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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Mubs Osta the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=102894
102894, (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Mubs Osta the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Sep 29 18:29:50 2011

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Mubs perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
103093, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [BATTLE] Mubs Osta the Legend of the Battlefield, Drillmaster of Battle
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed this character. Everything about him screamed "LOOK AT ME!" - which sometimes we Immortals need.

At first, I was thrown off by the RP and really wasn't sure if I wanted to be a part of this character's wackiness. Eventually, I saw that it was genuine and there was substance behind the character. I LOVED Mubs. He reminded me of Ioanis and in many ways was able to make his enemies apathetic of his situation.

You're correct, I am a little bummed about giving you the con to see you delete but at the same time, it was worthwhile to interact with you. I will say that the Con quest was actually a little more difficult. I had to help you out a little when I found out one of the items was on a camoed NPC and the item didn't have a long description (so you couldn't see it when it fell on the ground).

Maybe I should have let you continue looking? Doh!

All in all, great character. Great energy you brought to the village and a strong example of what it takes to be a BattleRager. It's entertaining how things turn out - you initially got the boot for your mistake with Roocka on Eastern Road. I was snooping you at the time (thinking it was Roocka) and saw you in the circle, thus the removal of Roocka. Ultimately I realized I made a mistake and had to let him back into the Village. You were spared based on my acknowledgement of the mistake.

Crazy Imms!

Good luck with the next and seriously, great job with this character.

103104, You sir just made my day
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, seriously. I was always wondering what people thought of Mubs since he was kind of far off the reservation. It was a blast finally interacting with you over all these years - too bad your religion hates APs ;)

Thanks for the kind words and you can bet I'll be back near the Anvil sometime soon....

102989, Difficulty for me is what to say without seeming too negative
Posted by Gabrucin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To touch on what Ysal said of Mubs and you touching on 'parity' constraints a few times. For our interactions it was more often than not so our few times must have been the only few times, I presume!

Jumping on the mage when it is fighting another is 'orcish blind rage' and not rager rage.

I trust Thror's judgement for the most part so he obviously saw better from you but the one engagement that really stands out to me was when we fought in the Holy Grove as you chased me there. I shattered your conquest axe in 2nd two of the fight and you just fled and ran to the village. No, switch to othr weapons, no wielding another axe, just run away. To say you picked the fight it came across as a bit poor.

I would see logs of you going balls-out and dying but never saw that side of you as you would often escape at near death and run. Not blameing you for the retreat, it is perfectly viable, but you must have had a low opinion of me to not risk dying in the balls-out style you seemed to use in other fights that you died in.

You and Roocka were both borderline (Roocka more so!) for me but I hope you took lessons from Tontik in later life and improved as I have not seen you for weeks to judge.
103006, If I remember the fight in question
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
- I fled after losing Conquest because I hadn't replenished my tree trunk and I wasn't drillmaster yet so had no real spear. I didn't really carry around spares at all since it's not so often that someone weaponbreaks you. The majority of Mubs' life I carried nothing but Conquest/pruning, Drillmaster spear, and a tree trunk. I'd have to dive through logs but I seem to remember fighting you again shortly after with a tree trunk and killing you :)

-I very rarely broke parity without consequence. The few times it happened I usually took someone to the circle or it was merited (like some shifter attacking two ragers running back from the isle at 20% and all spelled up). Obviously there are mistakes that happen and I'm not perfect but I assure you it was never a decision I made "just because".
103017, RE: If I remember the fight in question
Posted by Gabrucin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fair enough but I don't think you killed me later. My only rager death, I think, has been to a Roocka and Tontik double team with added entwine and a failed word! I forgave Tontik later for always showing class since.

I may be misremembering but I don't think you did.
102957, Never expected you to delete.
Posted by Jitleph on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were straight up balls to the wall and always took the fight to your enemy every chance you had and I respect that. Oh how I wish I had a water form though for those times I was assigned to Hamsah and you fled to the ocean to heal up. Annoying as hell. Though I cam real close at least five times to killing you you always seemed to get away so I never got that one on one kill I wanted so badly. It would have been a highlight for Jitleph and that is a compliment.

102947, Soddin Lugnut
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just restrung a mageslayer belt for you and was waiting for another MPK. Git!
I liked Mubs, watched you some, played beside you and interacted with you a few times too. Dug that you tried to play a balls2thewall 'zerker, although you flirted with parity a few times.
Over all though a good char.
103011, Holy ****!
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Biddys back in town.
102917, Why can't you let me die?!
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where to start....Mubs was an autistic cloud giant who had a savage squirrel named Nutty. That alone made it quite fun to RP in the beginning and made me hold onto what I would consider a very limited character for awhile. I almost con-died my first char! (more on that later)

Now don't get me wrong, limited doesn't mean he wasn't a beast. Hitting for natural OBLITs when I had over 100 damage roll with a 50 pound conquest axe (had trapping/cry) and even getting UNSPEAK deathblow pugils with a silly ave 22 tree trunk made me very rough to handle for most players. I'd go as far to say that 90% of the people Mubs fought really had no chance with the pure damage he pumped out (even through full invoker shields and a/b/s I'd destroy most invokers in 4-5 rounds). I lost count of the people who died in 1-2 rounds....but see the problem was the last 10% of players. I had *zero* chance against certain builds and characters and it was infuriating. Tavlin, Rhin, Allysia, Obregon, Zenze for the most part... sure I got them a few times each but most of the time they'd wipe the floor with my character. I took every single edge I could to deal with them and yet, no luck. I was packing some sick mental gear near the end (somewhere around -50 to -60) and it helped against fiends but did jack against echoes/fire/etc. No matter how fun it is to pulverize some people with zero effort, it gets real old. I've never been a fan of "bash bash bash" chars...

In the end, I wasn't feeling it anymore. I was slammed with work big time because of a global release that happens next week and every time I had a moment to login....half the time I wouldn't. I'd either watch Breaking Bad (awesome show), play some Civ5/BF3/etc, or just do other things. I also started to run into some serious assholes near the end of my life that made me turn sour when I was around them. Most people were real nice to Mubs - I rarely got looted at all which was nice....but then there'd be random murder gnome shifter who ranked up in 3 days who would full loot just because. I was getting pretty hostile near the end to people for stuff I really shouldn't be bitching too loud about (shifters looting bloodstone rings, dying in a 4on1 to get looted, etc) so it was probably smart I deleted before I did anything really regrettable.

Well anyways, it was time to step down. I hope everyone enjoyed Mubs.

Some goodbyes...

Thror - I'm probably going to get a ton of flack for deleting right after you gave me a con quest. I wasn't really expecting it and it was really fun to get my first con quest ever. Are they usually that easy or did you think I was that much of a noob :) I finished it in like 20 minutes! All the interactions with Nutty and little nudges in the right direction kept me engaged into Mubs for a lot longer than I expected. Giving me Drillmaster like that was pretty nice too - I think I could have won the Rites for all those thinking I got an unfair promotion. You made this char very memorable. By the way, that "super poultice" edge I think is broken. Failing to cure a poison on a level 20 villager is pretty "bleh"...and I never could cure Tavlin's scourge. You're an awesome Imm (first real interaction with you over the 15+ years) and I really regret that I originally followed....

Jasthrean - Seriously man, I usually don't rag on Imms but are you alive or did you just not like Mubs/Nutty? I sent 2-3 notes/emails, prayed a crazy amount at all kinds of times and heard exactly jack. I had this really neat idea for a role and take on your religion and well....ya I'll leave it at that.

Tavlin/Rhin/Allysia/Obregon/Zenze - I don't hate you :) Thanks for leaving my gear and putting up with my assaults. I had some nice conversations with you all and thought we had a good time. Sorry for the rant Tavlin about ritual, thought it was the real ritual which would be kind of broken imho on you (was pretty easy to guess who you were) - my comments about ponies weren't meant to be a rant either, hopefully it didn't come across as such. I thought it was hilarious and enjoyed our interactions...despite you plowing over me with the My Little Pony army :)

Village - too many here to really reply to you all. Tontik, my little "midga lackey", going to miss roaming around with you. I'd be stunned if you don't get the next drillmaster/commander spot. I didn't see much of you Nuk as my time started to dwindle but we had fun while we were around. All the applicants that I made duke it out in the Arena or inducted on a "trial by fire" basis...you're lucky I never got around to my Highlander style process :) I really wanted to see how some of you would do. I think the only villager I didn't like was Markel and that loud-mouth assassin I stomped in the Circle :)

Dvalygg - I so wanted to help you find your items :( Hopefully it helped some - I've always got a soft spot for Scarab followers and wanted to see you succeed as a lich. I felt dirty telling you anything. Don't give up!

Scarabaeus - hopefully you finish that new class soon :) Can't tell ya enough how exciting it is!

I'll save the rest for replying to others as they show up. Again, I hope everyone enjoyed Mubs - I really was surprised I got no role contest love, oh well. Guess the Imms didn't like my twist on the "mages destroyed my family/home!" to "mages destroyed my squirrel's family/home!" I really thought I had the whole "fire" contest in the bag considering I was sphere anger. I'd like to get my premium but won't be able to for awhile (all my money went to BF3, SW:TOR, Innistrad, etc) - if anyone is feeling nice enough to pay for it, thanks ahead of time :)

Thanks again and we'll see when I come back to CF - lot of crazy good games coming out but one never really leaves CF forever.... and I got some ideas for new chars :)

102938, RE: Why can't you let me die?!
Posted by Garwern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had mixed feelings on Mubs. I will say that the fact that you apologized to me made me think very highly of you. That was a mature move that I'm not sure many(including myself) could make in a lot of situations.

Other than that we didn't interact much. Though it made me cringe when you got summoned into the locked room and went after Tavlin(not deputized) instead of Jitleph. I ran through my options of possibly saving you and couldn't foresee a surefire way of getting you out, or I would have.

It looks like you had a solid run through and were well liked, so bravo.
102950, me and nutty are going to miss you :)
Posted by Tontik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We ranked up together and if not was at really close to the same time, what was really funny to me was at that time there was like 5 villagers that all had speech impediments or spoke funny. I really liked the nutty angle and was always fun to play together.

You also showed me a crap ton of stuff that I had no idea where or how to get, which was nice since i had taken such along break from cf.

You also got me killed more than anyone else i think, fighting imm controlled mobs, hell even fighting certain imms who then transfer me away to a almost sure deathtrap but hell that is what i liked about you. And man did all those nexuns bards just eat you for lunch, was painful to watch sometimes.


p.s. I got your pbf for you

p.s.s. And man did i rape your face off that day in the circle heheheheh totally thought that was going to go the other way with the deathblow pugil and all, glwyn and make another villager
102965, I had a soft spot for Mubs.
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like Tontik, you just kept trucking in horrible situations. Adn you killed a fair amount of people and if I was not ready for a fight with you, I ran cause I knew it would end badly for me.

I really enjoyed the warcry and the random talks we had. I hate to say it but there have been a lot of really intersting roles of villagers that I only get to see glimpses of, but that just seem like they are awesome to be around. (And you did get a global echo when you deleted- not sure how you died there though- guessing immolation or the random air shifter?)

And I don't recall Mubs killing me, but I'm so old I can't remember anymore who killed me when. I know I had lots of close calls, but I usually managed a brandish before that last deathblow would end it. :) However, other nexuns don't play anywhere near as conservative as I do, and I know you got lots of my allies. I always told them not to underestimate you, and I made sure never too when you were around.

I admit fiend is a one sided thing against clouds, but yeah, cloud giant, you have to expect it. And at times I simply did not want to fight you, it's not always about the PK with nexuns, even against villagers.

I enjoyed the guildguard roundhouse log. I had no idea of course, but that just seemed to be the luck Mubs had lots of times.

Hope to see you back sooner rather than later. And don't worry about the premium, it'll get picked up.
102976, That thing we talked about that one time
Posted by Zosi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Consider it done. Great, enjoyable character, but I didn't get the autistic part. I just said to myself "wow, that's some great 16 int roleplay!"

And, omg, I will never, ever forget leaving you in that snare for Tavlin to snack on. To this day I've cut way back on the baited-snare action, because I never, ever want that to happen again. I actually call it (in my head) the Mubs rule. Heh. Good times :)

Good luck with the next.
103007, Dont mean to be that guy but..
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
16 int is average? so its like being a normal humans..
103018, Eh by the time we met it was already dying from my RP
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a lot more prominent (as was Nutty) earlier on. Some psycho full-looting gnome shifter didn't bring much out from me ;)
102977, RE: Why can't you let me die?!
Posted by Angynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved the fact that you would send a tell of hello in the middle of
a #### storm all sides fighting whoever and streaming though lines
of text pops in a hello. :) Always fun trying to politely respond
during that. Best mubs moment? Other than the talking fish bit...
Pre-pk level I can't remember what I was doing and I either blessed
you or something like that, not thinking villager. You wandered off
and I sent a "you're welcome" and you came back with "Yes, dad." or
something along those lines. Hehe.
102984, RE: Why can't you let me die?!
Posted by Ajeagre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was hoping to get another fight in before one of us deleted/died. But it seems we can't always get what we want.

103052, Soon as I figured out your legacies...
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...it wasn't too bad. I wouldn't try just "bashing" down a berserker with the head with no-remove axes. You really should have flurried there a lot of times, it would have won you many of our fights.
103062, RE: Why can't you let me die?!
Posted by Dvalygg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were, by far, the most fun character to talk to. I'll have to leave it at that for now...
102896, Damnit
Posted by Nuk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A damn shame really. You were getting all sorts of love! Custom title, custom room description, tons of immteraction with Nutty, slaughtering foes left and right. Wish you could have stuck it out, you brought spice to the village. I think this is one of your best characters yet, you really got to let your RP side shine some.

Nuk really liked you. You would have been my pick for Drillmaster regardless, but you really stood out to Thror too, and he thought you were the best man for the job as well. I completely agreed with it and I don't have a single regret about it.

Good job man. Way to step it up.

Your friendly neighborhood Nuk
Posted by Tesline on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM