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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Arngrum the Champion of the Tempest, Helmsman
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=106268
106268, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Arngrum the Champion of the Tempest, Helmsman
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Feb 14 16:57:32 2012

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 19th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Arngrum perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
106271, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Arngrum the Champion of the Tempest, Helmsman
Posted by Darkmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well it was fun, for a little while at least, Arngrum came about after me getting frustrated trying to get empowerment with another charachter for three weeks straight with no luck, which was kinda sad cause Twist passed off all Furyks sweet loot to that guy, but ah well you cant win them all. I had alot of good fights, with the usual griefers crying about ganging, but I will give you one hint, if I come in with a shield pally and wrath you, and you flee/quaff almost before the echo goes off, well I am liable to bring along someone to help keep you in place the next time.

Anyway on to some brief goodbyes....

Neltouda: Sorry to delete like this after getting the tat, you are far and away my favorite Imm, your RP is stellar (which only makes my crappy RP stand out even worse), your very much involved with your followers, kinda always had the feeling you were just standing there with me wizi'd waiting on me to do something I shouldnt, but I felt like I wasnt putting the effort into the charachter that the attention you were paying it deserved, and thats just one of the reasons. You rock, I'll definitely be back on board the Maiden at some point, if I can come up with something that I can at least marginally RP that is.

Fortress: You guys were great, as usual, always willing to help with whatevers needed, but damn there were just a TON of us, and no one to fight, so of course every time some solitary darkie popped his head out of a crack there were like ten of us calling the fury of the
Light down on his head.

Eachain: Despite our problems at the beginning, I think your a great Captain, keep trucking until age death (just dont run over my current)

Vallinane: Sorry for waking Qiirvas at the tara'bal eh, but we got em more than once after that so its all good right? Also a very solid charachter and one the Lady Tempest herself pointed out to Arny as a fine example of a Maran.

Illanthos: I read in someone elses post your a newbie healer, but damned if I could tell, very, very competent Acolyte, will never forget fighting off like four Imperial retrievers before I was even empowered with you healing like a madman.

Laesron: We had some good fights didnt we? I felt really, really bad for most people once they got under that pincer staff with me wrathing and healing as needed. Keep trucking man, I am certain you will make Maran in no time.

Assorted other Fortressites: You were all class acts from what I could see, hope some of those shinies I passed around help you in the Fields.

Imperials: Really only fought Eleagra and Qiirvas truly, Eleagra was one rough, rough ride if she ever caught me not fully prepared, which she did once I think, maybe twice, good War Master and all around scary bash giant. Qiirvas was just outmatched by my Virtues and 1200 hp, even assuming my Light of Heaven didnt get his sanctuary, and he dispelled me, I could still out damage him with Defiance/Buckler/Wrath, but you know what, he still fought me, many many times, quality High Priest.
Scions: You guys seemed to disappear once I hit hero ranks, not saying that it was fear of me or anything of that nature of course, but other than Zynzyn I think I got like two hits on Rindros in Arny's whole life as he raped the tara'bal before I could run from Galadon to the Fort. Necromancers just werent much of a match for Arny at all, even the mummy, -120 saves plus dwarven resistnace to magic, plus Resist Arcance edge on a shield pally just meant they could easily escape any time they so chose, but had little chance of killing me. Nabighah on the other hand ALMOST got me in the mid-forties, scary, scary conjurer, I have NEVER in ten years playing this game seen an elemental go off like that one did on me, was MASSACRING me through prot/sanc/stoneskin/desensitize, and doing so quite often, I fled and teleported thinking I was safe only to have you gaunt me into the Sands before I was even able to go to sleep, still not sure how you managed that so quickly with such a strong gaunt, but once again I slipped out with like 15 hps and just happened to run straight to the exit out of the Sands. Anyway you guys all know your uber-skilled, just sad I didnt see much of any of you once I hit hero range.

Outlander: Strong crop of savages coming up right now, though I have to say Foratha was by far my most favorite of the lot of you, ballsy dark elf warrior, and Foratha for what its worth I took I think two items out of your corpse the three times you died, and when Fzoarn took all your weapons in the Weald he and I had a major disagreement which just made me the player smile big as hell when you came back into Galadon as soon as you reformed and slew Thyndden I am assuming using the weapons I gave you. Though of course Arny's a paladin and wouldnt tolerate such behavoir, I also would never had been involved if I had known he was going to take all of Tribunals only did that when in their jurisdiction, but ah well, anyway great charachter.

Battle: Not even going to get into this one to be honest, just gonna start a flame war I dont want, suffice it to say some of you shine real bright to a serial Villager, while others not so much. Thats totally from a Tablet standpoint on my part, you were all tough as nails and Lohakahn is probably one of the strongest ragers I have seen in a long, long time, but with those great powers come great responsibility and all that jazz. Anyway, the Imms dont seem to mind, and I didnt ever die to any of you, so have at it guys.

Nexus: You guys are a big, big part of why I deleted Arngrum to be honest, after you raided the Fort and I just started randomly attacking Nexicans I felt like I had totally gone OOC, even though it had been ordered several times before that that when you all were hunting the Light, you were to be treated as foes. For me I totally lost the paladin feel for Arngrum that evening, and it was a combination of things really, no evil foes to hunt + I like to PK, ended up with me at the Village hunting Nexus and on the Eastern Road trying to kill Fzoarn (who tried to kill me first by the way after Solec got me warranted) and so I decided to delete with the good feelings I had about the charachter intact rather than let the him fall into shame out of sheer boredom. You guys are all class acts as well, just not a real big fan of the Nexus cabal in general myself, keep trucking.

Alright so this massive wall of text is coming to a close, and none to soon, in the end he was an extremely fun charachter, my first tattoed charachter, some will say he was over rewarded I am sure, and I will say that when Neltouda gave me Retribution and pretty much told me at that point when I earned another I could choose which one I wanted, I was like "Temperance please!", but if I were a more experienced pally I would totally have asked for Fortitude instead, would have been so much more deadly, but I did end up with I think like 27-4 pk ratio or some such, nothing spectacular for you guys I know, but respectable for me, at least in my own eyes. I love this game, and I am already on to the next project, see you guys in the fields.
106286, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Arngrum the Champion of the Tempest, Helmsman
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In general, I thought Arngrum was fine. A hot head, but that was to be expected considering religion and race, so perfectly well rp'd there, and I was really impressed at your response after getting the boot. I'm always a little thrilled to see someone playing a first time Maran because I swear the Fort has the same serial people over and over. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!)

As far as your alt that you waited 3 weeks for empowerment for, I'm pretty sure this was one of mine and I just want to offer a few tips. If I'm totally off base about what you're talking about, just ignore this.

Don't power up to level 20 as an empowerment char and THEN find religion. There was nothing about sphere choice or religion in your role period, and waiting until you NEED empowerment to pray is a huge turn off for me.

Don't be a douche on the newbie channel. Your newbie chan was revoked by a different imm, a much nicer one than I may I add, and knowing that you said something bad enough to annoy this overly nice person, is another turn off.

Put your religion in your role!! By waiting it makes me feel like you picked x sphere waiting to see if either I or another imm who covers that sphere were vis first. Makes me feel like you don't care overly much, and thus I don't want to spend my time tracking you down.

So generally...work on patience, take your time leveling a little, pray often, even if it's just talking as you level about your religion, we do watch that stuff. If you get these things down you will make seriously awesome empowerment chars.

** edited to add: based on good things people said about this lowbie I did empower you off line a bit, and that was 6 days after character creation, not 3 weeks.
106305, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Arngrum the Champion of the Tempest, Helmsman
Posted by Darkmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the advice Raybaer, but it really doesnt fit in this instance honestly. I didnt power level to 20 at all, the charachter has almost 30 hours on it, with several of those hours sitting in your Shrine having deep religiousity conversations with Vall and Eachain, which was the whole concept behind the charachter to be honest and the reason for the simple open ended role. I had planned to try the role idea of letting what happened in game shape my role, so I had this dwarf who was from a distant land, show up here in Thera with no prior knowledge of the different Gods/Goddesses, he then asked around (which I actually did IC) from several different empowered and or titled people about the various religions and began to learn about the Way of the Jaguar which he liked, so he then began going to your Shrine quite often to pray.

As far as the newbie channel thing, I reall wasnt a 'douche' on the newbie channel at all, it was the day Rindros got his title, and I the player was sitting here laughing my ass off, and as happens often I made an off hand comment on the newbie channel, something like "Panegyrical Orchestrator.....really......really?" and thus lost my newbie channel privileges. And while I understand that isnt truly what the newbie channel is for it does happen all the time and I get no-channed for it often as well, its kind of like not writing my description until level 11, something else I am very prone to do.

That all being said I would like to thank you and all the Immstaff for the hard work you put into this free game, and I am sure you will see me again in the Mists.
106292, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Arngrum the Champion of the Tempest, Helmsman
Posted by Jastyna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me start off by saying you played a very tough Paladin. I really had a difficult time competing against you. Your shield jabs were incredibly strong, couple that with commune wrath spam and you simply out-damaged me so fast I couldn't do much. Even if I managed to get you sung up, I wasn't very effective against you. Well done on that.

I'd also rather not start a flame war, but, after our initial interaction I made a mental note to let you know, on whose ever death thread came first, that my comments to you were all meant to be IC. You probably hated my character, and thought the comments were coming from the player, but, they were not. Jastyna is supposed to be bitchy in certain instances. As a player I wasn't upset that fort people were ganging me, but, Jastyna sure would say something about it. I just wanted you to know that. I actually was hesitant about speaking directly with you more for fear that things would start to go more OOC as we already had a very adversarial relationship.

Furthermore, I realize that the waters got muddied down the road as you were upset that you were getting ganged by Villagers. To that I can only say that there are a few very well defined (on Thror's forum) instances for when it is acceptable for Villagers to gang, and all the situations I was involved with fell within those parameters. I do realize that you had "more" experiences than I was involved with and I can't speak to those.

So, great work on making an ass kicking paladin. Good luck with your next.
106289, Can't say I'll miss you...
Posted by KrunkTheOrc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I had
>alot of good fights, with the usual griefers crying about
>ganging, but I will give you one hint, if I come in with a
>shield pally and wrath you, and you flee/quaff almost before
>the echo goes off, well I am liable to bring along someone to
>help keep you in place the next time.

This would describe Krunk, but I believe you are looking at it wrong. If you come at me with a shield pally and your wrath does ANNIH damage and my hits are doing lower case, I'm out. There isn't any way to win that fight. What you should be thinking is not, how can I gang them to keep them in place, but rather, how do I keep them around long enough that when I do wrath it results in a corpse, rather than someone fleeing and quaffing.

A retribution shield paladin with defiance can land some kills via hitting hurt opponents with a lot of damage fast, through defiance prog, and through sheer damage with luck (this is how you got Krunk), but any good player isn't going to die to this more than once, and if you then combine that with a gang, it just says: Avoid this character unless you have a larger gang than they do, because otherwise it is a pointless fight.
106294, Yes. nt
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
106297, RE: Can't say I'll miss you...
Posted by Darkmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I say this in no way to try and toot my own horn, Arny was a paladin with two great Virtues and arguably the best gear in game for a dwarf paladin, he was tough true, but MOST people would not stick around in a fight even for a single round and that just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. You were right about you being one of the ones to flee/quaff any time I even showed up in the same area with you but I think you stood alot more of a chance than you say in fighting me. First off I ever only really prepped Arny when I was doing exploration, as far as shield aura stoneskin desensitize goes, other than that I had prot/sanc with desensitize thrown in now and again against really strong opponents in an attempt to do what you describe here, I dont remember ever fighting you when your pimp gear wasnt doing at least MUTILATES and EVISCERATES, with eating my face getting into the ***DEVASTATES***, what got you killed against me was failing a spinebreaker after about the third wrath hit you, giving me two free ones before you even had a chance to flee. It just seemed to me like you broke your RP or the persona you had made for this particular orc, since with my last you were coming to the Village and killing RBW's like it was nothing, yet you wouldnt even fight Arny, just my take on it.

p.s. Also thought it was kinda crappy after I killed you and took only your coins when you then got a certain unnamed elf and cleaned his corpse of several good only items not long after that, I guess he too should have just fought you alone with your cut-off enslave?
106299, Take some Kostyan notes
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
maybe it isn't in your interest to have 'two great virtues and arguably the best gear in game'. Because if you outright win, who wants to fight? Part of winning is allowing your opponent to think they have a chance (when in fact they do not). Once they extend too far, pull out the big guns and finish it.
106313, My logs do not bear any of this out....
Posted by KrunkTheOrc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
20120202155020:Your black light MUTILATES Arngrum!
20120202155020:Your black light devastates Arngrum!
20120202165117:Your black light DISMEMBERS Arngrum!
20120202165117:Your black light MASSACRES Arngrum!
20120202165117:Your black light MANGLES Arngrum!
20120202165117:Your black light MUTILATES Arngrum!
20120206180047:Your surge of water maims Arngrum!
20120206180047:Your surge of water EVISCERATES Arngrum!
20120206180047:Your surge of water MUTILATES Arngrum!
20120206180047:Your surge of water devastates Arngrum!
20120210100710:Your rush EVISCERATES Arngrum!
20120210100710:Your poisonous bite devastates Arngrum!
20120210100710:Your vicious attack decimates Arngrum!
20120210100710:Your pierce MUTILATES Arngrum!

Every bit of damage ever done by Krunk to Arngrum. You can look here http://www.qhcf.net/phorum/read.php?3,921445,921445#msg-921445 and you see just the co wrath damage Krunk took from Arngrum. Those three, dismember, massacre, mangle. Fighting you and Elanya at the same time and Argngrum doesn't have sanc up.

So, 14 hits, strongest of MANGLE (no sanc) and EVIS (vuln through sanc) vs. 21 co wrath only weakest of MASSACRE, strongest of ANNIH.

I could prove that Krunk didn't "flee/quaff any time I even showed up in the same area", but that isn't worth it... What I can prove is that my strongest hits were equal to your weakest hits and I didn't get as many hits in, so... would you fight Arngrum if you were Krunk? Would you even try? If your answer is anything other than no, you are deluding yourself.

I'm not going to comment on the looting thing other than to say no comment.
106315, RE: My logs do not bear any of this out....
Posted by Darkmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You only prove my point here Krunk, the only time you did non caps damage was using a poison weapon, and well since dwarves resist poison this just wasnt real smart on your part, and you fail to show all the big damage I took from any face eating. As far as you flee/quaffing we both know this is true, so you can imply all you want that is isnt, you sir are the one deluding yourself, or else you have doctored your logs, because there would be alot more damage from me attacking you on sight if it wasnt.

p.s. Arny actually did die to an orc, who wasnt afraid to bash and won the RNG gamble, but well you just never even bothered to fight.
106319, RE: My logs do not bear any of this out....
Posted by KrunkTheOrc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You only prove my point here Krunk, the only time you did non
>caps damage was using a poison weapon:

20120202155020:Your black light MUTILATES Arngrum!
20120202165117:Your black light MUTILATES Arngrum!
20120206180047:Your surge of water EVISCERATES Arngrum!
20120206180047:Your surge of water MUTILATES Arngrum!
20120210100710:Your rush EVISCERATES Arngrum!
20120210100710:Your pierce MUTILATES Arngrum!

6 of 11 strikes are caps damage

20120202155020:Your black light devastates Arngrum!
20120206180047:Your surge of water maims Arngrum!
20120206180047:Your surge of water devastates Arngrum!

3 of 11 are non-caps, 2 of 3 of those are a vuln.

20120210100710:Your vicious attack decimates Arngrum!
20120210100710:Your poisonous bite devastates Arngrum!

1 cheap shot, 1 poisonous bite non-cap damage.

>and well since dwarves
>resist poison this just wasnt real smart on your part

Krunk stupid orc wit lots weapons, not cans grab right one all times for all fights when fights lots different enemy at once... Uhh.. duh..

>, and you
>fail to show all the big damage I took from any face eating.

I failed to show it because there isn't any. My logs are better than your memory, of that I am certain. I would offer to post every fight against you, but they just aren't that interesting. Krunk loses half his hp to a couple of wraths and then runs away... the end.

>As far as you flee/quaffing we both know this is true, so you
>can imply all you want that is isnt, you sir are the one
>deluding yourself,

flee/quaffing when you attacked, sure. Quaffing when you were in the area with no engagement, no. Finding somewhere else to be, absolutely. Especially since chances were, if you were in the area, so was another Krunk enemy.

> or else you have doctored your logs,
>because there would be alot more damage from me attacking you
>on sight if it wasnt.

I didn't include all the damage you did. I included *just* co wrath damage. Meaning there is a lot more damage. So not only did you get more wraths in than Krunk gots hits of any kind, there is also all the non-wrath damage out there.

>p.s. Arny actually did die to an orc, who wasnt afraid to bash
>and won the RNG gamble, but well you just never even bothered
>to fight.

Maybe you did, maybe Krunk could have defeated you by spamming bash and getting lucky, but given that just your co wrath damage (ignoring all regular hits and shield jabs) was more damage than Krunk's very best hits and there were more of then, I honestly can't see how.

All I was trying to do was offer some advice on how to be more effective, but you seem to think that instead people should line up to die. So be it, but my character's aren't likely to join up in that queue.
106304, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Arngrum the Champion of the Tempest, Helmsman
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was an Arnglum fan, but reading this thread I can't help but think "Man this guy thinks he's a lot cooler than I thought he was." Which, hey, it's not a terrible thing to be your own biggest fan.

FWIW, you both killed and were killed more than you thought. (Shameless plug) See the highlights in your PBF!
106307, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Arngrum the Champion of the Tempest, Helmsman
Posted by Darkmage on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I get the same comment from you in all my threads Daev, its becoming almost like sunrise and sunset for me, just something that I know will happen and pay little attention to. As far as that goes however, theres a reason I have never made a Daevryn follower in ten years of playing CF, yep your it.
106312, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Arngrum the Champion of the Tempest, Helmsman
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah I don't even know what else you've played. That's funny.
106308, I was really bummed out to hear about this.
Posted by Laesron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had everything going for you (poor Elanya is rolling over in her orphanage now).

I did get the sense that, like me, you're having difficulty being on the overwhelmingly dominant side. It's not something I'm used to. I find myself taking risks I normally wouldn't just because that one evil in range deserves for me to put myself at a disadvantage.

Was a giant fan of Arngrum though. And me and you together were really really deadly.

PS I got MARAN the morning before you deleted. You should have noticed since you were logged on just afterwards heh.
106317, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Arngrum the Champion of the Tempest, Helmsman
Posted by Ghafler on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Im sorry that you felt that way after we attacked...but it was in the best interest of the balance so what was done was done... With that being said i did not think it was out of line for you to hunt us, an enemy is an enemy but do not take anything we do personal because i believe i tried to explain to you that balance is fragile and tips often and that soon enough we would most likely be fighting darkness which is starting to gain more power. As far as knocking nexus you should try having all enemies and limited ic friends, makes for interesting times, which puts us in a hard spot when we decide to attack fortress or empire or whoever is in power just means the strongest force in thera has become your enemy.
106333, Actually, Foratha droped all the weapons you gave her int he same room you were.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:) Couldn't accept "help" from a paladin, let a one a dwarf paladin that had just killed her. :P