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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRE: Help! Nurok hit me over the head!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=90823&mesg_id=90841
90841, RE: Help! Nurok hit me over the head!
Posted by Fwipplethunt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the warm thoughts on your good bye thread. I am glad you gave some noobs pats on the backs for continually suiciding against 4 to 1 retrieval odds, Glad I was only in that group for a little while (and I would be willing to bet I have some of the highest number of retrievals in the nexus cabal, I just do it in a way that will suceed without getting slaughtered over and over again)

Seriously about the whole demon thing. if I was really trying to exploit the bug I would have called a fire elemtnal as they throw fireballs more then twice as often or a fire elemental and a demon.
Short version, this whole clearing of the range happened over the course of less then seven minutes real life time and was only 3 people, 2 of which came to and attacked me (zinsizin when I worded to galaodn) sophia showed up when we went to retrieve (you had taken the key 45 times in like 3 days at that point) and you logged on and attacked me right away. What do you want me to say... sorry you decided to attack us?

That said I think Nurok was a great villager and I really thought you were going to wind up as commander and overall I think you would have done a better job. You stuck to village ideals and role played well and were very effective (especialy vs me, you realize you were hitting dismembers on regular hits through ABS stoneskin and vanguard and chewing through 1200 hp and perfected defenses in roughly 6 rounds, without thirsting) I think you raised the bar of role play in the village and well you kicked some ass, but your incesseant whining about one death (you didnt get looted and were without the head for like 10 minutes and for the record devils use controlled fireball not fireball so your whining about me using devils was just silly after the fact, obviously we both knew archons couldn't do anything against maces at that point)