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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Eljassir Ronteirie the Grand Master of Changelings, Imperial Citizen
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=100979
100979, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Eljassir Ronteirie the Grand Master of Changelings, Imperial Citizen
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jul 14 12:16:57 2011

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Eljassir perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
100983, So ends my exercise in futility :)
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So, because I honestly have nothing to hide, and I enjoy being transparent, this deletion came about for two reasons.

1) I was near con-death for the last 40 hrs or so. Too many insane runs against 6 Fortress chars in the early stages of my life, I suppose. And searching for wands, going AFK at inopportune times, etc. Plus, school is kicking my ass (I get my first degree in September).

and 2) I got busted for cheating. :(

To extrapolate on the busted for cheating part, right around the time Eljassir hit 5 con, I realized I was going to con-die sooner than later most likely. So I rolled up 2 or 3 lowbies to #### around with, check skills, see if paths I assumed worked one way worked that way, etc etc etc. I want to make it perfectly clear that I never used these lowbies to check ranges or join cabals and learn weaknesses of my enemies (I think the highest lowbie hit level 15). So, one of the lowbies was a savage ranger.

I came home from being out on like a Saturday night or something (may have been Thurs...I can't remember) and I was a wee bit tipsy so to speak. Normally, I try my hardest not to play drunk, but since it was just a lowbie I wasn't worried. I logged on my savage ranger and ####ed around for a bit, before realizing I was bored. I logged that character off and rolled up a conjurer because I was interested in seeing if I could get to 17 in 2 or 3 hrs to see what familiar I'd get (drunken thoughts are stupid thoughts). I threw up a description, ran through the newbie academy, and finished it and when going to get Simon his *edited* from *edited* when I decided to look in the pit. Lo and behold there was a full set of mid-30s warrior gear in the pit. So, I fulled the pit.

Eventually, because I was stupid and drunk, I concocted a scheme I was sure would work wherein I'd die with my conjurer in some out of the way place, and pit loot 20 minutes later with my ranger (because the gear was all stuff a savage could use...midnight dragon, amethyst rings, yew staffs etc). I know, I R DUMB.

So, long story short, I logged in one of the lowbies the other day to the RoTD. Obviously, I knew what I had did was cheating, so the IMM was cordial (though angry that I was that stupid to cheat for 6 pieces of gear or whatever) and he slayed/purged the character in question. I then deleted the lowbies because honestly, they were just throwaway characters.

As I was deleting, Twist sent me a tell. And Twist, I heart you man. I was disappointed in myself man :(

So basically, my main characters god knew I cheated with other characters and I figured, you know, I'm not going to get anything good with the character for the rest of the char, so I figured, retrieve the Codex one last time and delete.

Sorry again Twist. I'm an idiot, and I apologize profusely to you and all the other IMMs. First time I've ever cheated on CF (in fact, I've been known to sac items left by one character on the ground when I walk by them with another character...IE I'm normally hyper-sensitive about NOT cheating).

I also want to say that none of the IMMs did anything to Eljassir or put pressure on me to delete. That was my choice and my choice alone.

Some goodbyes (in no particular order):

Twist - Other than sorry, wanted to say you were awesome. Third time I've tried to follow you, and I finally got your tat. I was cracking up when you basically were like 'Dude, why not scales of the dragon you idiot'. I had never even thought of that :( Never did figure out that last task you sent me on.

Sivyh - I joined Empire because I love you man :) I felt bad smoking you with Ghrim and I knew Empire was going through some tough times. Every time we interacted I had fun. I especially loved when you played Angry Emperor on me that one time. Eljassir was a might bit worried for a moment.

Lohoq - You were an asshole to me. I LOVED THAT. Evil prick :)

Cotzibue - Keep trucking

The Zaan - I love your character. Such an arrogant, narcissistic badass. Hope you enjoyed all my gifts :)

Farror - I remember how much you made Ghrim's life a living hell, so it was awesome to see the other side. You're an awesome healer, and you make Empire 100% tougher everytime you log on. Plus, I enjoyed your RP.

Vinq - Fun exploring with you. Wish we could have gone more places. I can't believe you prawned that Maran btw. Badassery.

Draktah, Volkhan, Grimtok, and all the other Blades - I just normally hate the Blade sect with all my Empire characters, but you guys were a tough bunch and generally fun to be around. Draktah needs to log in more though ;)

Armagon - You cracked me up. Great char

Assorted other lowbie imperials - Tried to help you out as much as an evil bastard can.

Rhone - I hate you :) In a good way.

Gurzgred - My favorite enemy. Had some epics. You need to tell people who you are dammit!

Morin - Tough. Retribution = pain.

Maravon - You sir have the biggest balls I've ever seen on a non-Battle character. You were literally unstoppable (I mean, we'd kill you, and as soon as you'd unghost you'd be back beating ass). LionHeart is a perfect lastname for the character.

Assorted Fortress hidden folk - I hated you all. But IC. Especially Zakuun! I never could kill you dammit!

Had a few interesting talks with some of the Fortress mages as well. You know who you are. Those are always fun.

Zenze - Tough ####er. Still can't believe the Blades ####ed that up when I had you writhing when they showed :(

Chulun - My favorite rager killing friend. Shame the Empire/Nexus war started :(

Grelgich - Eljassir's best friend. Nuff said.

Tavlin - You sir are a bad ####er. I love your RP. I tried to play the rabid zealot role as well as I could, so that's probably why I hated on you IC as much as I could. Kinda funny we travelled together right after you mummied.

Rasay - You have awesome forms. Sorry I had to gang you with Aataka there at the end, but it was too good of a chance to pass up. Hope you get reclothed.

Obregon - Had some great talks. Not as tough as Rasay, but still a good character.

And finally, poor BATTLE. I kinda felt bad killing all of you as much as I did. I think I only died three times to BATTLE characters, and killed (or caused their death) around 20. No real goodbyes because my only interactions with most of you was brutal murder and ####.

Final thoughts: Rolled this character to follow Twist and hopefully get decent forms. My hope was to get fox/lion, honestly. I ended up with Howler Monkey and Alligator, used the edge to switch out Howler Monkey and I literally creamed myself when I got cheetah. So I followed Twist and tried to promote magic as much as I could, and the reason I joined Empire was because a) I'm evil b) Sivyh rules and c) Empire has very little mage presence. The character's goal was to promote magic in Empire as much as possible. I probably failed in that regard but c'est la vie.

Final thought #2: Wands. Found all three of my sleeks. Sienna found random teleport at level 35 or so. Easy spot. Amber found interestingly enough looking for something else. Gotta say that's a funny ass amber spot. It was awesome for the character though. Black was really easy to get, but if you talked to my char in game, you know where it was....and yeah, there were problems at times with that. But I got enough knowledge that I can have limited ABS on tap most of the time anyway.

Final thought #3: Badger burrow is ####.

That is all.
100984, RE: So ends my exercise in futility :)
Posted by The Zaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good character, obsiquious enough to be a good citizen of the Empire. Didn't realize you were almost con dead because you seemed to be Prevailing! whenever I was around. Cheetah is so quality, we had a few great kills, especially the Gurzgred one. Loved the gifts, seems like whenever I'm around it's constant raiding so trying to keep up with the preps can be a pain in the ass. GLWYN come on back to the dark side!
101004, I'll be back around October with something serious.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe you'll be Emperor by then :)
100987, Goodbye Eljassir
Posted by Lohoq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun running around with you, I am really annoyed that you didn't get those gloves for me. But life goes on. Loved your spunk, you played a Empire page pretty darn well, except all the praising Twist crap, I was waiting for some Empire Imm to come down and stomp on you a few times but it never happened. Your forms were so awesome but TOO awesome. I'd be stalking someone and you'd rush in and either kill them or make them teleport. I considered assassinating you a few times but realized that probably wasn't in my best interest.

Great character top to bottom, you made the Empire much much better with your presence.

And to echo what Zaan said "yadda yadda make another imperial"
100989, FWIW
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nothing bad was going to happen to Eljassir due to other chars of your getting busted for cheating. Homey don't play dat.

If you're refering to that item you gave me that I wanted you to find out more on, no biggie. If you had done it Twist would've been impressed enough to handle two instead of one (you know what I'm talkin' 'bout), but ah well.

I liked the char in general, a fair amount. Your choices for going Empire were solid, you were always talkin' up Twist and magic in general, so good on ya.

I really only wanted to send you that tell because we were just talking about how vet players seem to be feeling like there's just no real terrible consequence to getting caught cheating, and it was disappointing to think of you that way, 'cuz I like you as a player.
101003, You're right about everything :)
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I know nothing would have happened to Eljassir.

School is ramping up at the moment, and the timing seemed right considering the other things.

I have no problems with how the Immortals handled my stupid dumb-ass move. I know better.

100993, Sam! I should have known!
Posted by Mirrou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only you could be an obviously competent, feared player and at the same time occasionally go full retard and eat horrible, embarrassing deaths.

Liked fighting the cheetah, I think of all the imperials I fought you the most. And you were my only 100% solo kill at hero.

I never talked to you :(
Shifters are a pain to talk to, though.
101002, Never go full retard :(
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, hate to break it to you...but I don't think the PBF will give you that as a solo kill :)

It mostly was though. I had fought others before, fled, healed up as the alligator, then fought you. Not sure how the PBF counts those because if I remember correctly, still had a malediction or two.

You were a giant pain in the ass. You escaped a couple times from me by the skin of your tail ;)
100999, RE: So ends my exercise in futility :)
Posted by Rasay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, I heart my forms. Thanks for calling me tough, but in all honesty Obregon is probably tougher than I am when it comes down to it.

We didn't get to fight a whole bunch, but the times we did was great. I don't think I ever killed you, but came close a few times. The last fight in Udgaard I went in not even half-prepped. No control translucence was low on mana and didn't want to give you a chance to escape before I rested so I rushed in. Didn't expect to get attacked by the guards either. I wouldn't really call that a gang with Aataka, though, he had a reason to want to kill me so no hard feelings there. I don't cry over gear so it didn't bother me to have gather again. Was one of those deaths afterwards you just think, ugh I knew better and could have prevented it.

I was raiding fortress solo and a cheetah came in...was that you? Seems like you made an appearance, fought a little bit then you ran off. Curious about why you came if it was.

Otherwise, solid character, respectable opponent and GLWYN.
101001, Yep, that was me.
Posted by TMNS on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Twist tattoed me, so that means Twist follower = Hates Scions :)

A couple times I wish I had joined Scion so you me and Obregon could have literally had everyone in the game in fear of us. But alas...
100982, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Eljassir Ronteirie the Grand Master of Changelings, Imperial Citizen
Posted by Sivyh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Liked Eljassir. Also amazed you only have 185 hours.

I was eavesdropping you when we were standing there talking to Twist, by the way. I probably should have anath'd you after that last comment (something about how you were to convert the entire Empire to Twist worship) but figured I'd just put you on notice instead.