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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [None] Trul the Knight of the Apocalypse
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=102481
102481, (RAGE DELETE) [None] Trul the Knight of the Apocalypse
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Sep 16 09:38:58 2011

At 9 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 12th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Trul perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
102483, A few goodbyes
Posted by Quixotic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First AP, third mage. I loved the utility of the AP class, but I had no luck locating wands and I dared not rank up because I already had level 45 arials, elves, and storm giants in my range. What a catch-22. I suppose I should do a few 50 hour shapeshifters so I can build up my wand knowledge, but that seems so lame. I will definitely be playing an AP again, though.

One observation in this character's life that struck me as odd: doesn't anyone raid anymore?

Tavlin - A perfectly reasonable quest for entering Scion, but it would have been a lot easier with a few wands.

Shudo - thank you for your assistance and encouragement. Your supporting presence kept me going where otherwise I would have grown tired earlier and moved on.

Fjodir - a tough little cuss with an rp angle I wish I knew better. Good luck.

Gankycuss - It was very courageous of you to watch as I fought the paladin until I was writhing so you could pincer me on the flee. It's a mage kill, so not necessarily bad RP, but I thought trophying a corpse of a nobody like Trul was pretty weak given the situation.
102484, For Realz?
Posted by Ganicus the Gankycuss on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gankycuss - It was very courageous of you to watch as I fought the paladin until I was writhing so you could pincer me on the flee. It's a mage kill, so not necessarily bad RP, but I thought trophying a corpse of a nobody like Trul was pretty weak given the situation.

You seem to have a skewed view of courage. By and large it revolves around risk taking. You fully prepped, even with a buddy or two, is really just a count down until you die or you teleport. You were significantly outmatched against me so to try and incline I needed any help to kill you is flat out wrong.

The two situations were that I saw you and made a bee line to attack you. In the time between me seeing you on where and entering the room you were in you got into a fight with someone else. While you and they fought I sat and watched. You as the losing party then began to run away. Once it was clear you were going to get away I threw on the "no you don't" pincer. In both situations you had time to teleport out before I did that. From my point of view you were trying to use rager parity to avoid fighting a tougher opponent and thats not exactly kosher in my book. Note that I also did not attack you when you were fighting the other people and waited until you clearly had a lead on them from a running standpoint before stepping in so from that perspective your fight with them was over.

As for using trophy... its a skill, you have to kill someone to use it. If your corpse was next to tavlins I would trophy his but when you try and perfect a skill with a long cool down and tight use conditions you take what you can get.

Please note I am not really trying to toot my own horn with saying you are outmatched. The village berserker to A-P in the mid(most) ranks tends to be heavily in favor of the berserker, ask shudo how much fun it is trying to cast through spellbane and eat DB's even through ABS.
102485, I was definitely outmatched. I have no illusions there.
Posted by Quixotic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My experience in Battle suggests that a trophy was something you took from a worthy foe. Now I'm not a diehard battle player, but your drillmasters must be little easier on you than they were on me back in the day.

I'll post a log and you can see my skewed perspective of the fight in question.

*** Editted to add: in fairness to you, I was on the covered/gushing border, not writhing. The fact you were watching us fight, saw how wounded I was, and waited for a chance to get involved is great tactics for any vulture, and from my pov I saw you as a vulture here. This one moment, however unfairly it represented you in my eyes, did color all my further images of your pincersvirf.
102487, For real?
Posted by Dallevian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very humorous post.

You think you're carrying the banner of the Village but in reality it's just the dirty loincloth of some poor schmuck long ago booted from Battle. Wave it high, bro, wave it high.
102490, I almost hate to post this, but I'm gonna
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you have no rebuttal to the log that Trul posted, I'm going to just say that Woldrun would have booted your ass in a heartbeat if he'd seen that.

And this is where there is a fairly large disconnect between Thror and myself. His view is a dead mage is a dead mage. My view is that the Pride that a rager needs to have in himself and his abilities should require that you don't step in just because "he was about to get away."

It showed absolutely no courage and no pride. Yes, it ended up with a dead mage.

There's a difference between seeing a guy in your PK in the area, running to them, and pincering (without knowing their circumstances beforehand). If that was what had happened, good on you for getting the mage kill. But sitting and watching two relatively evenly matched foes have a relatively good battle and then pincering the mage as he's about to attempt escape? Meh.

But, Thror runs Battle, not me. I'm not saying he'd be perfectly fine with the scenario as it played out in the log. I don't know. I do know that he doesn't view scenarios like that to be as completely craptastic as I do.

102492, I am going to have to start logging
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Suffice it to say that the treatment Trul got is not indicitive of how I treat most enemies and had to do with his previous behavior.

Thror had not many days before this log been talking through the destructor and posting on Phawa's death thread that attacking weaker enemies to avoid stronger ones was not what rager parity was about. I tend to agree.

I also urge you to pull my PK stats and let me know if you think I am ganky after looking at the numbers.
102493, RE: I am going to have to start logging
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The thing is, although in general you may not act like this, your justification/rationale for taking a cheap shot at Trul in this situation makes it seem like you would act like this constantly with other characters.

I think it's unlikely, but it leads people to think otherwise.

BTW, your justification is absolute ####. You basically admitted that in this situation, you acted like a vulture and attacked a weakened foes after carefully looking at the battle situation. Regardless of what you thought about before attacking, the simple fact is you acted in a cowardly way.

If I were you, I'd attack the paladin asap, chase him away, then pincer Trul at the beginning of the battle.

102505, While I agree with 90% of that.
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I ask this as I have general interest in knowing people's views in these sort of things.

Out of curiosity should a berserker attack a paladin, just to drive him off so he can try to kill the mage the paladin was fighting? If a dead mage is the desired end result, why does it matter if he kills them or the paladin does? You just attacked a non-village enemy because he was fighting a mage before you got there and you want the mage kill yourself. I genuinely want to know if that's alright, especially as a non-evil.

To me that's just as ####ty. In the RP sense a dead mage is more important than if you or the paladin gets the PK. If you see two people fighting, as a berserker generally I think you just keep on walking. He didn't come in with a pincer, he saw them fight, saw the flee, followed and pincered. He assumed, but does not know for sure the fight was over, and struck because of it. Trul could have been using some delaying tactics by fleeing, run the paladin around or make him burn mana by constantly summoning, and then reengage.

As a berserker don't sit there to wait for the outcome or an opportunity to get a kill. Lots of others will do this very thing, or just jump in immediately, which is fine, but for a berserker I don't think it flies, especially not on someone you know is not a match for you even prepped and full health.

Ganicus just had a little bad luck in not getting there first, but once he knew they were fighting, he should have just left. Which I imagine he does 99% of other times. This is just one small incident, but the problem is people are more known for their one failure than their hundred successed lots of time.
102508, RE: While I agree with 90% of that.
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's dead mage, and there's pride.

In my view, berserkers, while caring about dead mage, wants the dead mage on their hand, not through some stupid paladin's hand.

But as a berserker, they shouldn't be satisfied with 'oh, someone else is going to take care of it, let's go watch a football game'. It's '####, someone's going to take MY kill? Who the #### does he think he is? That bastard mage did XXXX to me, and I WANT HIS HEAD!'

I agree that this was probably a small incidence.
102510, Well fuggin said Twister! This is all.
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102511, Even if he took the kill, made the poncho FINE< but wearing it?! Nut! n/t
Posted by Thrakadan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like Mubs pincering naked people at the altar, make the poncho for skill gain, but wearing it? The skill is called Trophy for a reason.
102488, RE: A few goodbyes
Posted by Sivyh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Shudo - thank you for your assistance and encouragement. Your supporting presence kept me going where otherwise I would have grown tired earlier and moved on.

I've always wanted to join the Acolytes of the Golden Sun Eternal Night. Kudos to you, good sir. :)
102489, RE: A few goodbyes
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>First AP, third mage. I loved the utility of the AP class,
>but I had no luck locating wands and I dared not rank up
>because I already had level 45 arials, elves, and storm giants
>in my range.

My opinion: I think it's good to play a human A-P first for precisely the reason of the huge XP penalty of most other choices.

To play something like fire you need to be ready to look at those level 45 guys when you're level 36 as people you're going to kill for charges, not people who might kill you.
102491, RE: A few goodbyes
Posted by Knac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Completely agree with this assessment.

If I play a drow/fire ap, I think to myself that I'll have tougher enemies who will likely be worth more charges, than having easier enemies who will be worth only one charge.

Sure, playing a human AP is dandy and all with the lack of XP penalties. Then again, if you ranksit, your target will be people worth 0-1 charges instead of 1-3 charges.
102494, I admit it.
Posted by Quixotic on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It would have been a challenge for me to play an AP under any circumstance, but it would take far more talent and game knowledge than I have to be able to pull off the fire giant ap without wands. I had access to one limited shield, which for many pk situations I entered was just fine, but even a limited aura source would have helped immensely. A full sleek set would have been a dream.

Wand roulette is one of the fun & frustrating things about mages. I don't mind it, but wand access matters in many aspects of gameplay. My two previous mages had both found shield and barrier sleeks, so I was feeling overly optimistic with ol' Trul.
102495, I know what you mean
Posted by Onewingedangel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I played Erishmalin, I had like, the BEST sleek spots I could've had (Maybe a few better ones), But mine were great nonetheless, all easy solos, and could gather all three in a matter of 5 minutes. I was feeling good when I made Shougrah, not a single sleek. I only made it to like, 30, true, but all the spots I was able to check, didn't find anything. But anyway, didn't spend much time with you, actually, almost none, but hey, a fire AP, I will never try that, I absolutely hate low int, so, Kudos to you man, kudos. GLWYN.