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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [SCION] Fjodir Fjodirsson the Broken Claw of a Forgotten Black Cat
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=104787
104787, (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Fjodir Fjodirsson the Broken Claw of a Forgotten Black Cat
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Dec 6 04:14:13 2011

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Great Evil
on the Theran calendar Fjodir perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
104863, So long
Posted by Yubotexz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to get a chance to get you by surprise like I threatened but RL has been crippling me lately. Cool Cat.
104919, Yeah, I was expecting something from you.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I almost had you a few more times, but you were slippery as hell. :P
104848, RE: (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Fjodir Fjodirsson the Broken Claw of a Forgotten Black Cat
Posted by Rolas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried to give you an out as far as attacking you. If you had approached Amaranthe and she gave the thumbs up, I would have maybe even ranked with you. Because you refused I left it alone for a bit. However, when you hedged on using an unholy or not I just decided you were a liar and decided to hunt you. Good fights, and you were slippery as hell. For the record I think I would have had you on the river if Mergrim hadn't jumped in. :) Good character.
104849, Yeah, you had my number a lot of times!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That time in Galadon, I went into the sewers, prepped up, came in to try a sleep and see how I'd fare...

You RAPED me, 100% rape... That really hurt a lot and I got away with 1 or 5hps. ^^ Thank god I wasn't bleeding.

I barely scratched you and you hit me for caps damage through ABS. Was a very painful experience, avoided you like the plague after that until I had built up another 30-40 charges and gotten better gear. But then our times didn't mesh too well. Not until the last couple of login we meshed, and then I got a bash chance on you, and took it. I was certain you'd be worth more charges. :( hehe
104804, You rocked
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every AP I met at any level with Ganicus was barely even a minor speed bump except for you. We had a couple of really epic fights and everytime I knew I would have to push the thirst button to keep it even and I knew you would switch into tactics to take advantage of that the second I did it. That fight in dagdan where you were able to heal up and come at me multiple times because I couldn't get past all the little mobs I was really nervous.

I liked both Fjo and Durzunt and had even rolled something up to be on the same side interaction wise but now you is dead and gone :(
104809, I just kept being unlucky fighting you!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everytime I seemed to get the upperhand my protections droped, multiple DBs hit at the same time, bloodlust fell, or lag hit me. (I had some HUGE lag-issues for 90% of Fjodir's life time.)

Ooh well, we'll see if I get the itch again. Silent Tower beckons!
104803, You were one of my least favorite to interact with but.
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is because i always seemed to make fjodir angry. I liked your character a lot besides that. I dont think we talked longer than five minutes before you started ignoring me. Was I asking bothering you or was it RP based?

Anyways good luck with your next
104808, Holy crap? Who were you?!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no idea who you played? I slaped you with ignore more than once? I only ever remember ignoring Funnyone and Garwern. *cough*

There were a few conversations I had with people that I just got tired off. Oooh were you that (possible) outlander shifter that I asked a few times to level with? I THINK I threw an ignore that way due to that shifter just looping the conversation around in an endless discussion that I just got tired of. ;)

I'd like to think the ignores I put up aren't baseless, so I'll assume that in this case too. ;) heh

(I really did think I remembered anyone I put ignore on. heh)
104814, Well I played....
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sasaek until i deleted two days ago. No chance of me bringing her back but yes. It happened either once or twice. but its fine I always feel like i annoy everyone so i take me getting ignored as a time to pull back with the talking.
104815, Aah yes, now I remember!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry about that, that one wasn't really warranted. I was tired and annoyed with RL stuff at the time, you weren't the only one ingame I took it out on.
104819, As i said it is fine just stopped me from talking to you as much in the future. nt
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
104789, Thank you for the souls and goodbye.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
<523/673 440/697 1286/1311><PROTECTED civilized><9 AM><indoor><resting><full><24900tnlvl>
Your aging body finally gives out on you.

You turn into a ghost for an hour.
You can quit at anytime to speed the process along.

<562/698 488/712 1311/1286><PROTECTED civilized><10 AM><indoor><resting><full><24900tnlvl> l
Upper Hall of the Brotherhood of the Abyss
This grim hall of carved sandstone and tall windows of smoked glass is
decorated with the tools of torture, destruction, and sorcerous blasphemy
utilized by the Brotherhood's membership. The blind eyes of massive stone
faces--from demonic to tormented--gaze into the heart of the chamber from
where they loom at the surrounding walls. Stairs at the edge of the hall lead
down. A large wooden door to the east leads to a training hall for those
new to the guild. To the west a door has been chained and locked tight.

The peaceful, dignified remains of Fjodir lie here, their final resting place.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
An ominous figure clad in hides and steel reclines in the shadows.

<562/698 488/712 1311/1286><PROTECTED civilized><10 AM><indoor><resting><full><24900tnlvl> l i corpse
The corpse of Fjodir contains:
28 silver coins

<562/698 488/712 1311/1286><PROTECTED civilized><10 AM><indoor><resting><full><24900tnlvl> l
Upper Hall of the Brotherhood of the Abyss
This grim hall of carved sandstone and tall windows of smoked glass is
decorated with the tools of torture, destruction, and sorcerous blasphemy
utilized by the Brotherhood's membership. The blind eyes of massive stone
faces--from demonic to tormented--gaze into the heart of the chamber from
where they loom at the surrounding walls. Stairs at the edge of the hall lead
down. A large wooden door to the east leads to a training hall for those
new to the guild. To the west a door has been chained and locked tight.

The peaceful, dignified remains of Fjodir lie here, their final resting place.
A commoner of Hamsah Mu'tazz stands here wrapped in colorful clothes.
An ominous figure clad in hides and steel reclines in the shadows.

Okay, I have just loved this run. It has been SO much fun. I returned to CF in June (I think) after a 6 month long hiatus and decided to roll up this AP with a role I wrote 3 years ago or so but realized that I just couldn't pull off due to too bad RP and too bad PK ability. I decided to screw the PK-part of it and just go 100% for the RP. The role basically was this messed up kid who had been training to become a Paladin like his step-father, but saw so much #### from evils, neutrals and gods not stepping in to help the good that he decided that another take on the war against darkness was needed, but he also had a vision. A vision. This char could have gone 2 ways in the end, either he could have been looking for redemption realizing his quest had failed or he could join the darkness at full force (Only scion viable for that) and the thought was that redemption or scion, my goal was that the character growth would be around 250-300 hours before I made a move about it. For about 180-200 hours (I can't remember exactly now) I went 100% for the RPing out my role. Somewhere there things were going really really well and I was getting bored (I was at lvl 40) and I got an interaction with the Chancellor, and I was offered a place at the Chasm, here the powergamer of me got overexcited and decided to push my role a bit quicker and I pledged to the Scions, I didn't see the chancellor for a while after that for induction and I think 20ish hours went by as a pledge, then I realized how stupid I was and being all powergamey and I revoked my pledge. You will see all this in my role later too. I kept trucking, lost my weapon twice, and got it back twice. And the things Fjodir experienced in terms of interactions kept pushing him towards the Scion path. After 320(?)ish hours Fjodir met with Obregon again, and was once again asked if he wanted to join the Chasm, this was the cataclyst and I was inducted. Got an interaction with Reksah after that basically saying they were keeping an eye on me. (After all, I had killed the advisor 3 times I think, and quite a few other Scion members.)

Losing my weapon and getting it back, I don't think this affects any of the currente chars involved really so here it goes:
I lost my first weapon with around 125 charges to Eleagra and Y-something firegiant warrior. It ended up in the hands of Enlilth who came to taunt me with it. The interaction there fitted Fjodir perfectly and it all ended up with Fjodir getting a quest to have his weapon returned, I think it took 10-20 hours(?) before I got it returned, this also speed up the move to scion-path. In those 10-20 hours I gathered I think 10 charges from scratch.

Not sure how much later I lost my weapon again to Puhguly, (sucked real bad since I was trying to get off an RP-cataclyst but it backfired) but it all ended up really cool with Rayihn coming down to RP with Gdot, Puhguly and myself. Rayihn ended up with the weapon that now had around 135-140 charges. I got a quest to kill 5 different villagers OR the drillmaster + commander. I ended up gathering totally 15 charges I think in that period and totally 20 kills, out of 6 were villagers. I nearly got Akedeh (That was an awesome fight in the cave). So, once that was done I got a second quest from Rayihn before she'd return my mace, which I completed and got it back. Of course on the way I had lost all the charges I had gathered, but starting out with 135-140 charges again was fun.

I had HUGE problems leveling up Fjodir, I think I was at 70ish hours at lvl 25, and 100ish hours at lvl 36. The talk about me waiting to join scion until I had certain edges are hilarious. Anti-hero edge I got at lvl 25, it's super cheap, just some requirements. I also had champion of man, that was a reward from a global imm-quest. The imm first said that he wanted to give it to me, and asked if I knew what it meant, I responded: Hell yeah! I want that! My char is gunning for that edge! Which I was, Fjodir distrusted the immortals and didn't believe them to be real gods. But man! That edge is... A HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS! After that I could NEVER EVER use a healer again. Picking up no_drop cursed items sucked ass, needed to find a player healer to uncurse it (and sometimes helping communes from player healers just outright failed on me), at one point I ran around wearing cursed items that sucked ass just because there were none to uncurse it for 50 hours of gametime. I got this edge at lvl 36 I think, or 35. The thing is I didn't start to fight goodie shamans/healers/paladins until I was lvl 51 and had around 300 hours of gametime. So the benefits of this edge was nearly useless to me for the first 200 hours I had it. Anti-hero was nice though, helped me a lot with lvling. Both those edges were pretty much RP-reasons only, but anti-hero as I said, really helped me a bunch with lvling when it was needed. I killed my first goodie at lvl 40 I think, was a Paladin that kept attacking me, and the last time he did I thought I'd give him a single bash and bring him down low so he'd get the idea that I could kill him super easily. 1 bash... And poof, elf paladin died. After that it took around 100-150 hours until I killed another goodie. Goodie mobs it took me a long time to start killing too, even neutral mobs I was reluctant to kill.

You will have to read the role, check the timelines etc etc etc to see that this really was a 100% RP-effort (sorry, 95% due to my little misshap with pleding scion and revoking it) from me. I could have pursued a lot more kills, played a lot more conservative, but I didn't. That's not me and that wasn't Fjodir. (He was sphere courage.) Ooh, make that 90%, since ST openend that has come before everything else, I just love exploring ST. (I hope whomever found my stuff in the Hamsah pit after I disconnected in there today enjoys the awesome stuff I was carrying.)

I lost my last weapon yesterday to outlanders, a very well planned trap. I knew at least 1 of them were on, but with the kind of power and invisbility Fjodir felt there was almost never a reason not to at least attempt a retreival. (Only time I didn't attempt retreieve I think was against fortress bard, ranger, paladin, invoker, warrior, thief... I wonder why ^^)

I'm sorry for the people I had to betray due to RP reasons: Rindros, Yubotexz, Rourk, Shudo and that necromancer at lvl 40 that helped me a level a lot. It felt ####ty, and I tried to play Fjodir to let others have fun with him too, I doubt either of you did except maybe Rindros and Rourk to a small extent.

Role contest reward: Barrier spell. I won it at lvl 36, the spell is lvl 40. So, I powered away to lvl 40. (I was around 90-100 hours when I started lvling from 36, PBF will show how many hours I level sat at 40.)

I think I had at most 185 charges on my weapon when I lost it to Rasst and that shifter, and I think I totally had around 190-195 chargs gathered. I got all the controls which I was happy with. I THINK I had around 150-170 kills, and I believe 130-140 of those were evils. (I think I killed a bunch of neutral people thinking they were evils. I know a few villagers let Fjodir think they were evil so that he'd fight them, because he just ran away from all villagers that weren't evil for the first part of his life.)

In general, thanks for an awesome game, with awesome envoirments, interactions, questions, quests, classes, races etc! I keep telling myself this will be my last char, and it never seem to be... Addiction ftw.

Reksah: Thanks for the role-contest reward, and the very nice interaction after the induction. I assure you it had nothing to do with powergaming.

Enlilth: Awesome interactions as usual! I didn't really care if I got my weapon back or not, was just having a blast with those interactions and the character growth. I basically expected you to pop out and eat my weapon every single time I loged on after you gave it back.

Rayihn: I have always liked interacting with you, and I must say that I think I prefer the Rayihn char over Baer and Mergulla. But my favorite of yours is the one I showed the wet-lips to the first time. ;) Great interactions, and that quest you and Puhguly gave me wasn't as easy as it seems. Since Fjodir didn't want to gank if he could help it. Only thing I didn't get was your comment once about Puhguly helping me a bunch? I don't think he was involved with any of my kills, but I did call him for help once, and then right after asked him to back off, and then I promptly died to the villager. hehe And a HUGE thank you for comming up with the idea of bringing ST back! Now I need to hero something real fast to explore more! MORE MORE MORE!

Whysidan: You freaked me out twice! First when you popped up through the Inn floor when I was resting there and then when you popped down after I killed that AP north of Udgaard. Was a bit stressed out since I needed to logout and I was afraid of Rindros nightgaunts, would've wanted to give you a better interaction. I think I'll be rolling up a follower soon enough.

In general I experienced a lot of great RPing and a lot of great chars. I think I got full looted three times, once when I was super decked at lvl 25 (I even had stoneform!!!) and then twice at lvl 29. After that I basically had the same gear and didn't die again until 100ish hours later at lvl 40 to the hunt.

Empire: I didn't get much interactions out from you guys, it was mostly Eleagra that I got something out of, which was good. (I'm pretty sure I know who this player are. heh)

Scion: A lot of nice RPing chars here. Obregon, Rindros, Zynzyn and the two lvl sitting conjurers begning with B and N (can't remember yourn names)
Rindros, I know who you are, and we don't get along very well from time to time. But this is a great char of yours.
Obregon, you're awesome! I felt a lot of evil vibe from you prior to I join the scions, a bit less once I joined in though. Lots of nice RPing and great PKing.
Zynzyn, can't say too much about you and you know why. Just THANK YOU! Kickass RP and you seem to know your PKing. I have a few theories of whom you might be, basically two different players I can think of, both whom I like.

Nexun: Fjodir disliked the Nexuns really, but he had to have some allies, and you guys were the natural choice as some of you considered him neutral for parts of his life. I got awesome interactions, great help and a lot of fun out of you guys. so many names to mention so I'll just mention a few...
Niding, Gdot, Puhguly, Solec, you guys helped me so much, awesome stuff. Thank you!

Tribunal: Well, didn't interact that much with you all. Had some nice talks with you Yantha.

Outlanders: Ilianthia... I can't say too much, as you are still active. But you have played a HUGE role in Fjodir's role. A shame we didn't get play more of it out, I'd love to see how your char develops now, I'd like to think that I did an imprint. :)
Rolas, Fjodir early on marked you as hunted due to your relentless in hunting him. We had some nice talks, a shame we never got to interact again after Fjodir joining Scions.
Rasst, NICE trap! Can't believe I screwed up so badly as in misstyping hold orb. ROFL

Village: Tontik, you could have taken my weapon twice I think, but you never ever touched my corpse, and I saw you leave other corpses untouched too. Anyways, you're a beast! Awesome fights, so happy I finally got you once though. But man wth were you doing? You could've gotten me that time too!
Akedeh, you're a beast too. Just so odd that the fights would fluctate so much. I prepped up the same, and one time you'd end up convulsing running and I had 1000+hps left and the next I'd run with 150hps left. (Once I did get away with 1hps, managed to eat some pills before the tick with bleeding came. heh)
Boggom, you seem like a standup guy too. Great fights, you're getting tougher!

Fortress: You guys just didn't seem to know what to do with Fjodir. Most of you avoided hunting Fjodir for the most part of his life, except for Garwern and to some extent Eachainn, then there came some new fort blood that Fjodir didn't have a history with that started hunting him, that also pushed him more towards the Scions. (A shame not all of you were like Vallinane and the acolytes, if all had acted like that Fjodir would've gone for redemption instead. That would've been interesting!)
Vallinane, you're awesome! But you knew that betrayal were coming. I'm glad it failed in a sense, but man did I want to get you after that!
Eachainn, I had it as a quest to kill you, but you were so damned hard to get. And do I hate iceneedles or what? -45str after that runin... Just sick!
Caerdryn, Fjodir felt as if you were a kindred spirit, until you got back into the fortress (At least Fjodir thought that you did.) loved our talks, was looking forward to more fights as well, I knew I'd be able to steamroll you the first time we met, and I knew I had to get that kill, because our next fight would be a lot harder as you'd know how I'd fight. But there wasn't a second fight. Keep it up dude!
Argivo, we've had a bunch of nice talks as well. How close were that last fight we had? Must've been real close.

I'm missing a whole lot of names here, but if you write, I'll respond. Thanks to everyone for making CF what it is!

Ooh, side note, my age-death was a semi-mistake, I was contemplating on age-dying myself with +age gear, so gathered a bunch today. Then I decided I wanted to explore more stuff in the Silent Tower... Went in, checked a few things out, manged to die in there. Sat in my guild waiting for armor to return, did a wear all when it did, realized a bit too late I THOUGHT, I could've just removed it all before the tick happened apparently, (I did not know this) and I age-died on the tick. I prolly would've lasted to 400 hours instead of 377. So this wasn't a true age-death. :( *SNIFF* Still haven't really age-died a char on CF...
104792, I knew you said you were old, but I didn't know you were that old.
Posted by Ilianthia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After our last talk, and I had seen you become what I feared was the true Fjodir, I was beginning to modify my character's rp again in a vain attempt to win you back to an altruistic view. The main reason I hadn't logged on since then was I didn't have my role update ready.

Fjodir was great.

"You make me sad. Come, Patsy."
104813, Well, I'll write a bunch in your goodbye when that comes.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your char is awesome! :D
104793, Ahhh
Posted by Donderston on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, when you lost that unholy I felt like a really bad Nexun. I'm not good with the grey areas. Probably should have offered my help sooner and then also realized what was going on when you didn't reply. At least ran in there to put a hurting on someone.

I felt really bad. When you logged I thought you might be deleting and I was all 'what have I done?'. Glad you didn't, but sorry to see the age death anyway.

Would have complied with your simple request either way though. Hope you got some use out of that before dying.

Anyway amazing job overall. You had some significant effect on almost every cabal. I didn't see you that often, but you definitely had a lot of other people on the Island confused at times too.
104812, It's cool dude, Fjodir wouldn't really ask for help....
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... unless the odds were overwhelming. And Fjodir figured that a lone ranger and POSSIBLY (he didn't know for sure about the shifter) a shifter wouldn't be that much of a threat, and he knew he had a way out. (Here you can feel free to shoot me for misstyping and forgetting the steal sight edge.)

We didn't interact much, you being a Nexun protected you from me taking your soul. I got the understanding that if I were to get my weapon back a part of the deal would be no hunting nexuns. Eventually Fjodir would've broken that promise too. But now it never happened.
104869, Indeed
Posted by Vokharin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was my scion impression btw! You were accounted for in the 'plan' and we were shocked when you never turned up. Would have been very interesting.
104794, RE: Thank you for the souls and goodbye.
Posted by That Shifter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If the plan worked and it did and you die, don't give ALL the credit to Rasst despite it being his plan. I played my part well in the prep and the punishment. Try and at least remember my name, heehee.

You took it very well though, that has to be said.
104807, Vahkrin? Vohkrin?
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suck at names if they're longer than 5 letters. hehe

Yeah, the thing is I had 2 chances to get out, and I blew both... 1 due to misspell, the other, no idea how I missed that.

+ I could just have blinded either of you and used the orb. (Steal sight for the win.) But I had been sleeping 4 hours in 48 hours (son and wife had to take an ambulance to the hospital, then the next evening our dog ran away so was out looking for him.)

Once again CF teaches me not to play when low on food, sleep, and/or drunk. ^^

(My son is fine btw.)
104868, No worries, glad the boy is ok.
Posted by Vokharin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
They do scare the crap out of you with things like that. Had a similar experience when my little boy was rushed off in an ambulance with the wife when he had breathing difficulties. They called ahead to get the crash team ready and that is not what you want to hear being the one left to follow on in the car. By the time he got there, he was alright, they were amazed at how quickly he bounced back, bloody kidz!

Anyway, I may post the log from my pov when I die but it was a real A-team moment when Rasst had a plan and it literaly came together.

Interacted with you a few times with different characters and your previous incarnations too and always, always enjoyed them.

Top player, without a doubt.
104796, To be perfectly honest
Posted by Rindros on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Keep in mind that this is entirely from my perspective. I understand that this was a well RPed character from all the stuff on the forums so do not take it as me saying your char was bad, and I did not know who the player was either or you would have gotten a grain of salt. My perspective, however, was almost entirely negative as a result of your pledge time. You really redeemed yourself as a cool char during your short time in scion, and I was almost ready to trust you after hearing you lost your weapon retrieving.

pre pledge: I really didn't know your character at all. We had been fighting a bit, which was fun, and you got me once when I had no idea you were nearby. Removed my shield right as you attacked and everything. Lots of near kills you barely escaped, like Udgaard or Eastern with the orc. The latter my demon was very angry with me and only actually attacked when you were below 50%. I didn't like how you seemed to log off a lot when you saw me on, but everyone always thinks people are logging off because of them so I didn't let it bother me. All in all a neutral experience.

pledge: Your betrayal of me in Dra'Melkur seemed entirely RPless powergaming, since you did no true RPing before hand, mostly just begging high charge scions to let you kill them for my quest. Side note: the stars aligned for you again here, since the area had JUST reset before you slept me, and it prevented me from getting away. If I was not worth so many charges I would have been less inclined to this of this as powergaming, so that that as you will. You did not betray me when you had a 100% chance of killing me in Aran'Gird, which made your betrayal all the more jarring and incongruent with your previous behavior (again, from my perspective). At this point I still had no idea what your role was, and I had a horrible taste in my mouth.

scion: This was a big surprise. You had never even come into the same area as me after you betrayed me, and you never had the slightest problem fighting off the gaunts. Suffice it to say, I was planning to make your life very, very hard, and kick you the moment you deviated from Reksah's exact words in the note. I had though you made a deal with Reksah, however, so I was not prepared to push the envelope too hard early on, and the phrasing of the note also piqued Rindros' knowledge hungry interest. There are other things that I will not mention as they involve others.

So in a vacuum, knowing nothing from Dios, I would have to say this was not a character I found interesting at all, and even bad, to be honest. However, the stuff I read on dios, and now this death thread, tells me that this was a great character that I simply did not get to experience.
104802, Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When we were in Aran'Gird was during the point I had my little powergame "relapse" and I was a pledge. In Dra'Melkur I had revoked my pledge, you'll see the role update.

But I can understand to 100% why you didn't see anything positive from Fjodir. It was odd though, I did go look for you a bunch. + I found one of your conjuring spots and nearly had you there. (First time I failed sleep, second time I used the wrong alias and did "bash none" instead of "bash Rindros".

But I can totally see that.

The login in and out, I have had some serious connection issues. This started already at lvl 25 or so, so it has been consistent Fjodir's entire life up until the IP change. (odd as I was 100% sure it was on my side.) I even had the same problem with Durzunt that I had during Fjodir's early years.

It's a shame you didn't get to RP any with me, as I got a good feeling from your RP. I think we would've meshed quite well.
104797, You're such an asset to the game
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just love how nice you are and how you like everyone and how you roll with the punches, never let it get you down, and never dissolve into bitterness or complaints. It really makes you, in my opinion, one of our top players.

You did good with this one, though once you joined Scion I had plans to take your title + antihero edge away. I thought it would only be fitting as you delved deeper into darkness.

I liked the role, it was exactly the sort of thing I had in mind when I came up with the antihero edge. So awesome that you took something like that and ran with it successfully.

As far as the quest goes - you may have thought killing 5 battle was a serious challenge, but I thought it was kind of a softball for the Puhg. That's all I meant with that comment. The add on - I figured Rayihn would charge some interest for holding onto such a prized possession, and I laughed with what you came up with for it - so perfect.

Good luck on your next and everything else.

104811, So much for me thinking you never like my chars. ;)
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For some reason, I don't know why really, I've always thought you never liked my chars except for Kreo. *wink wink* :P

Thanks, for the quest, the interactions and the kind words.

Yeah, I was waiting for the edge to disapear, and the title to change somewhat, as the cat now was more than forgotten and the claw was, well, erradicated. ;)

Yeah, after you asked me for something unique and beautiful fitting for you I sat in my guild for a long time thinking. (Well, long and long, maybe 30-45 minutes) Before I remembered the "kiss". ;) And almost fell of my chair laughing and decided to go for it even if I knew it would make it 100% obvious who played the char, which I suspected many already knew.

I will never forget sending an Imms mortal char an ooc tell saying: I don't want to have mudsex.
(Or something along those lines.) hahahaha :D
104821, RE: So much for me thinking you never like my chars. ;)
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like your chars more if you played more goodies and less stinky imperials/evils.

And yeah, I was looking at Shar's goodbye thread today and chuckling. I already knew who you were but that really cemented it.
104829, I agree that it was soft to ask him with the villager killing.
Posted by Puhguly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I love the idea of a juiced ap roaming around, or a super scary mummy/lich or some sort of powerhouse. Plus, it got villagers dead so win win.
104798, Hat off to you, sir
Posted by Masardu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Love the interaction with you. We had a nice RP session going on. I do not think we traveled together. I always expected a betrayal from the Scions. Did not trust them much.

I really liked your char. I hope to see you around when I get some time to make my next char.

104816, When you ran around with an unholy...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
.... I was just looking for a shot of killing you. Had a thief inform me that you were holding someones unholy weapon. (A sword of darkness I think.) I really tried to engineer a setting where I'd be 100% sure of getting the kill, I should've just went for it. hehe
104799, RE: Thank you for the souls and goodbye.
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really didn't care much for this char at level 20. It wasn't until much later I started watching Fjodir, but once I did I knew I'd find a way to interact with you. Extremely fun interactions. Solid believable character. Just an outstanding effort overall. Thank you for sharing Fjodir with the game.

My hands-down favorite moment in game land in the last year.

Fjodir says 'Do I spite my creed for the will of my arm?'
104810, Thanks.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just loved that interaction, and thanks a lot for the gechoes, was awesome stuff. I had a lot of fun RPing with my arm after losing the weapon the first time. I missed it a lot when Fjodir developed further into the madness/duability.

You're always a blast to RP with.

I just love immteractions, always makes me feel that ANYTHING can happen in CF, and I felt like I might miss out on that a lot due to the champion of man edge. I usually always follow a religion and sit on a shrine to pray and RP.

For Fjodir's development losing my weapon was the best thing that could have happened. It threw him at a turning point, as we discussed quite clearly my options.

Seek redemption
Retirement (Wasn't an option really.)
Do ANYTHING to have it back.

Had the fortress acted differently towards me the first 200ish hours, Fjodir would've gone for Redemption, considering his quest failed. Not sure which path I would've enjoyed the most. But I did enjoy getting to use the final control. Always wanted to see that. heh
104800, good work man
Posted by Tontik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tontik, you could have taken my weapon twice I think, but you never ever touched my corpse, and I saw you leave other corpses untouched too. Anyways, you're a beast! Awesome fights, so happy I finally got you once though. But man wth were you doing? You could've gotten me that time too!

Man i remember hearing all the villagers talk about you decimating the range pre hero, then you ranked up and i just roflstommped you twice...And yes if you knew my char like others do i NEVER loot anything from anyone who did not loot it from me first, but oh well sometimes it works out really good for you.

and yeah that last death of me was me playing at work and hit what seemed to be a huge lag spike (in which i had entered 3 commands, the best part was 2 of those was missspelled) and I had you at writhing and I was at like 30% so I spammed some pincer (then inset lag spike) and come to find out i was not even wielding two axes....... Oh well sometimes everything works out great for you and you win a pk fight no matter you do and sometimes you just make 6 bonehead mistakes in a row and loose a fight you shoudl ahve won.....and WTF i was only worth one charge *sadface*


come back to the village :)
104818, You're a beast dude!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just couldn't find a way to kill you! And that kinda explains how I did manage to kill you later. I was SO shocked that you were only worth 1 charge. When I saw you hit convulsing I was like "Weeeehaaa! Time for a 10 chargers!" And... Poof, 1 charge. ^^

Stop dying so much! rofl At least to others than me.
104801, A+ on all levels man. Kudos. nt
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
104817, Thanks for the help in ST
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seem to know a bunch of stuff. A shame I screwed up with the +age gear stuff, I was going back in to try a bunch of new stuff.

Too bad I was too late to help you against Dvalygg that day, when you lost my gifts to you. Now he's even more decked out. (Not sure if he was to begin with though.)
104805, RE: Thank you for the souls and goodbye.
Posted by Garwern1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Excellent character. I didn't give you much of a chance for redemption as you were, in zealous Maran Garwern's eyes the ultimate evil. You'd given up and succumbed and embraced the darkness. Getting you 1v1 was very, very satisfying(even if you were just trying to get away and not really fight :p). I would have liked to actually clash with you head to head when you were playing to kill later.

Regardless, I enjoyed our talks. You bring a lot to the game.

The only thing I didn't like about Fjodir was when you dropped the ignore on me, as I was enjoying our back and forth.
104806, Yeah, I rarely drop the ignore but...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... I mostly did it becaues I was getting an aweful lot of tells taking a lot of flak and just didn't want to discuss the same stuff with you again over and over. ;) (I think I was pretty tired at the time too. heh)

You got me "in between weapons". hehe And yes, I was somewhat hoping that you'd be around for the whole whopping pally ass. 130ish damroll can do some nasty #### when you cut through sanc like butter, and get some nice critical hits. ;)
104820, Yessir... Well done.
Posted by Authenes on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were awesome to roll around with, I actually have seen you in action with a couple of chars and was hoping to get more RP between the new Scionic-Fjodir and the bardic wannabe-follower of the beast. Alas, it was not meant to be. I highly recommend you continue this method of playing excellent roles solely for the RP enjoyment, and throwing in the pk for your sugar and spice when you need it, because you specifically always seem to develop great chars this way.
104839, Thanks! And yes, I will.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I've only ever played 3 chars like this before.

Kreo (uncabaled evil chaotic thief that near his death went Empire.)
Zubi (Arial scion assassin, became advisor and slowly went insane.)
Ckath (Was meant to follow a god, but ended up being in alliance with Dispater from hell, emperor and dethroned.)

And now the 4th, Fjodir. All 4 were quite successful in their own ways. :)

I already have 2 new roles written down, but I think I'm going with a 3rd idea instead, though this one will be a lot more "simple" than Fjodir. I just can't make myself live through lvl 11-30 again as I did with Fjodir, SUCH A HUGE PAIN THAT YOU CANNOT BELEIVE IT! :D
104822, I totally regretted not being able to get a proper talk with you
Posted by MoetEtChandon / Illiandar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never just seem to happen to catch you at a time when I was able to, with Illiandar. Total shame.

Sorta compensated that with Polin, but then I deleted rather early. Had to do that, but I sadly missed out on Fjodir.

I totally knew you were Fjodir from a question you asked, but that's alright, I don't let that affect me. That said, I totally loved Arrna, and know you play quality chars, so I knew Fjodir was going to be fun.

104840, For some reason I'm easily spotted...
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... Earlier it was my "loggs" and other double spellings, that's gone now though. Am I being "too nice" as an evil? I really tried to be "anti"-me with Fjodir. :P
104847, I meant by what you were asking
Posted by MoetEtChandon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's sorta hard to avoid at times.
104823, I had zero interaction or connection to this character, but
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have a question about you getting the barrier spell. Were there any restrictions on how often you could use it? I know at one point (either you or someone else that maybe had it) mentioned that it is an expensive spell to cast; how much is expensive?

In your farewell post, you mention very little about barrier specifically; other than just observing you received it was a role contest reward and thanking whoever gave it to you. From your perspective, would you mind sharing with us the significance of having this spell as an AP at level 40 and ~100 hours?

I'm not trying to be a jerk or say this or that is overpowered. I'm just looking for some facts and your opinion.
104833, Barrier spell.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got it as a reward at lvl 36, I also got +1 con (I think I was at 13 or 14 con at the time from all my troubles lvling from 25-36.)

The spell was lvl 40 to use, so I lvled as fast as I could to 40 (Took forever still with my restrictions)
It costed 120mana which at lvl 40 pre-big-weapon was A LOT out of my 500ish mana pool. It had no restrictions, could recast at will. (Out of combat ofc) Luckily I had found my aura and shield which were in great locations at lvl 35 and 36 already.

Once I got my weapon built up I felt insanely overpowered at lvl 40. I got lightning control at lvl 40, and I hadn't lost a single charge. So I had at most 85-90 charges at lvl 40 with awesome gear + ABS. My problem was that I weren't that able to use stoneskin reliably due to either damnation/plague or poison. (I couldn't use healers so couldn't cure the plague/poison very well.)

So, once I got around 25 charges I felt super powerful since I basically always had ABS up. I did pick a few fights with only AS or only B up to keep people in combat longer.

At hero it wasn't that overpowered, I had several chances to hoard limited barrier wands and I've never had problems finding ABS sources. But at 40 it was awesome.
104824, 13 Curses Upon You!
Posted by Whiysdan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just kidding.

I watched you a lot, so I figured I'd pop in and see how you reacted a couple of times. You made watching you fun.

Good luck with whatever is next!

104841, Thanks! :)
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm hitting you up soon enough with a follower. Already have a role written for you that I thought of sitting in the Galadon guild with Fjodir. It might prove interesting, though I have something else to play first.
104825, RE: Thank you for the souls and goodbye.
Posted by Odrallag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great job. I don't think I ever got you, although I was very close a time or two. I also don't think you ever got me. Would have been nice to interact a bit more, considering everything going on with your character, but it wasn't really Odrallag's style to have chats with his enemies. In any case, GLWYN and see you in the fields!
104842, Yeah, not sure if I ever got you.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always mixed up you and Bolzhor. Was it him or you that I got in the Imperial throne room right after fortress had raided Empire?

You had me down to 1hps TWICE. You caught me once in Hamsah, I did a where, then I did zap self and where. Got hit by a lag spike. Next thing I see I wimpy out with 30hps or so and teleport, right after teleport I lost connection. I died from the teleport but I did get to see where I landed so that was fine. You were really tough, for some reasons Fjodir had a lot more trouble with villagers than I've EVER had before with any other char, and I usually play warriors. ^^
104859, RE: Yeah, not sure if I ever got you.
Posted by Odrallag on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah you did actually get me at the palace, now that I remember. I kind of thought you were going to leave me alone, how wrong was I? Haha. I knew I had you awful close, cursed RNG!!!
104827, RE: Thank you for the souls and goodbye.
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried to push you for redemption, but upon realizing the depths of your initial zealousness, I opted to take a step back and watch you from afar for my opportunity to change your mind. My manipulations and observations were insufficient, and I missed my chance.

I shake my fist at the ranger and AP who jumped on me while I was investigating the diseased camels. I might've stayed to fight both of you off if I wasnt critically low on mana.
104843, I remember the camels, but did I jump you?
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some imm were toying with me here, I was about to logout. I think someone else came in and jumped me? hehe
104853, RE: I remember the camels, but did I jump you?
Posted by Illanthos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a different AP. I could handily fight off the ranger without breaking a sweat, but with my supps falling and the other AP joining the fight, I didnt want to chance it.
104828, I just have to know...
Posted by Puhguly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What were you thinking picking that fight with me? Did you expect a cake walk? And how did you feel after I killed you?

The kill 5 villagers thing was super super easy, but I also really liked your character. I also tried to react to the whole attempted betrayal as I felt Puhguly would, not as a player. The initial player instinct was to sac your mace lol. I'm glad I opted for the route I did.

Great character all around, and I am really happy that you seemed to enjoy it as much as I did.

Oh, and if you have the log of me killing you in the room, could you post it? I don't log, though I prolly should with half the cool fights I've been in.
104832, Attacking you was purely a RP-choice.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had the whole deal going where my hand controlled half of my actions. (My hand/dark side of me) thirsting for souls, and I felt it was time to do something with the nexuns. I knew it would be a super hard fight. I was SO stressed out about Gdot being a ghost that I didn't dare to try more spells on you, so I attacked too early. Walking back in and trying to sleep you again at 450hps was just insanely stupid, but I felt I had to do it out of RP-reasons, bloodlusting, hand being in control etc.

I almost deleted after that because I felt so damned stupid trying that move. (Going back at 450hps that is.)

I'll see if I can dig up the log.
104830, We had the full-circle experience
Posted by Zynzyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We started with...

You yell 'Die, Fjodir, you sorcerous dog!'
Fjodir utters the words, 'grzzs'.
You manage to reflect Fjodir's spell back at him!
Fjodir's legs buckle, and he suddenly slumps to the ground and sleeps.

And ended doing some of the most interesting stuff the game has to offer. Fjodir was a great concept, and you executed it incredibly well. People were genuinely scared of this crazy, evil-hunting human AP who was relentless as hell and was such a BAMF he didn't even use healers! Holy crap! When does THAT happen?!

I'm glad we got to explore some, and it was as fun for me trying to re-learn things I'd forgotten as it was for you to experience them in the first place. As always, good show! See you again, hopefully soon.

Oh, I almost forgot! Look what happened the other day when we were fighting Boggom and Koul!

**I have about 270hp at this point...

Koul pushes Fjodir back into an awkward position.
Koul's misdirection MASSACRES Fjodir!
Fjodir is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.
Koul is gushing blood.

The tribal hunter's pierce misses Fjodir.
Koul dodges your infernal power.
Koul deflects your infernal power with his defensive spin.
Koul's searing light misses Fjodir.
Koul's claw MANGLES Fjodir!
Fjodir is DEAD!!
Koul is gushing blood.

On a Dark Winding Path

You flee from combat!

On a Dark Winding Path

A distraught young girl huddles up close against the megalith, trying
to sleep.

get flail corpse
You see no corpse here.

On a Dark Winding Path

On a Dark Winding Path

The corpse of Fjodir is here, badly sliced and hacked.
(Glowing) The glittering skin of the jazohul rests here, in perfect condition.
A flesh golem lumbers along, its eyes glowing a dim red in the night.
(WANTED) Koul is here.
A man dressed in desert colors scans the area for prey.

get flail corpse
A drake-scaled flail named, 'Crimson Slumber': you can't carry that much weight.

Koul's searing light MASSACRES a flesh golem!
Koul's claw DISMEMBERS a flesh golem!
Koul's claw MASSACRES a flesh golem!
Koul's searing light MASSACRES a flesh golem!

order all get flail corpse
Koul roughly grabs a flesh golem's wrist and pushes it back from the corpse!


Koul's searing light MANGLES a flesh golem!
Koul's searing light MASSACRES a flesh golem!
Koul's searing light MASSACRES a flesh golem!

Alas, you cannot go that way.

c weaken kou
Koul yells 'Die, Zynzyn, you sorcerous dog!'
With a wave of your hand, you visit the chill of the grave upon Koul.

Koul's searing light MASSACRES a flesh golem!
Koul's searing light MASSACRES a flesh golem!
Koul's claw MUTILATES a flesh golem!

Fjodir has arrived.

Fjodir gets a phylactery of free movement from the corpse of Fjodir.

Koul's searing light DISMEMBERS a flesh golem!
Koul's searing light MASSACRES a flesh golem!

c poison kou
Koul yells 'Die, Zynzyn, you sorcerous dog!'
Koul can no longer find the strength to wield the Scepter of Light.
You command the blood of Koul to rot, and he spasms with nausea.

Risking my tailfeathers for your damned weapon! What am I thinking?
104844, And at that point my weapon contained 0 charges. ^^
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks again though. And can't believe I changed my alias to sleep there. I just cured my blindness by blinding an ugruk hunter. I knew you were a Scion but for some reason I got the idea that volley was a spell that needed to be toggeled. ^^
104831, RE: Thank you for the souls and goodbye.
Posted by Prondul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was Prondul, he was the necromancer that you killed. If your gonna play backstabbing scum atleast remember the backstabee. After that moment your character, well to be frank was labelled quite the douche. I avoided you, ignored you, and mostly anybody you associated with with all my characters after that moment. I'm sure you had some reason for playing the way you did, but how about next time you make it bit more evident to the players and not justify it to yourself. I really think you played this character rather poorly, but thats just my point of view. Im sure you had loads of adoring fans.
104845, Sad that you saw it that way.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But you should've seen it coming. Why do you think Fjodir ALWAYS insisted on fighting evil mobs? We didn't ever kill a single goodie mob together. And when Ilianthia showed up on us, we could've killed her, instead I teleported right out every single time a goodie showed up, but if it were evils, I stayed and fought.

I took a fair amounts of risks around you, solo-RPing while you slept etc. But I can see that from your perspective there wasn't that much warning, as most of the time I disguised the "we kill evil mobs" with the idea that it was "safer" for us as a group etc.

Ooh well, can't make them all happy.
104873, My soul is my own, sir, as is yours.
Posted by Argivo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Argivo built a gravestone to the man Fjodir could have been on the day Fjodir confirmed membership into the Chasm. In Argivo's eyes, that man was dead before they ever met. Ironically, it wasn't too long after that Fjodir passed away in truth.

Every interaction Argivo ever had with you was awesome. I think you really highlighted an area in CF theology that might have been grey to a lot of people with a truly kick-ass character.

I'm REALLY, REALLY, REALLY interested to hear from you about what could have happened that WOULD have turned Fjodir towards redemption, especially that was under Fort control(pretty please!). Because those of us who were pulling for you believe we did everything we could, although a lot of it was behind the scenes. When a 4 man Baer follower prepped gank squad blows through town during a 7 man upswing and doesn't try to steamroll you, I think that shows a great deal of the feeling that we wanted you to be able to live long enough to be redeemed as long as you didn't threaten anything we protected. Pretty much, focusing on larger dangers when we had the manpower was all we could really give you until you made a commitment to redemption. On the other hand, when I met you independently, I always took a swing, because it was my purpose to remove evil from the land, bar none. We had a odd relationship that was significantly deepened from Argivo's perspective because we shared the same Sphere and you acted in accordance with it, except of course for your tragic flaw.

I think perhaps as a player and a character, you didn't realize how closely you were being watched and weighed by the members of Fort who believed in the chance of your redemption. We were looking for any chance you wanted to make a committment towards renouncing evil. I'm pretty sure, though operating independently, I was a bishop or knight on Illanthos' chessboard.

The "brief period" where you pledged Scion was a major reason why newer members of the Fort, I think, never got the 'hold off' message from at least Argivo. I know that Argivo wrote a missive about it and told everyone else he could, such as bards outside the cabal like Yantha. It was never explained or mentioned, either, and you ignored a few of the people who asked you about it, which really, to Argivo, destroyed street cred Fjodir had built up that there was a chance at redemption.

I was shocked when you continued to not killing lightwalkers( I guess that flirtation with Scion was over for the time being). Just when you had rebuilt up that street cred in Argivo's eyes, you joined Scion.

During those periods of street cred, you created some interesting RP dilemmas for Argivo, such as whether to try to save a battlerager Hunted by the Fortress from you when you had pinned him in that room in Galadon. In the end, the answer for Argivo, as a Baer follower, had to be yes. For that, I picked up your PBF. Thanks!
104881, Hah! Thanks! And I'll try to explain.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was SUPER hard for fotress to sway Fjodir in the "right" direction .

If you read the role, you'll know a bit better. But I'll try to give it short wrap up here too:

Fjodir respected the acolytes, he really did. The marans however he just saw as either weaker versions of himself or people who lacked enough courage. He had his own creed, one he felt more fitting, (though he knew he had to get rid of it to truly shape himself to become a weapon.) so he knew that the Marans HAD to follow their creed. So he basically informed Marans of his standpoint, most of the time told them to follow their creed, which was to strike him.

If ALL marans had done what you, Vallinane, Caerdryn and perhaps 1-2 more did it could/would have made Fjodir go the other direction, but it might not have been enough, Fjodir was continiously tempted by dark forces to join them, being greeted with open arms even if he hunted them relentlessly. If the "dark forces" had reacted differently to Fjodir he would have been more easily swayed towards the light.

There were just so many factors weighting in. I can say though, that Ilianthia alone could possibly have swayed Fjodir, even AFTER joining Scions.
All the acolytes though did a great job, always finding time to talk with Fjodir when he wanted too, and Fjodir did speak a lot with Acolytes, he saw them the same way Marans see them, someone to talk about the fine line he walked (Because most of his life he thought he walked a line much finer than the real Maran did.)

And yeah, ofc you should aid that rager. I only have one really odd fight loged that from my POV looked like a 100% role-breaker for at least one of the chars involved. (You were not in that fight.) But I won't bring that up until both those chars are gone too.

Keep up your good work though!
104885, RE: Thank you for the souls and goodbye.
Posted by Akedeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man were you fun to fight. I felt like our standoffs could go either way at any time. I have fond memories of this character when we were mid ranks and our conversations led to you believing my vague insinuations that I was evil. All those half statements made you start to hunt me, which is exactly what I was shooting for. Then later on I made some statement not thinking and you realized I wasn't evil. Our fights stopped for a while as you would avoid killing me until you later became a scion. Great character progression! Thanks for making this game as immersive as any of our best players.
104788, Well done!
Posted by Tzar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you. Had plans, but when you joined scions, I couldn't accept your offer. If you wouldn't do it, everything could go differently.

No idea how did you manage to age die so fast, 377 hours is damn short :( Maybe we should ask Santa Zulg to extend that time at least to 500 hours (personally, I don't play some races/classes just because of their short lifetime).
104790, Thanks! And well, it wasn't a true-age death.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a screw up on my part. I didn't see anything remotely bad from you. And about my offer, Fjodir would've betrayed you in a heartbeat, that was the intent. Just tried to figure out a way to make it a bit more fun than just the regular "Hey, follow me here to this cursed no magic place/murder "victim". But it all just ran out in the sand.
104795, I knew it, and had the same plan :) nt
Posted by Tzar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM