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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Ganicus PebbleHead the Legend of the Battlefield, Mageslayer
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=104138
104138, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Ganicus PebbleHead the Legend of the Battlefield, Mageslayer
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Nov 10 13:24:03 2011

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Ganicus perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
104198, Much respect
Posted by Tzar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good and strong character. When I fought you, I felt like fighting with the the rock. There were times when I intentionaly avoided you (no preprs or no army).

It was very nice to see that you actually hunting fort's mages and not hiding behind "we have truce with the fort, so I will just walk past this mage and pretend that I do not see him" (and mage do the same).

I thought that you will get a commander, but looks like your con was too low. That is sad, you would make a good one.

Anyways, good luck with you next and well done again.
104170, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Ganicus PebbleHead the Legend of the Battlefield, Mageslayer
Posted by Caerdryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As much as Caerdryn really did not like you in-char, I thought Ganicus was hilarious. You did the asshole thing a little over-the-top, but it was very well done.

You were a tough mother ####er, an angry one too, and you seemed to be able, no matter how I prepped for it, to get the best of me at least 3/4ths of the time if, for some reason, we were going to tussle.

We didn't do it often, but when we did the fights were memorable, and you never once broke character or even 'let it slide' ic-wise when I killed you that one, lucky time.

So, you will be missed. Though I wouldn't be surprised if somebody wrote a kill-all-Svirfneblin role just based on interactions they'd had with you! Hah.

See you on the Road.

104188, Paladins
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Both you and Garwen ultimatly went 3-0 against me when defending others from my sweet sweet pincer. They were always fun fights but you both benefitted from the fact I wasn't actually hunting you (and you both had defiance, I have had it a bunch but man garwen had that lagging prog go off sooooo much against me and it never seemed to prog that much for me as a paladin ^sad face^)

Axe/hand spec is the paladin butchering combo, especially as a villager. It didn't seem as scary because you guys were always able to be fully prepared to fight me but let an axe spec come after you unprepped and it will go bad. And you can easily draw out a fight, stun, let sanc drop then wake with pincer. A paladin with no sanc can go down really really fast to pincer, especially if they are already wounded. I learned that the hard way when playing Wungar against a duergar emeperor who would get the knock out and then 2 round me when sanc fell, it hurt.
104191, RE: Paladins
Posted by Garwern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"They were always fun fights but you both benefitted from the fact I wasn't actually hunting you."

I'm pretty sure the only time I ever actually initiated a fight against you was when you were either A: Fleeing from attacking me, or B: Pincering a fortie. Even considering the times I hit you for hitting a group mate, I *still* think you initiated more fights with me than I did with you. Which to me says that yes, yer were actually hunting me. At least, you were if you thought you could kill me/catch me offguard.

You were a rather aggressive villager who, in my opinion, was just looking for a way to get into fights and couldn't do the part of being a villager that is challenging- forcing mages into a fight with you and sealing the deal. That said you did get mageslayer so you clearly were killing mages to some extent, but it was obvious you were frustrated with the fact that you couldn't find a way to get Eachainn to fight you.

I also only saw you actually throw down with Eachainn a few times, instead my memories of Ganicus involve you pincering Vallinane at random intervals and waiting outside the Fort to pincer anyone who walked by who you thought you could kill.

I wish I could say I liked Ganicus, but everything from the name to the anger roleplay seemed quasi-ooc.

Anyway, good luck with your next.
104195, well
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Suffice it to say that there is a difference between smacking someone in the way or as part of baiting a mage out and actively hunting them.

If I was actively hunting you then you would be several con short of where you currently are. Its a different beast when I am actually doing what you thought I was doing (trying to catch you off guard)

Your "body language" suggested you were looking for the slightest excuse to fight me, you know like when you were protecting Fjodir just so you could have an excuse to fight me. You know very well I was thirsting and you could have stepped aside instead of trying to get into combat with me and blind me. You knew from previous interactions exactly how I would react to you getting physically involved. You also know laying hands on a fighting villager will get you slapped in the face.

And catching prey is kind of my stength, regardless of what it is or what I am playing, my kills per hour tends to run a lot higher then most people.
104197, RE: well
Posted by Garwern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe. I wasn't protecting Fjodir though. Otherwise I wouldn't have laid hands on you, I was more making sure you wouldn't enter the shrine near where all that was going on. But yeah, by that point in time I wasn't completely unopposed to getting into a fight with you.
104167, You hard hitting little bastard!
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To me, you were sort of hysterical. You certainly trashed talked me when you were young, and I chalked it up to typical villager stuff. But i'll be damned, you were one of the few who could actually back it up when you got into hero ranges. :)

Of course, I suspected who was playing this pincersvirf, so I knew I really had to be careful. I couldn't just steamroll you like so many other villagers it turned out.

Glad I did get you solo two times, since I was known for my group fighting more than anything. And it was actually much much easier to fight you alone compare to with other people, because it sort of made mercy a non-issue.

F*** did I hate those pincers though!
104189, You did nexus bard well
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were great because you were not an ass about abusing villagers (if our positions were reversed I would not have been as cool about it). I still can't figure out how you managed to get everyone to forget they could flee while not hitting you and getting smashed with your songs. Everytime you were on you definentally made the island a threat.

Good luck with your next, I promise not to pincer them.
104200, Simple really.
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What self respecting bad ass villager is going to run from a sissy wood elf bard woman? I mean, the only thing worse would be a high elf, and that's only marginally more pansified.

Oh, an bloodthirst. Thirst was like a win button for me, cause they always stay too long and get killed. That's how Ganicus died the first time we fought afterall.

I also think lots of villagers wanted to be one of the ones who actually managed to get me.

Play a pincersvirf nexan now.
I'll do a wood elf bard villager.
Might be fun :)
104159, Good Bye cruel world
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So that was kind of a long run. At the end there I was worried someone was going to take the mageslayer title from me because I see all these tough looking villagers deleting with a lot more hours then me.

The goal with Ganicus was to really come across as hating people. I have done the whole respect your enemy characters and frankly I feel those types just come off as people playing a friendly game. I didn't want to be an actual asshat by full saccing so I emulated Funnyones caustic attitude when interacting with enemies. Towards the end though it was sometimes really hard to still restrict communication with enemies to insults and cussing.

I originally had a plan to pick legacies to make me deadly but when the time game I was kind of waffling on keeping the char so instead I pretty much picked two I had never tried before at random. Have to say I really liked both space and mercy. Though to be honest most of the time I would have been better with chilling or cry instead of mercy (the extra hit thing is just not that big a deal).

It was a long lived char so if you post I will respond to you. I think my next will have some form of rapid movement (teleport/word/flyto/gate) because I am tired of running everywhere!
104163, started out not liking you ooc
Posted by Rolas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The name bothered me since I had just watched Spartacus Gods of the Arena. Plus, my first character back got lame named because it was the name of an obscure latin marching band song, and even after reporting yours didn't.

Playing and interaction with you were great. A great character. I'm glad you guys took me getting you killed in stride to the point where I felt bad and stopped "helping". (i.e. the hunt double kill incident on eastern road) Plus thanks for wiping the floor with that minotaur after he killed me in imperial lands :P
104164, Hey, you were the only priest Gannicus got on with well
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am not even really sure how we ended up on good terms, just the mutual respect of predators coming up through the ranks I guess. ganicus was actually rather caustic with priests, while he didn't hunt them he thought they were a bunch of pansies who needed to beg gods for help because they were too weak to do things themselves.

Yeah that hunt bug was annoying. I don't know why it doesn't just poof when it kills its prey because it would do the track echo that would break combat, then thirst would cause me to hit it and lag me, then it would break, and it did this for like a whole tick perma lagging me out against it until I died.
104165, Ah, Ganicus
Posted by Vallinane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My personal summary of our encounters, in a very general way.

trip gan
His feet aren't on the ground

Ganicus drives his axes into both sides of your body, stunning you.
Seizing a lucky opportunity, Ganicus takes advantage of the situation.
Ganicus's brutal attack ***DEVASTATES*** you.
Ganicus's brutal attack ***DEMOLISHES*** you.
You become very sad indeed in the wake of the pincer, anticipating the deathblows to come.
Ganicus delivers a blow of deadly force!
Ganicus's slice <<<ERADICATES>>> you!
You have been KILLED!

Congratulations on being one of the very few villagers whom I couldn't do #### against, fully prepped or not. Pincer spec villagers with iron axes + gossamer wings = my build very sadface. Makes me wish I'd taken plant, so I could at least break down those wings and gang you down more effectively. I felt very, very ineffective against you.

I liked that you were willing to fight at ridiculous odds and hated that you were perfectly willing to pincer me anytime you saw even the slightest chance. I also hated the fact that from my perspective, you were yet ANOTHER neutral willing to murder anything that moved from the Fort. If you're going to do that at least roll evil so my mantle does something against you :(

Oh well, good job sticking it out to con-loss. Ganicus was tough as nails and I had respect for his PK ability, willingness to charge into massive gangs, and some hilarity over his peculiar obsession with brothels. Play a class which doesn't instantly kill me, next time? =(
104166, The fort
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As part of my general tactics when facing odds I take out the softest target who can do the most damage first (in your case I was waiting for you to use circle because that friggin stings!). Not to make you sadder but all that damage... yeah wasn't using iron. If you had suceeded in keeping my feet on the ground though the trade off would be me always using vuln exploiting weapons instead of my standard high avg light weight steel ones.

I had no intentions of getting so war hungry with the fort, throughout most of my life I did go out of my way to avoid killing bystanderds. The problem with fort though is you somehow convinced two commanders in a row to be giant pussies and outlaw raiding into cabals to get at mages.

Then you had a mage leader who abused this policy to avoid fighting me.

Now I have played fort and I understand the whole we are not here to fight neutrals thing and respect people who will avoid fights with villagers... BUT this is a role playing game and players do need to react in character to other people. If the only way that certain mage is willing to enter into a fight is while I am fighting several other members of fort at the door of the fort then I am going to start fighting several other members of fort in order to get him to engage. If he didn't want that to happen then he either A.) should not have hid in the fort, B.) Actual responded to a character in game (I was way beyond the range of its ok to fight and in the place where I was waiting for a hunter by fort title) or C.) Tell all of his allies to just stay away from me.

He went with the, let my buddies get punched in the face so I can occasionaly try to take a risk free jab at the guy I can't stand toe to toe with myself and then word out with only a few scratches and leave them to die.
104190, Dude, I almost joined Fort.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not going to declare War on them.

PS That was on purpose.

Again, great job with Gan(k)-i-cus. :)
104298, RE: Good Bye cruel world
Posted by Akedeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Great character all in all but damn did you toe the line a few times as far as I could tell. It all seemed to come around in the end though when we started actually press the magicians where they liked to hide out, thinking they were safe.

Near the end I figured just to let you go out on a high because I knew you only had a few deaths left and I didn't really want to chastise someone who had done so much for the village.

All around well played character, you definitely gave people a second thought about coming after the head when you were around.
104158, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Ganicus PebbleHead the Legend of the Battlefield, Mageslayer
Posted by Nichaus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish I got a chance to actually fight you, not hide in duo while you chased someone else. Sadly this happened before I could really be any type of force. Oh well, glwyn!
104153, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Ganicus PebbleHead the Legend of the Battlefield, Mageslayer
Posted by Ilianthia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was hard to like you, but I did admire your aggressiveness. Our epic battle in Arkham I will remember for a long time to come.
104161, it was a good fight
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its been a long time since I had fought muters and the tactic you used caught me off guard. Came so close to finishing you off those first couple of engagements and I was one tick away from being able to move to safety at the end. I was impressed.
104152, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Ganicus PebbleHead the Legend of the Battlefield, Mageslayer
Posted by Tontik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
man i loved hanging out wiht you, but damn you got me killed more than roocka did, I loved your rp...your were a mage hater to the 100th power, now that did get in you trouble sometimes but i could never bring myself to come down to hard on you because you always just stuck it out no matter what the odds. was great times with you around and was awesome to be in the rites again with you, good luck with your next


104160, Brother
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You still seem to think I was the cause of those deaths when I would argue you were the one making the decisions becauae I wasn't even in the room :P

I had fun with you and I can't believe you didn't die off before me.It was cool to see you go from being a bit new to the build to figuring out how to rock it pretty hard. Your only weakness is the use of pansy ass whips and flails haha. Seriously though I don't think I ever saw you use strip or choke. Those are some killer skills.

I got this patch of dirt nice and warm and ready for you to join me soon. And its best to roll a non villager next because I will be slaughtering them in the near future ;P
104162, RE: Brother
Posted by Tontik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
those deaths could never be my fault i am the great tontik, heheheh what i meant was more like you would always talk me into raiding or going after crazy groups and such that normally if it was anyone but you i would think we had no chance at all, but with you i always felt like well...we could really take two or three of them with us and make them scatter. Ganicus says "It's only three liches, two healers and 6 warriors, an invoker and a nexus bard, lets go stick Old Red up their ass." Tontik says "Yeah that sounds like a great idea."

ANd yes i have diffently come into the build I think, and I will talk more about my skill use choices once I bite the big one (its not to far away) and i would already be there if it wasn't for leader con.

And keep the dirt warm for me :) and glwyn i am always looking for a mage to kill

104140, You made me want to roll a char with those same legacies.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And maybe JUST maybe made me want to roll another axe spec.

Good job as always.
104143, RE: You made me want to roll a char with those same legacies.
Posted by Anerus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Which legacies?
104147, My guess is Gates and Mercy but i could be wrong nt
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
104149, Mercy/Space ntnt
Posted by TripHitNdip on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM