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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [None] Thelana Boldfoot the Hand of the Unseen, Godfather of Voralian City
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=100606
100606, (CON LOSS) [None] Thelana Boldfoot the Hand of the Unseen, Godfather of Voralian City
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Jun 27 12:18:25 2011

At 5 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of Winter
on the Theran calendar Thelana perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
100608, Goodbyes
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this character had a pretty good run. I only had a few regrets. First, I didn't get Neltouda's tattoo, but I suspect that was largely due to RL things going on in her life, such that she was not able to be around much for the majority of Thelana's life. I was seeking a vitality quest too, but obviously didn't get one, probably for the same reason. Second regret is that I didn't get to finish figuring out the quest I was working on near the end. A few people were fortunate enough to be involved in it (you know who you are) and got the chance to pick up on some rarely known information.

Basically, I tried to play this character as completely politically neutral, and I think I did a pretty good job of that. Over the course of Thelana's life, she managed to turn 99% of her enemies into friends, and I guess that speaks something for her ability to inspire others, which was the whole purpose of her life, adventure and inspiration.

Some people criticized me for having all this uber gear and "not putting it to use" as if I was just a hoarder or something. This may come as a shock, but PK is not the only legitimate purpose for powerful gear. Most of the time Thelana had a damroll arond 70, and I often changed gear and used a couple preps to bump it up over 100 while still having just over 900 hp. Being geared like that makes solo exploration SO much easier. Jekor and I, and later Jehb and I were able to go many places and fight many things that we otherwise would not have been able to manage without additional help that often wasn't available to us. If it was your character's opinion that it was being wasted, and part of your role, that's fine. But most of the time when I encountered this objection, it came across more as the player complainin, rather than the character.


Allysia: I find our relationship at the end a little ironic, actually, given the way we started off. The animosity between us at the beginning was largely due to the way you responded when Thelana offered to buy something from you. You got insulted by the offer and were rather rude to her as a result. That irritated Thelana and allowed her to feel justified in trying to steal the staff in question that you refused to sell. You got pretty lucky a couple times, as did I. By the time I saw you again in the Abandoned Siege Encampment, my inventory was already so full that I didn't have room to carry anything more anyway, I had already done almost as much exploring as I possibly could have, and had only one other person at the time who was an enemy. So given all of that, I figured the staff wasn't so important any more. I appreciated having your help in trying to figure out that quest at the end. Incidentally, I actually could have gained that item with your help if you had logged on even once more before I died.

Jekor: You and me made one hell of a team! Seriously, in the 13 years since I first started playing CF, I have never played alongside another player who thinks so much like I do. The number of times you and I came up with the same plan, scheme, or plot at exactly the same time, and even said the same thing at exactly the same time is just mind boggling! It was a shame you age died when you did. I really wanted to go back down into Hell with you and see how far we could get, just the two of us. Seeing every mob and room in Belial's castle just as two thieves is not a bad accomplishment, though. If we had forgone just a little bit of it, we could have explored the 5th circle also. Oh well. With Scarab revamping hell, we can have fun exploring the new place and raking in obs/explore xp there.

Jehb: Didn't get to interact or explore with you as much as I did Jekor, but most of what I said for him applies to you as well.

Gurzgred: I really liked hanging out with you as well. Your character was very short lived, it seemed. It was a shame, too. You were very knowledgeable about many things, and that's something I always appreciate. I eventually did manage to achieve your suggested solution to the quest for the item, but it turned out to be false anyway. I did, however, get VERY VERY close to reaching the real solution though. I actually suspect there might be a bug in it, and that might be what prevented me from actually finishing. I'll keep testing it with another character though before I bug board it. Hope to travel with you again in the next life.

Rhone: I think I said everything on your death thread.

Brom: I really appreciated your assistance with the Aboleths so many times. You contributed greatly to me becoming the wealthiest mortal alive. In the course of my character's life, I suspect I gained and subsequently spent somewhere near 70,000 gold. The first half of that was largely due to your help. I could have done it without the help, but it would have been much more difficult, and I probably would have con-died sooner without it. I enjoyed helping you get Defiance, both with Thelana and with my Fortress thief, Selrelia (I think that's what I named her). This is only the second time I have had the chance to interact so closely with one of your characters. Unfortunately, every time I try to roll a Twist follower, you happen to be playing a mortal at the time which makes it difficult for me to get your attention as an Imm. Now that Thelana is dead, I think I'll go back to playing my Twist follower that has been largely sitting on hold for several months. I got burned out on it before, but didn't want to delete it because I had put so much work into it already, and didn't want to waste it. Lately I've been wanting to play it more, but wanted to see Thelana through as well.

Radik: I enjoyed adventuring with you as well. A lot of the first half of Thelana's wealth was owed to you also, in conjunction with Brom. Your help with various things from time to time was always appreciated, and your friendship meant a lot to Thelana.

Wyndynne: I always enjoyed having an invoker in my exploring parties, but I have to be honest....You kind of annoyed me quite a bit, at least early on. I would take you places, but you were always quick to grab whatever gear hit the ground, despite whoever else might be in the party and might have been coming along specifically for that item. You have the makings of a good explorer, but often times you tend to just rush in without having a solid plan, or with only partial or inaccurate information while thinking you have all the information. There were a number of times you put the party at risk as a result, and many more times where other party members got annoyed and almost left because of your grabbiness, and it was all I could do to hold the party together. If you were to play a Neltouda follower with a class like a bard, thief with gentle walk, conjurer, or transmuter and go exploring by yourself in all the places that those classes can do solo, recruiting help for the places they can't, pay careful attention to how the NPCs there act, and be a little less grabby to identify items when you're with a party, you could become an elite explorer very quickly. The best class for exploring is an orderly neutral conjurer with a monkey familiar, with chaotic good conjurer as a very close second. After that, I would say poisoner thief with gentle walk, knife, advanced picklock, and shadow disappear is a close third, but with a thief you have to have quick thinking when things go wrong. Transmuter and bard are probably about equal for exploration classes. Other than those issues, though, I think you do a great job with your character and roleplaying. You make a great Herald. That's something I'm not very good at. I tried before with a previous Neltouda follower, and although I'm good at writing poetry, I usually don't have the patience for it when I'm mudding. I get bored sitting around at the Inn unless I'm gambling, and my poetry is not something I do often. I'm glad there are players like you around to keep the Heralds alive.

Skeeta: I love the Heraldic Post! It's an awesome idea and I'm glad you pioneered it. Keep it going! I dread what will happen when you finally die. Enjoyed talking with you an traveling with you a few times in my final days.

Empire: What can I say? The vast bulk of my coin was spent on you, or rather on the council. I figured it was a worthwhile investment, though, to keep the Empire pacified so that I didn't have to worry about being hunted for my awesome set. I distinctly remember one time in the aboleth lair with two Imperials when one of them noticed my Stoneform and Orb of Twighlight Lords, he looked at me and saw all the other legendary gear I was wearing, then turned to the other and said, "Why do we not slay her?" When the answer came back, "The Emperor forbids it," I considered the two 2,000 gold bribes money well spent, and grinned broadly at my monitor screen.

Norington: I appreciated our cordial relations early on, and strove to keep them that way. Then as soon as you found out that Jekor and I were friends, you basically declared war on me (pre-Emperor bribe) just for my association with him. I actually would have stayed out of the conflict between you two, and Jekor was understanding of that. But when you made it a personal conflict with me as well, things began to get dicey between us. The biggest advantage you had over me was that you had traps going for you, so you could just sit and wait for me to come, which gave me no chance at all. Without the traps, I could have sat and waited for you. I had a skill set that I could take down just about anyone if I got them knocked out, and didn't have someone or something else fighting me while they were knocked out. I never got that chance with you, and you were the bane of my existence during that time. Then I lost my internet access for a while and was only barely able to log on enough to keep my gear from being purged. By the time I came back, you were basically gone all the time. During the one time that I saw you on, I was looking forward to sitting down and chatting with you, since I knew you were now forbidden from aggression toward me, but I was off in an explore area at the time, and by the time I got out, you had already logged off. Otherwise, good character in general, though I didn't really enjoy the trash-talking during the warring period. Didn't know you as well as I would have liked, but I generally respected you.

Mharlndarn: Aside from Devon, you were the only person who refused to make peace with me, no matter what I did. You got very lucky that Faeshu and I each missed a trip consecutively when fighting you three paces from your recall point. You recalled convulsing. I ran to your recall point and entered the room just in time to see you teleport. Then I walked back to Faeshu, typed "who group" and saw you had just died; typed WHERE and there you were at your pit. You had a similarly close call to Jekor and I, just barely escaping convulsing. The only thing about you that earned you any respect with me at all was that you never full looted me. You only killed me three times, if memory serves, twice while I was link-dead, and the one time that you filled the freaking underdark with druk'trars between Kteng's lab and both nearby exits. Scions is one aspect of the game that I do not know well, so that was a tactic I could not anticipate. If I had known something like that was possible, I would have just recalled from Kteng's. I never really feared you. It just annoyed me when you were on because I knew that you would sit back until you knew was in a remote place like Nizarsh Datul, and then would hassle me non-stop while I was trying to accomplish something. I thought you were a complete ass in the game, but just chalked it up to roleplaying an evil bastard. Then I saw all your posts on Rhone's death thread and realized that it wasn't really roleplaying. You're just an ass in general. That's not something I say very often at all. Congratulations for being one of the incredibly few people to ever earn it.

Tavlin: I appreciated the brief interactions we had, and had a lot of respect for your character. I would have liked to get to know a little bit more about your role and character history, but oh well. Maybe in my next life, or the one after.

Neltouda: I love playing Nelly followers. I'm a secret-info whore which tends to come with playing exploration characters. I'm sure you've probably already figured out some of my previous Nelly worshippers, because they tend to be similar. I was really bummed out that I couldn't get in touch with you for so long near the end. I desperately wanted to bring that item you sent me to find back to the shrine and showed it off proudly. I also wished you had remembered to give me a new title and life the ban on me at the Inn before you had to rush off at the end of our last conversation. I was praying for you near the end hoping for a vitality quest so I could finish up the last few things I was trying to accomplish before I age died. But I guess it wasn't meant to be. I'll probably make another Nelly follower again once you're able to be around more often. Love your contribution to the game. You make it much more fun for me!

That's about everyone I can think of right now. I'm sure there are many others whom I have forgotten. If you feel left out, feel free to post and I'll try to keep checking back here for a while to respond to anyone I didn't cover.
100609, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Sivyh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you spend all your time gathering gold? Or had you tweaked your gambling ability to the point where you just multiplied your coin using the gambler? Because damn you were flush with cash.

I'm aware of some of the more productive gold sources (in particular the one Faolai and Norington apparently used/use) and even given that rate of accumulation it would take you hours of farming to generate what you gave me and a certain other citizen. Without knowing the specifics, I'm tempted to say whatever method you used is "broken" from a game-play point of view.
100611, My big secret (well, just one of them) ;-)
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I gathered gold at a rate of 115 gold per pass, 5 ticks between passes, with about 24-36 ticks necessary for prepping the area to make it safe. Before I ever met you, I had spent close to 30,000 gold buying extremely rare items from people, bribing corrupt tribunals, and buying off Imperial Council members before you even became the Emperor. I then gathered close to 20,000 gold again. Then I had my final interaction with Neltouda before losing contact with her. During that conversation I mentioned offhandedly that I had probably spent close to 30,000 gold already inspiring people, either to turn an enemy into an ally, bribing tribunals, or inspiring someone to part with items they normally would not want to part with. The conversation with her went on for a while. As we were wrapping it up, just before we parted ways, she handed me 30,000 gold and winked at me, saying that I had set the number, and that it was to fund and inspire more adventures, not to fill the coffers of my guild. I already had 7,000 gold in guild donations anyway, so that was not a problem. After that, I never had to spend time gathering gold again. 50,000 gold still takes a while to spend, even when you're tossing out 1k, 2k, and 5k at a time, spaced apart. Prior to that, though, I did spend several hours gathering gold. There were probably two or three sessions where that was basically all I did. Those sessions were not back to back, however. I would log in, see that my gold was running low, and go set up the area, then spend an entire 5 or 6 hour session gathering coin. I just had that particular source down to a science, and I was really good at doing it, even before I got Stoneform (actually, by the time I got Stoneform, I wasn't even gathering gold any more). I was just about ready to start gathering gold again near the end, as I was down to the 10k mark, and still had to keep paying that other citizen to pry more information out of him. I won't tell you how much he milked me for. ;-)
100689, Dam
Posted by Chulun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I felt robbed! If I have any idea about how filthy rich you are... I surely will put myself in a position to rub off that riches! 30000 gold is mind boggling... on the side note, Sivyh, let's not stir up sh** bout things that aren't broken, thanks :)
100610, Lame
Posted by Rasay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And that's about all I've got to say on that.
100612, Seriously?
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After I just took you through the Vaults, and planned to take you through every other explore area other than Hell and Yzekon, and that's all you have to say?
100614, Lame as in being
Posted by Rasay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That I'm crying you are gone, not lame that you are lame. I enjoyed the time you spent taking me through the vaults, and was looking forward to exploring other places with you as well, and now that won't ever happen. *sniffle*
100616, Ah! Gotcha
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I have a strong tendency to play explorer characters, and being a pretty helpful person IRL, most of my characters tend to be that way as well. I like to teach people the things that I know, so most of my characters tend to do the same as well. It's one aspect of the RL me that I can never seem to squash when roleplaying. Even when I'm trying to roleplay a character who is an evil bastard, I have a hard time making it stick because I'm too far removed from that IRL. So unless I'm playing a goodie or a rager, you can probably still get one of my next characters to take you wherever you need to go.
100617, My ultimate plan
Posted by Rasay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is to be around awhile, and hopefully get a chance to look at things that I never have before. So GLWYN and see ya in the fields.
100613, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Allysia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am happy to hear you found what you were looking for, I think that's a good finale for Thelana even if you did not technically get the thing.

I did log in a few times, but I just did not happen to see you those times. I would have really enjoyed seeing that through to the end. I am guessing you found what you were looking for, just needed a little help to manage to get that last part done. I had no idea you were nearing the end con wise (figured age wise), I probably would have made an effort to be around had I known.

Allysia has disliked all thieves at all times in her life, until they gave her a reason not to. Largely due to dealing with Flaaayin so many times of course. I knew turning down the offer to buy it would make you try to just steal it (and I am sure you could have a few times) but at the time I was still a Nexun and fighting a fair amount and knew if you got it it would be gone for a long time. I had it for me sort of, but also for other nexuns as well, so really it was more valuable than anything as the Rhyme. When I was an outcast, you could have had it if you just asked for it. :)

Allysia is old and soft now, and she's seen lots of places, so exploring a new place with you and doing that adventure was far more interesting than anything else to her. And you did knife me which probably helped ensure my death, so you can consider that a little revenge. Damned alligators :)

All said, I liked Thelana IC/OC, even when I hated her IC. I had an idea who played her, though I am guessing thay person may have played a different thief. And you certainly know your stuff, by far one of the most knowledgeable chars I've ever met.

See you out there soon!
100615, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Some people criticized me for having all this uber gear and
>"not putting it to use" as if I was just a hoarder or
>something. This may come as a shock, but PK is not the only
>legitimate purpose for powerful gear.

That accounts for the gear you were wearing, but what about the dozen or so unique or nearly unique items constantly languishing in your inventory?

The part of me as a player that's an explorer sort of likes characters like this, but mostly I look at a Thelana and I'm thinking: "Great, he's begging people to get him even more gear that's going to be more or less out of the game for months now."
100618, Most of that was being used, actually
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The one item I had that I eventually stopped using constantly was that talisman/staff. I carried that thing around almost for the entire length of the character's life because it was essential for certain ingredients that I highly favored, as well as a really great frenzy prep. For the majority of Thelana's life, that staff gave her ready access to a high level fear poison which could also be used for a high level mind control poison. Since there is only one of them in the game, and it's not easy to get, if someone else had it, I wouldn't have access to my ingredients. Other than that one item, pretty much every other limited item I had was being used. I had the battlemail for a ready source of enlarge when I wanted it, but otherwise wore the darkened platemail, I used the orb for healing myself when I didn't have a bard or healer around. I didn't use Deluge all that often, but I kept it around because it was a weapon made of energy, and therefore couldn't be broken. I lost the claw of the Dracolich twice due to weaponbreaker, and a couple other very nice weapons the same way. So if I was going to be fighting a mob that was wielding an axe, I would switch to Deluge to ensure I didn't lose my weapon. The lost crown of the dragonkings was a recent acquisition and I was waiting for a conjurer with Contact Outer Planes to check it out for me. If I turned out to do nothing special,I would have passed it off. If it did do something special, I would have decided if it was something I would ever use, or if it was just going to be in my way.

If there's something else in my inventory I didn't mention that you think I never used, please mention it and I'll let you know why I was keeping it around. Aside from the staff, pretty much everything had a purpose and was used for it often.
100622, Gear Locker
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Please you always had a ton of rare or unique #### there was no way you could use it all, in your inventory. Between you and Jehbkor it was ridiculous, and you wondered why people wanted to kill you all the time. You just paid off anyone who was a threat so you could continue your hording. I think the Imms need to put a gold cap or something because it seems there are a few tricks that almost break the game.
100623, Jehbkor
Posted by Norington on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, cause Jehb and Jekor were played by the same person. Nice.
Also, wore the same gear too..

except Jehb wore the gear at lvl 11.... sooo

Must have been a clause in his will, stamped by Neltouda. On the Ship.
100630, Deleted message
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No message
100631, So you were a gear locker and can attempt to rationalize it.
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I had stoneform, ioun stone, symbol of the spider goddess, iridescent pendant, and trollform. Obviously I kept stoneform and symbol on all the time, then for fighting I'd switch to ioun stone over symbol, but if I am fighting an invoker and transmuter at the same time I'd go iridescent, and then for healing I'd use trollform.

See how easy that was?
100633, I don't see anything wrong with your example
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As long as you're not just hoarding it so you can sit in your guild and stroke your shinies until you orgasm I don't see anything wrong with it. Items are in the game to be used. As long as you're using them, more power to you.
100635, People cry more about gear than anything on CF
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jesus, kill the svirf thief and take his gear.

Bunch of crying babies in this thread. "Wah I just can't kill the svirf thief who is on 10 hours a day".

100637, RE: People cry more about gear than anything on CF
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes because killing a double uber geared thief perma with half the mud payed off and won't stick around to fight ever is easy. These two would teleport or word the second people got in the same area as them. Where do you come up with this stuff?
100638, Where do I come up with it?
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I hear so called 'vets' and Imms who are supposed to be badass pk'ers crying about how they cant kill some thief like hes Zorszaul.
100641, RE: Where do I come up with it?
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok captain amazo, how do you kill this pair of uber decked thieves who won't ever stay to fight with a class that doesn't see detect hidden? Now remember you can't kill them if you are playing a goodie, you can't kill them if you are an imperial because they paid off the Emperor, you can't kill them as a tribunal because they will just word to town with one of their 50 orbs of travel, you shouldn't be killing them as battle because they aren't magi, oh and probably shouldn't kill them as nexuns because they are neutral and uncaballed. Oh wait they spec'd this way so they'd have almost no enemies so they could horde gear more easily. So let's say you go totally OOC and roll something just to kill them. If one of them gets the sleep off you are hosed because they both had mind control, oh and did I mention they wouldn't say a moment in the same area with someone who can see them? Please explain for the folks at home how you are taking them down? All I picture when you post is Ace Ventura's ass talking to Toc Loc.

Not saying it can't be done, just that you are vastly over simplifying and it requires a special builds and luck.
100699, Ok, I know I said I wouldn't post again except to legit goodbyes...
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But this post had me literally rocking with laughter. This single post destroys every shred of support you might have had from any sane, reasoning person. The sheer volume of wrong information in here is mind numbing and I just couldn't resist the urge to point out how ridiculous you sound. Oh, where to begin...?

>Ok captain amazo, how do you kill this pair of uber decked
>thieves who won't ever stay to fight with a class that doesn't
>see detect hidden?

>Now remember you can't kill them if you are
>playing a goodie, you can't kill them if you are an imperial
>because they paid off the Emperor,

I guess first off, I'll start with the fact that Thelana was the only one who had the Empire in her pocket. Neither Jehb nor Jekor had benefit from that. Heck, it didn't even take place until AFTER Jekor died. Jekor had tons of animosity with the Empire, and my association with him dragged me into it against my will.

>you can't kill them as a
>tribunal because they will just word to town with one of their
>50 orbs of travel,

Both Jekor and I committed tons of crimes. We just always got away with it. For a while, there was a fire giant AP trib whom we paid off to look the other way whenever we were planning to commit a crime, but he eventually went away anyways. Otherwise, tribs could have killed us if they had ever caught us. On the same topic, I think I had a total of 3 orbs of travel during the entire course of Thelana's life. I have no idea about Jekor or Jehb.

>you shouldn't be killing them as battle
>because they aren't magi,

A rager could have sought to kill either of us for our gear with complete legitimacy. Heck, Jekor was an arcane thief! Help file for arcane lore specifically says that skill is bordering on true magic use and that all skills from that point on are in direct opposition to village philosophy. Jekor just took care to conceal that fact about himself. Thelana used scrolls also, but just basic scrolls, and never in front of villagers. She did have magic progging gear though, and for a picky rager that could be justification enough. They even made me take off my Stoneform when I led them into Yzekon. I have seen many ragers kill non-magi for no better reason than gear and they received no penalty for it. The simple fact was, I took care to befriend ragers too by bringing them gear for free, passing on information from time to time about mage locations if they asked, and just generally making a point of not robbing them, and striking up friendly conversation when opportunities presented.

>oh and probably shouldn't kill them
>as nexuns because they are neutral and uncaballed.

Nexus could have hunted us with perfect justification any time that chaos tipped. Jekor and I were both chaotic. I know this because I saw Jekor use chaotic_only gear a couple times.

>Oh wait
>they spec'd this way so they'd have almost no enemies so they
>could horde gear more easily.

I actually rolled Thelana to be a really good pk build, but as she developed, I decided not to play her that way. I had planned to deal with pk, but ended up taking a different route. Characters develop, stuff changes. That's how CF goes sometimes.

>So let's say you go totally OOC
>and roll something just to kill them. If one of them gets the
>sleep off you are hosed because they both had mind control,

Thelana was the only one with mind control. Jekor was a pickpocket/arcane thief. I won't talk about Jehb's skill path because he's still active. I will give you this much, though... If I got the knock-out poison off, you were still hosed because like I said, I did build her to be capable of pk. While you're knocked out for 5-10 hours, there was tons of stuff I had in my little charms bracelet of tricks that I could do to you.

>and did I mention they wouldn't stay a moment in the same area
>with someone who can see them?

That's just plain untrue. Jekor may have stayed hidden 90% of the time, but Thelana didn't. I knew that Neltouda would have a problem with one of her followers being hidden all the time, so I had an alias script to toggle my auto-hide trigger on/off. Most of the time it was left off. That means that I was visible to EVERYONE, MOST of the time. It probably confused the hell out of Jekor as to why I was always visible, and rarely whispered. I would only duck into the shadows if someone came around whose intentions I was unsure of. Then I would start talking to them and try to make friends. The vast majority did.

>Please explain for the folks at
>home how you are taking them down?

Mharlndarn took me down, Devon took me down, Rasst took me down and con-killed me, a few of other people killed me too, though I forget who off-hand. If you found it so incredibly difficult to kill me, then what you're really saying that your skill level simply isn't up to the task. I'm sure that's not what you intended to say, but your whole post was essentially one big case of "open mouth, insert foot." I'll just leave it at that and get on with my life.

>All I picture when you post
>is Ace Ventura's ass talking to Toc Loc.

Yeah, I'm not even going to comment on that....
100701, RE: Ok, I know I said I wouldn't post again except to legit goodbyes...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Mharlndarn took me down, Devon took me down, Rasst took me
>down and con-killed me, a few of other people killed me too,
>though I forget who off-hand.

I don't know that the examples really help your case -- I don't remember what Devon was, but Mharlndarn and Rasst are both characters who:

A) Can justify attacking anyone for little or no reason, which most characters can't, RP/cabalwise, and
B) You can't see coming and
C) Can, at least theoretically, manage total command denial solo, prevent you from wording/teleporting, or both.

Which is pretty much exactly what you'd need to solo kill a character who halfway knows what they're doing and tries very hard to avoid conflict.

It's a high bar for most characters to clear.
100702, yeah i always make it my personal goal to go after the people most avoiding conflict
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gets explorers and heralds riled up when they have just one or two PK deaths after several hundred hours. They clai it is weak to go after a soft target (which they are if you can actually A.) initiate combat with them and B.) Prevent escape) but the challenge is in pinning them down when they have excellent toos to avoid getting pinned down and no reason to put themselves into vulnerable positions (by being non combatants to begin with)
100707, Yeah, you're a real winner
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Doesn't matter what char you are playing, we know the pittsburgh perma douches laxman and kanye will attack anything that moves, regardless of RP.

100709, Please stop derailing threads
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
just to post negativity on them. If you don't have something nice to say, don't post at all, otherwise you'll probably see your forum privileges revoked. Friendly warning.
100711, Haha there are 50 people trashing this char
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
with their negativity, I am standing up for the char and trashing the other players for being hypocrites and you call me out?

100712, RE: Haha there are 50 people trashing this char
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We are not just randomly trashing a character, we are pointing out issues we had with their character which are valid. You seem to have to jump in on any thread and blindly attack people spewing garbage. You don't contribute anything to these boards besides these angry rants which usually falsley accuse people of things, such as when you called me anti-rager and had to withdraw it. I don't understand why you feel this need to "White Knight" constantly especially when it's usually very justified critism. My suggestion would be to take a deep breath before flipping out and ask if yourself does this add anything to the discussion or to take your own subject, 50 people are criticizing the character for the same thing, maybe it is valid.
100642, I'll fill you in like I did your mother last night.
Posted by Norington on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I killed Jekor and Thelana at the same time. It was so easy, I did it again right after they unghosted.

Lewt. It twas phat.

And if you don't believe me, ask them both.

100644, Partially true
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You killed Jekor. I died to the rats because I didn't know the layout of that mansion yet. I do now. You fulled Jekor, didn't touch anything in my corpse. I also died once because I forgot about the trap on that chest. You didn't loot me then either. I also died once at that same time because Kjaz rotted me and I had like 9 con at the time. Jekor eventually mostly recovered, but never fully. You gave a lot of stuff away to other Imperials and Jekor just stole most of it back. You gave Stoneform to that minotaur shaman who eventually became High Priest, and Jekor and I ended up declaring war on him. He didn't like that so he passed it off to Kjaz who got stoneshattered by Rhone. A couple days later Jekor had that back too.

That whole situation was rough for me to deal with. I was in a part of an area I did not know well at all, fighting someone with skills I knew little about (namely pepper dust). My chosen tactic would have been very good if it wasn't for pepper dust. My lack of knowledge about that skill was primarily what saved you. Afterward, I studied the log of that incident and figured out where I screwed up, and how to do it differently. If I were to encounter that again, things would go much differently.

As I mentioned in my goodbye thread, aside from the trash talking, I thought Norington was a pretty good character, and really regretted the hostility that broke out between us, especially since it had little to do with me, and was mostly due to my association with Jekor.
100646, hearsay
Posted by Norington on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now, as far as the gear hoarding went. I could only carry so much from you guys corpses before I was just too loaded up. And I really felt sorry for you both, because it's like you "explore" all these things you talk about, but can't really do anything once you do. It's sorta like killing tiamat to get the gear, wear it, and then just sit around saying. Well, now what else to explore. When you're done, you're done. You never interacted with anyone but who you wanted to pay off.

I would have kept stoneform but alas, Rhone. Not worth it. Gambling for orbs is boring, but the cost of wearing it.

If we had met up before you deleted, I was going to trap the spot to high hell, close off your exit, and knife. But you saved me the inevitable rage delete you would most likely commit yourself to if it had happened.

Quit making characters like this please. Lean over and tell Jekor that too.
100647, RE: hearsay
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I mentioned before, you didn't loot one thing from me, only from Jekor.

You're mistaken about who I interacted with. I spent a lot of time taking people places they hadn't been before and showing them around the mud, teaching them various tricks and tactics I've learned, helping magi find their wands, and trying to get groups together to go places I haven't been to before myself. I would even approach characters who were total strangers and ask them if they wanted to join me for an adventure someplace, or if they had found their wands, etc...

For the longest time, I had never been to Yzekon. Thelana was only my second character to go there, and the first to actually see everything there and not have my whole party slaughtered. I have only been past the 5th Circle of Hell with one other character before, so there was plenty of exploring to do there as well. I've never killed Tiamat yet and that's still something I want to accomplish. In short, there is still much that can be done for a role like Thelana's. These types of roles serve an excellent purpose for the player of them. It allows them to learn about all the secret stuff of the game, which they can then use later with other characters.

One of my biggest pet peeves with CF is when someone makes assumptions and subsequent judgements about a character with whom they have only ever had limited interaction. Your interaction with me was pretty limited. Before hostilities broke out as a result of my association with Jekor, you expressly told me that you had no desire for conflict with me. Up to that point, we rarely had any sort of interaction except the occasional nod in passing, or you warning me that you had trapped a certain place and that I should stay away from it. Then when you found out that I hung out with Jekor, you suddenly changed your mind. From that point on, your only interaction with me was to blackball me from your wimpy little guild that I wasn't the least bit interested in, trash talk at me every chance you got, and try to kill me. The only dialog ever exchanged at that point was you trash talking and me telling you to piss off and then ignoring you a few times. Pray tell how does this type of interaction give you any insight at all into the character I was playing or how I interact with other characters that you have no interaction with yourself?

As for Jekor, I don't know him OOC. I never did, and probably never will. Whatever he does is entirely up to him.
100661, Who the #### are you to tell people what type of chars to play?
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You gave stoneform to gaplemo's shaman who then gave it to Kanye, yeah I bet tweedster/you/kanye never talked on AIM lol where do you guys come up with this #### where you act like you are on a high horse talking to another player about perma'ing.

At least you got the rest of your aim list to come trash this char who apparently only you could kill despite everyone trying. Its not like every time I saw Norington he wasn't doing the exact same #### Thelana was. They were damn near identical chars but one was dying all the time that I saw (norington) and the other kept trucking (thelana). Sure thats because of Empire vs uncaballed and taking risks in PK but are you really that butthurt some thief had good gear and you had a hard time killing them? Lol go play another game, ####.

Dude made tons of allies IC as a svirf thief? OMFGZOR wtf he RP'ed a svirf thief?

Stop circle jerking in IRC/AIM and maybe you guys would stop crying about the player's chars who you aren't friends with OOC having some success when you don't like their char.
100672, Did your father never hug you.
Posted by Norington on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I sense some anger in you. Anger leads to fear. Fear leads to hate. Hate leads.... To the Dark Side.

You're ready to join the Empire now.

And your accusations about stoneform; Norington can die when he shows his neck, easily. So what good is a stoneform amulet to a person like that. Rot_death, remember? Hmm. Who did he know in the cabal that would most likely never die? One of the Shaman maybe? Self sufficient Black sanc titans? yes. Now, I don't remember how Kjaz/Kanye got it, but I think I remember him demanding it from the minotaur.

I don't know Kanye or gaplemo on AIM or any other venue of instant messanger, only by the dios forum handles. But you seem to know a lot more names they go by than I do. Just saying. Maybe you have a history with them.
100675, Im just shocked you are crying about gear
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Really neither of those sets are ridiculous, considering yours was pretty good.

Its just gear, so the #### what some player who played tons of hours was using the gear? Its not like he/she would log/quit when any enemies showed.

Kill thief > take gear

so many of the typical dios suspects came here and cried on the forums about how some thief had a bunch of nice gear and wah wah I just wonder when the game turned soft, you think thats gear? lol thats not ####, really
100714, Erm
Posted by Gaplemo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He gave me stoneform because I had not died in pk and he died daily. Its rot death. He just didn't want the other thieves to have it. And as cool as it is, I did NOT want it at all on the shaman. I conned Kjaz into trading it for an ioun stone, which I ended up loving. About 10 minutes after I traded the damn stoneform away, Kjaz was ganged and killed the EXACT way I feared was gonna happen to me. Rhone or Onya with help, and stoneshatter. Sure enough, a good cry/stoneshatter gang supposedly brought him down. Screw an item like that that makes you a bullseye when I can enjoy an ioun stone instead and go back to eating fillets.

But I must have been cheating. Because it's me, and we all know I am incapable of aquiring nice armor without cheating.
100655, Mother jokes, thats mature.
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Apparently it wasn't so difficult to kill Jekor and Thelana like ORB and Daevryn are crying about then was it?

Thanks for proving my point.
100660, RE: Mother jokes, thats mature.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't say anything to that effect.

Keep it in your pants.
100662, You are right, I am wrong.
Posted by Oldril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My apologies I thought you were also complaining about this.
100643, RE: People cry more about gear than anything on CF
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Firstly, we were not permas. I met Jekor IC, and in fact was very suspecious of him to start with. How our relationship developed is actually in my role if you want to buy the PBF and read about it. Jehb had a very similar play style to Jekor, liked to explore a lot as well, and knew quite a bit about the game and areas also. Maybe he was the same player, I don't know. But even if he was, what am I supposed to do, ignore my character's role and ignore someone who she has every IC reason to enjoy spending time with just because I suspect it might be played by the same person as another character? I don't think so. Secondly, we did not teleport or recall the second people entered the area. Depending on who the person was and what they intended, we might duck into the shadows and wait it out. Hello, that's what thieves DO. They're not warriors or even assassins. That being said, we rarely had to do that, ever. Contrary to what was said earlier, not everyone on the mud wanted to kill me. In fact, it was almost the opposite. Most people liked to make peace with me. Some people even went out of their way to make peace with me, without me ever having to initiate it. If someone did attack me, depending on who it was, I might stay and fight, or I might flee. Only a retard stays to fight when he's losing the battle. You make it sound like if I got hit, I instantly took off and ran away. That was not always the case, especially earlier on in Thelana's life. The whole, "I'm going to make peace with every mortal in Thera" part of her role did not come until after 200-300 hours. Prior to that, if someone chose to be an enemy, they were an enemy. I drove several attackers away, and I also ran away. Most of the time, after the fight was over one way or another, I did attempt to make peace anyway. Many times that came after someone killed me, and most of the time it was a success.

You seem to be under the mistaken impression that I couldn't be killed because I was somehow unreachable, rather than because of general skill and a roleplay approach that facilitated survival.

Please tell me where in the CF rulebook it says that convincing other players to not kill you, regardless of how you accomplish it, is cheating.

Frankly, there really were not that many people trying to kill me, and those who did I talked out of it eventually except for one or two. So please tell me which of these people you played who was always trying to kill me but never could. I can only think of two characters in Thelana's whole life that were never peaceable toward her. Those were Mharlndarn and Devon. Everyone else became peaceable eventually, for one reason or another. That means you had to be one of them unless you were never in my pk range which negates any argument you make anyway. Now if you were playing an Imperial and were under orders to leave me be, that's your own problem. If gear is so important to you, then kill me anyway and get demoted or anath'd for it. I'm betting you would only get demoted, which is not that big of a deal. I don't think I had that much influence over the Emperor to get someone anath'd for killing me. Hell, you might only have received a stern talking to and not even a demotion.

100645, RE: People cry more about gear than anything on CF
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So much LoL. Never said playing a gear locker was cheating, just lame. A double gear locker perma lamer. Still want to know how Jehbkor passed so much of his gear over without getting busted. Not replying anymore, you seem to have your own take on everything anyway.
100649, If Jehb and Jekor were the same person he didn't pass it
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He couldn't have. He died in Yzekon and age died without his -age gear. Then his corpse decayed causing all his stuff to returned to him and he was unable to drop it or give it to anyone. When the character finally faded, everything he had went with him. I know because I was there when he faded, and he had tried to give a bunch of stuff to Wyndynn or whoever it was who was standing there next to him at Market Square. After Jehb came along, Jehb acquired everything anew. He knew where to find it all, and either went and got it himself, or convinced someone else to help him get it. I didn't even have anything to do with it. I did give Jehb a few things when he was lower level, but nothing that Jekor had previously possessed; only what things I found as I was doing my own thing. Jehb and I did not have much interaction until much later. He followed me and my party around to some places occasionally, since he had gentle walk also, but he watched after himself and my party never had to protect him. We had a little more interaction once he got into my grouping range, but even then we didn't spend nearly as much time together as Jekor and I did. Your perception of facts is extremely distorted. The Imms can back me up on what I'm saying here.
100664, RE: If Jehb and Jekor were the same person he didn't pass it
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok so you regeared your buddy at low levels, explains it now. All completely IC I'm sure...
100666, I happened to catch him doing what looked like xfering gear
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A huge number of really nice items were on Neltouda's boat, and Jehb was not online. I grabbed a few of them, and Jehb bitched me out after he found out it was me.

Could it have been legit? Sure. But it sure didnt seem that way.
100667, RE: I happened to catch him doing what looked like xfering gear
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man I wish y'all would report these things so I could bust on people instead of having to hear about them when it's probably too late.
100670, Really?
Posted by Artificial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never want to be "that guy" that sends up prays that looks like hes just bitching about people cheating if I am wrong.

If it was anywhere except Neltouda's boat I probably would have prayed, but I figured there was a chance, and I didn't know anything at all about Jehb at the time, and assumed it was just some people dropping stuff on her boat for rp reasons.

Realization only dawned on me later when I realized they were the same person, and the same character again.
100671, RE: Really?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I prefer people call our attention to this kind of thing. I think we catch a lot of it but I'm sure not all.

That being said, also try to have the mindset that once you talk to an imm about it that it's our problem now and you should just try to get back to playing the game.
100673, Can't find my log of Jekor at the moment.
Posted by Norington on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In the slang dictionary you will find the term, Gear Whore. This is the definition:
Thelana is using:
<worn on finger> (Red Aura) a razor ring
<worn on finger> (Glowing) (Humming) a ring set with a shard of green crystal
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a stoneform amulet
<worn around neck> (Humming) a long blue cloak embroidered with a black dragon
<worn on body> a suit of gold-plated battle mail
<worn on head> a smooth obsidian circlet
<worn on face> a mask of dull black scales
<worn on legs> a pair of golden spiked leggings
<worn on feet> the boots of Stealth
<worn on hands> (Invis) (Red Aura) (Humming) a pair of gloves of quickling skin
<worn on arms> some darkened mithril sleeves set with large spikes
<worn about body> (Invis) the skin of an invisible stalker
<worn about waist> a girth of lobster plates
<worn around wrist> the Bracelet of Charms
<worn around wrist> a wide copper bracelet
<mainhand wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) the claw of the Dracolich
<offhand wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) the dagger of Yog-Sothoth

You peek at the inventory:
(Glowing) the helm of brilliance
(Glowing) a floating chest
a pair of darkened mithril gauntlets studded with small spikes
(Humming) a mithril shortsword engraved with magical runes
(Humming) the Eagle-Marked Sword
(Glowing) the Orb of the Twilight Lords
a dented silver flask engraved with dwarven runes
some sahuagin gills
(Glowing) a beautiful platinum and gold locket
an emerald periapt
Kteng's Staff
a jeweled lockpick
(Glowing) (Humming) a ghostly dagger named 'Deluge'
(Red Aura) (Glowing) (Humming) a suit of darkened platemail

Jehb at Level 21.
Jehb is using:
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn on finger> a pitch-black ring
<worn around neck> a delicate silver necklace
<worn around neck> (Glowing) an Amulet of Strength
<worn on body> a blood-stained tunic
<worn on head> the dead star circlet
<worn on face> an iron tusked mask
<worn on legs> some spider-skin leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of black suede boots
<worn on hands> midnight dragon gauntlets
<worn on arms> arm bands bearing the insignia of two crossed swords
<worn about body> a skin from the snow leopard
<worn about waist> the Torc of the Nightmare Dragon
<worn around wrist> an onyx and obsidian bracelet
<worn around wrist> an onyx and obsidian bracelet
<mainhand wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) the Shadow Dagger
<worn as shield> a diamond-shaped black scale

You peek at the inventory:
a large key of pure silver
a mangled key
a linen needlework
( 2) the master's pick set
(Humming) a pulsing bejeweled dagger
(Glowing) a floating chest
(Whitesteel) (Glowing) a long spear with a whitesteel blade
(Glowing) a dagger named 'frostbite'
a black stone shillelagh
a nightmare blade
(Humming) a spider-hilted steel sword
(Glowing) (Humming) the ivory-hilted wakizashi
a silver scalpel named 'Desiccator'
a demonic mask

When I killed Jekor, he had just about all the same stuff in his inventory. But I can't find my log at the moment.
100680, Gear
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jehb got the shadow dagger from a Battlerager who got it while I was taking a group through Trothon. The rager was a friend of Thelana's. and he was going to give it to me but I told him I didn't want it, and to give it to someone else. The pulsing bejeweled dagger was from Yzekon. I took a whole party of ragers into Yzekon for a specific item. Jehb followed behind the party and picked up the dagger while in there. I didn't need it and neither did any of the ragers. Torc of the Nightmare dragon was one item that I did give to him. It was given to me by someone and I didn't have a use for it. Jehb had made himself known to me already as an explorer like Thelana, so I gave it to him. Same thing with the shield a diamond-shaped black scale. All the rest Jehb got without any help from me. FYI, the only things in common with Jehb's gear at 21 and Jekor's gear are the shield, shadow dagger, silver scalpel, and pulsing bejeweled dagger. Silver scalpel is extremely easy to get with gentle walk and standard pick lock.

As for my gear, I never carried helm of brilliance for long at all. I needed that circlet I was wearing for the -age, and was afraid to take it off. I didn't know how many hours of play I had left, so I was afraid to use the helm at all, and it was just taking up inventory space. As soon as I found someone who wanted it, I passed it off. The eagle-marked sword I did carry for quite a while, even without using it. I had it forgecrafted to +10 +10, and then had it changed to wood for doing battle with Devon when he was around. After that, I just kept forgetting to give it to someone else. Eventually I did remember and passed it off to a villager I think. This log of my gear must have been very shortly after I got stoneform, because I didn't keep the locket for very long once I got stoneform. Prior to stoneform, I wore the locket and the cloak most of the time, except when I used the gills for going underwater. Once Stoneform came along, the locket was given away.

The real issue here has nothing to do with what gear I had. The real issue is that you (plural) wanted the gear for your characters, to use for your purposes. This whole discussion is completely ridiculous. You (plural) present your arguments as if you're arguing on behalf of the whole mud. The reality is that you're just arguing from you're own self-absorbed opinions. You didn't have the gear for yourself, therefore it's bad. You will be very hard pressed to convince me that if you had this whole set of gear and someone accused you in-game of hoarding it (which Norington did), that you would just start passing it out. There is nothing in the game that says "gear has to be used for pk, or else we're going to purge it from you." I used my gear for exploring. You use your gear for pk. It's not like I sat around spamming EQ and doing nothing. Nor was I a storage character that hoards gear and never logs on so that no one has an opportunity to get it from the game OR from me. If you want my gear, come kill me for it, or convince me to part with it. That's how the game works.

I've made my point quite thoroughly and there's really nothing more to be said from either side. From this point on, I'm not responding to any more posts except goodbyes from other people who haven't posted yet.
100632, As for what I did with gold
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gathering gold as I did wasn't easy to accomplish, and I ended up dying several times in the process. As for what I did with the gold, that depends wholly on other people. It's not like you can buy Xp with gold, or buy skill learning with gold. The biggest thing you can accomplish mechanically with gold is buy hundreds of speckled pills or healing potions, and people have been doing that for years anyway. Beyond that, gold is only worth the value that other people put on it. I said many times IC whenever some paladin or fortressite would criticize Thelana's greed, not everyone can be bought with gold, but everyone has a price. It's just a matter of finding their price. I probably bought just as many people with items over the course of Thelana's life as I did with gold. Obviously, the outlanders cannot be bought with gold, yet up until my big absence when I had no internet, I successfully pacified every outlander who showed aggression toward me except one (and that was someone who initially didn't show aggression to me until I started trying to rob her every time she came into Voralian to vandalize the clockmaker). I lost some of that influence when I became Godfather, and lost more during my absence, but I still retained several cordial relationships there.

In short, there is nothing broken about gold. I simply found an effective means of using it.

Incidentally, not everyone in the game wanted to kill me, and if they genuinely did, nothing I could have done would have stopped them. Mharlndarn and Devon being prime examples.
100636, Just an aside on the claw
Posted by lasentia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You said the dracolich claw was broken, but it should not be able to be as it is a no disarm weapon. Might want to bug board that, as no disarm means unbreakable I believe. (An imm can correct me on this but that's what I was told and have seen when other no disarm weapons were hit by weaponbreaker.)
100648, Daggers cannot be broken.
Posted by Kirslamix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So it didn't matter if deluge was energy or not. ANY dagger in the game cannot be weaponbroke.

So your argument is defunct. You were a gear whore, you used the gear for good ingredients sure, but you used the ingredients for nearly nothing else other than to get more gear.

I have nothing against people whom do this, while I myself do not like it, you may choose to do so.

Do I have any respect for these people? None at all.

Simply, do not lie to us that you didn't jerk off to looking at the result of typing eq every 45 seconds.
100650, Who the hell are you?
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't know daggers couldn't be broken. Never bothered to check. I just knew energy weapons couldn't, so I carried and used an energy weapon. I may have been in error, but that doesn't mean my reason was less valid. Any Imm who cares to check logs can verify that I didn't sit around spamming EQ. If I was sitting around, I was usually spamming WHO, WHO GROUP, and WHO PK trying to find someone who wanted to do something.
100624, Very thiefly thief
Posted by MoetEtChandon / Thuorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I sure was glad you were on my side. That said, I think you were just a little too nice to goodies, but since I was one, I sure didn't mind. See you with the next.
100628, I tried to be nice to everyone
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was easier to turn enemies into friends that way. Not everyone was converted by gold. I paid off people with items, or wand finding, or area exploration too. I gave a ton of stuff to the Fortress, but I also gave things to the village, and to anyone in the tree who would be peaceful enough to accept. My goal was to turn as many people as possible into someone who I could take exploring. The fortress was the easiest for that at first, and once there was an Emperor (there was no emperor for the first part of Thelana's life) the Empire was also easy to accomplish that with.
100681, RE: Tattoo
Posted by Neltouda on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not big on posting on the forums in general, but I thought it would be mean of me not to give you an explanation. If you recall we had an interaction where I scolded you for being "mono toned". It was clear that I got my point across from the way the conversation went. This is the biggest reason why you did not get a tattoo. I assure you that I watched you often enough to know that you didn't take that conversation seriously. Making a typing error every now and again (which I am guilty of) is vastly different from continuously having poor rp. What you said was generally fine, it is simply how you said it. We play in a text game; therefore if you cannot use the most basic rp tools of punctuation/capitalization then you have lost my tattoo. I understand that at times you may be in an intense pk situation and the need for these basic tools goes out the door, but often the times when I was watching you closest you were having general conversation or telling others a plan to get through an area explore.

I will say in your defense that I was very conflicted about not giving you at least a tattoo for show. This character did what she promised me. You said you wanted to be an exploration character, and you were one 100 times over. The times I watched you, the way you lead and prepared groups was right on target for that aspect of my religion.

The title, yes I kept forgetting. I had one all thought up for you a handful of nights ago at reminder of another imm and then I had to logged off quickly... after that I didn't see you until you died. I apologize for not granting you at least that much, because yes you were deserving of that.
100683, I really appreciate the feedback
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a feeling what you meant about speech had to do with capitalization and punctuation. I actually did take the conversation seriously, and tried really hard to make those changes. The challenge is that after 13 years of cf and ignoring capitalization (I suspect most of my failings were this), it is very difficult for me. When I'm tying in a paragraph, like a letter, or a forum post, it comes naturally for me to capitalize and punctuate. But when I'm just chatting, whether in cf or in a chat room, I tend to ignore those things. I suspect the reason is because paragraph writing is expected to be proper grammar. But when it comes to speech in conversation, people tend to speak in fragments, which are very difficult to punctuate in writing. I might say something, thinking that it's going to be a completely thought, and then hit enter and it goes through. Then a moment later I want to add something to that, but what I want to add is not a complete sentence. If I had thought of it before I hit enter, I would have used a comma and then the phrase. But I've already hit enter, so now what do I do? This type of situation arises for me quite often. In paragraph writing it doesn't show up because I have time to go back and edit as new thoughts come to mind. But during chat conversations, especially in a game where someone is twiddling their thumbs waiting for a response, I feel like there isnt' time to make sure that my grammar is all correct.

I sincerely did try, though. It just tended to slip my mind far too often. It would be really sweet if I had a mud client that would auto-correct for capitalization at the beginning of sentences like Word does, and punctuation at the end.

Next time I make a Nelly follower, I'll try to be sure to use such things. One question I do have about that, though. If someone is playing a character who doesn't use proper grammar, for instance a duergar, dwarf, giant, etc... If the grammar failings are a result of the character's role. I didn't play Thelana that way, so it wouldn't have worked for her. But sometimes I do play a character like that. How does that sort of thing fit in with your religion?
100685, The item you sent me after
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
By the way, I really appreciated you sending me after that rare item. If you were watching me, I guess you were also watching everything I was trying to do to get the thing. I desperately wanted to get the thing and bring it proudly back to your ship. Right at the end, I was closing in on exactly what needed to be done to get it, and discovered two ways to accomplish it. One way I needed a bard's help, but couldn't find one who I trusted with the secret other than Allysia, and she didn't log in during the last few days. The other method I didn't quite nail down before I died, and I suspect it's a broken quest. I'll have to investigate it more with another character and report it if it turns out to be. Anyway, I wouldn't have even known about the thing without your little hint, and it really spiced up the remainder of Thelana's life after that last conversation.
100687, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Chulun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seeing all the gear commotions about you, I'll put in my 2 cents.. I thought it was good RP that you can bribe the Emperor with 2000 gold for protection... that is sweet in my book... Chulun has seen you visible quite a few times, and but never see the need to entwine you... but I must wonder that instead of carrying that heavy mail that can enlarge you.. wouldn' it be easier to buy all the yellow roots you want with all the gold you have? Anyhow.. I think there are worse problems concerning gears than what people claimed you did... One example that hit home: There are those people who would horde the race specific gears, like the dwarven holy mark, or the wide golden ring, so that Chulun or other dwarves can not use it...that is way worse than being a Thelana!
100692, RE: Goodbyes
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The reason I chose to use the heavy mail was simply this, if I end up in a time-crunch situation, and my hands are already full (being a svirf with small size and only a 20 dex) and I need to get an item out, if my roots are tucked away inside my container, or if I happen to have eaten recently and am too full to eat a root, I'm kinda screwed. My initial plan with the suit was to wear it all the time. Being a svirf and starting out at small size, wearing the suit didn't mess up my ability to remain hidden when needed because it just made me human size. What I didn't realize about it was that it screws you in another way as well, which I won't go into here. So I kept it around and used it quite often.

It actually was the primary reason for why Faeshu and I came so close to killing Mharlndarn. I figured Mharlndarn knew I would be lurking around, and would try to protect himself from knockout by being enlarged. So I walked into Arkham and put on my armor. I had to wait quite a while for him to walk by un-duo'd. If I had to eat yellow roots repeatedly, I probably would have given myself away and he never would have allowed me to waylay him.

Knowing what I know now about the mail, I probably won't mess with it in the future. By the end, I was actually getting close to giving it away anyways. PK encounters were getting pretty rare and situations where I had to be enlarged in a hurry were far less than they had been when I first got the thing. I eventually gave away the heavy golden spiked leggings too because it turned out they didn't do what I thought they did.

Funny that you should mention the Dwarven Holy Mark. I went and got that item probably 5 or 6 times for different dwarves over the course of Thelana's life. One of those times, I picked it up with the intent of giving it to you, since I hadn't really given you anything before. Unfortunately, I didn't see you for a couple days after I got it, and I got tired of it taking up my inventory and gave it to someone else. Lol. Sorry about that.
100607, Words for the Heraldic Post
Posted by Thelana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm posting this here because my ghost time ran out before I could finish writing the note to Skeeta. I'll post my goodbyes in another post.

Skeeta, if you see this post, please put the following in the Heraldic Post for me. Consider it a letter to you just before I faded. Thanks.

Greetings Thera, and farewell also. For more than 600 years now, I have stiven to Inspire to Adventure and greatness in others. Embrace a love for discovery of the unknown. Be bold of foot, and quick of wit. Strive to accomplish that which others have not, and relish in the glory of accomplishing the reknowned. Do not underestimate the power of Greed. It opens many doors that otherwise might be locked. Even the the most noble is not immune to the inspiring power of Greed. Use it for the tool it is. Above all, though, let the storm of adventure rage in your heart, but do not neglect the calm before and after. Do not forget to kick back and share the tales of your adventures and glory. I leave you with these final words... May your feet wander down roads untrodden, May your pockets and bank account always be full, and May the Winds of Adventure always carry you where they will!
100625, RE: Words for the Heraldic Post
Posted by Skeeta Twitterlark on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the compliments, and I'll find a way to work this in to a kind of thiefy-themed issue of the Heraldic Post I have in the works.

I'm really bummed you died. I truly was looking forward to doing some more exploration with you.