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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Dryaven Al'kur the Student of the Macalla, Apprentice of the Hammer, Elite Imperial Blade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=100118
100118, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Dryaven Al'kur the Student of the Macalla, Apprentice of the Hammer, Elite Imperial Blade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jun 14 06:46:45 2011

At 2 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Dryaven perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
100119, Thrrrrroooooor :(
Posted by Warborf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I rolled this because I was reading through old Warborf stuff and just wanted to play around in the Forge again. Alas, there was no RP to be had with Thror HammerSong. It's cool though - we've all got other commitments and I'm just as guilty of being busy.

I never would have been reading old Warborf stuff, and I never would have rolled up such an ambitious character as this if I hadn't been off work for 3 weeks because of a stomach surgery. With nothing to do but lay in bed I figured I may as well MUD.

Everything went great for a while - wonderful interactions with people, good PK fights, tattoo, lucky gear finds and lots of Iunna. Then a crash took all my gear, the odds were always terrible and I began to realize I wasn't going to get a lot of time to play with my 'ol pal Thror. Sure, I could have stuck it out but I also kinda of felt myself drifting from a solid Thror RP to a kind of floofi Iunna RP. Nothing wrong with that, just not what I started out to do.

Now I'm back to a regular (crazy) schedule and my time to play is significantly diminished. I wasn't able to log on AT ALL for a week due to work obligations. So... delete delete ends my "comeback" character.

I might poke around with something else that isn't so time intense as angling for a council seat. :)

Sivyh - I never lied to you about anything FWIW. Both I and Dryaven respected and admired Sivyh. Thank you for being an RPing emperor and I wish yo uthe best of luck.

Iunna - thanks for all the interactions and lovin. Not much to say we haven't already said. Did you notice I secretly LOVED grog? :)

Everyone else feel free to reply. With the exception of crazy-ass Vritra and Acrailb I really enjoyed the other players I came into contact with.
100120, RE: Thrrrrroooooor :(
Posted by Sivyh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Dryaven for what it's worth. "Duergar who worships a dwarf" seems like it would generate some interesting interactions.
100122, *grumble grumble*
Posted by Eljassir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll get you for this.

Great job.
100123, Heh
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I jumped for joy when you joined Empire! Best of luck, bro.
100124, Cowaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard
Posted by Lohoq on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't see you for a few weeks and realized what must have happened. You were the only reason I ranked because typically its really hard to do so uninterrupted. I liked your slick RP, glad I could give you a few jokes a long the way to keep it lively. The empire is definitely going to miss you.
100127, You were my only buddy. :(
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a lot of fun with you. Initially you talked down to me - but rather than get jerky back to you I was... slick. :) I liked the result we got a lot better than being enemies.

The Bar of the Eternal Star

Lohoq says, "Is he drunk all ready?"

Dryaven roughly throws his arm around Lohoq's shoulder.
Dryaven says, "Heeeey buuuddyy!"

Lohoq pushes Dryaven's arm away.

I was cracking up.

100129, People like you are exactly what we need.
Posted by Cagubrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You hopped in after not playing awhile, blatantly knew how to do the dance... and RP'd the whole time you did it. Man, if like 10 or so vets like you came back and rolled quality characters like this and stuck around, CF would be sooooooo rockin.

I got my internet fixed and rolled something up. Do the same!
100133, RE: Thrrrrroooooor :(
Posted by MoetEtChandon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe it's because I was already in 'I am done' mode, but, when an out of range lowbie will only return my gear if I 'confess' to being unable to gauge the intentions of your soul, that made me feel like 'keep the damn gear'. It felt like overdoing the 'haughty Imperial' act. Especially if it's to an EP that's seen a thing or two in his time (or if that's how he sees things, at least).

- Thuorn
100134, My perspective.
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let's start with it wasn't "your gear" it was a single item. :) Lots of people looted you other than me. In general I'd say you get what you give - I would totally describe your attitude with me as "haughty" so it's interesting that's exactly what you perceived in return. Why should my duergar respond to your demands without demands of his own?

At the end of the day I'm within my rights to loot ALL your gear, tell you you're a cocksucker, and do a "wear all" while flipping you the bird and pissing on your altar. You are then within your rights to call ME a cocksucker, loot all my gear and piss on my altar. This isn't a pickup game down the local Y - it's CF.

All that said, I think if we both continued playing with/against each other you'd have come away with a different impression of Dryaven. In general I was pretty cool and complimentary with my enemies and quite deliberately didn't rub it in people's faces when I kicked their ass or whine to them when they kicked mine. (see Cagaubarak's comments in this thread)

I acknowledge your post left a lot of room for like "maybe it was just me getting burned out" and you're saying that you KINDA thought MAYBE the RP was out of line. I feel the same way - it's not like I felt you were WAY out of line, but just maaaybe that's not the way I would have handled things if I was the EP. That's the beauty of CF, you get to play duergar imperial your way, and I get to play it mine. We don't all have to agree 100% on exactly how everything should be done. There's room for interpretation.


100149, Excellent
Posted by MoetEtChandon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was more like fishing, so I'm happy to hear it. I had been fighting two of your Elder Imperials back and forth for some time, only to get killed by a third in a pretty ####ty way. And it wouldn't be the first time that the lowbie hanging around does a full loot. I agree that nothing is MY gear, but still, getting a cheap kill in, followed by an out of the blue full loot is a crap thing to do. That just says a lot about the player.

But, based on our interaction prior to that, I didn't really think that would be the case, just had to make sure though. And I am.

And yeah, a Storm Paladin who sees himself as rather unshakable in his faith, ha been acknowledged as such, has been a fortress hero for 2/3rd of his life, EP for half, is going to be pretty haughty against a young Imperial questioning his faith.

So I guess we both played our role well :).


You too, see you in the fields.
100137, Wont say much other than Welcome back, please stay a while.
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
and I enjoyed doing the rope-a-dope with you as my shapeshifter on eastern road. Nom Nom!
100139, Look here, baldy...
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was already on my way out, frustrated, and too stupid/bored to use the preps I had in my inventory. Meh. My bad.
100142, I only used stone skin and shield for that fight, I think. I had aura and barrier if needed.
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not to mention you had your poisoner cabalmates stuff on your sword and he tried it on just as you died with his neuro and mind control sheeeeeeet.

If I do end up balding completely I think I will just come my back hair over the top. Job done.

100145, Do you use AIM? nt
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
100146, Nah, I sometimes idle in the #Dangeroom on IRC but only really to chat with Graham, Jon and a few others.
Posted by Abernyte on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am on Facebook though.
100148, What's your name?
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You realize you've been PKing me since 94, right? :)
100150, Was it a poisoner thief
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And you're still waiting for the poison to wear off?
100141, RE: Thrrrrroooooor :(
Posted by HammerSong on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

What a nice relief of a character. I could tell you were a veteran because you were very well RP'd, persistent in regards to faith and original with your concept.

Why did you have to go and delete though! Gah! I thought to myself "This is the first follower I've had in awhile, this could get fun." - only to see this.

For what it's worth, Iunna did warn me that you seem to be getting beat around a bit. I tried giving you a little pep talk with some emotes in Arkham but I don't think you caught them.

Always a classy player and a great person. Please come back with another. Duergar/Dwarf was going to be very interesting. I've come up with some new burns!
100143, Bummer!
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't catch the stuff in Arkham. :( poo.

That might have encouraged me to keep going. Ah well.
100168, Do you know ELjassir OOC?
Posted by waywicket on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was wondering, because your "RP" was inconsistent.
100169, Please don't troll...
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
active characters on the Battlefield.
100170, RE: Please don't troll...
Posted by waywicket on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Drayaven is dead.

Eljassir did nothing wrong. I just want Dryaven to truthfully answer the question.
100172, Let's start with
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What do you THINK happened? Because IC you were (at best) misremembering and (maybe) just outright lying. Like... you NEVER attacked me, and you NEVER attacked the vanquisher when I was "just taking your demon for a walk" and you NEVER talked smacked about how you were going to kill me when you were a ghost?

Because if we're not going to talk about the facts there's really no point in talking. So if you want me to "honestly answer your question" let's just be sure we're both "honestly answering questions."
100173, RE: Let's start with
Posted by waywicket on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
IC I lie a lot.

So do you know Eljassir or not?
100174, No, he doesn't.
Posted by Eljassir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What's the point of this line of questioning by the way?
100175, To make someone feel better about sucking. -nt
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
100176, RE: No, he doesn't.
Posted by waywicket on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I smell something fishy. A lot of wierd and contradictory things happened:

Elite imperial is grouped with Uncaballed shapeshifter to retrieve the codex from the fortress. He attacks an uncaballed evil conjurer who is in the process of killing the Maran.

That's wierd.

He kills the conjurer and the conjurer inquires as to why he would choose to fight the enemy of his enemy... His response is, "You're not a bloodoath, and I'm defending the throne". He responds while grouped with a non-blood-oath (you).

That's wierd.

The conjurer points out the contradiction and hypocracy, and within an hour (surprise!) the shapeshifter takes the bloodoath.

That's wierd.

1 thing is an incident
2 things is a coincident
3 things is a pattern.

At best he was ignoring his imperial role when it was convenient. At worst he was ignoring playing a role to run around with his OOC buddy. Why would a shapeshifter (you) make such a huge sacrifice in cabal choice.. in a lame attempt to help Dryaven save face from a nobody like me?
100177, RE: No, he doesn't.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Elite imperial is grouped with Uncaballed shapeshifter to
>retrieve the codex from the fortress.

No problem here. Shifter probably hates fort and has some IC relationship with Empire guy.

>He attacks an uncaballed evil conjurer who is in the process of killing the Maran.

No problem here. He had no way to know you wouldn't jump on him if he went for the Tara'bal. In fact, it's reasonable to assume you would. If Empire guy sees "evil conjurer fighting Tara'bal" he probably assumes it's a scion trying to retrieve. How would I expect a scion trying to retrieve to react to me trying to steal his kill? I'd expect him to attack me. So jumping you is just a preemptive strike.

Besides, in this case Empire guy claims you had already attacked the Vanquisher at some point. That alone is enough to merit him killing you.

>"You're not a bloodoath, and I'm defending the throne".
>He responds while grouped with a non-blood-oath (you).

Could this have been in reference to you previously attacking the Vanquisher?

Could the non-oath with whom he was grouped have had pre-established role-play dictating his desire to join Empire, and just hadn't taken the oath yet?

Could Empire guy have been forcing the non-oath arcane to demonstrate his loyalty (since his guild is considered traitorous) before granting him the Oath?
100181, Having witnessed the actual bloodoathing
Posted by Armagon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can say with 100% confidence that it was role/rp related. He didn't just take the bloodoath at any random moment dude. He did it in front of certain imperials, and his GOD came down to condone and witness it even. Thats all I will say about that particular IC event.

Shifter in question rocks, and roleplays his role well. Waywicket is one of those people that whines like a bitch about everything, if its not done like he would do it he thinks its wrong. Just ignore him and hopefully he will go away.
100182, I wouldn't say "condone"...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...so much as "not hate on him for doing it."
100183, I admit I know little other than what I saw
Posted by Armagon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just pointing out that he likely didn't just decide to bloodoath spur of the moment like was indicated. Would be hard to say without reading the role, but it seemed to be a well thought out and planned action, rather than a quick decision to back an ooc buddy like he was accused of doing. I highly doubt he oathed for the reasons he was being accused of. And without going too much into the character, he plays his role/roleplaying stance in Empire very well from what I have seen.

I love outside the box/norm characters. But thats just me.
100185, RE: No, he doesn't.
Posted by waywicket on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe. That's why I came to the forums after he deleted and asked him if he knew the guy OOC. He said no, so there you go. That's it. I don't see all of the cards. I can only make logical conclusions based on a small window of evidence. In this case, there's plenty I didn't see or know... Hence, waiting patiently to ask in his death-thread.

100188, LOL
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wouldn't say you patiently waited. You attempted a smear campaign like a blundering idiot (IC) AND attempted to smear another tattooed/titled character on the forums simultaneously. You wound up making me look like an Imperial Superstar while you got the "murder on sight" put out against your character from the War Master.

I'll give you my .02 based on what I've seen in game and on the forums:

Learn when to stop talking.

There's nothing wrong with asking questions - but that's different than making accusations. Once your accusations are refuted by giving you answers to what should have been questions, hush.

100179, its safe to assume any evil conjie is scion or a scon app
Posted by laxman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
since they have no other cabal to join unless they take the oath.

The fact that you are attacking the maran would suggest you are trying to retrieve or help a retrieve further cementing the, you are a scion and therefore an enemy.

Also as an evil he doesn't have to justify killing you.

You tend to irratate people which is a reason in and of itself to kill you as an evil.

tons and tons of reasons for this to happen without any ooc connection.

100186, It's pretty obvious
Posted by waywicket on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not trying to win a popularity contest. I speak out against things I don't think are right.
100180, You see the bit above about trolling active characters on the BF?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is warning #2. You're not getting a third.
100187, Subjectivity
Posted by waywicket on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think it's hilarious how lopsided you enforce the rules on the forums (where it's transparent).

You think anyone believes you when you claim that you are fair when it comes to rewarding roleplaying in the game when it's opaque? Hell, you would put the same hilarious negative comments on any character roleplayed by anyone coming from my IP address. I guarantee it.

I don't have to lift the dress of imm/impdome to know yer playing favorites. You've shown us here. That's what pisses me off the most: You are administering punishments and rewards with a subjective and unfair bias.

100189, Stop jacking this guy's death thread. (and others)
Posted by Tsunami on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have an issue with fairness, take it to another board.
You have an issue with cheating, take it to another board.
100190, What I don't get
Posted by Stunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why do people like this guy who seemingly get SO upset and claim that things are SO unfair and everyone is cheating and attacking them etc. continue to play CF? Just go play Eve or WoW or something. At least they'll pretend to care about your feedback.
100192, RE: Subjectivity
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, go ahead and take a time out then.

Although I've actually forgotten how to unban people, so it might be a long one.
100191, Paranoid much?
Posted by Marcus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>> Elite imperial is grouped with Uncaballed shapeshifter to retrieve the codex from the fortress. He attacks an uncaballed evil conjurer who is in the process of killing the Maran.

This is commonplace. Not all caballed characters tries to kill everyone they can get away with.

>> He kills the conjurer and the conjurer inquires as to why he would choose to fight the enemy of his enemy... His response is, "You're not a bloodoath, and I'm defending the throne". He responds while grouped with a non-blood-oath (you).

Of course he kills the conjurer, if conjurer finishes the maran then he won't get the codex and defending the throne failed. He would be stupid not to.

>> The conjurer points out the contradiction and hypocracy, and within an hour (surprise!) the shapeshifter takes the bloodoath.

The fact that there is neither contradiction nor hypocrisy nonwithstanding, did it ever occur to you that maybe the player of the imperial simply hadn't thought about/bothered asking the shifter to take the oath yet? Since Empire kinda sucks for shifters? Or the retrieval was a test for the shifter to be allowed to take the oath? Or about a gazillion other reasons that are waaay more feasible than the conspiracy theories above?
100194, +1
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One kind of player assumes that anything that doesn't go their way is because someone else is cheating or an asshole.

Another kind of player just focuses on beating the other guy, and if he doesn't, tries to figure out a way to do better.

The latter kind of player tends to enjoy a lot more success at CF.