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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Mochodin Varanien the Agent of the Mists, Enforcer of Dagdan
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=106725
106725, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Mochodin Varanien the Agent of the Mists, Enforcer of Dagdan
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Feb 27 19:47:19 2012

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 16th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Mochodin perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
113153, Random mortal comments.
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The DOUBLE fail.

1. Learning first the thug path instead of poisoner path increased your PK per hour a bit at lower levels only to make you delete with your inhaled poison and knock-out poison in the lower 80% at 200 hours and tell the story about you failing 80 level knock-out poison.

2. Learning knife instead of sleep+forget+backstab+third attack+prey on the weak+parting block? What is even the point of this when having knife instead of forget? We would expect a bit more planning from IMP :)
113158, RE: Random mortal comments.
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you read his good-bye post?

This guy was meant to be a "low-level retrieval blocker". While all the stuff you're listing makes for an awesome level 42 thief, knife is only one skill with very broad use and it can be picked up at level 14 for only 8 points.

Edited to add: Also, it's cool that you're looking past thieves up and asking questions, but a new topic on gameplay probably would've been better than necroing long-ass 4-year-old threads.
113159, This thread was from a year ago. NT
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just sayin
113160, There are two necrothreads, the other is older.
Posted by Splntrd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

113162, It wasn't a question.
Posted by Shapa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The guy became a "low-level retrieval blocker" after the deletion at level 42 because of the planning of the character. Had he done different - he would be hero. And i found it really funny because of the player of the character.

It wasn't a question. It was the statement in this case.
106777, Hi
Posted by Polsypis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I may not play Polsypis again. I had typed a long negative diatribe consisting of self-serving bitching and griping that I've decided to save for my own death thread.

Watching you get showered with rewards jaded the aboslute hell out of me. After having to deal with 3 separate ooc bitchfests from Funnyone and a few other people, then watching you get maranated for doing essentially the same thing I was, it really bummed me out. I gave up on my role (I'm not liking it anyways). That being said, you stole SOOOO many of my kills it wasn't even funny. I quit trying because you'd get there and without the need to prep as much, you'd squash them before I was even ready.

I owe someone an appology because I thought they were you. I apparently am the goto guy when you have a question about stuff and the Imms won't tell you. It was pure coincidence that they were asking me about poisoner stuff and I had just the night before given you that spoon on how to play a poisoner for free (or at least a hell of a lot cheaper).

But finding out this was you and you saying thank you for me showing you poisoner stuff means a lot to me. I almost deleted that one night because you kept killing my PK range and I know there's a zero chance of my getting to Maran. I don't wanna hero and become part of the gank squad, so... meh. Life's a bitch, sometimes. It's a shame that Polsy is my absolute last Fortie. The cabal chatter just makes me wanna throw up sometimes.

The only reason I didn't delete that one time was because my black rod is in such an EASY place to get, and we found it by pure fricken accident. That was fun.

I still laugh about your death in New Arboria. The environment beat us in the head, or you at least. I got away ;)
106728, No really, blame Twist
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Considering the fact that Mochodin was one of the "over-rewarded Maran who level sit" that caused a ragedelete earlier today, I really didn't feel like I was flattering myself. Especially since the char who raged was played by Cyradia.

That said, I could be wrong.

Mochodin was born from the frustration as Furhyk of wanting to play a good aligned char (because I hadn't for quite a while) and yet at hero it was all Fort, most of the time.

So Daevryn kinda gave me the idea - with that many heroes, it might be kind of fun to play a low-level retrieval-blocker.

So I did. And I wanted to get several kills at each level. So I did.

But now I was at a crossroads. Clearly some folks are seeing me as a levelsitting griefer (despite the fact that I almost never attacked someone I had killed during the same login (which often meant 3-4 hours, realtime)), and generally left a huge amount in each corpse I made (or returned stuff after I'd checked it out.)

So, do I keep playing the levelsitting char who is very successful yet "over-rewarded"? No, I don't feel comfortable doing so.

Do I level up to hero, and make the ludicrous odds that a guy like Yarglen faces even more ludicrous? No. And to be fair, from a powergamer standpoint, human thief at level 42 has really no incentive to level up aside from a few more edgepoints. Meh.

So ends the experiment in thug/poisoner. Poisoner was a nice complement. It helped against a few enemies that thug just wasn't going to take down.

A big thank you to all the folks in Fortress who made playing this, character a blast. Especially Polsypis for the poison spoonage, Vallinane for the interaction/adoption/etc., and Illanthos for following me around an healing/lifeshielding me when I was about to take on groups of three. :P

Re: rewards.

I didn't get Maran on this character until his EPK count had surpassed all but two other Maran - roughly 60 EPKs or so. I don't count Maran as a reward anyways, generally, unless it is given out to a character who has a poor pkwin count but good RP or that sort of thing.

I got a tattoo for essentially doing more priestly-type-stuff with the rest of Baerinika's followers than I myself have seen from most other characters.

I got some custom-made boots as a prize for an event at the Inn that Whiysdan had (though Baerinika's the one who loaded them).

And I got a cabal edge today for my 102nd EPK.

I think I got a lot of rewards. Especially when I compare what Heben got. My favorite part, however, is that I got them from Baerinika, who had no clue that it was me. Excerpt from a conversation with her re: Jalim/Mochodin:
Baer: I will be shocked if he doesn't turn out to be Mochodin
but I guess we'll see

me: maran thiefguy?

Baer: yeah I don't know anyone else who can/does play that char

me: and you maran'd him anyways huh?

Baer: heh are you being sarcastic?

me: a little

This took place shortly after Jalim posted how he got rewards strictly because he had proxied with Naija. Once I saw this, I felt much better about any rewards I got.

So anyways, to continue the goodbyes:
Baerinika - it was great fun RPing with you, knowing you didn't know it was me. That shouldn't matter to me, but it does.

Enemies - almost to the letter every single one of you was a class act, top to bottom. To those who felt I griefed you, I'm sorry. Many of you have no idea how many times (after I'd killed you once already) I would walk past you, hidden, on eastern road. Repeatedly.

Ok this is getting long and I'm on as Twist right now listening to Fort boggle about my deletion, thinking it is because I missed a backstab, so mercifully I'll cut it short. But again, thanks to everyone I interacted with.
106730, Psst.. fix your editing! (n/t)
Posted by Nreykre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
106731, Heh thanks. NT
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
106732, Grief, yes.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not so much you but the odds and how hooked up you were (gear wise) in the early ranks which allowed you to snowball.

You played the combo my thief was trying for but better. I credit that to gear, honestly.

You did nearly one-shot me with backstab, through protection, with that wrath vuln. 650 hp down to like 16.

You're fast. My work-proxy doesn't help, though.

The lack of balance makes CF less fun. I felt sorry for Yarglen. At least I had hide.
106738, Sorry.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will say though that I was killing people pretty effectively once I got to level 14 (knife) because knife+hide is just ugly, even when you have fine leather armor and a jeweled dagger.

Grab one or two nice pieces from this guy, another from that guy, and pretty soon you have a 30+ damroll at level 14.

I did get a few choice pieces once I joined Fortress, but not until I'd proven to guys like Vallinane that I wasn't just going to lose them in the next fight.

I got killed by a gang twice in a short timespan in one login and ended up losing maybe 40% of my worn eq (to multiple people, it wasn't like a huge lootfest or anything) and had to regear via request/pk. So while yes, eq plays a huge part in many builds, it wasn't as if it was ALL the eq.
106761, Sure, I know.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just ran a poisoner thief with knife up to 30 and was like 30 and 4 in 50 hours. It's easy.

Part of the frustration though isn't just how hooked-up you were relating to gear from heros but how often they seemed to save you from possible deaths. We had you trapped a couple times or knocked out and bound only to have the hero cavalry show up with sanctuary, or shields, or healing, or a timely word of recall once threatened.

This isn't about you in as much as it is about the lack of balance of CF of late. Balance was more inherent when there were 75 people playing. 40 people on is way too easy to totally skew it and make it unfun.

106808, He did one shot me
Posted by Jolfyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because thats what lowbies with heartseeker do to dark-elf mages.
106733, Geez, I hated you
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With my current char, I even tried to level you. But you declined. But thieves are like that. They annoy. They are good at it. (I was Euzelin by the way)

A thug with poison, was painful. The times you'd put fear and I'd just watch my groupmates die until you'd finally attack me. Bleh. Last kill you had on me in Veran where I ALMOST had you (God, I had almost everything but never really bothered bash) and you did talk to me, I felt it was taunting.) I quitted, re-logged, deleted. Heh.

Afterwards though, even though yes it was frustrating since I was trying to regear (Fighting thieves = Losing weapons in your inventory!), I think you were cool enough.

GLWYN! (Because you better have another mortal!)
106739, Yeah I wasn't trying to taunt, but I can see how
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...it'd come across that way. That was one of the few times I killed someone twice in one login, and I kinda regretted it (then really regretted it when you deleted.) You had been attacking the Maran (duh, we had the Codex) and I sorta used that to justify killing you a second time, but yeah it was Veran.

I was also thinking look, this is going to be close, and this guy is going to flipping rejoice if he gets me (and I'm going to feel stupid) so let's see what happens with flee/knife.

Good luck with whatever you're playing now (lots of people asked me to group so I don't know which, heh).
106734, Makes sense
Posted by Tairneach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As always enjoyed our interactions, what little of them we had this go around, good to fight along side you longer this time around.
106735, You were Bahuzan's top fear.
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm no fool. I knew the player was skilled as hell and with the thug/poisoner skillset I could end up screwed real quick. I literally loathed seeing you online, and half my sessions were rather boring because I was dodging the nasty thief. Partially because I never knew if you were the sort of thief that would clean out my wands and inventory, and that was a headache I couldn't deal with and stay prepped constantly.

That being said, badass thief. I think I only got you the one time you messed up by coming around me with eyes up. I didn't get the last hit, and I was DYING to feed my weapon with you.

Good luck in the next swingaround. If I would make a suggestion, how about a badass scarab or nexun? Not sure I have seen you dabble with those yet.

106740, Grr.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That death pissed me off because I was sooooo stupid!

"...how about a badass scarab or nexun? Not sure I have seen you dabble with those yet."

Not for lack of trying! We'll see what comes next. Might be time for a little break.
106736, RE: No really, blame Twist
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, I knew a few evils who refused to rank because they didn't want to get into your range.
106737, Not surprising.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were a few chars who would log on, and I'd hide and try to stay hidden as well as I could, but the moment I was visible long enough to put up mantle or zeal or read a detect invis scroll, they'd quit.

I didn't want to be the guy who was making people decide to just quit anymore.
106742, RE: Not surprising.
Posted by Elerosse on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>There were a few chars who would log on, and I'd hide and try
>to stay hidden as well as I could, but the moment I was
>visible long enough to put up mantle or zeal or read a detect
>invis scroll, they'd quit.
>I didn't want to be the guy who was making people decide to
>just quit anymore.

Maybe just stick to giant sword specs, then at least we can see the wrecking ball coming! :)

106743, Meh
Posted by Kiraava on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's hard to level thieves considering how insanely OP they are on the come up. So I understand the level sitting. Your set made you just straight beefy and you were pretty bread and butter for only wanting to flee and knife though.

Anyways, I absolutely despised you from the time you waited outside the Inn with Torum to trip me down, to you attacking me at the giant trying to retrieve the scepter which for once in my life I have hope of getting. You made me not even want to play CF anymore and I almost deleted, I didn't and I'm glad youre gone though.

106745, Completely understandable...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...to the point that despite you being the only evil online, and that I hadn't killed you yet that day, I would often just stop hunting you. If I saw you in the area I'd probably strike, but if you weren't in an easy-to-find spot, I was like meh.

Keep on truckin'. (Ironically I think you've leveled out of what Mochodin's range was anyways).
106746, Logs! :) (nt)
Posted by Humbert on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
106748, You piece of ####.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I love me some Twist.
106750, RE: No really, blame Twist
Posted by Yarglen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Class act through and through.

And while you were tough, you weren't unbeatable tough. Nor did I feel like you griefed me(though damned if some of my groupmates didn't hate you with a CLEARLY ooc passion)

Anything you received was well deserved. The game doesn't start at hero, people shouldn't expect it to.
106758, I'm going to turn this around...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Class act through and through.

This applies more to you than me, I think. Thanks for the good times. :)
106755, Ok, now this TICKS ME OFF!
Posted by Quelryon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I LOVED me some Mochi. Loved. The fact that you'd always be faster to get that kill than I was ticked me off o f f off a lot.

You're abilities were unmatched yet again. And man I will miss you.

This just sucks.

Well maybe you'll play something else and we'll interact again.

Well done twist, well done.
106756, I think the problem is mostly that you had that conversation in the first place RE: Jalim.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I'm not actively cheating, why is it relevant to you the IMM(s) what character I'm playing? Why do people's characters need to be constantly brought up on IMM chat with their names attached to them?

IF I hadn't just deleted Naija with the claim that my proxying caused me to get multiple rewards, $50 says rewards would not have been divied out to a grief thief with my name attached to it. Instead cheap shot would have been made impossible to perfect by level 40 and the duration of its lag would have been halved again. =P

What I think Cyradia and a lot of other IMMs are trying to say is that they don't give a #### who is playing who and they would rather not know, but due to their being active they have to hear about who is who in random chats from other IMMs.

From a personal perspective, have you ever considered just being transparent with upper level IMMs about what mortals you are playing and asking them not to reward you? Maybe throw it in a role entry? It seems like you'd be able to keep half your characters lately if you didn't have to do 'I feel guilty because this looks shady' deletes.
106757, I think you misunderstood (or are misconstruing) what I posted.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If I'm not actively cheating, why is it relevant to you the
>IMM(s) what character I'm playing? Why do people's characters
>need to be constantly brought up on IMM chat with their names
>attached to them?
>IF I hadn't just deleted Naija with the claim that my proxying
>caused me to get multiple rewards, $50 says rewards would not
>have been divied out to a grief thief with my name attached to
>it. Instead cheap shot would have been made impossible to
>perfect by level 40 and the duration of its lag would have
>been halved again. =P

Boy that would have sucked for a lot of other thieves. I didn't have cheap shot, but man some guys would've been pissed. :P

>What I think Cyradia and a lot of other IMMs are trying to say
>is that they don't give a #### who is playing who and they
>would rather not know, but due to their being active they have
>to hear about who is who in random chats from other IMMs.

I think you'll see a lot less of this from here on out. I intend to try to make it that way.

>From a personal perspective, have you ever considered just
>being transparent with upper level IMMs about what mortals you
>are playing and asking them not to reward you? Maybe throw it
>in a role entry? It seems like you'd be able to keep half your
>characters lately if you didn't have to do 'I feel guilty
>because this looks shady' deletes.

This is where I think you misunderstood what I posted. I enjoy playing a character that is not known by the immstaff, because then I feel confident that the rewards I get (a) are valid and (b) generally won't be bitched about.

So to put it more plainly, I want the rewards - I'm a powergamer to a not-small degree - but I don't want to have to deal with the conspiracy theorists saying that I got them solely because the imm in question knew who I was playing.

The only character I've deleted recently because of frustration about the conspiracy stuff is Tavlin. Mochodin was not deleted because of the rewards to any degree. I deleted him because (a) I felt like (and many of the above comments have validated this feeling) people (who were playing evil) were simply not having fun when Mochodin was around, and (b) because it was either level or delete to get out of that feel, and the world doesn't need more hero Maran running around right now.
106798, I think conspiracy theorists will say that about anyone
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean anyone who gets rewarded people are always gonna feel salty they didn't get the same rewards, I know I do.

Its worse because you are an imm but it wouldn't go away if you weren't.
106759, Will be missed
Posted by Clahier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Mochodin and you were great to have around. I only remember us fighting the same enemy once, some emperial that I baited out to the palace gates fighting the Vanq and you being there to trip him for his troubles. If we wanted to, we could have done it a LOT more though, and really made peoples lives hell, although I'm not sure if splitting up was more painful for them due to coverage.

You were one that I was wanting to show you something new, but knowing who you are now, I suppose you are most likely already aware of it.
106760, Unfortunately, I don't think our foes saw it that way...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
re: only fighting one guy together that is.

In fact Mochodin had a negative history that is a fair amount off base regarding you fighting someone and me "waiting to trip them at their recall". The imm in question didn't have/grasp the full details of what was going on.

You had called out that you were slept near Udgaard so I went to either wake you or drive off the enemy.

The enemy had somehow gotten stuck fighting your archon, so you were completely safe (especially with Eachainn shielding you and ready to word you) so I tailed the enemy as he retreated to heal at the Udgaard healer.

I waited until his flight dropped and then started tripping. He got away.

His hometown wasn't Udgaard.

However if you're only paying passing attention from immland (guilty of doing this myself sometimes) you could totally assume that I had been waiting at the altar spamming trip.

Nothing bad was done to the character because of it, so no harm done, really, but if an Imm is even thinking that you and I are Team Ganksquad (tm), you can see how some of the mortals that you scouted and I found (or vice versa) would feel.
106762, RE: Unfortunately, I don't think our foes saw it that way...
Posted by Clahier on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahh, yes I guess I did forget that time near Udgaard, although I wouldn't say I was getting to so much fighting there. I've made a habit of calling out on cabal any time I am knocked out right away as a result of binders and needing to do it quickly if you are going to do it at all, and sometimes when I do I wish I hadn't because it really wasn't a call for the cavalry, but a status update.

What people fail to see is, I avoided fighting with you like the plaque really, I figured if I didn't I would never have the final blow :)

I don't want to dwell on that too much though, my point of it all was wanting to make sure and say how much I enjoyed having you around, and really appreciated the thought your challenges kicked off on top of all that you did roaming the lands.
106763, Sorry to see this.
Posted by Alvorax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no idea who this character was but from behind the scenes I was always curious how you would log in, and minutes later.. "Someone is dead".

I've never been what I'd consider a good pker but I try to watch those people that I see who are and emulate them. I'm a little sad that I didn't get the chance to interact with you more so that I could accomplish this.

Anyway, See you in the Fields.
106766, RE: thieves
Posted by AXera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>And to be fair, from a powergamer standpoint, human thief at level 42 has really no incentive to level up aside from a few more edgepoints. Meh.

Do you view this as a problem that should be changed somehow? I'd love for thieves to be more viable at hero and less willing to level sit for hundreds of hours...
106772, Eh.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The same could be said for quite a few types of characters. Conjurers, for instance. Invokers to some degree. As many have said, the game doesn't begin at hero. I heroed my last thief (Faolai) partly due to leadership being available. There are other incentives at times, too (a certain prey you really want to take down or whatever). I just didn't have any particular incentive with this guy, especially with hero range in Fort being so strong currently.
106779, Psht. There's a ton of incentive for elf binder, though. n/t
Posted by Vallinane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being the level 42 whipping boy for hero range was scary :p
106770, ####in Twist!
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character was simply awesome. You and I know it. I hope I lived up to your expectations when it came to the RP, and I imagine you cursed my name aloud every time I sent you that moderately crappy but nifty looking pair of boots.
106775, Boots
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nah, it was cool. Yeah I had better ones, but I died while exploring frequently enough that you "regifting" me with more rot_death boots wasn't a pain.

I'm not sure I would've worn them instead of the boots of speed that I'd recently gotten, though. :P

As for the interactions, they were great. Largely because I felt like I was getting to see you as mortals see you. I've had Baer followers before, but I don't think any of them clicked as well as Mochodin did.

I hope your followers liked the "challenges". I couldn't resist using Niheriva as my example of a past Baerinikite. It was too perfect. :P
106776, RE: No really, blame Twist
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Baer: yeah I don't know anyone else who can/does play that char

This hurts. :)
106778, That was my thought, too.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was like "Wow, someone mistook my fort hiding class for someone other than Isildur? Huh, go figure."
106794, RE: That was my thought, too.
Posted by Shaendath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's because everyone knew Isildur was already playing Shaendath. *rimshot*

Sorry, Isildur. :)
106816, RE: That was my thought, too.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did people think I was you? I'm not familiar with Shaendath the character. Been out of the game for about the last month except for a lowbie that's probably auto'd by now.
106817, Shaendath is a Maran Assassin.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...so naturally it is Isildur.
106818, Isildur is in CF depression.
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Poor guy just can't roll a character.
106824, RE: Isildur is in CF depression.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I dared him to make Fortranger! What more can one man do?
106788, Hmph
Posted by Vaaki the Orc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to kill you that time on eastern when you and big buddy angel-wielder Clahier were skulking around.

I nearly got you with my amazingly thoughtful and resourceful berserk bash bash bash tactics. You then got smart and reduced. I was gonna reduce but all I had were giant sized weapons and when I did I could only wield one :( Bleh.

Anyways, good fighting.
106791, RE: No really, blame Twist
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mochy's speech reminded me of Bill Lumbergh from office space, yeah? It was fun to horse around with you when there was downtime.

The amount of respect you showed to your enemies receives MAJOR kudos from me. Dont let anyone say you were a griefer, because I know FULL WELL how far out of your way you went to avoid crapping all over people.

I didnt really chitchat with you as much as I would've wanted. I was certain there would've been time for that later - perhaps once you made Leader. C'est la vie.

As a sidenote, I think I'm going to cut back on my 10-hour/day CF stints - they suck the life right out of you after a while.

106792, Well this is kind of surprising.
Posted by Laesron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must say, I thought for sure this character was someone else and not Twist.

One interaction I remember specifically, is when you died at the Tara'bal against someone(s)? I send something over cb that we all face defeat, and we have a nice little conversation about it. I thought when I said the bit about "Did you think it was stupid?" really well (mostly because it happens to me way too often).

I was a Mochodin fan. Even though we never got to run around together.
113155, RE: No really, blame Twist
Posted by Borkahd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wasn't there another Maran thief that you played about a year or so ago that was accused of being a level-sitting griefer to? Maybe it was a bit farther back than that, I can't recall.

Unfortunately I didn't get to interact with this character but I always seem to enjoy when our characters cross (on friendly terms!). Good luck with the next!
106753, FFFFUUUUU!!!!! Mochy! noooooooo!
Posted by Vallinane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Wow. Totally not expecting that twist, if you get what I mean. I had your player pegged as one of two big possibilities, Jalim and the player of Tanith/Mharr.

What the heck, man, you totally -weren't- supposed to delete on me. I was totally expecting you to stick it out and start a lasting Varanien dynasty in the Fortress. Grrr. Was planning on asking you to keep a lookout for another likely young urchin to adopt into house Varanien yourself. Now it won't be the same :(

I was also looking forward to running with a fellow thiefy at hero range: I had this fond image of jumping some of the toughest people in the game from out of nowhere with an earthbind scroll + alternating trips. Very, VERY sad this didn't work out - I think we could have tore some of the unkillable people up, man! Made the mummies fear House Varanien.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for the tips regarding preps, the first-class scouting for hero range, the high-level RP interaction, and the help with the quests. You were a beast and I'm really sad to see you go.

P.S. I totally would NOT have deleted until that amazing set you were running was gone.
106809, RE: FFFFUUUUU!!!!! Mochy! noooooooo!
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Funny story about this - a week or so ago my husband informs me that "We've been married too long." I'm like probably but why now? He says, I went to put in Mochodin's history that his name made me crave Mochi ice cream in abad way only to see that you'd put that exact comment in only a few hours before.

STILL have not gotten my Mochi fix. Le sigh.
106815, RE: FFFFUUUUU!!!!! Mochy! noooooooo!
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Twist is a heartbreaker. I was getting all too used to the top notch scouting and murderating he was bringing to the Fort.

Glad I bought him the Dagdan guild though. I had my doubts at first, but when the reports started pouring in... yeeeesh.
106751, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Mochodin Varanien the Agent of the Mists, Enforcer of Dagdan
Posted by Kraken71 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, why would an IMM like Twist play something like Mochodin. It made me so tired of CF that he existed.

Never seen someone chase like him too, just makes you wonder. Don't reveal you played him, take it back :-)
106749, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Mochodin Varanien the Agent of the Mists, Enforcer of Dagdan
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interesting note for those playing at home: I was sure this had to be Jalim, because who else would even want to play Fort thief that comes off like a Herald with a weird sense of humor who happens to kill a lot of people? I put a comment down to that effect, which you'll see in the PBF.

Turned out I was wrong, although there was a pretty comic moment between Twist and I over the misunderstanding.
106854, Clarification
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's already a lot of misinterpretation and/or people putting words into my mouth on this one so I'm going to clear up the order of events from my perspective as unambiguously as possible.

1) I first notice Mochodin and I'm thinking immediately that this is Jalim, because I simply cannot imagine anyone else would want to play this character and be able to do it. "Fort thief who has an odd sense of humor and kinda roleplays like he really belongs in Herald but actually kills a lot of people." is just so distinctive and specific the thought hadn't even entered my mind that it could be someone else.

Yes, if I'd spent two minutes doing IP detective work it would have been obvious to me it was Twist. What you have to understand is that I've been good at spotting players' tells forever and I'm very rarely wrong.

2) I later have a conversation with Twist in which Twist=Mochodin comes out. Twist asks me to not tell Baer, which I agree to.

3) Baer makes comments to me to the effect that she also assumes Mochodin is Jalim. I don't mention that I know otherwise.

I understood why Twist wanted to preserve the secret as long as he could (he wants to try to compete/achieve on his merit and not his Twistness as much as is possible), and I knew Baer would also understand this when she inevitably did find out, and wouldn't consider me to have been disloyal or deceptive in some way by withholding this information. I understand that some people may have marriages in which this kind of understanding may not be possible.

4) It later becomes clear to me (post-tattoo, but pre-deletion) that Baer has figured out who Mochodin really is played by.

106855, Huh.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't know about (4). But it doesn't surprise me, I guess.
106856, RE: Clarification
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After seeing the log of how info is parsed to you guys with IP attached to everything a character does, I don't know how you expect us to swallow that you or any IMM over 56 doesn't immediately know who Twist is.

106857, You have to know Twists ip is why
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And if he logs on wizinvis 59 every day you cant see that without sockets command, likely.
106858, RE: You have to know Twists ip is why
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or you just need to have remembered the IP of his many super characters like Tavlin, Hunsobo, Woldrun, etc. etc. etc.. They tend to stand out. Also just look at the log, every single thing a character does is tied to IP, so you are going to see it constanly. Tavlin - Started combat with Sleep Tavlin - Picked up sleeves of Cool from the Scion Pit Tavlin - Just wrecked someone

Also the IP address I used is from an exchange server I remembered from one of our satellite offices in Dubai that I maybe need to look at once or twice a year.
106859, RE: Clarification
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>After seeing the log of how info is parsed to you guys with
>IP attached to everything a character does, I don't know how
>you expect us to swallow that you or any IMM over 56 doesn't
>immediately know who Twist is.

It's a couple things, which I'm going to explain for the benefit of anyone, not because I think you, specifically, will believe me:

Imm commands that give you an IP won't give you the IP of a higher level imm. So, sure, Zulg and I can get at "Twist's" IP if we care to, but no one else can.

Nobody but the above plus Scarabaeus currently has the access to dig through the logs for past characters' IPs, either.

Now, what you could theoretically do is log everything like a madman, and when Twist admits to playing Tavlin, go back and see what Tavlin's IP was and watch for that. I'm aware of a former staff member who did this, but I honestly don't think most do. (And I know for sure Raybaer doesn't, for the conspiracy theorists among you.)

But why would I ever do that? I have the resources to dig in the logs and figure out who's who whenever it's really important to me.

Also, note that the various imm alert channels can be toggled. Almost all of mine are off most of the time because it's a lot of spam for information that is, again, fully accessable to me if I ever really want any of it.

I'm mostly happier when I don't know who is who, despite that I'm good enough at spotting people's tells that I tend to have a pretty good idea about a lot of characters at any given time.
106864, RE: Clarification
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh I believe you when you say that it's hard to check an active IMMS IP. I'm just saying when that IP is always attached to a character when you see info about them, you are going to start remembering stand outs.
106870, RE: Clarification
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I'm just saying when that IP is always
>attached to a character when you see info about them, you are
>going to start remembering stand outs.

I don't know if it's that I don't keep enough of the relevant channels on (I'm really prone to going afk for an hour or more at a time to take care of my daughter) or that I just don't remember random strings of numbers automatically but I honestly don't.
106888, I'd really...
Posted by fist-law on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...Like to hear some of these tells that we have.
106861, Well you *could* but you'd have to be trying pretty hard.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
See, no Imm who can see IPs can check the IP of a pfile that is the same level or greater than his/hers.

So I can check 59's and below, but not Daevryn's. And he can't check mine.

Now sure, I could go ahead and grab the range of IP's on a character that I know Daevryn plays, put them down somewhere, and make note of that anytime I'm wondering who he's playing.

But it's sure a lot more work than simply being able to say "I wonder who Enlilth is playing" and checking it right now.

The command we have to check IPs also doesn't work on deleted chars. For instance, I have NO idea the last character that Zulghinlour played.

The last char that I *knew* was Zulghinlour was a fire giant warrior in Empire that War Master Hunsobo had to pass over for an Elite spot because some other fire giant Blade beat him in a duel.

Edit: I could go into the logfiles to find Zulg's IP if I really wanted to do so. Daevryn's post above reminded me that the paragraph above is not really relevant, given this ability (to an IMP).

I know that all of this info is unlikely to change your opinion at all so I'm not sure why I bothered with this wall of text, but I guess maybe it explains how things work a little better?
106862, RE: Well you *could* but you'd have to be trying pretty hard.
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I see what you are saying as far as checking past IP. But really how hard is it not to remember the IP of a character who is so prominent. Or someone that has a string of prominent characters even if it's not on purpose that is going to stick in your head. You have that IP flashing at you all the time, and you aren't going to remember in a few weeks who it was when some lowbie starts wrecking his range? Or even if I was someone who was like oh this guy is awesome let me write down his IP for later? I mean you have to admit with the amount you guys are flashed the IP that prominent players are going to stick out like a sore thumb after a while?
106867, Well, as Daevryn pointed out...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Most of those channels are toggle-able.

So the log of imm-life that you saw was not necessarily what I see.

I hate one of the particular channels that was in that log because it spams the hell out of me.

Also that small snippet doesn't really show you the incredible amount of information that is flowing toward you (for instance, as an Imm I can see the cb's of all cabals, and the death channel is now about 5 lines long when someone dies) and most of the time I'm on as Twist I'm AFW for good chunks of time.

Again, I'm not saying I couldn't know all the things you're saying I could know. I'm saying it's not like there's a big TAVLIN=TWIST flashing light every time that Tavlin does something.

Also again keep in mind that this information isn't available to all Imms.
106912, Not sure what you do for a living, but
Posted by Dragomir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a network engineer, all I do is work on routers and switches all day. My life is nothing BUT IP addresses. Remembering IP addresses is a lot easier than it sounds. That is the reason DNS was created, because remember scrolling IP addresses is neither easy nor fun.

Granted you are 100% correct, if they wanted to write down the IPs to remember who is who, you are correct. There are a lot of things they could likely do, flag certain ranges, highlight them, etc. But simply remembering them is not as easy as, especially when you have a large number to deal with.

106860, This seems more plausible to me than what Jalim wrote in Dio's.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
However, I'd like to ask a question to clear up the last remaining unambiguous bit:

>4) It later becomes clear to me (post-tattoo, but
>pre-deletion) that Baer has figured out who Mochodin really is
>played by.

Was this before or after the comment below?

Mon Feb 20 12:37:52 2012 by 'Baerinika' at level 42 (167 hrs):
People will probably complain that I gave this guy early Maran/Title/Tat but I have never really had anyone who tried so hard at my religion. That combined with the murder factor makes these things deserved completely.

Edit: I should have read the post/comment more carefully. So tat was before, cabal edge after guessing it was Twist?
106868, Also keep in mind what I typed was speculation because the things I was hearing bothered me and I was hoping for some positive dialogue and to be proved wrong over here. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
106869, RE: This seems more plausible to me than what Jalim wrote in Dio's.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I believe that's correct.
106741, Okay man, whats the deal?
Posted by enyuu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You come waltzing into my ranking group and intsta-kill one of my mates with a backstab, and are out of the area before I can say Howdy-do. This is with Nunakon btw. After that I had big starry fanboy eyes for you, and wanted to learn your secrets to badassery. My backstabs always sucked, and I never knew why.
106744, A few things
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
55ish damroll
avg 28 dagger
Brutal Backstab edge
Level 42 (bigger multiplier than pre-40th)

Also no dam reduction on the target, who is like 9 levels below and likely has under 500 hp.

But yeah that was a pretty lucky one.
106793, TO CLARIFY
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"bigger multiplier than pre-40th" - someone on Dio's misquoted me as saying 42 was a bigger multiplier than 40. I'm not sure that's the case. I don't actually know what level it rolls over. It may even be on a sliding scale. I don't even know for sure what the multiplier is (though wayyy back in the days of old school thieves I believe the multiplier was 2x at 21, 3x at 31, and so on.

Just wanted to clear that up since it seems the way I phrased it may have confused someone.
106727, You distended and decided to delete?
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was it fun?
106729, I hadn't distended yet.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Still didn't even have hero humans in range unless I got too close to level 43.

I was semi-looking-forward to seeing if I could top Yubotexz for murderful 42 human thief but meh.
106726, WTF?!
Posted by Tairneach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What happened? Was it because you missed the backstab? Just all of a sudden you're gone without a word which you usually say goodbye so I was like huh? Then just by a hunch I come on here and bam, deleted.