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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=101808
101808, (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Aug 22 15:20:06 2011

At 10 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Gleebrok perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
102046, <3
Posted by Kelstrane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for being my friend and helping me out. Gleebrok was a beast who was on 24/7 and I think you basically single-handedly carried the Tribunal to power on your back.

Well played, your presence made the MUD a better place.
102053, RE: <3
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awww thanks man, I loved your char, and always wanting to do stuff in the early days, I think we fairly kicked that Lobsters ass in the end ahahaha. I dunno about carrying tribunal to power haha, but certainly provided a focal point for people to be able to log on and think yeah I've got back up, or just for someone to to stuff with.

You guys fill a great niche though and its awesome to be able to kick back with some folks you know arent gonna kill you :) On purpose :)))))))
101961, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Paulus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Enjoyed your company significantly more at the end than at the beginning. You came across as fairly gruff and unfriendly , but you warmed up a great deal later, as well as being pleasant company during our few ranking runs. The Spire was absolutely better due to your presence, and I have to agree with you (as someone returning after a long absence, I played as far back as the maple.net days) that the amount of trash talking you get as a Tribbie can be stupefying, something I had forgotten. Thanks for your apparent patience, even when I got into a law argument with you right after being inducted, which resulted in Immortal intervention....
101962, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahahahah that was great, one of those times where we were kept on our toes, the amount of times the executioner stepped in to bust my chops *fist shake* Then I misspelled the explanation note for that to Lady Marcatos, Ahhha lol. Sorry about those times you died when i was regearing, you should of said something man. I had a plan just needed to waits. Good luck with the spire, you were below radar for a long time, but there was a sense of increasing deadliness to you. I also thought you were evil for most of your chars life, or I would totally have hooked you up more :) Good times :)
101958, Gleebrok
Posted by Laeranna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't begin to describe how awesome it was to have you in the Tribunal. I loved all of our adventures together, granted we didn't have as many as I would've liked but you were always there for me, always willing to help me out and show me new things.

I had a blast role playing with you and you were a major motivator for me coming back online day after day. You helped make the game fun. The fact that we had the same immortal patron just added to the whole mix.

As for short interviews I'd have to say that was the quickest interview ever!

Thanks for all your patience. No matter what anyone says you are one of my favorite characters all around. To me, you made the character real and well rounded. You will be missed!
101959, RE: Gleebrok
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Aww you helped me bounce back from the set backs, It was really cool to bounce my misguided ideas on order off you. Then as time went on and you were always so affectionate, I totally warmed to you going around trying to kill people that had beat on you :) You were always there for me, eventually, and when we had that good burst of 5-6 Tribunals on all the time we totally rocked the cabalwars stats :) Wanted to go do some more Dragon Lairs but we never seemed to get that synch again, When Shaw went and with Kalarius still mad about the Cotzibue full loot, didnt seem like we were gonna get there.

For all the adventures, and healing sleeps, thanks a ton, they were always appreciated as was the great depth of rp you showed, really enjoyed it, even if Blunk did land me in it :) Really good times
101849, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Gwildonian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with you but I did enjoy the interactions we did have. It is too bad about what happened as I learned quite a bit by watching and listening to the way you would investigate. Also you got me to go out hunting for criminals a little more often which is a big Plus in my book.

As a side note, immortals often give tough obstacles for you to overcome so that you can come back stronger, and rise above. So come on back, soon as you can.
101850, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really liked your forms, saw you as an up and coming Vindicator, I liked hanging with you, felt like you could put a decent show on, that time we were running backwards and forwards on the Eastern, and i was just watching you mow villagers :) Good times :)
101814, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Started playing again after 4-5 years or something, rolled up a few chars and this one sort of stuck for a while. I had the general idea of going for tribunal and using the guards for dps. Tried to play it a bit edgy going for vindicator, so If I came across as a bit harsh I is sorry. So many cool new features in the game, I sort of might have spammed a few things checking for edge points. Only ever used coin for healing and preps. So many cool little skills that came by after I had no pracs left, I did a fair bit of exploration and refamiliarised myself with the areas I knew and the ones that were new. Some really cool new stuff here too. I had a lot of really awesome experiences with this char, I stated out liking the empire, for its core orderly ideals, then murderising them for a while. Before I got my chops busted for that, then I just was polite to them and stuff, but I missed up a couple of times there. I kind of saw anyone chaotic/wanted as evil and those who were orderly as more in line with how the dude saw the world. The cabal itself is really bad, theres no reason to retrieve other to farm exp. I tried to play through as much time as possible, but inevitably was locked in Galadon for 400 hours if I wanted to have a bit of dps/detects.

Trabryn: I have to say thanks a bunch for the patience and the empowerment and stuff, sorry things didnt work out groovier. I really tried at the whole sphere order thing, and looked up some ancient religions and stuff. On the subject of rot :P All of the other communes tend to allow for 3-4 attacks if they party saves. With the partial save affects on rot and its 3 times less mana than wither just seemed like it was the best opener.

Imms: That gave me a hard time when I was being a douche, thanks, I was more focused on trying to be deadly enough to get vindicator. The custome long was really cool, I was just stunned thanks really made the char. I'm sorry if you regretted it after :P As for being turned away from the light twice, I understand why it happened, but god damn I really tried to help every one I saw, and go out of my way to help noobs and stuff, I made a lot of new friends this way, I put a lot of years of the chars life into that sort of thing, and was curious as to how that was seen.

Padwei: Ooops sorry, L2read Imms Helpfile

Twist: Yeah just everyone was itching to know if Radik was gonna get super powerz

Marcatis: Yeah I really dug the fact that you would just pounce on stuff, and kind of got a sense for when you were about and stuff. I know you must have been swearing secretly when i downed the head like 10 mins after you told me to play nice. I wanted vindicator, was that the time to ask? It said never ask :(

Enlilth: I lolled, I's sorry :(

People I knowed

Radik : Man you were so awesome, but then things just went the wrong way, I tried to support you and couldnt see Gleebrok stabbing you down for being weak. If I had of known about the Provosts magic biscuits, maybe I would have played differently.

Shaw: Heh man battle beak, what crazy ass adventures we had when we were leveling up and in the early days, as time progressed and I decided raiding Outlanders solo was too much of a chore and occasionally fatal. I'd stalk you so we could go mess some stuff up.

Gramm: Man you broked by heart.

Kalarius: I love you also dude, All that time we spent together, i was a bit surprised when you didnt say anything. So many good times, shame things just didnt seem to gel more recently.

Laeranna: Really had fun with you, clearly was doing something wrong, I tried to expose more of the beneath the surface stuff to you and Nirilas, but I never did get to go very deeply into the back story or motivations. I think your interview was the shortest ever I really dug the secret rise of the Order of Trabryn (7-8 followers or something).

Nirilas: Always top notch man, really enjoyed the times we were able to do stuff, its a shame our classes were so underwhelming when combined. Good luck with waking the black wing.

Markis/Raleanar/Ajeagre: Seemed you guys were around for ages and didnt quite get to the raiding and stuff as much as I'd of liked. A few times i was gonna kill you for beating on them storm giants :)

Zaolu - I liked where this was going its a shame that we never could go camping together.

Ghuarranak: Kind of felt bad killing you, left you some goodies occasionally :) In the world of str loss - con is king or something.

Rasst: Ah god you must be an imm!!! jk any time I had a sniff of victory you were gone like shadows and dust. Really wanted to be able to hunt you outside the city, but looking for someone that will kick your ass outside the woods, without guards and no way to see the guy. Just asking for snare/ambush insects. Just totally outclassed.

Onya: God tough fight, I loved it when you were like your Rot will have no affect on me. Just let me stack some damnation on that!!! Never got you, sad times.

Banballow/Asteria: Wow you guys really messed up my perception of what was groovilicious for good and neutral. Good times.

Niicrolious: Didnt really see you much after you hero'd thought it was funny ironic when wiril killed you in galadon by closing the door.

Nhilrak : I'm glad I got you before you knew what you were doing :)
Zosi : Good stuff, seems like another Zaoulu type fellow, with the Insect swarm I always felt doomed against melee chars. Only started using teleportation potions after 500 hours or so.

The woods in general
Almost every time we went to the tree people would die, only really felt safe with Kalarius or Shaw and only then if there were no leaders defending. WE had four on and we still didnt want to mess with Rasst in the woods. Sad times.


Cotizbue : That time in the city, with the summoning, I could feel my good points draining :P But I wanted more kills for vindicator, then when your elemental attacked gahds. Sorry about the gankings later, but I really needed to get my golden aura more golden again.

Ah man, you were always so polite made it really hard to be mean to the empire, but jesus what a bunch of whiny chimps with the notes and #### all the time. I liked your death warrant it made me giggle. Then the way things unfolded later, I quit the tribunal, gave my shinnies to some young guys, got some basic #### and went to meet my final death. Amazing bit of rp, then I end up saving your ass oh the humanity.
Easog : yeah Why you never level up!?

Wiril: Ahh bastard, i knew you were there as well, but couldnt word cause of Aristaeia, I blame the imms for no outside town detects Conspiracy!!

Lohoq : My all time favourite surprise rot :)

Phawa : Shame I wanted to fight you some too :(


Maravon: Ah cousin what a glorious sight you were in the heat of battle. Good times. I am so sorry for that one time, you know the time :)

Morin: I tried to hang with you guys a lot more when I got my second degooding, man it got me in some troubles. but fun fun, it was good to finally go back to war with Empire. Thanks for all the good times, and the cleansing.

Jalestein : Yeah I really liked you man, always handing out the pimping gear, a couple of times bad things happened and we got a little ratty with each other but still all groovy.

Bhowear: God damn you kicked the crap out of my fire giant rager every day, I'd log on and be like, time for my beatings :) but it was good to see the char mature and those few times we were chasing necros and stuff was great fun.

Irusan: So glad to finally get you leveled up after the mishap in Kuo-toa, proof that too much courage really can kill :)

Zakuun: Man that sucked, I wanted them damn sleeves of harrapia!!!!!

Eachainn: Was cool when you just turned up and shielded me sometimes

Shinju?: I loved it when you were just like, Coming to join the fortress, really fit with the interactions I've had with the char, simple and straight to the point.

Erasilialelt?: Elf shifter guy, was it you that attacked us after we killed Zakuun, and let wiril loot all his shinies?

Thevara/Caedryn : Its a shame you always lagged out on our adventures :) Really enjoyed the rp talks we had at the start, never got a chance to go into things more.

Kelstrane : Man the Dragon turtle will die! we will have soup :)

Skeeta: Thanks for the Post and the advice and the dress that got me in trouble :p Really liked the interplay with the Radik story and the Heraldic thing, totally needed to get that shut tight ic :)


Tavlin : Spectacular Dark knight all the way, loved it, Hated the PWK's didnt really want to see you wanted after that. Tried to fight with you a few times but never came close. Was always scared of the pwk as you hit me with it when i was awake with -84 svs or something. I was like WHAT?! god damn. But you were always super classy and I'd only mess with you if there was nothing else to do.

Obregon: Lol either you or Rasay, I rotted myself, was like OMFG how embarrassing fleeeeeeee, was pretty scared of the direwolf I was always having flight down.


Darren: Short lived but taught me a few lessons in not texting and playing at the same time :P Well done on putting the humble in my pie.
Zenze: God damn you were tough there for a while, then things started to go the other way, i cant count the number of times I worded from you while wanted and tried to regen some to get back into the fight. Really liked those fights, wasnt so groovy with Iciria was around as well, cause you guys were immune to my melee, and had a whole nest of tricks to ruin my day :)

Rhin: Always enjoyed our groupings, was pretty hard core that day in Galadon when the Nexus when mental on me :)

Allysia: awww I wuved tht sword :( Really wanted to do stuff with you but cause we were on the upswing never felt safe enough to ask any of yous.


Ghurn : Man I wanted you to be a leader of the village some how, deadliest guy, i hated those few fights we had, taking me out of the equation :P

Graggs/Roocka: Beasts just really struggled to do much of anything against berserkers.

Baugette: Man I always hate you, from when you were an up and coming punk to when you would disarm/offhand what ever my gear. yeah I get that its frustrating to fight me. but most of the time you were starting it, and I was leaving to heal enough to stay around and land something on you. hardly ever worked.

Mubs: I was sure I was gonna kill you with a rot one day!!! :)

Zyphain/Kolstaad: I was getting bored saw you guys fighting with some trib mages, thought i'd jump in :)

Ganicus: My bad, I just dont like playing chases :P


Lisos : haha pwned
Zylos : Meh Rot/Nova its all the same :)

I'm sure there were tonnes more peoples that I missed out, I mostly had a good time playing this char, thanks all.
101817, *sniff* Forgotten again.
Posted by Angynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Early on I loved the warnings and when some wanted guy would come
at the fort. That kind of thing went a long way to me going half way
around the world to occasionally help out you or Laeranna. All you
needed to to was send word. Hehe Though I had no idea you had been
de-goodied. :) I kept thinking there would be more good times to
come, but oh well sometimes that just doesn't work out.
Good luck with your next!!!
The !!! mean you should be working on a next, I'd like to see
what you might have in store. :)
101819, RE: *sniff* Forgotten again.
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not forgotten :P Was an off the top of my head list, I really wanted to rp and hang out with you hoping some of your goodliness would rub off on me :) (I wasnt Neutral yet)
More I blew through this guys hours too fast, and having 18 str (old age) wasnt groovy at all :) I also must of messed up the stats and stuff on the char, think I had like 550hps nature at hero. That sucked. I really liked my post juding renegadeness, when you saved my ass from Tavlin <3

101823, Hehe.
Posted by Angynn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll end up paying for that, but I knew that going in.
I'm getting better at more creative and less mana/gold
consuming ways to keep ahead of the scourge too! *rofl*
So what tav and cot have 'taught' me will save many of my
future characters. :) Totally worth it.
101824, RE: Hehe.
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahahahah totally agree, i dunno what the hell scourge he hit me with but I think i was up on 40 attempts failed to cure it... I took remedy pestilance after that. Never got to use it though :)
101821, How you had fun
Posted by Dumoti on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked interacting with you. Hopefully you found it enjoyable and not just annoying.
101822, RE: How you had fun
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You brung it, always setting fire to #### and me chasing you around trying to catch you at it. I loved people who would come and mess with me in town, Didnt like it so much when there was 2-3 or more, it was still fun, but really put the pressure on my limited hps :)
101825, I was sooo close!!!
Posted by Ganicus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So close to managing to kill a guild guard and the soft chewy mage inside with a provincial in town. I got the thing to convulsing even with your tricky word and leave your guards tactic. Damn that piece o ####e paladin who decided to start protecting gnomes (and my reluctance to deal with him directly).

If nothing else you were certainly around and you did a better then average job of preventing PK sniping in cities.

Just as a heads up, if you are wondering how to beast on villagers...
energy drain
energy drain
heal heal heal heal heal heal heal heal heal
str drop

basically you got to try and run them out of moves(and mana) before you go for the kill.
101960, I wondered why you were so crazed then I found this....
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Outside the West Gate

(WANTED) Ganicus is here.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 824mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Ganicus scans east.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 824mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
The special guard yells 'Ganicus is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
The special guard MANGLES Ganicus!
The special guard *** DEMOLISHES *** Ganicus!
The special guard yells 'Ganicus is a CRIMINAL! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
The special guard MANGLES Ganicus!
Ganicus has fled!
Ganicus leaves east.
The gate guard yells 'The criminal Ganicus is here at Inside the West Gate! PROTECT THE INNOCENT!!'
You hear someone's death cry.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 824mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> e
Inside the West Gate

The bludgeoned corpse of Ganicus lies here.
The severed hands of Ganicus lie here.
Darren is here.
(Gold Aura) A halberdier is here, watching the forests for any movement.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
(Gold Aura) One of the elite guards is here, watching the gate.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 821mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> exam corpse
The bludgeoned corpse of Ganicus lies here.
The corpse of Ganicus contains:
a fine leather cloak
a fine leather cape
a pair of fine leather gloves
an opal ring
( 2) an engraved silver bracelet
a cured hide sack made from the burnt corpse of Kein
some leather traveling boots
a girth of darkened bronze
(Glowing) a wool cloak with an ebony clasp
a jeweled dagger
a chain flail
(Red Aura) a midnight dragon hide
(Red Aura) a midnight dragon skull
some leggings from the snow worm
a pair of armguards from the snow worm
a shield from the hide of a snow worm
a battered copper pot
(Humming) a cruel battle axe
an iron ring set with a white moonstone
a canoe
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
a twined evergreen flail
6 gold coins
351 silver coins
766 copper coins

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 821mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> confiscate corpse
You summon the city guards to confiscate the loot from the corpse of Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a fine leather cloak to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a fine leather cape to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a pair of fine leather gloves to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns an opal ring to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns an engraved silver bracelet to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a cured hide sack made from the burnt corpse of Kein to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns an engraved silver bracelet to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns some leather traveling boots to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a girth of darkened bronze to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a wool cloak with an ebony clasp to Ganicus.
A cityguard grabs a jeweled dagger from the corpse of Ganicus and takes it to the Spire.
A cityguard grabs a chain flail from the corpse of Ganicus and takes it to the Spire.
A cityguard returns a midnight dragon hide to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a midnight dragon skull to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns some leggings from the snow worm to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a pair of armguards from the snow worm to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a shield from the hide of a snow worm to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a battered copper pot to Ganicus.
A cityguard grabs a cruel battle axe from the corpse of Ganicus and takes it to the Spire.
A cityguard returns an iron ring set with a white moonstone to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a canoe to Ganicus.
A cityguard returns a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt to Ganicus.
A cityguard grabs a twined evergreen flail from the corpse of Ganicus and takes it to the Spire.
A cityguard grabs 6 gold coins from the corpse of Ganicus and takes it to the Spire.
A cityguard grabs 351 silver coins from the corpse of Ganicus and takes it to the Spire.
A cityguard grabs 766 copper coins from the corpse of Ganicus and takes it to the Spire.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 821mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Darren blinks a few times.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 821mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Ganicus has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 821mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Ganicus holds a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt in his hands.
Ganicus wears an iron ring set with a white moonstone on his left finger.
Ganicus wears a pair of armguards from the snow worm on his arms.
Ganicus wears some leggings from the snow worm on his legs.
Ganicus wears a midnight dragon skull on his head.
Ganicus wears a midnight dragon hide on his body.
Ganicus wears a wool cloak with an ebony clasp around his neck.
Ganicus wears a girth of darkened bronze about his waist.
Ganicus wears some leather traveling boots on his feet.
Ganicus wears an engraved silver bracelet around his left wrist.
Ganicus wears an engraved silver bracelet around his right wrist.
Ganicus wears an opal ring on his right finger.
Ganicus wears a pair of fine leather gloves on his hands.
Ganicus wears a fine leather cape about his body.
Ganicus wears a fine leather cloak around his neck.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 828mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> nod
You nod.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 828mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Ganicus growls.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 828mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)>
Fal has arrived.

PROTECTED civilized <1508hp 900m 828mv 27100tnl (-23.18%)> say Have a nice day.
You say 'Have a nice day.'
Fal leaves west.
101835, I never have autoassist on ever
Posted by Maravon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure why I did when I decided to request that axe when the garden went in.

Bal'Talon rapes face when Gleebrok forces you to fight goodies....


Oh well, chalk up a sneaky self assassination for you! You got me...
101839, RE: I never have autoassist on ever
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I so sorry :( I was just so tired and we are wandering around in there, think I was on for 14 hours or something, and I hit l 1.5. then hit k 6. and then like flee, then I was like ah oh knows he's in request lag, and my dumbass class cant word you :(
101841, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Nirilas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Provincial Gleebrok,

Oh how much I'll miss you. We saw things often differently but I absolutely treasured our late night (well, late night for me) conversations. Your background on Tribunal - being the council of the three judges - really hit a note and I will carry this concept forward in my future characters.

You were truly a pillar for the Spire and this is a great loss. I sensed certain frustrations but you handled them with such grace.

CF is enhanced with the player behind Gleebrok returning. I cannot wait to see your next.

Yours truly,

101844, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hahhahah Long live the BIBUNAL!!!!! Smite!! :) Really amazing sustainment of rp by the way, and every now and then you would do something to remind me you were neutral :)
101857, Never hurts to ask.
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though yes, most of the time order or light tipped slightly, but I'm not very hard core about not talking to someone tipping or always trying to kill them if they tip slightly in only one way.

And most of that incident involves IC stuff so I can't really comment, but I will say I had no idea that was coming, which is why I gave you a replacement weapon.
101860, RE: Never hurts to ask.
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Meh the replacement was as good for me, I didnt hold a grudge :P I did really like the char, but my experience with other Nexans early in life wasnt positive so I found myself nervous around Nexans for life mostly. I wanted to get a few more lairs in but you were the prime candidate for Bard. Kind of difficult when you know Light and Order are waaaay over the scales cause your whole cabal is on :) Good times other than that though :)
101858, Evyza gives you a cup of cinnamon coffee
Posted by Evyza on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were always friendly and I could count on you for some positive RP in our interactions. I liked your style and the atmosphere you created just being around. Great presence. Good luck with your next!
101859, RE: Evyza gives you a cup of cinnamon coffee
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ahhh the coffee was a great touch, me and Gramm were always talking about maybe getting some donuts for when we were on the beat :) So when you rolled up with the Coffee as well, oh the lols :) Good times, shame you vanished so fast :)
101880, If we are thinking of the same time
Posted by Rasay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Volley caused you to rot yourself, so wasn't your embarrassing moment that caused it.
101881, RE: If we are thinking of the same time
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah obviously it was volley, but still, very embarrasing if it had killed me :)
101904, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Phawa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hanging on the edge of my table trying to beat Jra the storm giant before you can get to him as part of your plan that time northwest of Voralion city... good thing my ally showed up just in time!
101905, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah it was total cat and mouse, I had no idea your con was so low, or I'd of been in there faster. I could see you both prowling, and goodies always take a dive in the second :( :) Good times in Eastern roads too :)
101939, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Trabryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can blame me for pretty much everything good and bad that happened to this character. I don't regret the gifts I gave you (you were kinda spoiled with more than just the long...there was edge love, too!) nor would I have wanted to give you a tattoo. I liked this character because you kept playing...day in, day out...you kept logging on. I wish more people played characters like this...one at a time...thick and thin.

I didn't like this character because a lot of times the "good" RP was forced and/or thin. Then there were big make-up gestures that seemed hollow (ex: the spammy emote triggers around your communes at the end really grated on me). That said, I think good Tribbie is very difficult to pull off (see Radik), and it's incredibly difficult to have fun with the character (ie, fight who and how you want) without getting your hand slapped.

Also, for the record, I'm not saying you shouldn't use rot. I'm saying the way you and the Sunwarden went for each others' throats on purpose, and usually without any RP, was pretty crappy (I'd argue for both of you, but only one of you was my kid). I would absolutely expect you to fight...I would not expect you, IC, to enjoy it so much. The decision to open with rot against another good character over and over again (which you knew would absolutely kill him bc of low con) instead of trying to make him retreat was the point of the comment.
101945, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by the-me on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can blame me for pretty much everything good and bad that happened to this character. I don't regret the gifts I gave you (you were kinda spoiled with more than just the long...there was edge love, too!) nor would I have wanted to give you a tattoo. I liked this character because you kept playing...day in, day out...you kept logging on. I wish more people played characters like this...one at a time...thick and thin.

^^^ In that case thanks even more, ssssh (dont tell them about the edge love). Its not that I was playing only one char, its just that all the bad peoples came out when I was off duty so if I wanted to have some people to fight I could relog for a while.

I didn't like this character because a lot of times the "good" RP was forced and/or thin.
^^^ I agree I'm not a nice person. I found it hard to be nice to the noobs, man every time someone whined about a crime I was back in town like 99% of the time, whipping boy of the masses :)

Then there were big make-up gestures that seemed hollow (ex: the spammy emote triggers around your communes at the end really grated on me).
^^^ Yeah I'm no good at redemption, I just added the communes echos for a bit of fun, on my aliases for communes, I as a player dont have the time or will to pray to the gods of light every 10 mins about how awesome they are etc. I figured having simple ones on a few preparations might get that message across. Its a game he's a giant maybe not the smartest in the world, give people stuff thats gotta be worth some goodie pts. (o apparently )

That said, I think good Tribbie is very difficult to pull off (see Radik), and it's incredibly difficult to have fun with the character (ie, fight who and how you want) without getting your hand slapped.
^^^^ I brought it on myself by playing to the Vindicator ideals I had, and also in listening to Radik if I had gone Justiciar and stayed all righteous and #### like Mundanathnor It would have worked out fine I think. The evil guys atm though, they are really hard to dislike :)

Sunwarden - WE had this great RP going on, when i first saw him online cause he was elusive, and I'd been fighting Outlanders for 200 hours? before I even saw him? Not sure about that, but it feels about right, so I made every effort to make friends with the dude so we could hang out you know go fishing and stuff. It was going well then we get on the subject of mummies and them being safe in the city. I tried to say heh if I dont see it, Its all good. But in an orderly fashion. Next time I know I got 4 outlanders pounding on a mummy who's idea of safety is to run to the big Storm giant.... then the sun warden runs in an knifes him when he isnt wanted... its like AMG!! Then less than 2 mins later the damn Mummy is wanted as well... Good times.

In the end I hated fighting Outlander leaders, and I hated fighting dagger specs. I still tried to give him stuff Heartseekers/pendants stuff but I didnt really have much else to say to the guy. Also even with 6-8 con, he can cover that with gear. he just chose to go with hit/dam instead or some crap. That was the funniest crap ever though, ahhh my god all my friends every day are like CO ROT, CO ROT, CO ROT, CO WORD :) And I am like yeah... its like dirt kick for shammys, then when you said it to me as well I was like AHHHHH whats the point in this redemption business if they cant see the golden aura for the Rot :)

On a side note, I do love those little bursts of lastnames/titles and other cool #### that I would see after people had interacted with me could sort of tell when someone had been watching.

Thanks again :)
101946, *Fist shake*
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God damn you anonymous post, you shall be hunted to the ends of the earth, to the ends of the EARTH!!!
101951, I had you as a waterskin for a good hundred hours
Posted by Zosi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
All because of a horrible, no-opposition raid! I looted some of your stuff, and went on to clear out a good chunk of my pk range with it. I'll always owe you one for that :)

Of course the character Zosi has his own ideas, but as a player I never _expect_ anyone to step into what I (and Kenny Loggins and Sterling Archer) call "the Danger Zone." But you were fearless about the whole thing, which I can't help but respect. If it's any consolation, you got me to 4 (briefly) on that rot :P

Anyway, you are definitely one of the main reasons Tribunal is so healthy right now, which is a great legacy, and from what I saw you weren't a bad storm shaman on the whole. Good luck with the next.
101953, hahahaa
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think I had a water skin of or sack of pretty much every tribunal handed me to sometime. The last two times we fought, after Enlilth kept sending me tells about Paulus dying I dunno what it is, but alot of the Tribunals that werent part of the core group are really lone ranger about their style. It kind of hurt us when it came to raids and sealing kills and stuff. I knew that anytime I went into the woods I was gonna have some good chance of dying. Nearer the end people were less willing to step into town or raid unless the numbers were highly in the favour. I took that as a compliment given then total lack of lagging options and rot danger I presented.
Meh I think I barely killed more than I was killed, and the lack of outside town guards meant I was just waiting around instead of coming after rotted people. The last time I rotted you, I really thought we had a shot at the retrieval, but I didnt want Enlilth to mess me up because I ignored them or something.
Good times man :)
101964, GRrrrrrr
Posted by Lohoq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had you on my list to assassinate after that rot you threw down on me. I hadn't even had to consider gearing for rot until I was hit with it. While I was able to grab a few things, I fell short by +3 con which was pretty annoying. After that I wanted you dead big time.

Maybe I missed it somewhere but why did you refuse to warrant anyone who attacked imperials? Several times I'd gather up witnesses or tell you about a fighting breaking out and you ignored it completely. I knew you were reporting people I was stalking which I am fine with, but ignoring crimes was a bit bleh in my mind.
101977, RE: GRrrrrrr
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I was so surprised, I was like er?! wtf how? after that though I was barred from imperial smack down for a couple of hundred hours, I fought a few warranted ones, and the occasional jumper. Have no fear Wiril got the assassination in, I really expected to be totally immune to that, but it never did come through for me. Great shadow lord, shame about the coup.

On Crime

In order to place a warrant, I've got to be on duty (sometimes I'd ####ed this up and raid some peoples and not be able to warrant. Other times you'd give me witnessses and stuff, I'd ask them they'd be like I never saw ####, or maybe they just heard a yell. Only a 'true' yell is enough for me to place a warrant. A couple of imperials were messing around yelling about how people were attacking them, they werent. Any cases from then on had to be an eyewitness of the attack, + few witnesses. For the most part if and imperial is telling you something its probably true, crime wise, but I gotta have 2 other eye witnesses to the actual attacks before I can place a warrant for a crime I did not directly see.

Or something like that, where I could place a warrant I always would, only two cases where I could have placed some warrants. First one was some idiot imperial I invited to gank down some outlanders, he attacked the dude in the city, I heard no yells but I was scanning and could see them fighting. I figured its a small punishment for me if I dont flag him, might totally #### his char. So I didnt flag him and the executioner went #### at me *le sigh* If Mr Executioner had admited he heard a yell, i mighta flagged him, but with no witnesses....

Also I had goodies admit crimes to me before, If they had no witnessses then I wouldnt flag (Some guys in Voralian seemed to be the worst for this).

Finally there was this super raw goodie, and he was in my group at the time or something, Some orc bashes him down in town, and he disarms said orc and takes his weapon. Now thats a straight out case for 2 warrants. The goodie tells me he took the weapon, but the orc wont admit he started the fight. Would the goodie have admited taken a disarmed weapon if he knew it was a crime. IF I cant flag for the bashing how did the weapon get their in the first place?!

101965, hmm..
Posted by Ajeagre on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well liked having you around. We didn't interact all that much but well your a blue skin and well we all know what we think of them ;)

Didn't quite understand how you got smacked down for striking the Imperials. Your a goodie so why wouldn't you. Anyway was fun to have you around and glwn
101974, RE: hmm..
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First time I got my chops busted by Radik as what I was doing was really messing with his zen diplomacy #### with the Empire. For every hour he would play (Radik) I would play 20. Meant that when he logged he probably heard about me murderising the imperials. Asked me not to fight them etc. When you are good orderly and your good orderly boss asks you not to do something, you kind of have to do it.

In retrospect I should of ignored him and carried on the way I was going but meh, I made my share of #### ups too, and i wasnt perfect when it came to placing warrants, or not pking people in protcted cities just because I didnt have no jurisdiction :P

I liked you but you all black and stuff, we leveled some in another life :)
101984, It's really not cool to lie to players about certain things.
Posted by activeapp on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you get mad at someone for any reason, it's no reason big enough to lie to them about certain things like tribunal law or outlander "restrictions". Not cool at all. That aside you were a really awesome character. Good luck with the next.
101985, RE: It's really not cool to lie to players about certain things.
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry? What are you talking about? I had one situation with a guy called Amos, who was playing sphere vanity or something, he obviously knew the drill and as I was updating him to the fact that you could now do wanted y without the scales of justice, he went into a hissy fit, about me calling him a liar or something, mostly because I dont like saying, oh I wanted that guy, it just seems weird.

Other than tht there were a few odd ball characters, one Necro which just seemed like a guy rolled up purely to #### with people, I let it play for a little while (2-3 hours then i put him on ignore).

Maybe some other apps, but the current rules about induction werent set by me and I dont necessarily agree with them, i'm interested to see where it goes though as I really think the cabal could do with in an injection of love.

Sorry you didnt have a stellar experience with me dude, I was probably High or playing fallout. Good times :)
101991, Let me refresh your memory
Posted by Aereglen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gleebrok tells you 'And you can never be an outlander'

that's just one of the lies you told me, jerk

don't discuss this, i'm still active yo
101994, RE: Let me refresh your memory
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh right, well maybe you could pull it off but its unlikely. For a goodie character I found you cruel and nasty, and not a nice person at all, I figured you were playing this way in response to some asshole post on qhcf about making lowbie chars to hold onto gear from heros etc. Its great that you spun up a role to try and play that out, but the fact that you are a ####ing asshole might slow you down. On a brighter note when you would mistell me things and your rp was totally different to other people I was like OH maybe its a MPD type char. I dunno man, only time will tell, genuinely good luck with the char. I didnt tell you any lies, but its down to you to prove me wrong.
101997, RE: Let me refresh your memory
Posted by someonenotfunnyorspecial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>For a goodie character I found you cruel and nasty, and not a nice person at all, I figured you were playing this way in response to some asshole post on qhcf about making lowbie chars to hold onto gear from heros etc.

You already said you saw chaotic people as evil, that's more you not me. I was never nasty to you. I got out of the academy, and saw you at the pit, a ghost. Then you left and less than a minute later you're stuff was there. You're fault. You said return them, my response made fairly clear, I thought, you weren't getting it back. You can bitch and moan and try to drag my name through the mud, lol get it, through the mud... but all it comes down to is you lost your loot and I didn't say *right away* I was keeping it, I even apologized for that if you recall. Boo hoo. Then you got your friends to come after me, then what seemed like the other cabal members. One of them even told me I wouldn't die to remove the flag. I got badgered whenever I got on. You even kept telling me you *saw* me do it when looking back at my log, you were off doing something else when I got the pieces I did, even though you told me you saw me get the things.... more lies. You suck. #### off.
101998, RE: Let me refresh your memory
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure, I dont think you class would be in this category normally. You lead me off for an hour or so man, and keeping the stuff which was of zero value to your class, leaving me naked. Nice. I didnt care about the loot, I cared about what you with your align were doing to my char of the same align. You didnt apologise in fact you were gloating about how awesome you were and how crap I was etc. I didnt ask anyone to get anything back from you ever, I did ask a few fortress types to speak to you about redeeming your self. As you saw I got like 90% new stuff in no time at all. When others were speaking to you I cant speak for them, but it wasnt because I asked them too, Why would I bother, I just tagged you as a wanker and moved on, occasionally trying to do some repent stuff if I saw you on because I got turned away from the light some for taking one piece of armour from a dude, he was a criminal, I killed him, so I was more worried about other people getting stung in a similiar fashion. Its my job as a tribunal to get you to admit the crime, that and I saw you getting a bunch of stuff, thats how I knew you had it.... duh, then I located more on you... so like you did the crime and legged it meaning you had to do the time... Just felt your total character was assholish, but good luck with your Outlander app, it might be cool, and if you play that twofaced crap then i'm sure it will pay off for you.
102001, You lie like a rug.
Posted by somebody on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
it wasn't an hour and I did appologize, i hope you don't believe your own lies
102010, RE: You lie like a rug.
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wasnt an hour? Are you counting the part where you put me on ignore for three days?!

You appologized? Really you are generally sorry that you were a lieing asshole who never had an intention of returning any off my stuff, be it armour or food and water? Really whats an outlander doing in a city stealing #### from a pit? Really whats a goodie doing taking all that #### (Lets focus on food and water here) from another goodie, finding out its another goodies and gloating mocking them about how awesome you are at level 5 and about how cool nature is when your class role until that point had nothing to do with nature.

IF you have role entry that proceeds this looting. I'd believe you. The problem isnt what you did mate, its the fact you did it as Good chaotic and then were an evil bastard. Then when I tracked you down and give you an alternative option, you are still an asshole, and when i look at you wearing all that caster gear and tell you to at least wear the melee dps gear I was carrying instead, you ignore me. God I hate seeing eq worn by tools.

You could have returned the two handed weapons maybe, some of the things you couldnt use. Instead you decided to put me on ignore, and remove the rp angle for me. You did the same to other people. We didnt care about the LOOT we care about the fact that you think its cool to be good align and be a total asshole to other goodies. Like Amos, he was a goodie, played an asshole to goodies. Asteria, she was a goodie, played an asshole to goodies. I'm just saying its not a nice thing to do.

I'm tempted to roll up an outlander evil and just spend all day every day killing and full looting you, I've had a few people in your pk range but for me it was over, you were just an asshole, then you think its cool to come here, and post about how i lied to you?

#### you dude without some kind of immortal intervention, you will not get a thief into outlander, if you do get a thief into outlander you would have to rp good quality for at least 2-300 hours. I'm sorry dude you cant even rp your align for an hour. Also you think any of this is anonymous, you joker everyone in game from every cabal I met I mentioned your antics, because I was stunned, they were stunned, every one was stunned. Seriously should of rolled neutral or evil. This wasnt a conscious role choice though, this was an OMFG look at this loot. OH #### BUSTED!!! now to make up some crap.... It didnt work man, sorry, better luck next time.

It cracks me up, that that was your line Gleebrok tells you 'You will never be an outlander' thats not a ####ing lie you #### thats a ####ing STATEMENT, sure maybe one of the imms or Ghurrank might take pity on you and induct you enjoy no hide sneak or backstab, lol I cant even imagine some of the other #### you might lose later.

Are you the same worthless #### that irritated me for three hours with their evil chaotic necromancer trib/outlander app? again NEVER GONNA ####ING Happen, unless they have more skill than they showed there.
102013, Like a rug. Nothing you say is accurate. Typical spire fever, lie lie lie.
Posted by notimpressed on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're only kidding yourself.
102015, RE: Like a rug. Nothing you say is accurate. Typical spire fever, lie lie lie.
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously, sorry I'm not lawful orderly in real life, hahah so I dont have to be nice to you, I can call you out on what you did, and I've yet to see a valid response from you as to why you did it. Other than you wanted the loot for the slight boost it would give you for leveling etc.

Sounds like you have an issue with Tribunals in general too, I think maybe you should play a tribunal although, I'd hate to see the cabal played with your perception of how things are. You think that anything that is not what you think is a lie, and get antsy about it, maybe you are autistic or something I dont know, but it would be classic to see you in the spire it really would.
102018, here
Posted by hadituptohere on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't care about the god damn loot. I wanted to get flagged. You were good and I wanted to point out to you how stupid it is for a goodie to kill someone for picking up something off the ground. I made it obvious I completely ignored the laws because it made no sense. But you WOULD NOT STOP badgering me simply because I had you things and you could just not let them go. If you would have actually read what I said and maybe read my description one of the hundred times you looked at me you would have figured it out. Nope, you were in gimme my toy back mode. Now go ahead and say I made nothing clear and that I led you on. You're like a ####ing rapist that says it's not his fault because the girl was dressed like she was asking for it. I said I didn't want to discuss it because I'm still current, but you'd rather try to get satisfaction out of badmouthing someone else's character. What you obviously don't know is nothing you or I say matters. It's put up or shut up. Say whatever you want I'm done with your worthless ass.
102019, RE: here
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you have a role entry that predates the pit loot or not?
102021, Do you want my social security number too?
Posted by goodguy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you suck
102022, RE: Do you want my social security number too?
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh I'm just asking if you had this mad role before it happened or not. If you dont then you did it on the fly, and I'm justified. If you do, then I accept that although what you did and how you did it was totally assholish, it was in your role and therefore I would conceed that you acted in a way that your character/situation dictated and not how you as a player would act in the interest of sportsmanship/fairplay.
102024, You are an idiot.
Posted by notgleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You do know you don't HAVE to have a role entry to RP the char they way you had intended upon rolling, right? This happened less than three minutes after grabbing the stuff

Gleebrok tells you 'Looting is a crime'

to which I replied

You tell Gleebrok 'Many things you think are "crimes".

You came looking for me, you didn't even read my description. Remember when you asked me "my story" and I replied

You tell Gleebrok 'If you really must know I hope to find a nice quiet place some day, some place far away from all the horrible things I see happen every day.'

This was your response

Gleebrok tells you 'Oh I dont believe that for a moment.'

You won't take the time away from getting back your gear to even role play in the role-playing-game you were logged into. Last time, you suck, #### off.
102025, RE: You are an idiot.
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure, but its much more convenient for you if you dont. Forget about the chars for a second dude, and accept the fact that taking the stuff and is gimp no matter what you do it, for you its an awesome low level boost, but theres also a loser, the guy whos gear is gone. (For me it wasnt a problem cause the gear I had wasnt the best set ever and I'd been looted of the quality items earlier in the day).
Now some of that gear was class inappropriate for you, and some of it you couldnt use, 2-handed weapons and stuff.

I responded that i didnt believe you, because you just looted all my ####, said you'd think about giving it back, and then when i said to you heh, i will get you better gear for your class, and asked about your background to try and figure out what your char was about. Of course you had your outlander role in mind by then. What you did from any perspective taking #### which isnt yours, then refusing to return it when you know who's it is, is 'A horrible thing to see' so your statement was contrary to your actions, in my chars eyes. Thats me rping with you. The whole thing was me RPing with you, what the #### dude, you left me naked, of course I'm gonna speak to a goodie who does that. As I said the gear wasnt an issue, I had a better set by the next day.
102027, You are wrong
Posted by Shifter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Flame removed, nevermind that. GLWYN, ans opefully you will not go OOC so much and will act because of OOC reasons.
102028, RE: You are wrong
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Uhmn he admits he looted the stuff, you looted the stuff to, you didnt get flagged cause you returned it.

I think I was ooc once in the chars life.

Imperialhealer tells you 'I dont think the guild master will teach you be a bobcat'

You tell Imperialhealer 'He says I have to cast a magic...'
102029, Dude, you got pit looted, get over it
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I was a lowbie goodie, and I could jack a goodie tribbys things from the pit, I would do it in a heartbeat. If only for the reason that my character would believe he would serve the light in a more pure and positive way than a goodie tribunal would. It could all be justified as "goodie" rp. From what I hear gleebrok had no issues having at other goodies if he could find a reason. Not only that, he didn't act remorseful in game about it either. Thats less "good" to me than the lowbie that jacks your armor from the pit, and goes and uses it for his version of good. Its justifiable, and perfectly acceptable.
102031, RE: Dude, you got pit looted, get over it
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lol I got pitlooted more than once, and hard looted a ton of times, there was no situation that unfolded like this one did.

I got an align shift twice with Gleebrok, meaning the things I got them for, Taking an item from a goodies corpse, Had a huge impact on the chars life, see the role entries regarding it.

I spent a huge amount of time in game about feeling remorseful for all of the chaotic acts (Read killing people etc) and Lightwalkers I had slain, and trying to act in the goodiest way possible.

Its not about the pitloot its about the hour or so he spent being an asshole about it. The fact that my role dictate to educate him to the error of his ways.
102034, Fair enough I suppose. nt
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
102035, Lame RP excuse
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To justify your powergamey ####

if you really believed in the light you'd never take something from a fellow lightwalker who never did anything to you

stick to evils for the rest of our sake, you clearly are more suited to them
102036, RE: Lame RP excuse
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had an RP reason for taking Zakuuns armguards, I hadnt played the mud for some years, and back then looting from goodies wasnt an issue if you had killed them for a reason. Now its much more taboo.

In Zakuuns case I spent A good hour or so trying to prove his innocence, decrying his lightwalkeryness, and going on the basis that he refused to deny innocence. Then when it was proven beyond a shadow of the doubt, I kind of felt annoyed, then he started asking me about people to murder, hence more crime. I hunted him down following the belief it would be wrong for evil men to do so.

We were fighting, Cycherus came in and finished him off in one round or so. I looted the sleeves as I had them earlier (doubt it was the same pair) swap them for the ones I am wearing. All Hell breaks loose I get degooded slightly, I return his sleeves, get back some of his other #### that people looted. Apologise profusely, send a note to fortress begging them not to get wanted. Spend the next 20-30 years of the chars life seeking redemption.

Saying I'm powergamey over a helm of brilliance and two thin silver bracelets?! Wtf seriously I faced every single one of my enemies at least once, I walked into Dozens of ambushes knowing I probably would die/lose the fight. This wasnt about gear it was about what brought this dude to do the things he did.
102049, Uhm, telling someone how to RP
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is stupid, and makes you look like an even bigger retard than you have already made yourself out to be.

I could RP a Gay storm giant that only blows cloud and fire giant teenagers, while using axes to butcher orcs for hides and shoes to clothe needy elves. It would be perfectly acceptable, and that you think otherwise tells me you have no imagination or RP ability whatsoever. Roles and roleplaying are in the eyes of the player behind the character.

Its a dumb argument anyways. The role command is an OPTIONAL thing, its not even mandatory. But please, continue to tell us all how YOUR version of RP is the only right way to play a goodie.

Edit: This was meant to go under Oldrils post, because I like to see him blow snot bubbles in rage while I enjoy CF. That is all.
102054, RE: Uhm, telling someone how to RP
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah you could, but all that helping out the dark would take its toll on your soul, would your character develop regret for his actions or take delight in his antics, If its delight that sort of shows a focus more on pleasure regardless of how its attained, thats creeping to the evil side, especially if you keep blowing those evil dudes... see?
102026, RE: You are an idiot.
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Also you've seen my Out of Character response, do you see any of this vehemence and fury from Gleebrok?! No just concerned curiosity.
102020, RE: here
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You didnt pick it up off the ground, you took it from the pit, Its also retarded for a goodie to act the way you did, if that was your motive. A goodie would be nice and laugh it off hand it over and point out how they felt about it. A neutral would just have shrugged and profitted from the encounter. An evil would mock, call stupid, suggest they might return the stuff, 'I'll think about it, wait'
etc etc. I remember you gloated so much about what an awesome victory it was! putting me on ignore. I noted you straight after because you were just being a ####.

I'm not bad mouthing your character, I'm bad mouthing you as a player.
102030, RE: here
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On this subject.
'You're like a ####ing rapist that says it's not his fault because the girl was dressed like she was asking for it. I said I didn't want to discuss it because I'm still current, but you'd rather try to get satisfaction out of badmouthing someone else's character. What you obviously don't know is nothing you or I say matters. It's put up or shut up. Say whatever you want I'm done with your worthless ass.'

Horrible analogy, its an indicator of why you shouldnt play a goodie ever I think.
102016, Also
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me put it this where, I couldnt give a #### about your char, or you as a player, but you are calling me a liar, I dunno, you were annoyed cause you got wanted?! what that you got caught? That I had enough evidence to warrant you 10 times over, that I was clearly justified in doing so? That I bothered to put the effort into Rping with you when I could gather better gear in no time at all.

The only reason I even bothered was I had seen this QHCF post about hoarding gear on lowbies, and I wanted to see if you had a justification for what you did. I was pretty sure you couldnt come up with a role to justify sitting around pits at that level, I didnt even want to talk to you until i found out you were a goodie, cause I was like huh, thats weird. Why would a goodie do that? You know what I've died vs a ton of goodie heroes, evils, and neutrals. None of them were close to the level of asshole that you were. On that basis with 500+ hours of play, I'm fairly confident I've interacted with the whole player base, more or less. So grats you get the award for biggest asshole, is that what you came for?
102011, RE: Let me refresh your memory
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What I saw was you putting a bunch of my stuff into your sack, or wearing a bunch of stuff etc, Also given that there were still a couple of items in the pit, and you left within a few seconds of me arriving, you knew you were busted. Also the other guy saw you, he was sat at the pit the whole time, returned the items he had taken and I used all of my amazing willpower to not flag him wanted. There were a good few witnesses.

Also during this chars life I was pit looted by goodies twice, both times I had died in what I thought was area explore, and was confused by the change to corpse rot/gear return. One goodie got a much better loot than you, over a period of about 20 mins they returned all my gear (except a few things which I wasnt overly bothered about, and they figured I wouldnt #### them over) (If this person wasnt a goodie fair enough).

The second was you, a goodie.
101996, RE: Let me refresh your memory
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As for the law, removing your warrant?! After you ran from the scene of the crime and acted like the biggest asshole I ever met, so much so that I thought you must be funnyone, and I was getting the funnyone treatment. No dude, I cant remove that warrant, because you committed the crime. I would have hooked you up with super sweet stuff for your class, but you were more interested in gloating over your awesome pit loot.... Lightwalker, gloating, bitchy, mean and cruel yeah doesnt gel no matter the rp buddy, grats though.
102045, I remember this incident
Posted by Kelstrane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were such an OOC ####bag. I offered to buy Gleebrok's things off of you, perfectly IC, since it was my fault he died and my fault he left the pit in the first place. He didn't ask me to do it or ANYTHING.

After I gave you a tell to the tune of "I'll give you 50 gold to return Gleebrok's things to him" you started going OFF on me, talking about how I was whining and crying and honestly it wasn't even my gear that was lost, I just felt bad for Gleebrok.

After that little pseudo-OOC tantrum, I had you pegged for neutral or evil immediately. The fact that you're a goodie just made this behavior 100x worse in my eyes. Your goodie role allows you to jack items from another goodie, including stuff you literally can't use, and then refuse to return it all when two other hero goodies ask politely? And throw a massive temper tantrum to spout abuse at them, at that? What a convenient level 6 goodie role.
101989, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Skeeta Twitterlark on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Skeeta: Thanks for the Post and the advice and the dress that got me in trouble :p Really liked the interplay with the Radik story and the Heraldic thing, totally needed to get that shut tight ic

I always felt like I was reading between the lines with Gleebrok. Like your stiff, noncommittal responses about Radik were actually saying: "YOU are kind of an annoying little bird that will give the Spire bad press and get ME in trouble. Leave me alone. Except, please smear the crap out of Radik in your newspaper because that guy is one TRULY dysfunctional paladin. Not that I'm actually asking you to do that anything, because officially of course, I am a most loyal Magistrate."

101995, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gleebrok Mullhalland the Holy of Faith
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The danger of the player seeping into the char :( My biggest fear was our secrets on the front page, and the spire weaker for it. The whole Radik persona had a huge influence on the early developmental parts of the char, and Skeeta was a big part of that. Good times :)
101811, Awe Man
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gonna miss Gleebrok. Loved our conversations. Hope you had as much fun as it seemed you had.

101889, RE: Awe Man
Posted by Gleebrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We coulda had em both!!!!! :)))
101890, Don't start.
Posted by Morin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We should have. I get way twitchy when I saw you fighting I just waded in and took shots at the target I wanted most that time. Man It would have been nice.
101809, Thanks for invite, I liked Gleebrok nt
Posted by Sumeraj on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM