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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Demiero Yajiimoto the Holy of Faith, Initiate of the Scarab
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=106826
106826, (CON LOSS) [None] Demiero Yajiimoto the Holy of Faith, Initiate of the Scarab
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Mar 1 09:01:54 2012

At 10 o'clock AM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Demiero perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
106837, RE: (CON LOSS) [None] Demiero Yajiimoto the Holy of Fai...
Posted by Kragg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess I am kinda happy Kragg is no more. You were just about one the only people that was not a orc that would tolerate me. Too bad your gone, I had fun battling you to prove who was dominate as much as I did trying to slay others that stood before us. A real shame because I think after all was said and done we were like three for three. Guess we'll never know now.

Good Luck with your next one.
106831, The Initiate of the Scarab
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me start by saying that this has been one of the best learning experiences in CF and best characters I have ever had. I rolled Demiero in december after I deleted my minotaur nexun. I got lucky enough to find another open mino slot and grabbed it. Loved minotaur from the day they were implemented, but never had one as successful though, I feel.

When I first rolled him I couldn't believe I had actually gotten another one and wanted to do something I had never done before - hero without any cabal and become a follower of Scarabaeus. I actually knew cagubrak IC and when i read his goodbye and him saying people should try a follower, my mind was made up!

So I took to it...I tried to create an original role and character that would stand out and I had wanted to eventually become an IMM. I would sit for a long time, writing roles in wordpad and copy/paste them in as he grew and matured. This sometimes led to big gaps in me pasting or posting them because I would always come up with something new and change the role or how I wanted to add to it.

When I got to 42 I was already basically in hero range so I went ahead and made a premature push to 51. This was something I really didnt want to do,wanted to be tattooed and in the scarab, but I didnt want to get caught in the 40's dying and losing con without heroing.

Hero changed everything. Being cabal-less was a big change for me and something that was a big challenge but damn if it was not fun. Marans were everywhere, outlanders were everywhere, enemies were EVERYWHERE!

I have been playing this game for years but never focused on preps as much as I had to recently. I had no choice but to learn and explore, which often lead to deaths I could have used in my con-quest.

Hopefully I didnt grief anyone or annoy anyone too bad. I know a couple people deleted after fighting me in my lowbie-mid range.

I will post goodbyes on a separate thread since this is long-winded.
106832, weapons
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I interacted with you as two different characters and the thing that stood out to me was your obsession with reclaiming weapons taken from you or single pieces of gear from your corpse.

You never went OOC but the posesiveness of gear is just something I tend to attribute to a player not a character. So for my own curiosity was that a role thing?
106834, RE: weapons
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What Demiero had was "his", until he didnt want it anymore. So if you took something from his corpse. Best believe he was furious about it and would try to kill you the moment he could to get it back.

I bantered and talked to so many people about 'you have my' and I want it back.

He also didnt trust anyone to have 'his' things because if they died then someone else could get them and he'd have to go find them for it.
106833, The Goodbyes pt 1
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is my longest played character ever and being one of the only scarabites I met and fought alot of people in his time. If I miss anyone just post a goodbye and I will post a reply!

FIRST: Immortals

Scarabaeus - Best IMM I have ever followed, hands down. I am with cagubrak on this one. If you have never had a follower. You need to role one, right now. I always figured you some baddass IMM and i would never be able to get your tattoo because i was not good enough. Then BAM I got it, with 4 con left...and I thank you for that. Wish I could have finished the con quest, there was sooo much left to do. Dont you ever go anywhere, because I might roll another follower, and Thera needs to open their eyes to the blindness. I loved our interactions and I know you could tell I needed abit of help in the PK department. Thanks for everything. Cant say that enough.

Whiysdan - When you came down from the sky and told me I was banned from the Inn for life, I was about to attack you and smite you with the Fathers holy power...but then I thought to myself "I dont need to lose any more con.." Aha. Thanks for the interactions and I never got a chance to get that party in honor of Scarabaeus going. Had I finished my con-quest i would have.

Baerinika - Damn you woman and all your followers. All with that little tattoo and fighting like some cowards! Thought you liked courage! 3-1 isnt courage. MEH.

Other immortals: Never met any of you or had any interactions. I know you were all watching though...like "look, he's about to die again". Lmfao.

SECOND: Mortals

Marans: I hate all of you and hope the darkness swallows you all whole. :). I say that with a smile on my face. Your multi-killing of me and hunting me relentlessly often times made me not want to log on. But I said F it, I'm going to go hard. I know your powers are good for ganging... but some of you need to grow a pair. I fought against overwhelming odds ALWAYS and some of you are just panzies. I also know some of you coordinate sometime in OOC ways. This is not to start an argument or point any fingers. You know who you are, and i know its just a game, but why cheat and make it less fun for others? You can dispute it, but I know what I've have witnessed. Also, the amount of prog gear ALL of you have is ridiculous. Your armor and weapons fight for you. #TeamEvil needs some 'dispel good' unholy prayer beads.

Tairneach - The bastard who landed the last kill. You were always quick with the rot which killed me quite a few times due to my low con and not being able to heal it all the time. If I had killed you though the last time, things would be different right now. Demiero hated you with a passion. You were one lucky bastard I tell you that.

Vallinane/Illanthos - You two. Damn if you two werent always crying and saving someones life or popping up when I least expected it. Too bad, I still owed you two some deaths. Got to help bring you both down at least once so, guess I am happy.

Veneroth/Vozmuiur - You two. Could rarely get a fight alone with either, as someone was always crying to you or you just coming with someone else. Listening to you talk #### made me want to kill you even more and the fact that as soon as I had +1 or +2 against you... You'd log out the first chance you got, wouldnt even try to defend (moreso towards Vozmuiur).

Other Marans : Dont remember you all, so post and I will goodbye you!

Empire: Started off going hard against you guys. I would fight and kill you at any chance I could. It was in my role I believed you wanted to make me a slave again and stop me from becoming the pure minotaur. So up until damn near hero I was fighting you all.

Otuerghad : Demiero trusted no one, and was especially true for you. I always expected you to try and kill me after we had killed the marans but you never did. Eventually i came to respect you, couldnt trust you, but you liked killing marans as much as I did so i figured we had a mutual understanding. Even when I was warrented you joined with me for an assault. I know Empire is in the dumps right now, try revive it. That full loot from those orcs that day though just pissed me off. Had I lived long enough they woulda gotten fulled just for doing that and then logging off. Keep on trucking and dont let the maran numbers get u down.

Yarglen : First time we met, I killed you....then again after you had reformed and gained a few titles. Then we ended up going after Marans together and we never fought again. I know how tough it is to log on and be hated by alot of people, and be in constant battle as you try to survive and gather preps. Keep on pushing though

Kurbrawn: I wanted to convert you to a scarabite then you went and joined Empire. Then you got anathema and I figured I'd try again. Then you went and rejoined the Empire. Keep pushing and thanks for all the help.

Cabakso : Only got to fight you one time and you hit me with that energy drain and iceball and f'ed my whole world up because I tried to flee and couldnt. Didnt see you much.

Danntruso: I know its tough being a minotaur and people dont understand you, then getting multi-killed by marans and all the other crazy ish going on. I wanted to get a kill on you myself, but never did and you became less important for me to hunt so instead we hunted together. Flail for a first spec though?! I laughed soo hard first time I saw you, for I thought that was the dumbest thing for a minotaur to have for a first spec.

Qiirvas: You little bastard. You went and deleted, but I figured it would happen. We fought a few times and you bested me each time. One time I almost had you and you managed to slip away. When you got imperial high priest I was surprised and thought you might actually start killing marans. No dice. You got the position and I never saw you again when I heroed. I was going to kill you the moment I saw you log on, or at least try to, didnt matter who was standing around.

Other Imperials: Dont remember too many right now, im already wracking my brains trying to go through everyone I met. If I forgot you, sorry. Post and I will goodbye you!

More goodbyes on next thread.

106836, RE: The Goodbyes pt 1
Posted by Scarabaeus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad you had fun with this character. The Scarab world is pretty tough with the way things stand right now; you've got a lot of enemies out there. I was trying to think of ways I might guide you toward more successful battles (I prefer it when Scarabs can solidly back up their trash talk), but I appreciated (as someone else commented below) that you had heart regardless. So close to pulling off the CON quest!

I was surprised you tagged yourself as a new player. You don't see too many new players seeking me out. How new of a player are you?
106840, Scarabaeus
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been playing this game since 9th grade. I am 24 now turning 25 in june so its been some years. I'm new to getting preps and finding certain gear, items, etc. Most of the time I was in a cabal so armor, weapons, preps, came to me and I had others to help me. This time, I did it on my own,...for the most part.

This is my second shaman past 40, one was a minotaur back in Empire a long time ago - Brutgelyth, back when minotaurs first came out i guess.

I've wanted to roll a follower of you a looooong time. But after HS I took a few years off CF in college.

I wanted to back up my trash talking too, its was just rough out there.

Also it was hard to flee sometimes due to : no fear, and macho.

That and me exploring and dying a couple times to some severe lag or making a wrong turn and bam! -con repeatedly.
106838, Little Minotaur
Posted by Tairneach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First time I saw you in hero range I was like oh crap I'm gonna get my ass handed to me. Oddly enough I made you run if I recall, if not and it was me instead, oh well. Either way you weren't afraid to mix it up with me and I like that. The lower your con got and the harder the rot hit you, the less I saw of you around me. Which was understandable, and with you being a classy enemy I wanted to keep you around with making it look like that's what I was trying to do. So I'd leave all your gear and money if I managed to get to your corpse first, well might have taken one or two pieces. ;)

Anyhow I thought Demiero to be fairly successful and well played, I knew you were up to something when you came around to Voralia and then went to the Fort. I figured eh, I'll bite, by the time I got there you were gone, so I started talking with an applicant low and behold here you come. After bloodying your nose I figured you'd run off but you kept coming back. So I kept at it, then finally it proved to be your undoing, fighting me at the Tara'bal. You started spamming flee and I knew one more demonfire would do you in, then wham, got you. When the applicant said you had left the realms I was like, wtf, I didn't get the echo for him deleting, then when you walked in I realized, aw man. No more fun shaman fights with Demiero.

Had a good time fighting him, hope you had a good time too. GLWYN
106845, RE: The Goodbyes pt 1
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Demiero, and though Illanthos never failed to suggest you were an Imperial lackey, the player behind Illanthos cant fault you for it in the slightest. Playing uncaballed is HARD. I've done it before a number of times, and it can be really difficult to keep motivated after a while. Scarabs have it a teensy bit easier these days as the religion is experiencing a resurgence of activity, but still...

I've also been on the recieving end of your 4v1s so I know what it's like to put up with being ganked :p . I thoroughly enjoyed the rare 1v1s we had, I learned quite a bit about fighting shamans from you, and was surprised to see that I was coming out on top in most of our exchanges.

>>>(Maran) multi-killing of me and hunting me relentlessly often times made me not want to log on.

I try to discourage Forties from fragging a guy who just took a death from one of us, but after dying/unghosting you JUST KEPT COMING. I am not going to sit at the Watcher twiddling my thumbs while you're helping the Imperials retrieve the Codex, nor am I going to ask the same of the Maran - not even if you just died twice already as a result.

If you dont want to be multikilled, dont provoke one of us into a fight after you unghost. Once you start hitting us after unghosting, you've basically signalled that you're fair game again.

>>>Your armor and weapons fight for you. #TeamEvil needs some 'dispel good' unholy prayer beads.

Good characters are hamstrung in different ways. They abide by very real RP restrictions, whereas Evil folk have free license to lie, cheat, steal, etc whenever they want. Evil aligned folk generally have a higher power cap, as well as easier power accumulation in the way of edge pts (from PK).

That being said, evil progging gear does exist, and is in most cases far nastier (Soften/weaken/poison/plague/acid blast/demonfire/blind/etc). Look and you shall find.


I'm not sure if this guy just had a kid or something, but he seems to have some major RL obligations that call him away from the computer constantly. He's virtually always the first guy to jump into a raid, even against overwhelming odds, so if he failed to show a few times my money is on him changing diapers or something.

Demiero brought an interesting challenge to my logins, which will be missed greatly.

106852, Illanthos
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were SO hard to land my communes on. The best I could do was dispel you and plague you.

Never was I able to damn you, curse you, or energy drain you.

Your weapons and armor used to freeze me, lash me, shoot fire, all kinds of crazy ish.

Often times I didnt provoke you guys into a fight. I would be minding my business after I died then boom. You or someone is on the ocean or somewhere. I begin fighting. Someone crys to them. Process started over. Or even when I was ranking. Its no biggie. I made it to hero. I just got tired of running away.

TeamGood is winning right now so I was not about to be the guy who gets beat, whines, logs off. I might get beat, complain a little...but be damn sure im coming back.

Far as evil progging gear. Either its in the hands of some evils who dont log on as much, or its in HELL where demiero is resting now but could never visit while he was alive.

It wasnt in Demiero's character to just let you run off with his armor and back down or cower into a corner. He was MACHO and a minotaur so, I had to RP accordingly.
106846, RE: The Goodbyes pt 1
Posted by Danntruso on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we had some good run-ins in the low ranks. I was so sure you'd turn on me eventually at hero that I always had an alias set up for you just in case. Flails first actually isn't quite as bad as you may think, but truth be told, if I was the cookie-cutter bash, bash, flurry spec I'd prolly have alot more kills. Oh well. GLWYN and had alotta fun hunting together.
106850, So
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I JUST...as in MONDAY. Finally set up some triggers to show when certain things fell.

I had aliases but no target system or anything like that. If I had. I would have probably had more kills/lived longer as well.

I was going to attack you at least one time at hero. Just wouldnt have been right if we never fought.

Ah well. See u in the fields!
106835, You played the zealous priest well.
Posted by Laesron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You also hounding me and telling me to give you my Thunderlance was a nice comical break from most of my interactions with enemies.

Glad to see you stick it out. You had a lot of heart.
106841, Laesron!
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes I wanted that thunderlance really bad at the time. I had just perfected charge and slice and was ready to charge into combat! We had some good fights and I tried to mix it up with enemies and everyone around. I wanted to be different from most minotaurs and keep it fresh with my rp so I would never be bored of him.

Hopefully my next can PK better!

106839, The Goodbyes pt 2
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nexuns: A few interactions here and there. Later on in Demieros life he began to dislike you all and generally would either attack or just steer away from you all.

Bolvik: You lucky son(youknowtherest). I owed you some deaths for what you stole out my corpse that time, but you always evaded or managed to escape. Then you came with that pocket tranny that time and killed me, I was furious! But it was my fault for not preparing as I should. Then when you were dead I could never locate your corpse. Le Sigh

Solec: Fought you one time. Did some dumb things and died. Knew you as my last minotaur as well and i wanted to land at least 1 kill on you. Since you were the meter. Stopped trying though to focus on my con quest. Keep up the good work your doing for the island.

Other nexuns: Met a couple of you through out Demieros life. None stand out too much as far as rp'ing with me. A bunch of you just ended up deleting or never logging on much anyways.

Battle: Most of you didnt know what to think of me and figured me as a scion or empire early on. We we clashed abit but eventually you guys decided to leave me alone and let me wander into the ruins without hassle. I tried not to gang you guys down in the recent days of traveling with the "Legion" as they were more than enough already on your plate.

Loha/Atracius/Bletcl/Xazzax/Mauz/Iepnier - Most of my interactions with the village were through you guys. I believe I fought all of you on at least one account, exception Iepnier(only assassin to ever assassinate me). I had more than a little dialogue with you all as you learned of me and my intentions. Thanks for that, you all were great chars in my book and I liked you all for the most part. Sorry iepnier I never got the chance to talk to you about that thing we discussed.

Salyeris/Otherbardthatrarelylogson - We fought a couple of times when you didnt know who I was and had a little interaction. Fun times.

Tribunal: Some of you just pissed me off sometimes. Some of you I still had on my 'kill' list and I was going to find a way to kill you.

Fzoarn: Most annoying lawman ever. Talking #### and then ignoring me was horrible rp on your part, and had i not been weakened when I finally killed you, I was going to full loot you. You tried to grief me all you could. When I wasnt even a criminal you would walk right past criminals to try and kill me. Annoying is all I can say. To the highest degree. The day you deleted/died I rejoiced to the high heavens....but I was also sad because I couldnt kill you anymore. GAH and MEH.

Yantha: I wanted those two hummingbird pendants but of course you were hard to kill. That and the guards always being with you. Not sure why no one has taken those from you yet. You have the only 2... Of course you had prog gear on as well. Being so high up I'd figure you to long on more, but that definitly isnt the case.

Thyndden: That time you full looted me at 41 and you were 48(9) and then dangled my stuff in front of my face left a sour taste. Had i killed you, full loot, no return was coming your way, even though you returned my things. SIGN : Dont Tease the Minotaur.

Rafe: Got you good sucka! Told you I would kill you for you walking in on me and Scarabaeus talking, then asking me why I was at the temple. We laughed about you being confused. Glad you came into my range before I died.

Malraech: I owed you one. Came SO close a few times and then you manage to slither away.

Hwlentook/Tryphen/Trybrin - Saw and interacted with you all a few times. Killed tryphen and chased him around town a little bit. You two others wouldnt ever try and come out of the city to fight me. Keep hiding behind those walls! Lol

Damn one more goodbye thread to write.... le sigh.
106844, RE: The Goodbyes pt 2
Posted by Bolvik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its a rough world for evil out there. Its also a rough world for nexuns. I only hunted you when darkness tipped or you were gunning for me and the muter wasn't there for our fight (I was trying to retrive against 18964236 villagers for likely the 78623457th time that day).

My build is just a tough one for shamans. 3 different methods of lagging, being a hand spec, and walking around with like +20str at all times and a fist full of teleport and cure blind. I thought you had heart for sticking it out against the fort horde and really respected you as a player for that.

Good luck with your next.
106847, The Goodbyes pt 3 : Death Comes in 3's
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Onya - Met you once with this minotaur, once with the other. I figured my shaman would do better against you being able to dispel you. Then I did and no shields fell I was like aaaargh. So I recalled and cut our fight short since none of my sups were working on u. Never saw you again

Gralnath - Thanks for 'my' artic-fury back before you deleted. Either way I would have gotten it. I would use locate every time I got on to see what enemies were hiding in the bush or if something I wanted was around. Had some good fights with you but never got you myself.

Foratha- Oh boy we would fight and fight until both of us either had to quit but neither ever got the other. I really enjoyed our fights and I know luck saved me a few times when you caught me offguard. I was sad when you con died before I could kill you myself.

Barhzbree/Yindathos- Damn barhzbree you were a tough SOB. I never got you past disgusting cuts with your stupid flys and wasps. We always seemed to be fighting when others were around to bother us. Didnt like you deleted. Me and Kragg got you good Yindathos that time in the dream and I never really saw you much again after that. You got me when i was younger though so you got your revenge...well I got mine. Hehehe. Both of you were annoying to speak to sometimes, but it was your rp so i wasnt mad. Hell I was a minotaur... Speech -15 to understand lol.

ThatFireGiantshaman - Sorry cant remember your name and this thread is already long. You came for me one time when I was in my guild in Udgaard, I dispelled you and beat you down some, you fled, and that was that. Saw you again at a higher title but you didnt ever come for me again.

Cirkie - Annoying thief who griefs. Never saw you near hero range.

Oryntohr - Got you good with that wither that killed you! It was well worth the warrent. I owed you for almost setting me up for the perfect gang.


Rindros/Feyhan - Saw you guys for limited times during my hero extravaganza. Rindros never saw you during hero. I know its tought but I hope you didnt delete or auto. You need to pull scion out the dumps. Feyhan you were always up againt crazy odds like me, and the last time I saw you, mochodin had gotten you. Hope you make it to hero and log on somemore. #TeamEvil needs you

Kiraava- Just met with you recently. You seem to be doing a good job of holding your own. I know its tough. Keep pushing.

ZynZyn - My favorite Scion. First interaction you told me to summon something, I did, killed it, and illanthos gated to it at that moment I killed it. Thanks for that. Never traveled with you but we did have some good interactions and conversations. Was sad to see you were gone.

Dont remember any other scions.

ORCS: In my role some orcs had sold me to the princess of seantryn so i disliked orcs from day 1 to level 30's something. Then i realized you didnt want to enslave me and killing marans was more important so I began traveling and hunting with orcs. They ended up being the people I was closest to in ranking up.

Gorbu - We traveled around when I was younger and then I hit hero and you were still in your 30's...alone and with new enemies faces popping up to get you. I tried to stay alive till you made it near hero. Sorry man.

Kragg - Started off by you showing me you were stronger than me. Then we took it to the arena and you found out what happens when you get withered and I began winning against you. Wish I could have been around longer for us to continue traveling. U taught me a few things and some of the best orc interactions.

I get down to it and forget one of my other best allie orcs name. Dammit this thread is long enough. Thanks to you, you know who you are, for all the help and traveling around. I know its been rough on us for awhile but you stuck through it with me. I wanted one of you to become the chieftain, between you an kragg. No offense muzgash.

Muzgash - I knew you with my other minotaur and you were cool. Play time diminished I guess and I didnt see you much until I got to hero and even then I only saw you a few times. Tough opponent though and we did have some fun killing marans.

and lastly....

Tzarit/Dvalygg - I met two mummies in my time. Two mummies who had people scared sh*tless. You two were it and took to helping me out with a few things. Too bad I didnt live to finish my con quest or we would be causing major havok right now. Dvalygg helped me rank up one rank and we traveled around some to kill. Tzarit we met when I was at hero and we went around killing and fighting everywhere. Great RP and interactions from you two. Classic and I will see you again in the fields soon!

Eleagra - Tried to catch you with a wither when you were healing from fighting outlanders and you showed me why you had made war-master. After that we teamed up with the mummy to kill marans and cause havok.

Seisorald - Met you 2 times. Not too shabby from what I could see.

Us 4 made one pretty baddass team. Sorry your only down to 3 now, even thought I wasnt part of the Legion.

FINALLY ITS OVER! Hope I get alot of replies. I will post some logs on Dios that I have and on here If I can figure out how. With that said...

#TeamEvil is still in the building and I will see you suckas in the FIELDS!!!!!
106849, I didn't get what your deal was.
Posted by Feketehalal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our only interactions were you trying to kill me, and a little chit-chat afterwards. You spent an awful lot of time and effort coming after me, and I was never really sure why. Being an uncaballed evil myself, you seemed to really have a mad-on for me, and I just didn't get it. I didn't mind, I enjoy pking as much as the next guy, you just seemed to put a lot of energy into hunting someone who you didn't have a beef with.
106851, The Deal
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you mocked my char...said something he didnt like... or felt you disrespected him. He was going to try to kill you for that. Before I got into hero ranks...I pretty much attacked whoever I felt like killing.

I followed my will. If it said kill...I did.
106829, Damn!
Posted by Melraech on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved our banters really. It was a bit funny! Had interractions with several characters and they were very fun! (Never as an ally though)

Hopefully you'll return and you enjoyed our interactions!
106828, Awe..
Posted by Alvorax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Come on now.. Who is gonna spend all their time hitting me with Wither?

All jokes aside, I thought you did pretty well and had a tough combination for me to fight. I even had to go find special weapons because those occasional -30 str/-20 dex, from wither alone was just brutal. Then add in weaken, poison, plague and a lucky damnation.. well you get the idea.

I did like that you never strayed from a fight, even if you did leave early sometimes. Good Job all around. GLWYN.
106843, I tried
Posted by blackfire87 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I first fought you I was like "Oh im am soo gonna kill this guy. He is unprepared to fight me." Then you fled and teleported and I realized that you had a ton of teleport potions and that good ol pocket Illanthos to back you up.

Then I came and withered you one time and plagued you and you didnt drop your weapons. I thought to myself 'oh sh*t...he learned..this is about to be a good fight'.

You werent afraid to stay and fight a little if you could. I respected that.

But you were just another number in the growing maran army that I needed to kill. A lucky bastard too sometimes.
106827, Good job, sad to see this. nt
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM