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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kolsad Roderean the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=103499
103499, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kolsad Roderean the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Oct 18 20:09:21 2011

At 5 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 25th of the Month of the Sun
on the Theran calendar Kolsad perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
103500, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kolsad Roderean the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Kolsad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had a pretty good run, thanks all. Some thoughts:

1) Polearm seems a little underpowered, charge set never went up, rarely went off, practiced it like a maniac to 81% or so, gave up. The only good part about it and the reason I picked it is Pincer staff.
2) Crashing is awesome against noobs, useless against most of my range who I actually wanted to kill.
3) Landslide + pincer staff = winsauce, except I don't think I killed more than one or two people with it. Perfected drive should work better than 60-70% in my view.
4) I was feeling good with two shimmering blades, and not much of anything without. Most, if not all nodisarm swords are pretty much always maxed out.
5) Having a rager with a disarmable weapon is death.
6) Cannot touch wood-elf bards for the life of me. Even if they don't sing, I don't think I'd come close to beating them in combat. And that's from a RBW. Haven't fought arials that much, but they seemed way more beatable.
7) Eyejab and camel spit blow - they completely disable ragers. Make it they disable anyone, but anyone can quaff, whereas a rager just dies.

Had a pretty long run, couldn't log in at all at times (work, family, you know) and lost quite a few awesome sets that way, including good-rager multitude of sweetness. Can't complain really, am lucky I was still in Battle even with pitiful hours.

Thanks to all, friends and enemies, you make this game what it is, the greatest game out there. Just try not to full loot for no reason - I'll shrug, but someone else can delete over it and you'd ruin pretty much anyone's day.

Tried to have absolutely no fear for the island, don't know how that came off, maybe as stupid as I pushed for the raids when I knew we'd probably get beaten, but then again, more often than not we had a real chance in my view, not like a suicide mission, only a 3 vs 3 or 3 vs 4, not bad odds. See the drive failnote above though. Can never get anyone away from the inners and I'd be blind within two-three rounds anyway.

Tried to almost completely avoid attacking Fort mages unless they were literally in the same room with me and they had to stay around for a bit even at that - if I ran by you on Eastern, I ran by. Still torn on the balance between Battle/Light. Seems like Battle comes first though.

Next to no contact from the Outlanders, Onya would never attack me, ever, even when in the same room.

Tried to avoid fighting tribs or in town around tribs unless forced to - having a flag means having to kill good guards. That brings up a side point: can all the guards that attack criminals be neutral or evil? Please?

Scion is/was pretty much empty except for single scary chars, and I don't mean Obregon.

There was rarely an imperial who fought alone, but I guess it's cabal dogma to gank. There were some exceptions, like Suo for example, or Zaan, maybe some others I forgot. Syvyh would never ever attack or attempt an assassinate on me even in the same room though.

Battle is like a sine wave - it had no leaders when I was growing, in fact the induct came at 35 after a VERY long stretch with no leadership. Then the populated Ghrim period, then nothing again, then a brief semi-recent spike with new leaders. Currently it's alright I suppose, albeit no commander yet again. Participated in two rites, but knew would never make it to the final because of the hours.

Met a crapload of people, don't want to single anyone out. Thanks all!
103501, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Kolsad Roderean the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Tontik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah you were always cool to have around and I knew you had been around awhile but man all the way back to the ghrim days :), but man we had a crappy day.... and dont feel bad i missunderstood you and you me, oh well crap happens and sometimes people are just freaking jerks, it happens. But seriously all around good guy and you were always willing to mix it up. GLWYN
103502, You did damn well for my first induction.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really really liked our interview talk and induction RP. Really got
a great sense of what I feel a storm giant should act and talk like
(you certainly did a storm giant better than me). I totally feel you
on the Good-aligned/Battle conundrum.

All in all, great job with everything. And a little present.

Preface: I had interviewed Kolsad for about 20 minutes before this log
begins. And yes, Thror forgot to give me truesight for the first 10
or so logins I had in the village :)

civilized <88%hp (88%) 36%m 50%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (5 PM) new raining sca s

Kolsad leaves south.
You follow Kolsad south.
A Recently-Built Smithy
Once a mouldering ruin of a building, evidence of reconstruction is
everywhere in this building. The walls are made of a crude, ore-like
substance, but are now clean and recently patched. The once-rotting
floor has been completely removed, the raw earth beneath now packed to
a stone-like consistency. Wooden racks and shelves line the walls,
holding the various and sundry tools of the smithing trade. A large
forge has been constructed against the western wall, the thick river
rocks glowing red with the flames they contain. The front of the
building has been removed, posts and stout beams supporting the newly
shingled roof.

[Exits: north]
An ancient anvil sits upon a stone pedestal.
Kolsad the storm giant is here.
Clad in a simple tunic and heavy leather apron, a brawny human smith is
A bloated rat scurries about, searching for a carcass.

civilized <88%hp (88%) 36%m 49%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (5 PM) new raining You scan south.

civilized <88%hp (88%) 36%m 49%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (5 PM) new raining nod
You nod.

civilized <88%hp (88%) 36%m 49%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (5 PM) new raining tip tahre
You tip your hat to Tahren the Noldarian Smith of Battle.

civilized <88%hp (88%) 36%m 49%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (5 PM) new raining
Kolsad gallantly tips his hat to Tahren the Noldarian Smith of Battle.

civilized <88%hp (88%) 36%m 49%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (5 PM) new raining sayto tah Lo' dere smith.
You say to Tahren the Noldarian Smith of Battle 'Lo' dere smith.'

civilized <88%hp (88%) 36%m 49%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (5 PM) new raining
Lightning flashes in the sky.


civilized <90%hp (90%) 40%m 53%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (6 PM) new lightning sayto kol Take'a seat near da forge.
You say to Kolsad 'Take'a seat near da forge.'

civilized <90%hp (90%) 40%m 53%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (6 PM) new lightning
Kolsad sits down on the ground.

civilized <90%hp (90%) 40%m 53%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (6 PM) new lightning
The cry of a vulture is abruptly cut short.

civilized <90%hp (90%) 40%m 53%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (6 PM) new lightning sayto kol Jus' dinnae burn yerself
You say to Kolsad 'Jus' dinnae burn yerself'

civilized <90%hp (90%) 40%m 53%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (6 PM) new lightning chuckle
You chuckle politely.

civilized <90%hp (90%) 40%m 53%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (6 PM) new lightning eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a tarnished silver ring
<worn on finger> a tarnished silver ring
<worn around neck> a fine leather cloak
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> a lightweight suit of gold chainmail
<worn on head> a steel open-faced helm
<worn on face> a tattered bandit's mask
<worn on legs> some comfortable chainmail leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of waterlogged leather boots
<worn on hands> some comfortable chainmail gauntlets
<worn on arms> midnight dragon armguards
<worn about body> a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider
<worn about waist> a belt of shimmering snake skin
<worn around wrist> a braided silver bracer
<worn around wrist> a braided silver bracer
<mainhand wielded> (Humming) a blackened iron chain
<worn as shield> a spiked buckler

civilized <90%hp (90%) 40%m 53%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (6 PM) new lightning aff
You are affected by:
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 10 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 11 for 9 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -7 for 7 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 4 for 7 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -7 for 2 hours.
Power: 'resistance' modifies constitution by 1 for 0 hours.

civilized <90%hp (90%) 40%m 53%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (6 PM) new lightning
Kolsad nods.

civilized <90%hp (90%) 40%m 53%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (6 PM) new lightning nod tah
You nod at Tahren the Noldarian Smith of Battle.

civilized <90%hp (90%) 40%m 53%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (6 PM) new lightning
The sun sets below the horizon.
You feel less tough.

civilized <93%hp (93%) 43%m 58%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (7 PM) new lightning sayto kol Alrigh' lad. Why yer want ter stop da magic?
You say to Kolsad 'Alrigh' lad. Why yer want ter stop da magic?'

civilized <93%hp (93%) 43%m 58%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (7 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'Like I was saying'

civilized <93%hp (93%) 43%m 58%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (7 PM) new lightning sayto kol Or yer angry at dem mages use'n der magic
You say to Kolsad 'Or yer angry at dem mages use'n der magic'

civilized <93%hp (93%) 43%m 58%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (7 PM) new lightning scratch
You scratch your head with a confused look upon your face.

civilized <93%hp (93%) 43%m 58%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (7 PM) new lightning nod kil
Nod your head off -- they aren't here.

civilized <93%hp (93%) 43%m 58%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (7 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'I'm past being angry'

civilized <93%hp (93%) 43%m 58%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (7 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'Let me go back over the crutch thing'

civilized <93%hp (93%) 43%m 58%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (7 PM) new lightning nod kol
You nod at Kolsad.

civilized <93%hp (93%) 43%m 58%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (7 PM) new lightning whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <93%hp (93%) 43%m 58%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (7 PM) new lightning
The loud crash of falling stone echoes through the ruins.

civilized <95%hp (95%) 46%m 62%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (8 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'See, people use magic as a crutch to support themselves'

civilized <95%hp (95%) 46%m 62%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (8 PM) new lightning whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <95%hp (95%) 46%m 62%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (8 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'To find something they lack'

civilized <95%hp (95%) 46%m 62%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (8 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'To be something they're not'

civilized <95%hp (95%) 46%m 62%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (8 PM) new lightning
You feel less resistant to magic.

civilized <97%hp (97%) 50%m 66%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (9 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'Or not ready for, or not trained well enough'

civilized <97%hp (97%) 50%m 66%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (9 PM) new lightning
You feel a sudden rush of insight into truesight.

civilized <97%hp (97%) 50%m 66%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (9 PM) new lightning em runs a gauntleted hand through his beard as he looks you over, occasionally shooting a glance towards the forge.
Ghrimriddor runs a gauntleted hand through his beard as he looks you over, occasionally shooting a glance towards the forge.

civilized <97%hp (97%) 50%m 66%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (9 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'As they use the crutch that is magic, they want more of it'

civilized <97%hp (97%) 50%m 66%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (9 PM) new lightning
An Immortal tells you 'Give that a whirl.'

civilized <99%hp (99%) 52%m 71%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (10 PM) new lightning reply Thanks
You tell an Immortal 'Thanks'

civilized <99%hp (99%) 52%m 71%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (10 PM) new lightning aff
You are affected by:
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 6 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 11 for 5 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -7 for 3 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 4 for 3 hours.

civilized <99%hp (99%) 52%m 71%mv 11844tnl (-16.69%)> (10 PM) new lightning call 'true
You look around sharply!
You discern that the Veil is slightly thinner than normal.
You have become better at truesight! (25% learning bonus)

civilized <99%hp (99%) 35%m 71%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 PM) new lightning reply Figured it was a trial I had to pass :)
You tell an Immortal 'Figured it was a trial I had to pass :)'

civilized <99%hp (99%) 35%m 71%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'Until they cannot stop and even need their food to be magical'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning nod kol
You nod at Kolsad.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning
An Immortal tells you 'I don't think it was, but who the hell knows with Thror. :P'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning sayto kol Like dat dere Dakalo
You say to Kolsad 'Like dat dere Dakalo'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning snort
You snort.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'Then magic is all and everything they do and they cannot live without it'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning aff
You are affected by:
Power: 'truesight' for 9 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 9 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 5 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 11 for 4 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies save vs spell by -7 for 2 hours.
Skill: 'warcry' modifies hit roll by 4 for 2 hours.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'I bet he can't kill a rabbit for food anymore'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning who pk
[23 Arial Nec] (PK) Kawkraw the Creator of Disease
[20 D-Elf War] (PK) Shyntlaran the Warrior
*25 Dwarf War* (PK) [BATTLE] Ghrimriddor Frosthammer the Tactician, Commander of Battle
[21 D-Elf Inv] (PK) Malcanlith the Student of Evocation
[27 Gnome Tra] (PK) (WANTED) Kishto the Student of the Arcane
[20 Fire War] (PK) Thrawk the Warrior
[29 H-Elf War] (PK) Sirak the Combatant, Sheathed Blade
[26 Arial Inv] (PK) Grizendird the Student of Water

Players found: 8

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning wake
You are already standing.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 38%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning call 'resist
You feel tough!

civilized <100%hp (100%) 21%m 75%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 PM) new lightning
The lightning has stopped.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 24%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining
Kolsad says 'He forgot how'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 24%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining call 'spell
Your hatred of magic surrounds you.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining shake
You shake your head.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining
A rancid smell drifts to you upon a chilly breeze.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining sayto kol Nah lad. 'e knows 'ow ta kill
You say to Kolsad 'Nah lad. 'e knows 'ow ta kill'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining sigh
You sigh.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining rest
You rest.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining sayto kol Wha' yer be know'n bout da current wars?
You say to Kolsad 'Wha' yer be know'n bout da current wars?'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining
Kolsad says 'So the man stops being a man and himself and what remains is a shell'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining nod kol
You nod at Kolsad.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining
A rancid smell drifts to you upon a chilly breeze.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 7%m 79%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 AM) new raining
Kolsad says 'In effect, the man becomes the crutch to support magic now'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 85%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (1 AM) new raining
Kolsad finishes eating a large boar steak.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 85%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (1 AM) new raining
Kolsad finishes eating a large boar steak.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 85%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (1 AM) new raining
Kolsad stands up.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 85%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (1 AM) new raining
Kolsad's extreme exertion maims him!
Kolsad looks more enlightened.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 85%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (1 AM) new raining
Kolsad sits down and rests.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 85%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (1 AM) new raining
Kolsad says 'Which aspect of the wars?'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 85%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (1 AM) new raining
Your warcry has worn off.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 17%m 91%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (2 AM) new raining sayto kol 'oo we be fight'n now. Who be come'n ta da village an try'n ta slaughter'us
You say to Kolsad ''oo we be fight'n now. Who be come'n ta da village an try'n ta slaughter'us'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 17%m 91%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (2 AM) new raining whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <100%hp (100%) 17%m 91%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (2 AM) new raining
The cry of a vulture is abruptly cut short.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 17%m 91%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (2 AM) new raining
Kolsad says 'The imperials, the scions, the nexans'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 17%m 91%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (2 AM) new raining frown
What's bothering you?

civilized <100%hp (100%) 17%m 91%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (2 AM) new raining
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.
You feel less tough.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 26%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining
An Immortal tells you 'Truesight now?'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 26%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining reply Yep
You tell an Immortal 'Yep'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 26%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining aff
You are affected by:
Power: 'truesight' for 5 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 5 hours.
Power: 'spellbane' modifies save vs spell by -7 for 2 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 6 for 1 hours.
Physical effect: 'cabal raid' modifies morale by 11 for 0 hours.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 26%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining call 'resist
Better stand first.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 26%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining
An Immortal tells you 'Good. Sorry about htat.'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 26%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining wake
You stand up.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 26%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining call 'resist

An Immortal tells you 'That.'
You feel tough!

civilized <100%hp (100%) 9%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining
An Immortal tells you 'and congratulations!'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 9%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining reply I owe it all to you guys.
You tell an Immortal 'I owe it all to you guys.'
Kolsad says 'Mostly a whole lot of imperials lately'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 9%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining nod kol
You nod at Kolsad.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 9%m 97%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (3 AM) new raining whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy
You are hungry.
You are thirsty.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 12%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (4 AM) new raining get side sack
You get a side of deer venison from a large sack.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 12%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (4 AM) new raining eat side
You finish eating a side of deer venison.
You feel completely full.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 12%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (4 AM) new raining drink bottle
You drink water from a dark blue bottle of spiced wine.
You are full.
You do not feel thirsty.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 12%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (4 AM) new raining
Kolsad says 'In their fancy black aura'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 12%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (4 AM) new raining sayto kol Lots trouble wit' dose scum
You say to Kolsad 'Lots trouble wit' dose scum'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 12%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (4 AM) new raining sigh
You sigh.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 12%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (4 AM) new raining whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <100%hp (100%) 12%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (4 AM) new raining
Kolsad shrugs indifferently.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 12%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (4 AM) new raining


civilized <100%hp (100%) 15%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (5 AM) new raining sayto kol Yer been think'n 'ow ta war wit' dem?
You say to Kolsad 'Yer been think'n 'ow ta war wit' dem?'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 15%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (5 AM) new raining
Kolsad says 'I've been warring with them'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 15%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (5 AM) new raining nod kol
You nod at Kolsad.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 15%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (5 AM) new raining whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <100%hp (100%) 15%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (5 AM) new raining sayto kol Course lad. Course...
You say to Kolsad 'Course lad. Course...'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 15%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (5 AM) new raining chuckle
You chuckle politely.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 15%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (5 AM) new raining
The sun rises above the horizon.
You feel less resistant to magic.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 19%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (6 AM) new raining
Kolsad says 'Well, it really depends on who comes from their side'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 19%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (6 AM) new raining
You feel less tough.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 22%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (7 AM) new raining sayto Yer fer know'n dey be like da blade catches yer eye cuz da gleam. Beautiful. But blade jus' next ta't on da rack be made better. Stronger.
***GRRRR, this was one of my favorite analogies :(***
Sayto whom or what?
Kolsad says 'And who is on ours'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 22%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (7 AM) new raining nod kol
You nod at Kolsad.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 22%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (7 AM) new raining whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <100%hp (100%) 22%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (7 AM) new raining sayto kol So dere. How yer solve der m'possible mission?
You say to Kolsad 'So dere. How yer solve der m'possible mission?'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 22%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (7 AM) new raining peer kol
You peer intently at Kolsad.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 25%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (8 AM) new raining
Kolsad says 'Which is the impossible?'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 25%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (8 AM) new raining eyebrow
You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 25%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (8 AM) new raining
Your eyes see less truly.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 27%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining sayto kol Dat good question
You say to Kolsad 'Dat good question'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 27%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining peer kol
You peer intently at Kolsad.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 27%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining call 'true
You look around sharply!
You Veil currently seems thin.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 10%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a tarnished silver ring
<worn on finger> a tarnished silver ring
<worn around neck> a fine leather cloak
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> a lightweight suit of gold chainmail
<worn on head> a steel open-faced helm
<worn on face> a tattered bandit's mask
<worn on legs> some comfortable chainmail leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of waterlogged leather boots
<worn on hands> some comfortable chainmail gauntlets
<worn on arms> midnight dragon armguards
<worn about body> a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider
<worn about waist> a belt of shimmering snake skin
<worn around wrist> a braided silver bracer
<worn around wrist> a braided silver bracer
<mainhand wielded> (Humming) a blackened iron chain
<worn as shield> a spiked buckler

civilized <100%hp (100%) 10%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining You are affected by:
Power: 'truesight' for 10 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 10 hours.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 10%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining aff
You are affected by:
Power: 'truesight' for 10 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 10 hours.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 10%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <100%hp (100%) 10%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining call 'resist
You don't have enough mana.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 10%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <100%hp (100%) 10%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining eq
You are using:
<worn on finger> a tarnished silver ring
<worn on finger> a tarnished silver ring
<worn around neck> a fine leather cloak
<worn around neck> ---
<worn on body> a lightweight suit of gold chainmail
<worn on head> a steel open-faced helm
<worn on face> a tattered bandit's mask
<worn on legs> some comfortable chainmail leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of waterlogged leather boots
<worn on hands> some comfortable chainmail gauntlets
<worn on arms> midnight dragon armguards
<worn about body> a black silk cape adorned with a blood-red spider
<worn about waist> a belt of shimmering snake skin
<worn around wrist> a braided silver bracer
<worn around wrist> a braided silver bracer
<mainhand wielded> (Humming) a blackened iron chain
<worn as shield> a spiked buckler

civilized <100%hp (100%) 10%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (9 AM) new raining
Kolsad says 'There are very hard things out there'
Lightning flashes in the sky.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 AM) new lightning
Something stirs in the rubble.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 AM) new lightning help induction
Welcome to your new cabal! Here are some basics that you'll need to know from
an Out of Character perspective. You can also view seperate helpfiles for many
of these things, if you want more detail.

Every cabal has a "cabal channel", allowing you to speak with your cabal mates
all over Thera. The command to speak on it is "cb ". Typing "cb" with
no message will toggle the channel on and off.

Some cabals have channels in addition to the cabal channel, for other purposes.
These are:

Fortress: There are two other channels in the Fortress, one for Maran and one
for Acolytes (Squires and Scribes cannot use them nor hear them). They are
accessed by typing "fc ".

Empire: As a new Bloodoath, you will be able to hear the Empire cabal channel,
but you will not be able to speak on it until you are promoted. Once you are
promoted, you will find that each sect within the Empire has its own channel,
accessed by typing "sect ".

Each cabal follows the same basic setup: One cabal item from which they draw
their power, one inner guardian and one outter guardian (Exception: Empire has
four smaller guardians that take the place of a single inner guardian). The
inner guardian is much stronger then the outter guardian. Attacking either will
cause them to alert everyone in that cabal, if they are able.

If an enemy cabal holds your item, then slaying their outer guardian will
return your item to your cabal automatically.

If an inner guardian is slain, then that cabals item will appear in the hands
of the guardian's killer (provided the cabal being raided posessed their item
in the first place). Any other cabal items held by that cabal will be released
as well. Example: Fortress holds the Scion and Empire cabal items. Empire kills
[Hit Return to continue]

the Fortress outer guardian, thereby returning the Empire cabal item. Empire
then slays the Fortress inner guardian, causing the Fortress item to appear in
their hands and the Scion cabal item to appear back in the Scion cabal.

If you are the one to land the killing blow on an inner guardian, their item
appears in your inventory. You can then take the enemy item to your cabal and
give it to your inner guardian. When you do so, your guardian will lock it away
in your altar, and the enemy cabal will lose access to most or all of their
cabal powers.


civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 AM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'For example, I probably won't take off to the skies anytime soon'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 AM) new lightning whe
People near you:
(PK) Ghrimriddor A Recently-Built Smithy
Kolsad A Recently-Built Smithy

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 AM) new lightning
Kolsad says 'But if Thror kicks me, I just might'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 AM) new lightning ponder
You ponder the question.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 AM) new lightning chuckle
You chuckle politely.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 AM) new lightning frown
What's bothering you?

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 AM) new lightning sayto kol Dinnae let dat 'appen
You say to Kolsad 'Dinnae let dat 'appen'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 13%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (10 AM) new lightning wry
You flash everyone a wry little smile.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 16%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 AM) new lightning i
You are carrying:
a dark blue bottle of spiced wine
a large sack
a gleaming whip of flattened mithril
a silver chain flail
a chain flail
(Glowing) a shimmering ornate silver scepter
(Humming) a shining mithril war axe
a gleaming whitesteel shortsword
a small raft

civilized <100%hp (100%) 16%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 AM) new lightning aff
You are affected by:
Power: 'truesight' for 8 hours.
Power: 'truesight' for 8 hours.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 16%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 AM) new lightning i
You are carrying:
a dark blue bottle of spiced wine
a large sack
a gleaming whip of flattened mithril
a silver chain flail
a chain flail
(Glowing) a shimmering ornate silver scepter
(Humming) a shining mithril war axe
a gleaming whitesteel shortsword
a small raft

civilized <100%hp (100%) 16%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 AM) new lightning wake
You are already standing.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 16%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 AM) new lightning call 'resist
You don't have enough mana.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 16%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 AM) new lightning help induct
Unable to find exactly what you were looking for.
Perhaps one of the following is what you want:

To view one of the help files listed above, type HELP <helpnumber>. Ex: HELP 28

civilized <100%hp (100%) 16%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 AM) new lightning rest
You rest.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 16%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 AM) new lightning help 322
Syntax: induct <character> <cabal>
Syntax: induct <character> none

This is a god given power to the leaders of cabals that allows them to induct
new members into their cabal. To remove someone from the cabal, use 'none'
as the name of the cabal. Do not induct somebody into a cabal if they are
already in one, induct someone against their will, or otherwise abuse this

civilized <100%hp (100%) 16%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (11 AM) new lightning
The lightning has stopped.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 22%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 PM) new raining sayto kol Alrigh' lad. Ah see yer got yer wits bout yer. Yer strong wit'a blade.
You say to Kolsad 'Alrigh' lad. Ah see yer got yer wits bout yer. Yer strong wit'a blade.'

civilized <100%hp (100%) 22%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 PM) new raining induct kolsad Battle
Kolsad has been inducted into the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic.

civilized <100%hp (100%) 22%m 100%mv 11842tnl (-16.67%)> (12 PM) new raining
Kolsad stands up.

***And you never once let me down.***

103513, Good read. ~
Posted by Batman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liek chat logs
103503, So long old man.
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I recall you swearing you would outlive me :) And you probably would have except you did just come into some horrible fights at times. But usually you would retrieve or die trying, and I respect that. Just wish you would have waited a bit at times, so we would not be around and you could avoid dying retrieving on multiple occassions.

I don't know if you dealt with other wood elf bards or just me, but I assure you, I am quite hittable and quite prone to dying in epicly stupid fashion in addition to just flat out getting beaten to hell. You certainly did it to me on a few occassions,but yes, generally things went well for me. Polearms are just not very offensive, and neither are swords- in terms of regular melee strikes-against a wood elf bard that is often hastened and is very low weight.

And 2X shimmering waters = death for arials.
Two iron swords = death for wood elves.
I don't recall you ever using iron to fight me though (thankfully)

Good luck whenever you come back to the fields!
103507, Adios Muchacho
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun fighting with you and when yo had those shimmering blades you did some nasty damage, all unspeaks on the detahblows nasty.

Sorry for pulling you into some bad situations at the end there (I am in a position where I pretty much need to stick my neck way out there to get people to commit long enough to fights to kill them and my build has some perks to fighting in chaotic situations) My only piece of advice would be to not be so shy about dropping the call bloodthirst option, if it looks bad at least go out in style and sometimes its enough to get you a kill where you wouldn't.

I think you did an excellent job of coming off as a goody in the village with the whole reluctance to even kill neutral guards and shying away from fights with the fort. It is a really hard line to walk and most villagers are not sympathetic to accomodating a village goodie but you did a stand up job.

You also seemed pretty concerned with no-remove weapons. I have done a lot of non hand spec villagers and really found that it was only an issue when fighting bash/crash combo's very few other people would use disarming abilities against villagers (maledictions are another story though)
103531, Did landslide was nerfed?
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What I remember from logs, it works way more than 60-70%, more like 90%.... That totally kills the build I want, but don't have time, to try..
103596, RE: Did landslide was nerfed?
Posted by Kolsad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure if it was nerfed or my opps were always hasted/enlarged or took the edge. Maybe it's just perception, but just couldn't drive most reliably.
103602, RE: Did landslide was nerfed?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pretty sure it's never been near 90% in realistic circumstances.

60-70% has been more in the ballpark, always, as far as I know. (I've had Landslide a time or three, FYI.)

Edit: I'm not giving you exact numbers there or doing the math -- I just know offhand it's closer to that than 90.
103541, Awww.
Posted by Angynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't deal much but I liked you, because of stuff that went down when we were younger. Good luck with the next man.