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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectRole, for those who are interested.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=9026&mesg_id=9027
9027, Role, for those who are interested.
Posted by Urden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
**Note that this was not all done at once. A good chunk came in
the beginning of Urden's life, and then some around level 35,
with the last being done at Hero level.

role + Guided as a arrow to the mortified heart of a man are we who
role + are gifted with the Sight of gods. We zip through the air, having
role + been loosed by some divine archer towards a destination only we
role + can forsee...and even then, only dimly. As fate would have it, I
role + was born under a forseen constellation, and thus taken as a child
role + by the Kohe'Kor, a secretive society of anonymous sorcerers located
role + in the Isle of Namoor. I was not to be one of them, however, I was
role + their "investment" so to speak. My occasional visions were enough
role + to keep me alive and valuable in their eyes. But I did not share
role + all that Yu'Rai (Yanoreth) had shown me, and among those were the
role + downfall of the Kohe'Kor. It seemed wise to let events unfold, and
role + to let the secret order die...perhaps even gaining me my freedom.
role + Not that I was treated as a slave, of course. On the contrary, I
role + was well-educated and fed, but being bound into servitude is
role + intolerable to me in any form. After nearly sixty years my vision
role + came to realization. Inner turmoil between the mages took it's
role + toll, and they just stopped showing up, over time. Soon it was
role + only their thralls who were left at Namoor, wondering what had
role + happened to their masters. I, on the other hand, took what books
role + and artifacts that were left behind and set out west, towards
role + the mainland. Since then I have begun spinning my own line along
role + fate's web, and have found myself to be quite a capable wizard.
role + Strangely I find myself able to draw on the powers of fire and
role + water moreso than any others...perhaps because they are so akin
role + to the workings of Fate. Water, you see, flows subtly along the
role + paths of time, weaving it's course and carving out new gorges
role + with indomitable patience. Fire, on the other hand, changes things
role + drastically and immediately. It is the zealous will of fate, and
role + handles any matter effeciently and mercilessly.
role +
role +
role + =========================Urden's Journal============================
role +
role + (( You peruse through many pages of dry, arcane conjecture before ))
role + (( finding a section aimed more towards philosophy... ))
role +
role + ...Is Fate composed of a straight line, running horizontally down some
role + cosmic builder's scheme? Has everything already been said and done, and
role + we are simply the echoes of things that have happened long ago? What
role + sense does this make? None I say. None. I used to think that is was all
role + laid out before me...that I was meant to drift in a dull, thrill-less
role + void, where nothing was new, and nothing could truly be accomplished.
role + My gift of Sight has granted me visions...many of which have never
role + occured, and never will. I can no longer tolerate the uncertainty of
role + this fickle gift...
role +
role + (( This next excerpt was obviously written with a shakey hand ))
role +
role + ...It comes on like a wave...fate, that is. Not a line, as it was
role + thought. But this changes everything, everything! Time rides on the
role + crest of a tidal wave, and in it's wake is the past...but the future
role + is like the calm water before that wave....it will always be changed.
role + Nothing is certain.
role +
role + (( The page you now look upon is soaked in blood ))
role +
role + ...Sometimes I just start laughing. I don't know why until I look around
role + and see them all. All the people living their little lives, having no idea
role + that they are perched on a crumbling cliff, with death on all sides. They
role + think they are so safe in their pathetic little cities, weening their
role + children...milking their cows...not knowing anything. I just laugh....
role +
role + ....The only vision that I am even remotely troubled by is that of the
role + dagger. Many times it has happened: I see a dagger, much like this one
role + that I hold, and it fades into the reptilian eye that forms behind it.
role + Over and over...in a world full of variables, that has remained a
role + constant...I...I know what it means, I have always known, but perhaps I
role + wouldn't let myself believe it. I cannot deny it any longer. I must blind
role + this infernal Sight before it drives me insane. Eye for an eye...
role added
role +
role + The Awakening.
role +
role + After centuries of adhering to structure and harsh discipline in his
role + personal quest for absolute freedom, Urden made a deal with the
role + Ancient Dragon known only as Kahosarin. But Urden was tricked, and
role + the information he was given was not what he truly sought...yet the
role + price had to be paid, and the Dragon did indeed take his toll. He
role + told Urden that his mind would dwindle and rot into madness because
role + of the tainted knowledge given to it. In an extraordinary turn of
role + events, however, Urden actually used his madness to his advantage,
role + enabling him to see all that he could not, and hear the whispers of
role + beings that existed outside of reality...the place Urden seeks so
role + desperately. He had truly been awakened...
role +
role + But all was not as it should be, for in his madness Urden renounced
role + his position as High Chancellor, believing that holding onto to such
role + illusions as that would only serve to keep him bound to the material
role + plane. In his mind the only way he could step beyond would be by
role + the sheer power of his will, and the realization of chaos. Curiously
role + the infernal powers from the great, dark abyss tried to tempt him
role + back into his former position, claiming to know how to get him what
role + he sought. It was the single-most difficult act of restraint that
role + the elderly Magus had ever faced, but he maintained his position and
role + refused them. Now he wanders...waiting for whatever will come next.
role +
role added
role +
role + Forgotten Truths.
role +
role + For nearly a year did Urden wander the world, seeing it truly for the
role + the first time ever. Where every other mortal saw a castle or a stand
role + of trees, he saw all that was there and would be there...all at once.
role + But a dangerous, tragic existence it became, for though his mind was
role + capable of piercing the veil of time, his body was still within the
role + same limitations as it had always been. Unable to understand why this
role + was, he began to strive more than ever to fully transcend his boundaries.
role + Long did he stare into the place outside of reality, into the other side
role + of madness. Even as his body began to wither from lack of care he remained
role + fixed on that place. In the end, however, only his shadow stared back from
role + the chaotic void, and the old malevolence that Urden had been so known for
role + howled for a return.
role +
role + It seemed hopeless, and oh so confusing. But soon the comfort of insanity
role + brought him the answer he sought, for the howling rage of his shadow was
role + a sign...he must be what his soul longed for: The purest of evils. When
role + he finally came to know himself for what he truly was, he felt the pull
role + of the Ebony Scepter once again, and heard whispers from the shadows like
role + never before. The Ccul'gra that he had refused must be sought, now that he
role + had come to understand himself.