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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI hate to say this but...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=9551&mesg_id=9558
9558, I hate to say this but...
Posted by Harokatsu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your note, though well written and impressively stylised and articulated your frustrations quite well, sounds a little bit like a rant. I can assure you that everything you've described is at some point being felt and experienced by anyone in any other cabal, exception perhaps entropy and herald, which aren't usually raided or told to raid.

Dawnites get scolded for not defending, even against unpleasant odds. People in Scions get kicked out for not defending or retrieving and publically challenged and humiliated. Warlocks are told, in a more gentler tone, but still just as firm, to raid. These are my experiences, with characters in these cabals. I will assume that this is the case for the Sylvan and the Maran as well, though less so for the Maran since there are usually quite few of them. Most of my Maran characters were never pressured by the Maran imms, but supported and encouraged. One complaint I do share however is the rather arbitrary manner in which cabal policy is changed. I remember a time when Apostles were telling Dawnites not to return to the Fortress if they felt they were in danger, the reasoning that life was more important. I also remember a time when it was an unspoken that Scions could return and defend whenever they liked and did not really take much flak for it if they did not. However, recently, these have been changing, and while I haven't been on the receiving end of immortality negativity as yet, I have seen it happen to others.

My personal feel is that if you choose certain cabals that are warlike, lethal, and have impressive powers compared to the rest, you are going to have to expect certain RP responsibilities, and some of these might result in your death. I do not like it when immortals kick people out for not defending, or challenging actions, because sometimes their perspectives can be inaccurate. They may be out of touch with the trials of trying to get good armor, the trials of re-equipping, the frustrations of pk holes, or dying, or going to defend knowing you will die, and then dying, and then told you are weak. I like to give immortals the benefit of the doubt that they are not the Olympian gods who look at mortals for sport and fun. I am assuming that our immortals are trying to improve the roleplay experience for everyone, and not to get people killed for their amusement. Certainly, I do not think that such immortal interference happens at a regularity that makes it dictatorial or unbearable, and certainly it doesn't sound that way in the scenario you described.