something cool as a reward.
107129, RE: I'm not sure that's accurate.
Posted by Graatch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got the belt with Susu and did indeed have to have an imm give a new one to me every time I died.
107130, maybe I am lucky
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All 3 of my mageslayers got the belt. Though with Ganicus I had a better one so rarely prayed to have it replaced.

Since I was also the first ever mageslayer I can tell you that the belt was around then.

By the way this is the imm comment for the founding of the mageslayer on Drovis's PBF

Sat Jun 30 14:21:03 2007 by 'Kastellyn' at level 48 (139 hrs):
Titled 'MageSlayer' for having the most mage kills of any non-leader Villager. I'll probably recycle that title on a weekly basis.
107476, Sometimes I Stalk the Forums...
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
;) I did give out a custom made piece of eq and minor xp to every new MageSlayer. You did have to have a minimum number of kills and adequate rp as well. Not sure how it's done now but that was my style.
107479, Do you still have Yean's Imm religion info, titles and such?
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yean is missing from Dioxide's Immortals page, since no-one was updating the page when you were an Imm with a religion. When I realized that Yean was missing from the page, your helpfile was already gone and I weren't able to get it to add you there.

If you still have the info(We've been putting there title, tattoo, helpfile, spheres, race, cabal, description, worn items), could you toss them to me or update them to the page? It would be nice to get your Imm info there as well.

The page is updated by editing http://diku.qhcf.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?NewImmortals . We could add you either as inactive (||1Yean|tattoo|Sphere1,Sphere2|BATTLE|title|W-elf IMM|) or as deceased IMM(||2Yean|tattoo|Sphere1,Sphere2|BATTLE|title|W-elf IMM|), whichever you think is more accurate.

Out of curiosity, what was the minimum number of kills one needed to get the mageslayer title from you?
107108, This one is grotesquely obvious.
Posted by Vortex Magus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So if a guy is powergaming the #### out of battle, bending parity into a pretzel, jumping on everybody he can, multi-killing everyone he can, and full saccing everyone he can so that he can multikill them easier, do you give him mageslayer? Suppose he got half of those mage kills before he even entered battle, by level-sitting multi-killing funnyone style and quaffing the #### out of potions before he decided to go battle and entered the cabal.

Obviously he'd get more kills, because he's willing to discard any pretense of RP or sportsmanship to get them. Do you still give him mageslayer, just because he was able to get the most kills, even though most of them were kills no real battlerager should have?

Obviously not.

Or at least, obvious to me. I'm not saying Lohakahn was as bad as all that, but its clear from his pbf that his entire identity as a villager was in question for most of his life - I would not have given mageslayer to someone who was one hair away from being uninducted like he was for most of his life, no matter how many peekays they pull off.
107128, RE: Mageslayer
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I support Fjarn here. In fact, if autotitle Mageslayer was meant to be given out based on hitting a criteria - we would automate it.

The fact is, it wasn't.

You have to earn it if you're getting it from an Immortal.
107135, Maybe you should change the title
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It sounds as if "Guy who kills a lot of mages and we like his RP" would be more accurate.

107136, RE: Maybe you should change the title
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or you can change your expectations.

Let's see who manages to win this debate?
107138, Win the debate?
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The dude has the most mage kills, isn't Commander or Drillmaster, isn't booted from the village, and doesn't get named Mageslayer?

Do you think that sounds like its completely fair and not player-oriented at all? Has it ever happened before?

edited and did some checking of pbfs

Drovis's Immortal Comments
Sat Jun 30 14:21:03 2007 by 'Kastellyn' at level 48 (139 hrs):
Titled 'MageSlayer' for having the most mage kills of any non-leader Villager. I'll probably recycle that title on a weekly basis.
107139, RE: Win the debate?
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Drovis's Immortal Comments
>Sat Jun 30 14:21:03 2007 by 'Kastellyn' at level 48 (139
>Titled 'MageSlayer' for having the most mage kills of any
>non-leader Villager. I'll probably recycle that title on a
>weekly basis.

How does the above IMM comment mean that the title can not evolve through the years? It was a title, given on a whim, to someone almost 5 years ago. No where does it say that every other IMM has to follow what Kasty did.
107140, The point of that
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The point of that is that it is the only comment I can find in a pbf about what qualifies one for the position.
107142, RE: The point of that
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me give you some context, since you don't seem to be able to think past your nose.

Back in the day, the Commander of the Village was chosen primarily off of his ability to beat everyone else in the Rites. That evolved and changed over time because it wasn't in the best interest of the Village to put a poor leader into a position of authority because he was the best at PK.

Immortals of a cabal have the right to interpret and manage the cabal how they see fit. You will have to accept that.

...and yes, it has happened before.

Debate won.
107143, Maybe this is lost on you, so Ill spell it out.
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Minimal information = misconception, I know this is a shocking concept but dont get your nose all out of joint because people are confused as to the qualifications of a clearly named position with no clearly defined requirements.

107154, RE: Maybe this is lost on you, so Ill spell it out.
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...and yet, here are two Battle Imms giving you information so you can be more informed, yet you refuse to accept this.

You are sabotaging yourself.
107156, Greendale wins!
Posted by Gaspar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did it Winger!
107157, Good point you make.
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A pity this information wasn't available to the player in question prior to him blowing up at the battle imm you mention, the whole thing could have been avoided.

Its just a shame it took a character getting smited and all kinds of death thread drama for this information to come out.
107164, What?
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How can you say the immortals are wrong about this if you haven't been an immortal?

107155, RE: Maybe you should change the title
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What you have to factor into your equation is, there's an implicit potential immortal veto on almost anything, even if they don't come up a lot on things that are mostly automated.

For example if I really really thought someone shouldn't be a Nexus leader (and Twist and Rayihn agreed with me) I wouldn't hesitate to override the results of the vote. In practice we've never done that. I don't think any of us have even chosen to cast a vote. The closest we've come is situations like, there's a tie vote for Rhyme and one of the candidates hasn't logged on in 3 weeks so we tiebreak in favor of the guy who did.

Thief guild leaders are another example of something that's normally completely automated, but once when we noticed that one player was holding three or four of the leader slots with different characters (most of which then subsequently didn't play) we didn't hesitate to pull him aside and say, "Hey, knock that off."

I don't think "This guy would otherwise be Mageslayer, but since we're considering throwing him out of the cabal for his misconducts we're going to hold off on it or give it to someone who *doesn't* look like they're on their way out of the cabal" is really that egregious. I can't imagine seriously feeling like it is.
107158, I understand your position.
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But the guy CON died and never got the village boot.

Either he was fit to be in the cabal and Mageslayer or he wasn't.

Anyways. I've spent a lot more time posting on this subject then I care to.

Ill point out only that here we are again, and the forums are filled with people bitching about Battle in some way or form.
107080, So long Loh, and in part, very well done.
Posted by Salyeris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll address just a few things, bad first, then the good, which echo a lot of what was said about Lohakahn already. Lohakahn really took up a lot of my time as Commander just because of how many people complained to me about him.

Pre Rites: I felt you were gunning hard for Commander and that was part of why Lohakahn was rolled and essentially powered to hero. At that time it always looked like you would in fact kill any and everything early on, without much regard for Battlerager rules, when there was no Commander or Drillmaster. I knew it was unlikely you would be considered for a position because honestly you were a pretty poor villager at the start. The stuff with Fzoarn really grated on me for example, but I was just a bard, so nothing I could do. You almost always bore grudges against anyone that had ever attacked you and used that to justify killing whoever you wanted whenever you wanted. That's just not acceptable Villager RP, and it pretty much tarnished Loh's reputation among far too many people.

Post Rites:
I contemplated burning your hut at least three times, but each time I just lacked actual proof to justify it. I would not take the word of anyone but a Battlerager, but I did have Mauz and Iepnier shadowing you a lot. I probably should have booted you after your 1st offense outside the fortress, but I didn't hold anything over from pre leadership days. So we had our little talks which you seemed to at least begrudingly endure. I kept trying to just help you remember there is more to being a Battlerager than getting a PK. And I have to applaud the effort that came later in this character's life, if you had been that consistent throughout, you would have probably had a shot at Commander. Just remember, lots of the great Battleragers put up less PKs, but they do so strictly within the confines of the plaque/tablet. Racking up PKs as a villager, if you gang, jump other people's fights when the first guy flees/dies, fight people that are not true enemies because they annoyed you in the past, is ridiculously easy.

As to you thinking you earned anything with Salyeris, actually you didn't, at least not with your PKs. I really could care less how many mages anyone kills from a leader standpoint, I care about you acting as a Battlerager should. I had Iepnier and Mauz talk with me after one incident about burning your hut and you lost the vote 2-1. Mauz said let you remain. Iepnier asked to be allowed to double checke the facts so I let him, and that in fact saved your hut, so you owe that you remained a Battlerager to them, not me. So we just had another of our talks, and you went on your way, and I'm sure you knew I was looking for the slightest reason to burn your hut after that point. And amazingly, you never gave me one again- you just became that Battlerager you are capable of playing, and should play for that matter.

So I have to say, like most others, I think you really did become a pretty good Battlerager at the end of your life. I actually started having people tell me they were impressed with the changes they had seen in Lohakahn, people who had pretty much said I should burn your hut within a minute of me being named Commander. And I have to agree, you certainly did change for the better. That you got a CON quest just shows you were certainly taking steps in the right direction with the RP and following Rager rules.

I am genuinely looking forward to another char of yours. If you can pick up where this one left off, I'll echo Thror, you have the makings of a pretty standout Battlerager.

Just remember that Battle is actually a pretty hardcore RP cabal, because its RP pretty much dictates its PK. You should not try to craft RP to justify any PK you want in any situation, especially as a berserker. If you're doing a Battlerager right, I don't feel like you ever have to explain your actions to anyone.
107087, RE: So long Loh, and in part, very well done.
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Player pulled the exact same actions to Akedeh as Boggom, to the T.

And will likely pull the exact same actions with his next villager.
107121, I hear you. I wanted to set a record and really used twisted RP to justify it.
Posted by TheAceofSwords on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is what it is. I tried in the end of Lohakahn, once I realized I was gonna break the record to play him out properly. Rply it looked like the character was growing and evolving, and its what I the player wanted it to look like, but you're right that all the RP derived from a powergaming perspective. I'm going to try and scale it down a bit this time, put more emphasis on the RP and less on the YOU LANDED THE KILL!

Anyways I love Salyeris and i'm sure we'll be interacting again soon.
107083, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would really like to see you try your hand at something like evil Outlander or Scion because I feel like, everything good I had to say about Lohakahn would still be true for a character in one of those cabals in that style, and everything bad I had to say about Lohakahn would be sort of a complement for such a character.

You've got the "I'm not afraid to throw down with anyone at the drop of a hat, no matter how tough they are or how many of them there are" part of making a truly great Battlerager down; which for most people I think is actually the hardest part.
107094, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by KrunkTheOrc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will echo what others have said. You are definitely getting better.

I knew basically immediately who your player was. That is something you can work on. That said, our interactions got significantly better over the life of this character. Here is (hopefully) some constructive criticism that could help you avoid getting spotted and generally make your character better respected in general.

1) Until you have proven yourself, don't act so superior. Generally speaking the ego that comes through from your characters seems more player driven than character driven. I struggle with this myself sometimes. FYI, comments like "Mages all over Thera rejoice. :) " aren't endearing, even if they are meant in jest. They come off conceited. If you had gone 20 - 60 as a villager, it would have been funny.

2) After a loss, don't pretend the other guy got lucky, or you should have won. This is your biggest tell IMHO, just like funnnyone's is "All you do is X, you don't know tactics. X X X". If the other guy got lucky, he probably knows it. If you could have won, but didn't, you should be figuring out how to make the outcome different next time, not spouting off on how you are so much better. Generally speaking, if you've just been ghostified, talking #### is fairly unacceptable. Vow revenge. Curse their whole line. Whatever, just show some acknowledgement that you just got beat.

3) Being in any cabal, but especially battle, means sometimes the correct RP is going to get you killed, or make you stand there and watch a cabal mate get killed. This is a tough pill to swallow. I know firsthand how annoying it can be to know you could save someone or kill someone and can't because it's bad RP/against cabal dogma, but that is the tradeoff you made for your rager powers. Suck it up.

All that said, this was a good character that bordered on excellent later in life. If I were you, and I was looking to get better as a player, I'd move off the village for a character or two and play Nexus or something else that fights against the village. This will give you a much better sense of the weaknesses of the village and how to exploit them. In turn that will mean your next villager is that much more successful at avoiding those pitfalls. Also, no one is going to complain if you gang as a Nexus person.

107095, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by Swabaum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Much respect for Lohakahn. I still remember in Darsylon before I knew how badass you were and I chased you with my Owl. You were convulsing and I was full health, and you beat the hell out of me. That pretty much summed up the rest of our fights too. GLWTN
107107, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by Yargy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really....just can't believe you kept your spot in Battle. The #### I saw you pull on a daily basis was just jaw dropping. For a while I reported it verbatim to Salyeris, but it was clear Salyeris wasn't going to do anything about it so I just let it drop.

You did get better at the end, but your supreme arrogance is just...over the top. Claiming that the only reason Empire made peace was because of you killing them? That is laughable. Especially since the day before peace was made, you threw yourself at me/Empire multiple times and left your corpse all over the place.

Furthermore, you claim that your 'anger' was RP, but I for one am pretty sure it was OOC bleed through.

So, others may say you've improved. In my opinion, this was, at best, a well roleplayed angry, grudge holding svirf warrior. But I can't see any way to justify you being a berserker in the village, at all.

I'll end on a positive note. You were extremely tough with the head. When you were firing on all cylinders, there wasn't much that could stop you.
107120, A bit bitter, no?
Posted by TheAceofSwords on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My corpse all over the place? I guarantee you I took down 2 imperials for every body I left except on the rarest of occasions. You honestly have some of the ####tiest reasoning for wanting me gone, except for one kill in hamsah, which FYI happened because of you fleeing/wording from me and me catching up to you. Other than that kill I never went out of my way to attack you or instigate anything with you. Also to Lohakahn it did look like Imperials were caving in because him and a few others were stepping up and taking the reigns and bringing War to Empire. Many of the PC's in Battle didn't even want War with you guys, it's only a few PC's that pushed for it and we made sure you guys left as bodies. So yeah, to Lohakahn, it looked like you couldn't handle a War even when half the Village wasn't really fighting in it.
107125, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah...with that last talk at first I was kind of lost and a little taken aback and that probably showed but then I thought for a second and was like..yeah, ok I can roll with this. I think the talk was successful in general, and I'm glad you enjoyed it or at least took a little inspiration from it.

Good luck on your next.
107163, RE: Lohakahn is DEAD . . . Mages all over Thera rejoice. :)
Posted by Jastyna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were great! I know there were some people who thought you should have been booted but I spent a lot of time with you and never witnessed anything out of line. We were great friends and I enjoyed all the time. Big thanks to you for helping me hero. You also taught me a lot of finer nuances of the game. You are truly very skilled at pk. Great job and perhaps we will run into each other again.
107166, Thought you did well.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew it was you very quickly. The pk skill with the game knowledge gave it away. Definately thought you did better than with Boggom. This was also about ten knotches above Karrakakararakakrak. Honestly if you were playing how you used to a few of my characters would be a few con short. GLWYN and dont care what others say you are getting better. I believe you will have one of the most deadly and well played characters in the next couple months at this rate.