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Topic subject(DEL) Riav the Grand Master of Changelings
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=10412
10412, (DEL) Riav the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Oct 26 09:49:59 2002

3 o''clock AM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of the Great Evil on the Theran calendar Riav perished, never to return.

Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
PK Ratio:46% (closer to 100% is better)

10413, RE: (DEL) Riav the Grand Master of Changelings
Posted by Siandors on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

1. Too bad you never got any immteraction, I was looking forward to seeing your rift open up and see a whole bunch of new nightwalkers running around.

2. I enjoyed our fights. One on one it was refreshing to have a thirty round fight compared to the short ones I normally get. In a group you were a bi%&h....soooo anoying..good job. I think we were both suprised the time I killed the arch-mage by just wrathing him.

3. Yeah your anaconda was nasty in groups. Took me a little while to figure out that there is a one or two step wait that must occur after you flee or you just continue wrapping. Bah, I keep wondering if that is a bug. Anyhow that's how you got me.

4. What I liked best about your character is that you were evil, yet not super aggressive...and yes...the conversations were enjoyable. Unfortunately you never saw things Siandors' way, then again I didn't really expect you to. :P

Till next time we duke it out....please don't roll an invoker and come gank me. I know your mind! I know it! Hehe.

10414, Time for some change
Posted by Riav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To much of one thing gets a little dry. I dont mind having a backup role because I met a lot of cool people in the Scion cabal. As a total defensive shifter, I was only in my hey-day when others were about. Give me another, and we could do alot of nasty things. I have developed an intense disliking for numerous ego-maniac lightwalkers, and am going to develope a new charactor so I can elliminate them more effectively. I think I definatly introduced an annoiance factor during raid situations....

My goodbyes.


Scion IMMs- Who? Never interacted with you despite numerous attempts. I greeted you several times and was ignored outright. I didnt feel I was doing a good enough job. When I was the lone scion about I was utterly helpless to do much of anything. I tried developing into a person who would help the young scions rank, and bring more strength to the chasm....ahh well.

Trajeona- We did alot together and you have tons of potential. Being a healer is tough, and I hope you didnt think I was using you for your abilitys. I liked traveling and ranking with you, and your roleplay was refreshing.

Danaethil- Same as above, except add a flare of bloodthirsty rage. *grin* I enjoyed your presence emensely. In my opinion healers should hold as much weight or more in the cabal structure. I hope you get your item eventually....my new charactor will be better suited for achieving that...

Bole- You got heart and thats good. Seems all the foes pick on you. The leaders and other magi need to realize you are about alot when its just you and 10 lightwalkers chasing you. You could use some aid, but have great potential because you are not a coward.

Quimo, Digrciaga, Opija, Khurmen, Jaslanna, Uizare, Harokatsu, (more I cant think of right now)- had some fun travels. Khurmen should be a Chancellor, he impressed me early in his life when I was trying to help find him lich quest things.


Lardovian- You still hold my respect. The rest of your warlocks are worthless. Finduthilas being an exception, but he only logs in once a month for 10 minutes....
Shila- Preceptor? Hah


I enjoyed killing alot of your elite paladins. Each time I constricted one of you to death, I got the same...’lucky, will never happen again’...and you are right. Only got most of you once.

Siandors- There is actually something behind your way of thinking and thats refreshing. You would actually converse a bit.

Barilan- One tough paladin. Though you only are about in positions when lightwalkers have a 5 to 1 edge, so you can account that for why you hold such a good suit.

Abthalok, Hazkal, few others I cant even remember- I only got to fight you when you had a suitable group behind you. In even fight situations you were no-shows. Doesnt maran IMM’s punt out cowardice?

Uriterus- a well played maran. Wish you could have instilled more into the maran cabal while you were still alive. And yes, chalk me killing you to luck.

Gasg- See Abthalok, Hazkal.


Well done, we enjoyed some good fights. You guys are all tough as nails and fight hard. Bryvac is a beast. Valarath, Feadin, Nourn, Guenrayn (stunning machine), Palesson, (that was funny in quicksand when I constricted you, I was close to dying...)


Extremely well done. Your leaders and IMMS are developing you all well. You work well together and I can sense you all know what you are doing.

Gwimdorf- No need to be so damn ballsy on raids. If there are 4 of us raiding and its just you defending, you arent going to live....kick some butt another day.

Sassmi, Arehanah(the arial beast), Andhean (smart warrior), Gorgoth,(felt bad for you, but you did attack me a lot, just seemed some little one was always around looting your corpses)- I liked all your charactors.


Noldrok- well done. Never got to hunt with you after I heroed. You helped me alot. I know we would have gotten along well.

Brazagur- Keep it up. Im glad I made peace with you in my mid thirties. The scions seems vent on killing you....you are fun to travel with.

Uelveyye- Killing you and leaving you naked was enjoyable. Had you not been hiding in town or in duo it would have happened much more... I lost respect for you in my mid-thirties when you spoke to me condenscendingly and acted with a huge ego. I have traveled with you and helped you with previous charactors and you seemed alot more humble back then....You pathetic anctics of hiding in Hamsah and running in to our chasm during fights, to loot a body or throw in a haste, then run back to town, was pathetic. To retalite was to ‘break the laws’...if you want a fight...fight then.

Dont know many if you personally but you all helped out the chasm from time to time and vice versa. Liked the raids we joined forces in.


Odonomus- My best friend in the game. We did some pretty scary things. Took out alot of people and had some great times. Well done. Get some freaking protections and flight potions!! *grin*

Tzaric- the annoying eagle...

Astarcio- You must be 95 years old. I remember saying to you with a previous charactor “Im glad im on your good side” Now I know those words hold more weight. Well done old fellow.

Nwayreth- Thanks for the aid and for finishing off fleeing villagers.

Well thats it...missed alot of people. I wont be doing Defense/Defense again. I need some offensive punch of some sort. Thanks for a fun few weeks.

10436, RE: Time for some change
Posted by Digrciaga on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmm, I really liked you. everytime you were on I was happy cause I knew you would get something going, you always took charge and for that I liked you. I thought many times that you should be a leader, and hoped you would become one. But like you said being full defensive can suck. See you around maybe back in the chasm.

10435, RE: Time for some change
Posted by Bryvac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, the ##### a defensive shifter can do is just mean.....If you would have had backup I know I would have died alot more when I tango'ed with you, anyhow you played a good char and I enjoyed playin around with you guys. Well, that's that, and I'll see you in the fields I am sure
10432, Annoyance factor
Posted by Blimbali on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, the annoyance factor of defence shifter in raids, as well as a healer is definately up there. Many times there was BOTH, guh...not much you can do there. I was happy we managed to take you down once (?) during a raid in the desert. Nice work though, when you were around I always watched out for a team coming after me or the Sapling.

By the way, you don't often see people double up on foci. That type of char sounds like fun (in a different cabal maybe).

Out of curiosity what were all your forms?
10433, RE: Annoyance factor
Posted by Riav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had chosen defense first and waited till i learnt my first major before choosing it again. The chasm has lots of offensive people and I figured we could use some aid in the defense area. Anaconda just wasnt good for raiding and seems more Utility than defense.

My forms were Warthog, Pachyderm, Tortoise, Sand lizard, Anaconda, Armadillo.

I had mixed feelings about Armadillo but I now feel its one of the best defensive forms. Mongoose/lemur are easily bested by other shifters, bards, invokers. Armadillos with a regeneration ability backup form are dangerous.
10434, RE: Annoyance factor
Posted by Boogie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I was with you on Kiadana Rah when you heroed and got armadillo. You weren't too jazzed about it then. In fact, it was the last thing you wanted. Glad you changed your mind about it. I had a good time with Riav on the few occasions we were together.
10430, Aww...
Posted by Arehanah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always hate it when decent enemies delete. I am curious what you meant by Arial Beast?...

Towards the end, those 5 on 5 fights we had were just great. I had a chance to try out some tactics that worked, and some that didn't.

Good luck on your next character, Riav. Why not switch it up to something not Scion? I hope that you are.

10431, RE: Aww...
Posted by Riav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Arial beast was a compliment. You are one tough s.o.b. *grin* You use good tactics. You missed alot of great raids I led into the grove, but with your presence I doubt they would have gone as well. My next charactor is going to be evil, probably Scion.... Hell, you guys need some enemies that actually give you some effort and I cant see myself playing a lightwalker as there are so many right now. I'll meet you in battle in a few weeks....

Be well.
10429, RE: Time for some change
Posted by Sassmi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw my name!!!! Heheee, Sassmi is my first druid, I'm learning how to play one. Your armadillo form is SO annoying, you have no idea how many others would have died, if not for your armadillo doing the rescue. I had to resort to thornheart and spores just to have a chance to chase you off. Anyhow, as an evil, I think you should be annoying. Well done. See you around.

Sassmi the Sashimi
10427, Farewell
Posted by Trajeona on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"It vexes me. I'm terribly vexed."

I can't say much right now, except I enjoyed travelling with you, and I had high hopes for you. Hope it was somewhat fun, and I'm sure we'll meet again.
10428, We will....n/t
Posted by Riav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
10426, RE: Time for some change
Posted by Ulthur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only saw you around a few times, and that annoyance factor usually came up. Unless you have a big mob of people, it's near impossible to kill an anaconda with transform before it squeezes you to death. Fortunately for me, I learned all about anacondas from the last Scion that had that form, so I didn't fall for it this time. Anyway, I'm impressed you went defense/defense... most people would want to be able to do more on their own, but like you said, in a group you can do a ton.

10424, You really never knew me, did you...
Posted by Hazkal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you really just call me a gangbanging thug up there? I must've had less then maybe 5 fights where my group actually outnumbered my opponents. Time and time again I raided the chasm while horribly outnumbered. You really don't know what the hell you're talking about, so before you call me a coward, get your damn facts straight.
10425, RE: You really never knew me, did you...
Posted by Riav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Whenever I saw you, you were fleeing, unless you outnumbered me alot....perhaps you are not a coward...i can only speak on what I witness.
10422, Palesson's death
Posted by Guenrayn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, not much to say other than that I always knew what the anacondna supposedly did, but i never saw it. So I'm not sure if I even could have rescued him out. You were so close to death though when he fell, and I should have stunned you out right away. Its funny that people give me crap for stunning and deciding when and how to fight. You were fun to fight, much like many of you are. However, the stupidity a shifter should see is me fighting them when typically they are all spelled up and I won't do more damage than they will, so instead, I stun them out and wait til its near time to fight again, and hit them. Of course, they always run right away! :) OH well, its how it goes sometimes. Good work, maybe try something other than an evil, since everyone is joining the Lich Bandwagon.

10423, *grin*
Posted by Riav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, do you have that log? I was so damn close, but I said to myself...Damn..Im gonna go for it, I set my wimpy to zero and hoped for constriction. Your damn stunns are an even bigger anoyance than my armadillo form. heh

As for the Lich bandwagon. What bandwagon? I usually play 6 hours a day and saw the lich maybe 4 hours total out of my 150+ hours played. I am definatly playing evil again. You need a nemesis.
10421, Argggghhh
Posted by Bole on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'll be missed chief.
You are definately one of my favorite people in the chasm and it wont be as fun without you to run around with. Plus you also had alot of heart, never backed down from raiding, retrieving, or adventuring if you had the time. Thanks for the good times.

Bole the Muddyfeather
10420, Farewell
Posted by Quimo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Shame to see you go. You were a good, interesting and certainly useful companion. Come back soon :-)
10418, What I think you ment to say...
Posted by Abthalok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is that the only time we ever really faught was when you had atleast 3 others with you. I never fought you solo, and its not by action of mine. I've must have raided the chasm 100's of times alone or with one other Maran. I can't even count how many times I've raided the chasm, when there were 3 to defend, and not have a single person come to challange. and this is when it was only 2 or 3 of us. I'd really like you to explain to me your justicifaction for that.
10419, See Hazkal's response below...
Posted by Riav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can only see things when I am there.....maybe you are right...not sure, I never saw it. I'm not going to argue with you....yeh...you must be right....thats it.
10415, RE: Time for some change
Posted by Uelveyye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Uelveyye- Killing you and leaving you naked was enjoyable. Had you not been hiding in town or in duo it would have happened much more... I lost respect for you in my mid-thirties when you spoke to me condenscendingly and acted with a huge ego. I have traveled with you and helped you with previous charactors and you seemed alot more humble back then....You pathetic anctics of hiding in Hamsah and running in to our chasm during fights, to loot a body or throw in a haste, then run back to town, was pathetic. To retalite was to ‘break the laws’...if you want a fight...fight then.

Well not sure how to respond to that, if it's IC then I'm pleased as (without posting my whole role) she has indeed evolved, grown, changed and why would an elf speak otherwise to a Scion? As for "Antics" she's never come to loot a body at the Chasm, assist her friends against the darkness certainly, without getting too embroiled in a cabal war, unless anger gets the best of her and then there has indeed been fights. But since there is rarely a one on one situation with scion then a solo trannie against the horde doesn't make sense. As for the naked thing, proves the point I guess, paladin and trannie charge in to a pack (ill post the log someday it was pretty funny) but I think I was fully dressed again in about 20 mins game time. I lost wands and preps and that was about it.

If however your comments are about me the player rather than the char then you blew whatever regard I had for your character out of the water. I thought you played the egotistical scion mage rather well so I'm hoping your talking IC.
10416, RE: Time for some change
Posted by Riav on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What really ticked me off was when I tried to assist you when you were responding to fighting in town. (Mid thirtish at the time) I was polite, respectful, and informed you of what had transpired. Realizing you dont trust 'dirty drow', fine, I was still trying to help. Your caustic comments were less than elf like....and I made it my goal to kill you for it. I guess I was letting my IC pissed off attitude (around the time I deleted) carry over.....Between you, and several others with this holier than though attitude I was finding myself very angry while playing. *grin*

I am much more relaxed now....must be mid 20's crisis.
10417, RE: Time for some change
Posted by Uelveyye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahhh, yes I often have to chortle when people address me as "kind elf" and the like or expect some paladin type altruistic attitude. I guess the best way to explain it is to remember that elf and drow are cut from the same basic genetic material, there are a lot similar "traits" just from a different point of reference.

Hope that explains it. I really would have been disapointed in you if you hadn't felt a desire to kill me after I had slighted your "helpful" attempts.