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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Morin Balintor the Knight of Courage, Captain of the Brigade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=102068
102068, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Morin Balintor the Knight of Courage, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Aug 29 11:05:08 2011

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 33rd of the Month of the Great Evil
on the Theran calendar Morin perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
102071, Holy crap!
Posted by Athaldos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Amazing Char!

Great work all round! Constant presence and kept fighting despite all odds! Dedicated and inspiring!

102073, RE: Holy crap!
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks! I really wish you'd kept Athaldos going a bit longer, I liked him A LOT. As for keeping trucking it was one of those things I just decided with Morin. As someone who followed a Sphere Courage IMM, even though i was Sphere Purity, I'd rather see comments like "Man this guy just runs headlong into overwhelming odds and just gets plastered" rather than "Man this guy see's 3 enemy's on and goes into hiding." that and I still mostly suck at PvP, so I eat a crapton of deaths.
102069, Brief Goodbyes - Post and I'll reply.
Posted by Welverin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, what can I say. 415 hours, almost double my longest lived character
to date. And boy was he ever fun, but it's time.

Morin was rolled back when Baer was just coming back to activity as
a hope that I'd be able to stick out to hero a pally. I can honestly
say this was my most successful character to date, I accomplished all
the things I wanted to:

1) Get a Virtue - Check
2) Hero a Pally - Check
3) Get a second Virtue - Check
4) Do a better leader - Check
5) Get a Tattoo - Check
6) get more than 50 kills - CHECK!

Baer: Man I couldn't have done this character without you. You were
top notch in EVERY aspect. Thanks for everything.


Eachainn - Man what a friend. It was great running with you.

Angynn - Holy cow Morin loved having you around. What a great

Eralisthel - Ditto on Angynn, though i wish our times meshed more.

Shinju - While we were younger we had decent times together, but
later not so much. I did have fun with you.

There were sooo many more of you that I've forgotten I know, please
don't be offended. Post and I'll reply.


Tavlin - God I hate you. Well not really, but I just couldnt' do
anything against you. Nothing I tried ever worked. If I was
lucky, I made it out alive, most times, i was not so lucky.

Sivyh - A few fights. Man I wish I'd gotten you the other night
when you wispered at me and I pulled you out with the Fire and

Cotzibue - While you were dread lady, see tavlin's comments. For
some reason after you got anathema'd I did at least a bit better
against you.

Rasst - You SUCK. Man I hated knowing that I'd walk into you like
that in the mountains. God that was just painful, and I'd almost
never get you out of the wilds, and if I did, you were gone as
quickly as you came. GREAT character.

Zosi - Too bad it came so late in life, I felt a decent antagonistic
feel coming between us. It was fun though.

Ajeagre - Thanks for being a good sport all those times. And yeah,
I have a knack for catching people with their pants down with

Everyone else, post and I'll reply, it's getting to long already.

Well I'm off to do something not Fort now believe it or not. See
you guys in the fields.

102070, A fond farewell...
Posted by Caerdryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I felt my warm and amazing welcome that you gave me into the Fortress slowly turn a bit cold after Caerdryn left Baerinika, but that was to be expected.

However, you never stopped being a good Captain in the sense that you were a presence, on the battlefield and off, that was a great deal of benefit to the Fortress. You will certainly be missed.

I wish I had been able to spend more time at hero with you. I spent so long in the lower ranks to learn as much as I could about PK between 30-40, which before this character was a horrible weakness of mine.

Morin was consistent, reliable, and well-roleplayed, even when it was clear that there was frustration involved. Never once saw you break your role or log out in a fit. I respect that, a lot.

See you in the fields.
102072, RE: A fond farewell...
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked Caedryn. And as for the cold shoulder, that was mostly on purpose. Morin had felt the sting of real betrayal early in life, and having you leave the faith that he tried to live with every breath of his being was hard. Good luck and keep trucking man.
102100, RE: A fond farewell...
Posted by Caerdryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Absolutely. I knew it was an IC reaction. You will be greatly missed by the Fortress. We need a new leader now and it'll be hard for someone to step into your shoes.

Good luck with whatever you do next.
102078, Well can't say I'm sad that your gone but
Posted by Ajeagre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
was always fun and annoying at the same time to have you online. I know you would come for me sooner or later and the only thing that makes me sad about this is that I will never be able to find you with your pants down.

For finding me with my pants down was something you did. You would always show up just in the place I was hoping to battle with someone else. The most annoying was when you got me in the ruins just after I beat Drak with just 10hp left or what it was. The warm feeling just started to spread to my fingers (that always go cold when I PK) and it's cut short by the feeling of despair having to sit there waiting for the flurry spam and see you come in and wrath me!

Well its all part of the game. Thanks for adding to the fun. And well sorry if I did the run around a bit from you but well as we discussed inchar, I would just spend a lot of gold and still have to hope for a slip up from you.

102079, I slip up a lot
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You wouldn't believe.... Leader CON was the only thing that got me as far as it did. but I understand. And yeah, Morin was the king of the cheap kill. I don't know how many it was, but it was a LOT where I'd walk in on people like that.
102088, Player question for Ajeagre - Ignore it if you want.
Posted by Angynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm wondering if your fingers go cold at other times where it
would not normally make sense to, or if they stay cold during
the winter even if you have the heat up in the house to the point
that other people are complaining. I have an issue like that so
I can't help but ask. If the intensity of what's going on in game
lasts too long my hands actually get numb, and I start typing like
a drooling moron.
Anyway if it's like this how do you deal with winter?
(Not cf-specific, just in general)
ANY advice here is welcome.
102103, RE: Player question for Ajeagre - Ignore it if you want.
Posted by the-me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Get a cholestral check, and also consider the positioning of your key board. Eat stuff that improves your circulation, drink hot drinks, I'm not even aware of how cold my hands are getting, until later when I get slapped in the face for bringing ice to bed.
102142, Thank you.
Posted by Angynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll check on cholesterol issues, and figure out something with the
keyboard, will do. The rest I already do, and oh so much more hehe.
Thank you again.
102135, RE: Player question for Ajeagre - Ignore it if you want.
Posted by Ajeagre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I have bad circulation in my hands and feet. I blame my mother for this. She has the same issue. Did a colesteral check ones but it's all fine. I guess I just have to live with it. Playing a giant helps because you don't have to type well when speaking ;)

But yea. I would do a checkup if I was you. Also try and have you keyboard at a good height. If it's really bad for you why not use finger gloves?
102141, Thanks.
Posted by Angynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish I could adjust the kb height at my desk, maybe a different
chair? and I'll look into cholesterol issues, but I'm 100% sure that
is not it. hehe. I know what the base issue is but I was looking
for unbiased advice and tips. I HATE gloves while typing. :)
I'm pretty sure re-aligning the angle of my wrists to the kb will
help alot though.
Now let me guess something since your mom has the same issue.
At about 68 f and below the blood will stop going to your
extremities, if you pick up an ice cold glass even in summer your
hand will come close to that temp within seconds and stay cold
for a lot longer than you would think. When the blood comes back
once you warm up it hurts for a while. :)
102080, There goes some of my own enjoyment
Posted by Lohoq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were on the receiving end of one of my favorite assassinations, the raid on the Empire only to be hit with the assassinate at the Centurions, I am still not sure why Feroul struck the centurions first. That time you got me on the open sea was just stupidity on my part (forgot I had a cabal item on me). Then I came back to a fairly empty corpse, I knew I had to have revenge! I did achieve it but unfortunately didn't get the few pieces I wanted before that other fortie came rolling in. After I sent you a tell gloating about my achievement You had a great response about how I will always be seeking revenge. Very well played from your end.

You were a great presence for the Fortress and I know you will be sorely missed on that side of the aisle.
102081, Yeah. Good fights.
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a touchy subject looting. I did a Get all Corpse a few times and mostly to people i was pretty sure had been at least partially responsible to me coming back to an empty corpse. You were one of those. But I tried to play classy as much as I could. I always hated having to think about where all the shadows were. I took the twitchy edge pretty late, and for the most part it was just a warning of the impending assassination. I did like your RP though, especially post anathema.

See you in the fields.
102082, Knight of courage, huh?
Posted by enemy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was funny to see how you logging off quickly when there were no other marans, or stayed just minimal amount of time before log off. Never fought me alone. Maybe just my perspective, though and against other characters you did better.

Treatened you as one of the most gangy characters I've interracted last year and completely disliked you.
102083, RE: Knight of courage, huh?
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hmmm.... I don't recall having more than a few logins that were less than 20 minutes or so, but the IMM's can confirm that. I can also count on one hand the number of times I logged out because I was the only Fortie on. I don't think I ever logged out because of a single opponent. Now, facing two imperial necros both with Full armies from HLK, yeah, I thought twice about fighting those odds.... As for Gangy, heck yeah, I was gangy, unabashadly. And on the flip side, I was in quite more than one fight were it was a couple against me. I was fighting a war, not a dual. But go ahead, if it makes you feel better, you can think what you want.

But without a name to your character, I've got no reference, so I'll leave it there.

102113, I am active. When I'll delete, I will maybe mention you.
Posted by enemy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or probably not. Not a paladin charager anyways - just another duergar with the golden aura, and roleplayed the same way: rude, histerical, insulting.

Dislike and your PK style, and your RP (or was it OOC frustration because of your deth)? Anyways, ####ty done, gratz with custom tittle and custom room desc.

Again, maybe I was so 'lucky' to receive such tells from you, but Maravon and Bhowaer were classy and great RP/interractoin/PK guys, you - surely not.
102118, Whatever dude....
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am pretty sure I have you pegged but you can go ahead and hide behind our anonimity for however long you play. The fact of the matter is, I am 99% sure that I NEVER went OOC, not once. If you received a tell, it was IC. GL with whatever it is you're playing.
102133, I will post logs later when you are dying twice to me.
Posted by enemy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While you never got me, so no - you didn't 'pegged' me. I am not angry or upset, and this is not blaming. I only told you about impression of the character, and now, by those answers here I see that Morin = your persona and all that talking #### came not from your character, but yourself.

Do whatever you want with it. Smart person would make a note and improve himself, but seems it's not your case.
102134, RE: I will post logs later when you are dying twice to me.
Posted by The-me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lol got you 'pegged' means he knows who you are, and thinks he knows the situations you are speaking about.
102137, Ah. :)
Posted by enemy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, yes. I'm faaar not perfect with english :)

Sorry dude Morin if I misunderstood you, happens.

EDIT: I wanted to check 'pegged' in google, but it was early morning and I had no time for that. Duh!
102159, RE: Ah. :)
Posted by The-me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
'Pegged' Can also mean that you did a girl. Thats a pretty rare and fairly english (uk) slang.
102165, Cough.."pegged" means the girl did the "doing" nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102166, RE: Cough..
Posted by The-me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In some circles, but commonly the peg is the equipment, so... i guess the girle would be the one getting pegged.
102167, Just google "pegging." nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102136, RE: I will post logs later when you are dying twice to me.
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, Maybe you need a bit more vodka or something. Exactly as The-me said, Having you pegged means I'm pretty sure you're one of two people I interracted with. The fact that you say you killed me twice means that now, Yep I'm pretty sure it's one of those. You can think whatever you want about me, cause really you're one person out of like 30 that I interracted with. and if you are who I think you are man.... Glass houses dude.
102138, Oh and go ahead and post the logs...I'd like to see if I'm right. nt
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102101, RE: Knight of courage, huh?
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lol are you serious?! I watched Morin chase empire through time for a week, and it was only the decouncil that stopped a huge ruckus. Sad times empire guys :(
Also I was guilty of chasing Morin around incase there was anyone I could cheaply nail on the side, which might have made him seem a little gangy outside of his control.
102084, A very inspiring Captain
Posted by Iliandar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked that you stood by your principles and loved the character in general. Very approachable Maran, which is 'sometimes' a bit of a problem, but not in your case.
102085, RE: A very inspiring Captain
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the feedback, it's exactly the way I wanted to play him. Keep on trucking, fort needs a good healer in the ranks, and you fill the spot really well.
102086, *fistshake* :)
Posted by Angynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Morin was great! I'll miss him being around even if lately we only
saw each other for little bits at a time. He was truly a 'driving
force' for the Fortress. I don't care how much you down play it
IC or now OOC you were a 'perfect' maran how I think of how they
are supposed to be. You were in the mix, you drove in hard and
relentlessly, and when the time came to be, you were harsh BUT
you never had any of that spiteful, hatefull, negative garbage.
Hehe unless you were talking about yourself, humble is good and
and all especially for a paladin, but you took it to an acolyte-like
level. :) It made Angynn like you even more, but when you kick ass
at your 'job' you can still be humble by saying you do it well.
:) Hehe, well you made your checklist, and that's cool. Best of
luck with your next. Unless, as I told someone else recently, you
end up in my range as an enemy before I'm dead. Then I'll wish you
good luck with everything but this: May you never dodge any of my
punches. Hahaha. Really though even if you kill me... Good luck,
have fun, and see you next time around.
102096, RE: *fistshake* :)
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was really fun running with you guys. I wish we could have done some more with better alignment of playtimes. thanks for the kind words.
102087, Are you F'ing KIDDING ME?!
Posted by Irusan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Come on man, what are you guys trying to do, make Irusan kill himself out of grief? You were Irusan's surrogate father (sorry Bho, you were mom) and this, on top of other recent deletions/deaths is going to be a HUGE blow to Irusan, and I've now got to go and figure out how this will affect his rp. Dammit, you were always a blast to have around. You inducted Irusan and he always looked up to you in a big way. He, even as a Maran, was always a little bit in awe of you. I really loved playing with you, and this quite frankly sucks it.

Selfish bastard, going and deleting on me. Did you ever once top to think about MY needs as a player?

102090, RE: Are you F'ing KIDDING ME?!
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Irusan. Wanna do something nice for your dead old pa? Go out and get one of the leader spots in his memory. It was a really hard decision to make. Lots of great people over the 400+ hours and more coming up through the ranks. Hopefully the last person i talked to sent out a note like I asked, IC take it to heart cause it was addressed indiviually to all my Squires and Maran without being able to do that. Keep trucking, use it as an RP opportunity to make Fort strong with new Leadership.
102094, Hahaha.
Posted by Angynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just thinking about how the #### is angynn gonna go through
THIS now. Isn't it already enough? If I react to it the way he
has been reacting to deaths of people he looked up to or was close
to, this is gonna push him over the edge. Crap we can't do that!
Hehehe hopefully I'll have a role concept to work around it that
doesn't leave me a weepy mopy bitch for the rest of the characters
life before I log in next time. :) I was going to just sigh and
keep it to myself but I saw your post and decided he could use a
little extra guilt for leaving us poor bastards in the lurch. Okay
not really, mostly because it was funny only a little of it to say
Yeah you selfish bastard! What about us? Hehe. Yeah I know you do
what you gotta do. When it is no longer fun, or if real life gets
in the way, kill that character. If no can pay bills den no can
play cf yes? If is no fun, den no reason play cf. -orc proverb?
102089, RE: Brief Goodbyes - Post and I'll reply.r
Posted by nothing spectacular that i see... on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
De only thing that stands out is the willingness to do things to have a mechanical advantage over foe...mediorcre character at best...
102091, This is not what the anon option is for nt
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102092, this' Phawa by de way n/t
Posted by Phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102095, RE: this' Phawa by de way n/t
Posted by morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Already knew it was you. And the whole powergamey telling me that you were going to take the legacy to reduce holy damage just kind of Meh. Especially the part where after you took it you told me how much it didn't help.
102097, RE: this' Phawa by de way n/t
Posted by phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fail to see the bad at discussing the monks secret that I told you I might have seek
102098, RE: this' Phawa by de way n/t
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It came across as VERY OOC. It was somone whining that they chose a build that had a very exploitable vuln and saying "ha ha, you just wait until I gain a few levels, then you won't be able to do that to me no more PFFFffftttt".
102105, RE: this' Phawa by de way n/t
Posted by phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Whining" is how you put it, de way I see it, you died to me way more than I died to you, so there no cause to whine...
102107, RE: this' Phawa by de way n/t
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, yeah, I died to you and you're buddies more than you did to me. But let's put it to the real test. How many times did you not even show up to retrieve against me? How many times did I come, even when you had a buddy or four? Count them up and let's talk.
102110, RE: this' Phawa by de way n/t
Posted by Phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is no way I would attempt retrieval by myself if there's an invoker defending due to quicksand and cancelation spell... and being an imperial, there's even less reason to do so...and I am quite please dat I was able to down you a few times considering how easy it is for you to get away....
102111, RE: this' Phawa by de way n/t
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yep, it was very easy to get away, when you have a Giant Basher with you for two of the kills, which were both at Centurions IIRC. And for the other three you have a Bard, Assassin, and out of Cabal Invoker spaming pillar for another, a healer, assassin and dagger warrior for the last. yep it was all you man, All your skill.

And for the invoker, I can think of at least a handfull of times it was me alone, and you wouldn't come. But keep up the delisions dude, whatever helps keep you warm at night.
102125, RE: this' Phawa by de way n/t
Posted by Phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
why is it do you think that Phawa is affraid of Morin?? there are always a reason for why and why not... and I'll tell you "chicken ####" is not one of the reason and I need not going into the details of all the things I do to keep Phawa's schedule busy every log on... the char is gone and let it be gone.
102130, So first its...
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm so awesome cause I killed you so much... Now it's... I was just too busy to fight you, I wasn't afraid of your or nothin, I just didn't want to fight you cause.... I was out killing other people when the Codex was at the Fortress... Yep yep. THat's it, I wasn't afraid of you... As long as I had a few friends with me that is... Whatever dude.
102140, RE: So first its...
Posted by Phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One who has fear of dying wont Con die a character..and obviously isn't my case, delusional one...though one with 400 hours and not con death does look like he who is chicken sh*t...
102143, Ok Dufus, I'll play
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let do some rudimentary math to talk about 400 hours without CON Death.... I was Leader with 18 or 19 con. If the number of deaths defines he who is Chicken####, I had 3-6 before Leader. Let's say 2-3-4 of those are Mob deaths. So that leaves about 3 PK deaths there....

Now, I deleted with 9 CON. So that's ~10 CON with Leader CON, which puts me at ~50+ deaths from that time. Assume that some of those are Mob deaths, maybe 6. So 44 + 4 = 48 PK Deaths.... Pretty sure I' shooting low here, cause I died A LOT. Full CON for a Human is 20, so 17 * 3 = 51 total available deaths with no training of CON, Which I forget but I may have done, I know I did at least one questy thing that got me a CON. So if I didn't have the leader CON, you bet I'd have CON Died well before 400, hours.

Now this is all assuming that the number of deaths = courage... But hmm. I think I can count on one hand the number of times you actually fought me 1 v 1. You want to see courage, take a look at me tooling you with your pocket healer, you running like a little punk and me killing the healer. Nuf said.

102108, Just in case...
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You couldn't look it up on your own PBF:

Jul 27, 2011|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Morin vs 4: Farror (0%), Phawa (5%), Sivyh (29%), Suo (65%, punch)
Jul 31, 2011|Lv 51|The Imperial Palace|Morin vs 3: Vinq (0%), Phawa (36%, flurry), Sivyh (63%)
Aug 8, 2011 |Lv 51|Balator|Morin vs 2: Volkhan (37%), Phawa (62%, slash)
Aug 8, 2011 |Lv 51|The Imperial Lands|Morin vs 2: Volkhan (99%, cleave), Phawa (0%)
Aug 13, 2011|Lv 51|Balator|Morin vs 4: Phawa (55%, chop), Zaanzorbarus (32%), Gdot (11%), Wiril (0%)

I see two KB's there out of five. Average Group size per kill: 3. Yep you got me boss, you are way better at this than I am, and you should be proud.

102112, What are you, like 12 or something?
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nearly every post in every thread that has your name attached to it, makes me want to punch you for your spelling and grammar, then punch whoever first showed you CF. I couldn't possibly give less of a rats ass about your character or who you played than I do now, but let me tell you one thing: Every single posting by you was a waste of my time reading.

Every. Single. One.

I think you owe me about 20 minutes for all the time I wasted reading your self-congratulatory, whiny, immature tripe. You're like the Imperial version of Hasteur, people don't find you difficult to beat but they don't want to deal with the 30 minute headache that follows kicking your ass. I for one would love it if you broke your own arm trying to pat yourself on the back, over a game, particularly one that you're not as good at as you think.

I want my 20 minutes back.
102115, Totally agree
Posted by Randomguy55555 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Classless posts.
102126, RE: Totally agree
Posted by Phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102146, haha u moron
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He is agreeing with vlad that u r the one that lacks class
102155, RE: haha u moron
Posted by phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know dat you moron...
102123, RE: What are you, like 12 or something?
Posted by Phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Okay first of all take a deep breath Psycho.. it's a game so don't get all work up on it..

Secondly, I'm responding to Morin's death post, not yours... so you don't need to get all work up on it..

Thirdly, I'm writing the post from a cell phone so don't mind the grammar and I don't see the need for you to get all work up on it..

Lastly, don't read my posts if you think it's a waste of time... so you don't get all work up on it...

P.S. Superior Complex...Let's me define this term for you few folks who seemed to having trouble getting over yourself..

Dictionary.com says that Superior Complex is an exaggerated feeling of one's own superiority... with that in mind, feel free to skip the degrading my character and post something more constructive.
102144, If you aren't funnyone, you're his spiritual twin.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Such blissful self unawareness.

It's almost breathtaking, if it wasn't so sad.
102145, Just like I was Ghrimriddor too?
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean you think you guys would get over who the hell plays who and just comment on the chars
102147, Sorry, Commander. nt
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102148, Its ok private
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
u sad?
102164, Don't make me delete our character, other personality.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102157, RE: If you aren't funnyone, you're his spiritual twin.
Posted by phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can certainly say the same about you....
102152, Funnyone has terrible spelling, grammar, and posts from a phone all the time.~
Posted by blackbird on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102153, Yeah but funnyone takes credit for all his, especially if they get any praise nt
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102149, It's scary
Posted by MoetEtChandon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you and 'the enemy' aren't the same guy, you really should take it outside and duel, cause the town aint big enough for the both of you.

(There's not even room for one)

And the sad part is you're totally hijacking a quality char's farewell.
102151, It's ok
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm letting them Hijack it, cause it's amusing to me to see them just keep digging deeper and deeper. They'll probably lock it but I was hoping to get some IMM responses.... *poke* *poke*
102154, RE: It's ok
Posted by phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually its amusing to me to see the baseless anger and hatred one can have over a critque of morins character..
102156, RE: It's scary
Posted by phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No ones hijacking anything, you need to accept the fact that not everyone will be agreeable with you at all times...
102160, Were it positive (or even sincere) criticism,
Posted by MoetEtChandon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You wouldn't need to do it anonymously (Which in this case would mean using an actual character name, obviously).
102163, Guess you have been answering to me?
Posted by enemy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm anonyme because my character is active and i've been posting obvious questions on other forums. So it will be very easy to find out who am I and who I am playing.

I promise that when I delete (or age die soon enough), I will post it in farewells. I have nothing to hide or shame for, but I'm not going to reveal my character.
102158, Sorry, dude.
Posted by enemy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't mean to hijack anything.

Just kinda disappointed with the tittle 'Knight of Courage' given to a guy who is absolutely non-courageous, gangy and in-game ####-talking.

Reason is not to blame Morin, but to improve player's quality, if it's possible. I've been same ####ass before, and received same farewells. It surely helped me to understand where I've been wrong, though it wasn't very pleasing. But I'm grateful for anyone who mocked me (for a reason).

Now, I'm finishing here.
102168, RE: Sorry, dude.
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In game ####talking? WTH are you talking about? YOu say you have logs, go ahead and post them. Cleanse them of names and whatever you want, but don't throw out this kind of crap if you can't or won't back it up. THere are plenty of Active characters who are just fine posting here with an anonymous tag using their charcters name. Why is it you're the only one who won't? Put up dude, cause I can tell you, if you're who I think you were, there was absolutely no ####talking that was OOC, and everything I said to you was in direct response to your OOC crap talking. Prove me wrong.
102171, Sure, later I will post it.
Posted by enemy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I said, I do not post anything from the current characters and I strongly dislike when people are posting from active characters, because it's

a) Giving me OOC information, that my character wouldn't like;
b) Lowering RP immersion

If you do not unerstand from the second time, I will tell you third - and last time: I will post logs when I'm done, and yours deaths including.

For now I'm finishing any talks with you, because you are being histerical once again. Same on the forum, same in game.

102093, RE: Brief Goodbyes - Post and I'll reply.r
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yet another one who doesn't want to put out their character.

I'll only give you this. Play something that's Vuln to one of my most common skills/prayers, and complain when I use it against you is like complaining that a sword spec warrior used flurry, or a dagger spec used hamstring. Meh. Sorry if I tooled you that much.
102102, RE: Brief Goodbyes - Post and I'll reply.
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lol man lol, fought you a few times with my other chars while you were leveling up, and I had a warmer time with Bhowaer. Seemed all of the cabals at the time were in a stage of flux leadership wise, and when I saw you Make Captain, I was like really?! he seems like a loner ass! Then slowly as you got wanted, and were turning yourself in I was just blown away. Then as I watched the other aspects of your character, some people talk the talk, but you my friend walked the walk. I'd see you on in the ####tiest of times, sure you'd relog after a couple of hours, only to reappear a few hours later. Literally spreading the leadership.

I wanted to make a fortie so I could watch you more closely and check out the rp from a different angle. A lot of goodie trib was lone ranger, and you were there at the weirdest of times for a chat, a rescue, or just generally to chew gum and kick ass. On the subject of Mummies more love for goodie clerics, although I think tricked up shield pala would have a good chance if you caught them with their pants down.....

I am surprised that you only had 400 hours though, sure felt like more, calling me Son! ahahahahhaahhaahahhahaha ahahahhahahah little baby back to the academy :) GLWN (We could of had them both)
102109, RE: Brief Goodbyes - Post and I'll reply.
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks man. I've never been able to get myself into the post kill RP scene. It just seems hollow a lot of the time to me. So that's probably where the first impression came from if we were fighting. It actually came from a chat I had with Shokai once with one of my previous characters. he talked about an assassin he knew that would silently walk into the room whack the bad guy, walk out and leave it a "brighter place"(paraphrasing). that's kind of the way I tried to play Morin for the most part.

Yeah, I think I'm most proud of what I did with this one over any others, it was just hard to keep it going, and some other things helped push the button a little.

I really liked the interraction I had with Gleebrok. He was one of a few outside of the Fortress Morin counted as a friend.
102114, RE: Brief Goodbyes - Post and I'll reply.
Posted by The Zaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw some good and some bad with this char. You always seemed to be the first to flee and leave your comrades to die in your stead. That just doesn't ring Maran leader to me. And I mean sometimes you'd flee almost instantly, I still laugh about the time I had just killed someone and was at like 25% health and you attack me, I sang one song to make you drop your weapon and you were still at full health and you ran. You seemed to rally the Maran when you were around but I'll agree with others that your logins seemed extremely brief if you were outmatched, granted sometimes that's just real life happening. Anyway other then those few things thought you were a good char. GLWYN.
102116, RE: Brief Goodbyes - Post and I'll reply.
Posted by Sivyh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Funny; I was going to remark that he didn't flee soon enough given how often it seemed like he died.
102131, RE: Brief Goodbyes - Post and I'll reply.
Posted by The Zaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe I'm scarier :P Maybe it just happened to be the few fights I remember. They we're two or three fights that kind of stood out, so could just be those left a bigger impression on me.
102139, RE: Brief Goodbyes - Post and I'll reply.
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For the last 50 hours or so, I've been losing steam, so that's probably what you saw. And for me, heck yeah you were scary, cause every time we fought it seemed like I couldn't even touch you, even with Retribution up you were taking way less damage than almost everyone but an ABS'd Invoker or Muter. It was challenging and for the most part at the end there, I knew if you were there with someone else, I was probably in trouble. But like I said, with the exception of facing two Necros with full HLK armies I don't think I ever logged because of the odds.
102119, Honestly
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure where the whole log out when things are bad thing is coming from. I don't think I had a more than a handful of logins that were less than 20-30 minutes and all of those were caused by agro-wife, or Agro-kids. Most of my logins were greater than an hour. I can think of only a few times where I was facing two 47+ necro's with full HLK armies where I just went, "It's time to get out of dodge." and then only after a while of trying to find places to summon away their zombies.

I fought you more than once and I would bet the one time that you were low and hit me with the song, my protections were probbaly set to fall, because thats about the only way I'd pull out in a situation like that. At some point I realized that it was going to be almost impossible for me to beat you 1 v 1, but I still tried. I would have to say that probably our times just didn't mesh well, because as Sivyh said, and my PK stats would show, I died way to much for someone who logs out when the things are thick, or runs way to early. I mean come on, I was leader for 80% of this characters live, I started leader at 18 or 19 CON. When I deleted I had 9 Con. Do the math.

As for Zaan, you're RP was outstanding for what I got of it. I did like your angle a lot, it was just a really bad match up for me because I don't prep for crap, and my gearing generally ebs and flows.
102132, RE: Honestly
Posted by The Zaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That came across more negative then I intended, and the login thing was something I just noticed recently. It could have been our times just didn't mesh up. I just remember a hand full of times where you logged on and by the time I finished up what I was doing you had already logged. I did like the char overall so GLWYN.
102117, May the Light keep you...
Posted by Eralisthel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sigh! I'll echo what you said about wishing our play times had meshed up more, Eralisthel loved Morin, thought he was a capable leader, and always respected his opinion (and felt respected in turn.) It's refreshing as an Acolyte when a Maran actually weighs your words and takes them into consideration, whether it's concerning cabal policy, individual members, or the Creed. You did, certainly, and never gave off the feeling of "I know best, and therefore don't need to really listen to what you're saying." I (Eralisthel and me the player) loved how you forged those ties with the Spire, and appreciated the efforts to organize the Squires and Maran in a militaristic sense, though Eralisthel wholeheartedly resisted including the Scribes and Acolytes for RP reasons.

Certainly the most proactive Maran leader that I've had the pleasure of playing with in some time, a steady, stoic presence, and always proper and polite (as far as I experienced.) You succeeded in doing what most people struggle with, and that is being a pk-oriented/driven good-aligned character (Maran) that doesn't come across as "in-need-of-an-alignment-change-to-neutral-due-to-his-attitude-towards-killing-non-evils."

Bravo, and I look forward to getting the opportunity to play with another one of your characters!

102120, RE: May the Light keep you...
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the kind words. I do wish our playtimes meshed more, I loved Eral and it was great having your falcon around to scout and catch people as they ran. Keep trucking man.
102121, Random comment to Welverin
Posted by Straklaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Didn't get much interaction with Morin, but you definately seem to be topping the Fortress mountain. Maybe you've done it and I missed it among my forum stalking, but if you haven't already, you should really try a character out of your current comfort zone. It makes for quite a new experience, and if a lot of times you can bring something back from it. If you're not feeling too adventurous, go w/ goodie Trib, Outlander, or Battle. Or possibly even Nexus.

Not saying don't go back Fort often, everyone knows we could use more chronic good players. Try it out, though!
102124, On it.
Posted by Welverin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In character Touretts right now trying to come up with something. I had like 20 deletes between my last and Morin, but it won't be Fort this time. It will be something though cause I'm too darned addicted to this game to stop.
102161, Well struck
Posted by Zosi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember some of your earlier efforts, so this was a lot of ass-kicking, in absolute and relative terms. Enjoyed the brief interactions, and just watching from lower ranks when your appearance would usually signal the CF "shift-change." Good luck with the next.