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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [SCION] Obregon the Spark of the Skies, Chancellor of Eternal Night
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=104851
104851, (CON LOSS) [SCION] Obregon the Spark of the Skies, Chancellor of Eternal Night
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Dec 7 16:35:13 2011

At 7 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of the Grand Struggle
on the Theran calendar Obregon perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
104897, So close so many times
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not gonna lie, air shifters are the most annoyuing fight for me as a villager because of stupid fly letting you get out of so many bad situations.

There was a bet from Ysal and Thror to myself and some dwarven villager about what is better, a svirf or a dwarf and the challenge was to kill you. I got so close on a couple of times but that darned Behir would just dodge or deflect the killing pincer, you would flap away heal and finish me off. Or I would thirst at the onset and the behir would avoid/deflect everything and you would kill me outright.

You were tough and I was looking forward to a chance to possibly play on your side but I guess you had to go and con die (party foul)
104895, Liked the Character
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Obregon, though I don't think we ever RP'd all that much, alot due to the fact that Morin just didn't do that with enemies all that much, and you being in form a lot. You definitly deserved the quest form, and I wish I'd been around to see if you'd try it out on me. The only thing that I can say I didn't like about this character was that you actually IC/OOC told me that you wouldn't fight me 1v1. I think you called it pointless or something. Just came across as a bit more OOC than I would like, but overall it was ok. It did make that day in Azreth all the more sweeter for me, no way I was passing that up. Anyways. Great job.
104852, Thanks for Allllll the Fish. And Sparkles.
Posted by Treebeard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What a ride.

It's been harder and harder for me to think up good roles, the longer I play cf, and usually now the char I want to play comes first, and I build the role to support it. I think Obregon was the first of those to actually give me room to grow and evolve. I started in May, went through a lot of ups and downs, but truly enjoyed the whole ride. This would've happened in July, perhaps, without Neltouda. You were really, really fun to interact with, Captain. I failed miserably at your religion before, with Jolindar years ago, but I think I finally got it this time. It gives you so much room to be what you want, and yet be a part of something bigger. So thank you, above all else, for rescuing this char from mediocrity and making it one of my very best.

A lot of accomplishments: leader, tat, first quest form - thank you so much for the chance, Imms. I've always considered my chars to be spotty in the sense that they needed a lot of external influence to keep my RP level high, but I think this time (atleast while I was going strong and not making lowbies), I was able to RP for long periods of time with no "help". Thank you so much for the behir, and the faith you showed in me. You guys truly rock, and a special thanks to Rayihnn for making the end special. I really do want to try your religion sometime soon.

Air/offense Scion - yes, there are a LOT of times it can feel like CF on easy mode. The balancing factor is the amount of energy and RP you need to maintain to not get bored or lose focus. Your fights are not tactically very different - in a sense, you're a lot like a ranger or assassin using stealth. You catch people, and steamroll them. Or they gank you. The good part of having such a high power-potential char is that I never really held it against people when they ganked me.

But that's turned a little rambly, so some good bye's and we'll wrap this sucker.

Dvalgg - I had a great time running with you. It's hard to have friends as a big evil wizard, but you were a good peer to have before undeath. Obregon knew he would lose the sense of fellowship he felt (even if it was one-sided) when you transformed - but the hunger to see something new was infinitely worth it. Thanks for letting me be a part of it, and you've earned every bit of reward you've gained.

Rindros - I never regretted for a second asking to make you Advisor - your RP was the most consistent, sinister without being gross/cruel/overacted, and your concept all around was stellar. Including your little smartmouth familiar. Inducting Fjodir was not to piss you off, only to catch people off guard - but the other reasons are best left ic and dead. Wonderful job.

Tavlin - damn you for deleting and leaving me the hard work. I always enjoy interacting with you, Twist, and I've tried to model my mortals attitudes around yours. You make this game better. Thanks.

Fjodir - I had so much fun interacting with you, trying to talk you into my point of view, dealing with you after your interactions with Rindros, and ultimately inducting you. A very, very strong char that inspired people. If you were not the champion of man, you would've made a damn good Neltouda-ite. Great job - and you telling me mine was the strongest soul you ever had, well, that still made me a little excited even after over a decade of CF.

Zynzyn - Meant all the veiled complements I gave you. Standout RP and skill - you have a LOT of potential, so keep it going.

Villagers - Ohbehb, strong, competent, and fierce. I know how hard it is to play a Mino, having done Gondrak years and years ago, but you did very very well.
Taerg - scary. Well rp'd, a true mage killer. Enjoyed our tussles.
Tontik - you went from being meat to being a ####ing wrecking ball. Great evolution to watch, great job.
The rest of you - I'll always have a soft spot for Villagers, so good job.

Fortress - I don't want to detract from the fun fortie chars I interacted with like Maravon, but I found the RP from you guys to be consistently the toughest to deal with. Not that you didn't RP - quite the opposite. But I think with a great deal of Baer followers in power, it made it really tough to have even civil discussions. Vallilane, Eachainn - you both are incredibly skilled and present, but the only taste I was able to get from you was in group fights, and sometimes my annoyance as a player made it harder for me to find angles to RP with you. But good job.

Nexus - I love interacting with nexus. I think its easier as an evil, since you just accept that people have their own goals and move on. I love the cabal though, so well done all of you
Gdot, special place in my heart for you Miss Darkofe. I'm sorry you didn't get more respect (or maybe you did and I never saw it) - but you were just a fun "straight man" to my whimsical, slightly unholy and lecherous Obregon. Thank you for always being there.
Pug, not much on the interaction level, but loved what I saw.
Solec - good on ya for sticking things out. Thanks for the offer, back when. Another example of great char evolution
Allyssia - I also enjoyed our interactions immensely. I'm glad we never fought to the death, since it would've been my death.

I think I'll wrap 'er up here. Thank you so much to everyone, for everything. Hope no one felt like I singled you out from the skies too much. Except you Azalo, you were a cockwit of the highest degree :)

I'll respond to anyone who replies. Thank you all, again,
Treebeard, aka
Obregon, Brundlaer, Fulgrum, Thoric, Gondrak and so many more

104854, I always enjoyed Obregon.
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A complete class act every time we spoke, and always with that hint of something dark that I never really got to see all of. But then I saw you taking it to fort and villagers so often that I knew you were anything but a push over, even if you came across as nice to Allysia all the time.

Scions and nexus seem to get along extremely well, probably because scion is usually an underdog so it makes for lots of travelling time.

Not so sure I could have even phased you once you got the behir and the chancellorship if we ever fought though. :)

Well done on this one, hoping to see another one some time.
104858, My thanks, sirrah
Posted by Rindros on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you first asked me when I was going to rank up, I could tell that was what you were thinking, and what I said was true. It was tough to catch a break with the light in such enormous power at the time stonewalling ranking. I appreciate you putting your faith in me.

We never really got to interact that deeply, mostly just talking shop, though you were one to interact with my nightwalker more than anyone else. I am pretty happy with how he evolved, though you got a tiny bit more respect from him as the chancellor than anyone else does, if that is possible.

You made a lot of decisions regarding induction that I would not have made (and still would not, in some cases) but they turned out very well in the end, so I applaud you for that.
104860, Nothing but super-big kudos. An excellent, classy enemy. Well done. nt
Posted by Garwern1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
104864, If only you could have found the light!
Posted by Maravon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then you could be the Captain of the Fotress, but I guess Chancellor of the Chasm is good too! lol

Yes, the cleansing of evil to help them become good or cleanse the evil to have them be reincarnated as something "else". I find the latter quite boring compared to the former because it doesn't involve anything but mindless killing and crossing your fingers the "reincarnation" yields something not so evil. Oh no, I killed the orc and his soul came back as another orc! At the time, Maravon wanted to sculpt his foes into "goodness" by his own hand and prayer and not have chance be a factor. You would have been the only one ever to be reborn in the light throughout all my characters. When I got a tell from Marcatis about your reluctance I knew it wasn't going to happen but it was the highlight of the character. Skip all the huge gang 4 and 5v1 fights where I take everyone down. Just getting you redeemed would have been the real glory story. (and also something legendary i.e. kasty role)

Thanks for the fun, I had a blast too!
104866, Always a charmer.
Posted by Solec on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always liked Obregon. From our first interaction to our last. Thanks for the offer, I would have taken it had it been pressed further, but I'm glad it didn't.

I'm just upset we didn't get to travel a little more. Interact a little more.
104867, I had lots of plans of betraying you before Fjodir went all Scionic evil.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And when I was inducted I was like: Damn, now I'll never know how many charges he's worth. ;)

Then I managed to screw things up and we got stuck in that death-trap, was going to offer you to take *sniped out area-explore thingy* to survive and let myself die to prove my worth in the chasm, but when you attacked me I was like: Hell yeah! Now I'll know.

You were worth 9 charges. Best prior to that was Yubotexz with 7, Rindros at 6 and Miric at 5. A few days later I got Eleagra who was worth 9 as well.

I'm still mostly curious to how many charges I was worth before I lost the first unholy. I know I had like 100+ kills in a row with maybe 1 PK-death in between tops.

Anyways, great RP, that first talk we ever had was great! And Fjodir sure altered his truth a lot speaking to you then. In a sense it would've been interesting to join the scions with the conditions that I put up then, not raiding Fortress etc etc. Did you see that I had withdrawn my pledge? I thought leaders could see that. Of course Fjodir blamed Rindros, but I was certain that you knew. :P
104872, Few last thoughts, and an important goodbye I missed
Posted by Treebeard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Reksah, I should've included you near the top of my other post. You absolutely rock. Your RP is so eerie, its great. And you really, really push the intellectual aspect of Scion, which is really tough for a lot of people - even Obregon, but his role kinda permitted a lack of scholarly curiosity.

Which segways to...people I inducted. It's a really hard thing to do, Inducting in Scion, with such a strict limit. I've done battle and outlander before, but scion is definitely the toughest.

I tried to give people I thought deserved it a chance, but I can't stress enough how much work you have to do post-induction, and not just pk/retrieve. You really are under a microscope - applicants too.

Deliant, I thought your role was really cool. Too bad you auto'd.

Lamar, I'm really sorry I inducted you - you did nothing, and disappeared.

Ndamakun - I'm sorry I had to uninduct you. There was just too many shady reports against you, and I know you were trying, but it was making Obregon look bad.

Alashandru - what happened? you talked a huge talk, I gave you a shot, then you're gone. A shame, abs'd voker is a real game changer.

Melinda - advice. Stop being so pushy and full of entitlement. It might be a drow rp thing, but you don't deserve anything, you have to back it up - and not just with killing.

Anyway, thats about it folks. Tough to let go, but had to be done. Peace!

105760, RE: Few last thoughts, and an important goodbye I missed
Posted by Reksah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just looking through old characters I liked and see I forgot to respond to this. I liked Obregon, so much so that I never even put snarky mexican comments on your pfile :P

I thought you did pretty well overall. I was happy to encourage behir for you. Thought the lightning would be good with your religion.
105761, A City In Mexico - who knew?
Posted by Treebeard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess I should google super-cool sounding names first. I had a duergar rager back in the sylvan-village war days named Bardock, and I had no idea why I kept getting "dragonball" comments at me.

Thror even wrote one of his stories that mentioned Bardock, and seeing as I was all of 16 at the time, I thought that was pretty damn cool.

Rock on Reksah!
104875, RE: Thanks for Allllll the Fish. And Sparkles.
Posted by Argivo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very skilled, classy character -- it was fun to have you as an enemy.
Air/Behir might have balanced the scales during the fort upswing, but one vs one I felt kind of patheticized: you could literally ignore me while you were in form until done with your retrievals, and same goes for Fort raiding. My alts got a chance to speak with you, and were impressed with your style. Argivo, however, we had two interactions:

1. Unprepped Argivo vs your air form in Galadon (all without words, unspoken agreement). When you shifted into behir when we both were at convulsing to land the kill on me, I called in Garwern, who landed the one-hit kill on you.
By the time I arrived to pick up my things, you departed without a word to me.

2. You yelled at me "run little man!" when you pecked/blinded me at the altar while I was in process of healing up scourge et al from tangling with Eleagra/Tzar summon/bash, and I consistently ran away from fly-to.

I feel like you were a very classy skilled character, some of which I experienced on low level alts before I rolled Argivo, but there was no attempt to exchange words. A few times I sent you tells, but they were ignored, likely b/c you were fighting/busy. So, I feel like you gave up on interaction before I hit the scene.

Well done character, very lethal pker, and GLWYN!

104876, RE: Thanks for Allllll the Fish. And Sparkles.
Posted by Argivo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
P.S., I picked up your pbf.
104883, Thanks man
Posted by Treebeard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Meant to give you a shout out. It was a bad match up for you, usually, and I felt bad after talking smack. It just got frustrating, as a player, when you could feel other players going "Oh, I can't beat him, I better run".

You were a good maran. Human warriors are tougher at hero, but good job.
104879, RE: Thanks for Allllll the Fish. And Sparkles.
Posted by Tontik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
thanks for the compliment man, you were one tough dude, whenever you were on i knew if i was hurt you would fly down withing two seconds and rape my face...i know of atleast two times i got lucky and eyejabbed and ran for the hills, plus i also killed you after you got behir that was freaking sweet for me one of those cf moments where you want to high five your screen, but oh well i did not get to see you much lately school has been kicking my arse and its finals week but keep the good chars coming

104886, RE: Thanks for Allllll the Fish. And Sparkles.
Posted by Akedeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bah, no mention?!?

Our fights were pretty one sided at first, that quest forms breath attack was devastating and unable to be spellbaned. We only spoke a few brief times but every time (whether you had just bested me or I had caught you) you were a spot on evil scion. You were also very sporting and that can never be overlooked. Great job, roll up a villager!
104888, I do owe you a goodbye
Posted by Treebeard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For standing out amongst the arial zerkers. Its hard to get commander, I know, and that in itself is a great acomplishment. You get additional props for never (From what I saw) losing your cool in a non-ic way.

I got the evil warlord vibe from you. The "oh, they won't come out? well then salt their fields and dump #### in their wells, then let us see" kind of evil.

Well done sir.
104889, Great char as usual.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was weird to be on the same "team" as it seems like I'm always a giant sword and you a dwarf enemy (except when you played Gondrak and I played Droba and the roles were reversed).

Too bad our playtimes didn't match up more, but that may have been a good thing. The bitching would have probably been exponential if two chars with imm-rewards of our nature were around for extended periods of time together.

Good luck with the next! Your characters are generally great as far as I'm concerned.
104901, RE: Thanks for Allllll the Fish. And Sparkles.
Posted by Zynzyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Obregon from the perspective of an ally. You actually raged on my previous hero a little bit after dying, but I knew you must have had an off day or something, so I wasn't judging. I hope you come back to the dark side!
104985, RE: Thanks for Allllll the Fish. And Sparkles.
Posted by Neltouda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am very pleased that you came back to the ship for a second try, even if I had to lightly tempt you. Then again... I have no qualms about shamelessly trying to recruit quality followers. Obregon was a quality follower, and I am sorry I couldn't spend more time with you. Your title, tattoo etc was done pretty rushed, but you were deserving so I didn't want to prolong everything with the chance that our play times might not mesh for 100 hours :P. I really do enjoy evil followers with my religion. When I was thinking of my religion in terms of charismatic leadership... and after an internet search... I thought evil people could be like Charles Manson while Goodies would be more like the idealized JFK and neutrals sort of like the real JFK.

Come around the ship anytime in any form, maybe it will work out again.